A Bibliography of Books and Articles About UNIX and UNIX Programming
A Bibliography of Books and Articles about UNIX and UNIX Programming Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: beebe@math.utah.edu, beebe@acm.org, beebe@computer.org (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 02 July 2021 Version 4.44 Abstract General UNIX texts [AL92a, AL95a, AL95b, AA86, AS93b, Ari92, Bou90a, Chr83a, Chr88, CR94, Cof90, Coh94, Dun91a, Gar91, Gt92a, Gt92b, This bibliography records books and historical Hah93, Hah94a, HA90, Hol92, KL94, LY93, publications about the UNIX operating sys- LR89a, LL83a, MM83a, Mik89, MBL89, tem, and UNIX programming tools. It mostly NS92, NH91, POLo93, PM87, RRF90, excludes networks and network programming, RRF93, RRH94, Rus91, Sob89, Sob91, which are treated in a separate bibliography, Sob95, Sou92, TY82b, Tim93, Top90a, internet.bib. This bibliography was started Top90b, Val92b, SSC93, WMP92] from material in postings to the sunflash list, volume 46, number 17, October 1992, and volume 57, number 29, September 1993, by Samuel Ko (e-mail: kko@fraser.sfu.ca), and then significantly extended by the present Catalogs and book lists author. Entry commentaries are largely due to S. Ko. [O'R93, Spu92, Wri93] 1 2 Communications software History [Cam87, dC87, dG93, Gia90] [?, ?, Cat91, RT74, RT79a] Compilers Linux [DS88, JL78, Joh79, JL87a, LS79, LMB92, [BBD+96, BF97, HP+95, Kir95a, Kir95b, MB90, SF85] PR96b, Sob97, SU94b, SU95, SUM95, TGB95, TG96, VRJ95,
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