1 of 13 Funding Application Competition Regional FHWA Application Type Corridors Serving Centers Status submitted Submitted: April 8th, 2020 4:26 PM Prepopulated with screening form? No Project Information 1. Project Title RapidRide I Line: Speed and Reliability Improvements 2. Regional Transportation Plan ID 5674 3. Sponsoring Agency King County Metro 4. Cosponsors N/A 5. Does the sponsoring agency have "Certification Acceptance" status from WSDOT? Yes 6. If not, which agency will serve as your CA sponsor? N/A Contact Information 1. Contact name Eric Irelan 2. Contact phone (206)477-3862 3. Contact email
[email protected] Project Description 1. Project Scope The project scope will provide for the construction and implementation of transit speed and reliability improvements for the RapidRide I Line which is scheduled to begin service in 2023. This proposal covers critical elements of the planned RapidRide I Line speed and reliability improvements with in the City of Renton. It will provide improved access to the new South Renton Transit Center, a key transportation hub. The proposed improvements include traffic signal retiming, modification, and synchronization; modifications to existing transit signal priority (TSP) installations; new and modified transit-only and Business Access Transit (BAT) lanes, bus queue jumps and other traffic channelization improvements. This proposed project will provide improved access to the new South Renton Transit Center and generate travel time benefits for the entire 17 mile RapidRide I Line corridor. Project outcomes include: 2 of 13 • Travel time savings between 5 and 19 minutes per trip on the corridor, with over 20% travel time savings in the PM peak; •Improved access to Regional Centers for transit riders, including historically transit dependent populations; • Improved access to approximately 138,000 jobs, with approximately 20,000 of those jobs located in regional growth centers; and • Increased transit ridership of between 4,000 and 6,000 new daily riders.