——————— Ά Subversion and the Carnivalesque
NICK MDIKA TEMBO ——————— Subversion and the Carnivalesque Images of Resistance in Ngg wa Thiong’o’s Wizard of the Crow A BSTRACT The carnivalesque as a guiding concept provides a useful approach to technique and thematic concerns in the African novel, as some contemporary African novelists have integrated elements of resistance to some form of hegemonic dis/order in their novels. What this essay claims is that Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s Wizard of the Crow deploys the carnivalesque as an ideology and weapon of resistance, where the popular voice of the marketplace wo/man is employed to subvert instituted authority. The essay interrogates globalization and Structural Adjustment Programmes, arguing that they are re-invented ideologies of colonization for the twenty-first century. To examine elements of resistance in this novel is thus to examine the ways, both salient and silent, in which the postcolony can combat monstrous postcolonial African régimes and the largely negative impact of globalization on Africa. Introduction I thought they were going to reform society and rule justly, and so I watched their proceedings with deep interest. I found that they made the other regime look like a golden age.1 GŨGĨ WA THIONG’O is one of the most important of Africa’s writers, and certainly the foremost voice of East African literature. N From Weep Not, Child, The River Between, and A Grain of Wheat to Petals of Blood, Devil on the Cross, Matigari, and Wizard of the Crow, he has consistently used the medium of prose fiction and other artistic devices to critique, lampoon, plead, lament, threaten, and paint a picture of the disaster 1 Plato, in Desmond Lee, “Introduction” to Plato, The Republic (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982): 14.
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