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[email protected] The Dedication Copy 1. [ARISTOTLE]. SCHEGK, Jakob ARISTOTELIS DE ANIMA LIBRI TRES ET È PROLIXIS AC COPIOSIS QUIDEM ILLIS SIMPLICN (in Latin, Jacobus Schegkius or Scheggius; also sometimes called Jakob Degen) Basil: per Joan Hervagium, M.D.XLIIII [1544]. £ 2,500 8vo, pp. [xvi], 133, [1] imprint; minor stain in gutter to early gatherings (not affecting the text) otherwise apart from occasional marks, a clean copy throughout; with the stamp of Abbot Nikolaus Buchner of Zwiefalten (d. 1567) at the foot of title and the stamp of the Königliche Handbibliothek of Stuttgart and an unidentified hand painted arms of a German count; original binding, each cover stamped in gilt, the upper cover with the abbotts arms the back cover suitably stamped with ‘S. Nicolaus’ rebacked and somewhat rubbed lacking the original ties. 1 P ICKERING & C H A T T O The dedication copy of Aristotle’s De Anima , edited by the German Aristotelian philosopher and academic physician Jakob Schegk (1511-1587). Schegk probably thought that his edition of this major treatise by Aristotle on the nature of living things, together with a discussion centring on the kinds of souls possessed by different kinds of living things, was a subtle subject to present to the influential Catholic Abbot, Nikolaus Buchner of the monastery of Zwiefalten (d. 1567). Jakob Schegk had become a Lutheran sometime in the 1530s as a prerequisite of his being a student and professor at Tübingen.