W I T H S U P P L E M E N T . Thnrsdfty, Notemtwr 11, 1880
si mm ohell, wh<>i;atarted. for their iiortbern I. I. Fuller. Little Seal's Oolamn. home tbliiwieek. Several of the graiiK- ers of this place unitied the Dansvllle lodge on tnolr supper night, Friday, WITH SUPPLEMENT. Oct. 21). Mr. and Mrs. Menzo Gonklhi will move north in a: short thne. Mr. IHIllllRrMDH GOODS! C. owcsa farmiu Isabella county, YOU CAN SAVE MONEY Thnrsdfty, NoTemtwr 11, 1880. Tho familiar hoot of the ix)lUiclan is hushed for a while, while that of tbo BY BTJYINO TOUB THE COUNTY. large eyed bird still breaks tbe stillness of night, as he sits on his snow clad porch, and calls whoo-hoo hoo'o*? "Oar- KINNIEYILLE. lleld nnd Aithur" echo answers. Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Pleasant over head, but whnt a mess Asft Waterhouse talks of moving to Webbervllle, where cash is plenty nnd under foot. Just stop at the Palace store and work Is Ig good demand. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Snow fell to tuo depth of aboutelght- VOL. XXn.~NO. 47. eeu Inches last Friday und Saturday, MASON, MIcirmURSDAY. JSTOVeSeR 18, 18807 and we listened to the jingle of tho WASHINGTON. Look at those rare bargains hells on Sunday. WHOLE NO. 1141. Scntiinontii nnrt Feelliiga In nnarnril to Miison Ilii.siiie.ss Directory At the donation given for tho benefit the RIeellon nt the Watlvnnl C'npltni space iu our columns to send us tbciv promised, hut will have to come later of Bov. S. Nelson last Thursday even For you, your friend and neighbor cojiy cnrl.y. niul recommend thnt same bo ndopted.
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