Published for SISSA by Springer Received: April 13, 2018 Accepted: July 16, 2018 Published: July 23, 2018 Symmetry enhancement and closing of knots in 3d/3d JHEP07(2018)145 correspondence Dongmin Ganga and Kazuya Yonekurab aCenter for Theorectical Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea bKavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan E-mail: arima275@snu.ac.kr, yonekura@artsci.kyushu-u.ac.jp Abstract: We revisit Dimofte-Gaiotto-Gukov's construction of 3d gauge theories asso- ciated to 3-manifolds with a torus boundary. After clarifying their construction from a viewpoint of compactification of a 6d N = (2; 0) theory of A1-type on a 3-manifold, we propose a topological criterion for SU(2)=SO(3) flavor symmetry enhancement for the u(1) symmetry in the theory associated to a torus boundary, which is expected from the 6d viewpoint. Base on the understanding of symmetry enhancement, we generalize the con- struction to closed 3-manifolds by identifying the gauge theory counterpart of Dehn filling operation. The generalized construction predicts infinitely many 3d dualities from surgery calculus in knot theory. Moreover, by using the symmetry enhancement criterion, we show that theories associated to all hyperboilc twist knots have surprising SU(3) symmetry en- hancement which is unexpected from the 6d viewpoint. Keywords: Chern-Simons Theories, Conformal Field Theory, Duality in Gauge Field Theories, M-Theory ArXiv ePrint: 1803.04009 Open Access, c The Authors.
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