Curriculum Vitae of Andrea Cianchi Born in Florence (Italy), 16 February

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Curriculum Vitae of Andrea Cianchi Born in Florence (Italy), 16 February Curriculum Vitae of Andrea Cianchi Born in Florence (Italy), 16 February 1963 EDUCATION - Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Florence, September 1993 - INdAM (National Institute for High Mathematics) Fellowship for Starting Research, University “ La Sapienza", Rome (March 1987 - October 1987) and University of Florence (November 1987 - October 1988) - C.N.R. (National Research Council) Fellowship for Undergraduate Students, November 1986 - February 1987 - “Laurea" in Mathematics, University of Florence, December 1986 ACADEMIC POSITIONS - Full Professor, University of Florence, November 2000 – present - Associate Professor, University of Florence, November 1993 - October 2000 - Assistant Professor, University of Florence, December 1990 - October 1993 AWARDS and HONORS - Prize “Luigi e Wanda Amerio” 2018 awarded by Istituto Lombardo delle Scienze e delle Lettere, - Invited speaker, Indam Day, 2018 - Guest Professor (permanent), Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, December 2014 – present - Prize “Gaetano Fichera” 2014 awarded by the Italian Mathematical Union, - Commemorative Medal of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague, 2014 - Plenary speaker, “19-th Meeting of the Italian Mathematical Union”, 2011 - Post-graduate research prize of “Fondazione Francesco Severi”, 1990 GRANTS - Principal Investigator of the PRIN Research Project “Direct and inverse problems for partial differential equations: theoretical aspects and applications" financed by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research). Total number of participants: 32 from several Italian institutions. Call: 2017. - Principal Investigator of the PRIN Research Project “Partial differential equations and related analytic-geometric inequalities" financed by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research). Total number of participants: 10 from several Italian institutions. Call: 2015. - Principal Investigator of the PRIN Research Project “Elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations: geometric aspects, related inequalities, and applications" financed by MIUR. Total number of participants: 22 from several Italian institutions. Call: 2012. - Principal Investigator of the PRIN Research Project “Geometric aspects of partial differential equations and related topics" financed by MIUR. Total number of participants: 71 from several Italian institutions. Call: 2008. - Principal Investigator of the PRIN Research Project “Partial differential equations and functional inequalities: quantitative aspects, geometric and qualitative properties, applications" financed by MIUR. Total number of participants: 63 from several Italian institutions Call: 2006. - Principal Investigator of the Research Project of the National Group of Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications (GNAMPA), of the National Institute of High Mathematics (INdAM), “Elliptic problems affected by irregularities or degenerations”. Total number of participants: 10 (from various Italian institutions). Call: 2009. - Principal Investigator of the Research Project of GNAMPA (INdAM), “Geometric properties of solutions to variational problems”. Total number of participants: 10 (from various Italian institutions). Call: 2008. - Principal Investigator of the Research Project of GNAMPA (INdAM), “Geometric properties of solutions to variational problems”. Total number of participants: 10 (from various Italian institutions). Call: 2006. - Principal Investigator of the Research Project of GNAMPA (INdAM), “Geometric and functional inequalities and applications”. Total number of participants: 10 (from various Italian institutions). Call: 2005. Duration: 1 year - Principal Investigator of the Research Project of GNAMPA (INdAM), “Geometric and functional inequalities and applications”. Total number of participants: 10 (from various Italian institutions). Call: 2004. - Principal Investigator of the Research Project of GNAMPA (INdAM), “Symmetrizations and geometric and integral inequalities”. Total number of participants: 10 (from various Italian institutions). Call: 2002. OFFICES Member of “Commisione di autovalutazione e indirizzo” of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics “U.Dini”, University of Florence, February 2013 – present Director of the “Department of Mathematics and Applications to Architecture”, University of Florence, November 2005 – October 2008 Member of “Collegio dei Docenti" of the Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Florence, 2000 – 2013 and 2019-present Member of “Collegio dei Docenti" of the Ph.D. in Materials and Structures for Architecture, University of Florence, 2000 - 2011 Member of “Comitato dei Garanti" of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Florence, 2001 - 2014 Member of national committees for positions of full professor, associate professor and assistant professor. EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES - Applicable Analysis (2018-) - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2006 – ) - Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata (2007 – ) - Proceedings of the Razmadze Mathematical Institute (2005 – ) - Necas Center lecture notes (2017 -) INVITED TALKS AT CONFERENCES (2008-present) - “Weekend on variational methods and differential equations”, Catania, December 2018. - Special session “Nonlinear partial differential equations and related function spaces”, Joint Meeting UMI-SIMAI-PTM, Wroclaw (Poland), September 2018. - Special session “Optimization, microstructures, and applications to mechanics”, Joint Meeting UMI-SIMAI-PTM, Wroclaw (Poland), September 2018. - Workshop “Nonlinear Days in Frankfurt”, Francoforte (Germany), August 2018. - ICM 2018 Satellite Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Fortaleza (Brasil), July 2018 - Conference “Giornata INDAM 2018”, Cagliari, June 2018. - Special session “Recent advances in approximation theory and operator theory”, AMS Sectional Meeting, Columbus, Ohio (USA), March 2018. - Workshop “Analysis, Approximation theory, operator theory and their Interactions”, Columbus, Ohio (USA), March 2018. - Conference “New trends in Calculus of Variations and PDE’s”, Firenze-Montecatini, June 2017. - “International Conference on PDEs, Geometric Analysis and Functional Inequalities”, Sydney (Australia), March 2017. - Workshop “Partial differential equations and related analytic-geometric inequalities”, Milano, February 2017. - “Meeting of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME)”, Zaragoza (Spain), January 2017. - Workshop, “Analysis on shapes of solutions to partial differential equations, Kyoto (Japan), November 2016. - Workshop “Geometric and analytic inequalities”, Birs Centre, Banff (Canada), July 2016. - Conference “New trends in Calculus of Variations”, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, May 2016 - “9th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems”, Gaeta, May 2016 - Conference “Regularity theory for elliptic and parabolic systems and problems in continuum mechanics”, Telc (Rep. Ceca), April 2016 - “2015 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on Regularity Theory on Elliptic and Parabolic Equations”, Seoul (South Korea), December 2015. - Workshop “Affine convex geometry”, Oaxaca (Mexico), September 2015. - Conference “Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's”, Palinuro, May 2015. - Meeting of the Western Section of the American Mathematical Society, Las Vegas, USA, April 2015. - Workshop “Topics in Elliptic and Parabolic PDEs”, Napoli, September 2014. - Workshop “Regularity theory for elliptic and parabolic systems and problems in continuum mechanics, Telc (Czech Republic), May 2014 - Conference "Analysis of Partial Differential Equations", Liverpool (U.K.), December 2013 - Program "Evolutionary equations", Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stoccolma (Svezia), November 2013 - "2° Weekend on Variational Methods and Differential Equations", Reggio Calabria, October 2013 - "Conference on convex geometry", Castro Urdiales (Spagna), September 2013 - Conference "Equadiff13", Prague (Czech Republic), August 2013 - Workshop “The p-Laplacian Operator and Applications”, Oberwolfach (Germania), February 2013. - Conference “Calculus of Variations and PDE”, Szczawnica (Polonia) July 2012. - Conference “New trends in mathematical analysis”, Milano, March 2012. - “Workshop on geometric properties of solutions of nonlinear PDEs and their applications”, Banff (Canada), July 2011. - Conference on "New Function Spaces in PDEs and Harmonic Analysis", Napoli (Italy), June 2011. - Conference “New trends in spectral theory and applications", Cardiff, December 2010 - Conference “ Topics in nonlinear PDE’s, Varenna, September 2010 -“St.Petersburg Conference in Spectral Theory", St.Petersburg (Russia), July 2010. - “International conference on the isoperimetric problem of queen Dido and its mathematical ramifications", Carthage (Tunisia), May 2010 - “Joint meeting AMS-CMS”, Shanghai (China), December 2008 - International conference “Function spaces", Trest (Czech Republic), September 2008 - “Workshop on nonlinear differential equations", Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), September 2008 -“Workshop on functions spaces and applications", Freyburg (Germany), July 2008 COURSES DELIVERED AT INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED SCHOOLS (2008-present) - Spring School “Function spaces, embeddings and extrapolation”, Paseky (Czech Republic), May- June 2017. - “Seminar in Differential Equations”, Ostrov (Czech republic), May-June 2016. - Spring School “Nonlinear analysis, function spaces and applications (NAFSA)”, Trest (Czech Republic), June 2014. - "Mini-courses in Analysis 2013", Padova, June 2013 - Summer school “Optimal mass transport
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