
Master Nutrition How to Segment program and

1. Pristine segments of oranges or grapefruit are a welcome addition to a 1 fruit salad and make a beautiful garnish on salads and desserts.

2. To cut any citrus into segments, first trim the top and bottom flat to expose the inner fruit. Set the fruit so it is standing on the work surface and use a paring knife to remove the skin and bitter white pith. Fol- 2 low the natural round shape of the and take care not to cut off too much of the flesh of the fruit. Turn the citrus as you make each cut. Trim off any white areas that may remain before segmenting the fruit.

3. Hold the trimmed fruit over a bowl to catch all the and pieces. Use a paring knife and carefully cut along the membrane on both sides of 3 each segment. As you free segments, let them fall into the bowl. Fold back the membrane like pages of a book, until all segments are free. Then squeeze the membrane over the bowl to extract as much as possible.

4. The zest of a citrus fruit is the colored skin of the rind. Underneath it is 4 if the bitter white pith and then the fruit. This zest contains aromatic, volatile oils that are used to season food.

5. Zest can be removed from the fruit with a vegetable or a paring 5 knife. In either case, you might remove some of the pith along with the . If you do, just remove it with your knife.

6. Zesting can also be accomplished with a box . To avoid losing mush of your zest in the grater, first cover the fine grate with a piece of 6 plastic wrap. Then go ahead and grate.

7. You can also use a called a zester, which 7 creates long threads of zest. Flat also make quick work of grating.

Master Nutrition Program ∙ MISC-33 ∙ 7/08