Florida A & M University Law Review Volume 13 Number 2 Article 3 Spring 2018 On the Basis of Sex: Examining John Grisham's Legal Fiction Through Feminist Theory Viviana I. Vasiu Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.law.famu.edu/famulawreview Part of the Law and Gender Commons, Law and Society Commons, and the Legal Profession Commons Recommended Citation Viviana I. Vasiu, On the Basis of Sex: Examining John Grisham's Legal Fiction Through Feminist Theory, 13 Fla. A&M U. L. Rev. 139 (2018). Available at: https://commons.law.famu.edu/famulawreview/vol13/iss2/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Scholarly Commons @ FAMU Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in Florida A & M University Law Review by an authorized editor of Scholarly Commons @ FAMU Law. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. \\jciprod01\productn\F\FAM\13-2\FAM204.txt unknown Seq: 1 16-OCT-19 10:10 ON THE BASIS OF SEX: EXAMINING JOHN GRISHAM’S LEGAL FICTION THROUGH FEMINIST THEORY Viviana I. Vasiu* INTRODUCTION ................................................... 139 R I. UNVEILED: JOHN GRISHAM’S WRITING TOOLKIT ............ 141 R II. A WALK THROUGH THE DECADES: GRISHAM’S NOVELS UNDER THE LITERARY MICROSCOPE ........................ 145 R A. The Firm and A Time to Kill ......................... 146 R B. The Pelican Brief ..................................... 153 R C. The Partner........................................... 156 R D. Gray Mountain ....................................... 159 R III. BLURRING THE LINES: WHEN FICTION IMPACTS REALITY . 163 R CONCLUSION ..................................................... 165 R INTRODUCTION John Grisham’s legal fiction takes readers to a thrilling land where attorneys are the new heroes, fighting against the dark forces of injustice, corruption, and greed.