



Make your move — Now is the time — right now— to "Chess is like life," says Boris Spass- talk to friends and acquaintances about ky. "Chess is life," says Bobby Fischer, square dancing. If it's your "bag," tell and from all reports, it would appear others about it. Take advantage of that for Bobby, life is chess. Square Dance Week publicity to dis- What's your life? Is it your work? cuss it with fellow workers, and of free Is it your church? Or a hobby, be it introductory dances to invite them to chess or something as dissimilar to it try it. as square dancing? If your friends live a sedentary ex- We submit that the happy life is a istence, stress the exercise and physi- balance of these things — beliefs that cal well-being involved; if they're in- give life meaning, work that is interes- tellectual, tell them of the challenge; if ting and fulfilling, and leisure time to they are at loose ends, the fellowship enjoy other pursuits. will appeal to them; if they're musical, An adult education course in our mention the rhythm. Tell them what area is titled, "Leisure Time — Use It dancing will do for them. Be a hard- Or Lose It." When we heard it an- sell salesman for the hobby you enjoy. nounced we wanted to stand up and A new square dance season is al- shout, "Use it square dancing!" We'd ways a new beginning. Let's make like to "plug" our activity to all the 1972-73 a banner year — many new folks who are going to talk about lei- dancers, more fun, and a careful look sure instead of acting on a suggestion at keeping all those friends who join to give some activity a try. us now, dancing for many years ahead.

2 AMERICAN * VOLUME 27, NO. 9 SQUARE SEPTEMBER, 1972 DANCE "THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES" Publishers and Editors -x- Stan & Cathie Burdick Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Easy-Level Editor Bob Howell Record Reviewers Doug Edwards Phyl & Frank Lehnert Feature Writers A, 2 Editors' Page Harold & Lill Bausch 77 4 Mail Dewey Berry 6 Meanderings Fred Freuthal Marv's Marvelous Adventure Myrtis Litman • 911 They Laughed When He Told 39 13 In A Nutshell Editorial Assistants • 15 Caller-Leader Directory Mary Fabik 17 Best Club Trick Mef Merrell 19 Chit-Chat National Advisory Board 21 Leadership— Step by Step 25 Feedback Edna & Gene Arnfield ** 26 Straight Talk Bob Augustin 27 Important Notice Al "Tex" Brownlee 28 Dancing Tips Louis Calhoun *29 Calling Tips Orphie Easson Easy Level Page Jerry Helt 30 Phyl & Frank Lehnert *32 Family Affair Melton Luttrell 34 Golden Nuggets Singin' Sam Mitchell 39 Steal A Little Peek Ken Oppenlander *40 Workshop Vaughn Parrish 47 Puzzle Page Dave Taylor "N 48 S/D Records Bob Wickers 50 R/D Records 51 Ladies Choice *52 National News AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE magazine is 54 Events published monthly at 216 Williams St., Hur- *57 Sketchpad Commentary on, Ohio, by Burdick Enterprises. Second 58 It Happened at a Square Dance class postage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy deadline first of month preceding date of is * 61 Mix 'N Match sue. Subscription: S5.00 per year. Single co- 65 Bookshelf pies:50 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, 67 Sign-Off Word Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1972 by Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. 77 68 Do-Ci-Do Dolores

3 nie (Kronenberger) later brought us a copy of the August issue of your maga- zine, so that we could see Bob's picture 64,11101 Zip on the cover. I am enclosing fifty cents for a copy of the magazine for our own Hall of Fame. I hope you have enough extras to fill the various orders for that issue, as I know that quite a few people will be sending for them! He's a great per- son, whom we have known for about twenty years, and we were sure glad to see him get that award. Ruth K. Rising (Mrs. Walter) North Hollywood, California Many thanks for printing our flyers in the April issue. It thrilled us beyond We had planned to be in Ellensburg words. for the Leadership Seminar and to I was doubly pleased to have you thank you personally for the printing mention my wife. This girl does a no- of the Best Club Trick about the Came- ble job on the rounds and mixers for lot Squares. We couldn't go because I our three weekly clubs and our "Phase fell and broke a rib the night before One," not to mention coffee, registra- The past president, Norm White, and tions, collecting the money each night, his lady, were in Des Moines. They dancing as a man or woman (whichever went by your booth, bought about six we are short to make even squares), sig- copies to give to several people who nalling if there is too much voice or wanted to put the write-up in their too much music, letting me know scrapbooks. when a tip is getting too long, when I Needless to say, the entire club was have spent too much time on a teach, thrilled to see their "Round Table" walking around the floor between tips events in print. I want to say thank making sure she talks to each dancer you from the "Camelot Squares." each night, and on and on and on. I Woody Betsson just couldn't run these clubs without Seattle, Washington her. Sorry I did not get this (renewal) in When I am hired as a club caller the mail when I first received it. Just and Viv is with me, and the host is one of those things, but it just isn't a agreeable, she will do the rounds. It square dance home without your maga- is amazing hOw many M.C:s never zine. Keep up the good work. thank or even introduce her. I would Wade Hannah like to see you insert a small article New Orleans, Louisiana on Do's and Don't's for M.C:s when introducing a guest caller. Please find enclosed my next year's We are really glad to see you put subscription to your very fine square American back in the title. dance publication from Sandusky. We Lloyd Priest enjoy reading about all the activities in Scarborough, Ontario the square dance world over there in the states, and also your editors page We had the privilege of being at the and your Meanderings. You sure raise summer Asilomar S/D Institute this a laugh on that page, for sure We past week, and of being there on the are looking forward to meeting you night when they presented Bob Osgood both in 1973, together with all your with admission to the Hall of Fame and his picture by Gene Anthony. Ar- Continued on Page 50



PO BOX 788 SANDUSKY OHIO AMERICAN SQURRE DRNCE 448 70 Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed. D One Year at $5. LA Two Years at $9.00 Canadian and Foreign add 50c a year for postaee S (1 FIRST TIME SUBSCRIBERS-1 yr.=S3. NAME





I popped open a can of root beer for the occasion, not having any cham- pagne at my disposal. I almost felt a surge of renewed vigor course (curse) through the fuel system of the old creature as I patted his dash board and said, "OK, fella, are you ready for the next hundred thousand?" You may not believe this, but there was an audible groan from somewhere among those "350 horses" that said, "Ready, dads A month ago when I had all man- ner of trouble in a string of incidents that would surely have tested the pa- tience of Job, himself, I could have driven the old bucket of bolts into the junk yard, rejoicing. But somehow his performance has suddenly smoothed out lately. Perhaps I'm just in the "eye of the hurricane," or else the senile old crea- ture is assuming a docile mood as he looks around to find that secret, leg- endary old elephant burial ground. Whether or not "Old Paint" will make it when I head west the end of this month for my long-anticipated, A traveling caller (see also "mike- first-run California and southwestern rider," itinerant range rover, vaude- trip is a big equestrian question mark. villian, etc.) is quite apt to intone At any rate, "California, Here I Come." about his long-suffering automobile I'll start with five state-wide dates: in tones the cowboy uses about his Bakersfield, Santa Rosa, San Jose, San horse. Small wonder. That many hours Diego, and Fresno, and then move east- "in the saddle" create a certain affini- ward. Keeno, kids, we'll give you a ty, if not affectionate relationship. blow-by-blow in October. Revently as I was driving near Scranton, Pennsylvania, I had a little per. private celebration (just between me and myself) as the mileage meter on my old Ford Bomber (barely two years as my companion) went "over the top" of the 100,000 mile mark and started fresh at "0".

6 Recently a caller friend (I think he Roy Keleigh's Hayloft that once was a was a Presbyterian) reminded me that garage and was transformed like Cin- "Destiny shapes our ends." I agreed, derella. In Sturbridge, Massachusetts, and braced myself for a little sermon I I got my first look at the Hayloft there. thought he was going to deliver, pro- And I could go on recounting memo- bably figuring I needed that worse than ries of half a dozen more Haylofts, in- anybody. cluding Gus Heismann's near Cincinna- Then he asked: "As you look out ti, Ohio. How many Haylofts are there? over the dance floor and you call ends Anybody know? run, ends circulate, ends trade, ends Thanks, thanks, thanks to all you 1,90, did you ever take a good look at wonderful dancers in so many areas those ends?" who have or will have sponsored an I put a quizzical look on my face ASD subscription dance to give the and said, "Why no, not much. What do old "mag" a boost — the Browns in you mean?" Highland, Michigan; the Dumings in Then he punched me in the ribs Jackson, Mississippi (be sure to catch with his elbow and said, philosophical- one of Emanuel's records on Top); the ly, "Well, that old Destiny that shaped Jenkins in Minerva, N.Y. (Mary and our ends sure enough has made some Bill are now extending their annual funny looking shapes!" I collapsed. northland weekend to a week-long af- Quite by coincidence during the fair — catch it if you can next August); summer of '72 I visited more Haylofts the Batemas of Toledo, Ohio; and on than you could shake a pitchfork at, it and on we go and grow. seems. Dick Cameron of Vancouver, I appreciated the chance to get ac- B.C., was telling me that when he was quainted with John and "Freddie" operating his Hayloft in Canada for Kaltenthaler at beautiful Pocono Ma- many, many years, he tried to keep nor in the Poconos of eastern Pennsyl- track of where similar Haylofts were vania where the Overseas Dancer Re- located, in order to work out some union was staged and a lot of travel- kind of exchange of correspondence lovin' dancers congregated. I knew they or even programs from time to time. were "my kind of people" when they That "name's the same" game works inquired in the Reunion bulletin "we in other areas. There's a Belles and wonder what experimental (move- Beaux club in Michigan that once tried ments) are going asqu are (these days) ..?" to have an annual dance and get all I was a perfectly "legit" participant at Belles and Beaux club members from that event by virtue of having called any similarly named club to attend. and danced in Alaska, although not As a matter of fact, in my travels I've overseas. bumped into several Burdickg (of no CONFUSION SAY: traceable kinship) on the dance floor "There are four dimensions to most things (I bumped into them, not vice versa) we buy these days: length, width, height, and realized that that name is not very and DEBT." exclusive. After meeting me these good I took a zig and a zag this summer folks probably want to change their about half way west with stops in names. Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City. Anyway, back to the Hayloft! I That Boy Scout building, north of picked up some fond recollections of Chicago (formerly the Square Dance the Hayloft in Canandaigua, N.Y. this Center and home of this magazine), summer, where Bob Ellis of the Magic with its floating floor, is a beautiful Squares regularly pullsjabbits out of place, by George. The swingin'est. hats as deftly as he calls spin chain I'll be back. I was tickled to talk to thrus. I enjoyed my first visit to Bob Bern Aubuchon in the St. Louis area Wright's Hayloft nedi Seattle. Down about the good old calling and dancing Asbury Park, N.J. I had a ball at daze we've both experienced. 7 Kansas City, I love you! Please dis- regard the airplane joke, friends. And you'd better believe that the K.C. people are the best dancin' bunch you could find anywhere — the salt of the •Record• earth (they'd PEPPER me with rifle pellets if I didn't say a good word after I left a wrong impression in a previous DEALERS column). So, set your sights on K.C. AR IZONA for the National in '75, folks, and Clay's Barn meanwhile, get a little "MO." (mo') P.O. Box 21571 dancing in between now and then. Sierra Vista 85635 You'll dig their splendid brand of hos- Dancer's accessories, caller's equipment pitality. So there. CALIFORNIA Everybody is promoting beginner Nancy Seeley's Records for Dancing classes this month and I'm no excep- P.O. Box 5156 tion. The other day, as I sat in the China Lake, Cal. 93555 chair of my dentist, I decided he and Also flags, books, shoes — All by mail! his wife ought to start taking lessons ILLINOIS this fall. So I began my usual pitch as Andy's Record Center he started his usual operation on my 1614 N. Pulaski Rd. teeth. Chicago 60639 "Mghtsoughlofsh," I said. He agreed Ask about our bonus plan to that. INDIANA So I asked him "Glockftthgbrok- Whirlaway News & Records shlo?" He said that would be fine, too, CALLERS DREAM 13261 Chippewa Blvd. but that was the kind of question that Mishawaka 46544 needed to be answered negatively, so I knew I wasn't coming through to him. MASSACHUSETTS Jerry's Record Service Meanwhile, he talked incessantly about 48 Grove St. other things. Springfield 01107 And by then I had the following NORTH CAROLINA items cluttering up my mouth: two Raybuck Record Serv.& Callers Sup. nurses' fingers holding a saliva suction Route 1, Box 226 pipe, two dentist's fingers holding a Advance, N.C. 27006 wad of cotton, a drill, a Lilliputian OHIO periscope, a tongue depressor, and per- F & S Western Shop haps a paper weight, too. The only way 1553 Western Ave. I could enunciate anything was to let Toledo 43609 my tonsils do the talking. Belt & Buckle Western Shop So there went my first fall beginners Lee Gervais class prospect down the drain. He was 1891 Mapleview Dr. too busy with other patients to talk to Cleveland 44131 me when he came out of my mouth WASHINGTON for the last time. Kappie's Record Korral I believe a Gallup poll would prove 10400 Renton Ave. So. that dentists like to talk more and let Seattle, Wash. 98178 you talk less than barbers do. But with Tango Bongo available. barbering at a low ebb these days, I think it would be inconclusive to take RILEY'S RANCH CORRAL STORES a BARBER POLE, anyway. Ugh. Shut 1006 Southcenter Shopping Center up, Stan. (981881 or 750 Northgate Mall, Seattle, Washington 1981251 EVERYTHING for the square dancer

8 by Marvin Labahn Chicago, Illinois


An ill-fated square dance tour was holsters?" asked the customs agent. turned into a very rewarding experience Somewhat surprised at the question I last April which gave Lillian and me the then realized that he was referring to opportunity to visit , England my western style tie which had small and meet with English square dancers decorative pistols rivetted to the rib- by the British Association of American bons of the tie. Square Dance Clubs. "No, that's a square dance tie," I We left Chicago's O'Hare Field on a replied as he gave them a gentle tug to cool Sunday afternoon in April headed be sure they were secured and for JFK Airport in New York where ornamental. we were to transfer to a BOAC 747 He then chuckled and said, "We jet flight to London and a ten day have to be sure skyjackers do not visit, sightseeing and square dancing board this flight." in the London area. We finally arrived at Heathrow Air- Passengers were boarding the BOAC port, London about 9:30 a.m. after an overseas flight and going through the overnight flight and rode an English usual customs check of hand baggage double deck bus to the Victoria BOAC for concealed weapons when it became air station where we took a taxi to our my turn to be processed through the hotel on Russell Square. line. Early in the evening we received a "Do those pistols come out of .the telephone message from John and 9 Kathy Page of Norwich, Norfolk who on the English callers who were superb advised us that we were the invited and their choice of dancing material guests of Fred and Gwen Manning at was excellent. One of the hit singing their Tuesday evening dance with the calls done by Ron Vizard was Obla Dee, Merrymakers at the quaint St. John the Obla Da with the dancers singing along Baptist Church Hall in Loughton, on the chorus with great enthusiasm. England. At this dance all tips consisted of three Tuesday evening we took the Un- numbers. Rounds were danced between derground (subway) to Wood Green tips. where Fred and Gwen met us in their Again, John and Kathy Page of car and drove us to the church hall in Norwich, Norfolk, Public Relations Loughton. It was here that I had the Officer for the British Association of pleasant opportunity to call several tips American Square Dance Clubs were for the Merrymakers who had a full present. It was through their efforts capacity hall for this dance. Gwen that we had a most enjoyable square Manning does the calling for this club dance experience in England. and does a real fine job. The dancing Since we were on our own in level is excellent and they dance the 75 England we found the people quite basics program with some workshop charming and cooperative in making material. Coffee, tea, buns and cake our stay pleasant. were served at the intermission period. We found time to visit Buckingham The dancers were wonderful and well- Palace and saw the renowned ceremony versed in the basic fundamentals of of "Changing of the Guards," the square dancing. Queen Victoria monument, the London On Saturday evening, April 15, Zoo, Regents Park with its soccer 1972, we were the guests of the Foot fields, watched the semi-finals of the 'n Fiddle Square Dance Club at the English Cup Championship soccer series Wandsworth Town Hall in London, on TV, and walked through the famed SW-11. Robin Rumble, club caller was Hyde Park. We saw the London Tower MC, Ron Vizard, Nottingham was the on the Thames River as well as the featured caller and Mary Labahn, Chi- Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. We cago Ridge, Ill. was a guest caller on visited the British Museum of Natural the program. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wil- History and the University of London liams met us at our hotel and drove us outside of Russell Square. A highlight to Wandsworth. They were certainly of the visit was the tour to the home of very charming and gracious hosts. I W.C. Gilbert where we spent a delight- would estimate that 250 people were ful evening having dinner and listening present at this special square dance to a troupe perform the more popular with dancers coming by busses from selections from the famed Gilbert and various parts of England to attend this Sullivan operettas. The artists in cos- function. It was quite a surprise to tumes of the era mingled with the meet Mr. and Mrs. Vic Roden of Joliet diners and invited us to sing-a-long with Squares, Joliet, Illinois at this dance. them on many of the choruses. We Mr. Roden is a civilian employee of the were able to find time to attend two of U.S. Army stationed in Wales and he the more than 40 plays currently drove down to hear a Chicago area running in London, namely Voyage caller perform in England. We met Around Father and a musical, Canter- other state side dancers from Streator, bury Tales. Decatur and Danville, Illinois as well as All in all, we had a great time in a Canadian couple that was associated England, visiting Picaddily Circus, Lei- with the Penticton Round-Up in British cester Square, Covent Gardens, Knights- Columbia. bridge, sightseeing and square dancing Needless to say we had to "tune in" with our friends across the sea.

10 There is a story about joketelling in "That's pretty clever, since we don't prison. A young convict came behind have much time to ourselves." bars for the first time and joined the At the next break, the numbers ranks of a number of longterm old cons began to fly again, each bringing forth who had been there for years. roars of laughter. During a momentary During a rest period in the exercise lull this time, the new arrival took it yard, one of the oldtimers called out upon himself to contribute. "39!" he "23!" Everyone except the newcomer sang out, loud and clear. Stony silence. dissolved in laughter. A few minutes No response. later a second longtermer sang out "How come no one laughed when I "34!" Again, gales of mirth. The new said '39'?" he asked his cellmate in man was mystified. "What's going on?" bewilderment. he asked his cellmate. "Well, son," the older man ex- The sharer of his cell clued him in. plained, "It just seems like some people "They're telling jokes. You see, we've know how to tell a joke and some all been here so long and told our don't." stock of jokes so many times that Do you know how to call a square everyone knows all the jokes. To save dance, Mr. Caller? Before you answer time and trouble in going thru them so "of course" so confidently, so com- often, we assigned numbers to all of placently, try your best to step outside them. When anyone wants to tell one, yourself for a moment and, as ob- all he has to do is call out the number. jectively as possible, take a close look It works real well." at your calling. "Oh, I see!" said the young con. Aren't you really, to a great extent, iiL 74 Zatcyhed


e 7oEd391 .

by John Jones Glendale, California

11 calling 'by the numbers'? Are you not — or at least the best — way that calling calling one multiple-maneuver 'mish- can be done. Not at all. I have said this mash' title after another? If you are before, in a previous article, but will not, then you are among a mere say it again now, because it is of sur- handful in the whole United States passing importance: Almost anything who are not. that can be called with grabbags can For the whole trend of modern-day be called descriptively. square dancing has been toward bigger What is descriptive calling? That and "badder' (not better) grabbags. employing only basics — true basics. What is a grabbag? A string of funda- What are true basics? The entire matter mentals lumped into one outrageously is explained thoroughly in the four large package made attractive by the appendices to the book "Squaredance bestowing upon it of a flashy, catchy Fundamentals." (See ad on page 54 I title. It makes no difference, even, if you We could almost give them numbers, have been calling or dancing, or both, as in the story, because a number for 50 years — you need the informa- would convey just as much as the tion provided there for the first time completely nondescriptive catchall anywhere. title. The practice is so nearly universal "All right, now, ladies and gents, nowadays that no one even realizes it let's square 'em up. 39. Hey! How is (1) totally unnecessary, and (2) come everybody's laughing instead of hurtful . dancing? Don't you think I know how You may think that since everyone to call a square dance? But I sure tell is calling that way, it must be the only a good joke, you say?"



10$ SA 011 S.T.N.\\ NEWEONVI11.1 NM TOR. .713$ (NEW •011• 13 . 21 NEW RELEASES JK-136 JK-137 Square Dance Callin' Man Give My Regards To Broadway Caller: Singin' Sam Mitchell Caller: Birdie Mesick

RECENT RELEASES JK-135 Saturday Night JK-134 Do You Remember These Caller' Dan Dedo Caller. John Hendron JK-133 If I Could Write A Song Caller: Ken Anderson

NEW ROUNDS JK 508F FOR THE GOOD TIMES JK 508R RHYTHM IN THE RAIN Howard and Phyllis Swanson Dick and Marlene Bayer

PRODUCED BY: J—B—K, Box 54, Newtonville, N.Y. 12128

12 "That's it, in a nutshell" became a opened at the conclusion. Who could novel way to wrap up a panel discussion leave early after this? under the direction of moderator Rae- Raeman, who took his moderator's man Jack. At the Des Moines Conven- role seriously, planned his program tion, Raeman led the panel on "How efficiently. Enclosed is his graphic To Keep A Club Alive." He asked each outline for the panel. The center line panelist to pack a nutshell before the through the lenses represents the part discussion and displayed them as he of the moderator. announced that the shells would be IN A NUT SHELL -

Notes from Moderator Raeman Jack Stoneboro, Pennsylvania




The "Nut Shell" summary of ideas Lynn Dieterle, Winchester, III. presented by the four panelists and 1. Get everyone involved. the moderator is listed below. The 2. Maintain good caller-dancer re- sentences are short and carry a lot of lations. meaning. Duplication points up the 3. Select leaders carefully. important points. 4. Promote a sense of being needed. 5. Provide good facilities. 6. Remember to SMILE! It's all for

13 fun without competition. 4. Keep all club members busy with Vic Esworthy, North Hollywood, Cal. some job in the club. 1. One of the most important ways 5. Avoid cliques and clashes. to keep your club alive is through your 6. Special club activities are always publicity director. He should be in- welcome and desirable. volved in ALL club activities concern- 7. Club publicity is necessary. ing publicity, public relations, promo- 8. Form State Organizations. tion and publications. 9. Screen leaders in advance. 2. Have a direct line of communica- 10. Past officers should be kept tion from the club officers to the available for consulting. publicity director. Also, one must re- 11. Club impact is known as CLOUT member that you cannot accomplish —use it! (CLOUT is the impression everything alone. It takes the help of that a caller, a leader or just a dancer many to make your accomplishments leaves on a club that inspires enthusias- possible. tic perpetuation of square dancing and Dick Hickman, Torrence, Cal. its philosophy) These three C's are very important 12. Constantly invite and have guests. in keeping a club alive: (Call them up front and introduce them 1. Courtesy toward club members, to the club) toward guests, and toward the caller. 13. Try new ideas. 2. Consideration of the past, present 14. Organization is necessary. and future of your club. 15. Club activities must continue to 3. Continuity in your enthusiasm be FUN and friendliness. and activities. Keep a variety of activi- Raeman Jack, Stoneboro, Pa. ties in progress. After one successful Moderator event start making plans for the next 1. Sponsor new classes every year; good time. Don't be weary in well- instruction should involve basics not doing! only in dancing, but in its philosophy. Willie Harlan, Vinita, Okla. 2. Every member should strive to (Willie is a caller and teacher of callers) practice the motto, "Square dancing 1. Panels in the club help to elimi- is fun for you, WHEN you make it fun nate problems. for your neighbor too." If everyone 2. Spirit of the club makes for good were to follow this motto, it would relations. result in a club personality, unique in 3. Continuous instruction of new itself, characterized by a jovial, friendly dancers is a MUST. and relaxed atmosphere.



LR 01? RAY OF SUNSHINE — Caller: Don Shotwell LR 011 MAY THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN — Caller: Bill Martin Bob Van Antwerp LR 010 SMILE IN YOUR STYLE — Caller: Don Shotwell LR 009 RHYTHM VAMP — Caller: Wayne West LR 008 YOUR FEETS TOO BIG — Caller: Bob Van Antwerp LUCKY RECORD CO. - P.O. Box 5008, Long Beach, Ca. 90805

14 CALLER—LEADERef;° ..DIRECTORY CONTACT THESE CALLER-LEADERS FOR THEIR AREA DANCE INFORMATION AND Bob Beau FOR BOOKINGS AT YOUR CLUB OR EVENT 59 Sycamore St. Millbury, Mass. 01527 CALLERS, Now booking 73-74 LEADERS, Dick Kenyon Don Belvin BOTH 1002 Oak Drive 598 Mayfield Dr. , Tenn. 37355 "LOCAL" Lansing, Michigan Caller for H.A.T. records AND Hash, sings, anytime, anywhere Stan Burdick "NATIONAL" George Looney 469/ Ridge Rd. Box 788 ARE Sandusky, Ohio 44870 Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 INVITED Bringing the HI and HO from OHIO "Jivin' George" TO Louis Calhoun Ken Oppenlander 635 Suthard Drive INQUIRE 319 S. 6th St. Madisonville, Ky. 42431 ABOUT Manhattan, Ks. 66502 Calling tours Festivals, Clubs, Workshops LISTING Russ Perfors (Yodeling) Jack Cloe NAMES 3507 Drumm 992 Tioga Trail Independence, Mo. 64055 AND Willoughby, Ohio 44094 Traveling full time—booking 73-75! ADDRESSES Rustle your bustle with Russell Bill Ryan Bob Cone, the "Hawaiian Hillbilly" ON THIS 6030 Smith Rd. 138 University Ft. Wayne, Indiana 46809 PAGE Buf Talo, N.Y. 14214 Experience Set To Rhythm Recording on TOP, tours Jim Duckworth Charlie Trapp 3404 Colson Court 23 Sunnyside Ave. Louisville, Ky. 40220 Hanover, Mass. 02339 Weekends, write for open dates. You call for me, I'll call for you... Ed Fraidenburg Bob Wickets 1916 Poseyville Rd., Rt. 10 714 La'Marite Dr. Midland, Michigan 48640 Manchester, Mn. 63011 Recording on TOP, tours Traveling full time anywhere Willie Harlan Deuce Williams P.O. Box 338 3955 West Point Ave. Vinita, Oklahoma 74301 Dearborn Hts., Mich. 48125 For the best in square dancing The Rhythm Dealer—Hash & Songs Jim Harris Web Witter RFD 5, Box 182 2904 Noitheast Dr. Norwich, Conn. 06360 Austin, Texas /8123 Square 'em up with Jim! Square 1 unes recordings for fun Dave "Hash" Hass Clyde Wood (453-213/) P.O. Box 5 3210 N.E. 39th St. East Hampton, Conn. 06424 Kansas City, Mo. 6411/ NOW booking for 1973-74. Open dates— You ring, I'll sing! F rannie Heint, an, /eller 27 F lynt Ave. BOX / Monson, Mass. 0105/ McCracken, Ks. 61',56 Dance with con-fer-dance! 73-75 Calendar Available— vinyl cover Des Hetherington 370 Dixon Rd. Apt. 415 Gene Webster Weston, Ontario, Canada 1803 Heather Lane Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 Festivals, clubs — Ontario, Eastern U.S. Open dates — western style Bob Holiip I .eavinu Mari.h 7,, 19/3 on 1237 South 5th St. I our: 'soothe' o 016o, Kv.. Wausau, Wis. 54401 lenne%See. Georgia. I loy Clubs, workshops, festivals Open dates — special rates! 15

GRENN GR 14162 SLEEP Waltz by Charlie & Nina Ward LOVE WORDS Two-step by Bill & Marie Brown GR 15015 SHORTCAKE by Dot & Date Foster MEMORIAL RE-RELEASE for Date — a real fun dance! ELMER'S TUNE New two-step by Ray & Elizabeth Smith TOP TOP 25264 I LOVE LIVIN' COUNTRY STYLE Flip square by Ed Fraidenburg, Midland, Michigan TOP 25265 SQUARESU BUCKEYE Instrumental hoedowns Twel g renn (Dealers Only) We stock NEWCOMB P.A. systems complete systems parts amplifiers only needles speakers only cartridges monitors spindle grease VU meters motor bearing oil Acra-Set pickup lifts speaker cords and parts protective covers mike cords and parts


lam.. A NO 11

16 le Best Club Trick cV Promenader




The Promenaders is one of the an interested friend to the next session. oldest teen-age square dancing clubs in After the Promenaders volunteered the Chicagoland area. Its members are to put on a square dance program black. during school hours, each member The Promenaders started as a group worked hard to perfect his dancing of square dancers at the James R. ability. Each member made suggestions Doolittle School in 1960, formed by about dance selections and routines to Zenous Morgan, a junior high school be done in the show. Everyone was teacher. All Junior High School stu- nervous because this was the first show dents and some sixth grade students which would determine future accept- were invited and encouraged to par- ance of square dancing as a wholesome ticipate in the after school square activity in our area. Hard work, creative dance class. Square dancing was a new selectivity, perservance and profession- experience for most of the students, alism paid off, and the first show was a and was considered "square". How- complete success. ever, the group prospered and the The Promenaders continued to pro- dancers soon learned that square danc- duce square dance shows at the Doo- ing was fun. All dancers and visitors little school during school and Social were encouraged to return and bring Center hours until after graduation.

17 Since square dancing was new in the Toronto and parts of Canada to square area and was not offered at any other dance and to put on square dance locale, the graduating members of the exhibitions. group were forced to quit square danc- Since the club is self supporting, all ing, and wait until they were old money collected from dues, club pro- enough to join an adult club or start a jects, shows, dances and exhibitions is square dance club for teens. We chose used to outfit the members and pay the latter. traveling expenses of the club. Harriett Wiggins, who was to be- The Promenaders are now in the come the first president of the Prome- process of establishing a college fund naders, and other members of the which will be used to help each mem- group were responsible for securing a ber who is enrolled in college. hall for the club. Harriett made arrange- The Promenaders is a very active ments for our club caller and instructor group, and participation in other ath- to meet with Miss V. Murphy of Grace letic programs is encouraged. Many of Presbyterian Church to discuss using our members have received awards for the facilities of the church, where they participation in football, basketball, began to dance three times every week. swimming, and basketball. We began to dance and perform. The club has been instrumental in Free square dance exhibitions were helping new square dance groups and given on Chicago's South Side. Every clubs get started. effort was made to promote and en- The Promenaders is a very imagina- courage teens to become involved in tive group and has designed and created the square dance movement. Many the club banner,club stationery, tickets, teens were found who were interested membership cards, club outfits, club and subsequently joined the club. publications and the club emblem. We The Promenaders decided after the were among the first teen-aged square club was organized and functioning dance clubs to create such materials. smoothly that it would not be neces- Originally our club started square sary to meet and dance three times a dancing to records, and tapes made by week. The club selected Friday evening professional callers. We later developed as the official dance night for the club our own teen callers and leaders. Our and initiated once a week square danc- adult caller is one of the outstanding ing for teen agers. callers in the midwest. The club has prospered and grown The Promenaders normally include far beyond our original estimate, regu- singing calls, round dances, folk dances, larly performing exhibitions and par- and line dances in all of our exhibitions. ticipating in variety shows and programs We try to provide entertainment for throughout the midwest and Canada. every spectator watching our shows. The Promenaders have participated The Promenaders have earned badges in the Negro Centennial Exposition and awards for traveling more than one which was held at McCormick Place. hundred miles to square dance. We They have performed exhibitions at have even won an award for square Navy Pier during the annual Folk Fair, dancing while blindfolded! and are active participants in the annual Past members of the Promenaders Chicago Area Callers Association Square still write and maintain an association Dance Festival. They are frequently with the club, and have been respon- hired by churches, clubs, lodges, and sible for hiring our club to perform schools to demonstrate modern square exhibitions. Past members also help in dancing. The Promenaders have danced public relations and publicizing the and ...ticipated in the Illinois State club. Past members also make financial Square Dance Convention and traveled contributions to the club and maintain to Detroit, Michigan, Flint, Brighton, Associate Membership in the club.

18 Further thoughts on Bob Osgood

and the early days of Square Dancing in California

by Carl Anderson Redlands, California

Carl Anderson was awarded the Silver clubs in his area whose membership Spur during the 21st National Convention included many from the movie and in Des Moines. As chairman of the first entertainment world. I understand Bob National Convention, he is the "elder states- was square dancing prior to World War man" of the present National Executive II. After the war he bought and op- Committee. erated a soft drink wholesale bottling We first met Bob either the latter firm, I believe Squirt. He sold this part of 1948 or spring of 1949. We had soon after becoming active in the just graduated from a beginners class square dance field. here in Redlands and our caller, Walt About this same time a young paint Baumann, had heard that Bob Osgood, store owner and violinist in Yucaipa who was publishing a national square started calling for a local church group dance magazine, had an open square from which was formed the Yucaipa dance at his home in North Hollywood Square Dance Club. At this time there every Saturday afternoon. So off we were not many outstanding callers in went. The dance was held on the drive- So. California and as the word spread way (2 cars wide at the garage) and was some of the dancers from the San fun. We remember that one of the new Fernando valley joined the Yucaipa callers there was Les Gotcher. Any Club and journeyed there most every way, this was before the days of the Saturday night for square dancing. As Sets In Order office at 462 N. Robert- many also belonged to some of Bob's son. I suspect Bob was publishing and clubs it was inevitable that Bob and Ed mailing the magazine from his house. Gilmore came to know each other, Bob was a fine, smooth and very appreciate each other and be fast entertaining caller and was much in friends. Together they were active in demand. He called for a number of the formation of most of the strong

19 southern California dancer associations After my year as president, my who are now members of the Calif. successor asked me to serve as chair- Council of Square Dance Clubs. At the man of a committee to recommend a same time they were both active in large affair during his term, patterned starting callers organizations. after the very successful two day affair In conjunction with the diamond held during my term. jubilee celebration of the city of Santa Among the members of that com- Monica, and due to the tremendous mittee was Ed Gilmore, who had been popularity of square dancing. Bob was traveling and calling for several years asked to put together some square around the country. He suggested dance event as part of the diamond square dancing needed some kind of jubilee celebration. Bob called together convention. Our committee decided the presidents of the then seven South- we might as well shoot for the moon ern Calif. associations, outlined his but decided that I and another caller, plans for a huge evening street square Walt Baumann, would visit Bob Osgood dance and requested their assistance and get his reaction as we felt he had and cooperation which they all pledged. his finger on the pulse of square In the middle of 1950 the dance dancers all over America. Not only was held at the intersection of Ocean was he enthusiastic in his response but and Wilshire Blvds., which were roped he pledged his full support and that of off and policed in 3 directions. A large his staff. When our association director stand was erected with its back to the heartily approved the idea and asked ocean and facing down the middle of me to serve as general chairman, I said Wilshire Blvd. When the time came I would only if Ed Gilmore would square dancers poured in from all over consent to be my co-chairman, to Southern Calif. as far as 140 miles or which he agreed. more away. Fifteen thousand dancers Ed made available to us his mailing had a wonderful time to the best list as did Bob. Without this we would callers of the area and to live music. I have had no contacts. had just been elected president of the As a result there were 34 states and Cow Counties Hoedown Association in Canada represented at the first Na- June of 1950 and inherited the task of tional. The telephone and highway enlisting dancers for this. We arranged between my home and Sets In Order for buses at strategic locations in the was much in use. The help and en- area to pick up the dancers from out couragement of Bob Osgood, Jay and past Victorville and Barstow, from the Helen Orem and all the Sets in Order Indio and Palm Springs area and the staff made possible a successful and Hemet area, and all assembled at very enjoyable National Convention. Pomona for the trip into Santa Monica. In so many ways they helped that it Seventeen buses were loaded with would be almost impossible to remem- square dancers and from Pomona on ber them all. we had either highway patrolmen or I feel Varene and I have been close local police to clear the way for us to Bob Osgood since those early days with sirens wailing. Six hundred or and to Becky when she became such a more dancers were on just these buses. wonderful partner, inspiration and Out of this successful cooperative help to Bob. effort and the friendships formed was I know of no one else who has been born the idea for the California Council so unselfishly dedicated to square danc- first hosted by the Western Square ing, its best interests and development Dance Assoc. in Alhambra, a suburb of except Dr. Lloyd (Nippy) and Dorothy L.A. From the staff of Sets in Order Shaw. To know them was an inspiration came staff members Jay and Helen in itself. I know Bob Osgood attended Orem. Helen served for many years as many of their institutes, absorbed and council secretary. practiced many of their philosophies.

20 Leatiersvhip - Step by Step by Bob Johnson Yakima, Washington

The Washington State Federation Leader- to join a class, when you help with a ship Seminar is an outstanding example of class, when you set the proper example square dance leadership training. Bob John- to new dancers, whenever you contri- son presented some of the basic beliefs bute to another dancer's pleasure. This behind the organization to the 1972 seminar is a form of leadership by example and in July. So that readers may realize what by sharing. the seminar has accomplished and its future potential, references to the seminar audience Now you have reached the first step have been left in context. on the stairway of leadership in square dancing. From here on the choice is In order to discuss the importance yours: continue at this level or go on to of leadership training we must first ascending steps. accept the importance of leadership To go on and accept specific duties itself. as committee member or officer is What is leadership? Leadership is the simply increasing the amount of art of using knowledge and experience sharing. to influence and guide others toward a Successful leadership in square danc- mutual objective. ing requires the effective sharing of It has been said, "Leadership is like responsibilities between callers and gasoline, you don't give it much thought dancers to meet the desired objectives until you run out." When this happens of sociability, fun, good dancing and progress stops and cannot be resumed successful club management. until refueling is accomplished. Next, let us consider some tools of More groups fail because of lack of leadership most applicable to the needs effective leadership than because of of clubs, councils and state federations. any other reason. Generally speaking, these are: We believe in the importance of 1. Organization leadership and the need for a leadership 2. Responsibilities training program. Our next considera- A. Callers and their wives tion is "what do we need in the program B. Officers and committees in order to best serve the needs of C. Dancers square dancing?" 3. Financial management First of all we need to think for a 4. Communication moment about leaders — who are they? 5. Publicity, promotion and Who are the leaders in square dancing? motivation The callers and teachers? Of course! 6. Customs and traditions The dancers? Absolutely! All of us — How are leaders trained? There are Everyone in square dancing enjoys various formal titles for methods of the benefits and pleasures; everyone of training: lecture- courses, correspond- us has the privilege of sharing the res- ence courses, conferences and seminars, ponsibilities. Nothing good happens by management courses, etc. itself. We must press on or fall back. We have chosen to utilize the semi- It is not possible to let things stay as nar as a means to provide the oppor- they are. tunity for our federation callers and When do you start to become a dancers to further develop their leader- leader in square dancing? Actually the ship traits and skills. first step takes place when you start The seminar method is a great way sharing your knowledge and experience to do this because it is based on with another, when you invite someone sharing.

21 In this type of atmosphere and training in square dancing? learning situation we exchange ideas. We need it to survive! We learn from each other and each of We need it to progress! us goes forth from here charged with We need it to fill the wants and new ideas, increased enthusiasm, and desires of our dancers and callers who the knowledge that our beloved square wish to be good leaders, who give of dance movement is going to have its themselves so generously to improve greatest year. our square dance and round dance Now! What happens? programs and preserve the traditions of Do we go back to our clubs and the American Square Dance. councils and share this enthusiasm and We need it so we will learn to share these ideas? If we do share and put into responsibility. We need it so that every practice any portion of what we gain dancer and caller will be able to com- here we have made this seminar worth municate with each other — will strive while. If not, we have just had another for mutual objectives above personal big dance and social hour. satisfaction. Let's remember that what you re- Considering leadership in its most ceive and store away and do not use basic and simple terms, leadership is accomplishes nothing. What you share getting together to get the job done. and what you give multiplies—develops At every level of our activity, some —unfolds. No place else, more than in must lead and some must follow but square dancing, does it hold true that the desires of all must remain im- "as you sow, so shall ye reap"—"give portant and be given honest impartial and you shall receive." consideration. To do this we must Now! Why do we need leadership share our understanding and our

Weber kle4tent Wear 104 WEMPE DRIVE — CUMBERLAND, MD. 21502 — PHONE (301) 724-2925 "CLOUD NINE" COMFORT by Coast Ballet PRINCESS — An unlined pump with an elasticized throat. full 1,4 " foam cush ioned innersole and a %" heel. WHITE or BLACK $7.98 GOLD or SILVER $9.98 SUS ti'O$TAct- RINGO— Unlined with an elas boxed throat. an instep strap Joined by an elastic ring. Cush ioned innersole and I', heel WHITE or BLACK . $8.98 GOLD or SILVER . $10.98 PLusrosies-,L ALL COLORS ADD $1.00 FOR POSTAGE, Z'oicr s: REC - P'NK - HOT RINK Rounded INSURANCE AND HANDLING - ORANGE - TELLOO - LA's EN:',ER - LT. BLUE-BRCAN-LWE GREEN NO C.O.D.'S. - BONE -NAV Y FLUE E available on 24 Hour Service. SPECIAL RATES FOR Price of Colored $9.95 NEW CLASSES. plus Postage Charge Specify ROUND or TAPERED TOE Pleose W,,r• For Derails. as shown. SIZES: 4 thru 11 =33 WIDTHS. MEDIUM or NARROW.

22 thoughtfulness to the same degree as group with common beliefs in the value we share our ideas and enthusiasm. of sharing leadership ideas to improve We are extremely fortunate in this square dancing for all of us. Today this federation to have the quality and seminar has been recognized as a quantity of outstanding leadership for source of information worthy of na- which Washington has been recognized tional note. Presentations from previous by 3 of the best known national seminars have been appearing in Ame- leaders of square dancing. rican Square Dance Magazine. This We can point with pride to projects room is filled with square dancers galore that are examples of exceptional and callers who are here to learn and leadership. I'll name only a few. to share every possible idea we can 1. Our dancing program at club and explore to improve the wonderful council area is constantly being brought hobby we love. before thepublic in an excellent manner I can think of no better example to and with the right image. make the point that the future success 2. An outstanding national conven- of square and round dancing depends tion. on continuity of leadership — the 3. Our annual state festivals. right kind of leadership. The right kind 4. The operation of our state fed- of leadership will result from the right erations. kind of leadership training. Lead — do 5. Our state magazine and many not shove!! others. Let's keep square dancing growing 6. But most of all, this leadership and moving forward — but by all means seminar, nurtured from an inspiration let's also be sure we keep square dancing and driving desire, started as a small fun!

WALTZ with Inc darling before we go home Did it ever occur to you that dancing is scarcely dancing without the WALTZ? that the pioneers on the plains and in the mining camps put a waltz or two on every square dance program? that the WALTZ QUADRILLE is the QUEEN of square dances" that often a waltz usurps the floor of any nice restaurant or supper-club? Being unable to waltz is just about as unfortunate as being unable to drive a car! No you don't have to he a "round dance" buff and learn a lot of patterns (although that's great fun). JUST LEARN TO WALTZ. Ask your caller to play a waltz at intermission or at the end of the evening. Make your own pat- tern or step it straight the waltz has saved many a marriage! You can learn by yourself in your own "rec" room with Lloyd Shaw's beautiful teaching album: LEARNING TO WALTZ.

LEARNING TO WALTZ 55.00 postpaid from the

The Lloyd Shaw Foundation P.O. Box 203 Colorado Springs, Colorado 50901

23 IIIIER R BACH • Flip instrumentals PRESENTS

...... )BLUE STAR ALBUMS: 1023— Marshall Flippo calling the Kirkwood LP in stereo 1022— Al Brownlee calling the Fontana album in stereo, half patter, half singing BLUE STAR CARTRIDGE TAPES: 8 track: 56.95 each plus 14t postage (12 dances on each tape) 1023— Marshall Flippo calling the Kirkwood tape in stereo 1022— Al Brownlee calling the Fontana tape in stereo 1019— Al Brownlee calling the Fontana Gold Record tape 1016— Marshall Flippo calls in stereo BLUE STAR 45 RPM RELEASES : 1933— I'll See You In My Dreams, Caller: Bob Fisk' 1932— Old Dan Tucker (Key GI, Big Chief (Key A), (Hoedowns) 1931— Worried Man, Caller! Dave Taylor* 1930— The Keys In The Mailbox, Caller: Roger Chapman• 1929— Iota, Caller: Dave Taylor' DANCE RANCH RELEASES: 609— If It Feels Good, Do It, Caller: Frank Lane• 608— Hang On The Bell, Caller: Frank Lane• 607— Sloop John B, Caller: Bill Schutz' 606— Do You Remember These, Caller: Barry Medford' BOGAN RELEASES: 1249— It's Four In The Morning, Caller: Lem Gravelle• 1248— Back In The Race, Caller: George Leverett• 1247— Games People Play, Caller: John Johnston' ROCKING A RELEASES 1356— Broken Hearted Me, Caller: Mal Minshall• 1355— Countrified, Caller: Earl Wright• LORE RELEASES: 1134— Your Other Love, Caller: Bobby Keefe• 1133— You Do The Calling, Caller: Don Whitaker' SWINGING SQUARE RELEASES: 2358— Country Green, Caller: Jack Winkler• 2357— West Texas Highway, Caller: Ken Oppenlander•

MERRBACH RECORD SERVICE 323 West 14th St., Houston, Texas

24 As I read your article "Meanderings It is in fact a very tiring and lonely with Stan" July 1972 issue, I did so profession. It is certainly not the best with a few tears in my eyes. I was so paying profession when you consider touched by what you wrote I called the many long hours put forth. Is it all my husband in and read the article to worth it? We think so. We love the him. We both agree that you are saying Square Dance World and our small part what we feel. We want to thank you in it. Are we chasing an impossible for expressing it for us. It is a very dream? Maybe! But if we are, we like well expressed article with much under- the results. We're sometimes so very standing and depth. We also feel some tired and feel so discouraged, then we times that our dream is an "impossible look out at a smiling floor of dancers dream". We also have asked ourselves, and we feel that it is worth it. is it worth it? And we say yes, em- Your article brought to mind a poem phatically; yes, it is worth it. The life Jack and I like. I've enclosed it. I'm not of a traveling caller is far from easy. It sure of the author. Peggy Cloe is not easy for the caller nor his family. Independence, Mo.


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all up hill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit — Rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As everyone of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow — You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than It seems to faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up When he might have captured the victor's cup; And he learned too late when the night slipped down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out — The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit — It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit. Author Unknown

25 StRAiGHT TALK Readers are invited to send opinions, suggestions and thoughts for publication in this new regular feature. Opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. doubled, the caller has a tremendous by Mac Let= job. No matter how dedicated the in- Muscle Shoals, Alabama structor, and no matter how much Most of you who have been in square help he has, it is almost impossible to dancing for sometime are familiar with bring the average dancer from the rank the drop-out dancer who has enjoyed of beginner to full club level dancing the activity and gone on to other ability through class instruction in a interests. single season. But, there is a totally different type I know the question of what we can of drop out in our activity today. Back do as dancers to help this situation when we had only 10 or 15 lessons to has come to mind. Everyone can re- teach we thought of the beginner drop member three or four couples who out as the couple who came three or were dancing last year that no longer four nights and then decided that be- dance anywhere. In other words, our cause of the physical exertion or for square dance bucket has a hole in it. other reasons that this was not their Dancers are pouring out at the bottom "cup of tea" and they did not want to about as fast as they come in the top. put forth the effort to complete the One step we need to take is the re- beginners class. However, the "dif- education of our club dancers to the ferent" drop-out we have today is the fact that the caller cannot maintain the one who has completed 30 lessons, same level of dancing when the class graduated, and started dancing with first begins dancing as club members. the group. This is the drop-out who is This is one reason we have so many damaging to the activity because we drop-outs after graduation. The caller have put forth so much effort and time in trying to please the experienced to get people to this point and then dancers will tend to call maneuvers too lose them. This is the trend in square complicated for the new dancer and if dancing I would like to discuss. Let's this continues the drop-out occurs. review some of the steps we need to The club dancers need to remember the take to eliminate this problem of the time when they were new dancers and square dance drop out. give all the help possible to the caller First of all, let's look at the caller and the new dancer. Many callers have and teacher's part in this program. Your been very successful in finding this caller is the most important factor in middle ground to keep both groups the entire picture. Take note of how happy, yet no caller can claim complete his job has changed over the past few success. years. The crucial point for new dancers A few years back the caller-teacher is some 60 to 90 days after graduation. had approximately 50 basics to teach, At this point, there must be a combined and when the class graduated they effort between caller and club dancers were able to dance at the club level. to see that the utmost in hospitality is Because of the fact that we have so extended. By hospitality, I mean a many basics to teach today and the concentrated effort to invite couples time involved in teaching a class has Continued on Page 64


THE GOOD NEWS IS: Subscription rates will remain the same during the immediate future. BUT, THE BAD NEWS IS: Because of raises in postal rates, some subscriber services must be cur- tailed. Single magazines will no longer be mailed between bulk mailings of each issue. If your renewal is not received in time for the next issue's mailing, you will miss an issue. For instance, you receive an expiration notice in the last week of September. The October issue is on its way to you and is your final issue of your old subscription. If your renewal is not received by the 23rd of October, you will not receive the November issue because your plate will be removed from the file. If this does happen, and you wish the missing issue mailed to you, please enclose 25t with your renewal. New subscriptions will begin with the next bulk mailing. If you move, please send your new address six weeks in advance. Even if you request the post office to forward magazines to you, they may not. The back covers are ripped off, forwarded to us with your new address, and the rest of the issue destroyed. Sometimes the new addresses are illegible, too, so even after the post office sends yours to the publisher, you may not receive forthcoming issues. Duplicate magazines for those returned by the post office will no longer be mailed to subscribers automatically. If your request for a du- plicate is accompanied by 25e, we will gladly forward one to you. To continue receiving your issues without interruption, your best bet is to send renewals promptly and changes of address well in advance. Your editors are endeavoring to meet increased costs without raising sub- cription rates. We hope you, the readers, will understand and cooperate.

B. & S. SQUARE DANCE SHOP Billy and Sue Miller MAGNET, INDIANA 47555 Phone: (8121 843-2491

Stretch Pants - cotton • the shoe most square medium and knee length. dancers wear. IA" heel 9 rows of I'/, " lace with elastic binding on knee length and 8 around shoe. Strap rows on medium length. across instep. White, black, pink, yel- Black and White $8.95 low, orange, blue, red Yellow, Pink and multicolor. and Orange 89.95 Sues: S-M•L•Exl. Silver and Gold $10.95 0.99 ea. 2 Pr. $1 1 00 Sizes 4 to 10 — Med. and Narrow Dealer inquiries sissy Pants- 6 rows lace- Postage .50. Immediate delivery. welcome on $4.00 plus 35it postage. Patti-pants & slips Indiana residents add 2% sales tax • NTTWOIRTTW.-wwwwWWWI• eland

27 cing within our own clubs and our own circle of friends. There is nothing in the world wrong with this, only we Dancing should get out and spread our talents among more people. Tips Another way to broaden your friendships and this is perhaps one of the best, is to help your club start new classes. There is nothing that can re- juvenate old dancers like helping at a by Harold & Lill Bausch class. As a matter of fact, a new class can rejuvenate old callers, too! Back in 1967, my father took a When visiting another club, be sure trip to California and sent me a post- to introduce yourself to any strangers card. The saying on it was, "I remem- in each square you dance in, and above ber when I started to work, but I'll he all, be sure to invite them to come and darned if I can remember why." dance with you in your club. How many of us have forgotten why Don't forget why you started dan- we started to square dance? I am not cing. It was to get out and have fun, so referring to the insistence of either the do just that and go, go, go! Television husband or wife whatever the case may is a wonderful thing, but it will never be, but to the actual reason. Wasn't it replace the hours of entertainment you because you were looking for a new have square dancing with friends. form of entertainment? You were in a rut sitting at home night after night, watching television, or each going to separate meetings? This is the down- fall of so many couples — not going out together and thus not enjoying life together; each going their separate way. Well, you can't go separate ways when you square dance. Square danc- ing opens a door to a great, wide, ex- citing form of entertainment which will last you for the rest of your life if you .... AND MAY WE BE THE FIRST want it to. This healthful exercise also broadens your circle of friends, and TO WISH YOU A MERRY ONE... you won't broaden something else as you sit at home night after night. And to remind you that it's time Speaking of friendship, how many to order our very distinctive Christ- of you who have danced more than mas cards same as our December 1970 cover design with appropriate three years are still going out to visit message for all on your list. other clubs. I don't mean because someone tells you to help retrieve the 10 CARDS AND ENVELOPES — $1.00 club's banner, but because you want WRAPPED FOR EASY STORAGE to meet new people and make new ORDER FROM THIS P 0 BOX 788 MAGAZINE SANDUSKY.OHIC friends. Here again, we are getting into 44870 a rut, and missing the boat by just dan-

28 advanced material, but you don't know any advanced material, you can't act on what your judgment tells you. Simi larly, if you can't call anything but ad- vanced figures, you can't exercise your judgment that a given floor should get simpler material. You owe it to your- self and dancers to be as skilled as it-•••••-•4•-••••••-••-•••4 possible at all levels. JUDGMENT Never forget that it is possible to This is the most complex subject in believe in the kind of material you call all of calling and is approached (with so strongly and be so skilled that, if it's justification) by all of us in fear and advanced figures, you can actually trembling. It is at the very heart of a make a floor dance above their ability caller's success or lack of success and and love it. Conversely, if you believe the only thing of more personal con- wholeheartedly in the fundamental cern than judgment is the caller's own rightness of the "fun dance," it is pos- personality. General Omar Bradley sible to make a floor of advanced dan- said it best: "Judgment comes from cers go along with you, at least for a experience and experience comes from night. bad judgment." I suspect that much (not all) objec- Judgment operates at all levels and tion to new material stems from callers it operates continuously. You must using poor judgment. A caller who uses judge what kind of a caller you want terms not known to the floor is using to be in the over-all sense. You must poor judgment (even if he's doing it to judge what material you will use at get a booking at the local challenge each dance. You must judge whether club). A caller using an experimental the material you planned to use is the movement in every tip (even though wrong material and what kind of ma- he teaches it each time) is using poor terial would be better. You must judge judgment (even though the program what the first tip should consist of to chairman is dancing in one square put your best foot forward. You must that's having a great time). judge what the next tip should be, and A caller who teaches a new move- the next... and the last one. You must ment at a workshop so that the sharp- judge what kind of singing call would est dancers get it but the rest of the be best, based on the kind of hash tip floor does not is using very poor judge- you just did. And getting down to fine ment. After all, many dancers who say points, you must judge which chorus there is too much new material were of the singing call is the one to "sell" not taught the moves properly and and which choruses you should coast never got to dance them. A caller must on. take care that most of the floor has -Your judgment will be different de- danced a movement if he judges it is pending on whether you're calling a worthwhile putting on the workshop tip at a convention, calling an open agenda in the first place. dance, your own club dance, a work- And finally the caller must judge shop, a challenge dance or a beginner which experimental moves seem to cotillion. Your judgment may change have merit and which do not. I too in the middle of a tip as you watch the have to judge of the ten or twelve floor go down in ruins on something moves that are invented every month you thought would be the hit of the which two or three have the most evening. merit. I'm wrong in my choices some- The exercise of judgment depends times, too, but I'm putting my judg- on your knowledge and skill. If you ment on the line. judge that you should be using more From Jay King's HIO Notes (See Page 36)

29 by Bob Howell

With vacation time coming to a close and getting the kids back to school, what tune could be more appropriate than "Take Me Home, Country Roads"?


RECORD: Bogan 1242 INTRO, BREAK, ENDING: Join hands circle, go walking round there Reverse and travel single file and then Four ladies back track meet partner turn back Left allemande then go weavin round the track Take me home country roads Do-sa-do when you meet your own and promenade Oh West Virginia Mountain Momma Take me home you country roads. FIGURE: Four men star right now — inside the circle Pass your partner, turn corner left hand round Partner by the right hand, you turn that lady Corner by the left, turn her and then Four ladies chain, and turn that maid Chain them back, roll promenade Oh West Virginia, Mountain Momma Take me home you country roads.


Here is a different version of Bingo. This is a simple waltz mixer involving no waltz turns, sent to me by Kirby Todd of Folk Valley, Marseilles, Illinois. Kirby uses this one with his big kids and little ones and attests to the fact that they get a big kick out of being hugged. (Don't we all?)

BINGO WALTZ MIXER RECORD: White Lightning VVL1R Dance written by Bill & Gretchen Castner FORMATION: Single circle, lady on man's right, all facing center of circle.

ME AS: 1-2 All balance forward and back 3-4 Roll ladies across with a half sashay to the left 5-16 Repeat Measures 1-4 three more times. 17-20 Face the fifth lady in butterfly position. Do a step draw, step draw toward the center of the circle and a step draw, step draw out toward the wall. 21-24 Repeat Measures 17-20. 25-32 Take partner's right hand and grand right and left spelling out B-I-N-G-0. Each letter takes one waltz step. On the letter 0, hug your partner for a three measure count. On Measure 32, open out to face center and begin again.

THE WHEAT And finally, with September comes the golden wheat; also the family get-togethers where there is inevitably more girls than boys, or vice-versa, so here is a -triple,- a Czechoslovakian dance done in threes.

RECORD- RCA Victor EPA 4146 Opening formation: Sets of three, preferably one boy and two girls, or one girl and two boys. All face counterclockwise, inside hands joined.

Part 1: All walk forward 16 steps. Part 2: Center dancer hooks right elbow with right hand partner and turns twice around with 8 skipping steps. Repeat with partner on left.

Repeat from beginning as often as desired. Center dancer may move forward to dance with a new set of partners each time dance is repeated.

JACQUE's ORIGINALS P.O. Box 8134 (5121 853-3931 Corpus Christi, Texas 78412

PETTICOATS Nylon marquisette DELRON'S 50 yard sweep $14.95 30 yard sweep... $10.95 $1.00 yt,44wtate length, waist, P.O. BOX 364 ;lie _id or 50 yo c4pr. LEMON GROVE, CAL. 92045 PETTIPANTS.. iste Mid-thigh, k .14.50 Sm., Med., xL,:e, include 50g shipping •,• • CLUB BADGES PROMPT DELIVERY GUARANTEED I Petticoats manufactured by Jacque's Originals OUR SPECIALTY Dealer inquiries invited

31 Have you ever been fortunate family, and E.L.'s wife Jeannine. They enough to watch the King Family on too became active and soon E.L. be- television or perhaps even live? If you came President of their square dance have, then you surely were impressed club, the Rebel Rounders. He also by the size of the family and their served on the board of the G.N.O.S/DA. exceptional talent. We feel that you Square dance fever spread rapidly will be equally pleased with our "King through the E.L. Stieffel household Family" of Square Dancing — Father and soon their three sons, Laurent, Stieffel's contribution to New Orleans David and Marc James were dancing and the 20th National Convention — in Mom and Dad's footsteps. Since the Stieffel Family. All of the Stieffels there was no local square dance club appeared on stage during the fashion for the boys to join, Mom and Dad show, pictured above. were instrumental in forming the The origin of the Stieffel Family's Southern Stompers, now a New Orleans interest in square dancing quite natu- West Bank club for teens. Laurent, a rally began in 1960 after Tom and college junior, is president of the Annamae Silbernagel's first Greenie Southern Stompers; David is the artist Night. (I say quite naturally because in the family and puts his talents to Annamae is the "Number One" work by serving on the decorating Stieffel.) They were so enthusiastic committee for club functions and Marc that night that Tom was the first in James is 14 and has six years of dancing line to sign for lessons. Twenty weeks to his credit already. later they graduated just in time for Next Stieffel, please! Oh, it's Aggie the 1961 New Orleans Festival. That Stieffel, Father Stieffel's red head. was 10 years ago and since that time Aggie's interest in square dancing flared Tom and Annamae have been promi- while a sophomore in high school. She nent members of the Greater New became a member of Fas-in-8ers Teen Orleans Square Dance Association; Tom Club near her home. is a past President and Annamae a past Once upon a Greenie Night in 1970, secretary. Tom and Annamae were quite sur- Tom and Annamae, in their enthu- prised to find Maurice and Jane Olivier siasm, managed to recruit another (another girl Stieffel) in attendance. Stieffel, Emile, known as E.L. to his Maurice and Jane had such fun they

One Pbotostamp Is Worth 1000 Words YOUR PHOTO ON STAMPS ACTUAL SIZES NOW Made in 3 Sizes MAXI MIDI Hundreds of uses: Personalize your station- Sheet Sheet ery, calling cards, announcements, etc. Cal- of 50 of 100 MINI lers, use these for Century Club books. $4.00 $5.00 Sheet Reproduced from any size photo, snapshot, of 200 or negative. Photo returned unharmed. $5.00 Prices listed are for black and white photo- stamps. Color Is $1.00 more per sheet — maxi size only. High Gloss Photograph, brilliant, clear, per- forated, with gummed backs, lust like a sheet of postage stamps. Allow 10 days for delivery, longer for color. Satisfaction guaranteed. .11416_0, . 4 Send photo or negative with check or money order to: Roy & Billie Gawthrop, 5219 Ardmore Ave., Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809

32 signed for lessons the same night. As spent 20 weeks of "refereeing" instead luck would have it not enough Greenies of teaching. They graduated in time signed up so the classes were cancelled. for the 19th National Convention and Would that stop a Stieffel? What do all made plans to attend. However, the you think? Jane soon convinced Nell stork had different plans for Kenny and Eddie Bourgeois (you guessed it, and Gerry who had to remain behind. another girl Stieffel) to join the fun The 20th National found all attending along with Kenny and Gerry Stieffel. with Nell and Eddie serving as Co- Did I say the class was cancelled? That Directors of Dormitory Housing and Monday night club caller, Earl Mc- Housing Statistics, while Kenny and Callum and his wife Ruth were bom- Gerry burned the midnight oil to pro- barded with not one but three Stieffels duce our beautiful and most functional and their spouses. That must have been signs scattered throughout the con- a "stifling" 20 weeks. Earl swears he Continued on Page 64

The Stieffel Family at the Fashion Show, New Orleans, June 1971.


1969, 1970, 1971, 1972 Write for details: is now available on microfilm. UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.


by Iowa Enfieht, There was a couple married late, Dress up bright, Decided they would separate. Put on your pins Square dancing came into their life, Make memories grow And now they're hack as man and wife. With happy grins.

People change because they grow But square dancers really glow. So bring your friends. c'mon let's go Dancing will cure their trouble and woe.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I've danced with joy most of the night Think I'll start counting sheep The square dancing was. Oh, just right! When it ended there was a party The dancers gathered and all ate hearty. My wife and I like this kind of fun Our friends think life has just begun!

In the early days of tribal man Dancing was done with tribe or clan Now it has reached a higher stage. It's called square dancing for any age. The caller calls with a musical beat: Brightly dressed couples use rhythmic feet.

Square dance costumes are a beautiful sight. When music is added, it's a heavenly night. With a gathering of people to dance in a hall. The time could be spring, summer. winter or fall.

When a caller's voice is loud and clear, And people come from far and near- Can you resist the square dance call? It's a challenge to dance. for each and all. When the caller's voice is clear and loud You see the lights and a joyful crowd. How can you resist the tempting sight Of the square dance action of the night? 34 7 RHYME AND REASON

oward A. CoIlins .14, Connecticut Follow your star Wherever you are The cost of square dancing Enjoy square dances Is surprisingly small. Whenever there're chances Allemanding and balancing Have a good life Are a bargain for all! With friends and wife The message is clear The spirit of square dancers Whether away or near Is marvelous to behold; Here is the answer : And their friendly attitude Just be a square dancer. Is a treasure of gold.

Summer, fall, winter or spring Square dancing's always a joyful thing. The seasons come, the seasons go Read American Square Dance and you will know.

I like to hear the music Of a hoedown loud and clear I like to see the dancers Dressed up bright and circling near. I like to hear the caller I get a thrill without a fear. I like to feel the joy In the square dance atmosphere .

Large or small, short or tall Square dancing's right for one and all; So join the crowd and have a ball, Enjoy the music with the caller's call. Exercise in square dancing is just right, And everyone needs some, large or slight. The music, rhythm and caller's might, All combine when you exercise at night.

TThehe dancers conic. If you've never tried to square dance Sonic old. some new. Or you never had a chance Few know just what Just put it on your "do" list. The caller goes through! And you'll see what you have missed.

Put some sunshine in your life For where square dance sunlight blends You're always welcome. you and your wife Cox And all your people and friends. 35 1ti-IFFAL4) Gm, 41 .1mt, ATTENTION CALLERS AND GROUP LEADERS

Are you aware that your dancers can swing their partners in the largest r hall in the country? (Seeing is believing). We can accommodate forty squares on our newly finished dance floor. Our resort near Winchester, Virginia, has thirty-eight cabins to house your dancers in comfort. A national folk dance group has already discovered our great food, beautiful lake, game rooms, play fields, etc. (Our own mountain spring water is un- - - paralleled). We now welcome an interested square dance group to investigate our facility for an exclusive weekend or week program to be held spring, sum-.., zer or fall. - I am looking for a leader with a following and ambition for future promotion -- - with whom I will sign an exclusive contract for leasing of my facility. This of- - fering is an outstanding opportunity for the right person to connect himself - on a permanent basis with a facility which will prove both profitable and pres- tigious. If you find this possibility appealing, write Herman Rubenstein, Capon Bridge - —West Virginia, 26711, or call 301-649-3511. -f- Five-Tip Tapes

A Brand New Service From Jay King Send for complete list of experimental and club-level figures available on tape (there are more than 30). You choose any five of them and I'll send you: 1. A 60-minute taped workshop containing five tips using the exact material you've requested a tape custom tailored for YOU, in other words. 2. Printed sheets with any experimental or complex figures diagrammed and every called pattern written in full. These tapes are exceptionally clear. Every experimental figure is carefully taught. All figures, both experimental and club level, are presented in patterns that give practice from several different setups. AN I NVALUABLE TOOL FOR DANCERS WHO WANT EXTRA HOME PRACTICE A PERSONALIZED AID TO CALLERS WHO MUST PLAN WORKSHOPS

Five Tip Tapes are on 7-inch reek or 60-minute cassettes and are S4.95 each, postpaid Send for list of more than 30 available tapes from.. JAY KING P.O.BOX 462 LEXINGTON. MASS. 02173 A GRAND SQUARE dancer

Loren Long was the general chair- being hired, and started work in Kan- man of the 21st National Convention sas City with the CAA in 1945. He in Des Moines, an early summer event moved to Des Moines in 1950. that still has square dancers talking After 27 years as a controller, about it. What does Loren do when twelve of these as a supervisor, Loren he's not square dancing? To quote estimates he's handled thousands of Nick Lamberto of the Des Moines planes taking off or landing at the air- Register, "In a profession that teems port. Pressure never seemed to bother with ulcers, hypertension and nervous Loren, his associates say, either in exhaustion, Loren Long stood out as handling traffic during rush hours, or an unflappable, unperturbed airport handling a convention of 16,000 dan- control tower operator." cers. His fellow employees call him Loren is retiring this summer after "Man of Steel" or "Silver Fox." 22 years at the Des Moines Municipal One of the busiest times at the air- Airport. Although this is an early re- port is between 5 and 6 p.m. when tirement, he says, "Traffic control is training flights and charter trips con- a young man's game. The reflexes verge so pilots and passengers arrive in slow and you might lose the ability to time for dinner. Loren waxes philoso- make those snap decisions'." phical even at such times. "Airplanes Loren served in the army, was an are like grapes," he says, "they come aviation cadet with the coast artillery in bunches." Perhaps he feels the same and received his pilot's wings in 1943. about square dancers now that Des He applied for work with the Civil Moines has seen 16,000 arrive and de- Aeronautics Administration in 1945 part after enjoying the event of the because men with military service were year. T S 'LAA AAALAAL LLLhL Promenaders, Inc. "MADE BY SQUARE DANCERS FOR SQUARE DANCERS" • SOUARE DANCE SHOES •Sizes 4 - 10, .Variety of Styles Available Narrow or Medium • Rainbow of Colors •Dealer inquiries invited • Glove Leather •Direct mail order available • Steel Arch Support •Write for brochure

Route 6, Blackwell Road, Marietta, Ga., 30060 V V V V V V 7V1-7 V7VV V bnedli*-16"*.1111-*••1,,- 1 • • • • 4;1;116;1;1 ba;d "d. p.717. p...7.1 p.7.1 PrZ.7,4 P7.7411, .• p.••••••••••-•.”....4 P.... P. d. .

E)1:, 'Its M qucuse ance „.. . 0 CLOTHING F 0.. • .• . 1A I . : :31;.: I tt !•• •

Ato. FLORIDA AN- .. CHEZ BEA for square and NEW YORK A lt- . round dancing CREATIONS !RONDA Square Dance Shoppe 759 Washington Ave. (266-5720) ...746' 46 650 N.E. 128 St. (759-8131) • • N. Miami, Fla. 33161 Irondequoit, Rochester, N.Y. Everything for the square dancer! SQUARE DANCE CORNER (565-3781) 2435 No. Dixie Highway OHIO Wilton Manors, Florida BELT & BUCKLE Western Shop YOUR FRIENDLY ONE-STOP SHOP 1891 Mapleview Dr. (216-524-8970) Cleveland, Ohio 44131 9t1 INDIANA S/D Clothing, Jewelry, Records .'t- ALLEMANDE SHOP (219-663-2476) HERGATT'S WESTERN SHOP ;It; 250 North Main St. 71c: 50 N. Linwood Ave. Crown Point, Ind. 46307 Norwalk, Ohio 44857 OUR BUSINESS— S/D CLOTHING EVERYTHING WESTERN B-BAR-B SQUARE DANCE APPAREL ;10 1538 Main St. (Speedway) M & H WESTERN FASHIONS Indianapolis, Indiana 46224 13002 Lorain Ave. (216-835-0354) RECORDS SHIPPED SAME DAY Cleveland, Ohio 44111 THE WESTERN BOOTIQUE MAIL ORDERS WELCOME 65 East Main St. SQUARE TOGS Hagerstown, Ind. 47346 11757 U.S. 42 Appropriate, appealing apparel Sharonville, Ohio 45241 KANSAS RECORDS AVAILABLE, TOO' THE SQUARE DANCE SHOPPE THE WESTERN SHOP 2319 S. Seneca (316-263-5532) 33 South Main St. Wichita, Ks. 67213 Miamisburg, Ohio 45342 Everything for the Square Dancer Will ship anywhere same day. KENTUCKY PENNSYLVANIA Preslar's Western Shop Inc. Ed & Marea's Western Wear & Records 3111 5. 4 St. 3749 Zimmerly Road Lousiville, Ky 40214 (Corner Love & Zimmerly) All 5/0 supplies; Newcombs & mikes Erie, Pa. 16506 LOUISIANA SOUTH CAROLINA BETTY-JO Enterprises (504-729-7182) Marty's Square Dance Fashion .2t; P.O. Box 73065 404 Cherokee Drive Metairie, La. 70003 Greenville, S.C. 29607 0] Petticoats for Adults, Teens, Pre-teens S/D Clothing for men & women MASSACHUSETTS TENNESSEE Peg's S/D Shop (413-442-9335) Nick's Western Shop 47 Weller Ave. Off Rt. 7 245 E. Market & Cherokee Pittsfield, Mass. 01201 Kingsport, Tenn. 37660 Mail orders; free catalog; fashion shows. WILL SHIP RECORDS & CLOTHING MICHIGAN WEST VIRGINIA RUTHAD (313-841-0586) BUCK & SANDY'S WESTERN WEAR 8869 Avis Route 3, Meadowdale xv.: Detroit, Mich. 48209 Fairmont, West Virginia 26554 Prettier, perkier, petticoats, pantalettes Complete Line for Square Dancers NEW JERSEY ;:q:: I he Corral, John Pedersen, Jr. 41 Cooper Ave. c' West Long Bran, h. N.J. 07764 : 'D APPAREL i'iND ACCESSORIES

38 Steal a .Lace Peek _...... 4k---.4....iii,

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Fred Staeben has been a full time caller for the past ten years, since his retirement from the United States Air Force. He and his wife Ruth reside in Palmer Lake, Colorado. He started calling 18 years ago while stationed in . A peek in his record case reveals he is currently using:

Singing Calls: Look What They've Done To My Song - Top Smile In Your Style - Lucky I Want To Be Your Salty Dog - Jay-Bar-Kay Don't Chicken Out - Hi Hat False Hearted Girl Jay-Bar-Kay Best Is Yet To Come - Wagon Wheel Colorado - Kalox Daddy Was A Preacher- Windsor I Left My Heart In San Francisco - Bogan

Hoedowns: Billy John - Wagon Wheel Lisa - Red Boot Biloxi Mustang Braken Top Road Hog - Pioneer

oWir•nlr4OW07410W4r•W•—•"*WIr•—•W•WWW410W-• Recordings by RED 13007 FLUTTER WHEEL - STARDUST RB128 RAISE A RUCKUS by Bill Volner RB129 YELLOW RIBBON Stan Burdick MY KIND OF LOVE Jim Coppinger RB131 DO YOU REMEMBER THESE by Ted Frye RB132 YOU'LL BE MINE by Bob Vinyard FVV504 SMILES by Tommie Morris FW505 GOOD OLD LUCY BROWN by Roger McGowan nun Williarnsor ROUTE 8, GREENEVILLE, TENNESSEE 37743 PHONE (615) 638-7784 k r

WO 1 Nil

S 0 3 vie trail) ORLICH

or three quarters (half way and a quarter more, 270 degrees). A full turn would be completely around GRAPW (360 degrees) from starting point of shoulder to shoulder. And from here CimmOrm.k-k 6 the quarter more can be judged (half of a half?). A "turn thru" for example is Arm turns, stars and loops! Where a step shoulder to shoulder, turn half do they start and where do they end? and pull by to end back to back. A cast What's meant by "full around," "three off perhaps could start shoulder to quarters" or "once and a quarter"? shoulder (centers in, cast off when in Many of our movements today depend 8-chain thru set-up). The cast off upon the dancers knowing the answers could be %, or a half plus one quarter to these questions. Sometimes even the more. Most dancers can pre-spot the caller isn't sure to the point of teaching half way mark much easier than the the movement incorrectly or, most three quarter mark. Adding a quarter is likely, haphazardly. Let's look at some usually simple when thinking time is facts. permitted. Arm turns and stars do not start by Turning stars is a hit more tricky reaching across to your opposite with because two people as a couple are your feet bolted to the starting spot. involved with an opposite couple. The One must somehow come to an under- minute four people step forward and standing of where and how the move- extend right hands in a four-hand star, ment begins in a comfortable and variations are created. To be equi- reasonable manner. The forearm grip distant from each other, each is in his of the arm turn is taken as the pivot own quadrant. So half, % or full around point but the distance to turn is only from the starting point is different in gauged from the time the dancers are each case. In order to come out "even" (inside) shoulder to shoulder. From as a couple, some "accommodation" here we measure half way (180 degrees) has to be made by each dancer (known

40 as "fudging"). In general, to "star half" has been going on for years apparently means across the set, "full around" with no correction. You are probably means back to home and, once and a right when you say the current des- half means full around plus across the scription is merely a cop-out to the set again. Each dancer has to gauge drab and uninspired callers who only this theory from HIS or HER starting use the call for out-of-sequence lines point in rho, star and accommodate to crosstrail to a left allemande. The accordingly. new "+50" Experimental Basic booklet The word "loop" has come into has a page (23) of example figures our picture in more recent years. We using the different types of crosstrail had "roll back" to mean an individual and crosstrail thru variations. cast away from starting point and "roll CROSSTRAIL = Person on right back in behind someone" to end facing crosses left in front of person on left. in the same direction as started (as in Person on left crosses right in back of Boomerang). A cloverleaf movement person on right. Movement ends with would be considered a loop or roll these two people back to back. back % (270 degrees). To loop back CROSSTRAIL THRU = Couples around (as in Flare the star) describes pass thru and half sashay to end up as a 180 degree small circle back to couples back to back without having starting point, i.e., started facing out, changed facing direction. ended facing in. So to "loop" as such EXAMPLE CALL: denotes a small circle made in direction Head couples crosstrail thru of body flow but the degree of turn is U-turn back dependent upon instructions or rule of (equals right and left thru) the movement. Head couples pass thru and crosstrail U-turn back (now in a double pass thru formation) Today's dancers have two meanings to the same call. (RIGHT) CALLERS' All 4 couples California twirl Crosstrail to the corner QUESTIONS Left allemande (WRONG) Head couples right and left thru Crosstrail to the corner Left allemande No mention of a "pass thru," yet BILL HAMILTON, Paw Paw, Mich. the dancers do one, why? Probably I note that in a newly issued Basic because the caller uses it this way in Movements Handbook, the Crosstrail every singing call he uses. But it's a Thru (36) is described as a pass thru, safe bet that these same dancers can do partners change places and turn away a Relay the top or T-cup chain cor- from each other. I disagree strenuously rectly! with this description. To my know- Perhaps someday we will all agree ledge, Crosstrail Thru has been taught on our basic basics and then proceed as pass thru, change places (half sashay) into the experimental area. We're work- and stay facing in the same direction. ing toward this goal. I think serious consideration should be BRIAN HOTCHKIES, Dudley, NSW, given before many of the new dancers Australia. I have been using a figure are taught wrong. from an ALAMO STYLE calling it ED NOTE: The misconception be- Spin the top to an allemande thar. tween "crosstrail" and "crosstrail thru" Have not seen nor heard any other

41 caller using this movement. ED NOTE: Called directionally, 'oft this is OK; i.e., Turn half by the right • _a. (or left), turn % by the left (or right) to an allemande thar, etc. To actually call it a "Spin the top" from the circle NE oi DEA (alamo) is wrong because the rule is "ENDS swing half, centers % and ends move up." Who is an end in a circle? The rule for a swing thru has no ends involved. It means those who can swing STAR TO A WAVE half by the right and then those who by Chuck Peel, Angola, Indiana can swing half by the left. Therefore a swing thru can be called in a line From couples facing, men step forward (ocean wave) or in a circle (alamo to form a star and girls fall in behind. style). We will try to find more figures Turn the star half way, boys take hand using "anybody that wants to, etc." of girls ahead of them and step for- in the near future as per your request. ward another '4 to form the ends of an ocean wave as girls catch left hands in LARRY JACK, Brea, Calif. the center. I have had very good reaction with a new gimmick figure I call Coffee TEACHING EXAMPLES Royale. Starting from a static square, by Will Orlich, Bradenton, Fla. all pair off and make two-person ocean Head couples right STAR TO WAVE waves with the corners, swing half by (eight counts) the right, boys left hand star % in the Swing thru, centers run center while girls circulate %, then Bend the line, crosstrail thru to swing half by the right, girls left hand Left allemande star' in the center while boys circulate Head two ladies chain %, then swing half by the right, boys Same two right STAR TO WAVE step ahead and turn partner left arm Step thru to left allemande around, corner right arm around, part- Heads lead right circle to a line ner left and finish by roll promenade. Right STAR TO WAVE ED NOTE: Forget the new "name" Swing thru, centers run and call it directionally: Bend the line, flutter wheel Face your corner, spin the top Right STAR TO WAVE Same one, spin the top Cast off %, boys run (1P2P) Same one turn thru Head couples right and left thru Partner left a full turn, so paso — Right STAR TO WAVE Roll promenade. Calling this figure in the above Step thru and circle four manner will prevent Coffee Royale Head gents break (1P2P) from becoming movement No. 1823 Star thru, right and left thru in the now voluminous S/D Encyclo- Right STAR TO WAVE pedia. Anybody for a martini? Spin the top and turn thru • Left allemande Head couples right STAR TO WAVE Ifk4 Spin the top and turn thru q k Separate around one, circle up eight Four boys go forward and back Right STAR TO WAVE Swing thru, centers run, bend line Back away and circle up eight Four girls go forward and back

42 Right STAR TO WAVE Sides separate and star thru Swing thruk centers run, bend line All California twirl Circle up eight Centers square thru four Reverse back, single file Others square thru two Boys turn back, Dixie grand Everyone California twirl Right, left, right, left allemande Centers square thru 3/4 Head couples left STAR TO WAVE Left allemande Step thru, circle four Heads right and left thru Head gents break to a line (1P2P) All roll away Right STAR TO WAVE Sides square thru % All eight circulate Heads pass thru, all cloverleaf Swing thru double, centers run Left allemande Bend the line, right STAR TO WAVE Head ladies chain Boys run, bend the line, Heads square thru Left allemande Curlique, centers circulate Men trade, girls trade ?„,0,a)9,(0p1 299_06 Centers trade, girls run 9 2 Left allemande WATCH OUT Heads square thru All four men run Everybody circulate Girls turn back and star thru Crosstrail, left allemande Head ladies chain % Sides turn them and roll away Pass thru, girls turn back Head men pass thru by Ed Fraidenburg, Midland, Michigan Turn right to an ocean wave Heads pass thru and cloverleaf Swing thru Sides pass thru and circle four Girls trade, centers trade Half way round and 1/4 more Men run, centers fold Right and left thru Left allemande Pass thru, wheel and deal Head ladies chain % Centers square thru % Side men turn them and roll away Left allemande Pass thru, men turn back FIFTEEN QUARTERS Head men pass thru Four ladies chain 3/4 Turn right go round three Heads promenade 3/4 Ocean wave, swing thru Sides square thru % Men trade, centers trade All square thru % Men run, pass thru Face partner back away Wheel and deal Bend the line, pass thru Centers square thru Wheel and deal Left allemande Centers square thru 3/4 Four ladies chain across Left allemande Head men and corner forward and back COUNTDOWN Star thru, circle four Heads square thru four Ladies break to a line All square thru four Men together half sashay Move to the next and Girl on the right half sashay Square thru four Girl on the right half sashay Centers square thru four Girls together half sashay

43 All star thru Tag the lines and cloverleaf First couple left and next right Double pass thru, centers in Left allemande Cast off %, right and left thru Pass thru, bend the lines by Bob Bennett, Valdosta, Georgia Slide thru, right and left thru Four ladies chain, heads square thru Flutter wheel, swing thru Sashay thru, wheel and deal Turn thru, left allemande Face those two, right and left thru Swing thru, boys run right Heads lead right circle to a line Pass thru, wheel and deal Wheel and deal, face those two Double pass thru, face partner Eight chain four, star thru Pass thru, fold the ends Square thru four hands round Swing thru, tag the lines Right to mother Cloverleaf, double pass thru Pull by, left allemande Face partner, pass thru Heads promenade half way round Fold the ends, swing thru Sides go right and left thru Tag the lines, cloverleaf Square thru four hands around Double pass thru, face partner Swing thru, boys run right Pass thru, fold the ends Wheel and deal, eight chain four Swing thru, tag the lines Star thru, right and left thru Cloverleaf Pass thru, left allemande Centers right and left thru Head ladies chain right, Flutter wheel, pass thru New sides chain across Square thru 1/4, trade by Heads square thru four hands round Allemande left Swing thru, boys run right Four ladies chain %, Wheel and deal, face those two Sides half sashay Swing thru, boys trade One and three square thru Turn thru Spin chain thru, centers run Left allemande Tag the lines, cloverleaf, Head couples square thru Double pass thru, centers in Pass thru Cast off 34, star thru New centers square thru % round Dive thru, star thru Outside two trade, pass thru Half sashay, square thru New centers square thru 3/4 round Spin chain thru, centers run Outside two trade Tag the lines and cloverleaf Left allemande Double pass thru, centers in Cast off %, box the gnat by Cliff Long, Mars Hill, Maine Right and left thru, flutter wheel Head couples pass thru Star thru, swing thru Partners tag, swing thru Girls circulate twice, men run Boys fold, girls turn back Bend the line, slide thru Slide thru, pass thru Square thru 34 Partners hinge, cast off % Left allemande Swing thru, centers trade Centers run, bend the line Pass thru, boys fold SQUARE DANCE magazine WORK , Star thru, wheel and deal SHOP features original material sub Left allemande mated to the editor. New ideas are presented each month. Mail new and by Bill Stringer, Livermore, Cal. creative material and questions to Sides right and left thru Willard Orlich, Workshop Editor, Turn em with a half sashay SQUARE DANCE Magazine, Box Head ladies chain, heads square thru 788. Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Swing thru, centers run

44 by Lee Buckingham, Fremont, Calif. Heads rollaway half sashay Heads half square thru Circle eight, boys pass thru Spin the top with outside two Around one to a line Girls turn back, bend the line Pass thru, tag the line right Star thru, spin the top Couples circulate Swing thru, boys trade Half tag the line (balance) Girls circulate on notch Eight circulate, boys run Right and left thru, star thru Curlique, eight circulate (single file) Pass thru, bend the line Face in, slide thru Left allemande Allemande %TAG THE LINE Heads slide thru, all partner trade Heads lead right circle to a line Centers in, cast off 3/4 Ends slide thru, square thru % Pass thru, % tag the line Centers swing thru, turn thru All trade by, sides swing thru Girls turn back, wheel and deal Outsides partner trade All trade by, sides pass thru Do-sa-do to a wave Crosstrail, allemande Centers trade, boys run right Barge thru Heads spin the top, turn thru Left allemande Circle four to a line Roll a half sashay Heads square thru four hands Pass thru, girls run right Circle to a two-faced line To an ocean wave, swing thru % tag the line Centers run right, make a line Boys swing thru, turn thru Bend the line, star thru Girls partner trade First couple left, next right Do-sa-do to a wave, scoot back Star thru, square thru 3/4 Scoot chain thru, boys run Left allemande Sweep a quarter Left allemande Side ladies chain right Sides star thru Heads lead right circle to a line Pass thru, swing thru Star thru, do-sa-do to a wave Men run, tag the line right Eight circulate, girls trade Couples circulate, wheel and deal Girls run, 3/4 tag the line Do-sa-do to ocean wave Girls swing thru, turn thru Girls circulate, boys trade Boys partner trade, star thru Turn thru, left allemande California twirl, wheel and deal Left allemande by Jack Lasry, Miami, Florida Heads lead right circle to a line Heads lead right circle to a line Star thru, do-sa-do to a wave Slide thru, curl ique Eight circulate, spin chain the gears Cast off 3/4, girls trade Scoot back, boys run Spin chain the gears Couples hinge, triple trade Eight circulate, boys double Wheel and deal, up and back Girls trade, scoot back Slide thru, left allemande Boys run, girls trade Wheel and deal Heads lead right circle to a line Left allemande Slide thru, curlique Scoot chain thru, boys run Heads pass thru, around one to a line Slide thru, left allemande Pass thru, wheel and deal Double pass thru, peel off Heads square thru four hands Tag the line right Curlique, scoot back Couples circulate, girls trade Eight circulate, swing thru Wheel and deal, dive thru Boys trade, girls trade Square thru % Centers run, wheel and deal Left allemande Curlique, swing thru 45 Spn chain the gears Boys run, peel off Swing thru, boys run Couples circulate Bend the line, slide thru Bend the line and star thru Left allemande Square thru % to Left allemande by Don Schadt, Southern California Callers Association Head couples square thru four hands Heads slide thru, pass thru Swing thru, ends fold Pass to the center, slide thru Peel off, ends run Right and left thru, star thru Swing thru, centers run, wheel and deal Pass thru, right and left thru Wheel and deal, box the gnat Pass thru, face partner Swing thru, ends fold Right and left thru Peel off, ends run Half square thru, trade by Swing thru, centers run Pass to the center Wheel and deal, Box the gnat Pass thru Change hands, left allemande Left allemande Heads lead right circle to a line Sides lead right and circle to a line Star thru, boys run Pass thru, face your partner Peel off, couples circulate Right and left thru Bend the line, box the gnat Pass to the center Crosstrail thru to left allemande Square thru % Head couples crosstrail thru Star thru, cross trail Separate, behind the sides star thru Left allemande Double pass thru, boys run DIFFERENT RUN FIGURES Peel off, couples hinge and trade by Will Orlich, Bradenton, Florida Four girls square thru 3/4 round Heads lead right circle to a line Star thru, couples hinge and trade Pass thru, wheel and deal Centers square thru 3/4 Double pass thru, boys run To the corner, left allemande Cast off %, step thru Star thru, boys run right Swing thru, star thru Crosstrail to left allemande Heads lead right, circle to a line Pass thru, wheel and deal Double pass thru Boys run, peel off Bend the line, star thru First couple left, next go right Afi'Verneeies"•.e.•"ennes Crosstrail thru to left allemande •• K A LO X -lielco- Longhorn a•• to New on Kalox: Heads lead right circle to a line • couLti I LIVE. THERE ANYMORE IC % Pass thru, wheel and deal ▪ K1132 Flip/Inst. Caller: Billy Lewis U. Double pass thru New on Longhorn: s si • II Girls run, peel off • ▪ LIA 196 BULLY OF THE TOWN III • Flip/Inst. Caller: Bob Rhinerson Wheel and deal, star thru • • • New on Belco: Wheel and deal, dive thru % % 6252A SWEET LIPS • Swing thru and turn thru • a II Walt, by Alf & Elisabeth Evans Left allemande •• U B252B COCO sin •. Two-step by Art & Evelyn Johnson • Head couples star thru II % Four boys run, peel off % KALOX RECORD DISTRIBUTING CO. g • n 2832 Live Oak Dr. Mesquite, Texas Couples circulate .. Bend thr line and star thru i.m.i.e.•.r.v.v.ww.•••.•

46 Ee Page

9 10 r2, ■ 13 141 17 IS

22 • 21 ■ 25 a 213 29 30 31 37- ■ 33 31

37 DOWN ACROSS 3I3 1. Spin the --- 1. - -- the line 2. "M--dy" (R/D) 4. " " (Bogen record by Glenn Zeno 3. t - resolution of a S/D figure 6. Energy 4. That lady 7. One set and one couple 5. Yet 9. "And I Love ---" (RID) 6. " o' My Heart" 10. Sum 8. Titles 12. Square dancing's my ---. 9. Don Belvin, the --- man 13. "Do Remember These" 10. Square ---s, S/D shop 14. Gents 11. " Me Call You Sweetheart" 16. Vampire 12. thru 17. "Salty Dog 13. Sweet potato 18. " and Get-Out" (Book by W. (Mich) 15. Caller Art of New England or 20. "Marching To Pret- la" Bob of Saskatchewan 21. Eggs' partner 16. Snake 22. "To Each Own" 17. Boys --- (past tense) 23. Concerning 18. Rest between tips 24. "Falling In Love 19. Writing utensil 26. "But Today" R/D 21. and trade 27. Sailors (abbr.) 22. " Lips" 28. Sea bird 25. American Reelers of Alabama (Abbr.) 29. Caller Springer of Florida 26. Northern Roundance Troupe (Abbr.) 30. "Roses Red" 27. Vase 31. Representative 28. Oxen 33. Nickname for caller Kinney 30. "Best Things In Life Free" 34. Self 32. "If ---s Had Legs" 35. Nickname for R. Jack (Page 131 33. Have refreshments 36. Range 35. Girls --- 38. "It's A To Tell A Lie" 37. "Do, re,

4/ il•••=1•0111=M=1=1, swing half by the right, boys run right and do a right and left thru, star thru, swing corner and promenade. YOU CAN'T GO HOME— Windsor 5001 Caller: Don Gibson A good one with a bit of Arky in it. The music is great. Don Gibson choreography is always good. Intro, break and closer are SINGING CALLS mainly grand square. FIGURE: Heads up ALL RECORDS ARE REVIEWED AND and back and roll a half sashay, heads square thru four hands, swing thru and the WORKSHOPPED BY DOUG EDWARDS. boys run right, two lines pass thru and THEY MAY BE PURCHASED FROM: wheel and deal, substitute, square thru three quarters, swing corner, promenade. EDWARDS RECORD SERVICE HOW COME YOU DO ME LIKE YOU DO P.O. Box 538 Jewel 152; Caller: Paul McNutt Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 A good one to a tune that the dancers like. At times the Nashville Sound departs from One new hoedown came out this month and the tune and the banjo picker does some fine pickin' which might lose some callers it is a good one. New hoedowns are hard to in the process (a great many callers need a come by in recent years, about one every handle to hang on to) but apart from that three months, so we only get a couple of the entire record is great. FIGURE: Heads good ones a year. This record has different promenade half, sides right and left thru, sides square thru four hands, do-sa-do, eight keys on either side of the record and one chain four, swing corner and promenade. side will fit most callers. Here it is: FIREBALL MAIL— Lightning S 5009 TOP 25261— TUNDRA/ WESTERLING Caller: Ed Raybuck SUMMER IN MY EYE— Top 25262 This is the second Fireball Mail in as many Caller: Emanuel Duming months and if you did not get the other one by Bill Peters on Longhorn, this one is as This is a fine record that introduces the good. Try it, you'll like it. FIGURE: Heads new Tea Party Promenade, which is interes- square thru four hands, corner do-sa-do, ting and fun to do. This Tea Party Prome- swing thru and the boys run, tag the line, nade can be used in any dance in place of both face right, wheel and deal, pass thru, the full 32 beat grand square and we pre- U-turn back, corner swing, left allemande, dict it will be used a lot. The Tea Party come back and promenade. Promenade is in the opener, break and clo- ser. FIGURE: Four ladies chain across, SING ALONG — Grenn 12136 heads square thru four hands, slide thru Caller: Earl Johnston and square thru four hands again, trade by, This is the second Grenn record that fea- corner swing, left allemande and promenade. tures seven different tunes to the dance. The other one was a great seller but the mu- SATURDAY NIGHT— Jay Bar Kay 135 sic was by the Grenn orchestra and this is Caller: Dan Dedo done to organ music by Will Jay. This dance A fine tune that was originally done by is really good but the music sort of reminds Joe Lewis on J.B.L. This one has an up- us of a roller rink. Tunes used are Merry Olds- dated figure that really moves. It takes off mobile, Every Street's A Boulevard, Sitting like a scalded gander but the dancers loved On Top Of The World, I Don't Know Why, it. FIGURE: Four ladies chain, rollaway When You're Smiling, I'm Forever Blowing and circle left, left allemande and prome- Bubbles and Good Old Summertime. FIG- nade, heads wheel around, two ladies chain URE: Heads promenade half way, down the Dixie style, make a wave and balance, pass middle with a right and left thru, flutter thru, left allemande, docey partner, swing wheel and sweep a quarter, pass thru, right and promenade. and left thru, dive thru, square thru three GOOD OLD LUCY BROWN— Flutter quarters, swing corner and promenade. Wheel 505; Caller: Roger McGowan NEVERTHELESS— MacGregor 2110 Guaranteed to make your dancers concen- Caller: Al Brundage trate when you put the men in the lead for Maybe I'm right and maybe I'm wrong but a flutter wheel but they will like it. The nevertheless we think that this is a fine piece tune is very square dancey. FIGURE: Heads of choreography and a mighty fine calling square thru four hands, meet corner, pass job by Al Brundage. The only fault that we thru and U-turn back, boys lead flutter find is with the music. It just does not have wheel, swing thru and right and left thru, the square dance beat that other labels are dive thru and square thru three quarters, using and that callers are demanding. The turn corner left, hang on and promenade. music would make a great round dance. COME TO THE CABARET— Top 25260 FIGURE: Heads star thru, pass thru, swing Caller: Harry Tucciarone, Jr. thru, boys trade and do a turn and left thru, This was done before on a couple of labels dive thru and pass thru, do-sa-do, swing thru, some years ago but this fine dance with boys trade and do a turn and left thru, dive great music warrants another look at a thru and square thru three quarters, left al- great tune. FIGURE: Heads right and left lemande, promenade, don't slow down, thru, same two up and back, roll away, star heads wheel around and do a right and left thru and do-sa-do the outside, curlique, thru, slide thru, pass thru and swing, left

48 allemande, come back and do-sa-do, weave AUNT MAUDIE'S FUN GARDEN—Scope the ring, do-sa-do and promenade. 558; Caller: Claude Drivere WHAT IS TO BE WILL BE— Scope 557 FIGURE: Heads right and left thru, flutter Caller: Earl Rich wheel and sweep a quarter, pass thru, right and left thru the outside two, dive thru A fine record, music is good and a good fig- square thru five hands, swing corner, left ure features the slide away. FIGURE: Heads allemande and promenade. square thru four hands, corner do-sa-do, ocean wave, slide away, then couples circu- HIGH COST OF LIVING— Mustang 145 late, wheel and deal, square thru three quar- Caller: Jack Bishop ters, corner swing, left allemande, prome- Good music. FIGURE: Four ladies chain nade. across and couples one and three promenade YOU'LL BE MINE— Red Boot 132 half way, square thru four hands, right and Caller: Bob Vinyard left thru the outside two, swing thru, boys trade, turn thru, left allemande and prome- Good dance, good music with a good beat. nade. Our dancers liked it. FIGURE: Heads prome- nade half way, Into the middle and square DO YOU REMEMBER THESE—Windsor thru four hands, right and left thru, star 5000; Caller: Warren Rowles thru, square thru four hands once more, Yes, we remember several other records re- trade by, swing corner and promenade. cently with the same tune. FIGURE: All four couples half sashay, heads up and back, BULLY OF THE TOWN— Longhorn 196 square thru four hands, ocean wave and Caller: Bob Rhinerson balance, swing thru, boys run, wheel and A good dance and the usual good music of deal, dive thru and pass thru, corner swing the Longhorn Playboys. FIGURE: Heads left allemande new corner and promenade. square thru four hands, corner do-sa-do, swing thru, girls turn around , wheel and JACKSON— Jewel 149 deal, star thru and pass thru, partner trade, Caller: Jim Coppinger square thru three quarters, swing corner FIGURE: Four ladies chain three quarters, and promenade. heads promenade half way, sides pass thru and partner trade, left allemande, weave the SLOW BOAT TO CHINA— Pulse 1008 ring, do-sa-do and promenade. Caller: Jim Mayo Pretty good dance and the music is also BIG CHIEF— D & ET 101 good. FIGURE: Heads crosstrail, around Caller: Buck Covey one to a line, up and back, square thru four The music on this new label is by the Schroe- hands, trade by, right and left thru, swing der Playboys. FIGURE: Heads promenade thru, boys trade and swing, promenade. half way, lead right and circle to a two-faced HURRY ON DOWN— Top 25259 line, wheel and deal, face those two and Caller: Jim Cargill sweep a quarter, ladies chain across then flutter wheel, slide thru and pass thru, Pretty good record; music Is better than the swing corner and promenade. dance. FIGURE: Heads square thru four hands, corner do-sa-do, swing thru, boys run right, wheel and deal, face those two, right Awhile back we reported MacGregor 2106, and left thru, dive thru, square thru three Abilene by Tommy Stoye as a great record, quarters, swing corner and promenade. Since then we have had much correspon- MY KIND OF LOVE— Red Boot 130 dence saying that we must have snapped our Caller: Jim Coppinger twig, because active couples end up with The dance is good but there is not much melody to the tune. FIGURE: Heads square their opposites and the others end up with thru four hands, do-sa-do, star thru, pass partners. We did slip up on this detail and thru, partner trade, slide thru, square thru did not notice it in the workshop. We do four hands, swing corner, left allemande, know that it is not very important to Tom- promenade. my to get a partner back because he did the GOODNIGHT SWEETHEART— Top 25263 same thing in his great recording of D.T. Caller: Bruce Welsh This tune has long been a favorite of both Hoedown. When we told him about it, he dancers and callers. The music is well played claimed that there is no law that says you and the dance is a relaxer. FIGURE: Head have to get your partner back. two crosstrall, star thru behind the sides, sides square thru three quarters, split two around one, make a line, up and back, box BUCKEYE POLL the gnat, cross trail, skip one girl, swing 1. Continental Goodnight corner and promenade. 2. Third Man Theme GREENWICH VILLAGE— HiHat 415 3. For Me And You Caller: Tommy Cavanagh The figure is real good, not much of a tune, 4. Roses For Elisabeth although the musicians did a fine job with 5. Moonlight And Roses what little tune they had to work with. 6. Sugar Cured FIGURE: Head two ladies chain across, 7. same couples half square thru, circle half to Street Fair a two-faced line, four couples circulate, 8. The Flip Side wheel and deal, swing thru and turn thru, 9. The Good Old Days swing corner lady and promenade. 10. Dancing Shadows

49 GRAND ZIP, continued other square dance cousins of ours. Could you include Willard Orlich in your party; we would sure like to meet him? Enjoy reading the article by our ROUND DANCES Tom McGrath from over here, another by Frank & Phyl Lehnert of the great devotees to our favorite ANYTIME — Decca 25605 pastime. We just returned from our Choreography by Nita & Manning Smith 13th National Convention in Brisbane, A good easy two step to good Grady Queensland, where we had 1000 square Martin Music. dancers present. We sure had a ball as WASHINGTON SQUARE— Grenn 14160 we always do at our national conven- Choreography by Carmen & Mildred Smarelli tion. Good and unusual music to "Rose of Bill & Marion Matthews Washington Square;" high intermediate Narraweena, New South Wales two step without a turning two step. The tribute to Bob Osgood in the ROMANY TANGO — Grenn 14160 August 1972 issue of American Square- Choreography by Louis & Mona Cremi dance was long overdue. Congratula- Good "I Get Ideas" music; a good in tions on the fine presentation. termediate to challenging tango. Bob's list of accomplishments is a MALAHINI — HiHat 902 small part of his real value. As friend Choreography by Lou & Pat Barbee and counselor is where he really shines. An easy two step with a Hawaiian Always willing to give a helpful sugges- flavor. tion, never one to look on the dark CHERE MONDE — HiHat 902 side, following a conversation with Choreography by Joe & Glad Tridico him, one always fells better for the Good "Dear World" music and a good opportunity. How do I know? It has intermediate two step. been a pleasure and honor to call Bob Osgood friend for over twenty years. DREAMY RHYTHM — Grenn 14161 Choreography by Oscar & Fran Schwartz If I had only one wish to be granted Good "Underneath The Arches" mu for the benefit of square dancing, it would be for a hundred more Bob Os- sic; a nice flowing easy intermediate two step. goods. Charlie Baldwin DANCING ON THE CEILING— Grenn 14161 Editor, New England Caller Choreography by Ray & Ivy Hutchinson Good music; intermediate two step Continued on Page 60 with some snappy variations. QUICKSTEP TIME— DanceALong P6056 Buck Covey Jerry Hightower Choreography by Eddie & Audrey Palmquist D. & E. T. Good "I Hardly Had Time" music; high RECORDINGS intermediate international routine with PRESENTS polka points. 101 BIG CHIEF HAPPY HEART — Capitol 3209 by Buck Covey Choreography by Dwain & Judy Sechrist Schroeder Playboys Happy music (Susan Raye vocal); a 102 SEARCHING good easy peppy two step. Jerry Hightower & the Schroeder Playboys SECRET LOVE — Telemark 1900 103 THE NEWSBOY Choreography by Tom & Lillian Bradt by Buck Covey & the D.& E.T.ers 104 SHE'S THE GIRL FOR ME Good ballroom music; a high interme- by Buck Covey & the Schroeder Playboys mediate to challenging two step with MUSIC with that SQUARE DANCE BEAT! interesting changes in rhythm. Available at all Record beaters

50 choice

Sometime you might want to alter le a pattern for better fit. Here are a few by Babe Higdon hints to use: Rockville, Md. Measure your bust, waist, hips and slash it and spread out to the correct don't forget the back waist length. Use size, then pin a piece of tissue paper these in selecting your pattern and you under it. To make it shorter or nar- won't end up with a lot of alterations. rower, put a tuck in it to take up the You will find that you need a larger excess. You must remember that you pattern size than you would buy in a also have to make the same adjustment ready made dress. A short person with on the facings. a large bust should buy to fit her waist Once the bodice is fitted, check and increase the pattern through the your waistline on skirt to see that it bustline by slashing the pattern and will correspond with waistline on adding to it for the difference: A large- bodice. Gathered waistlines are gath- waisted person with a small bust should ered to fit front and back matching buy a larger pattern and adjust it side seams. On gore skirts measure the through the bust by making a tuck in back gores to the back bodice waist- the pattern. line and front gores to match front It is always a good idea to fit the bodice waistline. Example: If you are paper pattern to the figure before you using an eight gore skirt, you would fit cut it out. You may want to do this four gores to front and four to back; in one of two ways: Cut it out of old for six gore skirt, three to front and material and seam it up with basting three to back. stitches before trying it on, or you To determine the amount of adjust- can merely pin in the darts, pleats, if ment, take the number of gores to be any, and seams on the paper pattern. altered and divide into the amount to Check to see if the darts point to the be adjusted. Example: You wish to fullest part of your bust. Shoulder line increase an inch on the front half of an should fit smoothly! You should have eight gore skirt, divide four into one at least a 4 inch ease across the bust and inch which will be 1/4" per gore. Now a 1 inch ease at the waistline. It is divide the'/," by two which makes 1/8" most important that the seams on the as the amount that has to be added sides be long enough so that the sleeve equal for each side of the gore. If you seam will come at least an inch from want to decrease the same amount, the armpit. If this side seam is too you would decrease at top of gore short, your sleeve will pull and the and taper out. whole dress will ride up every time If your bodice pattern calls for a you raise your arm. zipper in the side and you want to put When you alter a pattern, no matter it down the back instead, do not cut what kind it is, it's best to make the back edge on fold. Slide pattern over changes in the body of the pattern and and add 5/8" to back edge for turn not on the seams. For instance, if back for the zipper. The original edge you want to make it longer or wider, of your pattern will be center back.

51 DANCERS ENTERTAIN Members of the Minerva Gingham Squares and their leaders, Bill and Mary Jenkins, entertained the senior citizens who are patients or residents of the Horace Nye Nursing Home in Essex Co. Dick Flemming, a popular caller from the Montreal area, his wife Trudy, and daughters Cathy and Collette help to bring happiness and entertainment to these folks who are unable to "go pla- ces and do things." The Flemmings NEW U.S. SQUARE DANCERS danced rounds while the Gingham Two Tradewind Squares members Squares rested. The children in the were administered the Oath of Alle- club look forward to dancing for these giance as they became citizens of the people, and before they leave, sing United States. Accepting a part in a Happy Birthday to everyone. new nation were Jo Curley, formerly of Wimbledon, London, England and WINTER WONDERLAND at FRENCH LICK Lynn Serna, formerly of Ipswich, Suf- Three square dance weekends are folk, England. This brings to three the scheduled at the luxurious French Lick number of Tradewind Squares mem- Sheraton Hotel in Indiana on Decem- bers who have obtained their citizen- ber 8-10, January 26-28; February 16- ship while stationed on Guam. The 18. Hosts are Cal and Sharon Golden, other member was Rita Hulbert, also with leaders Bob Vinyard, Bob Bra- of England. Jack Frantal den, Jack and Marie Seago (Dec.); Sing- Agana, Guam ing Sam Mitchell, Dick Barker, Charlie

Now Lang Should Square Dance Classes Last? NEW! With Jay King's All New NEW! HOW TO TEACH MODERN SQUARE DANCING You Can Teach As Many Lessons r+s You Wish

• Use it to teach your classes • Use first chapter for a one night stand 15 Chapters Have Been • Use the last fifteen chapters for advanced workshop Added to the Original 30 • Use it for your learners' club for a Total of 45! Teach (Enough material for two years or more) 20 — 40 —60 Fven 100 Basics. They're All Here. Really Teach Dancers Mod- STANDARD BASICS NEWER FIGURES ern Square Dancing to its In addition to teaching figures The last 15 chapters in- Fullest. This Book Shows for Swing Thrus, Circulates. clude Trade By, Tag the You How. Not Just a List- Runs, Trades, Spin the Tops, ing of Basics, But a Pro- Line, Scoot Back, Peel Off fessional Teaching Manual. Spin Chain Thrus, Turn Thrus and Pair Off, Round Off Drill Material is Included etc., there are also extended and Dixie Daisy, Split Cir- for Every Basic Taught. drills that use these figures in culate, One-quarter More How to Teach Each Figure many setups; i.e., couples half variations, Hinge & Trade, is Described in the Words Most Helpful to Dancers. sashayed, same sex working to- "All four couples" figures, gether and even left-handed Curlique, "Arky" figures versions! and much more!

All this between one set of covers! Cost is jost $8.95 ppd. ($9.95 in Canada) Order direct from JAY KING, P.O. Box 462, Lexington, Mass. 02173

52 and Madeline Lovelace (Jan.); Dia- Quebec, Florida, Massachusetts, Ver- mond Jim Young, Carl Geels, Frank mont, New Jersey, Michigan, Maine, and Phyl Lehnert, (Feb.). All the ele- Connecticut, Wyoming, Washington, gant facilities, including a year-round and Ohio. The group has a sister club, swimming pool, will be available in a the Dial-A-Squares, in Nottingham, leisurely, unhurried country estate at- England, who dance to callers Jean mosphere in Indiana's Cumberland and Harry Preston. foothills. For further details, write the The club is unique in that it has no Goldens (See ad on inside back cover). dues, no constitution, no business NORTHWAY SQUARES CLOSE TO GOAL meetings, no address, no by-laws, no The New York Northway is Inter- elected officers. A "square committee" state 87. When the Northway Squares, of four couples schedules events and a loose-knit club for dancers in that keeps members informed, orders bad- area, was formed, the original members ges, keeps and reports financial rec- aimed at a goal of 87 member couples. ords. Callers may join, as well as dan- Th is goal was reached so quickly that a cers. Write Bill & Mary Jenkins, Mock- new one of 87 squares was set. Now ingbird Hill, Minerva, N.Y. for details. Mary and Bill Jenkins, "head couple," ONTARIO OFFICERS report that the new goal is in sight and The 1972-73 officers for the Callers expected to be reached by the end of Clinic of the South Western Ontario the season. 282 couples now belong, S/D Association are: Egbert Jacobs, from 113 clubs. States and Provinces chairman; Harold Clark, past chairman; represented are New York, Ontario, Continued on Page 64 -- - fEti5tang anb liglitrung CLUBS CALLERS LEADERS AL DANCERS BADGES THAT SAY HELLO—Any size, shape or design, 50 colors in stock. Can copy any design or motif, or de- sign a new badge for you. Send in sketch for free club samples. Write for new free 284 goofy saying and 296 fun qualifying badge booklets, just re- leased. Badges: standard $1.10; deluxe $1.35. MUSTANG New and used sound equipment—all

MS 145— HIGH COST OF LIVING makes and power sizes, featuring Bo- Caller: Jack Bishop gen, Califone and Newcomb. Mikes: MS 144— PLEASE HELP ME, I'M FALLING AKG, Electro-Voice, Norelco, Shure; Caller: Chuck Bryant Sony and Vega Wireless Mikes. Sony MS 143— YOU BRING ME SUNSHINE tape recorders. Recording Tape Audio- Caller: Dave Smith Sony - Reel - Cartridge - Cassette. Other equipment: sound columns, mo- LIGHTNING "S" nitors, mike and speaker stands, 7" re- cord envelopes: clear plastic & green LS 5008— I'M THE MAN ON SUZY'S MIND stock, Speedup & SloDown for floors. Caller: Henry Thompson 4_S 5007— TONIGHT CARMEN S/D Boosters bumper strips, auto an- Caller: Lem Smith tenna flags, decals, license plates. LS 5006-- FIND A PERFECT MOUNTAIN PLASTIC ENGRAVING SERVICE S Caller: Rex Coats BOB ROTTMAN 11041 So. Talman Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60655 1314 Kenrock Dr.,San Antonio, Tx 78227 Beverly 3-5527 or 233-5527

53 ,.=...,.=.„„,...5.:,__,_.,,, _--=r— _-..., . _ _ _ ...... :11 > •-f ' A-V-1 '+' Arqk Y , •-y-' A1-1 4Y4 + r X%/ye r:a :: a •:':a :. a : s" • a ailN. • * .. -.• -• Bo o s ounrivmrPtekth9 .1 . • ' An all-time reference book of the gimmick •v WILL ORLICi-i , . Figures, old and new- I •_,;.. 11 EVENTS Will Orlich S5.00ppd.

P.O. Box 8577 .. Bayshore Gardens i.- • :.r __ Bradenton, Fl. 33505 • .-x/It:.:1..:•:..41.:.,:,:i:,.5 • :.:•:.:ity"..2 , AFTER PARTY FUN, $2.50 plus 15¢ mail- O'r ' 4-, b.S., A- ,--4,, ,,,-, ba.v • t- -, '4...4-, ing. Contains two books combined into one, :.... with new material that will put life into your club or festival. Edited by the man who ori- ginated after party fun at dances and festivals. INDIANA- Tri-State Dance Festival, Order from Ray Smith, Star Harbor, Mala- Notre Dame Athletic & Convocation koff, Texas 54148. Center, South Bend, Sept. 8.9, with STEP-CLOSE-STEP ROUND DANCE BA- Dave Taylor, Phil & Norma Roberts, SICS, (64 exercises) :::3.25 ppd. 10 week dan- Write the Festival, 13261 Chippewa cer proven basic course, dance positions, RID Blvd., Mishawaka, Indiana 46544. terminology, mixers, basic styling hints and and helps on teaching. Order from Frank WASHINGTON- Moonlighters Harvest Lehnert, 2844 S. 109th St. Toledo, Ohio. Moon R/D Weekend, Sept. 8-10, Vasa CHALLENGE & ADVANCED CLUB DAN- Hall, Bellevue, with Eddie & Audrey CING: A pocket size (3'4)(41 4) 66 page refe- rence book of the rules for the 150 most Palmquist. Write Ron & Geri Oakley, Popular high level calls. Starts where the ex- 551 NE 102nd, Seattle, Wa. 98125. tended 75 club basics end and contains the new "Experimental 50" and the next 100 NEW HAMPSHIRE- S/D Weekend, most used calls of high level dancing. A must Farragut Hotel, Rye Beach, Sept. 8-10. for club dancers, for these are the calls fil- tering down from challenge into club dan- Write Barbara & Chet Smith, Bay Path cing. It it's called at a dance, you can bet it Barn, Boylston, Mass. 01505. is one of the 150 calls explained in this book or you already know it. The pocket size and NEBRASKA- 2nd Annual S&R/D Con- hard gloss cover make it perfect to take to vention, Norfolk, Sept. 15-16, with Ken the dance for that extra confidence. UPDATED 1972 EDITION— S2.00. Bower, Gary Shoemake, Jack & Dar- MODERN SQU,RE DANCING SIMPLIFIED lene Chaffee. Write Cleon & Verna Ro- The "How To" Book for today's complete club dancer. Pocket size and similar to "Chal- selius, 1101 Terrace Rd., Norfolk, lenge" book above, but covers the rules and Nb. 68701. explanations of the first 75 basics and ap- proximately 60 other calls and commands SOUTH CAROLINA- 3rd Annual S/D encountered in club level dancing, Ideal gift Festival, Myrtle Beach, Sept. 15-16, Price only S2. Both books only S3.50 from with John Inabinet, Pearlie Goss and JIMCO, 6210 S. Webster, Dept. 2G, Ft. Wayne, Indiana 46807. Art Viles. Write A.C. Banker, 1125 Echo Glen Road, Charlotte, NC. 28213. CALLERS NOTEBOOK— 250 original S/D figures, all written and workshopped by Ed ONTARIO- 6th Annual Quinte Twir- Fraidenburg. Dances every caller can call. lers S/D Jamboree, Sept. 16, Centen- Order from ELF Enterprises, 1916 Posey- nial Sec. School, Belleville, with Sing- vale Rd., Rt. 10, Midland, Mi.48640S2.50pp. in' Sam Mitchell, Ralph O'Hara, Garrie SQUAREDANCE FUNDAMENTALS shows & Art Jackson. Write Doris & Wes Rees, in 331, beduti fully clear inustratioils exactly how the dancer looks to himself while per- R.R. 2, Carrying Place, Ontario. forming each of the 73 bedrock fundamen- tals from which all more complicated figures GEORGIA- 8th Annual ORA Fall are constructed. Not just for beginners; also Round-up, Bell Auditorium, Augusta, tells exactly what a fundamental is and why. Same for a classic, a basic, etc. The biggest Sept. 16, with Dave Taylor, Harold & names in squaredancing have discovered new Judy Hoover. hoii/ims through these 208 big power- parked pries; you can, ion. A fantastic buy NEW YORK- Fling Fantastic, Sept. a S' ',0 I Dd. from FRONTIER PUBLISH- 22-24, Treadway Inn, Niagara Falls, ERS, Box 14, Glendale, Cal 91209. with Mike Callahan, Bruce Shaw, Gene

54 & Mary Knisely. Write P.O. Box 9, North Chili, N.Y. 14514. GEORGIA— State S/D Assoc. Conven- tion, Sept. 21-23, Macon, with Georgia Books callers. Write Bob Bennett, 2111 Hill- 1970 Edition, PLUS-50 EXPERIMENTAL crest Dr., Valdosta, Ga. 31801. BASICS, Close-out sale of the two-year-old PENNSYLVANIA— The 11th Dela- edition of Willard Orlich's best-seller, $1.00 ware Valley S & R/D Convention will each, plus 15t postage. be held on Sept. 21-23, Bellevue- Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, with Red Bates, Roger Chapman, Johnny Davis, C.O. Guest, Lee Kopman, Jack Lasry, Sam Mitchell, Allen Tipton, Iry & Bet- ty Easterday, Eddie & Audrey Palm- ecords • MODERN ALBUMS FOR INSTRUCTION quist, Nita & Manning Smith. Write "The Fundamentals of Square Dancing" Roger & Marian Owings, 1511 Lake- ISIO Label) Level 1; Level 2; Level 3; Write wood Dr., Wilmington, Del. 19803. for descriptive literature to Bob Ruff, 8459 MASSACHUSETTS— Western New Edmaru, Whittier, California 90605. England R/D Festival, Southhampton Rd. School, Westfield, Sept. 17. Write Frank & Evelyn Burzdak, Furrowtown Rd., Westfield, Mass. •Recorde INDIANA— Beach Ball S&R/D Week- end, Indiana Beach, Monticello, Sept. 22-24, with Max Forsyth, Dick Han, DISTRIBUTORS Frank & Phyl Lehnert. Write D. Han, OHIO 513 South Bluff St., Monticello, Ind. TVVELGRENN ENTERPRISES 47960. P.O. Box 16 Bath, Ohio VIRGINIA— Luray House Party, Mim- slyn Motor Inn, Luray, Sept. 22.24, WASHINGTON with Jack Hague, Paul Childers, Decko. A & K Record Distributors Write Lou & Decko Dances, 3817 N. 10400 Renton Ave. South Oakland St., Arlington, Va. 22207. Seattle, Wash. 98178 NEW YORK— Hidden Valley Weekend, Sept. 22-24, with Beryl Main, Ken An- derson, Howard & Phyllis Swanson, at Lake Luzerne. Write Ken & Doris An- derson, Box 54, Newtonville, NY 12128 INDIANA— S/D Week Finale, New In- diana Convention-Exposition Center, downtown Indianapolis, with L. Comp- ton, Dave McAllister, Johnny Wykoff, Bob Wickers; rounds with Muellers, Learn to call Colliers, Ervins; Sept. %73. AND TEACH using the proven methods of the conceptual approach in education and ONTARIO— Harvest Holiday, Cedar recreation. A must for callers. Information Villa Lodge, 19 miles north of Lind- on music, timing, phrasing. Learn to use mu- say, Sept. 29- Oct. 1, with Jim Mc- sic to its fullest potential. Designed by lead- ing educator, Pat Phillips, and national caller, Quade, Stu Robertson, Bob & Lucille Dick Leger. The series of three sets will sell Wible. Write Wynne Robertson, 589 itself; each set consists of one record and a teaching manual. Order 1 or all 3: Kimbo Sharalin Court, Burlington, Ontario. 4060, 5080, 8070; $8.95 each. Order from Dick Leger, 16 Sandra Or. , RI 02809.

55 OHIO— Cleveland Federation Federa- ma '72, Sept. 30, Progressive Hall, UAW, 5615 Stumph Rd., with Carl S/D Products Geels, Hal Greenlee, Dave Stevenson, SQUARE DANCE SEALS— Colorful and eyecatching seals on your correspondence Ann & Andy Handy. Write Earl Rich- are an invitation to square dancing. Order ards, 1170 E. 362 St., Eastlake, Ohio. from Bill Crawford, Box 18442, Memphis, OHIO— Hicks & Chicks 8th Annual Tenn. 38118. Samples on request. One sheet (50)— 50E; Three sheets (150)— $1; Doubleheader, Sept. 30, with Sonny Ten sheets— $3; Twenty— $5; Special dis- Bess and Deuce Williams, AFL-CIO count on 100 sheets for club resale. Union Hall, Marion. Write Martin & Carol Stambaugh, 2644 Marion-Marys- GREETING CARDS FOR C DANCERS ville Rd., Marion, Ohio 43302. GET WELL — BIRTHDAY — GENERAL $2.00/ box of 12, plus 2% tax in Indiana NEW YORK— First Flaming Leaves Please specify all Get-well or Assortment S/D Festival, Olympic Arena, Lake CADOBRAND, 3002 Schaper, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Placid, Oct. 1, with Dave Hass. Write Bernie & Dot Baker, P.O. Box 443, Lake Placid, N.Y. 12946. OHIO— Round Dance Time featuring Laverne & Doris Reilly, Oct. 1, at City Badges Hall Auditorium, Lakewood, Ohio. Write Norm & Alice Hutchings, 25555 LUDLOW TROPHY & BADGE Country Club Blvd., North Olmsted, Tom Curto & Sons Ohio 44070. 116 Sewall St. Ludlow, Mass. 01056 KANSAS— Fall Jubilee, October 7, LLORRY'S Fort Hays Memorial Building, Hays, 5630 West 29th Ave. with Johnny Hozdulick, Frank SE Ruth Denver, Colorado 80214 Lanning. Write Levi & Della Bedard, Activity & Club Badges P.O. Box 1025, Hays, Kansas 67601.

C.W. Eichhorn SPECIALTY ENGRAVING CO. 3470 Grandview Ave. Dept. A Cincinnati, Ohio 45241 WESTRIDGE ENGRAVERS Zetkp 8301 INestridge Road. Raytown, Mo. 64138 (816-353-28641 Club & Fun Badges (3-01 anong AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE subscription dances. Write for details about organizing one. Triangle REMEMBER: "All we're asking is your time...." because there is ab- v NEW RELEASES solutely NO RISK in conducting a subscription dance in your area.... I R 1001 NEW LONG PLAY ALBUM St. Louis, Missouri; Thursday, October 12 10 DANCES FEATURING (Contact Bob Wickers) BOB FISK — DON STEWART Madisonville, Kentucky; Monday, October 30 (Contact Louis Calhoun) TR113— Crazy Arms, Caller: Don Stewart TR112— Alabama Woman, Caller: Bill Ball Kansas City, Missouri; Wednesday, Nov. 8 TR111— Dozen Palr of Boots, Bill Ball (Contact Jack Cloe) TRIANGLE RECORD COMPANY, INC. Detroit, Michigan; Sunday, November 19 P.O. Box 368 Lynwood, Ca 90262 (Contact Dave Taylor) lb

56 tattlitatalk MOM alatta a?* at Wititslattaittint Ittalittntlat Sketchpad Commentary

This month we set up our special "thought-wave" tape recorder inconspicu ously at an average square dance and caught the musings of an average feminine dancer while the dance was in progress. Give a listen "Golly, I wish John wouldn't grab me so tightly while we swing Harry has a more gentle touch and SAM I swear that guy is some kind of animal but I'm having a good time the caller is good a little fast He's no Jerry Haag but I should complain I'm no Kath- ryn Murray Here comes John again ouch grin and bear it... wonder what's on for refreshments tonight oops, missed that call I never can get thru spin chain the gears Sally sure swings as fast and high-skirted as she can, doesn't she the big showoff she creates kind of a blizzard of white when she swings oh, well, I'm wearing my "Nita Smith," too and I'm just as good a swinger By golly, Myrtle has gained at least ten pounds never mind the quizzical look, Bob next time I'll put my RIGHT HAND up for a curlique Whadayaknow, there are the Joneses first time they've been back to the club in six months I must talk with them later Wish some- body would tell Betty that skirt length is WRONG for her oops, I fudged through that scoot back pretty good hope no one noticed how long I stayed in the middle of the set thinking about it.... Hmmm.... Andy is supposed to be a "high level" dancer can't even do a turn -thru.... Some others I could name ought to go back to be- ginners class like Pete and Al and Barbara and

7-7c^ C

57 It happened at a Square Dance Square dance callers can be i eplaced! They'd better watch out. The creation of Freeman the Minute- man Robot is truly a story of evolution. It all started around Christmas of 1971 when the Minutemen Squares came up with the novel idea of presenting silver dollars as door prizes at their special dances. The popular method of lot drawing for selecting lucky winners did not seem appropriate for their purpose, so they sought out a more interesting and entertaining mode. The original idea was a "THING" not unlike a slot machine in appear- ance, which would randomly select a winning number and dispense a silver dollar to the lucky square dancer. As the "THING" took shape and the idea developed day by day and piece by piece from a simple wooden soldier performing the original task of selecting winners of these silver dollars to finally emerge as a walking, talking, arm swing- ing, almost human robot. "FREEMAN", the name so approp- riately chosen for this Minuteman robot is the name of the first president of the Minutemen Squares, Freeman Nourse. FREEMAN is constructed basically of plywood and is driven by a 1/20HP motor. He contains 8 relays, 2 motors, a fan, 3 solenoids, 12 microswitches, several dozen resistors and diodes, 12 lamps of various sizes, 3 transformers, 3 digital readout tubes and a couple of miles of wire. His head is a plastic globe which contains 2 red lamps which mid-section and upon command are are responsible for his blush when the dispensed one at a time down his leg to primary white lamp is dimmed. All in a receptical in his foot. all, Freeman weighs 85 lbs., cost about Perhaps the most interesting feature 5150.00 for used electronic parts and of Freeman the Minuteman Robot is took over 200 man hours to construct. that he is a certified caller. The Century The robot is controlled through a 25 Club has authorized Freeman to sign foot umbilical cord which runs from a your Century Book. console off stage. At each dance he is The Minuteman Squares plan to have programmed to randomly select win- Freeman call at each of their special ners from the exact number of people dances in the Lexington, Mass. area. present. Silver dollars are loaded in his from the New England Caller

58 littit#4101#


Diagrams of 120 movements, showing starting posi- : 6)i




• SUPPLEMENTS Br BILL BURLESON Will be sent out three times per year, April, August, and December. The December supplement will include a new index. In that this list is very large, supplements will cost $1.00 per year plus three 4"x Et," sell- addressed envelopes with 8t postage on two and 16t- on the other. It is very important to include the last $4.00 pp. number in your booklet and for you to remember when Ohio Residents add these are due. 4°,13 Sales Tax. Result of 10-year survey. A rapid, comprehensive reference, Shows movement differences. not an endorsement of all. An aid to standardization. 140 offset-printed pages, 81/2 x 11"

Bill Burleson 2565 Fox Ave. Minerva, Ohio 44657 iiiiatifint 59 FALL FESTIVAL, R/D Council of Florida, places Cotillion Room, Di Lido Hotel, Miami Beach October 27-29. Workshops & programs, all levels, by member teachers. Write "Foots"" to dance Reynolds, 4837 Collins Rd. Orange Pk, Fla. Would you like to visit and dance in exciting 9th ALOHA STATE S/D CONVENTION— Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia on a 2-3 Dance in Paradise, Ken Bower, Don Franklin week tour in July, 1973 with Burdicks, Leh- Jerry Haag, Beryl Main — 15 day tour departs nerts, Bausches, as hosts. Sponsor: Square 1/29/73, see Oahu, Waikiki, Kauai & Hawaii. Dance Magazine, Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio. John Campbell, 1040 Golf Ct., Mt. View, Cal.

FOUR GREAT WEEKS OF DANCING SPRING GULCH BARN- dance every week- Fun Fest, Swap Shop, Rebel Roundup, end, June, July, August. Write for complete Accent on Rounds w/Squares, Spring & schedule: Spring Gulch Barn, R.D. 2, New Fall 1973, Write Fontana Village Resort Holland, Pa. 17557. Special S/D Week, dif- Fontana Dam, North Carolina 28733 ferent caller every night, July 22 - 28.

PROMENADE HALL YELLOW ROCK BARN 7897 Taft St. 011ie Scrivener, 8301 Westridge Road. Merrillville, Ind. 46410 Raytown, Missouri 64138 For information, call 219-887-1403 AIR-CONDITIONED for year-round TOTAL SQUARE DANCE PROGRAM! dancing comfort.

4th ANNUAL SEPTEMBERFEST FALL FESTIVAL— Mountain Lake, high in Sept. 23-30, 1972 the scenic Allegheny Mts. of Virginia. Harry Dancing in two air-conditioned halls at McColgan, Jim Harlow, Stan Burdick, Dor- Kentucky Dam Village State Park sey Adams calling, Dowdys on rounds. Sept. Write: Box 190, Murray, Ky. 42071 15-17. For info, write this magazine.

GRAND ZIP, Continued you how much I appreciate your help My compliments to both of you in suc in this venture. Bruce Johnson ceeding to make your magazine better Santa Barbara, California and better with each issue. The special A rebuttal to article in July, 1972 tribute to Bob Osgood in the August is- American Squaredance, page 4, by sue really warmed my heart. This tri- Johnnie Roth, regarding subscription bute is long overdue. Callerlab '72 is to forms that use only one first name. It be commended for its action and you isn't that we don't realize that it takes for the excellent article. Bob Ruff two to he a couple, but in our case we Whittier, California make stencils and then run them off Your issue of the magazine with the mimeo machine onto self-adhesive that exceptionally "way out" cover labels. Typing is not my hag, and any- picture and your blushingly fascinating time I can find a short cut I sure use it. article inside, when coupled with the Leaving off approximately 500 first actual honor of coming into the Hall of names really cuts down my time. May- Fame is just almost more than a body be next year I'll reverse it and use the can stand — fantastic' Thank you. wife's first name. Bob Osgood Butch & Thula Carr Los Angeles, California Editors, Dancer Diggins, California You did a beautiful thing for Bob Os- Mary and I would like to thank you good in using his portrait for a cover. very much for helping make our sec- Bob was in a state of semi-shock when ond Huntington S & R/D Festival such members of Callerlab installed him in- a success. Your publication of the fes- to the Hall of Fame during the recent tival in your great magazine, we believe Asilomar session. As a personal friend helped very much in letting dancers of Bob's for many years, I can't tell Continued on Page 64 60 Nix & Match

Edited by Fred Fretitbal

Here comes Fred with an adaptation or two to test the prowess of the most stalwart dancers in the ranks. In other words, "Know your basics, kids, or forget it!" A LITTLE CHINESE (He-he-she-she) Heads rollaway with a half sashay, go forward up and back Square thru four hands around in the center of the track Do-sa-do, that's he with he, she with she, and then Make a wave, rock it, swing thru my friend The boys run, all facing out, it's wheel and deal right there Centers pass thru, corners swing, promenade that lady fair TAG (16 beats) DIXIE STYLE WITH LEFT SPIN THE TOP One and three lead to the right, circle four I say Head gents break, make two lines, forward up and back away Ladies lead Dixie style, make an ocean wave for me Left spin the top, don't stop, then you'll swat the flea Crosstrail to the corner girl, swing that pretty maid Once or twice around you go, then you promenade TAG (16 beats)

:578 A FIVE TIER PETTICOAT $7.98 plus $1.00 Postage All time favorite tricot i‘ yoke. Outer skirt of crisp "nylon baby horse- • hair," underskirt of nylon sheer to prevent scratchi• RUTH 8 REUEL DETURK ness. Self-colored binding 1606 Hopmeadow Street on each tier. White, red, black, pink, blue, maize, or- Simsbury, Conn. 06070 chid, hot pink, apple green, SEND FOR OUR gold, orange and royal. P-S-M-L and XL MAIL ORDER CATALOG I





These five albums are designed to be a "How-to-do-it" series in square danc- ing. The series is a graduating one, varying in difficulty from album to album. and also from selection to selection within each album. Each album includes one selection without calls, thus permitting the instructor or one of the dancers to obtain experience in calling. Each album contains fully illustrated instructions, and is available separately at 45 rpm. The series was edited and recorded by Professor Richard Kraus, Teachers College, Columbia University.

ALBUM No. 1 (Ages 8 to 10; Grades 3 aid 4) Shoo Fly; Duck for the Oyster; Red Rider Valley; Girls to the Center; Take a Peek; Hinkey Dinkey Parlez.vous; Divide the Ring; Th. . Noble Duke of York; Little Brown Jug (without calls) EEB-3000 (45); ALBUM No. 2 (Ages 10 to 12; Grades 5 and 6) Skating Away; Life on the Ocean Wade; Swing at the Wall; Nellie Gray; Form an Arch; Uptown and Downtown; Double Sashay; Bow Belinda: Angelworm Wiggle (without calls) EEB-3001 (45); ALBUM No. 3 (Ages 12 to 14; Grades 7 and 8) Sicilian Circle; Right Hand Star; Captain Jinks; Lady Go Halfway 'Round; Down the Line; Coming 'Round the Mountain: Pass tie Left Hand Lady Under; Virginia Reel: Four and Twenty (without calls) EEB-3002 (45);

ALBUM No. 4 (Ages 14 to 16; Grades 9 and 10) Pattycake Polka; Swing Like Thunder; First Girl to the Right; Grapevine Twist; Dip and Dive; Texas Star; My Little Girl; Going to Boston; Ragtime Annie (without calls) EEB-3003 (45); ALBUM No. 5 (Ages 16 to 18; Grades 11 and 12) Shake Them 'Simmons Down; When Jchnny Comes Marching Home; Wearing of the Green, Quarter Sashay; Hot Time in the Old Town; Four Bachelor Boys; When the Work's All Done This Fall; Haymaker's Jig; Miss McLeoi's Reel (without calls) EEB-3004 (45);

S3.49 each album

S13.00 complete set (5 albums)

7" ee.tevt ,Altasta's Fr.endlie• 510,


62 the RHUMBA


For the beginner student, or students who have difficulty Keeping time or dancing to music. On these wonderful records we have recorded, over the music, the electronic "beep" signal which gives the student the correct rhythm of the basic step of the dance. Record has three separate bands, regular tempo, slow and very slow. Beep signal on very slow tempo only.' The description of basic step is printed and illustrated on back of each record jacket. Beautifully packaged in color jackets. Available for Cha Cha, Rumba, Lindy, Waltz, Foxtrot and Samba. This is the ideal way to learn the basics of social dancing 45 RPM $1.50 Each

74 rest


STRAIGHT TALK, continued NEWS, Continued to join your square, assist them (but and Beulah L. Bruner, secretary-treas- don't push) through their difficulties ruer, R.R. 3, Leamington, Ontario. in dancing, always take a few minutes throughout the evening to he friendly SQUARE DANCER LOSES LIFE IN FLOOD and interested in them. Cora Newsome, corresponding sec- One thing we need to remember is retary of the Black Hills S & R/D As- that thoroughly well trained square sociation, was one of the 242 fatalities dancers remain active longer. Drop-outs in the June flooding of the Rapid City, occur in direct proportion to the South Dakota area. All of the dancers capability of the leadership. This leader- are saddened at the loss of their friend, ship is not just the caller, but an equal and extend their sympathy to her hus- amount of responsibility falls on each band, Charles. club member (not just your officers), The Black Hills Association has set to see that newer dancers are made to up a disaster fund for the square dan- feel that they truly "belong" to the cers who lost homes and possessions in square dance activity. the disaster. Contributions may be sent to Mrs. William Murner, 2514 FAMILY AFFAIR, continued Woodland Dr., Rapid City, 57701. vention. This brings us to another Stieffel, although not a square dancer, STYLING Ida, who registered at the convention At the New Orleans Callers Associa- tion, great concern was expressed ab- and spent six months voluntarily assist- out the "acrobatics" and extraneous ing Kenny and Gerry with the signs. fancy movements many of our square The last of the Stieffel square dancers dancers are using today, and especially but certainly not the least is Arthur our teens. They are asking your assis- Bourgeois, son of Nell and Eddie tance in returning square dancing to Bourgeois. the enjoyable smooth dance it should Out of Stieffels? Only for the time he. They would like to point out some being. We've been informed that five of the side-effects that many dancers little ones are just itching to step into may have overlooked. These "acroba- the elders' dancing shoes. And of course tics" tend to confuse newer dancers the cycle of life rarely ceases...consider and cause them to stick together. They the possibilities! tend to offend older dancers and those So there we have our very own who cannot do them because of rea- King Family — the Stieffel Family — sons of health. They can also be awk- a great square dancing family from ward and hazardous, delay the execu- New Orleans, Louisiana. tion of calls, and confuse the caller. I7L'0C)311 71111 RECORDS The callers felt that these side-effects outweigh the enjoyment of these ex- T Nt ECOID Of StGNIO w ,r.• 1.t C•IL/Il r..D • tra movements, which were: extra VVVV 211 twirls and turns on a square thru, two couples swapping and swinging in the BABY'S COMING HOME center while the otter two are prome- nading on the outside, the Swiss body swing, and the two hand swing on a by JERRY HAAG do-sa-do. Ruth McCallum and the WAGONMASTER.S GRAND ZIP, Continued know we were having it, which was great. We had dancers representing 10 states from California to Florida, and a real nice level of dancing, which was P.O. Box 364 Arvada, Colorado above average. Sonny & Mary Bess Huntington, West Virginia 64 Jr.= --77-• i B 0 OK 51-I EL F A • ‘,. by MY RTIS LITMAN ---

i Diagrammed Guide to BETTER SQUARE DANCING by Bill Burleson (19711 diagram. Thorough and complete in- structions are meant to be studied for each basic, extended basic, and experi- BETTER SQUARE DANCING mental movement. Each movement has from one to five diagrams, depending on the complexity of it. Lines, circles, and arrows are used to show turning directions and traffic patterns and to emphasize the all important pivot points. A total of 121 basics is ex- plained in this fashion. ay UU SUIKESON There are also sections on positions, $2.00 hand holds, and formations, and ac- This book is exactly what the name tual photographs are used to illustrate implies and it is chock full of diagrams. them; some general rules and informa- Each diagram is in a square as it would tion on square dancing; and glossary of appear if you were looking down on a terms, and an index. set of dancers. The large circle is the Any callers or dancers having ques- head and the small circle is the nose, tions on the starting formation, travel- showing the facing directions. Beside ing directions, or ending positions will each diagram is the description of the movement and the next paragraph find all the answers here in The Dia- gives a step by step explanation of the grammed Guide (See Page 59.)


Sold Exclusively By: THE MAREX CO. Box 371, Champaign, Illinois 61820


I- How to be a 9., FORSQUARI DAMES l'Af00771 Squa re

4106 Dancer


FOR CALLERS: S2.00 TEACHING AID S/D CARTOONS A Smooth Dancer S2.00 51.50 $3.00 COPY or quantity prices

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This Is a Package Week-End

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A deluxe room for two Friday and Saturday. 6 gourmet meals, 2 after party snacks. free golf for three days. free swimming and free STAFF FOR FEBRUARY 16th. 17th. and 18th. 1973 tours of the hotel and grounds. Your price for this Fun Filled Week.End Is 9116.00 per couple For Information. Brochures and Reservations Write. SHARON GOLDEN

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Nobody 'Till Somebody Loves You Caller: JEANNE MOODY, Salinas, Cal. At Her Very Best!!

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