Issue 65.qxd:Genetic Society News 27/6/11 10:06 Page 1 JULYJULLYY 2011 | ISSUE 65 GENETICSGENNETICSS SOCIETYSOCIEETY NENEWSEWS In this issue The Genetics Society News is edited s Spring Meeting by David Hosken and items for futurfuturee s SponsoredSponsored Meetings Meetings issues can be sent to the editoreditor,, by email to
[email protected] s Summer Student and TravelTravel Reports The Newsletter is publishedblished twice a s 2012 AwardsAwards Announced Announced yearyear,, with copy dates of 1st June s Edinburghg 2012 and 26th NovemberNovember.. The 2012 Genetics SpringSprinng Meeting Supermodel Organisms: Chemical Genetics and Synthetic LifeLiffe See page 5 for registrationregistratiion information Issue 65.qxd:Genetic Society News 27/6/11 10:06 Page 2 A WORD FROM THE EDITOR A word from the editor Welcome to issue 65. interested, search for and read “Promiscuity is key to survival” As usual this issue is packed and then read the research full of interesting reports from underpinning it as one case in students, young researchers point. and we have meetings reports past and future! Thanks once Perhaps the quality of science again to all of those who kindly reporting is partly why non- contributed. As is usual in the scientists, and administrators Editorial, it’s time to wax in particular, think they should lyrical, and there are two and can direct research. This is themes I want to mention here, not new, but as public spending science journalism and cuts continue in the UK, calls to deciding who should determine direct research are becoming many headed shotgun approach the research to be funded by more vociferous, with because no one knows where the taxpayer, as in a way they bureaucrats rather than the next break through will be, are linked.