CIKITUSI JOURNAL FOR MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN NO: 0975-6876 GEOSPATIAL VILLAGE INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR KOTHAGONDAPALLI PANCHAYAT OF HOSUR BLOCK, KRISHNAGIRI DISTRICT, TAMIL NADU. Hajiya G1, Dr.L.Yeshodha2, Dr.S.SureshBabu3 1M.E, Student, 2Professor, 3Head of the Department Department of Civil Engineering, Adhiyamaan College of Engineering,Hosur- 09, India
[email protected] ABSTRACT. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and location-based services represent the next golden age of maps and cartography. the technological changes like use of GIS, which could be useful for generating village level information syin India. Web based GIS are evolved from different Web maps and client server architecture to distributed ones. As such, Internet reshapes all functions of information systems including: gathering, storing, retrieving, analyzing, and visualizing data. Moreover, disseminating spatial information on the Internet improves the decision making processes. The importance of Web-based GIS applications for government and analyze the information they produce to establish their impact on efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of government organizations.The main objective of the present study is to prepare a geospatial village information system where contain the all information related to the village planning.To achieve this objective the spatial data of the village on 1:40,000 scale pertaining to base map, land use/land cover, cadastral maps, slope, aspect, geology, ground water potential and soils etc. was generated using multi-temporal satellite data.The non-spatialdata base for the village were generated by field survey. These spatial and non-spatial data bases were linked in the GIS domin. To make village information system is simple, user friendly, customized, local need based, interactive and can be handled by the local youth and Village functionaries and create web based geospatial village information system.