
International Council of Scientific Unions ~©&[R3bulletin No. 128 JANUARY 1998

Measures, Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the XXlst Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Christchurch, New Zealand, 19-30 May 1997 p 1

Events in 1998 p 19

Published by the


at the


Measures, Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the XXIst Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Christchurch, New Zealand, 19-30 May 1997

MEASURE 1 (1997)

Antarctic Protected Areas System mental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty adopted under Revised Description and Management Plan for recommendation XVI-I 0; Specially Protected Area Recommend to their Governments the following Measure for approval in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article SPA S (Annex A) IX of the Antarctic Treaty: The Representatives, For Specially Proiected Area No 5 Beaufort Island (Aruiex A) Recalling Recommendations XV-8 and XV-9NIII-3 1. That the Description inserted in Annex B, Specially Protected Areas, of the Agreed Measures for the Con­ Noting that revised and new Area Descriptions and Pro- servation of Antarctic Fauna and Floras hall be deleted . . posed Management Plans have been endorsed by the 2. That the Description and Management Plan of the · Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR); Specially Protected Area at Annex A shall be inserted Noting also· that the format of the revised and new Area in Annex B, Specially Protected Areas, of the Agreed · Descriptions and proposed Management Plans accord Measures for the Conservation of Antarctic Fauna and with Article 5 of Annex V of the Protocol on Environ- Flora.Annex AMeasure 2 ( 1997)

Annex A Management Plan for Specially Protected Area (SPA) No. 5 Beaufort Island, McMurdo Sound,

1. Description of values to be protected (Pygoscelis adeliae) colony, a small breeding colony of Beaufort Island was originally designated in Recommen- · Emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri), and several dation IV-5 (1966, SPA No. 5) after a proposal by New breeding colonies of polar skua (Catharacta Zealand on the grounds that it "contains substantial and · maccormicki). The boundaries of the Area, which previ­ varied avifauna, that it is one of the most important ously excluded the Emperor colony, have been extended to breeding grounds in the region, and that it should be include fast-ice occupied by breeding birds. protected to preserve the natural ecological system as a Site visits in January 1995 and 1997 discovered and reference area". The Area has been set aside primarily to described a significant area of vegetation previously unre­ protect the site's ecological values and these reasons for corded on an ice-cored moraine bench of up to 50 m wide long-term special protection still apply. and 5-7 m above the beach on the north of the island. The The island comprises a variety of terrain and habitats: vegetation is exceptional both in its quantity and quality, gently sloping ice-free, ground with summer ponds and and is the most extensive, continuous area of mosses yet small meltwater streams draining to the coast; moderately known for the McMurdo Sound region. Although the area sloping ice fields covering much of the west side of the is extensive (approximately 2.5 ha), the moss community island; and steep, rugged cliffs on the eastern slopes. is dominated by a single species, Bryum argenteum: the Recent investigations indicate the a vi fauna is iiot as varied essentially monospecific character of the site is also unique. as first thought, but there exists a large Adelie penguin The site enjoys warm summer temperatures because of its SCAR BULLETIN NO. 128

northerly aspect and shelter from southerly winds by it was designated and to ensure management and high ice cliffs. The local microclimate, stability of the maintenance measures are adequate. substrate and supply of water from the ·nearby ice-cliffs • National Antarctic Programmes operating in the and snow banks are favourable for vegetation growth. As region shall consult together with a view to ensur­ a result there is also a diverse community of algae, and ing these steps are carried out. while a detailed algal survey has not yet been undertaken, 4. Period of designation Prasio/a crispa is particularly abundant throughout the site, together with a number of unicellular chlorophytes Designated for an indefinite period. and xanthophytes (including Botrydiopsis and Pseudo­ 5. Maps and photographs coccomyxa ), and cyanobacteria (particularly scillatorians) Map A: Beaufon Island regional topographic map. The mixed with the Prasiola. Green snow algae, a mixture of map is derived from the onhophotograph in Ch/oromonas and Klebsormidium, are present as well as Map B, using Map B specifications. Inset: the red snow algae Chlamydomonas sp, Chloromonas sp, McMurdo Sound, showing and the and Ch/amydomonas nivalis. This represents one of the location of McMurdo Station (US) and Scott most southerly locations where red snow algae have been Base (NZ). The nearest protected areas are observed. The exceptional plant communities at this site SSSI-IO () and SPA-20 (New are fragile and vulnerable to disturbance and destruction College Valley)atCape Bird, and SSS!- I (Cape by trampling, sampling and/or through foreign introduc­ Royds). tions. Conservation of the ecological and scientific values Map B: Beaufon Island regional onhophotograph. of this community are imponant reasons for special pro­ Onhophotograph specifications: tection at Beaufon Island. Projection: Lamben conformal conic; As an isolated island difficult of access, the site is Standard parallels: I st 76°40'00"S; known to have been visited only infrequently. Beaufon 2nd 79°20'00"S; Island has not been comprehensively studied or docu­ Central Meridian: I 67°00'00"E; mented but is largely undisturbed by direct human activity. Latitude of Origin: 78°0I'16.211 "S. In particular, Beaufon Island has been exposed to fewer Spheroid: WGS84. opponunities for direct exotic biological introductions The original onhophotograph was prepared at than many other sites in the Ross Sea. The ecological, 1:5000 with a positional accuracy of ±2.5 m scientific and aesthetic values derived from the isolation (horizontal and venical) with an on-ground and relatively low level of human impact are imponant pixel resolution of I m. Photography: USGS/ reasons for special protection at Beaufon Island. DoSLI (SN7850) 22 November 1993. (Not 2. Aims and objectives reproduced here) Map C: Nonh Beaufon Island site onhophotograph. Management at Beaufon Island aims to: Specifications are the same as in Map B. The • avoid degradation of, or substantial risk to, the site of rich vegetation is indicated by hachures. values of the Area by preventing unnecessary hu­ The precise area of fast-ice occupied by breed­ man disturbance to the Area; ing Emperor penguins is subject to variation • preserve the natural ecosystem as a reference area both seasonally and inter-annually. (Not repro­ largely undisturbed by direct human activities; duced here) • allow scientific research on the natural ecosystems, Map D: South Beaufon Island site onhophotograph. plant communities, avifauna and soils in the Area Specifications are the same as in Map B. (Not provided it is for compelling reasons which cannot reproduced here) be served elsewhere; Figure I: Perspective view of Beaufon Island from an • minimise human disturbance to plant communities elevation of 225 m, 900 m out from the pre­ by preventing unnecessary sampling; ferred Helicopter Pad at an azimuth of 300° W. • minimise the possibility of introduction of alien (Not reproduced here) plants, animals and microbes to the Area; • allow visits for management purposes in suppon of 6. Description of the Area the aims of the management plan. 6(i) Geographical coordinates, boundary markers and 3. Management activities natural features The following management activities are to be undenaken The designated Area encompasses the whole of Beaufon to protect the values of the Area: Island (76°58'S, I 67°00'E Map A) above the mean high • Markers, signs or structures erected within the Area water mark, and includes adjacent fast-ice occupied by for scientific or management purposes shall be breeding Emperor penguins. The 7 km by 3.2 km island secured and maintained in good condition, and rises to 77 I mat Paton Peak. The west side of the island is removed when no longer necessary. predominantly an ice field with ice cliffs of about 20 m on • Visits shall be made as necessary to assess whether the coast, while the east and south sides of the island are the Area continues to serve the purposes for which largely ice-free, with steep and inaccessible cliffs rising

2 JANUARY 1998 straight from the sea. Jn view of.the isolation of Beaufort at 1976 count; 179 pairs at 1983 count, 1355 adults,at Island and the current low levels of shipping activity in the October 1994 count) is present annually between the region, boundary markers and signs have not been in­ months of approximatelyApril to January. The size of the stalled to mark the Area: the need for marking should be colony is limited by the areal extent and condition of the re-evaluated at each management plan review. fast-ice, which affects the availability of breeding sites in Beaufort Island is one of a series of late Tertiary the lee of the northern slopes of Beaufort Island. The volcanic ventS that developed along a line of weakness in precise location of the colony varies from year to year and the Ross sea floor. The geology is typical of an eroded, the colony moves within a breeding season, but the general sub-aerially produced basaltic complex, with lava flows area of occupation is indicated on Map C. and explosion breccias and tuffs evident~ Many of the The ice-free moraine terrace on the north end of the volcanic rocks ])ave been intruded by a'series oflate stage island (Map C) also supports the richest growth of vegeta­ basaltic dikes, and there is evidence.of layered ash-fall tion recorded on Beaufort Island. This vegetation is tuffs and welded spatter flows from local subsidiary cinder exceptional both in quantity and quality, and is the most arid spatter cones. Cadwalader Beach comprises a beach extensive, continuous area of mosses yet known for the foreland a~d cuspate spit, backed by steep basaltic cliffs McMurdo Sound region. The site enjoys warm summer and several talus cones. A series of beach ridges, which are temperatures (an air temperature+ 13°C ~as recorded on generally occupied by the breeding penguins, have trapped 18 January 1997) because of its northerly aspect and meltwater ponds and mark the growth of the .beac.h face shelter from southerly winds by a 20 m high. semi-circular away from the cliffs with time. A series ofraised beaches is evident at the northeastern e'nd of the island, some with ice cliff. The local microclimate, stability of the ground evidence (quills and ·guano) of former and apparently surface and supply of water from the nearby ice-cliffs and . substantial penguin colonies. Sub-tidal (abrasion) plat­ snow banks are favourable for vegetation growth. Initially forms and massive boulders-are found below the highly the water forms a diffuse flush but becomes progressively. weathered eastern and southern cliffs. entrained into rivulets that have eroded narrow valleys in An Adelie colony of 46,000 pairs (1987 count) occu­ the edge of the terrace. The moss com_munity is extensive· pies the flat area at Cadwalader Beach (Map D). Above the (approximately 2.5 ha), with much of the site showing steep cliffs that rise behind the colony, a population of 100% ground cover, dominated by a single species, Bryum skuas (numbers unknown) nest on more gentle ice-free argenteum. One specimen of another sp::cies, Pottiq slopes at the edge of the permanent ice field on the west heimii, was found after an extensive search: the essentially flank of the island. This ice field is punctuated mid-way by monospecific character of the site is also unique. The a 2 km line of rocky outcrops at an elevation of approxi­ Bryum occurs in scattered patches 'at the upper, (southern) mately 200 m. In the north the ice field broadens into an margin of the bench, adjacent to the annual drift snow at'the extensive flat area ofless than 50m elevation, NE of which base of the ice cliff, arid more continuous 'mats (hum­ extends an ice-free beach about IOOOmin length and 50 m mocks) occur in the middle of the bench and in ;.,.eas where wide (Map. C), In January 1995 a newly-established, spreading water drainage occurs,' especially at thee.Stern possibly .transitory, colony of Adelie penguins (compris­ end. In the upper (southern) part of the area the Bryum is , ing 2 pairs with·3 chicks and approximately 10-15 non­ intermixed with Nostoc colonies (cyanobacterium). At breeders) occupied the west end of this beach. Above the lower and more northerly sites in areas of high waier flow beach, a raised.ice-cored moraine terrace (5-20 m eleva­ the moss may be overgrown with a brown coloured.mixed tion, ranging from 2-3 m wide over most of its length but cyanobacterial community, particularly in areas prone to broadening to 20-50 metres at its eastern end) extends for flooding, cryciturbic disturbance !'nd, possibly, skua activ­ 550 m before rising more steeply toward the unstable ity. Bryum argenteum produces .dehiscent shoot tips basaltic cliffs which persist around the entire eastern side · which disperse the plants down stream. Evidence of this of the island. At least three sub-fossil penguin colony dispersal was commonly seen with B argenteum some- deposits have been identified within the moraine terrace,, . times occurring as small, and probably ephemeral, com­ each layer vertically separated by around 50-100 cm of munities on the beach below the terrace. The moss com­ gravels and sand, suggesting this part of the island had munity is known to support significant populations of been occupied by a sizable breeding penguin colony in the mites, but a detailed survey of invertebrates on Beaufort recent past The deposits may be useful for determining Island has yet to be undertaken. the age of former penguin colonies in the region. The vegetation at Beaufort Island is comparable to the A population of approximately 100 skuas ( 1995 count) upper, wetter parts of the flush at (SSSI- breeds on the terrace and ice-free slopes leading toward the 12), Taylor Valley, . The Canada Glacier cliffs. The proportion of breeders to non-breeders in this flush has a common, second species, Portia heimii, that population is not known, but approximately 25 and 50 grows in drier areas but this was almost completely absent chicks were counted in January 1995 and 1997 respec­ at Beaufort Island. The reason for this is unknown, but tively, could be due to substrate· differences, the ·presence of , , On the fast-ice adjacent to the northern coastal reaches,. numerous skuas occupying the drier areas at Beaufort a small colony of breeding Emperor penguins (1787 pairs . Island, high nutrient levels in the melt water at Beaufort


Island, or limited dispersal and colonisation opportunities. 7. · Permit conditions At Botany Bay (SSSI-37), Granite Harbour, Victoria Land Entry into the Area is prohibited except in accordance with - a warmer site than at Canada Glacier but at a similar a Permit issued by appropriate national authorities. Con­ latitude to Beaufort Island - the wetter areas are occupied ditions for issuing a Permit to enter the Area are that: by the moss Ceratodon purpureus or Bryum argenteum, so • it is issued only for compelling scientific reasons that there may be a sequence from wet to dry of C that cannot be served elsewhere, or for essential purpureus - B argenteum - P heimii. While there is no management purposes consistent with plan objec­ understanding as to why C. purpureus is absent at Beaufort tives such as inspection or review; Island it is likely that limited dispersal and colonisation • the actions permitted will ·not jeopardise the eco­ opportunities, as well as water nutrient status, may be logical or scientific values of the Area; important. • any management activities are in supj:>ort of.the There is also a diverse community of algae, and while aims of the Management Plan; a detailed algal survey has not yet been undertaken, Prasiola • the actions permitted are in accordance with the crispa is particularly abundant throughout the site, reflect­ Management Plan; ing the high nutrient status and abundance of melt water. the Permit, or an authorized copy, shall be carried A number of unicellular chlorophytes and xanthophytes within the Area; (including Botrydiopsis and Pseudococi:omyxa) and • · a visit report shall be ·supplied to the authority · cyanobacteria (particularly scillatorians) were found mixed named in the Permit; with the Prasiola. Green snow algae, noticeable as a green • permits shall be issued for a stated period. band at the lower levels of snow banks above the beach and 7(i) Access to and movement within the Area below the ice cliffs, contained a mixture of Chloromonas Land vehicles are prohibited within the Area and access and Klebsormidium. The snow and ice cliffs forming the shall be by small boat or by aircraft. Aircraft should land upper edge of the beach also contain a pinkish-brown on the island only at the designated site (76°55'50"S, deposit, consisting largely of fine silty material as well as 166°58'20"E: Map A) on the large flat toe of ice on the the red snow algae Ch/amydomonas sp, Ch/oromonas sp, north end of the island. Should snow conditions at the and Chlamydomonas nivalis. This represents one of the designated landing site at the time of visit militate against most southerly locations where red snow algae have been a safe aircraft landing, a suitable mid- to late-season observed. alternative to the designated landing site may be found at During a NZ/US visit in January 1995 abandoned the nominated northern camp site at the western end of equipment was removed from among the Adelie colony at northern beach on Beaufort Island. It is preferred that Cadwalader Beach. No other human impact was visually aircraft approach and depart from the designated landing evident in 1995. site from the south or west (Map A, Figure 1). When it is found necessary to use the alternative site at the northern 6(ii) Restricted zones within the Area beach campsite, practical considerations may dictate a None. northern approach: when this is the case aircraft shall avoid 6(iii) Structures within and near the Area overflight of the area east of this site indicated on Maps A­ The only structure known to exist on the island is a signpost C and Figure 1. Use of smoke grenades when landing on a prominent rock in the Adelie colony at Cadwalader within the Area is prohibited unless absolutely necessary Beach (Map 0). The sign, erected in 1959-60, bears the for safety, and all grenades should be retrieved. There are no special restrictions on where access can be gained to the names and home-towns of seamen and the Captain of the HMNZS Endeavour: the sign is set in concrete and was in island by small boat. Pilots, air or boat crew, or other good condition in January 1995. The sign is of potential people on aircraft or boats, are prohibited from moving on foot beyond the immediate vicinity of the landing site historic value and should remain in situ unless there are unless specifically authorised by a Permit. compelling reasons for its removal, which should be kept under review. Overflight of bird breeding areas lowerthan 750 m (or 2500 ft) is normally prohibited: the areas where these An astronomical survey station is recorded on a map of special restrictions apply are shown on Maps A-D and the island compiled in 1960, but it is unknown whether any Figure I. When required for essential scientific or man­ associated permanent marker exists. The station is re­ agement purposes, transient overflight down to a mini­ corded as located at the south end of the main island ridge­ mum altitude of300m ( 1000 ft) may be allowed over these line divide at an altitude of 549 m (Map A). areas: conduct of such overflights must be specifically 6(iv) Location of other protected areas within close authorised by Permit. . proximity of the Area Visitors should avoid unnecessary disturbance to birds; The nearest protected areas to Beaufort Island are Caughley or walking on visible vegetation. Pedestrian traffic should Beach (SSSI-10) and (SPA-20) located be kept to the minimum consistent with the objectives of 35 km to the south at , Ross Island. any permitted activities and every reasonable effort should (SSSI-1) is a further 35 km to the south (Inset: Map A). be made to minimise effects.

4 JANUARY 1998

7(ii) Activities that are or may be conducted in the Area: miilimuril necessary to meet scientific' or manageinent' . including restricti~ns on time or place needs. Mat~ria! of human origin likely to compromise the • Scientific research that will not jeopardise the eco­ -· values of the Area, which was not brought into the Area by ·system of the Area and which cannot be served the Permit Holder or otherwise authorised, may be re­ elsewhere; moved unless the impact of removal is likely to be greater • Essential management activities, including moni- than leaving. the material in situ : if this is the case the toring. appropriate authority should be notified. 7(iii) /nstallt1tion, modification or removal of structures 7(viii) Disposal of waste No structures are to be erected within the Area except as All wastes, including all human wastes, shall be re­ specified in a Permit. All scientific equipment installed in moved from the Area. the Area must be approved by Permit and clearly identified 7(ix) Measures that are necessary to ensure that the aim~ by country, name of the principal investigator and year of and objectives ofthe Management Plan can continue installation. All such items should be made of materials to be met that pose minimal risk of contamination of the Area. l. Permits may be granted to enter the Area to carry otit Removal of specific equipment for which the Permit has biological .monitoring and·· site inspection activities, expired shall be a condition of the Permit. which may involve the collection of small samples for 7(iv) Location offield camps analysis or review, or for protective measures. Camping is permitted only at two designated sites (Maps 2. Any specific sites of long-term monitoring shall be A-0). The north camping site is located on the flat area appropriately marked. north of the designated landing site, on a more sheltered 3. To help maintain the ecological and scientific values of location at the NW end of the beach, 200 m from where _the isol~tion and historically low level of human im­ several pair of Adelie penguins and skuas nest (if present). pact at Beaufort Island visitors shall take special The second site is located on the snow I 00 m from the · precautions against introductions. · Of particular con­ northern edge of the large Adelie colony at Cadwalader cern are microbial or vegetation introductions sourced Beach. .from soils at other Antarctic sites, including stations, or from regions outside . Visitors shall take the 7(v) Restrictions on materials and organisms which can following measures to minimise the risk of introduc­ be brought into the Area tions: No living animals, plant materiaf~r microorganisms shall 4. Any sampling equipment or markers brought into the be deliberately introduced into the Area and the precau­ Area shall be sterilised and, to the maximum extent tions listed in 7(ix) below shall be taken against accidental practicable, maintained in a sterile condition before introductions. No herbicides or pesticides shall be brought being used within the Area. To the maximum extent into the Area. Any other chemicals, including radio­ practicable, footwear and other equipment used or nuclides or stable isotopes, which may be introduced for brought into the Area (including backpacks or carry­ scientific or management purposes specified in the Permit, bags) shall bO thoroughly cleaned or sterilised and shall be removed from the Area at or before the conclusion maintained in this condition before entering the Area; of the activity for which the Permit was granted. Fuel is not 5. Sterilisation should be by an acceptable method, such to be stored in the Area, unless required for essential as by UV light, autoclave or by washing exposed · purposes connected with the activity for which the Permit surfaces in 70% ethanol solution in water. has been granted. All materials introduced shall be for a 7(x) Requirements for repons stated period only, shall be removed at or before the conclusion of that stated period, and shall be stored and Patties ·should ensure that the principal holder for each handled so that risk of their introduction info the environ~ : permit issued submit to the appropriate authority a report ment is minimised. . describing.the· activities undertaken. Such reports should include, as appropriate, the information identified in the 7(vi) Taking or harmful interference with native flora or fauna ' Visit Report form suggested by SCAR. Patties should maintajn:a ·record Or:such' activities and, in the Annu31 This is prohibited, except in accordance with a Permit. • Exchange of, Information,- should provide summary de­ Where animal taking.or harmful interference is involved _scriptions of aciivities conducted by persons subject to this should, as a minimum standard, be in accordance with 'their jurisdiction, which should be in sufficient detail to the SCAR Code "or Conduct for_t_he Use of Anim~ls for_ 'allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the Manageme~t sdentific Purposes in AntaTctica. . Plan. Parti_es sh


Map A - Beaufort Island, Specially Protected Area No 5, topographic map

166°5S'OO~E • \ MaoC• ,,,., --- r- ...... , /' A4:Jprmdmata araa of ', Emperor Pencjuln Colony \ I /

! ..!

"'g ~1-~~~~~~~~+-r re

o metres 1000 Contour interval: 20m

Rich plant growth ® Designated helicopter pad Projection: Lambert conformal conic Protected area boundary Designated camp site Spheroid: WGS84 - (Includes fast ice occupied by A breeding Emperor penguins) E HMN.ZS Endeavour signpost Source: Beaufort Island Man~gement Plan

6 JANUARY 1998 ·

MEASURE 2 (1997)

Antarctic Protected Areas System · toric and commemorative significance which require Management Plans for Specially Protected Areas long-term protection to ensure that their values are maintained and to avoid undue human disturbance; Number 25: Historic Site and its envi· Agreeing that pending entry irito force.of Annex V, pro­ rons (Annex A) posals to designate and adopt management plans for Number 26: Tomb (Annex B) the protection of historic or commemorative values The Representatives, should be viewed as proposals for the designation of Recalling Recommendations XV-8 and XV-9; Specially Protected Area.S (SPAs) in accordance with Noting that Management Plans for the above Areas have the Agreed Measures for the Conservation of Antarctic been endorsed by the Scientific Committee on Antarc­ Flora and Fauna; tic Research (SCAR); Recommend to their Governments the following Measure Noting also that the format of the Management Plans for approval in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article accord with Article 5 of Annex V of the Protocol on IX of the Antarctic Treaty: Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty · That the Management Plans for the Cape Evans Historic adopted under recommendation XVI- IO; Site and its environs (SPANo25)and the Lewis Bay Tomb · Recognising that both these Areas have outstanding his- (SPA No 26) annexed to this Measure be adopted.

Annex A Management Plan for Specially Protected Area (SPA) No 25 for Historic Sites No 16 and 17 · (containing the historic Terra Nova hut of Captain RF Scott and its precincts) Cape Evans, Ross Island

(77°38'10"S, 166°25'04"E) understanding and awareness of Antarctica, give this Area significant scientific value. 1. Description of Values to be Protected This area was originally listed as Historic Sites 16 and 17 2. Aims and Objectives in Recommendation VII-9. The Terra Nova hut (Historic The aim of the management plan is to provide protection · Site No 16) is the largest of the historic huts in the Ross Sea for the Area and its features so that its values can be .region. It was built in by the British Antarc­ preserved. The objectives of the plan are to: tic "Terra Nova" Expedition of 1910-13 which was led by ·• avoid degradation of, or substantial risk to, the Captain Rohen Falcon Scott, RN. It was subsequently values of the Area; used as a base by the Ross Sea pany of Sir Ernest Shackle­ • maintain the historic values of the area through ton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914-17. planned restoration and conservation work: Another major feature of this area is the Cross on Wind • allow management activities which suppon the Vane Hill (Historic Site No 17) which was erected in the protection of the values and features of the Area; memory of three members of Shackleton's Ross Sea pany • pi-event unnecessary human disturbance to the Area, who died in 1916. In addition to this, there are also the its features and anefacts by means of managed anchors of the ship Aurora from the Imperiai Trans­ access to the Terra Nova hut. AntarctiC Expedition, an instrument shelter, several sup­ 3. Management Activities ply dumps and dog kennels, and numerous anefacts dis­ tributed around the site. • a regular programme of restoration and preserva­ tion work shall be undenaken on the Terra Nova hut .The Cape Evans sit~ is one of the principal sites ofearly and associated anefacts in the Area; human activity in Antarctica. It is an imp'?nant symbol of • visits shall be made as necessary for management the Heroic Age of Antarctic explor!'tion, and as such, has purposes; considerable historical and cultural significance. Some of • : National Antarctic Programmes operating in, or the earliest ~dvances i.n the study _of eanh sciences, mete­ those with an interest .in, the region shall consult orology, flora and fauna are associated with the Terra together with a view to ensuring the above provi- Nova Expeditic:m based at this site. ,The history of these sions are implemented. · · activities and the contribution they have made to. the .· ...


4. Period of Designation 6(iii) Structures within the Area Designated for an indefinite period. All structures located within the Area are of historic origin, although a temporary, modern protective enclosure around 5. Maps the magnetic hut remains in place. Map A: Cape Evans regional map. This map shows the 6( iv) Location ofother Protected Areas wichin close pro;.- boundaries of the proposed Antarctic Specially imity Protected Area with significant topographical features. approaches, field camp sites and heli­ SSS!No I Cape Royds is 10 km north of Cape Evans; SSS! copter landing sites. It also shows the approxi­ No 2 , Hut Peninsula is 22 km south of mate location of significant historical items Cape Evans; and SSS! No 11 is approxi­ within the area. Inset: Ross Island showing mately 20 km east of Cape Evans. All sites are located on sites of nearby protected areas and stations. Ross Island. · · Map B: Cape Evans site map. This map shows the 7. · Permit Conditions . approxima\e location of specific historic arte· Entry to the Area is prohibited except in ·accordance with facts and sites within the Are~. a Permit. 6. Description of the Area Permits shall be issued only by appropriate national authorities and may contain both general and specific 6(i) Geographical coordinates, boundary markers ~nd conditions. A Permit may be issued by a national authority natura.lfeatures to cover a number of visits in a season. Parties operating Cape Evans is a small, triangular shaped, ice-fre~ area in in the Ross Sea Area shall consult together and with groups the south west of Ross Island, 10 kilometres to the south of and organisations interested in visiting the site to ensure Cape Royds and 22 km to the north of that visitor numbers are not exceeded. on Ross Island. The ice-free area is composed of till­ General conditions for issuing a Permit to enter the site covered basalt bedrock. The designated Area is located on may include: the north western coast of Cape Evans adjacent to Home Beach and centred on Scott's Terra Nova hut. The bounda­ • activities related to preservation, maintenance, re­ search and/or monitoring purposes; ries of the proposed ASPA are: • management activities in support of the objectives • South: a line extending east from a point at of the Plan; 77°38'15.47"S, 166°25'9.48"E - 20 m south of the • activities related to tourism, educational or recrea­ cross on Wind Vane Hill; tional activities providing they do not conflict with • South/west: a line from the reference point above the objectives of this plan. extended to follow the crest of the small ridge descend­ 7(i) Access to and Movement within the Area ing in a north westerly direction to the shoreline at 77°38'1 l.50"S - 166°24'49.47"E; Control _of movement within the Area is necessary to • North/west: by the shoreline of Home Beach; prevent damage caused by crowding around the many vulnerable features within the Area. The maximum number • North/east: by the line of the outlet stream from Skua Lake to Home Beach at 77°38'4.89"S- I 66°25'13.46"E; in the Area at any time (including those within the hut is 40 people. East: by the line extending south from the western edge Control of numbers within the hut is necessary to of Skua Lade at 77°38'5.96"S - 166°25'35.74"E - to prevent damage by crowding around the many vulnerable intersect with the southern boundary at 77°38' 15.48"S features within the hut. The maximum number within the - 166°25'35.68"E. hut at any time (including guides) is 12 people. A major feature of the Area is Scott's Terra Nova hut Avoidance of cumulative impacts on the interior the located on the north western coast of Cape Evans at Home ~f Beach. The hut is surrounded by many historic relics and hut requires an annual limit on visitor numbers. The include the anchors from the Aurora, dog skeletons, instru­ effects of the current visitor level (approximately 1,000 ment shelters, dog line, meteorological screen, fuel dump, per calendar year ( 1995) suggest that an increase of more than 100 percent could cause significant adverse impacts. magnetic hut, coal, stores, rubbish dumps and flag pole. A .memorial cross to three members of Shackleton's Ross The annual maximum number of visitors is 2,000 people. Sea party of 1914-17 stands on West Vane Hill. All these These limits have been set based on current visitor features·are_included within the boundaries of the Area. levels and on the best advice available from conservation advisory agencies (which include conservators, archae­ Skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) nest on Cape Evans ologists, historians, museologists and other heritage pro­ and Ad~lie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) from the rook­ tection professionals). The limits are based on the proposi­ ery at Cape Royds may occasionally transit the Area. tion that any significant increase in the current level of Weddell seals have also been seen hauled up on Home Beach. visitor numbers would be detrimental to the values to be protected. An ongoing monitoring programme of the 6(ii) Restricted Z.Ones within the Area effects of visitors is in place. This will provide the basis for None. future reviews.

8 · , JANUARY 1998

Helicopter landings are prohibited within the Area as nected with the protection and conservation of the historic· · they have the potential to damage the site by blowing structures or associated relics. All such materials are to be scoria and ice particles and to accelerate the abrasion of the remoyed "'.hen no longer required. hut and surrounding artefacts. Landings may be made at Smoking; or the use of any naked .flame·. including the existing designated landing sites (see Maps 1 and 2). lanterns, is not permitted in the hut under any circum­ One site is approximately 150 m to the north of the hut stances. outside the Area. Another designated site is located adjacent to the field shelters erected approximately 200 m 7(vi) Taking or harmful inteiference with native flora and beyond the south western boundary of the Area. fauna Vehicles are prohibited within the Area. Landings This activity is prohibited except in accordance with a from the sea by boat may be made by visitors directly in Permit. Where animal taking or harmful interference is front of the hut at Home Beach. involved, this should, as a minimum standard, be 'in ac­ 7(ii) Activities which may be conducted within the Area cordance with the SCAR Code of Conduct for the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes in Antarctica. Activities which may be conducted within the area in­ clude: 7(vii) Collection or reinovafofanything not iniroduced by • visits for restoration, preservation and/or protec­ visitors tion purposes; Material may be collected and removed from the Area only • educational and/or recreational visits including tour­ for restoration, preservation or protection reasons and only ism; in accordance with the management activities detailed as • scientific activity which does not detract from the necessary to protect the values of the area in a Permit. values of the Area. Visitors must remove objects, substances, and waste pro­ 7(iii) Installation, modification and removal ofstructures duced by them during their time in the Area. Samples from No new structures are to be erected in the Area, or scientific or specimens of fauna, flora and sciil may be removed for equipment installed, except for conservation activities as scientific purposes only in accordance with an appropriate specified in 7(ii). No historic structure, relic or artefact Permit. shall be removed from tlie Area, except for the purposes of 7(viii) Disposal of waste restoration and/or preservation and then only in accord­ ance with a Permit. All human waste and grey water shall be removed from the Area. Waste generated by work parties shall be removed 7(iv) Location offield camps from the Area. Use of the historic hut for living purposes is not permitted. Camping is prohibited in the Area under any circum­ 7( ix) Measures thar may be necessary to ensure that the stances. An existing field camp site is located approxi­ aims and objectives of the management plan con­ mately 300 m beyond the south western boundary of the tinue to be niet area (see Map 2). Two Antarctica New Zealand (New l. the Permit, or an authorised copy, must be carried Zealand Antarctic Institute) field shelters are located at within the Area; this site and should be used by all parties intending to camp 2. provision of information for visitors; in this area. The helicopter pad has been relocated away 3. development of skills and resources, particularly those from the immediate vicinity of Scott's hut inside the Area, related to conser.vation and preservation techniques, to to a point immediately outside the Area near the north east assist with the protection of the Area's. values. boundary. To the north east of Scott's hut is the site of the 7(x) Requirements for Reporrs year-round which was re­ moved in 1991-92. The plaque which marked this site was Parties should ensure that the principal holder for each 'removed in January 1996. Permit issued submit to the appropriate authority a report describing the activities undertaken. Such reports should 7(v) Restrictions on materials and organisms which may include, as appropriate, the information identified in the be brought to the Area • Visit Report suggested by SCAR. Parties should maintain No living animals or plant material shall be introduced a record of such activities and, in the Annual Exchange of to the Area. Information, should provide summary descriptions of ac­ No poultry products, including food products contain­ tivities conducted by persons subject to their jurisdiction, ing uncooked dried eggs, shall be taken into the Area. in sufficient detail to allow an evaluation of the effective­ . ·chemicals which may be introduced for m~nagement ness of the Management Plan. Parties should wherever purposes shall be removed from the Area at or before the possible deposit original or copies-of such reports ·in ·a conclusion of the activity specified in the plan. publicly accessible archive to maintain a record of usage, Fuel, food or other materials are not to be left in depots to be used both for review of the Management Plan and in in the Area, unless required for essential purposes con- organising the use of the site.


Map A - Cape Evans, Antarctic Specially Protected Area: regional map

166°26'00"E 166°27'00"E

ROSS SEA '"'" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ .\ \ . ' \: ' " I ... I ) ( ' .. ~ ._., Ross lea Shstl \ · ; .... &c:. . . ' ·, \. \ \ ' ,, J 't ' -- I ' 'l \ ! I : North \....' ! '<~··\...... ' : Bay ',

r- < , '-~I ~ \..... l ~ £ ' ' \ (J\) ,-1--,, t (Cape Evans ~ -~ ,-"' ...... } '-i ~ __ ,,.. ' .... _____ .... ______\)- -...... _...... :;:____ ------' South Bay ·

Estimated position of coastline 0 metres 250 Source: NZ Dept of Survey and Land Protected area boundary Information Plan 37 /107 Cape Evans Contour interval: 5 m orthophoto, scale 1 :5000 Historic structures Note: positions of features appr~ximate -® Helicopter pad

10 JANUARY 1998 ·

Map B - Cape Evans, Antarctic Specially Protected Area: site map . -

1ss~zs'OO"E ., . "166°25'20"E 166°25'40''E

I I ··,· I I' I ' i I North --.."---..,.' ,. ! i I I .1 I I I Skua Lake



Estimated p6sition of coastline Source: NZ Dept of Survey and Land lnfonnation Plan 37/107 Cape Evans 0 metres 50 Protected area boundary orthophoto, scale 1:5000 Contour interval: S m Historic structures Note: positions of features approximate -® Helicopter pad


AnnexB Management Plan for Specially Protected Area (SPA) No. 26 Lewis Bay, , Ross Island

1. Description or values to be protected 4. Period or designation An area on the lower slopes of Mount Erebus, above Lewis Designated for an indefinite period. Bay on the north side of Ross Island, was originally S. Maps and photographs declared a tomb in Recommendation XI-3 (1981) after Map A: Lewis Bay protected area topographic map. Note: notification by New Zealand that 257 people of several Map A is derived from the Antarctic Digital Database nationalities lost their lives when the DC-10 aircraft in (ADD) Version 1.0, 1993, which was prepared to a base which they were travelling crashed at this site on 28 scale of I :250,000 underthe auspices of SCAR. Positional November 1979. In spite of the determined and coura­ corrections have been applied to the ADD source data geous actions of the New Zealand and United States using 1993 and 1995 Global Positioning System (GPS) Antarctic expeditions the bodies ofsome of those who died data and 1993 aerial photography. Accuracy of the map could not be recovered. Expressing deep sympathy with remains approximate pending publication of new and the relatives of those who died and with the Government accurate Ross Island maps at I :50,000 scale. The geo­ and people ofNewZealand, the tomb was declared in order graphical coordinates of the crash site and other features to ensure that the area be left in peace. These reasons for are considered accurate to within approximately 100-200 special protection are still valid, and the Area is to be kept m horizontally. Elevation data are considered accurate to inviolate as a mark of respect, in remembrance and in order approximately I 00 m vertically. to protect the site's emotional values. Map A: specifications: In late 1979 a six-foot oregon timber cross was erected Projection: Lambert conformal conic; close to the crash site as a memorial to those who lost their Standard parallels: I st 79° I 8'00"S; lives. After damage by wind this cross was replaced on 30 2nd 76°42'00"S; January 1987 with a cross of stainless steel, located on a Central Meridian: 167°30'00" E; rocky promontory overlooking and approximately 3 km Latitude of Origin: 78°01'16.2 I I "S; from the site. This site is not part of the protected area, but Spheroid: GRS80. is proposed as an Historic Monument in recognition of the Inset: Lewis Bay, Ross Island location map, showing commemorative and symbolic values of the cross. sites of nearby protected areas and stations. 2. Aims and objectives Figure /: Photograph of the Lewis Bay areaand crash site Management at Lewis Bay aims to: from the memorial cross. (Not reproduced • avoid degradation of, or substantial risk to, the here) values of the Area; 6. Description of the Area • ensure the crash site is kept inviolate and prevent 6(i) Geographical coordinates, boundary markers and unnecessary human disturbance to the Area; natural features allow visits to the nearby site of the memorial cross for the purposes of commemoration or to pay The designated Area on Ross Island (Map A) encompasses respects; the crash zone (centered on 77°25'29"S, I 67°28'30"E, • allow visits for purposes in support of the aims of elevation 520 m (1720 ft)) and the surrounding glacial ice the management plan. 2 km above and to either side of this position, extends as a 4 km wide 'rectangle' down to the sea, and includes the 3. Management activities airspace above this region to an altitude of I 000 m (3280 The following management activities are to be undertaken ft) with the exception of a 200 m wide air access 'corridor' to protect the values of the Area: along the coastline. The west boundary of the Area is the • All pilots operating in the region shall be informed 167°23'33"E meridian; the east boundary is the I 67°33'27''E of the location, boundaries and restrictions apply­ meridian. The south boundary is the 77°26'33"S parallel, ing to entry and over-flight in the Area; while the north boundary is defined by the coastline. The • Visits shall be made as necessary (no less than once aircraft's primary impact occurred at an elevation of 446.7 every five years) for inspection and to assess whether m: debris was spread up-slope 570 m from that point over the Area continues to serve the purposes for which an area 120 m wide to an elevation of 580 m (1900 ft). it was designated; Much of the aircraft wreckage is now buried in ice and is • National Antarctic Programmes operating in the slowly moving down-slope with the glacier to the sea region shall consult together with a view to ensur­ (Figure I). The bodies of some of those who died could not ing these steps are carried out. be recovered and remain in the Area. Boundary markers

12 : , 'JANUARY 1998'. have not been placed· to· mark the Area. for two reasons: 7(ii) Activities that are or may be conducted in the Area,· their presence is considered detrimental to the inviolate . incl~4ing rest1:ictio!1s on _tif!Je ~r plac~ . ... val ties of the site, and their maintenance would be imprac­ All visits to the Area for any purpose .. shall h!' made tical on the moving glacier. recognising the principal values to be protected in _the 6(iif Restricted.zones within the Area Area, and as far as possible the.Areashould be left in !"'ace. . ·- . . . . None. V~sits '!t3Y ~e made fo~ ess~ntial inspection to e~sure ~~ values of the Area are being maintained, and to determine. 6(iii) Structures within and near the Area ·' if materiais at the s'ite ~present a problem by ~~ergence The stainless steel memorial cross (proposed as a Historic from the ice and then possible wind dispersal, or for 1 Monument) is located on a rock outcrop (77°26'38"S, securing or removal of such items. Visits may also be 167°33'43"E; elevation 810 m (2660 ft)) approximately made for removal of materials introduced into the Area 3 km SE of the.crash site, and is a symbol of the special subsequent to its designation, if appropriate_. significance of the Area. No other structures exist within 7(iii) Installation, modification or removal of strnctures or near the f\~e_a. Debris from the a.ircraft remains in situ. No structures are to be erected within the Area except as 6(iv) Location of other protected areas within close specified in a Permit. It is prohibited to modify or remove proximity of the Area any structure that was present within the Area at the time The nearest protected area to Lewis Bay is SSSI-11 at of special protection designation. Tramway Ridge ( 15 km distant) near the summit of Mount 7(iv) Location offield crmps Erebus. Caughley Beach (SSSJ-10) and New College Valley (SPA-20) (at Cape Bird) and Cape Royds (SSSI-1) Camping is prohibited within the Area, unless under are approximately 35 km· west on Ross Island. Cape exceptional circumstances for management or protection. Crozier (SSSl-4) is 40 km to the east (Inset: Map A). Where camping is required for such activities, the site selected shall be no closer than 200 m from the location of 7. Permit conditions the wreckage at the time of the visit: Entry into the Area is prohibited except in accordance with 7(v) Restrictions on materials which can be brought into a Permit issued by appropriate national authorities. Con­ the Area ditions for issuing a Permit to enter the Area are that: It is prohibited to introduce any materials into the Area. it is issued only for compelling purposes that arc in Smoke grenades used when absolutely necessary for safety suppon of the aims of the Management Plan; of air operations should be retrieved. the actions permiued will not compromise the val­ ues of the Area; 7(vi) Taking or harmful inteiference with native flora or • the actions permitted are in accordance with the fauna Management Plan; Taking or harmful interference with native flora or fauna the Permit, or an authorized copy, shall be carried is prohibited within the Area. within the Area; 7(vii) Collection or removal of anything not brought into • a visit repon shall be supplied to the authority the Area by the Permit holder named in the Permit; Collection or removal of anything not brought into the permits shall be issued for a stated period. Area by the Permit holder is prohibited, unless it has been 7(i) Access to and movement within the Area determined that materials at the site are emerging from the Land vehicles are prohibited within the Area and access ice and their dispersal by wind presents a management shall be by foot or by helicopter. Overflight of the Arca is problem. If this is the case, such materials should be prohibited below 1000 m (3280 ft) above sea level, except appropriately disposed of with due regard to the families of for essential access related to the values for which this site victims and according to national procedures. Materials is protected, or for inspection and monitoring of the site (at introduced into the Area subsequ.ent to designation may be least once every five years). An exception to the overflight removed unless the impact of removal is likely to be restriction is provided by a 200 m wide access 'corridor' greater than leaving the material in situ : if this is the c.ase through the area immediately adjacent to the coastline the appropriate authority should be notified. (Map A), which allows transit of aircraft through the Area 7(viii) Disposal of waste at times when visibility or conditions make avoidance of It is prohibited to dispose of any waste, including all the Area otherwise impractical. No special restrictions human wastes, within the Area. apply to the air routes used to move to and from the Area by helicopter when access is permitted. Use of helicopter 7(ix) Measures that are necessary to ensure that the ain1s smoke grenades within the Area is prohibited unless abso­ and objectives ofthe Management Plan can continue lutely necessary for safety, and then these should be to be met · . retrieved. None specified.


7(x) Requirements for reports Exchange of Information, should provide summary de­ scriptions of activities conducted by persons subject to Panies should ensure that the principal holder for each their jurisdiction, which should be in sufficient detail to permit issued submit to the appropriate authority a repon allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the Management describing the activities undenaken. Such reports should Plan. Panies should, wherever possible, deposit originals include, as appropriate, the information identified in the or copies of such original repons in a publicly accessible Visit Repon form suggested by SCAR. Panies should archive to maintain a record of usage to be used in any maintain a record of such activities and, in the Annual review of the management plan.

Map A - Lewis Bay, Specially Protected Area No. 26


Lewis Bay

Cape Tennyson ,,. .. -: ·-"'\ . ( .., ' ,., · .. · ·,.·

... '· ·.,_

1r>0-oo·s ',·-J····. __. ,. ,, M1 Tetra ,,~:ova

.\ \. . \ \ ', £@ ASPA 200m air access conidor Projection; lambefl conlounal conic a km 10 Ice-flee ground V DC· 10 crash location Spheroid: GAS 80 Contour interval: 200m • Memorial C1oss

MEAsuRE 3 (1997)

Antarctic Protected Areas System SSSI 15: Cierva Point, Danco Coast, Antarctic Penin­ Revised Descriptions and Management Plans for sula (Annex D) Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSS!) SSSI 37: Botany Bay, , Victoria Land (Annex E) SSSJ 11: Tramway Ridge The Representatives, SSSI 12: Canada Glacier, Taylor Valley, Victoria Land Recommend to their Governments the following Measure (Annex A) for approval in accordance with paragraph 4 of Anicle IX of the Antarctic Treaty: SSSI 13: , 25 de Mayo Island (King I. For the following Sites of Special Scientific Interest, George Island), that the·relevant Management Plans anne_xed to this. (Annex_B) · Mea5ure be insened in the Annex to Recommendation SSSJ 14: , Nelson Island, South Shet­ XIII-8 to replace those plans previously annexed to land Islands (Annex C) this Rec.ommendation: · ·

14 ;<'_; .!. · .. JANUARY: 1998· ·

SSS! 12: Canada Glacier, Taylor Valley, .Victoria. ure (Annex E) be approved and adopted. Land (Annex A) 3. For SSS! No 11 Tramway Ridge, that the term 're­ SSS! 13: Potter Peninsula, 25 de Mayo Island (King stricted zone' be changed to"prohibited zone': · · · George Island), South Shetland Islands 4. That the Consultative Parties ensure thattheirnationals . (Ann_ex B) · · · · comply with the mandatory.provisions of the new and .SSS! 14: Harmony Point,_ Nelson Isla~d; South Shet­ revised management plans. land Islands (An_nex C) SSS! 15: Cierva Point, Danco Coast, Antarctic Pe­ Note: Space limitations prevent the reproduction here of ninsula (Annex D) the Annexes to Measure 3 ( 1997); these Manage­ 2. For SSS! No 37 Botany Bay, Cape Geology, Victoria ment Plans will be reproduced in .a subsequent'. Land, that the Management Plan annexed to this Meas- issue of SCAR Bulletin:·

' .. MEASURE 4 (1997)

Antarctic Protected Areas System: Governments" annexed to Recommendation VII-9, Historic Sites and_Mon_uments: thereby guaranteeing its full protection and respect as envisaged by the Recommendation noted above. Memorial Cross, Lewis Bay, Ross Island Memorial Cross for the 1979 Mount Erebus Crash The Representatives, Victims, Lewis Bay, Ross Island. Recalling in particular Recommendation XI-3; A cross of stainless steel which was erected in January And also Recommendations 1-9. V-4, VI-14, VII-9, XIII- 1987 on a rocky promontory three kilometres from the 7, XIIl-16, XIV-8; Mount Erebus crash site in memory of the 257 people of Recommend to their Governments the following Measure different nationalities who lost their lives when the aircraft for approval in accordance with paragraph.4 of Article 9 in which they were travelling crashed into the lower slopes of the Antarctic Treaty io add the following historic of Mount Erebus, Ross Island. The Cross was erected as monument to the "List of Historic' Monuments Identi­ a mark of respect and in remembrance of those who died fied and Described by the Proposing Government or in this tragedy.

MEASURE 5 (1997)

Antarctic Protected Areas System:' 41, which is contained in the "List of Historic Monuments and Historic Sites and Monuments: Described by the proposing Government or Governments" annexed to Recommendation VIl-9, be approved. Amendment to Number 41: Stone Hut on Paule! Island Amendment to listing: The Representatives, Recalling the Measures adopted in Recommendations !­ Site Number 41: Stone Hut on Paule! Island. IX, V-4, VI-14, VII-9; and Resolution 8 (1995): The following text should be added to the final part of the Recommend to their Governments the following Measure ·paragraph; for approval in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article " ... and the rock cairn built by the survivors of the IX of the Antarctic Treaty: wreck at the highest point of the island. to draw the That an amendment of the description of Historic Site Number attention of rescue expeditions."

DECISION 1 (1997)

Revised Rules or Procedure (1997) Decide: That the "Revised Rules of Procedure (1997)" attached to The Representatives, this decision shall replace the existing Rules of Procedure Desiring to amend the Rules of Procedure for Antarctic for Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings with immedi- Treaty Consultative Meetings; ' ate effect. · · ·


Revised Rules of Proeedure (1997)

I. Meetings held pursuant to Article IX of the Antarctic Secretariat Treaty shall be known as Antarctic Treaty Consultative 7. The Secretary shall be appointed by the Meeting on the Meetings. Contracting Parties entitled to participate in proposal of the Chairman. The Secretary shall be those Meetings shall be referred to as "Consultative responsible for providing secretarial services, and shall Parties"; other Contracting Parties which may have carry out such other tasks as the Meeting may require been invited to attend those Meetings shall be referred or direct. to as '"non-Consultative Parties.·· Sessions 2. The Representatives of the Commission for the Con­ 8. The opening plenary session shall be held in public, servation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, the other sessions shall be held in private, unless the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research and the Meeting shall determine otherwise. Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs, Committees and Working Groups invited to attend those Meetings in accordance with Rule 30, shall be referred to as "observers." 9. The Meeting to facilitate its work, may establish such committees as it may deem necessary for the perform­ Representation ance of its functions, defining their terms of reference. 3. Each Consultative Party shall be represented by a I 0. The committees shall operate under the Rules of Pro­ delegation composed of a Representative and such cedure of the Meeting, except where they are inappli­ Alternate Representatives, Advisers and other persons cable. as each State may deem necessary. Each non-Con­ 11. Working groups may be established by the Meeting or sultative Party which has been invited to attend a its committees. Consultative Meeting shall be represented by a delega­ Conduct of Business tion composed of a Representative and such other persons as it may deem necessary within such numeri­ 12. A quorum shall be constituted by two-thirds of the cal limit as may from time to time be determined by the Representatives of Consultative Panics participating Host Government in consultation with the Consulta­ in the Meeting. tive Parties. The Commission for the Conservation of 13. The Chairman shall exercise the powers of his office in Antarctic Marine Living Resources, the Scientific accordance with customary practice. He shall see to Committee on Antarctic Research and the Council of the observance of the Rules of Procedure and the maintenance of proper order. The Chairman, in the Managers of National Antarctic Programs shall be exercise of his functions, remains under the authority represented by their respective Chairman or President, of the Meeting. or other persons appointed to this end. The names of members of delegations and of the observers shall be 14. Subject to Rule 27, no Representative may address the Meeting without having previously obtained the per­ communicated to the Host Government prior to the mission of the Chairman and the Chairman shall call opening of the Meeting. upon speakers in the order in which they signify their 4. The order of precedence of the delegations shall be in desire to speak. The Chairman may call a speaker to accordance with the alphabet in the language of the order if his remarks are not relevant to the subject under Host Government, all delegations of non-Consultative discussion. Parties following after those of Consultative Parties, 15. During the discussion of any matter, a Representative and all delegations of observers following after non­ of a Consultative Party may rise to a point of order and Consultative Parties. the point of order shall be decided immediately by the Officers Chairman in accordance with the Rules of Procedure. A Representative of a Consultative Party may appeal 5. A Representative of the Host Government shall be the against the ruling of the Chairman. The appeal shall be Temporary Chainiian of the Meeting and shall preside put to a vote immediately, and the Chairman's ruling until the Meeting elects a Chairman. shall stand unless over-ruled by a majority of the 6. At its inaugural session, a Chairman from one of the Representatives of Consultative Panies present and Consultative Parties shall be elected. The other Repre­ voting, A Representative of a Consultative Pany rising sentatives of Consultative Parties shall serve as Vice­ to a point of order shall not speak on the substance of Chairmen of the Meeting in order of precedence. The the matter under discussion. Chairman normally shall preside at all plenary ses­ 16. The Meeting may. limit the time io be allotted to each sions. If he is absent from any session or part thereof, speaker, and the number of times he may speak on any the Vic~-Chairmen, rotating on the basis of the order of subject. When the debate is thus limited and ~ Repre­ precedence as established by Rule 4, shall preside sentative has spoken his allotte.d till)e, the Chairman during each such session. shall call him to order without delay. ·

16 :. :.. JANUARY 1998,

17. During the discussion ofany matter, a Representative majority of the Representatives of Consultative Parties of a Consultative Party may move the adjournment of present and shall be transmitted by th~ Secretary of the the debate on the item under discussion. In addition to Meeting to Governments of all Consultative and non­ the proposer of the motion, Representatives of two Con:Sultative Parties which have been invited 'to take Consultative Parties may speak in. favour of, and .two part in ihe Meeting, for their consideration'. against, the motion, after which the motion shall be put Non-Consultative Parties to the vo_te immediately. The Chairman may .limit the time m be allowed to speakers under this Rule_. 26. Representatives of non-Consultative Panies, if invited ,to.attend a Consultative Mee'ting, may be ·present at: 18. A Representative of a Consultative_ Party may at any. a) ail plenary sessions of the Meeting;·and .. time move the closure of the .debate in the item under b) all formal Committees or Working Groups, com­ discussion whether ornot .any other Represe.ntative has prising all Consultative Parties, unless a Repre­ signified his wish to speak. Permission to speak on the sentative of a Consultative Party requests other- closure of the debate shall be accorde.d only to Repre­ ~is~-in· a~'y p3.rtic~lar case. - ·· · sentatives of t~o Consultative Parties opposing the closure, after which the motion shall be put to the vote 27. The relevant Chairman may invite.a Repres.entat_ive of immediately. If the Meeting is in favour of the closure, a non-Cons.ultative Party to address the Meeting, Com­ the Chairman shall declare the closure of the debate. mittee or Working group which he is attending, unless The Chairman i:nay limit the time to be.allowed to a Representative of a Consultative Party requests oth­ speakers under this Rule. (This Rule shall not apply to erwise. The Chairman shall at any time give pnority tci debate in committees). Representatives of Consultative Parties who signify 19. During the discussion of any matter, a Representative their desire to speak and may, in inviting Represenia­ of a Consultative Party may move the suspension or tives of non-Consultative Parties to address the Meet­ adjournment of the Meeting. Such motions shall not be ing, limit the time to be allotted to each speaker and the debated, but shall be put to the vote immediately. The number of times he may speak on any subject. Chairman may limit the time to be allowed to the 28. Non-Consultative Parties are not entitled to participate speaker moving the suspension or adjournment of the in the taking of decisions. Meeting. 29 .a) Non-Consultative Parties may submit documents 20. Subject to Rule 15, the following motions shall have to the Secretariat for distribution to the Meeting precedence in the following order over all other pro­ as information documents.· Such documents shall posals or motions before the Meeting: be relevant to matters under consideration at the a) to suspend the Meeting; Meeting. b) to adjourn the Meeting; b) Unless a Representative of a Consultative Party c) to adjourn the debate on the item under discus­ requests otherwise such documents shall be avail­ sion; able only in the language or languages in which d) for the closure of the debate on the item under they were submitted. discussion. Observers 21. Decisions of the Meeting on all matters of procedure 30. The observers referred to in Rule 2 shall. attend the shall be taken by a majority of the Representatives of Meetings for the specific purpose of reporting on: Consultative Parties participating in the Meeting, each a) in the case of the Commission for the Conserva­ of whom shall have one vote. tion of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, devel­ Languages opments in its area of competence. 22. English, French, Russian and Spanish shall be the b) in the case of the Scientific Committee on Antarc­ official languages of the Meeting. tic Research: i) the.general proceedings of. SCAR; 23. Any Representative may speak in a language other than the official languages. However, in such cases he ii) matters within the competence of SCAR under shall provide for interpretation into one of the official the Convention. for the Conservation of Ant­ languages. arctic Seals; iii) such publications and reports as may have been Measures, Decisions, and Resolutions and Fi~l Report published or prepared in accordance with Rec­ 24. Without prejudice to Rule2 I, Measures, Decisions and ommendations IX-19 and VI~9 respectively. Resolutions, as referred to in Decision 1 ( 1985), shall c) in the case of the Council of Managers of National be adopted by the Representatives of all Consultative Antarctic Programs, the activities within its clrea Parties present and will thereafter be subject to the of competence. pr~visions of Decision 1 ( 1995). 31. Observers may be present at: 25. The final report shall also contain a briefaccount of the a) the plenary sessions of the Meeting at which the proc.eedin.gs of the Meeting. It will be approved by a respective Report is considered;


b) formal committees or working groups, compris­ 39. Any Contracting Party may thereafter propose that an ing all Contracting Parties at which the respective invitation be extended to other international organisa­ tions having a scientific or technical interest in An tare· Report is considered, unless a Representative of a tica to assist the Meeting in its substantive work; each Consultative Party requests otherwise in any par­ such proposal shall be submitted to the Host Govern­ ticular case. ment forthatMeeting not later than l 80days before the 32. Following the presentation of the pertinent Report, the beginning ofthe Meeting and shall be accompanied by relevant Chairman may invite the observer to address a memorandum setting out the basis for the proposal. the Meeting at which it is being considered once again, 40. The Host Government shall transmit these proposals to unless a Representative of a Consultative Party re­ all Contracting Parties in accordance with the proce­ quests otherwise. The Chairman may allot a time limit dure in Rule 37. Any Consultative Party which wishes for such interventions. to object to a proposal shall do so not less than 90 days 33. Observers are not entitled to participate in the taking of before the Meeting. decisions. 41. Unless such an objection has been received, the Host 34. Observers may submit their Report and/or documents Government shall extend invitations to international relevant to matters contained therein to the Secretariat, organisations identified in accordance with Rules 38 for distribution to the Meeting as working papers. and 39 and shall request each international organisa­ Agenda for Consullative Meetings tion toc~mmunicate the name of the designated expert 35. At the end of each Consultative Meeting, the Host to the Host Government prior to the opening of the Government of that Meeting shall prepare a prelimi­ Meeting. All such experts may attend the Meeting nary agenda for the next Consultative Meeting. If during consideration of all items, except for those approved by the Meeting, the preliminary agenda for items relating to the operation of the Antarctic Treaty the next Meeting shall be annexed to the Final Report System which are identified by the previous Meeting of the Meeting. or upon adoption of the agenda. 36. Any Contracting Party may propose supplementary 42. The relevant Chairman, with the agreement of all the items for the preliminary agenda by informing the Host Consultative Parties, may invite an expert to address Government for the forthcoming Consultative Meet­ the meeting he is attending. The Chairman shall at any ing no later than 180 days before the beginning of the time give priority to Representatives of Consultative Meeting; each proposal shall be accompanied by an Parties or non-Consultative Parties or observers re­ explanatory memorandum. The Host Government ferred to in Rule 30 who signify their desire to speak. shall draw the attention ofall Contracting Parties to this and may in inviting an expert to address the Meeting Rule no later than 210 days before the Meeting. limit the time to be allotted to him and the number of 37; The Host Government shall prepare a provisional times he may speak on any subject. agenda for the Consultative Meeting. The provisional 43. Experts are not entitled to participate in the taking of agenda shall contain: decisions. a) all items on the preliminary agenda decided in 44.a) Experts may, in respect of the relevant agenda accordance with Rule 35; and item, submit documents to the Secretariat for b) all items the inclusion of which has been re­ distribution to the Meeting as information docu­ quested by a Contracting Party pursuant to Rule ments. 36. b) Unless a Representative of a Consultative Party Not later than 120 days before the Meeting, the Host requests otherwise, such documents shall be avail­ Government shall transmit to all the Contracting able only in the language or languages in which Parties the provisional agenda, together with ex­ they were submitted. planatory memoranda and any other papers re­ Amendments lated thereto. 45. These Rules of Procedure may be amended by a two­ Experts from International Organisalions thirds majority of the Representatives of Consultative 38. At the end of each Consultative Meeting, the Meeting Parties participating in the Meeting. This Rule shall shall decide which international organisations having not apply to Rules 24, 26, 28, 33 38-41, and 43, a scientific or technical interest in Antarctica shall be amendments of which shall require the approval of the invited to designate an expert to attend the forthcoming Representatives of all Consultative Parties present at Meeting in order to assist it in its substantive work. the Meeting.

Note: The Annexes to Measure 3 (1997), and the texts of Decision 2 ( 1997) and Resolutions 1-3 ( 1997) cannot be reproduced here due to space limitations; they will be published in a subsequent issue of the SCAR Bulletin.

18 :, · .JANUARY·-1998


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Sixth Meeting of the Group of Specialists on Global Change and the Antarctic . -_ . . . The GLOCHANT VI Meeting will be held in Cambridge, United ~ngdo~. 16-18 April 1998. Following the resignation of Professor C R Bentley as Convenqr of the Group of Specialists, the meeting will be chaired by his successor, Dr J H Priddle.

Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting XXII ATCM will be held i!J Troms!1), Norway, 25 May-5 June 1998. On 23 May 1998 a Workshop on Protected Areas in Antarctica will be held in conjunction withXXII ATCM.

Twenty-fifth Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research and Tenth Meeting of the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Prograinmes The XXV SCAR and COMNAP X Meetings will be held in Concepcion, Chile, 20--31 July i998 During the first week of the meeting (20--24 July 1998), all the SCAR Working Groups (except Glaciology), CO MN AP and its Standing Committee on Antarctic Logistics and Operations (SCALOP) will meet. A SCALOP Symposium will be held 21-22 July 1998. The Bird Biology Subcommittee and the Group of Specialists on Seals will meet during the previous week. The XXV SCAR Delegates Meeting will be held in the second week (27-31July1998). ·For details contact: XXV SCAR and COMNAP X Meetings Secretariat Instituto Antartico Chileno Av Luis Thayer Ojeda 814 Providencia Santiago Chile Tel: +5622318195 Fax: +56 2 232 0440 e-mail: [email protected]

International Symposium on Polar Aspects of Global Change The Symposium will be held in Troms!1), Norway, 24-28 August 1998 and there will be an associated Field Trip to Svalbard. For details, contact: International Symposium on Polar Aspects of Global Change c/o Norsk Polarinstitutt N-9005 Troms!1) Norway Tel: +47 77 60 67 00 Fax: +47 77 60 67 OJ E-mail: [email protected] Symposium Web Site: http://www.tromso.npolar.nci


Seventh SCAR Antarctic Biology Symposium The Symposium will be held in Christchurch, New Zealand, 31 August - 4 September 1998. For details, contact: The Conference Organiser VII SCAR Biology Symposium Centre for Continuing Education University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch New Zealand Tel: +64 3 364 2645 Fax: +64 3 364 2057 E-mail: [email protected] Conference Web Site: http://www.scar.org/scar-meetings/bii:Jlogy.html

Sixth International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology ISAG-6 will be held in Lanzhou, China, 5-9 September 1998. For details, contact: ISAG-6 Secretariat Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology Chinese Academy of Sciences Lanzhou 730000 People's Republic of China Fax: +86 931 8885241 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] The SCAR Working Group on Glaciology will hold a formal meeting in conjunction with the Symposium.

Tenth Meeting of the Group of Specialists on Environmental Affairs and Conservation The GOSEAC X Meeting will be held in Basel, Switzerland, 21-25 September 1998


SCAR Bulletin SCAR Bulletin, a quarterly publication of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, is published on behalf of SCAR by Polar Publications, at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge. It carries reports of SCAR meetings, short summaries of SCAR Working Group and Group of Specialists meetings, notes, re­ views, and articles, and material from Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings, considered to be of interest to a wide readership. Selections are reprinted as part of Polar Record, the journal of SPRI, and a Spanish translation is published by lnstituto Antartico Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Polar Record Polar Record appears in January, April, July, and October each year. The Editor welcomes articles, notes and reviews of contemporary or historic interest covering the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities in polar and sub-polar regions. Recent topics have included archaeology, biogeography, botany, ecology, geography, geology, glaciology, international law, medicine, human physiology, politics, pollution chemistry, psychology, and zoology. Articles usually appear within a year of receipt, short notes within six months. For details contact the Editor of Polar Record, Scott Polar Research Institute, Lens­ field Road, Cambridge CB2 1ER, United Kingdom. Tel: 01223 336567 (International: +441223 336567) Fax: 01223 336549 (International: +441223336549) The journal may also be used to advertise new books, forthcoming events of polar interest, etc. Polar Record is obtainable through the publishers, Cambridge University Press, Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Avenue, Cambridge CB2 2RU, and from booksellers. Annual subscription rates for 1998 are: for individuals £50.00 ($86.00), for institutions £80.00 ($138.00); single copies cost £22.00 ($38.00).

This material appeared also in Polar Record 34 (188): 79-96 (1998)

Printed by The Chameleon Press Limited, 5-25 Burr Road, London SWIS 4SG