TO CONTACT THE LOCAL POLICE NEWSLETTTER The number to call for non-emergency is- sues is 101 December 2020/ Police Hub Opening Hours January 2021 Monday Closed Tuesday 09.00 - 17.00 Wednesday 09.00 - 17.00 Thursday 14.00 - 17.00 Friday 09.00 – 16.30 Saturday CLOSED Sunday CLOSED

Follow us on Twitter Immingham and Wolds @imminghamwolds Clerk to the Council—Kathy Peers—Tel. 07494-577661 ITEMS FOR THE Feb/March 2021 NEWSLETTER TO BE IN PLEASE BY FRIDAY 15th JANUARY 2021 AND NO LATER

For Emergencies please call 999 CONTENTS: PAGE NO.

For non-emergency calls, ie reporting suspicious Parish Council notes and information 2,3,4 Safety Notice 5 activity, reporting a non-emergency incident etc. WI 7 please call 101. Christmas activities 8 and 14 Church News 9 For opening times at Immingham Police Station Notices 10, 17, 18, 19 Adverts/Christmas Trees 11 and 15 please see above. Remembrance Day Report 12 Network Rail works update 13 Letters 16 Village Hall News 18 Garden Waste News from NELC 19 Ward Councillor Information 21 Police Report and Policing Information 22, 23

24 1 Parish Council Notes How you can help Your local Community Policing Team appreciates the importance of being in the The Parish Council has continued to meet via Zoom, holding virtual meetings right place, at the right time, for the right reasons to reassure the public, im- on its usual scheduled meeting days. The public can log on and join in and the prove public confidence and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the area access code to the meeting is printed on the top of the Agenda for each which we all live and work. meeting which is then posted on the Parish Council website. We encourage all residents to call and report any issues where they live so that The October meeting of the Council saw its most recent member, Cllr. New- we can deal with any issues and also step up our patrols in the area. man, resign due to relocation with work. This now takes the membership If you feel that there are issues within your community that the police should back up to 7 members with 2 casual vacancies remaining. consider prioritising, then please speak to your local officers, town or parish councillors or through the One Voice committee. The Parish Council was delighted that so many local residents turned out on Remembrance Day at the memorial garden and thanks everyone who took part. A £25 donation is being made to the bank as a thank you. The named officers for Immingham, and Stallingborough ward are:

The Council is organising ‘management cover’ for the two defibs in the village PC 1707 Richard Ames [email protected] so that the daily maintenance and ensuring fit for use is taken over by LIVES PC 1355 Dan Hassan [email protected]; and also this does benefit the organisation as a local charity. PCSO 7713 Diane Bell [email protected] Network Rail has nearly finished works to the trees on the playing fields with PCSO 7754 Robert Dove [email protected] the last tree trimming taking place. The Council was aware that the stumps of trees left would be treated and obtained all the necessary information from PCSO 7825 Toni Bullock [email protected] Network Rail over safety of products used etc. Network Rail has also agreed to (Responsibility for Stallingborough village) join a replanting scheme with the Parish Council and there is a target to plant 100 trees on the field, towards the edge, away from the railway lines and Net- The number to call for non-emergency issues is 101 work Rail is negotiating with the PC to fund this. Immingham Police Hub Opening Hours

All information is also available readily on our new website at stallingborough- Monday Closed The is now revamped and is suitable for viewing on mo- Tuesday 09.00 - 17.00 bile devices also. All accounts, agendas etc. are published on the website. Wednesday 09.00 - 17.00 Planning is still discussed at the virtual meetings, with members of the Council Thursday 14.00 - 17.00 able to view plans on the NELC Planning Portal and comments are still sub- mitted by the Parish Council. Friday 09.00 – 16.30

Ward Cllrs. Stewart and Karen Swinburn attend the Parish Council meetings regularly and help the Council with issues within the Village.

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The next meetings of the Council will take place as shown and an Agenda for the meeting always appears on the Parish Council’s website approximately one week prior to the meeting.

Any items, please contact Kathy Peers on 07494 577661 or email us

Immingham Habrough & Stallingborough Report for November [email protected] Crime Of the 60 crimes recorded for October so far in the Immingham, Habrough and Stallingborough area of the NPT, there have been the following incidents: These are the dates for the next scheduled meetings for Stalling- Burglary Business & Commercial: 1 borough Parish Council. Three males have been arrested following a burglary at the B & M store on Ken- Wednesday 9th December 2020 nedy Way at 11.10pm on 16th October. A quantity of perfumes & alcohol were stolen in the raid after entry was gained by smashing a window. Wednesday 13th January 2021 Vehicle Offences– 7 All meetings start at 7.30 pm unless advertised otherwise On 8th October two lorries parked on the Stallingborough Industrial Estate had the trailer curtain sides cut to enable access to the trailer. Nothing was stolen. Access code to meetings is on the top of the agenda On the same night a lorry parked at the Road lorry park had its trailer broken into. Boxes were opened but nothing was stolen. At all meetings the public and press are made most welcome and On 16th October two lorries parked at the Manby Road lorry park was broken there is a forum for residents to bring up matters for discussion into. A box of alcohol was stolen from one. with the Parish Council. On 26th October a construction vehicle was stolen from Church Lane Stallingbor- ough. The vehicle was driven on to a field where it was abandoned. Agenda is published on the website approximately one week pri- Other crime include: or to each meeting. Two local men have been charged with theft of timber from the Timber Special- ists on Manby Road Industrial Estate. One was also charged with possession of amphetamine.Thirteen assaults.Eight minor public order offences.Six shop thefts. The Parish Council website at ASB – 15 including A rave occurring in Roxton Woods. This was in Lincs Police area. Loud music from a large group of youths on Church Park.

22 3 CONTACT DETAILS FOR THE PARISH COUNCIL Ward Councillors for Stallingborough

To contact the Parish Council , please ring the Parish Clerk, Kathy Peers, in the first instance on tel. no. 07494 577661 There are 3 Ward Cllrs. for the Immingham Ward which of course in- cludes Stallingborough Village. Residents can contact their Ward Cllrs. The office is open from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm each weekday. Outside of these with any issues as follows:- times, an answerphone is in operation on that number, so please leave a message and we will come back to you as soon as we can!

Kathy looks after the bookings for the Village Hall and all other Parish Mat- ters, so if you want to book the Hall for a function, need any information on Parish or local authority issues, or want to report anything which concerns the Parish Council, or want to submit anything for the Newsletter, then Cllr. Stewart Swinburn please contact Kathy as above. 35 Woodlands Avenue, Immingham Tel—01469-576899 The address for the Parish Council is: Stallingborough Village Hall, Station Road, Stallingborough, NE Lincs.

E.Mail—[email protected] Cllr. Karen Swinburn Residents are most welcome to post items through the village hall letterbox also. 35 Woodlands Avenue, Immingham Tel—01469-576899 Email Addresses for Councillors:-

Cllr. Paul Gilbert (Chair) [email protected] Cllr. Trevor Crofts (Vice) [email protected] Cllr. Ian Sears [email protected] Cllr. Hannah Scott [email protected] Cllr. Andrea Nicholls [email protected] Cllr. Paul Genney [email protected] Cllr. David Watson, Cllr. Martin Reed [email protected] 30 Thornton Place, Immingham Tel – 01469-515398 Email:- [email protected] The Parish Council has its own dedicated website so please look out for this—its address will be ‘’


The Hall will be reopening from w/c 27th July as hirings are able to come back and indoor fitness classes etc. are allowed back un- der the new easing of restrictions. Do please check with your individual group if they are returning as some are waiting until later in the year.

Please note that phone number for Parish Council en- quiries and also village hall bookings - 07494 577661

Email address for the Parish Council—please email us only at: [email protected]

Please use the above contact details for all Parish Council and Village Hall booking enquiries. Thank you.

20 5

The Parish Council would like to wish North East Council is changing the way it collects garden waste due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. all of its residents a very Garden waste subscribers will have one collection instead of two before

Happy Christmas the winter break. and a peaceful and prosperous new year for 2021 The service breaks for the winter in December and January. At this time of year, half of our customers on average have stopped using the ser-

vice for the season and do not put out their bins, so we are expecting

impact to be limited.

Check your collection date at bins.

6 19

Village Hall News Hello Everyone, Obviously the Village Hall was closed during November un- Yet another two months have gone by and ‘normal’ life der the month-long lockdown restrictions, however hope- still seems to be a long way away. fully by the time of going to print with the Newsletter, we may be allowed to open again for a few short weeks in the We have no idea when W.I. can resume but when it does run up to the Christmas break. If not, then we will look to we will have a big party and talk for - probably for reopen in January 2021. hours!! The Hall is a Covid-secure building and is registered with On Remembrance Sunday we laid a Poppy Wreath on be- the track and trace scheme, having QR codes for checking half of W.I. at the War Memorial in the Community Gar- in etc. den. It was moving to see many people showing their re- spect and all observing the socially distancing rules. Many of our regular hirers, such as Zumba, Metafit, Slim- ming World, Karate, Dog Training, Sewing Group, Cliftons As always, don’t forget to keep socially distanced smiling Dance School and our Craft Group have carried on during and talking. the last few months since the first lockdown ended. Keep safe and take care. For those of you who attend the classes etc., do please Best wishes, check with your own particular group or class leader to see Jenny Short (01472 882136) when they will be restarting. Parties and family celebrations, including those with a Bar, have not been allowed for the last 6 months or so but the Parish Councl is hopeful that these may once again be al- lowed during 2021—we will keep you updated through the website, this Newsletter and our social media pages. Anyone wanting to make an advance booking for next year, please call us on 07494 –577661—there is no charge should you have to cancel.


At the moment all Church services are suspended, but any changes Unfortunately I am unable to send out Christmas card greetings this year. It has been an extremely difficult year for me as it has been for to this will be on our Facebook page or on the notice boards. many. One of my several problems at the moment is arthritic fingers which have destroyed my handwriting ability. However I do not wish to Funerals to be booked via the Undertaker. appear to have forgotten the many friends and acquaintances I have in Stallingborough. I wish to thank the several who helped me through For general enquiries or if you wish to book a wedding, bap- the dreadful time earlier this year when Mary, my wife died. She loved tism or thanksgiving, please contact the Churchwardens every aspect of Christmas. The cards, the decorations, the surprise presents and,above all, the family gathering on Christmas Day. Irene White Tel: 01472 - 886746 I wish you all the happiest possible Christmas and a much brighter New Year than the current one. Recently I had two particularly sobering Marion Moorcroft Tel: 01472 - 885072 moments: I met someone whom I taught at the old village school when we first came to Stallingborough who is now sixty ! The other, that after 2020 years we so earnestly celebrate the birth of a baby in a cattle stall in Bethlehem. Long mat it continue. Follow us on Facebook - Stallingborough Church St Peter & St Paul

John Taylor.

If residents would like to send a message through the Newsletter or let others know about a special event taking place or perhaps have an interesting article they think readers might enjoy, do please send it for us so that we can include it in a future edition.

16 9

Phone n Ride Service

Phone ‘n’ Ride will continue to operate and provide jour- neys, including for employment, education, essential shop- ping and medical appointments. Trips to meet a support bubble will also be accepted, as will trips to meet one member from another household outdoors, in line with guidance. There will be a mailing to all homes in Stallingborough seeking views from residents on extra services which may be offered direct to supermarkets etc. or to the Town Cen- tre in . Please watch out for this and respond so that extra services can be provided to meet demand.

Vacancy for Newsletter Distributor:

The Parish Council needs a young person to help deliver its Newsletter. The distribution is shared with another distributor so the round is for half of the USED POSTAGE village. STAMPS

Distribution is carried out every other month, so 6 times per year and pay- I am now collecting used ment is made when complete. The Parish Council seeks to appoint a young postage stamps for a new person, resident in the village to carry out the distribution. charitable cause, Support You must be over 13 years of age and be resident in Stallingborough. If you Dogs. If anyone has any put are interested please contact us as below. Closing date for applications is them through my letterbox Friday 18th December 2020. and I can forward them to the charity. Please apply by email to [email protected] giving age, address and why you would like to help us with the distribution please. Jenny Short 35, Station Road

Thank you. Telephone 882136

10 15 Christmas Trees, Stallingborough

We are trying our very best to keep everyone safe by selling online this year, Click & Collect or Delivery.

You can choose your type and size of tree, and pay by card, booking your collection slot, or your delivery. You will find us at

We hope you can still support us with your business and un- derstand our reasons for setting up our sales in this way.

If you have any questions or difficulties with our online sales, please email me at [email protected]

The Parish Council would like to thank the Hoyes Family at Town- gate Farm for very kindly do- nating the Christmas Tree for the Village once again this year. Very many thanks.

14 11 Update on Network Rail works The Parish Council has written to the Primary School to thank the children for their wonderful efforts for deco- The teams from Network Rail have now virtually finished works to the trees on both their own land, third party land and the land owned by the Parish Council rating the memorial garden for Remembrance Day in No- at the playing fields site. vember this year. Well done everyone who helped. Site visits have been held all the way through the works with Network Rail and the Parish Council and only works authorised by the Parish Council to the trees on the playing field have been carried out.

A very big thank you The Parish Council was aware that the tree stumps left were being treated and the contractors used the least toxic herbicide available and also made sure it to everyone who was injected into the drilled holes in the tree stumps in pellet form. Thus any took part in Remem- air drift or spillage is avoided and the product is delivered right to site and is brance Sunday at therefore safely administered.

the memorial gar- The next phase of the works is for new, replacement tree planting to take den. Several place and the target is to plant over 100 trees on the site to replace the 57 wreaths were laid which have been removed. Of that 57 several were diseased and unsafe and from organisations these have been removed free of charge as part of Network Rail’s programme. in the Village as well Also Network Rail kindly removed a large unsafe tree at the Primary School as some personal completely free of charge whilst there were in the village, saving the school a considerable sum of money to have it removed. A picture below shows the tributes left. A do- lovely new area at the school created by the removal of the tree. nation has been made to the band who were present Network Rail has asked that we on the day. remind all residents that if they ever have any questions on any Network Rail matters, a call to their helpline will get you to the right person for your ques- tion: 0345-7114141

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