bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. Beyond SNP : Polygenicity and Discoverability of Phenotypes Estimated with a Univariate Gaussian Mixture Model

Dominic Hollanda,b,∗, Oleksandr Freid, Rahul Desikanc, Chun-Chieh Fana,e,f, Alexey A. Shadrind, Olav B. Smelanda,d,g, V. S. Sundara,f, Paul Thompsonh, Ole A. Andreassend,g, Anders M. Dalea,b,f,i

aCenter for Multimodal Imaging and Genetics, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA, bDepartment of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA, cDepartment of Radiology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA, dNORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo 0424 Oslo, Norway, eDepartment of Cognitive Sciences, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA, fDepartment of Radiology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA, gDivision of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, 0407 Oslo, Norway, hKeck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA, iDepartment of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA,

Abstract Estimating the polygenicity (proportion of causally associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)) and discover- ability (effect size variance) of causal SNPs for human traits is currently of considerable interest. SNP-heritability is proportional to the product of these quantities. We present a basic model, using detailed structure from an extensive reference panel, to estimate these quantities from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) summary statistics. We apply the model to diverse phenotypes and validate the implementation with simulations. We find model polygenicities ranging from 2 10−5 to 4 10−3, with discoverabilities similarly ranging over two orders of mag- nitude. A power analysis allows≃ × us to estimate≃ × the proportions of phenotypic variance explained additively by causal SNPs at current sample sizes, and map out sample sizes required to explain larger portions of additive SNP heritability. The model also allows for estimating residual inflation, and assessing compatibility of replication and discovery GWAS summary statistics. Keywords: GWAS, Polygenicity, Discoverability, Heritability, Causal SNPs, Effect size, Linkage Disequlilbrium

INTRODUCTION matters, and are also areas of much focus [11, 12, 13]. Dispite these challenges, there have been recent signifi- The genetic components of complex human traits and dis- cant advances in the development of mathematical models eases arise from hundreds to likely many thousands of sin- of polygenic architecture based on GWAS [14, 15]. One of gle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) [1], most of which the advantages of these models is that they can be used have weak effects. As sample sizes increase, more of the for power estimation in human phenotypes, enabling pre- associated SNPs are identifiable (they reach genome-wide diction of the capabilities of future GWAS. significance), though power for discovery varies widely acr- Here, in a unified approach explicitly taking into ac- oss phenotypes. Of particular interest are estimating the count LD, we present a model relying on genome-wide proportion of common SNPs from a reference panel (poly- association studies (GWAS) summary statistics (z-scores genicity) involved in any particular phenotype; their ef- for SNP associations with a phenotype [16]) to estimate fective strength of association (discoverability, or causal polygenicity (π1, the proportion of causal variants in the 2 effect size variance); the proportion of variation in sus- underlying reference panel) and discoverability (σβ), as ceptibility, or phenotypic variation, captured additively by well as elevation of z-scores due to any residual inflation 2 all common causal SNPs (approximately, the narrow sense of the z-scores arising from variance distortion (σ0, which heritability), and the fraction of that captured by genome- for example can be induced by cryptic relatedness), which wide significant SNPs – all of which are active areas of remains a concern in large-scale studies [10]. We estimate 2 2 research [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. The effects of popula- π1, σβ, and σ0, by postulating a z-score probability dis- tion structure [10], combined with high polygenicity and tribution function (pdf) that explicitly depends on them, linkage disequilibrium (LD), leading to spurious degrees and fitting it to the actual distribution of GWAS z-scores. of SNP association, or inflation, considerably complicate Estimates of polygenicity and discoverability allow one to estimate compound quantities, like narrow-sense heri- ∗Corresponding author: tability captured by the SNPs [17]; to predict the power email: [email protected] of larger-scale GWAS to discover genome-wide significant Phone: 858-822-1776 loci; and to understand why some phenotypes have higher Fax: 858-534-1078

March 15, 2019 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. power for SNP discovery and proportion of heritability ex- bin the z-scores (within each heterozygosity/total LD win- plained than other phenotypes. dow) and calculate the multinomial probability for hav- In previous work [18] we presented a related model ing the actual distribution of z-scores (numbers of z-scores that treated the overall effects of LD on z-scores in an in the z-score bins) given the model pdf for the distribu- approximate way. Here we take the details of LD explic- tion of z-scores, and adjusting the model parameters using itly into consideration, resulting in a conceptually more a multidimensional unconstrained nonlinear minimization basic model to predict the distribution of z-scores. We (Nelder-Mead), so as to maximize the likelihood of the apply the model to multiple phenotype datasets, in each data, given the parameters. case estimating the three model parameters and auxiliary A visual summary of the predicted and actual distri- quantities, including the overall inflation factor λ, (tradi- bution of z-scores is obtained by making quantile-quantile tionally referred to as genomic control [19]) and narrow plots showing, for a wide range of significance thresholds sense heritability, h2. We also perform extensive simula- going well beyond genome-wide significance, the propor- tions on genotypes with realistic LD structure in order to tion (x-axis) of tag SNPs exceeding any given threshold validate the interpretation of the model parameters. (y-axis) in the range. It is important also to assess the quantile-quantile sub-plots for SNPs in the heterozygosity- METHODS by-total LD grid elements (see Supplementary Material). With the pdf in hand, various quantities can be calcu- Overview lated: the number of causal SNPs; the expected genetic Our basic model is a simple postulate for the distribution effect (denoted δ below, where δ2 is the noncentrality pa- of causal effects (denoted β below). Our model assumes rameter of a Chi-squared distribution) at the current sam- that only a fraction of all SNPs are in some sense causally ple size for a tag SNP given the SNP’s z-score and its related to any given phenotype. We work with a reference full LD and heterozygosity structure; the estimated SNP 2 panel of approximately 11 million SNPs, and assume that heritability, hSNP (excluding contributions from rare ref- all common causal SNPs (minor allele frequency (MAF) erence SNPs, i.e., with MAF<0.2%); and the sample size > 0.002) are contained in it. Any given GWAS will have required to explain any percentage of that with genome- z-scores for a subset (the “tag” SNPs) of these reference wide significant SNPs. The model can easily be extended SNPs. When a z-score partially involves a latent causal using a more complex distribution for the underlying β’s, component (i.e., not pure noise), we assume that it arises with multiple-component mixtures for small and large ef- through LD with neighboring causal SNPs, or that it itself fects, and incorporating selection pressure through both is causal. heterozygosity dependence on effect sizes and linkage dise- We construct a pdf for z-scores that directly follows quilibrium dependence on the prior probability of a SNP’s from the underlying distribution of effects. For any given being causal – issues we will address in future work. tag SNP’s z-score, it is dependent on the other SNPs the focal SNP is in LD with, taking into account their LD The Model: Probability Distribution for Z-Scores with the focal SNP and their heterozygosity (i.e., it de- To establish notation, we consider a bi-allelic genetic vari- pends not just on the focal tag SNP’s total LD and het- ant, i, and let βi denote the effect size of allele substitution erozygosity, but also on the distribution of neighboring of that variant on a given quantitative trait. We assume reference SNPs in LD with it and their heterozygosities). a simple additive generative model (simple linear regres- We present two ways of constructing the model pdf for sion, ignoring covariates) relating genotype to phenotype z-scores, using multinomial expansion (in Supplementary [18, 20]. That is, assume a linear vector equation (no sum- Information), and using convolution. The former is per- mation over repeated indices) haps more intuitive, but the latter is more numerically y = giβi + ei (1) tractable and is used here to obtain all reported results. The problem then is finding the three model parameters for phenotype vector y over N samples (mean-centered and that give a maximum likelihood best fit for the model’s normalized to unit variance), mean-centered genotype vec- th prediction of the distribution of z-scores to the actual dis- tor gi for the i of n SNPs (vector over samples of the tribution of z-scores. Because we are fitting three param- additively coded number of reference alleles for the ith 6 eters typically using &10 data points, it is appropriate variant), true fixed effect βi (regression coefficient) for the to incorporate some data reduction to facilitate the com- SNP, and residual vector ei containing the effects of all the putations. To that end, we bin the data (z-scores) into a other causal SNPs, the independent random environmen- 10 10 grid of heterozygosity-by-total LD (having tested tal component, and random error. Variants with non-zero × different grid sizes to ensure convergence of results). Also, fixed effect βi are said to be “causal”. For SNP i, the when building the LD and heterozygosity structures of ref- estimated simple linear regression coefficient is erence SNPs, we fine-grained the LD range (0 r2 1), βˆ = gT y/(gT g ) = cov(g , y)/var(g ), (2) again ensuring that bins were small enough that≤ results≤ i i i i i i T were well converged. To fit the model to the data we where T denotes transpose and gi gi/N = var(gi) = Hi is the SNP’s heterozygosity (frequency of the heterozygous 2 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. genotype): Hi = 2pi(1 pi) where pi is the frequency of shifts, arising for example due to stratification, is nontriv- either of the SNP’s alleles.− ial, and currently not explicitly in our model; it is usually Consistent with the work of others [11, 15], we assume accounted for using standard methods [24]. the causal SNPs are distributed randomly throughout the Variance distortion in the distribution of z-scores can genome (an assumption that can be relaxed when explic- arise from cryptic relatedness in the sample (drawn from itly considering different SNP categories, but that in the a population mixture with at least one subpopulation with main is consistent with the additive variation explained by identical-by-descent marker alleles, but no population strat- a given part of the genome being proportional to the length ification) [19]. If zu denotes the uninflated z-scores, then of DNA [21]). In a Bayesian approach, we assume that the the inflated z-scores are parameter β for a SNP has a distribution (in that specific sense, this is similar to a random effects model), represent- z = σ0zu, (9) ing subjective information on β, not a distribution across where σ 1 characterizes the inflation. Thus, from Eq. tangible populations [22]. Specifically, we posit a normal 0 ≥ distribution for β with variance given by a constant, σ2 : 7, in the presence of inflation in the form of variance dis- β tortion 2 β (0, σβ). (3) 2 2 ∼ N var(z) = σ0(σ + 1) This is also how the β are distributed across the set of σ˜2 + σ2 ≡ 0 causal SNPs. Therefore, taking into account all SNPs (the 2 2 σ˜βNH + σ0 (10) remaining ones are all null by definition), this is equivalent ≡ 2 2 2 2 2 to the two-component Gaussian mixture model whereσ ˜β σ0σβ, so that var(δ) =σ ˜ and ǫ (0, σ0). In the presence≡ of variance distortion one is dealing∼ N with 2 β π1 (0, σβ) + (1 π1) (0, 0) (4) ˜ 2 ∼ N − N inflated random variables β (0, σ˜β), but we will drop the tilde on the β’s in what follows.∼ N where (0, 0) is the Dirac delta function, so that consid- Since variance distortion leads to scaled z-scores [19], ering allN SNPs, the net variance is var(β) = π σ2 . If there 1 β then, allowing for this effect in some of the extremely large is no LD (and assuming no source of spurious inflation), data sets, we can assess the ability of the model to detect the association z-score for a SNP can be decomposed into this inflation by artificially inflating the z-scores (Eq. 9), a fixed effect δ and a residual random environment and er- and checking that the inflatedσ ˆ2 is estimated correctly ror term, ǫ (0, 1), which is assumed to be independent 0 while the other parameter estimates remain unchanged. of δ [18]: ∼ N Implicit in Eq. 8 is approximating the denominator, z = δ + ǫ (5) 1 q2, of the χ2 statistic noncentrality parameter to be − with 1, where q2 is the proportion of phenotypic variance ex- δ = √NHβ (6) plained by the causal variant, i.e., q √Hβ . So a more correct δ is ≡ so that δ = √Nq/ 1 q2. (11) p − var(z) = var(δ) + var(ǫ) Taylor expanding in q and then taking the variance gives 2 σ + 1 (7) 2 4 2 8 4 ≡ var(δ) = σβNH[1 + (15/4)σβH + O(σβH )]. (12) where The additional terms will be vanishingly small and so do σ2 = σ2 NH. (8) β not contribute in a distributional sense; (quasi-) Mendelian By construction, under null, i.e., when there is no genetic or outlier genetic effects represent an extreme scenario effect, δ = 0, so that var(ǫ) = 1. where the model is not expected to be accurate, but SNPs If there is no source of variance distortion in the sam- for such traits are by definition easily detectable. So Eq. ple, but there is a source of bias in the summary statistics 8 remains valid for the polygenicity of complex traits. (e.g., the sample is composed of two or more subpopula- Now consider the effects of LD on z-scores. The sim- tions with different allele frequencies for a subset of mark- ple linear regression coefficient estimate for tag SNP i, βˆi, ers – pure population stratification in the sample [23]), and hence the GWAS z-score, implicitly incorporates con- the marginal distribution of an individual’s genotype at tributions due to LD with neighboring causal SNPs. (A any of those markers will be inflated. The squared z-score tag SNP is a SNP with a z-score, imputed or otherwise; for such a marker will then follow a noncentral chi-square generally these will compose a smaller set than that avail- distribution; the noncentrality parameter will contain the able in reference panels like 1000 Genomes used here for causal genetic effect, if any, but biased up or down (con- calculating the LD structure of tag SNPs.) In Eq. 1, founding or loss of power, depending on the relative sign ei = j6=i gjβj + ε, where gj is the genotype vector for of the genetic effect and the bias term). The effect of bias SNP Pj, βj is its true regression coefficient, and ε is the independent true environmental and error residual vector 3 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. (over the N samples). Thus, explicitly including all causal dropping the parameters for convenience. true β’s, Eq. 2 becomes For real genotypes, however, the LD and heterozygosity structure is far more complicated, and of course the causal T T g gjβj g ε βˆ = j i + i SNPs are generally numerous and unknown. Thus, more i P T NHi gi gi generally, for each tag SNP will be a two-dimensional ′ ′ 2 H βi + εi (13) histogram over LD (r ) and heterozygosity (H), each grid ≡ element giving the number of SNPs falling within the edges (the sum over j now includes SNP i itself). This is the sim- of that (r2,H) bin. Alternatively, for each tag SNP it can ple linear regression expansion of the estimated regression be built as two one-dimensional histograms, one giving the coefficient for SNP i in terms of the independent latent LD structure (counts of neighboring SNPs in each LD r2 (true) causal effects and the latent environmental (plus bin), and the other giving, for each r2 bin, the mean het- ′ error) component; βi is the effective simple linear regres- erozygosity for those neighboring SNPs, which should be sion expression for the true genetic effect of SNP i, with accurate for sufficiently fine binning. We use the latter in contributions from neighboring causal SNPs mediated by what follows. We present two consistent ways of express- T LD. Note that gi gj/N is simply cov(gi, gj ), the covariance ing the a posteriori pdf for z-scores, based on multinomial between genotypes for SNPs i and j. Since correlation is expansion and on convolution, that provide complemen- ′ covariance normalized by the variances, βi in Eq. 13 can tary views. The multinomial approach (see Supplementary be written as Material) perhaps gives a more intuitive feel for the prob- H β′ = j r β . (14) lem, but the convolution approach is considerably more i r H ij j Xj i tractable numerically and is used here to obtain all re- porter results. where rij is the correlation between genotypes at SNP j and tag SNP i. Then, from Eq. 5, the z-score for the tag Model PDF: Convolution SNP’s association with the phenotype is given by: From Eq. 15, there exist an efficient procedure that al- ′ zi = NHiβi + ǫi lows for accurate calculation of a z-score’s a posteriori pdf p (given the SNP’s heterozygosity and LD structure, and the = √N H r β + ǫ . (15) j ij j i phenotype’s model parameters). Any GWAS z-score is a Xj p sum of unobserved random variables (LD-mediated con- We noted that in the absence of LD, the distribution of the tributions from neighboring causal SNPs, and the additive residual in Eq. 5 is assumed to be univariate normal. But environmental component), and the pdf for such a compos- in the presence of LD (Eq. 15) there are induced correla- ite random variable is given by the convolution of the pdfs tions, so the appropriate extension would be multivariate for the component random variables. Since convolution is normal for ǫi [25]. A limitation of the present work is that associative, and the Fourier transform of the convolution of we do not consider this complexity. This may account two functions is just the product of the individual Fourier for the relatively minor misfit in the simulation results for transforms of the two functions, one can obtain the a pos- cases of high polygenicity – see below. teriori pdf for z-scores as the inverse Fourier transform Thus, for example, if the SNP itself is not causal but of the product of the Fourier transforms of the individual is in LD with k causal SNPs that all have heterozygosity random variable components. H, and where its LD with each of these is the same, given From Eq. 15 z is a sum of correlation- and hetero- by some value r2 (0 < r2 1), thenσ ˜2 in Eq. 10 will be zygosity-weighted random variables β and the random ≤ { j} given by variable ǫ, where βj denotes the set of true causal pa- 2 2 2 { } σ˜ = kr σ˜βNH. (16) rameters for each of the SNPs in LD with the tag SNP For this idealized case, the marginal distribution, or pdf, whose z-score is under consideration. The Fourier trans- 2 of z-scores for a set of such associated SNPs is form F (k) of a Gaussian f(x) = c exp( ax ) is F (k) = c π/a exp( π2k2/a). From Eq.× 4, for− each SNP j in 2 2 2 × − f1(z; N, , σβ, σ0) = φ(z; 0, kr σ˜βNH + σ0) (17) LDp with the tag SNP (1 j b, where b is the tag SNP’s H block size), ≤ ≤ where φ( ; µ, σ2) is the normal distribution with mean µ · 2 and variance σ , and is shorthand for the LD and het- NH r β π (0,NH r2σ˜2 ) + (1 π ) (0, 0). (19) H j j j ∼ 1N j j β − 1 N erozygosity structure of such SNPs (in this case, denoting p exactly k causals with LD given by r2 and heterozygos- The Fourier transform (with variable k – see below) of the ity given by H). If a proportion α of all tag SNPs are first term on the right hand side is similarly associated with the phenotype while the remain- F (k) = π exp( 2π2k2NH r2σ˜2 ), (20) ing proportion are all null (not causal and not in LD with 1 − j j β causal SNPs), then the marginal distribution for all SNP while that of the second term is simply (1 π1). Ad- z-scores is the Gaussian mixture − 2 ditionally, the environmental term is ǫ (0, σ0) (ig- f(z) = (1 α)φ(z; 0, σ2) + αf (z), (18) noring LD-induced correlation, as noted∼ earlier), N and its − 0 1 4 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. Fourier transform is exp( 2π2σ2k2). For each tag SNP, and the Fourier transform of the environmental contribu- − 0 one could construct the a posteriori pdf based on these tion, denoted Ej E(kj ), is Fourier transforms. However, it is more practical to use a ≡ E(k ) = exp( 2π2σ2k2). (24) coarse-grained representation of the data. Thus, in order j − 0 j to fit the model to a data set, we bin the tag SNPs whose Let Fz = (G E , ..., G E ) denote the vector of products z-scores comprise the data set into a two-dimensional het- 1 1 n n of Fourier transform values, and let −1 denote the inverse erozygosity/total LD grid (whose elements we denote “H- Fourier transform operator. Then, theF vector of pdf values L” bins), and fit the model with respect to this coarse for z-score bins (indexed by i) in the H-L bin with mean griding instead of with respect to every individual tag SNP LD and heterozygosity structure , pdfz = (f , ..., f ) z-score; in the section “Parameter Estimation” below we 1 n where f pdf(z ), is H describe using a 10 10 grid. Additionally, for each H-L i ≡ i|H × 2 −1 bin the LD r and heterozygosity histogram structure for pdfz = [Fz] . (25) 2 each tag SNP is built, using wmax equally-spaced r bins F 2 2 for rmin r 1; wmax = 20 is large enough to allow for ≤ ≤ 2 converged results; rmin = 0.05 is generally small enough Data Preparation to capture true causal associations in weak LD while large For real phenotypes, we calculated SNP minor allele fre- enough to exclude spurious contributions to the pdf aris- quency (MAF) and LD between SNPs using the 1000 Geno- ing from estimates of r2 that are non-zero due to noise. mes phase 3 data set for 503 subjects/samples of Euro- This points up a minor limitation of the model stemming pean ancestry [26, 27, 28]. For simulations, we used HAP- from the small reference sample size (NR = 503 for 1000 GEN2 [29, 30, 31] to generate genotypes; we calculated Genomes) from which is built. Larger NR would allow SNP MAF and LD structure from 1000 simulated samples. for more precision in handlingH very low LD (r2 < 0.05), We elected to use the same intersecting set of SNPs for real but this is an issue only for situations with extremely large data and simulation. For HAPGEN2, we eliminated SNPs 2 σβ (high heritability with low polygenicity) that we do not with MAF<0.002; for 1000 Genomes, we eliminated SNPs encounter for the 12 phenotypes we analyze here. In any for which the call rate (percentage of samples with useful case, this can be calibrated for using simulations. data) was less than 90%. This left nsnp=11,015,833 SNPs. For any H-L bin with mean heterozygosity H and mean Sequentially moving through each chromosome in con- total LD L there will be an average LD and heterozygosity tiguous blocks of 5,000 SNPs, for each SNP in the block structure with a mean breakdown for the tag SNPs having we calculated its Pearson r2 correlation coefficients with nw SNPs (not all of which necessarily are tag SNPs) with all SNPs in the central bock itself and with all SNPs in LD r2 in the wth r2 bin whose average heterozygosity is the pair of flanking blocks of size up to 50,000 each. For Hw. Thus, one can re-express z-scores for an H-L bin as each SNP we calculated its total LD (TLD), given by the 2 2 2 sum of LD r ’s thresholded such that if r < rmin we set wmax nw that r2 to zero. For each SNP we also built a histogram z = √N  Hwrw βj + ǫ (21) 2 giving the numbers of SNPs in wmax equally-spaced r - wX=1 p Xj=0 windows covering the range r2 r2 1. These steps   min ≤ ≤ where βj and ǫ are unobserved random variables. were carried out independently for 1000 Genomes phase 3 In the spirit of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), and for HAPGEN2 (for the latter, we used 1000 simulated discretize the set of possible z-scores into the ordered set of samples). n (equal to a power of 2) values z1, ..., zn with equal spac- Employing a similar procedure, we also built binary ing between neighbors given by ∆z (zn = z1 ∆z, and (logical) LD matrices identifying all pairs of SNPs for which − − 2 zn/2+1 = 0). Taking z1 = 38 allows for the minimum LD r > 0.8, a liberal threshold for SNPs being “synony- p-values of 5.8 10−316 (near− the numerical limit); with mous”. n = 210, ∆z = 0×.0742. Given ∆z, the Nyquist critical fre- In applying the model to summary statistics, we calcu- 1 lated histograms of TLD and LD block size (using 100 bins quency is fc = 2∆z , so we consider the Fourier transform function for the z-score pdf at n discrete values k1, ..., kn, in both cases) and ignoring SNPs whose TLD or block size with equal spacing between neighbors given by ∆k, where was so large that their frequency was less than a hundredth k1 = fc (kn = k1 ∆k, and kn/2+1 = 0; the DFT pair of the respective histogram peak; typically this amounted ∆z and− ∆k are related− − by ∆z∆k = 1/n). Define to restricting to SNPs for which TLD 600 and LD block size 1, 500. We also ignored summary≤ statistics of SNPs 2 2 2 ≤ Aw 2π NHwrwσ˜β. (22) for which MAF 0.01. ≡ − ≤ (see Eq. 20). Then the product (over r2 bins) of Fourier We analyzed summary statistics for sixteen phenotypes transforms for the genetic contribution to z-scores, denoted (in what follows, where sample sizes varied by SNP, we Gj G(kj), is quote the median value): (1) major depressive disorder ≡ (N = 59,851, N = 113,154) [32]; (2) bipolar wmax cases controls 2 nw disorder (Ncases = 20,352, Ncontrols = 31,358) [33]; (3) G(kj) = π1exp(Awk ) + (1 π1) , (23) j − schizophrenia (N = 35,476, N = 46,839) [34]; wY=1  cases controls 5 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license.

(4) coronary artery disease (Ncases = 60,801, Ncontrols The sample simple linear regression slope, βˆ, and the = 123,504) [35]; (5) ulcertive colitis (Ncases = 12,366, Pearson correlation coefficient,r ˆ, are assumed to be t- Ncontrols = 34,915) and (6) Crohn’s disease (Ncases = distributed. These quantities have the same t-value: t = 12,194, N = 34,915) [36]; (7) late onset Alzheimer’s β/ˆ se(βˆ) =r/ ˆ se(ˆr) =r ˆ√N 2/√1 rˆ2, with correspond- controls − − disease (LOAD; Ncases = 17,008, Ncontrols = 37,154) [37] ing p-value from Student’s t cumulative distribution func- (in the Supplementary Material we present results for a tion (cdf) with N 2 degrees of freedom: p = 2 tcdf( t , − × −| | more recent GWAS with Ncases = 71,880 and Ncontrols N 2) (see Supplementary Material). Since we are not here = 383,378 [38]); (8) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) dealing− with covariates, we calculated p from correlation, (Ncases = 12,577, Ncontrols = 23,475) [39]; (9) number of which is slightly faster than from estimating the regression years of formal education (N = 293,723) [40]; (10) intel- coefficient. The t-value can be transformed to a z-value, ligence (N = 262,529) [41, 42]; (11) body mass index (N giving the z-score for this p: z = Φ−1(p/2) sign(ˆr), = 233,554) [43]; (12) height (N = 707,868) [44, 45]; (13) where Φ is the normal cdf (z and t have− the same× p-value). putamen volume (normalized by intracranial volume, N = 11,598) [46]; (14) low- (N = 89,873) and (15) high-density Parameter Estimation lipoprotein (N = 94,295) [47]; and (16) total cholesterol We randomly pruned SNPs using the threshold r2 > 0.8 (N = 94,579) [47]. Most participants were of European to identify “synonymous” SNPs, performing ten such it- ancestry. erations. That is, for each of ten iterations, we randomly For the ALS GWAS data, there is very little signal out- selected a SNP (not necessarily the one with largest z- side chromosome 9: the data QQ plot essentially tracks the score) to represent each subset of synonymous SNPs. For null distribution straight line. The QQ plot for chromo- schizophrenia, for example, pruning resulted in approxi- some 9, however, shows a significant departure from the mately 1.3 million SNPs in each iteration. null distribution. Therefore, we restrict ALS analysis to The postulated pdf for a SNP’s z-score depends on the chromosome 9. SNP’s LD and heterozygosity structure (histogram), . H For schizophrenia, for example, there were 6,610,991 Given the data – the set of z-scores for available SNPs, as SNPs with finite z-scores out of the 11,015,833 SNPs from well as their LD and heterozygosity structure – and the the 1000 Genomes reference panel that underlie the model; -dependent pdf for z-scores, the objective is to find the H the genomic control factor for these SNPs was λGC = model parameters that best predict the distribution of z- 1.466. Of these, 314,857 were filtered out due to low MAF scores. We bin the SNPs with respect to a grid of heterozy- or very large LD block size. The genomic control factor for gosity and total LD; for any given H-L bin there will be a the remaining SNPs was λGC = 1.468; for the pruned sub- range of z-scores whose distribution the model it intended sets, with 1.49 106 SNPs each, it was λ = 1.30. (Note to predict. We find that a 10 10-grid of equally spaced × that genomic≃ control× values for pruned data are always bins is adequate for converged results. (Using equally- lower than for unpruned data.) spaced bins might seem inefficient because of the resulting A limitation in the current work is that we have not very uneven distribution of z-scores among grid elements taken account of imputation inaccuracy, where lower MAF – for example, orders of magnitude more SNPs in grid el- SNPs are, through lower LD, less certain. Thus, the effects ements with low total LD compared with high total LD. from lower MAF causal variants will noisier than for higher However, the objective is to model the effects of H and L: MAF varants. using variable grid element sizes so as to maximize balance of SNP counts among grid elements means that the true Simulations H- and L-mediated effects of the SNPs in a narrow range We generated genotypes for 105 unrelated simulated sam- of H and L get subsumed with the effects of many more ples using HAPGEN2 [31]. For narrow-sense heritability SNPs in a much wider range of H and L – a misspecifi- h2 equal to 0.1, 0.4, and 0.7, we considered polygenic- cation of the pdf leading to some inaccuracy.) In lieu of −5 −4 −3 −2 ity π1 equal to 10 , 10 , 10 , and 10 . For each or in addition to total LD (L) binning, one can bin SNPs of these 12 combinations, we randomly selected ncausal = with respect to their total LD block size (total number of π1 nsnp “causal” SNPs and assigned them β-values drawn SNPs in LD, ranging from 1 to 1,500). from× the standard normal distribution (i.e., independent To find the model parameters∼ that best fit the data, for of H), with all other SNPs having β = 0. We repeated this a given H-L bin we binned the selected SNPs z-scores into ten times, giving ten independent instantiations of random equally-spaced bins of width dz=0.0742 (between zmin= vectors of β’s. Defining YG = Gβ, where G is the geno- 38 and zmax=38, allowing for p-values near the numeri- type matrix and β here is the vector of true coefficients cal− limit of 10−316), and from Eq. 25 calculated the prob- over all SNPs, the total phenotype vector is constructed ability for z-scores to be in each of those z-score bins (the as Y =YG+ε, where the residual random vector ε for each prior probability for “success” in each z-score bin). Then, instantiation is drawn from a normal distribution such that knowing the actual numbers of z-scores (numbers of “suc- 2 h = var(YG)/var(Y ). For each of the instantiations this cesses”) in each z-score bin, we calculated the multinomial 2 implicitly defines the “true” value σβ. probability, pm, for this outcome. The optimal model pa- rameter values will be those that maximize the accrual 6 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. of this probability over all H-L bins. We constructed a the nsnp SNPs under study [17]. It is of interest to es- 2 cost function by calculating, for a given H-L bin, ln(pm) timate the proportion of hSNP that can be explained by and averaging over prunings, and then accumulating− this SNPs reaching genome-wide significance, p 5 10−8 (i.e., over all H-L bins. Model parameters minimizing the cost for which z >z =5.45), at a given sample size≤ × [56, 57]. In | | t were obtained from Nelder-Mead multidimensional uncon- Eq 1, for SNP i with genotype vector gi over N samples, strained nonlinear minimization of the cost function, using let ygi giβi. If the SNP’s heterozygosity is Hi, then fminsearch() ≡ 2 the Matlab function . var(ygi )=βi Hi. If we knew the full set βi of true β- values, then, for z-scores from a particular{ sample} size N, Posterior Effect Sizes the proportion of SNP heritability captured by genome- Model posterior effect sizes, given z (along with N, , and wide significant SNPs, A(N), would be given by the model parameters), were calculated using numericalH β2H integration over the random variable δ: i:|zi|>zt i i A(N) = . (30) P 2 all i βi Hi δ E(δ z) = P (δ z)δdδ P expected √ ≡ | Z | Now, from Eq. 15, δi = N j Hjrijβj. If SNP i is 1 causal and sufficiently isolatedP so thatp it is not in LD with = P (z δ)P (δ)δdδ. (26) √ √ P (z) Z | other causal SNPs, then δi = N H iβi, and var(ygi ) = 2 δi /N. When all causal SNPs are similarly isolated, Eq. Here, since z δ (δ, σ2), the posterior probability of z 30 becomes | ∼ N 0 given δ is simply 2 δi A(N) = i:|zi|>zt . (31) 2 P δ2 P (z δ) = φ(z; δ, σ0). (27) all i i | P Of course, the true β are not known and some causal SNPs P (z) is shorthand for pdf(z N, , π , σ , σ ), given by Eq. i 1 β 0 will likely be in LD with others. Furthermore, due to LD 25. P (δ) is calculated by| a similarH procedure that lead with causal SNPs, many SNPs will have a nonzero (latent to Eq. 25 but ignoring the environmental contributions or unobserved) effect size, δ. Nevertheless, we can formu- E . Specifically, let F = (G , ..., G ) denote the vector j δ 1 n late an approximation to A(N) which, assuming the pdf of{ products} of Fourier transform values. Then, the vector for z-scores (Eq. 25) is reasonable, will be inaccurate to of pdf values for genetic effect bins (indexed by i; numeri- the degree that the average LD structure of genome-wide cally, these will be the same as the z-score bins) in the H-L significant SNPs differs from the overall average LD struc- bin, pdf = (f , ..., f ) where f pdf(δ ), is δ 1 n i ≡ i|H ture. As before (see the subsection “Model PDF: Convo- −1 lution”), consider a fixed set of n equally-spaced nominal pdfδ = [Fδ] . (28) F z-scores covering a wide range of possible values (chang- Similarly, ing from the summations in Eq. 31 to the uniform suma- tion spacing ∆z now requires bringing the probability den- 2 2 2 sity into the summations). For each z from the fixed set δexpected E(δ z) = P (δ z)δ dδ ≡ | Z | (and, as before, employing data reduction by averaging 1 so that H and L denote values for the 10 10 grid), use = P (z δ)P (δ)δ2dδ, (29) × P (z) Z | E(δ2 z, N, H, L) given in Eq. 29 to define | which is used in power calculations. C(z N,H,L) E(δ2 z, N, H, L)P (z N,H,L) (32) | ≡ | | GWAS Replication (emphasizing dependence on N, H, and L). Then, for any A related matter has to do with whether z-scores for SNPs N, A(N) can be estimated by reaching genome-wide significance in a discovery-sample C(z, N, H, L) are compatible with the SNPs’ z-scores in a replication- H,L z:|z|>zt A(N) = P P (33) sample, particularly if any of those replication-sample z- H,L all z C(z, N, H, L) scores are far from reaching genome-wide significance, or P P where denotes sum over the H-L grid elements. The whether any apparent mismatch signifies some overlooked H,L ratio in Eq. 33 should be accurate if the average effects inconsistency. The model pdf allows one to make a prin- P of LD in the numerator and denominator cancel – which cipled statistical assessment in such cases. We present the will always be true as the ratio approaches 1 for large N. details for this application, and results applied to studies Plotting A(N) gives an indication of the power of future of bipolar disorder, in the Supplementary Material. GWAS to capture chip heritability. GWAS Power Quantile-Quantile Plots and Genomic Control Chip heritability, h2 , is the proportion of phenotypic SNP One of the advantages of quantile-quantile (QQ) plots is variance that in principle can be captured additively by that on a logarithmic scale they emphasize behavior in the 7 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. 20 20 20 20 Data Major Depressive Disorder Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia Coronary Artery Disease Model 15 Null 15 15 15

(p) N e=1.63e5 Ne =1.57e5 Ne =4.94e4 Ne =8.07e4 10

10 πˆ 1 =4.01e-3 10 πˆ 1 =2.70e-3 10 πˆ 1 =2.84e-3 10 πˆ 1 =1.14e-4 ˆ 2 =7.20e-6 ˆ 2 =5.25e-5 ˆ 2 =5.51e-5 σˆ 2 =1.47e-4 σβ σβ σβ b ˆ 2 ˆ 2 ˆ 2 ˆ 2 hl =0.07 hl =0.16 hl =0.21 hl =0.03 5 ˆ 2 =1.13 5 ˆ 2 =1.13 5 ˆ 2 =1.30 5 ˆ 2 Nominal-log h =0.07 λ h =0.34 λ h =0.37 λ h =0.04 ˆ 2 =1.06 ˆ 2 =1.05 ˆ 2 =1.14 2 σ0 σ0 σ0 σˆ 0 =0.97 0 0 0 0 A 0 2 4 6 B 0 2 4 6 C 0 2 4 6 D 0 2 4 6

20 20 20 20 Ulcerative Colitis Crohn’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Excluding APOE locus) (Chromosome 9) 15 15 15 15 (p) Ne =3.65e4 Ne =3.62e4 Ne =4.67e4 Ne =3.28e4 10

10 πˆ 1 =1.26e-4 10 πˆ 1 =9.56e-5 10 πˆ 1 =1.11e-4 10 πˆ 1 =1.43e-5 ˆ 2 =8.82e-4 ˆ 2 =1.70e-3 ˆ 2 =2.22e-4 σˆ 2 =3.04e-3 σβ σβ σβ b ˆ 2 ˆ 2 ˆ 2 ˆ 2 hl =0.11 hl =0.15 hl =0.08 h <0.01 5 ˆ 2 =1.16 5 ˆ 2 =1.19 5 ˆ 2 =1.06 5 hˆ 2 <0.01 Nominal-log h =0.27 λ h =0.39 λ h =0.06 λ 2 2 2 2 σˆ 0 =1.14 σˆ 0 =1.17 σˆ 0 =1.05 σˆ 0 =1.02 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 E Empirical -log (q) F Empirical -log (q) G Empirical -log (q) H Empirical -log (q) 10 10 10 10

Figure 1: QQ plots of (pruned) z-scores for qualitative phenotypes (dark blue, 95% confidence interval in light blue) with model prediction (yellow): (A) major depressive disorder; (B) bipolar disorder; (C) schizophrenia; (D) coronary artery disease (CAD); (E) ulcerative colitis (UC); (F) Crohn’s disease (CD); (G) late onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD), excluding APOE (see also Supplementary Material Fig. 10); and (H) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), restricted to chromosome 9. The dashed line is the expected QQ plot under null (no SNPs associated with the phenotype). p is a nominal p-value for z-scores, and q is the proportion of z-scores with p-values exceeding that threshold. λ is the overall nominal genomic control factor for the pruned data (which is accurately predicted by the model in all cases). The three estimated 2 2 2 ˆ2 model parameters are: polygenicity,π ˆ1; discoverability,σ ˆβ (corrected for inflation); and SNP association χ -statistic inflation factor,σ ˆ0 . h 2 is the estimated narrow-sense chip heritability, re-expressed as hl on the liability scale for these case-control conditions assuming a prevalence of: MDD 6.7% [48], BIP 0.5% [49], SCZ 1% [50], CAD 3% [51], UC 0.1% [52], CD 0.1% [52], AD 14% (for people aged 71 and older in the −5 USA [53, 54]), and ALS 5 × 10 [55]. The estimated number of causal SNPs is given byn ˆcausal =π ˆ1nsnp where nsnp = 11, 015, 833 is the total number of SNPs, whose LD structure and MAF underlie the model; the GWAS z-scores are for subsets of these SNPs. Neff is the effective case-control sample size – see text. Reading the plots: on the vertical axis, choose a p-value threshold (more extreme values are further from the origin), then the horizontal axis gives the proportion of SNPs exceeding that threshold (higher proportions are closer to the origin). Numerical values for the model parameters are also given in Table 1. See also Supplementary Material Figs. 13-19. tails of a distribution, and provide a valuable visual aid in Note that the values of λ reported here are for pruned SNP assessing the independent effects of polygenicity, strength sets; these values will be lower than for the total GWAS of association, and variance distortion – the roles played by SNP sets. the three model parameters – as well as showing how well a Knowing the total number, ntot, of p-values involved in model fits data. QQ plots for the model were constructed a QQ plot (number of GWAS z-scores from pruned SNPs), using Eq. 25, replacing the normal pdf with the normal any point (q, p) (log-transformed) on the plot gives the cdf, and replacing z with an equally-spaced vector ~znom of number, np = q ntot, of p-values that are as extreme as length 10,000 covering a wide range of nominal z values (0 or more extreme than the chosen p-value. This can be | | through 38). SNPs were divided into a 10 10 grid of H L thought of as np “successes” out of ntot independent tri- bins, and the cdf vector (with elements corresponding× × to als (thus ignoring LD) from a binomial distribution with the z-values in ~znom) accumulated for each such bin (using prior probability q. To approximate the effects of LD, mean values of H and L for SNPs in a given bin). we estimate the number of independent SNPs as ntot/f For a given set of samples and SNPs, the genomic con- where f 10. The 95% binomial confidence interval for trol factor, λ, for the z-scores is defined as the median z2 q is calculated≃ as the exact Clopper-Pearson 95% interval divided by the median for the null distribution, 0.455 [19]. [58], which is similar to the normal approximation interval, This can also be calculated from the QQ plot. In the plots q 1.96 q1( q)/n /f. ± − tot we present here, the abscissa gives the -log10 of the pro- p portion, q, of SNPs whose z-scores exceed the two-tailed Number of Causal SNPs significance threshold p, transformed in the ordinate as - The estimated number of causal SNPs is given by the log (p). The median is at q = 0.5, or log (q ) polygenicity, π1, times the total number of SNPs, nsnp: 10 med − 10 med ≃ 0.3; the corresponding empirical and model p-value thresh- ncausal = π1nsnp. nsnp is given by the total number of olds (pmed) for the z-scores – and equivalently for the z- SNPs that went into building the heterozygosity/LD struc- scores-squared – can be read off from the plots. The ge- ture, in Eq. 25, i.e., the approximately 11 million SNPs H nomic inflation factor is then given by selected from the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 reference panel, not the number of tag SNPs in the particular GWAS. The −1 2 λ = [Φ (pmed/2)] /0.455. 8 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. 20 20 20 20 Data Education Intelligence Body Mass Index Height Model 15 Null 15 15 15

(p) N =2.94e5 N =2.63e5 N =2.34e5 N =7.08e5 10

10 πˆ 1 =3.20e-3 10 πˆ 1 =2.20e-3 10 πˆ 1 =6.77e-4 10 πˆ 1 =8.56e-4 ˆ 2 =1.57e-5 ˆ 2 =2.32e-5 σˆ 2 =4.28e-5 ˆ 2 =9.46e-5 σβ σβ b σβ

5 ˆ 2 =1.17 5 ˆ 2 =1.58 5 ˆ 2 5 ˆ 2 =3.62 Nominal-log h =0.12 λ h =0.13 λ h =0.07 h =0.19 λ 2 2 2 2 σˆ 0 =1.00 σˆ 0 =1.28 σˆ 0 =0.88 σˆ 0 =2.50 0 0 0 0 A 0 2 4 6 B 0 2 4 6 C 0 2 4 6 D 0 2 4 6

20 20 20 20 Putamen LDL HDL Total Cholesterol

15 15 15 15 N =9.46e4 (p) N =1.16e4 N =8.99e4 N =9.43e4 10

10 πˆ 1 =4.94e-5 10 πˆ 1 =3.58e-5 10 πˆ 1 =2.37e-5 10 πˆ 1 =4.26e-5 ˆ 2 =9.72e-4 ˆ 2 =6.61e-4 ˆ 2 =1.25e-3 σˆ 2 =8.99e-4 σβ σβ σβ b

5 ˆ 2 =1.03 5 ˆ 2 =0.97 5 ˆ 2 =0.98 5 ˆ 2 Nominal-log h =0.11 λ h =0.06 λ h =0.07 λ h =0.09 2 2 2 2 σˆ 0 =1.00 σˆ 0 =0.96 σˆ 0 =0.97 σˆ 0 =0.96 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 E Empirical -log (q) F Empirical -log (q) G Empirical -log (q) H Empirical -log (q) 10 10 10 10

Figure 2: QQ plots of (pruned) z-scores and model fits for quantitative phenotypes: (A) educational attainment; (B) intelligence; (C) body mass index (BMI); (D) height; (E) putamen volume; (F) low-density lipoprotein (LDL); (G) high-density lipoprotein (HDL); and (H) total cholesterol (TC). N is the sample size. See Fig. 1 for further description. Numerical values for the model parameters are also given in Table 1. See also Supplementary Material Figs. 20-25. parameters estimated are to be seen in the context of the the adult population, K, and the proportion of cases in reference panel, which we assume contains all common the study, P . The heritability on the underlying contin- 2 causal variants. Stabe quantities (i.e., fairly independent uous liability scale [59], hl , is obtained by adjusting for of the reference panel size. e.g., using the full panel or ascertainment (multiplying by K(1 K)/(P (1 P )), the ignoring every second SNP), are the estimated effect size ratio of phenotypic variances in the− population− and in the variance and number of causal variants – which we demon- study) and rescaling based on prevalence [60, 6]: strate below – and hence the heritability. Thus, the poly- genicity will scale inversely with the reference panel size. 2 2 K(1 K) K(1 K) hl = h − − , (35) A reference panel with a substantially larger number of P1 ( P ) × a2 − samples would allow for inclusion of more SNPs (non-zero MAF), and thus the actual polygenicity estimated would where a is the height of the standard normal pdf at the change slightly. truncation point zK defined such that the area under the curve in the region to the right of zK is K. Narrow-sense Chip Heritability Since we are treating the β coefficients as fixed effects in RESULTS the simple linear regression GWAS formalism, with the phenotype vector standardized with mean zero and unit Phenotypes variance, from Eq. 1 the proportion of phenotypic vari- Figures 1 and 2 show QQ plots for the pruned z-scores for ance explained by a particular causal SNP whose refer- eight qualitative and eight quantitative phenotypes, along ence panel genotype vector is g, q2=var(y; g), is given by with model estimates (Supplementary Material Figs. 13- 2 2 29 each show a 4 4 grid breakdown by heterozygosity q = β H. The proportion of phenotypic variance ex- × × plained additively by all causal SNPs is, by definition, the total-LD of QQ plots for all phenotypes studied here; the 2 2 2 4 4 grid is a subset of the 10 10 grid used in the calcula- narrow sense chip heritability, h . Since E(β )=σβ and × × ncausal = π1nsnp, and taking the mean heterozygosity over tions). In all cases, the model fit (yellow) closely tracks the causal SNPs to be approximately equal to the mean over data (dark blue). For the sixteen phenotypes, estimates for all SNPs, H , the chip heritability can be estimated as the model polygenicity parameter range over two orders of −5 −3 magnitude, from π1 2 10 to π1 4 10 . The es- 2 2 ≃ × ≃ × h = π1nsnpHσβ. (34) timated SNP discoverability parameter (variance of β, or expected β2, for causal variants) also ranges over two or- Mean heterozygosity from the 11 million SNPs is H = ders of magnitude from σ2 7 10−6 to σ2 2 10−3 (in β ≃ × β ≃ × 0.2165. ∼ units where the variance of the phenotype is normalized For all-or-none traits like disease status, the estimated to 1). h2 from Eq. 34 for an ascertained case-control study is on We find that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder appear the observed scale and is a function of the prevalence in to be similarly highly polygenic, with model polygenicities

9 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. Phenotype π σ2 σ2 n h2 1 1 β 0 causal (l) Crohn’s Disease (36%) MDD 4.01E-3 7.20E-6 1.06 4.4E4 0.07 HDL (47%) Ulcerative Colitis (20%) Bipolar Disorder 2.70E-3 5.25E-5 1.05 3.0E4 0.16 0.8 Putamen (3%) Schizophrenia 2.84E-3 5.51E-5 1.14 3.1E4 0.21 LDL (28%) CAD 1.14E-4 1.47E-4 0.97 1.3E3 0.03 Height (70%) 0.6 Alzheimer’s (3%) Ulcerative Colitis 1.26E-4 8.82E-4 1.14 1.4E3 0.11 Schizophrenia (4%) Crohn’s Disease 9.56E-5 1.70E-3 1.17 1.1E3 0.15 Bipolar (1%)

AD (no APOE)∗ 1.11E-4 2.22E-4 1.05 1.2E3 0.08 A(N) Intelligence (7%) ALS† 1.43E-5 3.04E-3 1.02 7 0.00 0.4 Education (4%) MDD (<1%) Education 3.20E-3 1.57E-5 1.00 3.5E4 0.12 Current N Intelligence 2.20E-3 2.32E-5 1.28 2.4E4 0.13 0.2 Prediction BMI 6.44E-4 4.28E-5 0.88 709 0.07 Height (2018) 8.56E-4 9.46E-5 2.50 9.4E3 0.19 Height (2014)$ 5.66E-4 1.23E-4 1.66 6.2E3 0.17 0 $ 3 4 5 6 7 8 Height (2010) 4.32E-4 1.66E-4 0.94 4.8E3 0.17 log (N) Putamen Volume 4.94E-5 9.72E-4 1.00 5.4E2 0.11 10 LDL 3.58E-5 6.61E-4 0.96 3.9E2 0.06 HDL 2.37E-5 1.25E-3 0.97 2.6E2 0.07 Figure 3: Proportion of narrow-sense chip heritability, A(N) (Eq. 33), captured by genome-wide significant SNPs as a function of sam- TC 4.26E-5 8.99E-4 0.96 469 0.09 ple size, N, for phenotypes shown in Figures 1 and Figure 2. Values for current sample sizes are shown in parentheses. Left-to-right curve 2 order is determined by decreasing σβ . The prediction for education Table 1: Summary of model results for phenotypes shown in Fig- at sample size N=1.1 million is A(N) = 0.27, so that the proportion 2 ures 1 and 2. The subscript in h(l) indicates that for the qualitative of phenotypic variance expalined is predicted to be 3.5%, in good phenotypes (the first eight) the reported SNP heritability is on the agreement with 3.2% reported in [62]. (The curve for AD excludes liability scale. MDD: Major Depressive Disorder; CAD: coronary the APOE locus.) artery disease; AD: Alzheimer’s Disease (excluding APOE locus; ∗for 2 the full autosomal reference panel, i.e., including APOE, hl = 0.15 for AD – see Supplementary Material Figure 10 (A) and (B)); BMI: putamen volume and low- and high-density lipoproteins. † body mass index; ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, restricted to The model effective SNP discoverability for schizophre- chromosome 9; LDL: low-density lipoproteins; HDL: high-density 2 −5 $ nia isσ ˆ = 5.51 10 , similar to that for bipolar disorder. lipoproteins. In addition to the 2018 height GWAS (N=707,868 β × [44]), we include here model results for the 2014 (N=251,747 [45]) Major depressive disorder, which has the highest poly- and 2010 (N=133,735 [61]) height GWAS, showing remarkable con- genicity, has the lowest SNP discoverability, approximately sistency despite very large differences in the sample sizes – see Sup- one-eighth that of schizophrenia; it is this low value, com- porting Material Figure 11. bined with high polygenicity that leads to the weak signal in Figure 1 (A) even though the sample size is relatively 2.84 10−3 and 2.70 10−3, respectively. The model large. In contrast, SNP discoverability for Alzheimer’s polygenicity≃ × of major≃ depressive× disorder, however, is 40% disease is almost four times that of schizophrenia. The −3 higher, π1 4 10 – the highest value among the sixteen inflammatory bowel diseases, however, have much higher phenotypes.≃ In× contrast, the model polygenicities of late SNP discoverabilities, 16 and 31 times that of schizophre- onset Alzheimer’s disease and Crohn’s disease are almost nia respectively for ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease thirty times smaller than that of schizophrenia. – the latter having the second highest value of the sixteen In Supplementary Material Figure 10 we show results phenotypes:σ ˆ2 = 1.7 10−3. β × for Alzheimer’s disease exclusively for chromosome 19 (wh- Additionally, for Alzheimer’s disease we show in Sup- ich contains APOE), and for all autosomal chomosomes plementary Material Figure 10 that the discoverability is excluding chromosome 19. We also show results with the two orders of magnitude greater for chromosome 19 than same chromosomal breakdown for a recent GWAS involv- for the remainder of the autosome. Note that since two- ing 455,258 samples that included 24,087 clinically diag- thirds of the 2018 “cases” are AD-by-proxy, the discover- nosed LOAD cases and 47,793 AD-by-proxy cases (individ- abilities for the 2018 data are, as expected, reduced rel- uals who were not clinically diagnosed with LOAD but for ative to the values for the 2013 data (approximately 3.5 whom at least one parent had LOAD) [63]. These GWAS times smaller). −4 give consistent estimates of polygenicity: π1 1 10 The narrow sense SNP heritability from the ascertained −5 ∼ × 2 excluding chromosome 19, and π1 6 10 for chromo- case-control schizophrenia GWAS is estimated as h =0.37. some 19 exclusively. ∼ × Taking adult population prevalence of schizophrenia to be Of the quantitative traits, educational attainment has K=0.01 [64, 65] (but see also [66], for K=0.005), and −3 the highest model polygenicity, π1 = 3.2 10 , similar to given that there are 51,900 cases and 71,675 controls in −3 × intelligence, π1 = 2.2 10 . Approximately two orders of the study, so that the proportion of cases in the study magnitude lower in polygenicity× are the endophenotypes is P =0.42, the heritability on the liability scale for schizo- 10 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. 2 ˆ2 2 2 2 h h π1 πˆ1 σβ σˆβ σˆ0 ncausal nˆcausal 0.1 0.12 (0.01) 1E-5 1.4E-5 (2E-6) 4.3E-3 (7E-4) 3.6E-3 (5E-4) 1.01 (0.002) 110 151 (20) 0.1 0.10 (0.01) 1E-4 1.0E-4 (2E-5) 4.2E-4 (2E-5) 4.1E-4 (5E-5) 1.01 (0.003) 1101 1130 (206) 0.1 0.09 (0.01) 1E-3 0.9E-3 (1E-4) 4.2E-5 (5E-7) 4.1E-5 (4E-6) 1.02 (0.003) 11015 10340 (1484) 0.1 0.09 (0.01) 1E-2 0.8E-2 (2E-3) 4.2E-6 (4E-8) 5.6E-6 (2E-6) 1.02 (0.002) 110158 83411 (25448) 0.4 0.52 (0.05) 1E-5 2.3E-5 (2E-6) 1.7E-2 (3E-3) 9.1E-3 (1E-3) 1.02 (0.002) 110 259 (20) 0.4 0.45 (0.02) 1E-4 1.2E-4 (8E-6) 1.7E-3 (7E-5) 1.5E-3 (9E-5) 1.04 (0.002) 1101 1310 (92) 0.4 0.39 (0.01) 1E-3 1.0E-3 (5E-5) 1.7E-4 (2E-6) 1.6E-4 (8E-6) 1.05 (0.003) 11015 10607 (578) 0.4 0.37 (0.01) 1E-2 0.9E-2 (1E-3) 1.7E-5 (2E-7) 1.7E-5 (2E-6) 1.06 (0.003) 110158 95135 (10851) 0.7 0.91 (0.09) 1E-5 2.9E-5 (2E-6) 3.0E-2 (5E-3) 1.3E-2 (2E-3) 1.02 (0.003) 110 324 (24) 0.7 0.82 (0.02) 1E-4 1.4E-4 (7E-6) 2.9E-3 (1E-4) 2.4E-3 (1E-4) 1.05 (0.002) 1101 1493 (79) 0.7 0.70 (0.01) 1E-3 1.0E-3 (4E-5) 2.9E-4 (4E-6) 2.8E-4 (1E-5) 1.08 (0.003) 11015 10866 (406) 0.7 0.66 (0.01) 1E-2 0.9E-2 (7E-4) 2.9E-5 (3E-7) 2.9E-5 (2E-6) 1.09 (0.003) 110158 95067 (8191)

Table 2: Simulation results: comparison of mean (std) true and estimated (ˆ) model parameters and derived quantities. Results for each 2 line, for specified heritability h and fraction π1 of causal SNPs, are from 10 independent instantiations with random selection of the ncausal causal SNPs that are assigned a β-value from the standard normal distribution. Defining Yg = Gβ, where G is the genotype matrix, the total phenotype vector is constructed as Y =Yg+ε, where the residual random vector ε for each instantiation is drawn from a normal distribution 2 2 2 2 such that var(Y ) = var(Yg)/h for predefined h . For each of the instantiations, i, this implicitly defines the true value σβi, and σβ is their mean. An example QQ plot for each line entry is shown in Supplementary Material, Figure 6.

ˆ2 phrenia from Eq. 35 is hl =0.21. For bipolar disorder, with Figure 3. A comparison of our results with those of [14] ˆ2 K=0.005 [49], 20,352 cases and 31,358 controls, hl =0.16. and [15] is in Supplementary Material Table 6. Major depressive disorder appears to have a much lower The sample size for ALS was quite low, and we re- ˆ2 model-estimated SNP heritablity than schizophrenia: hl stricted the analysis to choromosome 9, which had most = 0.07. The model estimate of SNP heritability for height of the genome-wide significant tag SNPs; we estimate that is 19%, lower than the oft-reported value 50% (see Dis- there are 7 causal SNPs with high discoverability on ∼ cussion). However, despite the huge differences∼ in sample choromosome 9 [67, 68], with very high discoverability, size, we find a similar value, 17%, for the 2014 GWAS σ2 0.003. In contrast, for AD restricted to chromosome β ≃ (N=251,747 [45]) and the 2010 GWAS (N=133,735 [61]) – 19, there were an estimated 14 causal SNPs with discover- see Table 1. ability σ2 0.02 (see Supplementary Material Figure 10 β ≃ Figure 3 shows the sample size required so that a given (B)). proportion of chip heritability is captured by genome-wide significant SNPs for the phenotypes (assuming equal num- Simulations bers of cases and controls for the qualitative phenotypes: Table 2 shows the simulation results, comparing true and Neff = 4/(1/Ncases + 1/Ncontrols), so that when Ncases = estimated values for the model parameters, heritability, Ncontrols, Neff = Ncases + Ncontrols = N, the total sam- and the number of causal SNPs, for twelve scenarios where 2 ple size, allowing for a straightforward comparison with π1 and σβ both range over three orders of magnitude, quantitative traits). At current sample sizes, only 4% of encompassing the range of values for the phenotypes; in narrow-sense chip heritability is captured for schizophrenia Supplementary Material, Figure 6 shows QQ plots for a and only 1% for bipolar disorder; using current method- randomly chosen (out of 10) β-vector and phenotype in- 2 ologies, a sample size of N 1 million would be re- stantiation for each of the twelve (π1, h ) scenarios. Most eff ∼ quired to capture the preponderance of SNP heritability of theπ ˆ1 estimates are in very good agreement with the for these phenotypes. Our model estimate for proportion true values, though for the extreme scenario of high heri- of chip heritability captured for height by SNPs reaching tability and low polygenicity it is overestimated by factors p = 5 10−8 at the current sample size is considerably of two-to-three. The numbers of estimated causal SNPs × −8 (out of 11 million) are in correspondingly good agree- higher, 70% (68% for the more stringent p = 10 ), and ∼ for HDL it is 47%. Major depressive disorder GWAS cur- ment with the true values, ranging in increasing powers rently is greatly underpowered, as shown in Figure 3(A). of 10 from 110 through 110,158. The estimated discov- 2 For education, we predict that 3.5% of pehnotypic variance erabilities (ˆσβ) are also in good agreement with the true 2 would be explained at N = 1.1 million, in good agreement values. In most cases,σ ˆ0 is close to 1, indicating little or with the value found from direct computation of 3.2% [62]. no global inflation, though it is elevated for high heritabil- For other phenotypes, the proportions of total SNP heri- ity with high polygenicity, suggesting it is capturing some tability captured at the available sample sizes are given in ubiquitous effects. In this study, we assume that population stratification 11 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. in the raw data has been corrected for in the publicly- mary statistics, incorporating detailed LD structure from available summary statistics. However, given that some of an underlying reference panel of SNPs with MAF>0.002, the sample sizes are extremely large, we allow for the pos- for estimating: phenotypic polygenicity, π1, expressed as sibility of residual cryptic relatedness. This would result the fraction of the reference panel SNPs that have a non- in a scaling of the z-scores, Eq. 9 [19]. Thus, to test the null true β value, i.e., are “causal”; and SNP discoverabil- modeling of inflation due to cryptic relatedness, we scaled ity or mean strength of association (the variance of the 2 the simulation z-scores as described earlier (z = σ0zu with underlying causal effects), σβ. In addition the model can σ0 > 1, where zu are the original z-scores, i.e., not arti- be used to estimate residual inflation of the association ficially inflated) and reran the model. E.g., for σ0 = 1.2, statistics due to variance distortion induced by cryptic re- 2 πˆ1 andσ ˆβ were found to be the same as for the uninflated latedness, σ0. The model assumes that there is very little, z-scores, andσ ˆ0 1.2 times the original (slightly inflated) if any, inflation in the GWAS summary statistics due to estimates shown≃ in Table 2. population stratification (bias shift in z-scores due to eth- In Supplementary Material, we examine the issue of nic variation). model misspecification. Specifically, we assign causal ef- We apply the model to sixteen diverse phenotypes, fects β drawn from a Gaussian whose variance is not sim- eight qualitative and eight quantitative. From the esti- ply a constant but depends on heterozygosity, such that mated model parameters we also estimate the number of rarer causal SNPs will tend to have larger effects [15]. The causal common-SNPs in the underlying reference panel, results – see Supplementary Material Table 3 – show that ncausal, and the narrow-sense common-SNP heritability, the model still makes reasonable estimates of the underly- h2 (for qualitative phenotypes, we re-express this as the 2 ing genetic architecture. Additionally, we tested the sce- proportion of population variance in disease liability, hl , nario where true causal effects are distributed with respect under a liability threshold model, adjusted for ascertain- to two Gaussians [14], a situation that allows for a small ment); in the event rare SNPs (i.e., not in the reference number of the causal SNPs to have quite large effects – panel) are causal, h2 will be an underestimate of the true see Supplementary Material Table 4. We find that heri- SNP heritability. In addition, we estimate the proportion tabilities are still reasonably estimated using our model. of SNP heritability captured by genome-wide significant In all these scenarios the overall data QQ plots were accu- SNPs at current sample sizes, and predict future sample rately reproduced by the model. As a counter example, we sizes needed to explain the preponderance of SNP heri- simulated summary statistics where the prior probability tability. of a reference SNP being causal decreased linearly with We find that schizophrenia is highly polygenic, with −3 total LD (see Supplementary Material Table 5). In this π1 = 2.8 10 . This leads to an estimate of ncausal case, our single Gaussian fit (which assumes no LD depen- 31, 000, which× is in reasonable agreement with a recent es-≃ dence on the prior probability of a reference SNP being timate that the number of causals is >20,000 [69]. The causal) did not produce model QQ plots that accurately SNP associations, however, are characterized by a narrow 2 −5 tracked the data QQ plots (see Supplementary Material distribution, σβ = 6.27 10 , indicating that most as- Figure 12). The model parameters and were sociations are of weak effect,× i.e., have low discoverability. also poor. But this scenario is highly artificial; in contrast, Bipolar disorder has similar parameters. The smaller sam- in situations where the data QQ plots were accurately re- ple size for bipolar disorder has led to fewer SNP discov- produced by the model, the estimated model parameters eries compared with schizophrenia. However, from Fig- and heritability were plausible. ure 3, sample sizes for bipolar disorder are approaching a range where rapid increase in discoveries becomes pos- Dependence on Reference Panel sible. For educational attainment [70, 40, 71], the poly- Given a liberal MAF threshold of 0.002, our reference genicity is somewhat greater, π = 3.2 10−3, leading to 1 × panel should contain the vast majority of common SNPs an estimate of ncausal 35, 000, half a recent estimate, for European ancestry. However, it does not include other 70, 000, for the number≃ of loci contributing to heritabil- structural variants (such as small insertions/deletions, or ≃ity [70]. The variance of the distribution for causal effect blocks) which may also be causal for pheno- sizes is a quarter that of schizophrenia, indicating lower types. To validate our parameter estimates for an incom- discoverability. Intelligence, a related phenotype [41, 72], plete reference, we reran our model on real phenotypes us- has a larger dscoverability than education while having ing the culled reference where we exclude every other SNP. lower polygenicity ( 10, 000 fewer causal SNPs). The result is that all estimated parameters are as before In marked contrast∼ are the lipoproteins and putamen −5 except thatπ ˆ1 doubles, leaving the estimated number of volume which have very low polygenicity: π1 < 5 10 , causal SNPs and heritability as before. so that only 250 to 550 SNPs (out of 11 million)× are estimated to be causal. However, causal∼ SNPS for puta- DISCUSSION men volume and HDL are characterized by relatively high discoverability, respectively 17-times and 23-times larger Here we present a unified method based on GWAS sum- than for schizophrenia. The QQ plots (which are sample size dependent) reflect 12 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. these differences in genetic architecture. For example, the genome-wide significance at the current sample size. This 2 early departure of the schizophrenia QQ plot from the null hl estimate is in reasonable agreement with a recent re- 2 line indicates its high polygenicity, while the steep rise for sult, hl = 0.27 [69, 82], also calculated from the PGC2 putamen volume after its departure corresponds to its high data set but using raw genotype data for 472,178 mark- SNP discoverability. ers for a subset of 22,177 schizophrenia cases and 27,629 For Alzheimer’s disease, our estimate of the liability- controls of European ancestry; and with an earlier result 2 scale SNP heritability for the full 2013 dataset [37] is 15% of hl = 0.23 from PGC1 raw genotype data for 915,354 for prevalence of 14% for those aged 71 older, half from markers for 9,087 schizophrenia cases and 12,171 controls APOE, while the recent “M2” and “M3” models of Zhang [83, 7]. The recent “M2” (single non-null Gaussian) model 2 et al [14] gave values of 7% and 10% respectively – see estimate is hl = 0.29 [14] (see Supplementary Materials Supplementary Materials Table 6. A recent report from Table 6). No QQ plot was available for the M2 model two methods, LDSC and SumHer [73], estimated SNP fit to schizophrenia data, but such plots (truncated on haritability of 3% for LDSC and 12% for SumHer (asum- the y-axis at log10(p) = 10) for many other phenotypes ing prevalence of 7.5%). A raw genotype-based analysis were reported− [14]. We note that for multiple phenotypes (GCTA), including genes that contain rare variants that (height, LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, years of school- affect risk for AD, reported SNP heritability of 53% [74, 7]; ing, Crohn’s disease, coronary artery disease, and ulcertive an earlier related study that did not include rare variants colitis) our single Gaussian model appears to provide a bet- and had only a quarter of the common variants estimated ter fit to the data than M2: many of the M2 plots show SNP heritability of 33% for prevalence of 13% [75]. It a very early and often dramatic deviation between pre- should be noted that GCTA calculations of heritability diction and data, as compared with our model QQ plots are within the domain of the so-called infinitesimal model which are also built from a single Gaussian, suggesting where all markers are assumed to be causal. Our model an upward bias in polygenicity and/or variance of effect suggests, however, that phenotypes are characterized by sizes, and hence heritability as measured by the M2 model polygenicities less than 5 10−3; for AD the polygenic- for these phenotypes. The LDSC liability-scale (1% preva- ity is 10−4. Thus, though× the GCTA approach yields a lence) SNP heritability for schizophrenia has been reported ≃ 2 heritability estimate closer to the twin-based (broad sense) as hl = 0.555 [12] and more recently as 0.19 [73], in very value, estimated to be in the range 60-80% [76], and the good agreement with our estimate; on the observed scale methodlogy appears to be robust to many assumptions it has been reported as 45% [79, 12], in contrast to our about the distribution of effect sizes [77, 78], it is not clear corresponding value of 37%. Our estimate of 1% of overall how to interpret GCTA estimates of heritability when the variation on the liability scale for schizophrenia explain- underlying polygenicity in fact is 1. For the 2013 data able by genome-wide significant loci compares reasonably analyzed here [37], a summary-statistics-based≪ method ap- with the proportion of variance on the liability scale ex- plied to a subset of 54,162 of the 74,046 samples gave SNP plained by Risk Profile Scores (RPS) reported as 1.1% us- heritability of almost 7% on the observed scale [79, 12]; our ing the “MGS” sample as target (the median for all 40 estimate is 12% on the observed scale – see Supplementary leave-one-out target samples analyzed is 1.19% – see Ex- Material Figure 10 A and B. tended Data Figure 5 and Supplementary Tables 5 and 6 Onset and clinical progression of sporadic Alzheimer’s in [34]; this was incorrectly reported as 3.4% in the main disease is strongly age-related [80, 81], with prevalence in paper). These results show that current sample sizes need differential age groups increasing at least up through the to increase substantially in order for RPSs to have predic- early 90s [53]. Thus, it would be more accurate to assess tive utility, as the vast majority of associated SNPs remain heritability (and its components, polygenicity and discov- undiscovered. Our power estimates indicate that 500,000 erability) with respect to, say, five-year age groups be- cases and an equal number of controls would be needed∼ to ginning with age 65 years, and using a consistent control identify these SNPs (note that there is a total of approxi- group of nonagenarians and centenarians. By the same mately 3 million cases in the US alone). token, comparisons among current and past AD GWAS For educational attainment, we estimate SNP heritabil- are complicated because of potential differences in the age ity h2 = 0.12, in good agreement with the estimate of distributions of the respective case and the control co- 11.5% given in [40]. As with schizophrenia, this is sub- horts. Additionally, the degree to which rare variants are stantially less than the estimate of heritability from twin included will affect heritability estimates. The summary- and family studies of 40% of the variance in educational statistic-based estimates of polygenicity that we report attainment explained≃ by genetic factors [84, 70]. here are, however, likely to be robust for common SNPs: For putamen volume, we estimate the SNP heritability −4 2 π1 1.1 10 , with only a few causal SNPs on chromo- h = 0.11, in reasonable agreement with an earlier esti- some≃ 19.× mate of 0.1 for the same overall data set [46, 4]. Our point estimate for the liability-scale SNP heritabil- For height (2018; N=707,868) we find that its model 2 −4 ity of schizophrenia is hl = 0.21 (assuming a population polygenicity is π1 = 8.56 10 , two-fifths that of intelli- risk of 0.01), and that 4% of this (i.e., 1% of overall disease gence (and very far from× “omnigenic” [85]), while its dis- liability) is explainable based on common SNPs reaching coverability is four times that of intelligence, leading to a 13 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 16, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. SNP heritability of 19%. For the 2010 GWAS (N=133,735 randomly distributed across the autosomal genome. While [61]) and 2014 GWAS (N=251,747 [45]), we estimate SNP not incorporating the effects of rare SNPs, we have shown heritability of 17% (see Table 1 and Supplementary Ma- that it captures the broad genetic architecture of diverse terial Fig. 11). These heritabilities are in considerable complex traits, where polygenicities and the variance of disagreement with the SNP heritability estimate of 50% the effect sizes range over orders of magnitude. [45] (average of estimates from five cohorts ranging in≃ size The current model (essentially Eq. 4) and its imple- from N=1,145 to N=5,668, with 1 million SNPs). For mentation (essentially Eq. 25) are basic elements for build- the 2010 GWAS, the M2 model [14]∼ gives h2 = 0.30 (see ing a more refined model of SNP effects using summary Supporting Material Table 6); the upward deviation of the statistics. Higher accuracy in characterizing causal alleles model QQ plot in [14] suggests that this value might be in turn will enable greater power for SNP discovery and inflated. For the 2014 GWAS, the M3 model estimate is phenotypic prediction. h2 = 33% [14]; the RSS model estimate is h2 = 52% [25]; and in [73] the LDSC estimate is reported as h2 = 20% Acknowledgments while the SumHer estimate is h2 = 46% (in general across traits, the SumHer heritability estimates tend to be two- We thank the consortia for making available their GWAS to-five times larger than the LDSC estimates). 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