Nutritional and Health Status Evaluation of Tribes of Uttar Pradesh: an Anthropological Dimension
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Research Article Glob J Arch & Anthropol Volume 6 Issue 2 - August 2018 Copyright © All rights are reserved by Ajeet Jaiswal DOI: 10.19080/GJAA.2018.06.555685 Nutritional and Health Status Evaluation of Tribes of Uttar Pradesh: An Anthropological Dimension Ajeet Jaiswal* Department of Anthropology, Pondicherry University, India Submission: August 11, 2018; Published: August 30, 2018 *Corresponding author: Ajeet Jaiswal, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, Tel: ; Email: Abstract Man needs a wide range of nutrients to lead a healthy and active life and these are derived through the diet they consume daily. Good nutrition is a basic component of health. Health and nutritional status of an individual depends on the food he eats. This paper deals with the utility of various anthropometric cut-off points in the evaluation of nutritional & Health status. The Kharwar is one of the Adavasi groups of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. They are contemporary of Mundari speaking Indian tribes. Racially they belong to Proto-Australoids and linguistically to Dravidian group. The traditional economic activities of the Kharwar have been agriculture and other wage earning labour. The present study is to investigate the nutritional status of adult tribals of Kharwar group. This cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of undernutrition using body mass index (BMI) among 18 years and above Kharwar adults of Uttar Pradesh, India. A total of 151 (75 males and 76 females) adult from different villages of Varanasi District were measured. Result revealed that prevalence of undernutrition (age and sex womencombined) and among oldest Kharwaramong them was were26.5 %. experiencing The sex specific the most rates serious were 33.3 situation % and with 19.4 respect% among to femalestheir health and males,and nutritional respectively. status. There was a highly significant sex difference in CED prevalence based on BMI. Kharwar adults were experiencing high (serious) situation for all age groups and the Keywords: Proteins; Carbohydrates; Minerals; Morbidity; Mortality; Food scarcity; Height; Waist circumference Chronic Energy Deficiency; Kharwar tribes; Nutritional Profile; Body Mass Index; Dense forest; Community; Malnourishment; Introduction Malnourishment may increase income inequality, lower Table 1: Distribution of Kharwar tribes according to Age group. social returns to educational expenditure, impede economic Age Group Kharwar tribes (151) growth and increase unemployment. Epidemiological data show (Yrs) No. Male Female % that the world’s populations living under low socio-economic 18-39 87 57.62 conditions and high rates of parasitic diseases are also those 4322 4422 29.12 a major role in human adaptation because it acts both as an 40-59 4420 10 10 13.26 that have most of the world’s malnutrition [2]. Nutrition plays independent stress (e.g. food scarcity) that may necessitate ≥60 ethnic diversity. They constitute about 8.2% of total population, India has a variety of tribal population reflecting its great (e.g. disease severity). Good nutrition promotes the production though they are scattered all over the hilly and dense forest adjustment and as an important modifier of other stresses metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and mineral and and activities of growth hormones, which influences the regions of the country. Nutrition is the basics for the survival of promotes nitrogen retention. Tribals who constitute 8.2 % of but also the utilization for proper growth and development of an individual. It is not just confined with the intake of nutrients India’s population are drawing the attention of planners and administrators and are given priority in developmental measures habits, ecology, vegetation of the area and the socioeconomic the body. Nutritional status grossly depends upon the feeding [3]. Assessment of nutritional status is considered as a measure condition of the community. India, in recent years has become of health and it is necessary for planners to understand the food and nutrition situation among tribal population for upliftment of malnutrition continues undoubtedly, and it is still considered self-sufficient from the agricultural point of view, but the problem of these vulnerable groups. There is very little information to be one of the crucial issues. According to Calder & Jackson available regarding the diet and nutritional status of Kharwar. [1] undernutrition is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the developing world (Table 1). Inadequate dietary was carried out to assess the health and nutritional status of intake and disease are immediate causes of malnutrition and Hence to fill up some of this knowledge gap, the present study the kharwar. This information will be useful in the formulation they reinforce one another synergistically. of suitable development programmes like “food for work” or Glob J Arch & Anthropol 6(2): GJAA.MS.ID.555685 (2018) 0042 Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology other development programmes for the nutritional upliftment groupwise and, Sexwise like weight (kg), height (cm), mid- of this tribe. Therefore, the objective of the present study was upper arm circumference (cm), waist circumference (cm), hip to evaluate the nutritional status of the adult Kharwar tribe of circumference (cm), biceps skinfold (mm), triceps skinfold (mm), Varanasi- Mirzapur District of Uttar Pradesh, India. sub-scapular skinfold (mm) and BMI (kg/m2) of more than 18 Materials and Methods (p < 0.001) sex differences in mean Weight (t = 3.63, p < 0.001) years old Kharwar tribals are presented in Table 4. Significant The present study is cross-sectional and was conducted and Height (t = 6.03, p < 0.001) were observed. Marked trend among 151 adult Kharwar tribe of Varanasi- Mirzapur District (Table 5) in Height, Waist Circumference, Hip Circumference of Uttar Pradesh. The Kharwar is one of the Adavasi groups of and Biceps skinfold with increasing age-group among females; Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. They are contemporary of Mundari marked decline in Height, Mid Upper Arm Circumference, speaking Indian tribes. Racially they belong to Proto-Australoids Waist Circumference and Hip Circumference among males and and linguistically to Dravidian group. The traditional economic Triceps skinfold and Sub-scapular skinfold among females with activities of the Kharwar have been agriculture and other wage increasing age-group; marked increase then decrease in mean earning labour. They are contemporary of Mundari speaking values of Weight, Biceps skinfold, Triceps skinfold, Sub-scapular Indian tribes. Racially they belong to Proto-Australoids and skinfold & Body Mass Index (BMI) among males and Weight, linguistically to Dravidian group. The Kharwar villages are found Mid Upper Arm Circumference and BMI among females with in comparatively plain areas. They erect their houses with mud, wood, bamboo and tiles. The traditional economic activities of the Kharwar have been agriculture and other wage earning increasing age-group were observed. Significant sex difference labour. in mean weight (t = 3.56, p<0.001) in 18-39 and (t = 2.24, p<0.05) in (40-59) years age group, in mean height (t =5.35, p<0.001) in Mid Upper Arm Circumference (t = 2.57, p<0.01) in 18-39 years A total of 75 males and 76 females were measured. Adults 18-39 & (t = 2.60, p<0.01) in 40-59 years age group, in mean were grouped into three age group to observe the age-trend (p<0.05) differences in Triceps skinfold, Sub-scapular skinfold in their anthropometric measures as well the age group wise age group were observed. Results of ANOVA revealed significant nutritional status. In the present study Kharwar of age from 18 and BMI. to 80 years (both males and females) were included. Data were Table 2: Nutritional status was evaluated using internationally collected during December-January 2011-12. There were 57.6% accepted BMI guidelines. subject belongs to 18-39 years age group followed by 29.12% CED III= < 16.0 kg/m2 CED BMI= <18.5 group respectively. 2 and 13.26% Kharwar people belongs to 40-59 and ≥60years age CED II= 16.0-16.9 kg/m Several anthropometric measurements like Weight (Wt), 2 2 height (Ht), circumferences and skinfolds were measured using CED I= 17.0- 18.4 kg/m the standard methodology of Weiner & Lourie (1981) Lohman 2 Normal: BMI = 18.5-24.9 kg/m Table 3: Student’s t-testsOverweight: were performedBMI ≥ 25.0 kg/mto test for sex differences Technical errors of measurements (TEM) were within acceptable et al. [4,5] and BMI was computed using standard equation. in mean values. limits. For ethical issue, both written and oral consent were Low (5-9%): Warning sign, monitoring required. obtained from each subject before commencement of the study. Medium (10-19%): poor situation BMI guidelines [6]. High (20-39%): serious situation Nutritional status was evaluated using internationally accepted critical situation Researcher followed the World Health Organization’s TableVery 4: high Sex (≥ wise 40%): distribution of anthropometric measurements of adult Kharwar tribes based on Mean (SD) and t-test with significance classification (1995) of the public health problem of low BMI, (p). categorizes prevalence according to percentage of a population based on adult populations worldwide. This classification Sex with BMI< 18.5. Student’s t-tests were performed to test for sex differences in mean values. Age-group difference was performed Variables Male Female t-test p Mean± SD Mean± SD Age 38.90±16.80 37.90 ±16.678 0.38 0.687 by ANOVA (F test). Sex differences in CED were determined by Weight 3.63 0.000 chi-square (χ2) test. All statistical analyses were undertaken was set at p < 0.05. Height 152.81± 6.51 6.03 0.000 using the Statistical Package (SPSS- 16). Statistical significance 48.98± 6.53 45.00 ±7.55 Mid Upper Arm Results 148.82 ± 4.46 1.93 0.057 Circum. The above Tables 2 & 3 shows the Mean, standard deviation, Waist 24.85 ± 2.53 24.42± 5.67 70.99 ± 6.10 0.23 Circumference measurements of adult Kharwar tribes based on of Age 71.20 ± 5.46 0.724 t-test , ANOVA (F) and significance (p) of anthropometric How to cite this article: Ajeet J.