TIVITY AC SH E Station E T Name: ...... Date: ......

C O M P RE Write “T” for true or “F” for false after HENSION each sentence. Then write the page number to show where you found the information. T 5 1. Many people work on a sheep station. ______

2. Farmers shear the sheep in summer. ______

3. Farmers have to look for the sheep. ______

4. All dogs on a sheep station do the same work. ______

5. Mustering is when the farmers get the sheep together. ______

6. Shearers shear the sheep in a shed. ______

7. Shearers shear 50 sheep in a day. ______

8. Clean is put into a big sack called a pale. ______

9. The sheep go back up into the hills in spring. ______

10. The bags of wool go to the mill. ______

11. Machines clean the wool and make it into yarn. ______

12. Wool is made into lots of things. ______

© Scholastic Canada Ltd. 2012 Fast Track Teacher’s Guide TIVITY AC SH E Sheep Station E T Name: ...... Date: ......

V O Use the words in the box to complete CA BULARY the sentences.

farmers wool hills muster people

cooler shearing station yarn Sheep Sheep 1. The title of the book is Station.

2. A big sheep can have over 3000 sheep on it.

3. Many work on a sheep station.

4. Dogs help farmers to the sheep.

5. have different dogs to help them do the work.

6. The shearer shears the sheep in a shed.

7. If the is clean, it goes into a bale.

8. When the shearing is over, all the sheep go back up to the .

9. The sheep are in summer.

10. Machines make the wool into at the mill.

© Scholastic Canada Ltd. 2012 Fast Track Teacher’s Guide TIVITY AC SH E E Sheep Station T Name: ...... Date: ......

P HO N ICS Make new words. Write the words and check off the alphabet letters you use.

Change “h” in hill. ✔ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Change “sh” in shear. ✔✔ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Use a dictionary to check if your words are real words!

© Scholastic Canada Ltd. 2012 Fast Track Teacher’s Guide TIVITY C SH A E Sheep Station E T Name: ...... Date: ......

W RI TI NG Write a question to match each answer. Don’t forget the question mark! is the title of the book? Q. What ______

A. Sheep Station

Q. When ______

A. In spring

Q. What ______

A. It gets the sheep together and will catch a sheep if it runs away.

Q. Who ______

A. A shearer

Q. How ______

A. 200 a day

Q. Where ______

A. Into a bale

Q. When ______

A. In summer

Q. Where ______

A. To the mill

© Scholastic Canada Ltd. 2012 Fast Track Teacher’s Guide