Vol. 24, No. 14 | 11 Jul 2016 | OPTICS EXPRESS 15486 Faraday rotator based on TSAG crystal with <001> orientation 1* 2 2 RYO YASUHARA, ILYA SNETKOV, ALEKSEY STAROBOR, ЕVGENIY 2 2 MIRONOV, AND OLEG PALASHOV 1National Institute for Fusion Science, 322-6, Oroshi-cho, Toki, Gifu 509-5292, Japan 2Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 46 Ulyanov Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia *
[email protected] Abstract: A Faraday isolator (FI) for high-power lasers with kilowatt-level average power and 1-µm wavelength was demonstrated using a terbium scandium aluminum garnet (TSAG) with its crystal axis aligned in the <001> direction. Furthermore, no compensation scheme for thermally induced depolarization in a magnetic field was used. An isolation ratio of 35.4 dB (depolarization ratio γ of 2.9 × 10−4) was experimentally observed at a maximum laser power of 1470 W. This result for room-temperature FIs is the best reported, and provides a simple, practical solution for achieving optical isolation in high-power laser systems. ©2016 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (160.3820) Magneto-optical materials; (140.6810) Thermal effects. References and links 1. D. J. Gauthier, P. Narum, and R. W. Boyd, “Simple, compact, high-performance permanent-magnet Faraday isolator,” Opt. Lett. 11(10), 623–625 (1986). 2. R. Wynands, F. Diedrich, D. Meschede, and H. R. Telle, “A compact tunable 60dB Faraday optical isolator for the near infrared,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 63(12), 5586–5590 (1992). 3. S. Banerjee, K. Ertel, P. D. Mason, P. J. Phillips, M. Siebold, M. Loeser, C.