Tools Required: ✓ ✓ Phillips Screwdriver ✓ Level ✓ for marking hole positions Note: Installation is easier and quicker with two people

Step 1: Unscrew the hex bolts from the towel shelf and reattach them through the upper (hole position 2) wall flange/wall plate set as shown.

Step 2: Unscrew the bolts from the towel bar and reattach them through the lower (hole position 3) wall flange/wall plate set as shown.

Step 3: Holding the assembled towel shelf in the desired position on the wall, mark the position of the upper (hole position 1) and lower (hole position 4) holes for the left side of the assembled shelf, ensuring that the vertical edge is level.

Step 4: Now with the left side holes leveled and marked for position, predrill a 1/4” hole “IF” using provided anchors, otherwise, no predrilling is required if going directly into a wall stud. *Mounting directly into wood studs is recommended*

Step 5: Using the assembled towel shelf as a template, measure and record the distance between the 2 upper or 2 lower holes. With the known horizontal distance between the left and right side holes, mark the position (from the previously marked left side hole positions) of the right side holes, using a level to ensure the horizontal position is straight.

Step 6: Install the four provided by inserting each screw through the large opening of the silver button. Use the button cap to conceal the button hole and screw head