737000 738000 739000 740000 741000 742000 743000 0°5'0"W 0°4'30"W 0°4'0"W 0°3'30"W 0°3'0"W 0°2'30"W 0°2'0"W 0°1'30"W 0°1'0"W

GLIDE number: N/A Activation ID: EMSR-048 Product N.: 03Lourdes, v1 Lourdes - Flood - 18/06/2013 Delineation Map - Detail

is Production date: 21/06/2013 u q United r a -Atlantiques Kingdom Belgium R M Germany u English is e s r Channel e d a ^ u n d a France u x Aquitaine e B l Switzerland a .! Pontacq

N r A



0 t

c Hautes-Pyrenees e

3 '

h u Bay of

6 Italy

é n ° Biscay 3 l é e 4 v A

Mediterranean 0 0 Spain 0 0 Sea 0 0 7 7 N " 7 7 0 7 7 3 ' Midi-Pyrenees A 4 4 6 d ° o 3 u 4 r Le , Les Gaves R Chapelle eun Lourdes i s.! Lac de Paroisse Saint Lourdes Hautes-Pyrenees Jean-Baptiste

Boulevard Du cente naire

Cartographic Information

o g s u Full color ISO A1, low resolution (100 dpi) e H 1:9000 our d r e L to d c du Lac i 0 125 250 500 Déversoir V N

R " m e 0 ou ' t u 6 e °

de R 3 Pau 4 Map Coordinate System: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 30N Lourdes Railway Station Graticule: WGS 84 geographical coordinates ± Acceuil Legend N Église " Notre Dame 0 ' 0 0 6 0 0 ° 3 0 Sainte-Bernadette 0 4 6 Ru 6

7 iss 7 Crisis Information Industry / Utilities Transportation 7 7 eau £ 4 de s 4 Graves Flooded Area (20/06/2013) Quarry " Bridge

General Information Hydrology X Station Area of Interest Stream Crypte-Basilique Notre Presbytère Railway Dame du Rosaire de Lourdes Administrative boundaries Lake Primary Road Municipality River Secondary Road e Settlements Point of Interest gn pa ! Populated Place Local Road 'Es 9 Institutional Boulevard d Residential ^ Religious

Lourdes Eglise Industrial

Institutional N " 0 3 ' 5 °

3 Recreational 4

Religious Mairie Transportation N " 0 3 ' 5 ° 3

4 Consequences within the AOI on 20/06/2013

0 0 Estimated Population 33 inhabitants 0 0 0 0

5 5 Transportation 2.9 km 7 7 7 7

4 4 Land use Agriculture 1.6 ha Built up area 4 ha Forest 0.4 ha Map Information


e Heavy rains and thunderstorms in Southern France areas led to rivers flowing well above

R their normal levels causing flash floods. (for more info please see i

Lac du Secours e

u http://www.metronews.fr/info/photos-crues-meteo-france-voit-rouge/mmfr!wXhrXXgr6eWM/) t Catholique o Most affected areas are Lacq, Pau and Lourdes municipalities in Southern France within r t Department 64 and Department 65, along the Gave de Pau river. The core users of the map are Civil Protection authorities involved in in-field operations. The potential additional users of the map are other authorities involved in operations. The scope of the map is to provide support to planning and rescue operations. Data Sources Inset maps based on: Administrative boundaries (JRC 2013, GISCO 2010, © EuroGeographics), Hydrology, Transportation (Natural Earth, 2012, CCM River DB © EU- JRC 2007), Settlements (Geonames, 2013). N

" Cosmo-SkyMed © ASI (acquired on 20/06/2013 17:44 UTC, GSD 2.5 m). c 0 '

n 5 Aerial orthoimages BD ORTHO © IGN (acquired on 2009 - 2013, GSD 2.50 m, 0% cloud ° a l 3 4 coverage). B Base vector layers based on Openstreetmap, Geonames, Corine Land Cover, Urban Atlas u a (approx. 1:25:000, extracted on 18/06/2013), refined by SIRS. e s Jarret All Data sources are complete and with no gaps. s i

u R Dissemination/Publication N " 0 '

5 No restrictions on the publication of the mapping apply. ° 3

4 Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoPDF, GeoJPEG and vectors (shapefile and KML formats).

Framework L

m 0 e r 0 The products elaborated in the framework of current mapping in rush mode activation are

0 v u 0

0 0 e a D G o realized to the best of our ability, within a very short time frame during a crisis, optimising the

4 d 4 8 s 7 7 available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale,

2 u 7 o 7 4 4 e au 1 L resolution, date and interpretation of the original data sources. The products are compliant P e d with GIO-EMS RUSH Product Portfolio specifications. u a


s Map Production

s i

u The present map shows basic topographic features such as transportation, hydrology and R settlements in the area of Lourdes (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, FRANCE). These basic R u is topographic features are derived from public datasets, refined by means of visual s ea interpretation of the national official aerial orthoimages BD ORTHO © IGN (GSD 2.50 m, 0% u

d cloud coverage). e l The thematic layer assessing the delineation of the flood event has been derived from 'A r Cosmo-SkyMed post-event imagery (2.5 m resolution, acquired on 20/06/2013 17:44 UTC). b o The estimated geometric accuracy of this product is 5 m CE90 or better, from native u c Lousourm positional accuracy of the background aerial image. a u et The estimated thematic accuracy of this product is 85% or better, based on previous ay Aspin-en- experience in using high-resolution SAR for flood extent delineation. Please be aware that e B

d N the thematic accuracy might be lower in urban and forested areas due to known limitations of u " 0 a 3

' the analysis technique.

e 4 ° s

3 Map produced on 21/06/2013 by SIRS under contract 257219 with the European s 4 i Commission. All products are © of the European Commission. u de s et La R ule nu Name of the release inspector (quality control): e-GEOS (ODO). o ss M e E-mail: [email protected] s e Ruis d

N se u " au

0 d e a Civil Protection

3 R ' ieu 4 l e ° on s 3 g s Response 4 i Ru Delineation Map - Detail l Planning Area of Interest - Detai Cosmo-SkyMed (c) ASI Flood 18-06-2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 7 7 7 7 4 4 Midi-Pyrenees


0°5'0"W 0°4'30"W 0°4'0"W 0°3'30"W 0°3'0"W 0°2'30"W 0°2'0"W 0°1'30"W 0°1'0"W 737000 738000 739000 740000 741000 742000 743000