Strathmore Cricket Club Annual General Meeting Season 2017/18 14 May

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Strathmore Cricket Club Annual General Meeting Season 2017/18 14 May STRATHMORE CRICKET CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SEASON 2017/18 14 MAY 2018 1 | P a g e Agenda 1. Minutes from previous meeting (see attached) 2. Season reports • President • Treasurer 3. Season 2018/19 Executive Positions nominations • President • Vice President / Junior Coordinator • Secretary • Treasurer 4. Season 2018/19 General Committee nominations 5. General Business 2 | P a g e Meeting Minutes Meeting: Strathmore Cricket Club Annual General Meeting 2016/17 Date: 1 May 2017 Attendees: Frank Merzel (Chair), Trevor Doody, Steve Papastergiou, Peter Wenlock, Steve Houlden, Yvonne Dodd, Danny McConville, Lou Marini, Ross Higgins, Tim Elliot, John Bassi, Allison Dodd, Peter Hinton, Andrew Steel, Dave Hosking, Ian Anderson, David Tate, Steven Mullen, Jason Cuthbertson, Denis James, Rob Tuccio Apologies: Adam Clark, John Pantland, Stephen Jones, Graham Matson 1. Minutes from previous meeting • The minutes from the 2015/16 Annual General Meeting were tabled by the Chair. • Minutes accepted by Allison Dodd and seconded by Ross Higgins without change. 2. Season reports President’s Report (Trevor Doody) • Trevor noted the mixed on field success with Vets 1 providing our only premiership for the season. The 2nd XI lost in the semi-final and 4th XI lost the grand final. • Playing numbers continue to be strong o 234 players o 65 senior o 36 vets o 102 juniors o 31 milo • Senior playing group is very young with 60% of the senior players under 21. The introduction of the Development Squad program run by David Tate was a success. Given the age of our senior playing group plus the number of juniors who have also experienced playing seniors on turf this can only hold the club in a strong position for future years. • 102 juniors represented the club this year which is a reduction on last season. In the U14, U16 we only fielded 1 team compared to 2 teams fielded last season. Our U17 teams only has 5 players compared to 14 the previous season. • A key positive for the season was the large people who volunteered to support the club in some form. Trevor thanked all for their assistance who, along with sponsors, make it possible to run the club successfully. • This year Steve Mullen and Adam (Inzy) Clark received Life Membership. Chris Williams received the Chris Dodd award. • Trevor discussed the completed and ongoing capital works at the club: ❖ New changerooms, storage for curator equipment, renovation of old changes rooms, and updated 2 outdoor nets has been completed by Moonee Valley Council. 3 | P a g e ❖ The Cricket club is working with the Sports and Football Clubs to work out how best to fit out the Old changerooms. ❖ Moonee Valley Council will replace the fence around Lebanon Reserve to improve safety and prevent balls rolling under. Work expected to commence in May 2017. ❖ Moonee Valley Council will be installing new Air Conditioning. Work expected to commence in June 2017 ❖ The Club was successful in receiving a grant from the State Government and Cricket Victoria to assist with the installation of second pitch at Strathnaver Reserve. Lee Evans and Trevor Doody continue to have discussions with the Council to have the pitch installed for next season. • Trevor advised that there had been no feedback for VTCA, Cricket Victoria or VSDCA on the structure of turf cricket for season 2017/18. • Trevor advised that Club Captain/Coach John Patton will not be returning to the Club next season as John has returned to Adelaide. Trevor thanked John for all his work over the last 3 seasons. A search for Club coach/captain is ongoing. • Trevor address the $34K financial loss posted for the year. ❖ Revenue decreased by 30% and costs reduced by 17% compared to 2015/16 season. The $34K has reduced the club cash at bank holdings to $6K. ❖ Main contributors to loss were: ▪ $8.5K lower due to reduced membership numbers and lower match fees. ▪ $4K lower revenue through chocolate driven and Griffin Club. ▪ $3K expected from SEDA rental arrangement not received. ▪ $9K due to lower function numbers ▪ $11.5K due to lower bar income ▪ $13K due to lower sponsorship ▪ $11K Bendigo Bank sponsorship is now for Capital Improvements. ▪ $6K sponsorship promises never received • Trevor advised the focus areas for 2017/18: ❖ How do we get more revenue through the door rather than huge reduction in costs? ❖ Senior cricket setting up our senior XI for success. Finding a new senior coach. ❖ Better planning and tracking of financials. ❖ Improved attendance at functions. ❖ Continued improvement to facilities. AGM report contains more information on these and other matters. Treasurer’s Report (Steve Papastergiou) • The Club officially posted a loss $33,851 this season. • Income was down $50K from $167K to $117K. • Operating expenses were down $13K from $164K to $151K. • Issues that we need to address: o Improve attendance at functions. o Need to sell existing merchandised held. o Source liquor from cheaper providers. o Greater budgeting and regular financial reporting. 3. 2017/18 Executive Positions • President: Trevor Doody nominated by Danny McConville, seconded by Denis James. Trevor elected unopposed. • Vice President / Junior Coordinator: Danny McConville nominated by Trevor Doody, second by Ian Anderson. Danny elected unopposed. 4 | P a g e • Secretary: Frank Merzel nominated by Steve Papastergiou, seconded Danny McConville. Frank elected unopposed. • Treasurer: Steve Papastergiou nominated by Lui Marini, seconded by Ian Anderson. Steve elected unopposed. 4. General Committee Positions The following people were elected to the General Committee: Nominee Nominated by Seconded by Adam Clarke Trevor Doody Steven Mullen Jason Cuthbertson Denis James Steven Mullen Steve Jones Danny McConville Lou Marini Steve Mullen Lui Marini Ian Anderson John Bassi Steve Papastergiou Stephen Houlden Denis James Yvonne Dodd Danny McConville John Pantland Steve Papastergiou Denis James Peter Hinton Jason Cuthbertson Lou Marini Allison Dodd Denis James Jason Cuthbertson Dave Hosking Peter Hinton Jason Cuthbertson Trevor Doody thanked those who had nominated and accepted positions on the Committee and noted the significant contributions of those that are stepping off the Committee, namely Graham Matson Further nominations for the General Committee will be accepted prior to the season at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 5. General Business Under 17s • Lui Marini is concerned about dropping U17 numbers. We need to invite players from other clubs to join the U17 team. Committee Composition • David Tate noted the young senior playing group. How do we get a few of the younger players on the Committee? How do we bring this to life? Function Promotion 5 | P a g e • Ross Higgins is concerned about the lack of promotion of functions within the clubrooms, at selection nights and match review nights Indoor nets • David Tate suggested that if the renovated change rooms could be converted into indoor nets then there is the potential of making the nets a commercial venture. Cross Keys Oval • Steven Mullen raised a concern about the proposed changes at Cross Keys oval not incorporating any improvements for the oval used by the 3rd and 4th XI. Trevor advised that Lee Evans is having discussions with MVCC regarding the proposed changes and the lack of incorporation of our requirements/feedback. Next Meeting: May 2018 (date TBC) 6 | P a g e PRESIDENT’S REPORT To all Strathmore Cricket Club members, Firstly, I would like to sincerely thank the General Committee and the Executive Committee, for their enormous efforts and support throughout 2017/18. We started the season with the enormous challenge of determining how to turn-around the club’s financial position after incurring a $34k loss in season 2016/17. It was important for us to not only improve our financials but to also make sure that our on-field performance continued to take another step forward. Given this background, I am extremely proud to announce that not only did our club make a $12K profit this season, we also won both the VTCA Senior Seconds premiership and the VTCA C1 Thirds premiership. This fantastic result is due to the support from all our members and in the dedication and hard work from the Executive Committee and General Committee. Thank you. Another huge milestone for our club this season was the establishment of our first ever female team. As a club we have been working for the past 2 years to start-up a girls’ team and through the persistent work from Lee Evans, Frank Merzel, Danny McConville and Allison Dodd, this became a reality this season. We entered an U13 girls’ team into the NWMCA and fortunately enough we were also able to find 2 amazing ladies to manage and coach our girls’ team, Sonya Kostevc and Kat Jomini. It was also great to see daughters of past and present players (Ben Fletcher & Chanaka Welegedara) playing in the girls’ team. Our challenge is to now make next season and bigger and better for our girls. Another major step forward for our club this season was the launch of our new indoor training facility. We now have an indoor net and bowling machine operating within the old change rooms at Lebanon Reserve. This development was only made possible through the funding provided by the Bendigo Bank and the incredible amount of hard work by the Strathmore Sports Club president Ross Higgins. Ross’s dedication and love for both the Strathmore Cricket Club and Football Club is reflected in not only the new training facilities but also the immaculate state of the court-yard. Ross was fittingly award the Chris Dodd Strathmore Cricket Club Best Club person this season. Once again, thank-you Ross for your continued devotion to our club and the Strathmore community. From an Executive Committee perspective, Frank Merzel continued to do a mountain of work in his second year as our club Secretary.
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