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Anambra Report.Cdr 'One Election, One Godfather' Background Paper on the Anambra 18th November 2017 Governorship Election Centre for Democracy and Development INTRODUCTION The state holds a governorship preeminent position election cycles. among the South East Anambra State states: it is considered to is one of the be the centre of Igboland five states in as well as Biafra and the the South East state contains the geo-political commercial nerve centre z o n e o f of the South East, Nigeria. Onitsha market. Furthermore, several The state holds prominent politicians a preeminent who went on to play a p o s i t i o n the Ofor-Mbadinuju saga (1999- significant role in Nigeria among the South East states: it is 2003),Uba-Ngige comedy (2002- history were from considered to be the centre of 2006) and later the farcical Anambra, including the Igboland as well as Biafra and the impeachment of Peter Obi as the prominent nationalist state contains the commercial governor of Anambra State. Nnamdi Azikiwe and nerve centre of the South East, Odimegwu Ojukwu, Onitsha market. Furthermore, Other challenges the state has leader of the Biafran several prominent politicians who faced include: secessionists in the went on to play a significant role in I) the kidnapping of aserving 1960s. N i g e r i a h i s t o r y w e r e f r o m governor who was allegedly forced Anambra, including the prominent to resign; The Independent National nationalist Nnamdi Azikiwe and ii) an election petition for a Electoral Commission (INEC) has Odimegwu Ojukwu, leader of the governorship election which lasted th declared 18 November2017 as Biafran secessionists in the 1960s. for nearly three years in a four-year the date for the Anambra tenure; and governorship election. The The electoral history of the state iii) the impeachment of a governor, election is an off cycle election, the since the country's return to which was later found to be without result of court rulings which democratic rule in 1999 is full of merit but it then took months to overturned the election victory of political notoriety. From 1999- get the governor reinstated. Dr. Chris Ngige in 2006 and in the 2013, the state created a new process changed the state's record in godfatherism. First was 02 'ONE ELECTION, ONE GODFATHER' This paper provides background to the forthcoming governorship election in “ “Anambra State. It argues that godfatherism has always played important role in determining who becomes the governor of the state. The Anambra Central Senatorial championed by Nnamdi Kanu, and information for planning and D i s t r i c t r e m a i n s t h e o n l y his Indigenous Peoples of Biafra organising the for thcoming senatorial district (out of a total of (IPOB), is taken. Kanu and his gubernatorial elections. 109 senatorial districts) which still group are discouraging the people One Election One Godfather: has no senator representing it in of Anambra not to participate in the Elections and Godfatherism in th the Senate. This is a result of the November 18 , 2017 Governorship Anambra State n u l l i fi c a t i o n of M r s . U c h e election as well as aggressively Ekwunife's election by the Court of d e m a n d i n g t h e f e d e r a l A p p e a l s i t t i n g i n E n u g u . government accede to his group's Since the inauguration of the Ekuwnife contested and won the request for a referendum. Fourth Republic in Nigeria in 1999, election in 2015 on the platform of the case of Anambra state has been the Peoples Democratic Party This paper provides background to a confounding one. It is the only (PDP). Since the nullification of the the forthcoming governorship state that has paraded five election in December 2015 and a election in Anambra State. It argues governors under controversial court order that a fresh election be that godfatherism has always circumstances from 1999 to conducted within 90 days, p l a y e d i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n nineteen months have passed and determining who becomes the elections are yet to be conducted governor of the state. It considers to fill the vacancy. the political dynamics of the state and the role it plays in shaping the The Anambra election represents planning and organisation of the a huge opportunity for state g o v e r n o r s h i p e l e c t i o n i n b u i l d i n g a n d d e m o c r a t i c November 2017, especially the consolidation. However, this is failure by INEC to conduct the rerun predicated on several variables to of the Anambra Central district be discussed in this background election. Most importantly, it paper. analyses the reasons for the IPOB decl arati on to boycott the The Anambra elections will also November election and its act as an indication of how implication on the governorship seriously the Biafra separationist election. Finally, it provides INEC a g e n d a c u r r e n t l y b e i n g with the necessary background 03 'ONE ELECTION, ONE GODFATHER' 2007(Gabriel, 2013:1),Chinweoke Grand Alliance (APGA). Obi was in Court of Nigeria, after Andy Uba, Mbadinuju, from the then-ruling turn ousted by a faction of the the candidate of the ruling PDP had party People's Democratic Party Anambra State House of Assembly been announced as the governor. (PDP), was governor from 1999- on 2ndNovember 2006. He was Uba was then replaced by his 2003. His successor was Dr. Chris replaced by Virginia Etiaba, his predecessor Peter Obi, citing Ngige, governor of the state from deputy at that time. illegality in Andy Uba's election on 2003 to 2006, also of PDP. 14thApril 2007 (Gabriel, 2013:1). In a further twist, on9thFebruary However, he was removed in 2007 Mrs. Etiaba handed power With this turbulent electoral history March 2006 when the Court of back to Peter Obi after the Court of over the past 20 years,many issues Appeal in Enugu judged that his Appeal nullified Obi's removal. and political conflicts remain election victory in 2003 was Then, the governorship election of unresolved and may have impact rigged. He was succeeded by 14thApril 2007 was declared illegal on the forthcoming November Peter Obi of All Progressives on 14thJune 2007 by the Supreme elections. This section explains the 04 'ONE ELECTION, ONE GODFATHER' List of Governors of Anambra State from 1999 to 2017 ChinwokeMbadinuju Governor 29 May 29 May PDP Anambra South 1999 2003 Chris Ngige Governor 29 May 17 March PDP Anambra Central 2003 2006 Peter Obi Governor 17 March 3 APGA Anambra Central 2006 November 2006 Virginia Etiaba Governor 3 9 February APGA Anambra South -Appointed November 2007 when the previous governor, 2006 Peter Obi, was impeached by the state legislature for alleged gross misconduct. She transferred her powers back to Peter Obi three months later when an appeal court nullified the impeachment. Peter Obi Governor 9 February 17 March APGA Anambra Central - Andy Uba 2007 2014 was elected and sworn in as the governor of Anambra State on 27 May 2007. He was removed by a supreme court decision on 14 June 2007. He governed the state for 14 days. Willie Obiano Governor 17 March Present APGA Anambra North 2014 Source: s-and-lgda-specific-talks/25731-anambra- state-governors-and-military-administrators- from-1991-till-date.html 05 'ONE ELECTION, ONE GODFATHER' From 1999 to 2003, the state was brought “ to a halt by the unfolding events between “Emeka Ofor and Governor Chinwoke Mbadinuju Chinwoke Mbadinuju and murder of Barrister and Mrs. Igwe. campaigns of Chris Ngige for Emeka Ofor Saga Barrister Igwe, chairman of the governor and the members of the In 1999, Chinwoke Mbadinuju was Nigeria Bar Association Onitsha, House of Assembly (Ibeanu, 2007: sworn in as the elected governor who had been very critical of 12). of Anambra State. However, Mbadinju's administration. However, having learnt from the during his term (between 1999 to The Chris Ngige and Chris Uba Emeka Ofor and Mbadinuju 2003), two parallel governments Debacle deadlock, he made Ngige sign for all intents and purposes ran numerous papers. In addition, Uba the state. Emeka Ofor was said to Chris Ngige came to power as the took Ngige to Ulasi Shrine in Okija have sponsored the elections of Governor of Anambra State in in Ihiala LGA to swear a preemptive the governor, Mbadinuju, and the 2003, in what many claimed to be a oath of office to allow his sponsor members of the State House of new beginning after the Mbadinuju run the government, including Assembly. While Mbadinuju held and Emeka Ofor saga. Ngige was appointing all commissioners in sway over the official government, viewed by many in the state as a the government. Ngige accepted Ofor, the godfather' ran the de new governor with a new vision. In all the conditions given to him by facto government. reality, Chris Uba had recruited Ngige to run as governor of his godfather in order to become t h e g o ve rn o r. H o we ve r, o n From 1999 to 2003, the state was Anambra State under PDP.
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