66th Legislative Day 6, 2002

PRESIDENT PHILIP: The regular Session of the 92nd General Assembly will please come to order. Will the Members please be at their desks? And will our guests in the galleries please rise? Our -- our prayer today will be given by Pastor Donald Pritchard, Zion Lutheran Church, Pleasant Plains, Illinois. Pastor Pritchard. PASTOR DONALD PRITCHARD: (Prayer by Pastor Donald Pritchard) PRESIDENT PHILIP: Please remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. Senator Radogno. SENATOR RADOGNO: (Pledge of Allegiance, led by Senator Radogno) PRESIDENT PHILIP: Reading of the Journal. Senator Jones. SENATOR W. JONES: Mr. President, I move that reading and approval of the Journal of Tuesday, February 5th, in the year 2002, be postponed, pending the arrival of the printed Journal. PRESIDENT PHILIP: Senator Jones moves to postpone the reading and the approval of the Journal, pending the arrival of the printed transcript. There being no objection, so ordered. Committee Reports. SECRETARY HARRY: Senator Hawkinson, Chair of the Committee on Judiciary, reports Senate Bills 1540 and 1637 Do Pass. Senator Cronin, Chair of the Committee on Education, reports Senate Bill 1534 Do Pass. PRESIDENT PHILIP: Messages from the House. SECRETARY HARRY: A Message from the House by Mr. Rossi, Clerk.


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

Mr. President - I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has passed bills of the following titles, in the passage of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to wit: House Bills 3629 and 3774. Passed the House, February 5th, 2002. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Resolutions. SECRETARY HARRY: Senate Resolution 316, offered by Senators Geo-Karis, Link and others. It's a death resolution, Madam President. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Consent Calendar. SECRETARY HARRY: Senate Resolution 317, offered by Senator Sullivan. Senate Resolution 318, by Senators O'Daniel, Bowles, Sieben and others. ...Joint Resolution 49, offered by Senators O'Daniel, Bowles, Sieben and others. Senate Joint Resolution 50, offered by Senator Larry Walsh. And Senate Joint Resolution 51, Constitutional Amendment, offered by Senator Mahar. They're all substantive. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) ...could have the attention of the Body. We are going to proceed to Senate Bills 3rd Reading. Page 2 of your Calendar. Okay. At the top of page 2 on our Senate Calendar is Senate Bill 1553. Senator Philip. Read the bill, Mr. Secretary. SECRETARY HARRY: Senate Bill 1553. (Secretary reads title of bill)


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

3rd Reading of the bill. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Senator Philip. SENATOR PHILIP: Thank you, Madam President, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Senate. Senate Bill 1553 declares February 6 as Ronald in Illinois to honor the President of the United States. It's only a day of observance, not a legal school holiday or not a holiday for State employees. In the year 2002, twenty-four governors, seventeen states' legislative bodies have passed legislation honoring 's birthday. Today President Bush signed Denny Hastert's legislation that made Ronald Reagan's boyhood home, in Dixon, Illinois, a National Historic Site. If you look at longevity, he will be the longest-living President in the history of our country. He is ninety-one years old today. Back in colonial days, Jefferson lived to eighty-three, and, of course, back in colonial days, that was old. And Hoover was the second-oldest President that lasted the longest, ninety years. But Ronald Reagan has beat 'em all. He was born February 6th, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. He's lived in Chicago, Galesburg, Monmouth, settling his family in Dixon. He graduated from Dixon High School. He was the student body president there. Played basketball, football and track. He graduated from Eureka College and served in the Army Reserve. We're very proud of his record. He's been a great communicator, a great President. So, I'll be happy to answer any questions. Would like to see a lot of green votes up there. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Is there any discussion? Senator Sieben. SENATOR SIEBEN: Thank you very much, Madam President. I rise in strong support of this legislation as a cosponsor. Been my privilege,


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002 for the last ten years, to represent Tampico, Illinois, in Whiteside County, to also represent Dixon, Illinois, in Lee County, to -- President Reagan's hometown, his birth site in Tampico and his childhood home in Dixon, Illinois. I would like to invite all Members of the General Assembly, when you're in northwest Illinois, to stop by Tampico and see his birthplace and stop in Dixon and see his childhood home. Great places, a great remembrance of a great President who today turns ninety-one years old. If you'd like to join us Friday night in Dixon, we will be celebrating Reagan Day at a great dinner at the Brandywine Restaurant. There'll be four, five hundred people there, be a great event to recognize and honor President Reagan's ninety-first birthday. So, I would ask that all Members vote Aye on this great legislation. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) You can take your conferences off the Floor. Will the Members please be in their seats? Senator Petka. SENATOR PETKA: Thank you, Madam President and Members of the Senate. I recently received a present from my family, a book from Peggy -- that was written by Peggy Noonan, called When______Character was King. It's the story of Ronald Reagan. As a young man, a young boy growing up in the City of Chicago and a member of the Catholic Church, we would pray, after every Sunday service, for the conversion of Russia. And as a young man, I wondered if we'd ever see that happen in our lifetime. It was because of the determination and the vision of President Reagan, in confronting what he referred to as the evil empire, that a very, very happy day in the history of the planet occurred when the -- the wall came down, the wall that Reagan asked to come down. And the Soviet Union literally crumbled from within, in large measure because the President of the United States and Pope John Paul II


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002 had a meeting in which they discussed that communism was not inevitable, as the -- the Marxist-Leninists believed, but that freedom, and freedom as we know it in this country, was truly the will and the wish of mankind. Ronald Reagan typifies what is great in this country. From -- born of humble origin and rising, because of his own belief in the system, his own belief in American ideals and belief in his fellow man that he became President of the United States. And as a native of the State of Illinois, I believe that it is fitting, it is proper -- and proper that we recognize this great man's achievements in the quest for freedom on this planet. I -- I stand in support of this bill and I would ask for all to support it. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Is there further discussion? Is there further discussion? Senator Philip, to close. SENATOR PHILIP: Thank you, Madam Chairman. Ronald Reagan, in 1984, in Decatur, Illinois, at a speech said this: "I'm proud of my Illinois roots. This is where I learned about the value of faith and family and work." He's a great American, great President, and we ought to have a lot of green votes up there. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) The question is, shall Senate Bill 1553 pass. Those in favor will vote Aye. Opposed, Nay. And the voting's open. Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Have all voted who wish? Take the record. On that question, there are 57 Ayes, no Nays, none voting Present. Senate Bill 1553, having received the required constitutional majority, is declared passed. Senator Bomke, for what purpose do you rise? SENATOR BOMKE: Thank you, Madam President. A point of personal privilege. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE)


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

Please state your point. SENATOR BOMKE: We have with us today, behind the Democrat side of the aisle, from Calvary Academy, the government class, grades 9 through 12. The teacher is Kevin Beeson. Would you please help me in welcoming them here today? PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Will you rise and be recognized by the Illinois Senate? Welcome. Senator Syverson, for what purpose do you rise? SENATOR SYVERSON: Thank you, Madam President. Also a point of personal privilege. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) State your point. SENATOR SYVERSON: We have with us, also on the same side, students from the Abraham Lincoln Junior High School in -- in Rockford. These are students that spent a significant amount of time this year with the Salvation Army Food Drive and broke all the school records by raising three times as much food as they've done before. And they're here today to be honored for the work they've done in Salvation Army. And I'd like to have the students of Lincoln Junior High and the staff please rise and be welcomed. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Will you rise and be recognized by the Illinois Senate? Welcome. Senator Shadid, for what purpose do you seek recognition? SENATOR SHADID: I -- I have a young man with me from Elmwood High School, which is near Peoria. And he -- when the vote came up for Ronald Reagan, he said, "You be sure to vote for that." So I want to introduce him, Tommy Kahn, District Superintendent.


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Welcome to Springfield. Senator Parker, for what purpose do you rise? SENATOR PARKER: For a point of personal privilege. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) State your point. SENATOR PARKER: Thank you, Madam President. I have with me today on the Floor, Erin Engelhard from Wilmette, and her mother, who is up in the gallery. Would we please welcome them? PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Welcome, Erin, and would you please rise and be welcomed by the Illinois Senate? We're still on 3rd Readings. Senator Myers, on Senate Bill 1555. Out of the record. ...could have your attention. We are going to the middle of page 5 on the Calendar. Senators {sic} Desk, Concurrence. Senate Bill 119. Senator O'Malley. Mr. Secretary, read the motion. SECRETARY HARRY: I move to nonconcur with the House in the adoption of their Amendment No. 1 to Senate Bill 119. The motion filed by Senator O'Malley. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Senator O'Malley. SENATOR O'MALLEY: Madam President, I move to nonconcur with -- with amendment -- House Amendment No. 1 to Senate Bill 119. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Is there any discussion? Is there any discussion? All those in favor, say Aye. Opposed, Nay. The motion carries. Senate -- the Secretary shall so inform the House. Senator Woolard. SENATOR WOOLARD:


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

Thank you -- thank you, Madam President. I'd like a point of personal privilege, if I may? PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Please state your point. SENATOR WOOLARD: I'd like to introduce a large contingent of people from southern Illinois that I have the privilege of representing. These are folks from hardworking jobs within the AFSCME group at the corrections facilities all throughout southern Illinois. And I'm glad to see that you're here, stating your purpose very diligently and effectively. Thank you. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Will you all rise and be recognized? Senator Rauschenberger, for what purpose do you rise? SENATOR RAUSCHENBERGER: For purposes of an announcement. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) State your point. SENATOR RAUSCHENBERGER: The Republicans of the Senate are invited, after Session, to come briefly to Room 212. Staff's prepared a -- a briefing walk-through on the revenue picture, in where we think we're headed with the budget. Room 212, immediately upon adjournment, optional caucus. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) With leave of the Body, WGEM News seeks leave of the Body to take pictures. Leave granted? Leave is granted. We will now proceed to the Order of Resolutions Consent Counter {sic} (Calendar). With leave of the Body, all those read in today will be added to the Consent Calendar. Mr. Secretary, have there been any objections filed? SECRETARY HARRY:


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

No objections have been filed, Madam President. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Is there any discussion? If not, the question is, shall the resolutions on the Consent Calendar be adopted. All those in favor, say Aye. Opposed, Nay. The Ayes have it, and the motion carries. The resolutions are adopted. Resolutions. SECRETARY HARRY: Senate Joint Resolution 52, offered by Senator Maitland. (Secretary reads SJR No. 52) PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) Senator Maitland has moved to suspend the rules for immediate purpose of consideration of adoption of Senate Joint Resolution 52. Those in favor, say Aye. Opposed, Nay. The Ayes have it. The rules are suspended. Now Senator Maitland moves the adoption of Senate Joint Resolution 52. Those in favor, say Aye. Opposed, Nay. The Ayes have it, and the resolution is adopted. Now, if I could have the attention of the Membership again, I will remind you that the deadline for Introduction of Bills is tomorrow for substantive bills, and the Senate will be in perfunctory Session and the whole purpose is for the accepting and the filing of the legislation. So if there -- oh! Okay. WAND-Channel 17 has requested permission to videotape. Is leave granted? Leave is granted. Now, we are -- or, Senator Demuzio, for what purpose do you rise? SENATOR DEMUZIO: Well, thank you, Madam President. I was just curious. Tomorrow, do you have any idea how -- how late we might be open? I mean, are you setting a particular time, and -- and can we work with the staff to make sure everything's going be in? PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) The end of the workday, Senator Demuzio. So it would be 4:30 in the afternoon. Yes, sir. Senator Demuzio.


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

SENATOR DEMUZIO: The end of the workday is 4:30? All right. We'll -- we'll be talking to you by then. Thank you. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR DONAHUE) We'll convene at noon, and when there are no more bills, we will be done, Senator Demuzio. So, I was getting ready to inform the Membership that we have some housekeeping things to do, but there will be no more business done for the day. So we are adjourned until 11:30, on February 20th. 11:30, February 20th. Introduction of Bills. ACTING SECRETARY HAWKER: Senate Bill 1813, offered by Senators Philip, Dillard, Karpiel, Roskam and Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1814, offered by Senator Karpiel. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1815, offered by Senator Rauschenberger. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1816, offered by Senator Dudycz. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1817, offered by Senator Klemm. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1818, offered by Senator Woolard. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1819, offered by Senator Syverson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1820, offered by Senator Munoz. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1821, offered by Senator Trotter -- pardon me, that was Senator Emil Jones and Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1822, offered by Senator Lisa Madigan.


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

(Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1823, offered by Senator Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1824, offered by Senator Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill -- pardon me, 1825, offered by Senator Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1826, offered by Senator Petka. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1827, offered by Senator Petka. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1828, offered by Senator Sullivan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1829, offered by Senator Myers. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1830, offered by Senator Sieben. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1831, offered by Senator Parker. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1832, offered by Senator Parker. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1833, offered by Senator Parker. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1834, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1835, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1836, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1837, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1838, offered by Senators Dudycz, Shadid and


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

Munoz. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1839, offered by Senator Hawkinson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1840, offered by Senator Myers. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1841, offered by Senator Radogno. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1842, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1843, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1844, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1845, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1846, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1847, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1848, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1849, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1850, offered by Senator -- Senators Thomas Walsh and DeLeo. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1851, offered by Senators Thomas Walsh and DeLeo. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1852, offered by Senators Thomas Walsh and DeLeo. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1853, offered by Senators Thomas Walsh and DeLeo.


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

(Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1854, offered by Senator Shaw. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1855, offered by Senator Shaw. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1856, offered by Senators Lightford and Smith. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1857, offered by Senators Lightford and Smith. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1858, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1859, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1860, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1861, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1862, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1863, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1864, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1865, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1866, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1867, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1868, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1869, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh.


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

(Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1870, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1871, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1872, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1873, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1874, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1875, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1876, offered by Senator Peterson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1877, offered by Senator Peterson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1878, offered by Senator Peterson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1879, offered by Senator Sieben. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1880, offered by Senator Sieben. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1881, offered by Senator -- pardon me, Syverson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1882, offered by Senator Syverson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1883, offered by Senator Noland. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1884, offered by Senator Lisa Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1885, offered by Senator Trotter.


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

(Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1886, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1887, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1888, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1889, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1890, offered by Senator Dillard. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1891, offered by Senator Dillard. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1892, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1893, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1894, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1895, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1896, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1897, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1898, pardon me, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1899, offered by Senator Trotter. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1900, offered by Senator Peterson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1901, offered by Senator Cullerton.


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

(Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1902, offered by Senator Cullerton. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1903, offered by Senator Cullerton. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1904, offered by Senator Sullivan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1905, offered by Senator Dillard. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1906, offered by Senator Clayborne. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1907, offered by Senator Parker. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1908, offered by Senator Parker. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1909, offered by Senator Karpiel. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1910, offered by Senator Welch -- pardon me, that's Senator Larry Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1911, offered by Senator Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1912, offered by Senator Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1913, offered by Senator Clayborne. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1914, offered by Senator Halvorson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1915, offered by Senator Emil Jones. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1916, offered by Senator Molaro. (Secretary reads title of bill)


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

Senate Bill 1917, offered by Senator Molaro. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1918, offered by Senator Molaro. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1919, offered by Senator Molaro. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1920, offered by Senator Molaro. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1921, offered by Senators Emil Jones and Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1922, offered by Senator Welch. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1923, offered by Senator Welch. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1924, offered by Senator Luechtefeld. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1925, offered by Senator Sullivan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1926, offered by Senator Sullivan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1927, offered by Senator Silverstein. (Secretary reads title of bill) ...Bill 1927. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1928, offered by Senators Silverstein and Smith. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1929, offered by Senator Larry Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) (Senate Bill 1930.) (Bill within parentheses submitted in writing, but inadvertently not read into the record.) Senate Bill 1931, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill)


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

Senate Bill 1932, offered by Senator Peterson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1933, offered by Senator Peterson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1934, offered by Senator Roskam. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1935, offered by Senator Roskam. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1936, offered by Senator Roskam. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1937, offered by Senator Roskam. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1938...Bill 1938, offered by Senator Clayborne. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1939, offered by Senator Clayborne. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1940, offered by Senator Woolard. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1941, offered by Senator Halvorson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1942, offered by Senator Halvorson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1943, offered by Senator Halvorson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1944, offered by Senator Thomas Walsh. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1945, offered by Senator Sullivan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1946, offered by Senator Roskam. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1947, offered by Senators Roskam and Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill)


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

Senate Bill 1948, offered by Senator Roskam. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1949, offered by Senator Roskam. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1950, offered by Senator Roskam. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1951, offered by Senator Jacobs. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1952, offered by Senator Karpiel. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1953, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1954, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1955, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1956, offered by Senator Wendell Jones. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1957, offered by Senator Woolard. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1959 {sic} (1958), offered by Senator Myers. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill -- excuse me, that was Senate Bill 1958, offered by Senator Myers. Senate Bill 1959, offered by Senator Sieben. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1960, offered by Senators Ronen and Smith. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1961, offered by Senator Parker. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1962, offered by Senator Sullivan. (Secretary reads title of bill)


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

Senate Bill 1963, offered by Senators Sieben, Woolard and Karpiel. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1964, offered by Senators Woolard and O'Daniel. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1965, offered by Senator Sullivan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1966, offered by Senator Roskam. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1967, offered by Senator Obama. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1968, offered by Senator Welch. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1969, offered by Senators Obama and Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1970, offered by Senator Dillard. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1971, offered by Senators Dillard, Philip, Karpiel, Roskam and Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1972, offered by Senator Dillard. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1973, offered by Senator Molaro. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1974, offered by Senator Molaro. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1975, offered by Senator Karpiel. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1976, offered by Senator Peterson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1977, offered by Senator Hendon. (Secretary reads title of bill)


66th Legislative Day February 6, 2002

Senate Bill 1978, offered by Senator Rauschenberger. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1979, offered by Senator Rauschenberger. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1980, offered by Senator Rauschenberger. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1981, offered by Senator Rauschenberger. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1982, offered by Senator Watson. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1983, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1984, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1985, offered by Senator Cronin. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1986, offered by Senator Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1987, offered by Senator Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) Senate Bill 1988, offered by Senator Madigan. (Secretary reads title of bill) 1st Reading of the bills. Senate Bill 1989, offered by Senator Halvorson. (Secretary reads title of bill) And Senate Bill 1990, offered by Senator Demuzio. (Secretary reads title of bill) 1st Reading of the bills. Pursuant to the adjournment resolution, the Senate will stand adjourned until tomorrow. Thank you.