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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ------X FILED UNDER SEAL OF AMERICA AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF - against - ARREST WARRANT AND COMPLAINT TATIANA DANIEL, also known as "Kimora" and M.No. ------"Kimora Solange," (T. 18, U.S.C., §§ 1594(a) and 1594(b)) SHANDALE FRANKLIN, also known as "Shandale Rebelious Franklin" and "Shandale Kayla Franklin," and

BRIAN ADAMS, also known as "Bryan Adams,"

Defendants. ------X


STACY SHAHRANI, being duly sworn, deposes and states that she 1s a

Special Agent with the Federal Bureau oflnvestigation ("FBI"), duly appointed according to

law and acting as such.

On or about and between January 11, 2014 to June 19, 2014, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the

defendants TATIANA DANIEL; also known as "Kimora" and "Kimora Solange,"

SHANDALE FRANKLIN, also known as "Shandale Rebelious Franklin" and "Shandale

Kayla Franklin," and BRIAN ADAMS, also known as "Bryan Adams," and others known

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and unknown, willfully and knowingly, in and affecting interstate commerce, did attempt and

conspire to recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, obtain and maintain by any means one

or more persons, knowing and in reckless disregard of the fact that the person had not

attained the age of 18 years and would be caused to engage in a commercial sex act.

(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1594(a) and (b))

The source of your deponent' s information belief and the grounds for her

belief are as follows:

1. I am a Special Agent with the FBI currently assigned to the FBI's New

York Field Office. I have been a Special Agent with the FBI for over five years. During my

tenure with the FBI, I have participated in numerous criminal investigations, including those

involving international organized crime. Since July 2013, I have been assigned to the Crimes

Against Children squad. I am currently conducting an investigation together with the New

York City Police Department ("NYPD") and the Kings County District Attorney's Office

into this matter. I am familiar with the information contained in this affidavit based on my

own personal participation in the investigation, my review of documents, my training and

experience, and discussions I have had with other law enforcement personnel. Additionally,

statements attributable to individuals herein are set forth in substance and in relevant part.

2. As set forth in the paragraphs below, there is probable cause to believe


together with others, are involved in the commercial sex trafficking of minor victims. In

particular, the defendants have solicited females between the ages of 12 and 15 to engage in

sexual conduct with adults on various dates and at various locations in exchange for money,

including at a "sex party" planned for January 2014 in Brooklyn, New York, where multiple

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minor victims were to be paid to engage in sexual conduct with adults. Because I submit this

affidavit for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause to arrest the defendants, I

have not set forth all facts known to me about this investigation and case.


3. On or about April 15, 2014, "Individual I" was arrested on a complaint

charging him with engaging in child sex trafficking in violation of 18 U.S.C. §1591.

Specifically, the complaint alleged, in or about December 2013 , Individual 1, who was 31

years old at the time, engaged in sexual conduct with two minor females, "Victim I," age 12,

and "Victim 2," age 13. The complaint further alleged that Individual I had arranged and

attempted to arrange meetings between Victim I and Victim 2 and other adult individuals,

for the purpose of having Victim I and Victim 2 engage in sexual conduct with the adult

individuals in exchange for money. Victim I and Victim 2 provided detailed accounts to FBI

agents and NYPD officers of their sexual encounters with Individual I and his efforts to

prostitute them. Their accounts were corroborated by Victim l's Facebook messages with

Individual 1, which were obtained pursuant to a state search warrant of Individual l's

Facebook account. In those Facebook messages, Individual 1 discussed meeting with Victim

1 and Victim 2, engaging in sexual conduct with Victim 1, and prostituting Victim 1 and

Victim 2.

4. On March 27, 2014, Victim 2 met with an FBI agent and NYPD

detectives at the NYPD's 69th Precinct in Brooklyn, New York. During that meeting,

Victim 2 stated that a friend of hers, "Victim 3," approximately 14 years old, was introduced

to Individual I through a Facebook user named "Kimora Solange" who, as discussed below,

was later determined to be the defendant TATIANA DANIEL, age 20. Victim 2 further

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stated that she communicated with DANIEL on Facebook and that DANIEL offered Victim

2 money to work at a club. In approximately mid-March 2014, DANIEL again offered

Victim 2 money to work at a club. DANIEL told Victim 2 that she could earn $800 per night

and that the club had multiple rooms in addition to the room where the pole dancing took

place. More particularly, DANIEL told Victim 2 that she would get paid throughout the

night to have sex and to perform oral sex. DANIEL also told Victim 2 that the parties are

during the day so the girls would have to skip school in order to dance at the parties. During

this interview, Victim 2 also confirmed her Facebook usemame.

5. On March 27, 2014, Victim 1 met with an FBI agent and NYPD

detectives at the NYPD's 69th Precinct in Brooklyn, New York. During that meeting,

Victim 1 confirmed her Facebook usemame.

6. Individual 1 has indicated to law enforcement that he knows DANIEL

as "Tatiana" and that she uses the Facebook usemame "Kimora Solange." Individual 1 has

further stated that he has met DANIEL in person on multiple occasions. In addition, shortly

after his arrest, Individual 1 stated, in sum and substance, that DANIEL continues to promote

parties for a club in Brooklyn at which minor females engage in prostitution.

7. On April 24, 2014, DANIEL, using the Facebook usemame Kimora

Solange, exchanged private messages with Individual 1 via Facebook. During that

conversation, DANIEL provided her telephone number as 347-841-5725. This conversation

was monitored in real time by law enforcement with Individual 1 's consent. Records

received from Metro PCS for telephone number 347-841-5725 indicate that the subscriber

has been "Tatiana Daniels" since September 7, 2013 .

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8. On April 22, 2014, a state search warrant was issued for Victim 1 's

Facebook account. The subsequent search revealed numerous messages sent between

DANIEL and Victim 1 on Facebook.

a. On or about January 12, 2014, the following conversation took

place between Victim 1 and DANIEL on Facebook:

DANIEL: [Victim 3] told u?

Victim 1: She Didn't Tell Me The Full Thig Only Piece by Piece Can

Yhu Tell Me?

DANIEL: Y eahh

Victim 1: Yeahh What?

DANIEL: Imma explain just a sec

Victim 1: Okaee

DANIEL: light well its basically a gentlemen party something my uncle

throws 4 Times a year

DANIEL: It's a party where girls your age , .younger or older come out to

make money

DANIEL: the payers are gonna be lawyers doctors teachers or whatever

Victim 1: Okay nd when nd where is this going to ake place

DANIEL: Its like a hotel he rented out

DANIEL: Jan 20th at 9

Victim 1: nine in the morning

DANIEL: Your not the only girl im bringing like 7 otherfemales with


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Victim 1: yhea yhea ov course i knew that already nd 9 pm or am

DANIEL: My uncle bringing girls and stuff


DANIEL: Drinks weed and foodwill be provided

Victim 1: so do we buy our own cloths or do the provide that to?

DANIEL: just where something cute


Victim 1: like nice panties and bra's

DANIEL: Yeah and clothes

b. Later in the conversation, on or about January 16 and 17, 2014,

the following exchange took place between Victim 1 and DANIEL:

Victim 1: are yhu going to take me to the party or nahh

DANIEL: yeaaa 1 am

Victim 1: where do we meet at nd i am going to be dancing in my bra nd


DANIEL: in whatever they ask

DANIEL: Wanna meet up tomorrow sou can get to know me?

Victim 1: where at thoee

DANIEL: My house

Victim 1: where at

DANIEL: The ville

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Victim 1: kimora i cnt come sorry i have cheerleading practice what about



Victim 1: alright

DANIEL: Yeooo?

Victim 1: yhea

DANIEL: cometo my house in the morning

Victim 1: tmm morning nd i wanted to know if there is any other day for

that men party!

DANIEL: nah the 20th is the only day

Victim 1: but yhu sed 4 times a year

DANIEL: yeah its maddddd far from now

DANIEL: but come to my house tomorrow you can make some money

DANIEL: 2 other girls are coming too

Victim 1: what time nd where

DANIEL: my house and like 9

Victim 1: what is the address

DANIEL: be here on time

DANIEL: [address]

DANIEL: [cross streets]

Victim 1: can i bring a friend

DANIEL: yeah u sould she gonna be with it ? cause she just cant be taking

up space no offense

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Victim 1: lmao okayy nd how am i going to be making this money

DANIEL: in many different ways

Victim 1: can yhu tell me!

DANIEL: lol , dancing , sex , anything u gonna walk away with at least


Victim 1: yhu dead ass


Victim 1: Ooo .. if my friend not with it to come with me i am not coming

at all

DANIEL: iight

DANIEL: shit littt tho

Victim 1: who going to be there

DANIEL: me my uncle and the girls

DANIEL: and whoever pying for whatever it is

Victim 1: Ooo ... okay?!

Victim 1: what about after school

DANIEL: what time after school ?

Victim 1: I get out ov school like a 3:50?

DANIEL: where ur school?

Victim 1: Next to Tilden

Samuel J. Tilden High School is located m Brooklyn, New York. Meyer Levin, or

Intermediate School 285, is a middle school located across the street from it.

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9. On April 22, 2014, a state search warrant was also issued for the Victim

2's Facebook account. The subsequent search revealed numerous private messages sent

between DANIEL and Victim 2 on Facebook.

a. On or about January 12, 2014, the following conversation took

place between DANIEL and Victim 2 on Facebook:

DANIEL: [Victim 3] told you?

Victim 2: Yea

DANIEL: You with it

Victim 2: Yea

Victim 2: Come meet me by Tilden high skl tomorrow at 2:45

DANIEL: thats where you go?

Victim 2: No Meyer Levin

DANIEL: Ohh iight

b. The conversation between DANIEL and Victim 2 continued on

or about January 13, 2014, when DANIEL, in sum and substance, asked Victim 2 if she has

any friends that are "interested" and "how many." Victim 2 responded, in sum and

substance, that she has one friend that's interested. DANIEL then instructed Victim 2 that

she and her friend should meet DANIEL the next day. The following exchange then took


Victim 2: How many of us going

DANIEL: Tomorrow its u & your friend

DANIEL: But the day of the party is madddd girlss

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c. DANIEL continued the conversation with Victim 2 over the

next four days. Initially, on January 13, 2014, DANIEL told Victim 2 "U will make 500 +".

But, on or about January 17, 2014, DANIEL told Victim 2, regarding she and her friend,

"They gonna pay yall 800$ each."

d. On or about January 21, 2014, Victim 2 told DANIEL, "We

coming at 12: where to meet u." DANIEL instructed Victim 2, in sum and substance, to

meet at her house and then to "meet me at new lotts." DANIEL instructed Victim 2 to "Just

look decent" and "Don't flopppp." Victim 2 then sent DANIEL a photograph of herself

taken in a mirror. DANIEL responded, "Yeah thats good ; put ur hair in a bun".

10. The searches of Victim 1 's and Victim 2's Facebook accounts also

recovered private messages sent on Facebook between Victim 1 and Victim 2. On or about

January 17, 2014, the following conversation took place between Victim 1 and Victim 2:

Victim 1: inbox kimora nd tell her that yhu with it not only that yhur

going to come with me to her house

Victim 2: Ok after school

Victim 1: noo i think we gotta skip

Victim 2: No

Victim 1: w.e

Victim 1: she sed that we can make money in different ways

Victim 2: Yea

Victim 1: yhupp in her house

Victim 2: But after ski

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Victim 1: lol , dancing, sex, anything u gonna walk away with at least

800 that is just what she send to me yhu would be walking away

from a big offer

11. On June 27, 2014, a state search warrant was issued for Victim 3's

Facebook account. The subsequent search revealed numerous private messages sent between

DANIEL and Victim 3 on Facebook.

a. On or about May 15, 2014, DANIEL asked Victim 3 "wya,"

which is a common slang term meaning "where you at?" Victim 3 responded by sending a

picture that depicts Manhattan and then followed up by sending a photo of herself on a plane.

In sum and substance, Victim 3 then told DANIEL that she is only in New York for the


b. On or about June 19, 2014, DANIEL and Victim 3 had the

following conversation:

DANIEL: You tryna make money

DANIEL: Over 1000

Victim 3: When you Tryna do this

DANIEL: Tomrrow

DANIEL: It's litttt son

DANIEL: Nfs [No Funny Shit]

Victim 3: Tell me what to do

DANIEL: Regular shit

DANIEL: These neggas pay BREADDDDDS

DANIEL: Lawyers

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DANIEL: Doctors

Victim 3: What about them

DANIEL: They pay you

Victim 3: So what I do

DANIEL: What Eva u want

DANIEL: And if you got girls

DANIEL: Bring them

DANIEL: I'm telling you

DANIEL: We going to the marriott hotel

Victim 3: Wait so there no other way?

Victim 3: IfI get someone to do it I still get payed

DANIEL: Yeah but not as muchh as them

Victim 3: How much they getting payed

DANIEL: 1000+

DANIEL: Depending on what they do

DANIEL: You can come to

Victim 3: So wait you doing it to

DANIEL: Nahhhh

DANIEL: Im just getting all the girls ready

Victim 3: I need MOENY but not like that

DANIEL: My Business partner gonna pick me and the girls up and i

collecr the money

DANIEL: U Dnt gotta do shit

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DANIEL: U can do what I'm doing

Victim 3: Help out the girls together

Victim 3: I try that before but they be playing

DANIEL: I put this On my life its littt

DANIEL: I guarantee u walking out with more than 2000

DANIEL: We going to the marriott right downtown

DANIEL: All we doing is getting the girls sending them to work and we

get paid then we pay them

Victim 3: So I just try and get some girls together then

DANIEL: lght

DANIEL: We need thern for tomrrow

12. On June 27, 2014, a state search warrant was issued for the DANIEL's

Facebook account. The subsequent search revealed numerous private messages sent between

DANIEL and "Victim 4," who is 16. On or about and between January 11 and 12, 2014, the

following conversation took place between DANJEL and Victim 4 on Facebook:

DANIEL: Yeooo?

Victim 4: Yo .

DANIEL: Wassup you tryna make money? my bro [Individual 1] said you

with it

Victim 4: Facts.

DANIEL: light , its called a gentleman affair . It will be held jan 20th Its

basically like a sex party or do whatevee for money but you get

paid 200+, per person.

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Victim 4: . sex for money? I'm not doing that ..

DANIEL: My uncle is in charge

DANIEL: Nah no age limit Shit legit, sometimes u dont even gotta have

sex They might want you to dance or whatever but u getting

paid Its madddd other girls your age thats gonna be there even

older females Doctors , lawyers and maybe teachers will be

there Drinks , weed and food will be there

Victim 4: Aight .. where this place at

DANIEL: Its a lowkey place if u wanna meet tomorrow like the other

girls we can

Victim 4: Aight

DANIEL: My uncle will explain everything

Victim 4: Okay

DANIEL: Wassup?

DANIEL: And don't think im lining you or anything its easy money imma

be there also that' s why i want you to meet me before the party

Based on a Facebook conversation between DANIEL and the defendant BRIAN ADAMS

discussed further below, the individual DANIEL refers to as her "uncle" in her Facebook

conversations with Victim 1 and Victim 4 appears to be the defendant ADAMS.


13. The search of DANIEL's Facebook account also recovered private

numerous messages between DANIEL and the Facebook username "Shandale Rebelious

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Franklin," who, as discussed further below, was later determined to be the defendant


a. On or about and between January 11 and 19, 2014, the

following conversation took place between DANIEL and FRANKLIN on Facebook:

DANIEL: This is the one girl, shes good?

[DANIEL sends FRANKLIN one photograph containing

three different images of what appears to be a minor

female, who has not yet been identified by law

enforcement. This photograph is attached as Exhibit 1.]


DANIEL: Okay shes with it

FRANKLIN: Okays cool

DANIEL: Imma get like 3 more

FRANKLIN: Okay cool an ill meet with of them

DANIEL: Tomorrow good?


DANIEL: She good?

[DANIEL sends FRANKLIN one photograph containing

two images of Victim 4. This photograph is attached as

Exhibit 2.]

FRANKLIN: Yeah shes good too

DANIEL: light

DANIEL: Y all got something fot tonight

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FRANKLIN: Wat u mean a gurl to work


FRANKLIN: U lost me

DANIEL: Nvm lol

FRANKLIN: No i don't got no man for the nite amma heading to work

i was asking if had someone that wannted to make cash

thats y i that

DANIEL: Yeaaa a girl

FRANKLIN: Oh okays I didnt book nothing for tonight causs am not

gonna be there ill can try . . . but of not tomorrow


FRANKLIN: K I'll let u knw

FRANKLIN: Send me a image of the gurl who wanted to work


DANIEL: light hold on


DANIEL: They said tomorroe


DANIEL: What time the party starts ?

FRANKLIN: The party is on the 20 nit start @9

DANIEL: light i got like 6 girls so far

FRANKLIN: Okays cool thats wats up

DANIEL: Imma get one today whats ur husband fb

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FRANKLIN: Bryan adams

DANIEL: I cant find him lol

FRANKLIN: Look on my page

DANIEL: Tell him check his inbox

DANIEL: I got 2 customers tomorrow & 1 tonight


DANIEL: I have a girl at the house

FRANKLIN: I knw I saw here



DANIEL: lighy

DANIEL: Kaylaaa

FRANKLIN: Kimoraaaa

DANIEL: Yeahhh

FRANKLIN: Nothing wyd i just saw ur text that saif kayla


DANIEL: yeahhh lol , i was writing you for that girl

FRANKLIN: Ohhhh okays

DANIEL: yeah 2 of the girls said they gonna be at my house by 4


FRANKLIN: Okays cool no problem ill be over there tomorrow

DANIEL: iight

FRANKLIN: B said hit me wen that girl get here

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DANIEL: iight im waiti'fig on them


FRANKLIN: Did they show up


FRANKLIN: Kimora call me 347314 7089 call me now

According to immigration records related to the defendant FRANKLIN, she used the middle

name "Kayla" on her 2002 application for a B2 visa.

b. On or about January 20, 2014, the following conversation took

place between DANIEL and FRANKLIN on Facebook:



DANIEL: Wasssup the party not today?

FRANKLIN: He said it not enough gurls an he knw how the rest of the

gurls look in person so he doing it the end of this month

so everything is alk together with no mishaps

DANIEL: Ohhhhokk

DANIEL: Ppl wanna just work

FRANKLIN: They can work too but if the huge no body gonna take

em thats y I have to meet with them in the person

DANIEL: okay how much i get from them?

FRANKLIN: The price starts 60 n up depends on how much they do u

get half cause u gave them work

DANIEL: Okay so the other half goes to you

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FRANKLIN: No it goes to them ..

DANIEL: The girls?

DANIEL: The one from last time


DANIEL: She really wanna come

FRANKLIN: The one from last time she kinda big so am trying to find

a client that like gurls her size

FRANKLIN: She can come. I just gotta find ppl for her but she can


DANIEL: Ohhh ok

DANIEL: Cause i need money today lol

FRANKLIN: Am still working on her

DANIEL: light

FRANKLIN: Let u knw ... an the break down


c. On or about and between January 21 and 24, 2014, the

following conversation took place between DANIEL and FRANKLIN on Facebook:

· DANIEL: Kayla i got 2 girls corning to you today

FRANKLIN: Wat time


FRANKLIN: Okays text u when i come back from the doctors

DANIEL: Alrightt


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FRANKLIN: just got back from the er am gonna have to reschedule

with them two do u have pies of them

DANIEL: Kayla?

FRANKLIN: Hey wats up

DANIEL: You guys looking for me?

FRANKLIN: Yea yesterday. I had a client but i had one of the other.

Girls go do the call

DANIEL: Y all let me kno last min

FRANKLIN: It was bryan ... he was just hanging out and he thought u

was at t so he took the guy down there

DANIEL: No i dnt stay in 24/7 lol

FRANKLIN: Oh okays srry next time one come up ill hit cause i didnt

even knw he was coming

DANIEL: light thanks

FRANKLIN: no problem anytime

DANIEL: Ifu have any today tell me

FRANKLIN: okays i will

d. On or about and between February 24 and 25, 2014, the

following conversation took place between DANIEL and FRANKLIN on Facebook:

FRANKLIN: Kimora I need a couple of gurls I have a client he just

came from London and need two to 3 gurls to choose

from hit me back with pies

FRANKLIN: An info 20 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 21 21 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 101 333

DANIEL: Alright

DANIEL: Ill see what i can do

FRANKLIN: Okay thanks

DANIEL: I got 2

FRANKLIN: U got pies

FRANKLIN: Amma be over there Friday .... wat happen to the pies

DANIEL: The girls dnt wanna do it

DANIEL: I wont be here friday going by ceecee school

FRANKLIN: . Ok. .. u huv anyone else

DANIEL: Not now

FRANKLIN: Okays let me knw if u find anything n can u get in

contact with that gurl that had came by the house tell her

to write me on fb i have something for her

DANIEL: Alright.


DANIEL: Welcome

14. The search of DANIEL's Facebook account also recovered numerous

private messages between DANIEL and the Facebook usemame "Bryan Adams," who, as

discussed further below, was later determined to be the defendant BRIAN ADAMS.

a. On or about and between January 12 and 13, 2014, the

following conversation took place between DANIEL and ADAMS on Facebook:



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ADAMS: So u have something???????

DANIEL: Y eaaa , i got about 7 girls tryna get more

DANIEL: 2 Of them wanna meet up tomorrow and work

DANIEL: ["Victim 5"]; Age 17

[DANIEL sends ADAMS one photograph containing

three images of Victim 5, a female who has yet to be

identified by law enforcement, but appears to be a

minor based on her photographs on Facebook.

According to Victim 2, who is friends with Victim 5,

Victim 5 was approximately 15 years old at the time this

photograph was sent. This photograph is attached as

Exhibit 3.]

DANIEL: [Victim 2] 17

[DANIELS sends ADAMS a photograph of Victim 2.

This photograph is attached as Exhibit 4.]

DANIEL: Those 2 wanna work tomorrow & the party

ADAMS: [Victim 2] only the other one to big

ADAMS: Where we me your place or mine???

DANIEL: It dont matter

DANIEL: [Victim 1] same size as [Victim 2]

[DANIEL sends ADAMS a close up photograph of

Victim 1 ' s face. DANIEL then sends ADAMS the same

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image that DANIEL sent to FRANKLIN, which is

attached as Exhibit 1. These photographs are

attached as Exhibit 5.]

DANIEL: I have 2 more girls & i should have more tomorrow

ADAMS: I Willie home at 11 am being [Victim 1] too I will be by u

at 12 noon in the morning the to girls will be working

come 3 pm

DANIEL: They got school & [Victim 1] only wanna do the party

the first 2 girls the only ones that wanna wrk

ADAMS: OK so tomorrow I will message u and come over have

the girl meet u at your house in the morning [Victim 2]

ADAMS: The other we will let do the party

ADAMS: Remember sneakers & jeans no costumes

ADAMS: Send a friends request form your page

DANIEL: They said after school

ADAMS: What time

DANIEL: One of them get out at 145 other .245

ADAMS: OK hit me when one gets there

DANIEL: light

DANIEL: Be on fb


DANIEL: Only the [Victim 5] girl wanna come

DANIEL: She here

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ADAMS: Come to me

DANIEL: I can't come I'm sending her


DANIEL: She walking to the 15 now


DANIEL: She's not big


ADAMS: OK ha ha

DANIEL: Lol she coming now


DANIEL: Like in 5 mins she gonna be there

DANIEL: She on van siclen


DANIEL: She there

DANIEL: She next to the sneaker store

DANIEL: I told her ur my uncle


DANIEL: She wearing a blue adidas jacket

ADAMS: How long?????

DANIEL: She said tomorrow her and her friend gonna come

DANIEL: She just told me

ADAMS: Ok 24 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 25 25 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 105 337

DANIEL: Yeaa , that girl good?

ADAMS: She good for the party. But she kinda Big Kayla gonna

start her

DANIEL: light , she working today? cause i need to pay my bill lol

DANIEL: And buy some soap etc for the house

ADAMS: Kayla is make calls now ... to see by tonite

ADAMS: If they take we pay ....

DANIEL: light

15. On October 24, 2014, a state search warrant was issued for

FRANKLIN's Facebook account. The subsequent search revealed numerous private

messages sent between FRANKLIN and the Facebook account for "Individual 2."

a. On or about and between January 11 and 12, 2014, the

following conversation took place between FRANKLIN and Individual 2 on Facebook:

FRANKLIN: Syd am having a five season party and i need niggas that

got money anything goes type of party but they better got


FRANKLIN: No bullshyters

Individual 2: Ok I know a few when and where

Individual 2: btw did Bryan talk to mommy about the car

FRANKLIN: The 20th still picking the spot most likely monroe cause

I have rooms or how much that guy want for that club I

went with u to .... yea I did she gotta calk her landlord

Individual 2: I thought it was her car but ok do it on Monroe

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DMV records show that the address 349 Monroe Street, Brooklyn, New York 11221

("Monroe Address") is associated with the defendant ADAMS's New York state

identification. Con Edison records show that from September 2006 to the present there was a

shared account for the Monroe Address with "Brian Adams" and another individual. A

review of information received from the New York Administration of Children Services

("ACS") indicates that the defendants FRANKLIN and ADAMS previously resided together

at the Monroe Address.

b. On or about and between February 22, 2014, the following

conversation took place between FRANKLIN and Individual 2 on Facebook:

Individual 2: Cuzo can you have Bryan call me

FRANKLIN: Okay ill tell him

Individual 2: light

Individual 2: I really wanna hurt sumone

FRANKLIN: Ywathappen

Individual 2: A lot I wanna get a nigga and 2bitchs

FRANKLIN: Wat they did to y dnt u walk around the comer

Individual 2: I don't live ova there I moved 8months ago

Individual 2: Niggas tryed to line me

FRANKLIN: Oh okays .... , about wat ....

Individual 2: Molly's and my stripper bitch

FRANKLIN: Oh wow smfh over ur shyt

Individual 2: I need a clip for a Luger 9mm

Individual 2: Niggas came to my job last night 26 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 27 27 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 107 339

FRANKLIN: Amma call b an c if he can get his hands on one for u

..... smfh for wat

FRANKLIN: Niggga bugs

Individual 2: Imma get dis nigga and his bitch

FRANKLIN: I called he saidd he dnt have one of those

Individual 2: I got the joint I just need the clip

FRANKLIN: I knw he dnt have the clip for it

Individual 2: Damnok

On June 8, 2012, ADAMS was arrested for possessing a large capacity ammunition feeding

device (rifle magazine), which was loaded with twenty-one rounds of .223 caliber

ammunition. He was charged with violating New York Penal Law 265.02(8) (criminal

possession of a weapon in the third degree - ammunition feeding device). On July 25, 2012,

he pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in violation ofN.Y Penal Law 240.20.

c. The search of FRANKLIN's Facebook account also revealed

numerous private messages sent between FRANKLIN and the Facebook account of "Victim

6," a female who has yet to be identified by law enforcement, but who appears based on her

photographs on Facebook to be a minor. On or about and between January 11 and 18, 2014,

the following conversation took place between FRANKLIN and Victim 6 on Facebook:

FRANKLIN: Hey can u meet with me on Wednesday

Victim 6: Hey ,sure wya

FRANKLIN: Am in east ny the last stop on the 3 train new lots an


Victim 6: Oh ok cool , its about dancing rite ?

27 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 28 28 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 108 340

FRANKLIN: Yea am throwing. A party n i need dancer sp am gonna

try u out an c how u do

Victim 6: Canu call me

FRANKLIN: Wat happen to u meeting me

Victim 6: Oh shit i totally forgot :(

FRANKLIN: I figure wen can we meet

Victim 6: Tomar afterschool


FRANKLIN: Wat time

Victim 6: 2 45

FRANKLIN: That's great

Victim 6: But i dnt think ima dance tomar night

FRANKLIN: U dont have to dance its just some things i gotta go over

with u on wat u need and stuff ... wat about ur sister

Victim 6: Hey wyd

FRANKLIN: Nothing with my daughter wats going on wat happen


Victim 6: Alot

FRANKLIN: Like wanna talk about it

Victim 6: Yea a lil

FRANKLIN: Okays so talk to me wat going on

Victim 6: Life,

FRANKLIN: Wat abour it wats on ur mind

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Victim 6: Im almost done school , i have no job & i wanna dance

but im nervous

FRANKLIN: Danceing is gonna make u some money but a not a lot of

money danceing is easy Espically wineing ... an wat u

wanna do after school besides dancing

Victim 6: College

FRANKLIN: Okays thats good wat collage u plan on going to

Victim 6: Idk yet

FRANKLIN: Okays ..just thats bothering u

Victim 6: Yea


Victim 6: Yea

FRANKLIN: Okays hun

Victim 6: Yea u still going ya arty ?

FRANKLIN: Yeah at the end of this month wen i finalize it ill inbox u

with everything

Victim 6: okboo

d. The search of FRANKLIN's Facebook account also revealed

numerous private messages sent between FRANKLIN and the Facebook account of

"Individual 3," a female who has yet to be identified by law enforcement, but who appears

based on her photographs on Facebook to be an adult. On or about and between January 11,

2014, the following conversation took place between FRANKLIN and Individual 3 on


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FRANKLIN: Baby mama bryan need u to dance for his five season

party hes throwing n he said no excuses

Individual 3: no problem i have period though

Individual 3: and when

FRANKLIN: The 20th

16. On October 24, 2014, a state search warrant was issued for the

defendant ADAM's Facebook account. The subsequent search revealed hundreds of images

of child erotica, which depict clothed or partially-clothed females aged approximately six to

fourteen years old in erotic positions.

17. On June 21, 2014, the defendant FRANKLIN received numerous

messages on Face book wishing her happy birthday. A review of information received from

ACS indicates that the defendant FRANKLIN's date of birth is June 21, 1990. The

defendant FRANKLIN' s 2002 application for a B2 visa also states that her date of birth is

that date.

18. On January 27, 2014, the defendant ADAMS received numerous

messages on Face book wishing him happy birthday. A review of information received from

ACS indicates that the defendant's date of birth is January 27, 1980. A review of NYPD

records also shows that date listed as the defendant ADAMS's birthday on his New York

state identification.

19. A review of records received from Facebook show that the telephone

number 347-653-0125 ("Telephone Number 1") was associated with the defendant

FRANKLIN's Facebook account as of December 19, 2013 . .· A review of NYPD records

shows that the defendant ADAMS provided Telephone Number 1 as his telephone number

30 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 31 31 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 111 343

on June 17, 2013, when he filed a domestic violence complaint against another individual. A

review of NYPD records also shows that Telephone Number 1 is associated with the

defendant ADAMS's New York State identification. A review of records received from

T-Mobile shows that the subscriber for Telephone Number 1 from July 31, 2011 to

December 9, 2012 was "Shandale Franklin." The date of birth for Shandale Franklin is listed

as June 21, 1990, which is the defendant FRANKLIN' s date of birth. A review of records

received from Sprint show that the subscriber for Telephone Number 1, which is a "Sprint

Boost Mobile" number, from December 26, 2012 to September 25, 2013 was "Shandale

Boost" and the subscriber address was P.O. Box 54988, Irvine, CA 92618.

20. A review of photographs currently posted to the defendant ADAMS's

publicly-available Facebook profile, including his "profile" photograph, shows several

photographs of a man in his early 30s with dreadlocks. (A screenshot of one of these

photographs is attached hereto as Exhibit 6). I have compared these photographs to the

defendant ADAMS's DMV photograph, and they appear to be the same person. (A copy of

the defendant's DMV photograph is attached hereto as Exhibit 7.)

21. ADAMS is seen in several of the photographs posted to his publicly-

available Facebook profile with a woman. (A screenshot of one photograph containing

multiple images is attached hereto as Exhibit 8.) I have compared photographs of this

woman to photographs currently posted on the defendant FRANKLIN's publicly-available

Facebook profile, including her "profile" photograph, and they appear to be the same person.

(A screenshot of one of these photographs is attached hereto as Exhibit 9.)

22. A review of information received from ACS indicates that FRANKLIN

and ADAMS have a female child in common ("Child 1"), who is approximately eighteen

31 - -- I CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 32 32 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 112 344

months old. Based on my review of publicly-available information and images posted to

ADAMS's and FRANKLIN's Facebook profiles, as well as the messages recovered during

the search of their Facebook accounts, ADAMS and FRANKLIN also appear to have a male

child in common ("Child 2"), who is less than one year old.

23. ADAMS and FRANKLIN are seen together with the children in several

photographs posted to their publicly-available Facebook profiles, including photographs in

which they are holding a baby together. See Ex. 8. One photograph posted to FRANKLIN's

account contains separate images of each child. (A screenshot of this photograph is attached

hereto as Exhibit 10.) The name of Child 1 is written across the bottom of one of the images.

The name of Child 2 is written across the other image.

24. A review of the defendant FRANKLIN'S change of address form

received from the United States Postal Service, which is dated October 14, 2014, shows that

ADAMS, FRANKLIN, Child 1, and Child 2 currently reside together at 1250 East 95th

Street, Apt. #1, Brooklyn, New York ("95th Street Address"). (A photocopy of the change of

address form is attached hereto Exhibit 11.)

25. A review of records received from Con Edison shows that "Brian

Adams" has a shared account for the 95th Street Address with another individual. The

account for the 95th Street Address has been active since October 2014.

26. A review of NYPD records shows that, on October 25, 2014,

"Victim 7 ," who is the defendant ADAM'_s sixteen-year-old half-sister, filed a police report

related to an incident that occurred on July 4, 2014. At the time of the report, Victim 7 stated

that she resided with ADAMS at the Brooklyn Address. The police report indicates that, on

July 4, 2014, ADAMS punched Victim 7 in the face and broke her jaw while they were at a

32 ~I CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 33 33 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 113 345

family barbeque. Victim 7 reported ADAMS's Facebook username as "Bryan Adams."

The report contains the following statement from Victim 7: "Bryan adams has also been sex

trafficing under age girl and i feel discusted everyday living in the same house with such

history and going back to live there will put me back where I was at with thoughts of killing

people alone my self."

27. On November 20, 2014, based on the complaint of Victim 7, the NYPD

arrested ADAMS and charged him with violating New York Penal Law§ 120.05 (assault in

the second degree). ·ADAMS is currently in state custody.

28. Based on the foregoing evidence, I submit that there is probable cause

to believe that the defendants TATIANA DANIEL, SHANDALE FRANKLIN, and BRIAN

ADAMS have willfully and knowingly conspired and attempted to recruit, entice, harbor,

transport, provide, obtain and maintain by any means one or more persons, knowing and in

reckless disregard of the fact that the person had not attained the age of 18 years and would

be caused to engage in a commercial sex act. In particular, the foregoing Facebook chats

between DANIEL, Victim 1, Victim 2, Victim 3, and Victim 4 show, among other things,

that DANIEL knowingly recruited minor females to attend a "sex party" in January 2014.

Indeed, these chats show that DANIEL was aware that Victim 1 and Victim 2 attended the

middle school Meyer Levin and thus were minor females. The foregoing Facebook chats

between DANIEL, FRANKLIN, and ADAMS show that DANIEL recruited the minor

females for the "sex party" on behalf of FRANKLIN and ADAMS, who agreed to pay

DANIEL a portion of the money that the minor females received for performing sexual acts

with adult males at the "sex party.'' These chats also show that DANIEL sent FRANKLIN

photographs of Victim 4 and what appears to be another minor female to show her who she

33 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 34 34 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 114 346

had recruited to work at the party. These chats further show that DANIEL sent photographs

of Victim 1, Victim 2, and Victim 5 to ADAMS to show him who she had recruited for the

party, and she identified each girl as a minor female. The chats between FRANKLIN and

Individual 2 show that FRANKLIN recruited clients for the sex party, while the chats

between FRANKLIN and Victim 6 also show that she recruited an individual who appears to

be a minor female for the sex party.

WHEREFORE, your deponent respectfully requests that arrest warrants be

issued for the defendants TATIANA DANIEL, also known as "Kimora" and "Kimora

Solange," SHANDALE FRANKLIN, also known as ''Shandale Rebelious Franklin" and

"Shandale Kayla Franklin," and BRIAN ADAMS, also known as "Bryan Adams," so that

they may be dealt with according to law.

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I further request that the Court order that this application, including the

affidavit and arrest warrant, be sealed until further order of the Court. These documents

discuss an ongoing criminal investigation. Disclosure of this application and these orders

would seriously jeopardize the ongoing investigation, as such disclosure would give the

targets of the investigation an opportunity to destroy evidence, harm or threaten victims or

other witnesses, change patterns of behavior, notify confederates, and flee from or evade

prosecution. Additionally, I request that Exhibits 1-5, which are photographs of the minor

victims, be sealed pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3509(d)(2) (requiring that information related to

minor victims be filed under seal).

st~ Special Agent Federal Bureau of Investigation


35 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 36 36 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 116 348

EXHIBITS · TO BE FILED UNDER SEAL j _ - I . - l CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 37 37 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 117 349

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EXHIBIT 2 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 40 40 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 120 352 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 41 41 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 121 353

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EXHIBIT 6 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 49 49 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 129 361 t'" u r r ~J.-nt r · ;h, I.Lvnatnu,n PA1V1ol..o ~ .. II :sn , l< n nu.1 lln r a. !"= ~ ,:;. !Ci r, - - 1-, t= ri , "- n rf • S F ": , :; l1 r p J ():, O ie : o :ir ur ~·8 u rn - i:=.- ·r-ii so a '~t, T i 9 Reque r tte . l e,j - ::.:..1r:::s1r ~ Bryan i d'.:!.1 pe Tam s ·;;J E ,:, ,-*' sts arned ~,! L=. Co i ,;_. a £1:: Adams 1i ;_ Sant i,: llf :c.,~ ·.: 1 · · i , m 1 r- - ...,, . _ n1 -1c1 i 1E ago . ;·,;,1~ F r i e , Q1-=.:ii0-r. f) d C reate See . A. . A. , j II CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 50 50 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 130 362

EXHIBIT 7 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 51 51 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 131 363 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 52 52 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 132 364

. EXHIBIT 8 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 53 53 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 133 365 CaseCase 1:14-cr-00650-JBW 1:14-mj-00991-JO DocumentDocument 58-419 Filed Filed 12/11/14 07/30/15 Page Page 54 54 of of 59 59 PageID PageID #: #: 134 366

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8d. ' 8e. I : tJEW : P>1bi- Sign: ,.~nld1n. .''.'""''."''.' f fJ / :_'I_/ .'/ . . PS FORM 3S75 JULY2014 Viall us to change your address online or caU 1.aoO.ASK.USPS (1-eoo.275--8777)

· 1250 E 95TH ST 1 4FP10/13/2014 FRANKLIN, SHANDALE BROOKLYN, NY 11236