Appendix A

Enabled and Required Modules

AddThis (addthis) provides an easy way to share your content across the web.

Administration menu (admin_menu) Provides a dropdown menu to most administrative tasks and other common destinations (to users with the proper permissions).

Administration menu Toolbar style (admin_menu_toolbar) A better Toolbar.

Automatic Nodetitles (auto_nodetitle) Allows hiding of the content title field and automatic title creation.

Better Exposed Filters (better_exposed_filters) Allow the use of checkboxes or radio buttons for exposed Views filters

Better Formats (better_formats) Enhances the core input format system by managing input format defaults and settings.

Big Menu (bigmenu) Scalable replacement for core menu management screen. Uses AJAX to replace the global menu management page, suitable for thousands of items

Block (block) Controls the visual building blocks a page is constructed with. Blocks are boxes of content rendered into an area, or region, of a web page.

Block languages (i18n_block) Enables language selector for blocks and optional block translation.

Block reference (blockreference) Defines a field type for referencing a block from a node.

Blog (blog) Enables multi-user blogs.

Bundle copy (bundle_copy) Import and exports bundles through the UI.

CAPTCHA (captcha) Base CAPTCHA module for adding challenges to arbitrary forms.

Chaos tools (ctools) A library of helpful tools by Merlin of Chaos.

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CKEditor (ckeditor) Enables CKEditor (WYSIWYG HTML editor) for use instead of plain text fields.

Comment (comment) Allows users to comment on and discuss published content.

Comment no homepage (comment_no_homepage) Simple module to remove the "homepage" field that the comment module adds by default.

Computed Field (computed_field) Defines a field type that allows values to be "computed" via PHP code.

Contact (contact) Enables the use of both personal and site-wide contact forms.

Content Taxonomy (content_taxonomy) Extends the Taxonomy Reference Fields

Content translation (translation) Allows content to be translated into different languages.

Context (context) Provide modules with a cache that lasts for a single page request.

Contextual links (contextual) Provides contextual links to perform actions related to elements on a page.

Current Search Blocks (current_search) Provides an interface for creating blocks containing information about the current search. Configure

Database logging (dblog) Logs and records system events to the database.

Database Optimization (optimizedb) Optimizing the site database and clearing tables cache_form.

Date (date) Makes date/time fields available.

Date API (date_api) A Date API that can be used by other modules.

Date Popup (date_popup) Enables jquery popup calendars and time entry widgets for selecting dates and times. Configure

Date Views (date_views)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 8 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Views integration for date fields and date functionality.

Display Suite (ds) Extend the display options for every entity type.

Display Suite Extras (ds_extras) Contains additional features for Display Suite.

Drag and drop with lines for Quiz (quiz_ddlines) Drag and drop with lines question type for quiz.

Draggableviews (draggableviews) Makes Views draggable

Drupal 8 Cache (d8cache) Backport of the 8 caching system.

Email (email) Defines an email field type.

Embedded Media Field (emfield) Provides an embedded media widget for file fields.

Entity API (entity) Enables modules to work with any entity type and to provide entities.

Entity background (entity_background) Allow users to apply background items to entities.

Entity background color (entity_background_color) Allow users to apply background items to paragraphs.

Entity background image (entity_background_image) Allow users to apply background items to paragraphs.

Entity Reference (entityreference) Provides a field that can reference other entities.

Entity tokens (entity_token) Provides token replacements for all properties that have no tokens and are known to the entity API.

Environment indicator (environment_indicator) Adds a color indicator for the different environments.

Eva (eva) Provides a Views display type that can be attached to entities.

Exclude node title (exclude_node_title)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 9 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Excludes a node title from display. It provides a checkbox on node-edit pages for easier exclusion. You can also exclude title display from teaser pages.

Facet API (facetapi) An abstracted facet API that can be used by various search backends.

Facet API Bonus (facetapi_bonus) Additions to facetapi

Facetapi Select (facetapi_select) Display search facets as select dropdowns

Field (field) Field API to add fields to entities like nodes and users.

Field collection (field_collection) Provides a field collection field, to which any number of fields can be attached.

Field Group (field_group) Provides the ability to group your fields on both form and display.

Field SQL storage (field_sql_storage) Stores field data in an SQL database.

Field translation (i18n_field) Translate field properties

File (file) Defines a file field type.

File Entity (file_entity) Extends Drupal file entities to be fieldable and viewable.

Filter (filter) Filters content in preparation for display.

Forward (forward) Forward this page module

Global Redirect (globalredirect) Searches for an alias of the current URL and 301 redirects if found. Stops duplicate content arising when path module is enabled.

Google Analytics (googleanalytics) Allows your site to be tracked by Google Analytics by adding a Javascript tracking code to every page.

Help (help) Manages the display of online help.

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Hierarchical Select (hierarchical_select) Simplifies the selection of one or multiple items in a hierarchical tree.

Hierarchical Select Menu (hs_menu) Use Hierarchical Select for menu parent selection.

Honeypot (honeypot) Mitigates spam form submissions using the honeypot method.

Image (image) Provides image manipulation tools.

Image CAPTCHA (image_captcha) Provides an image based CAPTCHA challenge. Configure

IMCE (imce) An image/file uploader and browser supporting personal directories and user quota.

Insert (insert) Assists in inserting files, images, or other media into the body field or other text areas.

Internationalization (i18n) Extends Drupal support for multilingual features.

Job Scheduler (job_scheduler) Scheduler API

Jquery Colorpicker (jquery_colorpicker) Creates Form API jquery colorpicker element jQuery plugins (jquery_plugin) An API and home for miscellaneous jQuery plugins. jQuery UI (jquery_ui) Provides the jQuery UI plug-in to other Drupal modules. jQuery Update (jquery_update) Update jQuery and jQuery UI to a more recent version. Configure

Language Domains (language_domains) Override language domains using settings..

Libraries (libraries) Allows version-dependent and shared usage of external libraries.

Link (link)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 11 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Defines simple link field types.

List (list) Defines list field types. Use with Options to create selection lists.

Locale (locale) Adds language handling functionality and enables the translation of the user interface to languages other than English.

MailChimp (mailchimp) MailChimp email service integration.

MailChimp Lists (mailchimp_lists) Manage and integrate MailChimp lists. Configure

Media (media) Provides the core Media API

Media Internet Sources (media_internet) Provides an API for accessing media on various internet services

Media Migrate File Types (media_migrate_file_types) Provides a UI for updating legacy media types with the new file types provided by File Entity.

Media: YouTube (media_youtube) Adds YouTube as a supported media provider.

MediaSmarts custom field formatters (mediasmarts_formatters) A set of custom field formatters for the MediaSmarts site.

MediaSmarts customizations (mediasmarts_customizations) Some customizations to the site that must be done in code.

Menu (menu) Allows administrators to customize the site navigation menu.

Menu attributes (menu_attributes) Allows administrators to specify custom attributes for menu items.

Menu Block (menu_block) Provides configurable blocks of menu items.

Menu breadcrumb (menu_breadcrumb) Allows you to use the menu the current page belongs to for the breadcrumb. Configure

Menu Minipanels (menu_minipanels)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 12 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Specify a mini panel to appear when a user hovers over a menu item. Uses the qTip jQuery library to handle the popup effects. Configure

Menu Node API (menu_node) Manages relationships between node ids and menu items.

Menu Node Views (menu_node_views) Enables Views to leverage menu hierarchies when displaying nodes.

Menu position (menu_position) Customize menu position of nodes depending on their content type, associated terms and others conditions.

Menu translation (i18n_menu) Supports translatable custom menu items.

Metatag (metatag) Adds support and an API to implement meta tags.

Metatag: Facebook (metatag_facebook) Provides support for Facebook's custom meta tags.

Metatag: OpenGraph (metatag_opengraph) Provides support for Open Graph Protocol meta tags.

Metatag: Panels (metatag_panels) Provides Metatag integration within the Panels interface.

Metatag: Twitter Cards (metatag_twitter_cards) Provides support for Twitter's Card meta tags.

Mini panels (panels_mini) Create mini panels that can be used as blocks by Drupal and panes by other panel modules.

Modernizr (modernizr) Modernizr integration for Drupal. Extends the library by providing two APIs: (1) for test management (2) for exposing Modernizr.load() to Drupal

Module filter (module_filter) Filter the modules list.

Multilingual content (i18n_node) Extended node options for multilingual content

Node (node) Allows content to be submitted to the site and displayed on pages.

Node clone (clone)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 13 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Allows users to clone (copy then edit) an existing node.

Node Convert (node_convert) Converts one or more nodes between different node types.

Node export (node_export) Allows users to export content and then import into another Drupal installation.

Node Reference (node_reference) Defines a field type for referencing one node from another.

Node Reference URL Widget (nodereference_url) Adds an additional widget to the Node Reference field that prepopulates a reference by the URL.

NodeSymlinks (nodesymlinks) Allows a node to appear in multiple places in the menu hierarchy, while preventing duplicate indexing through META ROBOTS tags.

Number (number) Defines numeric field types.

OAuth (oauth_common) Provides OAuth functionality

Options (options) Defines selection, check box and radio button widgets for text and numeric fields.

Page manager (page_manager) Provides a UI and API to manage pages within the site.

Panel nodes (panels_node) Create nodes that are divided into areas with selectable content.

Panels (panels) Core Panels display functions; provides no external UI, at least one other Panels module should be enabled.

Panels In-Place Editor (panels_ipe) Provide a UI for managing some Panels directly on the frontend, instead of having to use the backend. Configure

Pantheon Advanced Page Cache (pantheon_advanced_page_cache) Advanced page cache capabilities for Pantheon

Pantheon Apache Solr (pantheon_apachesolr) Exposes Pantheon's ApacheSolr Service

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 14 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Pantheon Platform API (pantheon_api) Integration with the Pantheon Platform

Paragraph Class (paragraph_class) Adding a custom css class text field to each paragraph bundle.

Paragraphs (paragraphs) Paragraphs module to control your content flow.

Paragraphs Bundle Permissions (paragraphs_bundle_permissions) Add view / create / update / delete permissions for all paragraph bundles.

Paragraphs ID (paragraphs_id) Adds a class onto paragraphs item entities.

Path (path) Allows users to rename URLs.

Pathauto (pathauto) Provides a mechanism for modules to automatically generate aliases for the content they manage.

Printer-friendly pages (print) Generates a printer-friendly version of Drupal pages.

Private (private) Allows users to mark content as private, and hide that content from visitors.

Profile (profile) Supports configurable user profiles.

Quicktabs (quicktabs) Render content with tabs and other display styles

Quiz (quiz) Create interactive quizzes. This module must have at least one question type module enabled in order to function properly.

Quiz - Directions (quiz_directions) Provide a slot to add directions for a quiz or some sub-portion of a quiz.

Quiz - Long answer (long_answer) This provides long answer (essay, multi-paragraph) question types for use by the Quiz module.

Quiz - Matching question (matching) Provide a way to create matching type of questions.

Quiz - Multichoice (multichoice) Multiple choice question type for quiz.

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Quiz - Pages (quiz_page) Provides support for pages of questions.

Quiz - Scale (scale) Scale question type for quiz.

Quiz - Short answer (short_answer) Short answer question type for Quiz.

Quiz - True false (truefalse) Module to create True or False Kind of Questions

Quiz question (quiz_question) Helper module for all quiz question types reCAPTCHA (recaptcha) Protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease.

Redirect (redirect) Allows users to redirect from old URLs to new URLs.

Redis (redis) Provide a module placeholder, for using as dependency for module that needs Redis. Configure

References (references) Defines common base features for the various reference field types.

Responsive Menus (responsive_menus) Responsify any menu using CSS Selectors.

Rules (rules) React on events and conditionally evaluate actions.

Scheduler (scheduler) This module allows nodes to be published and unpublished on specified dates and time.

Scroll to destination anchors (scroll_to_destination_anchors) Makes destination anchor links that start with a hashtag scroll users to the destination instead of the browser default jump behavior.

Search API (search_api) Provides a generic API for modules offering search capabilities.

Search API active search block filter (searchapi_active_block) Provides a way to hide blocks when a SearchAPI search is active.

Search facets (search_api_facetapi)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 16 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Integrate the Search API with the Facet API to provide facetted searches.

Search pages (search_api_page) Create search pages using Search API indexes.

Secure Pages (securepages) Set which pages are always going to be used in secure mode (SSL) Warning: Do not enable this module without configuring your web server to handle SSL with this installation of Drupal Configure

Site map (site_map) Display a site map.

Site Verification (site_verify) Verifies ownership of a site for use with search engines.

Skinr (skinr) Provides a way to define and/or skin bits of Drupal output from the UI.

Skinr Context (skinr_context) Provides Skinr integration with Context.

Skinr Panels (skinr_panels) Provides Skinr integration with Panels.

Solr search (search_api_solr) Offers an implementation of the Search API that uses an Apache Solr server for indexing content.

SQL Server (sqlsrv) Driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure.

String translation (i18n_string) Provides support for translation of user defined strings.

Submenu Tree (submenutree) For content which has a menu link, Submenu Tree display a list of content which is at the same level or below the content in the menu.

Synchronize translations (i18n_sync) Synchronizes taxonomy and fields across translations of the same content.

System (system) Handles general site configuration for administrators.

Taxonomy (taxonomy) Enables the categorization of content.

Taxonomy translation (i18n_taxonomy)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 17 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Enables multilingual taxonomy.

Text (text) Defines simple text field types.

Timezone Picker (timezone_picker) Provides an element for selecting a timezone. Configure

Token (token) Provides a user interface for the Token API and some missing core tokens.

Translation sets (i18n_translation) Simple translation sets API for generic objects

Transliteration (transliteration) Converts non-latin text to US-ASCII and sanitizes file names. Configure

Typogrify (typogrify) Adds typographic refinements.

Universally Unique ID (uuid) Extends the entity functionality and adds support for universally unique identifiers.

Update manager (update) Checks for available updates, and can securely install or update modules and themes via a web interface.

User (user) Manages the user registration and login system.

Username Enumeration Prevention (username_enumeration_prevention) Removes the error message produced, from the forgot password form, when an incorrect user has been supplied.

Variable (variable) Variable Information and basic variable API

Variable admin (variable_admin) Variable Administration UI

Variable realm (variable_realm) API to use variable realms from different modules

Variable store (variable_store) Database storage for variable realms. This is an API module.

Variable translation (i18n_variable)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 18 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Multilingual variables that switch language depending on page language. Configure

View reference (viewreference) Defines a field type for referencing a view from a node.

Views (views) Create customized lists and queries from your database.

Views Bulk Operations (views_bulk_operations) Provides a way of selecting multiple rows and applying operations to them.

Views Content Cache (views_content_cache) Provides a views cache plugin based on content type changes.

Views content DS support (views_content_ds) Make views_content views displays available as fields in Display Suite.

Views content panes (views_content) Allows Views content to be used in Panels, Dashboard and other modules which use the CTools Content API.

Views Data Export (views_data_export) Plugin to export views data into various file formats

Views Slideshow (views_slideshow) Provides a View style that displays rows as a jQuery slideshow. This is an API and requires Views Slideshow Cycle or another module that supports the API.

Views Slideshow Configurable Controls (vscc) Provides configurable controls to views slideshow displays.

Views Slideshow: Cycle (views_slideshow_cycle) Adds a Rotating slideshow mode to Views Slideshow.

Views translation (i18nviews) Translation of views strings and content selection for views. Requires Views 3.x

Webform (webform) Enables the creation of forms and questionnaires.

Webform Mailchimp (webform_mailchimp) Creates a Mailchimp Webform component.

X Autoload (xautoload) Autoload based on PSR-0, PSR-4 and a custom PHP 5.2 compatibility mode.

XML sitemap (xmlsitemap) Creates an XML sitemap conforming to the protocol.

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XML sitemap engines (xmlsitemap_engines) Submit the sitemap to search engines. Configure

XML sitemap internationalization (xmlsitemap_i18n) Enables multilingual XML sitemaps.

XML sitemap node (xmlsitemap_node) Adds content links to the sitemap.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 20 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Disabled Modules

@font-your-face (fontyourface) Manages web fonts.

@font-your-face UI (fontyourface_ui) Administrative interface for managing fonts.

ACL (acl) Access control list API. Has no features on its own.

Action example (action_example) Demonstrates providing actions that can be associated to triggers.

Actions permissions (VBO) (actions_permissions) Provides permission-based access control for actions. Used by Views Bulk Operations.

Address Field (addressfield) Manage a flexible address field, implementing the xNAL standard.

AddThis Displays (addthis_displays) Adds the AddThis display types to render several basic types of AddThis buttons.

Administration Development tools (admin_devel) Administration and debugging functionality for developers and site builders.

Administration theme (admin_theme) Enable the administration theme on more pages than possible with Drupal's default administration page.

Administration views (admin_views) Replaces all system object management pages in Drupal core with real views.

AdvAgg Async Font Loader (advagg_font) Allows one to load fonts in an async manner

AdvAgg Bundler (advagg_bundler) Provides intelligent bundling of CSS and JS files by grouping files that belong together.

AdvAgg CDN CSS (advagg_css_cdn) Use a shared CDN for CSS libraries, Google Libraries API currently.

AdvAgg CDN Javascript (advagg_js_cdn) Use a shared CDN for javascript libraries, Google Libraries API currently.

AdvAgg Compress CSS (advagg_css_compress) Compress CSS with a 3rd party compressor, YUI currently.

AdvAgg Compress Javascript (advagg_js_compress)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 21 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Compress Javascript with a 3rd party compressor; JSMin+, JSMin c ext, JShrink, and JSqueeze currently.

AdvAgg CSS/JS Validator (advagg_validator) Validate the CSS and JS files used in Aggregation for syntax errors.

AdvAgg External Compression (advagg_ext_compress) Compress Javascript and/or CSS with a command line compressor.

AdvAgg Modifier (advagg_mod) Allows one to alter the CSS and JS array.

Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation (advagg) Aggregates multiple CSS/JS files in a way that prevents 404 from happening when accessing a CSS or JS file.

Advanced help (advanced_help) Provide extended help and documentation.

Advanced help example (help_example) A example help module to demonstrate the advanced help module.

Aggregator (aggregator) Aggregates syndicated content (RSS, RDF, and Atom feeds).

AJAX Example (ajax_example) An example module showing how to use Drupal AJAX forms

AJAX Quiz (ajax_quiz) This module doesn't degrade gracefully, and we don't recommend using it until it does. This module attempts to provide an AJAX version of quiz. Successive quiz questions will be loaded in the same page without page reload, but it doesn't work flawlessly at the moment.

AntiSpam (antispam) Use the anti-spam service to protect your site from spam

Apache Solr Access (apachesolr_access) Integrates node access and other permissions with Apache Solr search

Apache Solr autocomplete (apachesolr_autocomplete) Enables autocomplete on Apache Solr search boxes

Apache Solr framework (apachesolr) Framework for searching with Solr

Apache Solr Indexer for Taxonomy (apachesolr_term) Indexer for reading taxonomy entity types into a solr core.

Apache Solr Multilingual (apachesolr_multilingual)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 22 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Multilingual and non-English search with Solr. This module extends Apache Solr search.

Apache Solr Panels (apachesolr_panels) Integrates Apache Solr Search with Panels.

Apache Solr search (apachesolr_search) Search with Solr

Apache Solr search attachments (apachesolr_attachments) Search file attachments with Solr

Apache Solr statistics (apachesolr_stats) Keeps and reports statistics about Apache Solr usage and performance.

Apache Solr Views Integration (apachesolr_views) Provides Views Integration with Views

Apachesolr sort (apachesolr_sort) Manage your Apachesolr sorts through an UI

APC - Alternative PHP Cache (apc) Enables the Alternative PHP Cache.

Append View (views_append) Views plugin to include (download) a view as a field.

Basic SEO Rules (basic_seo_rules) Basic rules for the SEO compliance checker module

Basque Services (basque_services) Provide the Basque Services: Zabaldu, Bildu, Aupatu

Batch example (batch_example) An example outlining how a module can define batch operations.

Bean (bean) Create Bean (Block Entities)

Bean - Entitycache (bean_entitycache) Integrates the Bean module with the Entitycache module

Bean Admin UI (bean_admin_ui) Add the ability to create Block Types in the UI

Bean All (bean_all) Integrate all blocks with beans.

Bean Usage (bean_usage) View Bean (Block Entities) Usage

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Bean UUID (bean_uuid) Allow deploying bean blocks through Deploy and UUID modules.

Block Class (block_class) Allows assigning CSS classes to blocks.

Block Class Styles (block_class_styles) Define styles/themes for blocks.

Block Example (block_example) An example outlining how a module can define blocks.

Book (book) Allows users to create and organize related content in an outline.

Boxes (boxes) Provides exports for custom blocks and spaces integration.

Bulk Export (bulk_export) Performs bulk exporting of data objects known about by Chaos tools.

Cache Example (cache_example) An example outlining how to use Cache API.

Cache Expiration (expire) Logic for expiring page caches

Calendar (calendar) Views plugin to display views containing dates as Calendars.

Cart (commerce_cart) Implements the shopping cart system and add to cart features.

Chain Menu Access API (chain_menu_access) Helps client modules to chain their access callbacks into other modules' menu items.

Chaos Tools (CTools) AJAX Example (ctools_ajax_sample) Shows how to use the power of Chaos AJAX.

Chaos Tools (CTools) Plugin Example (ctools_plugin_example) Shows how an external module can provide ctools plugins (for Panels, etc.).

Checklist API (checklistapi) Provides an API for creating fillable, persistent checklists.

Checklist API example (checklistapi_example) Provides an example implementation of the Checklist API.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 24 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Checkout (commerce_checkout) Enable checkout as a multi-step form with customizable checkout pages.

CKEditor Link (ckeditor_link) Easily create links to Drupal internal paths through CKEditor.

Clean block markup (clean_markup_blocks) Provides clean block markup.

Clean markup API (clean_markup) Functions common to the clean markup suite.

Clean panels markup (clean_markup_panels) Provides clean panels markup.

Collapsiblock (collapsiblock) Makes blocks collapsible.

Color (color) Allows administrators to change the color scheme of compatible themes.

Colorbox (colorbox) A light-weight, customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery 1.4.3+.

Comment Notify (comment_notify) Comment follow-up e-mail notification for anonymous as well as registered users.

Commerce (commerce) Defines features and functions common to the Commerce modules. Must be enabled to uninstall other Commerce modules.

Commerce UI (commerce_ui) Defines menu items common to the various Drupal Commerce UI modules.

Conditional Fields (conditional_fields) Define dependencies between fields based on their states and values.

Conditional Stylesheets (conditional_styles) Allows themes to add conditional stylesheets.

Contact translation (i18n_contact) Makes contact categories and replies available for translation.

Content Access (content_access) Provides flexible content access control.

Content Access Rules Integrations (content_access_rules) Integrates Rules with Content access. Allows to act on access events, conditions, and actions.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 25 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Content Taxonomy Autocomplete (content_taxonomy_autocomplete) Extends the Taxonomy Autocomplete Widget

Context layouts (context_layouts) Allow theme layer to provide multiple region layouts and integrate with context.

Context UI (context_ui) Provides a simple UI for settings up a site structure using Context.

Contextual links example (contextual_links_example) Demonstrates how to use contextual links for enhancing the user experience.

Cookie cache bypass (cookie_cache_bypass) Sets a cookie on form submission directing a reverse proxy to temporarily not serve cached pages for

Cron example (cron_example) Demonstrates hook_cron() and related features

Current Search Links (current_search_links) Uses current search links but turns the current search keywords into links such that you can remove them from the search.

Custom breadcrumbs (custom_breadcrumbs) Allows administrators to define custom breadcrumb trails for node types.

Custom breadcrumbs API (custom_breadcrumbsapi) Provides a simple API to set breadcrumbs on module pages not served by other custom breadcrumbs submodules.

Custom breadcrumbs for panels (custom_breadcrumbs_panels) Provides custom breadcrumbs for panels pages.

Custom breadcrumbs for paths (custom_breadcrumbs_paths) Provides custom breadcrumbs for specific paths.

Custom breadcrumbs for taxonomy (custom_breadcrumbs_taxonomy) Enables taxonomy based breadcrumbs and allows for node assosciations with taxonomy terms.

Custom breadcrumbs for views (custom_breadcrumbs_views) Provides custom breadcrumbs for views pages.

Custom breadcrumbs identifiers (custom_breadcrumbs_identifiers) Provides special identifiers for custom breadcrumbs.

Custom content panes (ctools_custom_content) Create custom, exportable, reusable content panes for applications like Panels.

Custom rulesets (ctools_access_ruleset)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 26 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Create custom, exportable, reusable access rulesets for applications like Panels.

Customer (commerce_customer) Defines the Customer entity with Address Field integration.

Customer UI (commerce_customer_ui) Exposes a default UI for Customers through profile edit forms and default Views.

Dashboard (dashboard) Provides a dashboard page in the administrative interface for organizing administrative tasks and tracking information within your site.

Database search (search_api_db) Offers an implementation of the Search API that uses database tables for indexing content.

Date All Day (date_all_day) Adds 'All Day' functionality to date fields, including an 'All Day' theme and 'All Day' checkboxes for the Date select and Date popup widgets.

Date Context (date_context) Adds an option to the Context module to set a context condition based on the value of a date field.

Date Migration Example (date_migrate_example) Examples of migrating with the Date module

Date Repeat API (date_repeat) A Date Repeat API to calculate repeating dates and times from iCal rules.

Date Repeat Field (date_repeat_field) Creates the option of Repeating date fields and manages Date fields that use the Date Repeat API.

Date Tools (date_tools) Tools to import and auto-create dates and calendars.

DB Maintenance (db_maintenance) Executes an OPTIMIZE TABLE query on MyISAM, InnoDB, or BerkeleyDB database tables in a MySQL database or a VACUUM on PostgreSQL tables.

DBTNG example (dbtng_example) An example module showing how use the database API: DBTNG.

Default Menu Link (default_menu_link) Provides you with a checkbox on all content types to set the "provide a menu link" value to true by default.

Delta API (delta)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 27 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE The Delta module is an advanced manipulation of the Theme Settings API to allow for customization/configuration of theme settings based on node types, context, or groups of paths.

Delta Blocks (delta_blocks) Exposes a number of core Drupal elements as blocks.

Delta Color (delta_color) Makes the color module available for Delta templates.

Delta UI (delta_ui) The Delta UI provides a user interface to build and edit the contextual theme settings provided by the Delta module.

Devel (devel) Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers.

Devel generate (devel_generate) Generate dummy users, nodes, and taxonomy terms.

Devel node access (devel_node_access) Developer blocks and page illustrating relevant node_access records.

Diff (diff) Show differences between content revisions.

Display Suite Bootstrap Layouts (ds_bootstrap_layouts) Implementation of fantastic Twitter Bootstrap scaffolding in Display Suite

Display Suite Devel (ds_devel) Development functionality for Display Suite.

Display Suite Format (ds_format) Provides the Display Suite Code format filter.

Display Suite Forms (ds_forms) Manage the layout of forms in Display Suite.

Display Suite Search (ds_search) Extend the display options for search results for Drupal Core or Apache Solr.

Display Suite UI (ds_ui) User interface for managing fields, view modes and classes. dompdf library handler (print_pdf_dompdf) PDF generation library using dompdf.

Drafty (drafty) Facilitates handling of draft revisions.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 28 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Drafty Enforce (drafty_enforce) Forces all new revisions to be drafts.

Drafty (drafty_1992010) Works around

Drupal-to-Drupal migration (migrate_d2d) Migration from one Drupal site to another, using migration mappings provided by CSV files

Drupal-to-Drupal migration UI (migrate_d2d_ui) Support for migrating external Drupal sites into the current site

Drupalgive (drupalgive) Creates a /drupalgive page

Dutch Services (dutch_services) Provide the Dutch Services: eKudos, Hyves, Nujij

E-mail Example (email_example) Demonstrate Drupal's e-mail APIs.

Earth Hour (earth_hour) Provides countdown for Earth Hour -

Edge Fonts (edge_fonts) @font-your-face provider for Edge Fonts.

Editable Fields (editablefields) Allows you to make some fields editable from the display.

Elements (elements) Provides a library of Form API elements.

Emogrifier (emogrifier) Converts stylesheets to inline style rules for better compatibility with email and mobile device viewers.

Empty paragraph killer (emptyparagraphkiller) Filters out pesky empty paragraphs.

Entity background parallax (entity_background_parallax) Allow users to apply background items to entities.

Entity cache (entitycache) Provides caching for core entities including nodes and taxonomy terms.

Entity Example (entity_example) A simple entity example showing the main steps required to set up your own entity.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 29 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Entity Reference Behavior Example (entityreference_behavior_example) Provides some example code for implementing Entity Reference behaviors.

Entity Reference Multiple Display (entityreference_multiple) Provides a field formatter to display referenced entities with different view modes.

Entity Translation (entity_translation) Allows entities to be translated into different languages.

Entity Translation Menu (entity_translation_i18n_menu) Allows menu items to be translated on the entity form.

Entity Translation Upgrade (entity_translation_upgrade) Provides an upgrade path from node-based translation to field-based translation. entityform_test (entityform_test) Feature for Entityform simpletest

Entityforms (entityform) Provides fieldable entity forms

Environment indicator variables (environment_indicator_variable) Adds a variable a realm for environment.

EPUB version (print_epub) Adds the capability to export pages as EPUB. Requires an EPUB library and the respective handler module.

Examples For Developers (examples) A variety of example code for you to learn from and hack upon.

External Links (extlink) Determine behavior and appearance for external links. Options include: Make external links open in a new window, add icons next to external links and email addresses, display pop-up warnings when users click external links.

Facet API Translation (facetapi_i18n) Integrates Facet API with the i18n module to translate custom strings and mapped facet values.

Farsi Services (farsi_services) Provide the Farsi services: Balatarin, Donbaleh, Friendfa, Viwio.

Fast 404 (fast_404) Speed up the generation of 404 pages with this module. Route 404 display to a static page.

Favorite Services (favorite_services) Add the page in your favorite, work with Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera

FE Block (fe_block)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 30 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Build blocks and block settings as features.

FE Nodequeue (fe_nodequeue) Build nodequeues as features.

FE Profile (fe_profile) Export profile field using features.

Features (features) Provides feature management for Drupal.

Features Extra test feature (features_extra_test) Test feature for Features Extra.

Feeds (feeds) Aggregates RSS/Atom/RDF feeds, imports CSV files and more.

Feeds Admin UI (feeds_ui) Administrative UI for Feeds module.

Feeds Import (feeds_import) An example of a node importer and a user importer.

Feeds News (feeds_news) A news aggregator built with feeds, creates nodes from imported feed items. With OPML import.

Feeds Tamper (feeds_tamper) Modify feeds data before it gets saved.

Feeds Tamper Admin UI (feeds_tamper_ui) Administrative UI for Feeds Tamper module.

Field default token (field_default_token) Enables to use tokens as field default values.

Field Display Label (field_display_label) Defines a label for fields that is used for displaying content which can be different than the form label.

Field Example (field_example) An implementation of a field to show the Field API

Field formatter conditions (ffc) Adds conditional functionality to fields.

Field formatter settings API (field_formatter_settings) Provides missing alter hooks for field formatter settings and summaries

Field Permissions (field_permissions)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 31 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Set field-level permissions to create, update or view fields.

Field UI (field_ui) User interface for the Field API.

Field Validation (field_validation) Add validation rules to fields.

Field Validation UI (field_validation_ui) UI for Field Validation.

File example (file_example) Examples of using the Drupal File API and Stream Wrappers.

Filter example (filter_example) An example module showing how to define a custom filter.

FitVids (fitvids) jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.

Flag (flag) Create customized flags that users can set on entities.

Flag actions (flag_actions) Execute actions on Flag events.

Flag Bookmark (flag_bookmark) Provides an example bookmark flag and supporting views.

FlexSlider (flexslider) Integrate the FlexSlider 2 library with Drupal

FlexSlider Example (flexslider_example) Sample implementation of FlexSlider

FlexSlider Fields (flexslider_fields) Adds a display mode in Fields for FlexSlider

FlexSlider Views Style (flexslider_views) Adds a Views style plugin for FlexSlider

Font Reference (font_reference) Defines a field type for referencing a font from a node.

Font Squirrel API (fontsquirrel) @font-your-face provider with Font Squirrel fonts.

Fontdeck (fontdeck) @font-your-face provider of fonts from

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 32 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE (fonts_com) @font-your-face provider of fonts from

Form example (form_example) Examples of using the Drupal Form API.

Forum (forum) Provides discussion forums.

Forum Access (forum_access) Allows forums to be set private and to be given moderators.

Forward Services (forward_services) Add the support for Forward module which send the link through email.

General Services (general_services) Blinklist, Box,, Digg, Diigo, Facebook, Furl, Google Bookmark, Google Plus, Icerocket,, Linkedin, Mister Wong, Mixx, MySpace, Newsvine, Newskicks, Phing this, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Technorati, Twitter, Yahoo

Geocoder (geocoder) An API and widget to geocode various known data into other GIS data types. geoPHP (geophp) Wraps the geoPHP library: advanced geometry operations in PHP

German Services (german_services) Provide the German Services: Alltagz, Colivia, Icio, InfoPirat, Linkarena, MeinVZ, Mister Wong, Netselektor, Oneview, Readster, seekXL, SeoIGG, Weblinkr, Webnews, Xing, Yigg

GeSHi field (geshifield) Provides a field for with GeSHI syntax highlighting.

GeSHi Filter (geshifilter) Provides a filter to highlight source code using the GeSHi library (Generic Syntax Highlighter)

Google Analytics Contact Form (contact_google_analytics) Appends Google Analytics information to the bottom of the emails generated by the contact, webform, and rules modules.

Google Analytics Reports (google_analytics_reports) Display statistics from Google Analytics using Views.

Google Analytics Reports API (google_analytics_reports_api) API to access statistics from the Google Analytics Core Reporting API.

Google Analytics Tokenizer (ga_tokenizer) Converts the Google Analytics cookie into useful token values.

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Google Fonts API (google_fonts_api) @font-your-face provider with Google fonts.

Hacked! (hacked) Shows if drupal or any of its modules have been changed

Hide input formats (hide_formats) Hide the input format selection for some users.

Hierarchical Select Flat List (hs_flatlist) Allows Hierarchical Select's dropbox to be used for selecting multiple items in a flat list of options.

Hierarchical Select Small Hierarchy (hs_smallhierarchy) Allows Hierarchical Select to be used for a hardcoded hierarchy. When it becomes to slow, you should move the hierarchy into the database and write a proper implementation.

Hierarchical Select Taxonomy (hs_taxonomy) Use Hierarchical Select for Taxonomy.

Hierarchical Select Taxonomy Views (hs_taxonomy_views) Use Hierarchical Select for Taxonomy exposed filters in Views.

Highcharts (views_highcharts) Views formatter to produce highchart

HTML Mail (htmlmail) Enables HTML in system emails.

HTML Purifier (htmlpurifier) Filter that removes malicious HTML and ensures standards compliant output.

Hungarian Services (hungarian_services) Provide the Hungarian Service: iWiW

Image Example (image_example) Example implementation of image.module hooks.

Imagecache Token (imagecache_token) Provides additional image tokens for use with ImageCache

IMCE Wysiwyg API bridge (imce_wysiwyg) Makes IMCE available as plugin for client-side editors integrated via Wysiwyg API.

Italian Services (italian_services) Provide the Italian Services: Diggita, Meemi, OkNotizie,, TechNotizie, Wikio, ZicZac

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 34 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Job Scheduler Trigger (job_scheduler_trigger) Creates scheduler triggers that fire up at certain days, times

JS Example (js_example) An example module showing how to use some of the new JavaScript features in Drupal 7

Keyword Rules (keyword_rules) Keyword rule checks for the SEO compliance checker module

LDAP Authentication (ldap_authentication) Implements LDAP authentication

LDAP Authorization (ldap_authorization) Implements LDAP authorization (previously LDAP Groups)

LDAP Authorization - Drupal Roles (ldap_authorization_drupal_role) Implements LDAP authorization for Drupal roles

LDAP Feeds (ldap_feeds) Included feeds fetcher for a generic ldap query and ldap entry parser to turn fetcher data into feeds compatible parser result. Used to automate content creation based on ldap queries.

LDAP Help (ldap_help) LDAP Help for configuration and reporting issues.

LDAP Query (ldap_query) LDAP Query Builder and Storage for queries used by other ldap modules such as ldap feeds, ldap provision, etc

LDAP Servers (ldap_servers) Implements LDAP Server Configuration

LDAP SSO (ldap_sso) Implements Single Sign On (SSO) LDAP Authentication

LDAP Test Module (ldap_test) Module for LDAP module for testing. Only for development and debugging purposes.

LDAP User Module (ldap_user) Module for ldap identified users. User may be associated via ldap authentication, ldap authorization, or from account provisioning. Configures synching of ldap entries to drupal user properties, fields and the opposite direction.

LDAP Views (ldap_views) Implements LDAP integration with Views

Let's Encrypt Challenge (letsencrypt_challenge) Allows for a configuration of the challenge required to (re)generate the certificate from a remote location in manual mode.

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Line Item (commerce_line_item) Defines the Line Item entity and associated features.

Line Item UI (commerce_line_item_ui) Exposes a default UI for Line Items through line item type forms and default Views.

Link checker (linkchecker) Periodically checks for broken links in node types, blocks and fields and reports the results.

Local Fonts (local_fonts) @font-your-face provider with fonts installed locally on the Drupal server.

Localization update (l10n_update) Provides automatic downloads and updates for translations.

Location (location) The location module allows you to associate a geographic location with content and users. Users can do proximity searches by postal code. This is useful for organizing communities that have a geographic presence.

Location Add Another (location_addanother) Allows you to quickly add locations directly from a node without having to click 'edit' first.

Location CCK (location_cck) Defines a Location field type.

Location Email (location_email) Allows you to add an email address to a location.

Location Entity (location_entity) Provide information about Location field to Entity module.

Location Fax (location_fax) Allows you to add a fax number to a location.

Location Generate (location_generate) Bulk assign random latitude and longitudes to nodes.

Location Phone (location_phone) Allows you to add a phone number to a location.

Location Search (location_search) Advanced search page for locations.

Location Taxonomy (location_taxonomy) Associate locations with taxonomy terms.

Login Destination (login_destination)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 36 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Customize the destination that the user is redirected to after login.

Login Security (login_security) Enable security options in the login flow of the site.

LoginToboggan (logintoboggan) Improves Drupal's login system.

LoginToboggan Content Access Integration (logintoboggan_content_access_integration) Integrates LoginToboggan with Content Access module, so that Non-validated users are handled correctly

LoginToboggan Rules Integration (logintoboggan_rules) Integrates LoginToboggan with Rules module

LoginToboggan Variable Integration (logintoboggan_variable) Integrates LoginToboggan with Variable module

Mail System (mailsystem) Provides a user interface for per-module and site-wide mail_system selection.

MailChimp Activity (mailchimp_activity) View activity for an email address associated with any entity.

MailChimp Automations (mailchimp_automations) Add workflow automations for any entity with an email field.

MailChimp Campaigns (mailchimp_campaign) Create, send and import MailChimp campaigns.

MailChimp Signup (mailchimp_signup) Manage MailChimp signup blocks and pages.

Mailchimp translation (mailchimp_i18n) Allows translating Mailchimp forms.

Mandrill (mandrill) Allow for site emails to be sent through Mandrill.

Mandrill Activity (mandrill_activity) View activity for an email address associated with any entity.

Mandrill Reports (mandrill_reports) Providing reporting on activity through Mandrill.

Mandrill Template (mandrill_template) Use Mandrill templates for messages sent through Mandrill.

Mandrill Test (mandrill_test)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 37 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Used to test Mandrill API hooks. DO NOT ENABLE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. This module is for the purpose of testing Mandrill only.

Markdown filter (markdown) Allows content to be submitted using Markdown, a simple plain-text syntax that is transformed into valid XHTML.

Markup (markup) Defines a field type for markup.

Masquerade (masquerade) This module allows permitted users to masquerade as other users.

Maximenu (maximenu) Maximenu, add any block inside your menus

Media Browser Plus for Media 2.x (media_browser_plus) Provides enhanced UX and additional features for Media.

Media Bulk Upload (media_bulk_upload) Adds support for uploading multiple files at a time.

Media CKEditor (media_ckeditor) Provides a bridge between Media and the stand-alone CKEditor module.

Media Ckeditor test (media_ckeditor_test) Provides hooks for testing Media Ckeditor module functionality.

Media Field (mediafield) Provides a field type that stores media-specific data. Deprecated by the core File field type.

Media WYSIWYG (media_wysiwyg) Adds support for embedding media using client-side WYSIWYG editors.

Media WYSIWYG View Mode (media_wysiwyg_view_mode) DEPRECATED, this folder is only here so that the module can be uninstalled.

Media: Flickr (media_flickr) Integrates photos and photosets with Media.

Media: Vimeo (media_vimeo) Provides Vimeo support to the Media module.

MediaElement.js (mediaelement) Provide MediaElement.js to be used on the entire site or just with Filefields.

MediaSmarts D6 to D7 migration (mediasmarts_d2d) Migrate content from MediaSmarts D6 site to D7

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 38 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Memcache (memcache) High performance integration with memcache.

Memcache Admin (memcache_admin) Adds a User Interface to monitor the Memcache for this site.

Menu Block Export (menu_block_export) Provides export interface for Menu block module.

Menu example (menu_example) An example of advanced uses of the menu APIs.

Menu import (menu_import) Import menu hierarchy from an indented text file.

Menu Token (menu_token) Provides tokens in menu items (links).

Metatag Importer (metatag_importer) Import data from other modules into Metatag.

Metatag: App Links (metatag_app_links) Provides support for meta tags.

Metatag: Context (metatag_context) Assigned Metatag using Context definitions, allowing them to be assigned by path and other criteria.

Metatag: Devel (metatag_devel) Provides development / debugging functionality for the Metatag module. Integrates with Devel Generate.

Metatag: Dublin Core (metatag_dc) Provides the fifteen Dublin Core Metadata Element Set 1.1 meta tags from the Dublin Core Metadata Institute.

Metatag: Dublin Core Advanced (metatag_dc_advanced) Provides forty additional meta tags from the Dublin Core Metadata Institute.

Metatag: favicons (metatag_favicons) Provides support for many different favicons.

Metatag: Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) (metatag_google_cse) Provides support for meta tags used for Google Custom Search Engine.

Metatag: Google+ (metatag_google_plus) Provides support for Google+ 'itemscope', 'author' and 'publisher' meta tags.

Metatag: hreflang (metatag_hreflang)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 39 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Provides support for the hreflang meta tag with some extra logic to simplify it.

Metatag: Mobile & UI Adjustments (metatag_mobile) Provides support for meta tags used to control the mobile browser experience.

Metatag: OpenGraph Products (metatag_opengraph_products) Provides additional Open Graph Protocol meta tags for describing products.

Metatag: Verification (metatag_verification) Various meta tags for verifying ownership of a site.

Metatag: Views (metatag_views) Provides Metatag integration within the Views interface.

Migrate (migrate) Import content from external sources

Migrate Example (migrate_example) Example migration data.

Migrate example - Oracle (migrate_example_oracle) Content type supporting example of Oracle migration

Migrate UI (migrate_ui) UI for managing migration processes migrate_example_baseball (migrate_example_baseball) Import baseball box scores.

Mime Mail (mimemail) Send MIME-encoded emails with embedded images and attachments.

Mime Mail Action (mimemail_action) Provide actions for Mime Mail.

Mime Mail CSS Compressor (mimemail_compress) Converts CSS to inline styles in an HTML message. (Requires the PHP DOM extension.)

Mime Mail Example (mimemail_example) Example of how to use the Mime Mail module.

Module Builder (module_builder) Builds scaffolding for custom modules. mPDF library handler (print_pdf_mpdf) PDF generation library using mPDF.

Multilingual forum (i18n_forum) Enables multilingual forum, translates names and containers.

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Multilingual select (i18n_select) API module for multilingual content selection

Multiple forms (multiform) Allows displaying and submitting multiple forms in one form

Multiupload Filefield Widget (multiupload_filefield_widget) Creates a widget for filefield to upload multiple files at once using html5.

Multiupload Imagefield Widget (multiupload_imagefield_widget) Creates a widget for imagefield to upload multiple files at once using html5.

Name Field (name) Defines a persons name field type.

Nginx Cache Clear (nginx_cache_clear) The module is used to manage the cache of the appliaction. This Module helps to manage the CGI/PROXY cache of the page depend on the server config.

Nice Menus (nice_menus) CSS/jQuery drop-down, drop-right and drop-left menus to be placed in blocks

Node access example (node_access_example) Demonstrates how a module can use Drupal's node access system

Node clone tab (node_clone_tab) Adds the clone option as a tab instead of an action

Node example (node_example) Demonstrates a custom content type and uses the field api.

Node export dependency (experimental) (node_export_dependency) Helps maintain relationships to dependent entities. Intended to make Node export relation obsolete.

Node export features (node_export_features) Adds Features support to Node export, so you can put your exports into Features modules.

Node export feeds (node_export_feeds) Node export feeds importer. This is a more advanced importer than the one built into node export, but tricky to use.

Node export relation (deprecated) (node_export_relation) Helps maintain relationships. Supports node references, taxonomy, and organic groups.

Node Locations (location_node) Associate locations with nodes.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 41 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Node Page Disable (node_page_disable) Allows easy UI disabling of the path /node when not used.

Node Translation XML sitemap (xmlsitemap_node_translation) Adds translated node links to the sitemap.

NodeAPI example (nodeapi_example) Demonstrates using the hook_node_* APIs (formerly hook_nodeapi) to alter a node from a different module.

Nodequeue (nodequeue) Create queues which can contain nodes in arbitrary order

Nodequeue generate (nodequeue_generate) Bulk assign nodes into queues for quickly populating a site.

OAuth Provider UI (oauth_common_providerui) Provides a UI for when OAuth is acting as a provider.

OM Maximenu (om_maximenu) OM Maximenu, add any block inside your menus

OpenID (openid) Allows users to log into your site using OpenID.

Order (commerce_order) Defines the Order entity and associated features.

Order UI (commerce_order_ui) Exposes a default UI for Orders through order edit forms and default Views.

Overlay (overlay) Displays the Drupal administration interface in an overlay.

Page example (page_example) An example module showing how to define a page to be displayed to the user at a given URL.

Page Title (page_title) Enhanced control over the page title (in the tag).

Pager example (pager_example) Demonstrates a page with content in a pager

Panels translation (i18n_panels) Supports translatable panels items.

Pantheon Advanced Page Cache Test (pantheon_advanced_page_cache_test) Used during automated test of Pantheon Advanced Page Cache

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 42 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Password change tab (password_policy_password_tab) Implements a separate password change tab.

Password policy (password_policy) The Password Policy module allows you to enforce a specific level of password complexity for the user passwords on the system.

Path translation (i18n_path) Define translations for generic paths

Pathologic (pathologic) Helps avoid broken links and incorrect paths in content.

Payment (commerce_payment) Implement core payment features for Drupal commerce.

Payment Method Example (commerce_payment_example) Provides an example payment method for testing and development.

Payment UI (commerce_payment_ui) Exposes a default UI for payment method configuration and payment transaction administration.

PDF version (print_pdf) Adds the capability to export pages as PDF. Requires a PDF library and the respective handler module.

Phone (phone) The phone module allows administrators to define a field type for phone numbers.

PHPePub library handler (print_epub_phpepub) EPUB generation library using PHPePub.

Plupload integration module (plupload) Provides a plupload element.

Polish Services (polish_services) Provide the Polish Services: Blip, Wykop, Sledzik

Poll (poll) Allows your site to capture votes on different topics in the form of multiple choice questions.

Price (commerce_price) Defines the price field and a price alteration system.

Print Services (print_services) Add the support for Print module which render the page as PDF or printable HTML

Printer-friendly pages UI (print_ui)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 43 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Manages the printer-friendly versions link display conditions. Without this module, those links are not displayed.

Product (commerce_product) Defines the Product entity and associated features.

Product Pricing (commerce_product_pricing) Enables Rules based product sell price calculation for dynamic product pricing.

Product Pricing UI (commerce_product_pricing_ui) Exposes a UI for managing product pricing rules and pre-calculation settings.

Product Reference (commerce_product_reference) Defines a product reference field and default display formatters.

Product UI (commerce_product_ui) Exposes a default UI for Products through product edit forms and default Views.

Profile2 (profile2) Supports configurable user profiles.

Profile2 pages (profile2_page) Adds separate pages for viewing and editing profiles.

Property Validation (property_validation) Add validation rules to properties.

Queue example (queue_example) Examples of using the Drupal Queue API.

Quicktabs Styles (quicktabs_tabstyles) Adds predefined tab styles to choose from per Quicktabs instance.

RDF (rdf) Enriches your content with metadata to let other applications (e.g. search engines, aggregators) better understand its relationships and attributes.

RDF Example (rdf_example) Demonstrates an RDF mapping using the RDF mapping API.

Read More link (read_more) Customize the "Read more" link shown in node teasers.

Record Shorten (record_shorten) Records shortened URLs from the Shorten module.

Redirect 403 to User Login (r4032login) Redirect anonymous users from 403 Access Denied pages to the /user/login page.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 44 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE References UUID (references_uuid) No description available.

Registration (registration) Entity based registration system.

Registration Entity Access (registration_entity_access) Provides per entity access control for registration.

Registration Views (registration_views) Entity Registration Views integration

Registration Wait list (registration_waitlist) Provides a special registration state that acts as a wait list.

Relation (relation) Describes relationships between entities.

Relation Dummy Field (relation_dummy_field) Dummy field to display relation data inline on entities.

Relation Endpoints Field (relation_endpoint) Helper module for Relation. Defines endpoints field (not usable except by relation).

Relation Entity Collector block (relation_entity_collector) A block to collect entities loaded on any page(s), and create relations from them.

Relation feeds (relation_feeds) Feeds integration module for Relation.

Relation migrate (relation_migrate) Migrate integration module for Relation.

Relation UI (relation_ui) Administrative interface to relation. Without this module, you cannot create or edit your relation types.

Render example (render_example) Demonstrates drupal_render's capabilities and altering render arrays

Represent API (represent) Send request to the Represent API.

Reroute emails (reroute_email) Reroutes emails send from the site to a predefined email. Useful for test sites.

Respond.js (respondjs) Respond.js integration for Drupal

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 45 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Role delegation (role_delegation) Allows site administrators to grant some roles the authority to assign selected roles to users.

Rules Scheduler (rules_scheduler) Schedule the execution of Rules components using actions.

Rules translation (rules_i18n) Allows translating rules.

Rules UI (rules_admin) Administrative interface for managing rules.

Russian Services (russian_services) Provide the Russian Services (12+3): 100zakladok, Ruspace, Mister Wong, Memori, Moemesto, MyScoop, Vaau, Yandex, LinkStore, Bobrdobr, Lopas, Communizm, Newsland, News2, Smi2

Schema (schema) The Schema module provides functionality built on the Schema API. (schemaorg) Allows to annotate content using the vocabularies example: Event (schemaorg_event) Example of an event content type with fields mapped to example: Person (schemaorg_person) Example of a person content type with fields mapped to UI (schemaorg_ui) User interface for setting the module mappings.

Search (search) Enables site-wide keyword searching.

Search 404 (search404) Automatically search for the keywords in URLs that result in 404 errors and show results instead of Page-Not-Found.

Search API attachments (search_api_attachments) Provides a generic API for modules offering search capabilites.

Search API Attachments Field Collections (search_api_attachments_field_collections) Extends the attachments indexing to file fields in the referenced field collection

Search API Entity Translation (search_api_et) Adds Entity Translation support to the Search API.

Search API Entity Translation for Solr (search_api_et_solr)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 46 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Changes the way in which Solr Search module stores the multilingual content, making it use solr dynamic fields for translatable entity fields.

Search Log (search_log) Replaces default Search log of top search terms

Search views (search_api_views) Integrates the Search API with Views, enabling users to create views with searches as filters or arguments.

Secure Login (securelogin) Enables user login and other forms to be submitted securely via HTTPS and enforces secure authenticated sessions.

Security Kit (seckit) Enhance security of your Drupal website.

Semantic Views (semanticviews) Views 3 plugins for UI management of output markup

Send by email (print_mail) Provides the capability to send the web page by email

SEO Checklist (seo_checklist) A Search Engine Optimization checklist for Drupal.

SEO Compliance Checker (seo_checker) Checks the SEO compliance of a node at it's creation/modification

Service links (service_links) Module engine for add various service links about sharing networks to nodes.

Service Links Displays (service_links_displays) Provide the integration between Service Links and Node Displays (Display Suite)

Service Links Sprites (service_links_sprites) Add the ability to handle sprites with Service Links

Session Limit (session_limit) Limit simultaneous user sessions.

Shortcut (shortcut) Allows users to manage customizable lists of shortcut links.

Shorten URLs (shorten) Allows easy URL shortening via external services.

Shorten URLs Custom Services (shorten_cs) Allows administrators to specify custom URL shortening services. Advanced users only.

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Shorten URLs Input Filter (shortener) Provides an input filter that replaces URLs with a shortened version.

Similar By Terms (similarterms) Use Views to show similar content based on taxonomy terms

Simplenews (simplenews) Send newsletters to subscribed email addresses.

Simplenews rules (simplenews_rules) Provides integration with Rules module for Simplenews.

Simpletest Example (simpletest_example) Provides simpletest_example page node type.

Skinr Context UI (skinr_context_ui) Administrative interface for Skinr Context. Without this module, you cannot edit your skins with context.

Skinr UI (skinr_ui) Administrative interface to skinr. Without this module, you cannot edit your skins.

Smartqueue taxonomy (smartqueue) Creates a node queue for each taxonomy vocabulary

SMTP Authentication Support (smtp) Allow for site emails to be sent through an SMTP server of your choice.

Spanish Services (spanish_services) Provide the Spanish Services: Barrapunto, Fresqui, Latafanera, Meneame, Tuenti

Static Splash Page (static_splash) Provides a customizable static splash page

Statistics (statistics) Logs access statistics for your site.

String Overrides (stringoverrides) Provides a quick and easy way of replacing text.

String Overrides Migrate (stringoverrides_migrate) Tools for importing and exporting string override settings.

Strongarm (strongarm) Enforces variable values defined by modules that need settings set to operate properly.

Style guide (styleguide) Generates a theme style guide for proofing common elements.

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Style guide palette (styleguide_palette) Stores and displays color palettes.

Stylizer (stylizer) Create custom styles for applications such as Panels.

Superfish (superfish) jQuery Superfish plugin for your Drupal menus.

Swedish Services (swedish_services) Provide the Swedish Services: Bloggy, Pusha

Syslog (syslog) Logs and records system events to syslog.

Table Sort example (tablesort_example) Demonstrates how to create sortable output in a table.

Tabledrag Example (tabledrag_example) Demonstrates how to create tabledrag forms.

Tax (commerce_tax) Define tax rates and configure tax rules for applicability and display.

Tax UI (commerce_tax_ui) Provides a UI for creating simple tax types and rates.

Taxonomy Manager (taxonomy_manager) Tool for administrating taxonomy terms.

TCPDF library handler (print_pdf_tcpdf) PDF generation library using TCPDF.

Telephone (telephone) Defines a field type for telephone numbers.

Term Depth access (term_depth) Controls access to context based upon term depth

Term Merge (term_merge) This module allows you to merge multiple terms into one, while updating all fields referring to those terms to refer to the replacement term instead.

Testing (simpletest) Provides a framework for unit and functional testing.

ThemeKey (themekey) Map themes to Drupal paths or object properties.

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ThemeKey Compatibility (themekey_compat) Optionally disable the theme switching capability of core and additional modules. Their theme switching capabilities will become part of ThemeKey's theme switching rule chain instead and therefor configurable.

ThemeKey CSS (Experimental) (themekey_css) Define rules to dynamically add CSS files to a page. Experimental!

ThemeKey Debug (themekey_debug) Debug ThemeKey, see which rules are applied and the current values of all properties.

ThemeKey Example (themekey_example) Implements parts of the ThemeKey API as an example for Developers.

ThemeKey Features (Experimental!) (themekey_features) Integrates ThemeKey with Features. Warning! Don't use in production! Highly Experimental!

ThemeKey Redirect (themekey_redirect) Provides an additional rule chain to define rules to redirect the user.

ThemeKey Testing (themekey_simpletest) Just a fake module for testing ThemeKey's module plugins

ThemeKey UI (themekey_ui) Integrates ThemeKey with Drupal administration forms.

ThemeKey User Profile (themekey_user_profile) Allows users to select their own theme for this site. Replaces the corresponding feature that existed in Drupal 6 Core.

Theming example (theming_example) An example module showing how to use theming.

Title (title) Replaces entity legacy fields with regular fields.

Token example (token_example) An example module showing how to define and use tokens.

Token Filter (token_filter) Allows token values to be used as filters

Toolbar (toolbar) Provides a toolbar that shows the top-level administration menu items and links from other modules.

Tracker (tracker) Enables tracking of recent content for users.

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Translation redirect (i18n_redirect) Redirect to translated page when available. SEO for multilingual sites.

Trigger (trigger) Enables actions to be fired on certain system events, such as when new content is created.

Trigger example (trigger_example) An example showing how a module can provide triggers that can have actions associated with them.

Twitter (twitter) Adds integration with the Twitter microblogging service.

Twitter actions (twitter_actions) Exposes Drupal actions to send Twitter messages.

Twitter Block (twitter_block) Provides configurable blocks for a Twitter feed.

Twitter Last Tweet Field (twitter_last_tweet_field) Show the last tweet from one of the configured Twitter accounts.

Twitter Post (twitter_post) Enables posting to twitter

Twitter Signin (twitter_signin) Adds support for "Sign in with Twitter"

Typekit (typekit) Makes it easy to include Typekit in your site.

Typekit API (typekit_api) @font-your-face provider with fonts.

User Locations (location_user) Associate locations with users.

User mail translation (i18n_user) Translate emails sent from the User module.

User Reference (user_reference) Defines a field type for referencing a user from a node.

UUID Path (uuid_path) Provides export functionality for url aliases.

Variable advanced (variable_advanced)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 51 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Provides access to advanced low level variables. By using this you will be able to break your site badly.

Variable example (variable_example) An example module showing how to use the Variable API and providing some variables.

Variable views (variable_views) Provides views integration for variable, included a default variable argument.

Varnish (varnish) Provides integration with the Varnish HTTP accelerator.

Vertical tabs example (vertical_tabs_example) Show how to use vertical tabs for enhancing user experience.

Views Bootstrap (views_bootstrap) Bootstrap Components

Views Calc (views_calc) This module will allow you to add calculated fields to views tables and compute columns of numeric data in a views table.

Views exposed form layout (vefl) Provides functionality to output Views exposed filters in layout.

Views Field (views_view_field) Views plugin to include a view as a field.

Views Field View (views_field_view) Embeds a view inside a view as field

Views importer (views_import) Allows multiple views to be imported at once.

Views JSON (views_json) Views style plugin to render node content as JSON.

Views PDF Display (views_pdf) Views plugin to export a view as a PDF file.

Views PHP (views_php) Allows the usage of PHP to construct a view.

Views RDF (views_rdf) Views style plugin to render node content as RDF.

Views Rules (views_rules) Extends Views for use in Rules as actions and loops.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 52 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Views Selective Exposed Filters (views_filters_selective) Restrict exposed filter values to those present in the result set.

Views Slideshow Simple Pager (views_slideshow_simple_pager) Provides a simple pager for Views Slideshow.

Views Slideshow Xtra (views_slideshow_xtra) Adds additional functionality to the Views Slideshow module. NOTE: This module has been deprecated, use views_slideshow_xtra_overlay instead

Views Slideshow Xtra Example (views_slideshow_xtra_example) Create a Views Slideshow Xtra example content type and slide nodes.

Views Slideshow Xtra Overlay (views_slideshow_xtra_overlay) Provides a View style and views slideshow option that displays an overlay over the slideshow.

Views summarize (views_summarize) Provides a style plugin for Views allowing tables to summarized.

Views Tree (views_tree) A Views style plugin to display a tree of elements using the adjacency model.

Views UI (views_ui) Administrative interface to views. Without this module, you cannot create or edit your views.

Views XHTML (views_xhtml) Views style plugin to render node content as XHTML microformats.

Views XML (views_xml) Views style plugin to render node content as XML.

Webform Localization (webform_localization) Enables localization features to forms and questionnaires.

Webform Phone Number (webform_phone) Phone Field type for webform.

Webform Rules (webform_rules) Adds rules integration for webform submissions.

Webform Validation (webform_validation) Add validation rules to webforms

Weight (weight) Add a weight field to nodes.

Widget Services (widget_services) Facebook Like, Facebook Share, Google Plus One, Linkedin Share Button, Pinterest, Twitter

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 53 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE wkhtmltopdf library handler (print_pdf_wkhtmltopdf) PDF generation library using wkhtmltopdf.

Workbench (workbench) Workbench editorial suite.

Workbench Moderation (workbench_moderation) Provides content moderation services

Workflow (workflow) Allows the creation and assignment of arbitrary workflows to node types.

Workflow access (workflow_access) Content access control based on workflows and roles.

Workflow actions and triggers (workflow_actions) Provides actions and triggers for workflows.

Workflow Clean Up (workflow_cleanup) Cleans up Workflow cruft

Workflow Revert (workflow_revert) Adds an 'Revert' link to the first workflow history row.

Workflow rules (workflow_rules) Provides rules integration for workflows.

Workflow Search API (workflow_search_api) Adds workflow state information to Search API index

Workflow UI (workflow_admin_ui) Provides administrative UI for workflow.

Workflow VBO (workflow_vbo) Provides workflow actions for VBO.

Workflow views (workflow_views) Provides views integration for workflows.

Wysiwyg (wysiwyg) Allows to edit content with client-side editors.

WYSIWYG for @font-your-face (fontyourface_wysiwyg) Adds list of enabled fonts to WYSIWYG.

XML sitemap custom (xmlsitemap_custom) Adds user configurable links to the sitemap.

XML sitemap menu (xmlsitemap_menu)

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 54 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Adds menu item links to the sitemap.

XML sitemap taxonomy (xmlsitemap_taxonomy) Add taxonomy term links to the sitemap.

XML sitemap user (xmlsitemap_user) Adds user profile links to the sitemap.

XMLRPC example (xmlrpc_example) This is an example of how to implement client and server communications using XML-RPC.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 55 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Unavailable Modules

Apache Solr Multilingual Config Generator (apachesolr_multilingual_confgen) Apache Solr Config Generator Add-On for Multilingual and non-English search with Solr

Content Taxonomy Migrate (content_taxonomy_migrate) Migration from Content Taxonomy to Term Reference Fields

Entityform Anonymous (entityform_anonymous) Allows tracking of anonymous Entityform submissions

Entityforms Notifications (entityform_notifications) Enable this module if you want Entityforms to send e-mail notifications when a form is submitted.

LDAP Authorization - OG (Organic Groups) (ldap_authorization_og) Implements LDAP authorization for Organic Groups

Media Gallery (media_gallery) A flexible gallery of media.

MediaSmarts Migration (mediasmarts_migration) Migrations from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7

Nodequeue Service (nodequeue_service) Provides a nodequeue service.

OC Portfolio (oc_portfolio) Portfolio

Paragraphs - Internationalization (paragraphs_i18n) Allow paragraph bundles to be duplicate for translation.

Profile2 group access (profile2_og_access) Adds Organic groups permissions to control profile access on the group level.

Quiz statistics (quiz_stats) Creates a report to compare and analyse the results of quiz attendees. example: Recipe (schemaorg_recipe) Example of a recipe content type with fields mapped to

UUID Services (uuid_services) Provides integration with the Services module, like exposing a UUID entity resource.

UUID Services Example (uuid_services_example) Example feature of a UUID service. Works well with the Deploy Example feature as a client.

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 56 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE Appendix B

Page Types

Annual Report Annual reports are mostly PDF files that are displayed in a singular location Article

The Article content type is for basic content articles to be displayed throughout the site.

Backgrounder Backgrounders are similar to articles in that they provide text-based information. They can be in HTML of PDF format.

Blog entry Use for multi-user blogs. Every user gets a personal blog.

Campaign Page Campaign pages are full width pages where you have a great deal of control over the design.

Curricular Outcome Chart The curricular outcome charts are mostly tables listing expectations for what students will understand or be capable of doing after completing a particular subject.

Documentation Drag and drop question with lines This provides drag and drop question types with lines for the Quiz module.

External News Article External news articles are those articles written on other websites that pertain to the same subjects as the content from Media Smarts

Featured Content Promote content to the home page and/or featured content block on internal pages. All promoted content will load randomly.

Game These are educational flash games and quizzes

Guide Guides are similar to articles in that they provide text-based information. They also require a PDF format of the Guide.

Home Page Carousel

Landing Page A landing page that can contain articles or other landing pages within it. Primarily for the Digital & Media Literacy section.

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Lesson Plan Lesson plans are used by teachers to create lessons around teaching students about particular media concepts

Long answer question Quiz questions that allow a user to enter multiple paragraphs of text.

Matching Matching question type for quiz module. A question type for the quiz module: allows you to create matching type questions, which connect terms with one another.

Multiple choice question This provides multiple choice questions for use by the Quiz module.

News Release Press release is a simple content pages displaying important news disseminated by Media Smarts Page A page is a simple method for creating and displaying information that rarely changes, such as an "About us" section of a website.

Panel A panel layout broken up into rows and columns.

Publication & Report Publications and reports are papers or articles written by Media Smarts

Quiz Create interactive quizzes for site visitors

Quiz directions Quiz directions allow you to drop in directions anywhere in a quiz. You can also use them to insert a confirmation step at the end of the quiz.

Quiz page Quiz pages allow you display questions across multiple pages.

Resources Listing Page Lists either parent or teacher resources related to the topic that this listing page belongs to. Scale question

Quiz questions that allow a user to choose from a scale. Short answer question Quiz questions that allow a user to enter a line of text.

Tip Sheet These are simple informational PDF files

MediaSmarts Website RFP Page 58 of 59 3/26/2021 NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR REUSE True/false question Quiz questions that allow a user to select "true" or "false" as his response to a statement.

Tutorials & Workshops

Webform Create a new form or questionnaire accessible to users. Submission results and statistics are recorded and accessible to privileged users.

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