Copyrighted Material
INDEX Abscess, 92 fi rst radiographic abnormalities, Absorption 81 coeffi cient, 7 infi ltrates, 153–154 of scatter, 9 mortality rates, 81 Acute lung injury (ALI), 79–81, 83 radiographic appearance of, Acute myocardial infarction, 73, 76, 81–83 151. See also Myocardial recovery phase, 85 infarction severe, 83 Acute respiratory distress Adenopathy, 18 syndrome (ARDS) Adhesive atelectasis, 90 case studies, 152–158 AIDS patients, 65, 141 characteristics of, 50, 60, 70, Air alveolograms, 137, 140 78–79 Air bronchograms, 18, 60–61, co-existing pneumonia, 157–158 63–64, 79, 82–85, 90–93, 138, CT scans, 83–84 142, 153–154 defi ned, 80COPYRIGHTEDAir cysts, MATERIAL 55 diagnosis, 80–81 Air-fl uid levels, 44 etiologies, 80, 82–83 Air space density, 78 exudate phase of, 81–82 Air to tissue ratio, 47 ICU Chest Radiology: Principles and Case Studies, by Harold Moskowitz Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 171 172 INDEX Airway obstruction, 21 development of, 60, 63 Alignment, grid-x-ray beam, 9, 11 effusion distinguished from, 92 Allergic pneumonitis, 128 etiologies, 25, 90 Alveoli incidence of, 90 air conditions, 46 left lung, 170 capillary membrane, 82–83 lobar, 93, 120 consolidation, 65 lower lobe, 120, 129 densities, 16, 78, 155–156, 158 obstructive, 90–91 distension of, 50, 83 passive, 90–92 edema, 71–72, 75–76 peripheral subsegmental, 93 overinfl ation of, 50 plate-like, 93 Aneurysms, 19, 89 pneumonia associated with, Angel wings, 75–76 93–94, 163 Angiograms radiographic appearance of, coronary, 166 93–94 selective pulmonary, 114 treatment of,
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