Censorship Blue skies td prevail Is censorship of movies good or Continued fair today and tonight, bad? Columnist Dick Duris discusses warmer today, high near 67 in San this tedious problem on page 2. Also Francisco and Oakland, winds will pre­ on page two Foghorn Editor Don Halog vail 5 to 15 miles per hour. an $ra Jfagjjorn concludes his series on the question of student apathy.

Tuesday, November 5, 1957 Vol. 49, No. 14 All American '54, '55, '56, '57 Telephones: SKyline 1-31 18. SK 1-31 19 Member of the Associated Press

Legislature MID-TERM approves EXAMS BEGIN 400 seniors visit THURSDAY rechartering M i d-term examina­ campus tomorrow tions will begin Thurs- Education, Philippine ' day and continue clubs receive through Thursday No­ School is vember 14, the Rev. ASUSF blessing John Hynes S.J., Act­ open for By DON HALOG ing Academic V i c e- FOGHORN Editor President, announced Despite some outspoken inspection criticism and opposition by yesterday. Senior Class President Bill Schedules for indi­ By RICHARD BARNHART Fennone, the Student Legisla­ vidual examinations FOGHORN Staff Writer ture voted the Education and are posted on the bul­ Tomorrow over 400 high Philippine Clubs back into its school seniors will be on good graces last week. letin board of the lib­ campus to investigate first Clubs Representative Bill eral arts building and hand the academic, social, Ivey introduced a motion sug­ 'is re-printed on page gesting that both organiza­ and athletic life of the Uni­ four* of today's FOG­ tions be rechartered for the versity of San Francisco in remainder of the year. HORN. the first Senior Day since The Club Presidents Council There will be no had recommended through 1952, Ivey at the previous Legisla­ FOGHORN Friday or Representing more than 200 ture meeting that the Educa­ next week because of public and parochial high tion Club in addition to three the examinations. schools spread throughout other organizations be disen­ Northern California from franchised for failure to apply cities as far north as Eureka for recharter. and Grass Valley, and as far The three—Pi Delta Pi, the south as Salinas and Monte­ International Relations Club, New movie rey, they will assemble here to and Pi Sigma Alpha—are pres­ decide if USF can offer them ently inactive. series set what they want in a college Definite stand education.- Fennone, stating his position, Girls from the local declared: "As you know I took by Clan Catholic high schools will a definite stand in the paper The Clanna Eirenna, USF's participate in the program yesterday. I was not intending Irish Society will replace the for Hie first time. to blast any individual or any special events committee in Under the direction of one club. Father Joseph Keane, S.J., a presenting movies to the stu­ AID FOR USF. USF President Fr. John F. X. Connolly "I feel that the proposed program has been arranged dent body. Frank Trumbower, SJ. (right) beams happily as he receives a check -from idea of Mr. Ivey should be special events chairman an­ which "will assure each senior upheld and that a precedent nounced yesterday. R. M. Douglas, San Francisco Regional Manager of the of getting as much as possible out of his visit to the Hilltop." should be instituted one way This is in conjunction with Standard Oil Co. of California. The check is a portion or another." Everything from campus tours Trumbower's policy of having of the $100,000 grant given to 26 private colleges by and a Phelan Hall lunch, to Fennone then concluded by- campus Clubs participate in Standard Oil. The unrestricted grants will help defray and football games saying "I am not in favor of the special events program. is included On the agenda. it (Ivey's motion to recharter The decree • will be in effect general expenses. the Education and Philippine for the duration of the school Don't be surprised if you Club)." year. find the high schoolers sitting Head Yell Leader Jim Trus­ All movies will be shown in SPEAKER MISSING in on your classes or wander­ A time of tribute sas quired ASUSF Secretary the lecture room of Gleeson ing through the halls during Pat King, erstwhile president Library. The movies will be between-class breaks. Don't be of the Education Club, on the shown not less than once a surprised if you find them We honor our dead at the Mass for nothing to the living as it had to their reasons behind King's failure month and every week if poss­ King saves lecfyre viewing the city skyline, ,the to apply for recharter. ible, Trumbower said. Bay Bridge, and the hazy Oak­ the Deceased Faculty and Students contemporaries years before. land hills, from the fourth King replied: "We thought The movies will no longer 1 this morning in St Ignatius Church. This memorial day has remained be in conjunction with Eng­ floor study lounge of the li­ Once a year for over a hundred it had been done. The secre­ brary. Actually you might find with the living of the past coming to tary told me this. Then I lish courses, but will "provide with "secret file years, members of the University have good entertainment for the them anywhere: gazing up­ be venerated later in subsequent misunderstood Bill (Ivey) By KICHARD HARCOURT ; wards at the towering steeples and thought we had every­ student body," according to FOGHORN Staff Writer assembled In the holy house of God to Pat Duffy, Irish Club prexy. and campanile of Saint Igna­ acknowledge His supreme authority Masses. What is important today is not thing set. Actually we had The delinquent, but reprived, Education Club held tius Church or watching with nothing — not even a char- All cinemas will be shown that we just attend—but that we pay free of charge. its first lecture of the term last Tuesday evening at interest the construction work over his creatures. As the years passed on the new gymnasium and from that first Masrtn honor ofiJte" homage to the memories of the former Included in the Irish Club Gleeson Library, but it was lacking in two things—a ~ASUSF Treasurer Frank De­ movie schedule are such films faculty house. deceased faculty and students, the students and faculty who have passed Benedetti added that the Legis­ as: "Stalag 17," "The Long guest speaker and an audience. You might even find them memory of the dead became the only away in the same spirit that we will lature should not destroy "an Gray Line," "Caine Mutiney," Mr. Robert McKay, a representative from the Cali­ inquisitively observing the aft­ means by which the living paid trib­ want the following generations of men organization because one man "All the King's Men," "Gil­ fornia Teachers Association, ernoon experiments in the misunderstood another. Why bert and Sullivan," and "Death was supposed to appear at the shadowy science labs of the ute. The names of the dead meant and women to honor our spirits. should twenty-eight (members of a Salesman." The schedule meeting and discuss "Union­ —Bubbled ring— Liberal Arts building base­ of the Education Club) suffer is by no means complete. ism vs. Professionalism" for ment; for these seniors will be for the mistake of one?!" he Movies will be added as the teachers, but he had to attend trying to find out all they can' said, i year progresses. another meeting instead. Utah freshman about USF during their short Huge 5 day parade Law school Recognize speakers Also scheduled are numer­ Mr. McKay did not miss any­ visit. Recognition of one speaker ous foreign films mainlythose thing because the lecture, for invents plastic The invading throng of June each for and against Ivey's mo­ of English comedy star, Alec 7:30 p.m., had a total audience graduates will begin their day hears Judge tion was called by ASUSF Guiness. They include, "Kind of six at 7:50, which included with registration at 10:00 a.m. for homecoming President Bob Bianco, after Hearts and Cornets," "The Pat King, Education Club bubble (big) in Phelan Hall. Rev. John F. which a vote was taken sepa: Man in the White Suit," "The President, and two FOGHORN X. Connolly, S.J., University Fennone urges 'all-out.' participation by rately on each club applying Promoter," "The Lavender Hill reporters. By 8:00 p.m. the LOGAN, Utah (AP) — A president, will officially wel­ freshman student at Utah Last Tuesday the Honorable for rechartering. Mob," and "The Captain's Par­ total audience was a dozen. come them to U.S.F. and Dr. campus clubs for festivities spectacular adise." State University has invented William T. Sweigert, presiding After the Philippine Club Although there was no Augustine Donoghue, Director A series of Walt Disney pro­ "name" speaker for the eve­ a plastic bubble for enclosing of Admissions, will present By WILL REITH judge of the Superior Court, received unanimous approval, boxing and rings. FOGHORN Copy Editor DeBenedetti asked for and re­ ductions, including his nature ning, King filled in the lecture some pointers on what the spoke before the student body ceived a roll-call vote on the and historical cinemas will using "confidential informa­ He says it would be of great University has to offer and Bill Fennone, Co-chairman of the Homecoming Pa­ of USF's School of Law on Education Club section of the also be presented. tion from the CTA files." He benefit to the man-to-man what they should look for dur­ rade,, appealed yesterday for an "all-out" Clubs' parti­ the recently adopted Pre-trial motion, which resulted in an Duffy said that accompany' proposed many reasons why sports by protecting the gla­ ing the course of the day. Conference. 11-7 count for recharter. ing each movies will be a "Mr. teachers should not have a diators from smoke and pos­ They will then split into McGoo" cartoon. cipation in the mammoth five day'long parade which A graduate of the School pf union affiliation, but instead sibly missile-filled air, heat groups with prospective During; the i»eeting Senior "This movie program is in be members of "professional from the lights and so on. will be one of the highlights of the gigantic Homecoming Law, Class of '23, Judge Swei­ Representative Tom Leahy nurses and science majors accord with the Irish Club's groups." A sports commentator touring the campus and pro­ festivities. gert outlined the present con­ moved for purchase of three program of service to the Uni­ trophies for awarding to (1) "A profession such as teach­ adds another advantage spective business administra­ ference system and showed versity," said Duffy, "We hope The Homecoming parade, the outstanding back, (2) ing occupies a position of pub­ would be to "keep some of tion and liberal arts majors how and why it was designed that each student will take full lic trust," said King, "and this visiting the classrooms. which will consist of a multi­ days, the Parade shall hit the outstanding lineman, and advantage of the program." these televised turkeys un­ to speed up the trial. He point­ and (3) the most Inspira­ trust is vicjated if it unionizes Finally at 2:30 as the "coup tude of automobiles, floats, the every conceivable shopping dis­ to coerce the public. Unionism der glass." ed out that the present back­ tional player in this season's de grace" they will be invited USF pepband, and the Home­ trict in San Francisco — t h e is unconstitutional with the The plastic bubble is the in­ to watch the U.S.F. All Star log of cases in the Superior intramural tackle football coming Queen, will be held ,Marina, Stonestown, Fillmore, league. Lark lecture professional spirit and attitude vention of Johnny Grum, Utah intramural football game at each afternoon of the days China Town, North Beach Court in San Francisco had which places service before State U" frosh from Nutley, Don Bowl, or to • watch the been considerably reduped and The motion received the ap­ profit, the honor and standing N.J. He says he has a patent twice national chamnion Don Tuesday, December 3, through West Portal and the Mission. proval of the legislators and that great progress had been scheduled before personal advantages, on it and calls it the "purozone basketball team take on the Saturday, December 7. We wjll have sound trucks, was passed on to the Finance and the public welfare above air conditioned boxing and J.V.s in the St. Ignatius High convertibles, and all the bally­ made in shortening the wait­ Committee for judgment.; all other considerations." Flat beds provided I wrestling ring." School gym. hoo which goes along with ing period between the time a Rooter's cap Monday nite "All the Clubs are urged to such festivities," said Fennone. case is at issue and the avail­ Trussas announced that the enter a float in the'Homecom­ Travis M. Bogard, Ph.D., of "We want to make this thing able trial date. type of rooter's cap for the the University of California, ing Parade," said Fennone. coming basketball season had gigantic, and the only way we Stressing the fact that cer­ will present the lecture "Lark 'There will be facilities avail­ tain inherent limitations in been selected. Ivy League in on Three Wings" on Monday, ca/i do it is through the co­ able for all the Clubs which every trial require necessary nature with a buckle on the November 11, 7:30, in the Glee­ operation and gracious help back, the cap comes in three will enter floats. Flat beds will delays, Judge Sweigert men­ son Library Lecture room. which I know will be given tioned various proposed sizes. Trussas, commented that Dr. Bogard, an Associate be provided. an attempt is being made to from all Clubs and members of changes which would elimi­ Professor of English whose "The Homecoming Parade curtail the selling price from the student body," said Fen­ nate some time - consuming teaching specialties are Shake­ will benefit the Clubs finan­ $1.75. speare, Dramatic Literature, none. procedures. These recom­ cially," Fennone said. 10,000 mended changes were pro­ Reporting on the Library and Eugene O'Neill, will dis­ Fennone made an open ap­ Committee's recent investiga­ cuss the three versions of the points will be awarded to the posed hy the Superior Court peal to all day students, who Committee of the California tion into disturbances in Glee­ story of Joan of Arc in this winner of the float contest; son Library, Junior Class Rep­ lecture sponsored by the Col­ possibly could, to lend their Conference of Judges. 2,500 points will be given resentative Jim David said that lege Players. cars for the parade. One of seven American respectively to the Clubs tak­ the Librarian, Rev. William "The Lark" is the coming All Clubs who are going to judges and lawyers who were Monihan, S.J., informed him presentation of the USF Col­ ing second and third place. participate in the Homecoming invited by the West German that "nothing should be done lege Players. Floats will be judged by a Republic to inspect the Ger­ at present." Parade must submit a letter Anouilh's "Lark" was his panel consisting of San Fran­ man court system and confer last play. Other works by this of notification to either Bill with judges of all the courts David stated that Fr. Mo­ cisco's Honorable Mayor, nihan plans to provide racks dramatist included "Antigone," Fennone or Boyer August. "We of that country, Judge Swei­ "Waltz of the Toreadors"' and George Christopher, members for periodicals for the bene­ want to know how many* cars gert brought out in his talk "Time Remembered" which is of the University Faculty, and the considerable differences be­ fit of students in research and floats we will need for the projects. currently about to open on student body officers. "The tween the U.S. and German Broadway with Helen Hayes. Parade," said Fennone. court systems. • Referring to last year's bill Christopher Fry's version of floats will be judged Saturday, for the appropriation of re­ December 7," said Fennoen, the "Lark" was first presented corders totalling $850, Fr. in London in 1952. Later in "but, if possible, we would like 'Individualistic" Squire fo Monihan said that he would the same year, the second to see the Club floats partici­ like two recorders and a tape translation of Anouilh was pre- pate in everyone of the parades collection amounting to $350 sented in London—Lilian Hell- of the original total. held during the week." appear in early December man's version starring Julie Harris and -Boris Karloff. Mike Todd spectacular The new SQUIRE, described The first of two editions this These three plays are all Boyer August, Homecoming by editor Bob Mohan as "in­ year, the thirty-two page liter­ Dr. Sanchez well, different In the essential dividualistic, unique, and radi­ ary magazine is filled with Parade Co-chairman, predicts point of each play. Hellman's cal," will be displayed to the short stories, essays, poems, holds Spanish class version converts .loan of Arc THE FORD with all the parts under it that "This parade will make public on December 2nd. Due and art work. Dr. Sanchez, of the Spanish to a left-wing radical type, a trouble passing a green Chevy," and "usu­ belongs to one Roger Jones, USF student. Mike Todd's ninety minute to the limited amount of copies SOS 'Squire On Sale) will department of the University revolutionary, equated with ally shifts from first to second at 5500 RPM be Thursday, November 7, at The vast array of jacks also belong to television spectacular a chil­ 1500), a presale. ending No­ of San Francisco, has recover­ the Hui. and the natural man in drag races," shifted "at 6200 RPM." ten o'clock in the Green and ed from his recent emergency —definitely not the point Jones, who carries them "just in case." dren's tea party.' ' vember 15, is necessary, he The result: broken axle. He was towed Gold Room. The price is twen­ operation and has rejoined the presented by the French The test "in case" for the jacks came on campus by a tow truck, where the result­ "In the course of the five said. ty-five cents per copy. faculty and his classes. . original. last Wednesday when Jones, who "had ing paraphernalia was unveiled. Page Two S.F. FOGHORN November 5, 1957 The morning after "Yoo Hoo, Everybody!" FOGHORN Censorship . . . good or bad? £4itcrial paqe By DICK DURIS WHAT VALUE HAS the Legion of De­ ing such a numerous number of productions cency and other similar organizations? Does immoral, the censorship organizations are Student apathy-Part 2 the American public follow the edicts set slowly but surely losing the confidence of down by these groups? the public. The populace sees many of these These questions have been asked by condemned pictures and plays and finds sociologists and religious leaders for the very little, if anything, morally wrong. Annihilating apathetic past decade. Therefore, when a picture appears that is Without too much difficulty, a nega­ worth banning the majority of the public tive answer can be given to these ques­ is hesitant in following the edict laid down tions. Somewhere, somehow, the people by these censorship groups. They had wit­ spirit—a solution . of America have decided that censorship nessed, previously, picture^ and plays banned by these groups and found nothing By DON HALOG of movies is not necessary. A decade ago, the public did not question unethical; why should this particular case FOGHORN Kditor the place of the Legion of Decency and be different? ^ After postulating two causes for apathy: (IV the idea other like organizations. Why the switch? Probably one of the main reasons why of conformity and (2) the "what I get out of it" attitude, Probably the main reason is that the the Legion of Decency is encountering so I introduced the devotion and loyalty aspect several weeks public has lost confidence in the judgment much difficulty in getting the respect of ago before being abruptly cut'off. of these groups. A good example of this the American people is that it fails to in­ ' To repeat the last paragraph, I have met students who- is the recent blast against the Tennessee form the people of America exactly what wonder why they came here. That is not to be scorned upon. Williams' picture, "Baby Doll." Before the is wrong with the films judged immoral. There are certain drawbacks to any college and a certain censorship boys took after Williams' plays They leave this to the imagination of the percentage of students are expected to transfer or drop out. and motion picture, his audience wasn't public. If these censorship groups would What is ridiculous is that some will probably graduate from nearly as large. With the air of censorship state the exact reasons for their banning a here in the same mood. These students have no legitimate hovering over his plays, Williams' "talent" movie or play, they would regain the re­ gripe; there is one definite factor which might prevent their began to show, and the same plays that spect they once possessed. departure and whether that factor—the Jesuit educational couldn't be sold previously began to draw The .present generation has far more system—plays that much of a role has never been measured. in the public by the thousands. Certainly for location, facilities, and finances, there are any effect on feelings about censorship than number of nearby institutions which might more fully satisfy Reason for this change? It can be simply the factor of religious allegiance. Ac­ a "grumbler." stated as the curiosity of the American cording to a Roper survey, Catholics, people. The censorship organizations had whose church prescribes what films its But no: They remain and are always the same bunch thrown a cover of mystery over these members should not see, 47^per cent think who draw their friends' attention to the "lacklustre" plays, and the public wanted to see "for censorship (in most cases) should apply campus, to the parking problem, to the bad this and themselves the immorality portrayed. only to children or be absent entirely. lousy that. Never one word of praise. Would they help What the public saw instead were With Protestants, the figure goes up, but alleviate these so-called problems? My experience has plays and motion pictures unworthy of only slightly, to 50 per cent. shown that they'd sooner give a noon sermon on Third the Legion of Decency's time proclaiming These critics insist that censorship tends and Market Streets than unite to better what they con­ them immoral. If there was anything im­ to narrow and falsify, to deteriorate art, sider wrongs. moral about these plays, the public was. rather than to improve morals. They argue Remember these are' the same ones who will go on to not given the opportunity to be corrupted that Americans should be treated as mature later life complaining about the way the government is —they were too busy mocking the poor people, free to see what they choose and to run, the filthy pocketbooks that are distributed, and the scripts to take notice of any immorality care for their own moral welfare. They union that is charging outrageous monthly dues. These in the productions. The plays were surely agree that some films are not appropriate are the same ones who will not even so much as write a not worth the efforts of one Catholic for children, but, that does not mean that letter of complaint to their congressmen or to their union bishop who made the headlines by pro. all film fare should be held to a 6-year-old's representatives. claiming he would excommunicate any­ standards. These facts, however, have been presented before in one seeing the plays. So the battle rages. What will be the many lectures and books. No one seems to know what can We do not call for the elimination of outcome? Will the Americkn people once be done to remedy the conformity situation. P'*re*RB.l-«eK the Legion of Decency, but only offer a agawh turn to the censorship groups for * * * suggestion that it take care in the plays guidance hi the choice of their entertain­ Having disposed of the general factors for apathy, there and motion pictures it condemns. By call­ ment? Only time and'hard work will tell. remains only one more aspect-to consider, one which is particular to this University: the "street-car college" factor. With the Hilltop being a stopover before work or a return home, very few'students devoted time in the past to extracurricular or co-curricular activities. What students Will golf the "executive's sport," replace * baseball as lived on campus in the four sjiacks, situated where the new Gymnasium is now ascending, was a negligible per­ SLANTS centage. a In the fall of 1955 USF assumed a new look with the our national sport? Why not?' asks Chicken Little completion of Phelan Hall. Not only was it a pleasant sight by to behold, but its presence slowly but surely forced the street-car factor to become a dying race. I earnestly an­ linnigan By KON ARROYO gest crowds; look at all the is Ali Babadu, a transfer stu­ motion drives the oppo­ ticipate the day when the number of campus residents will Our ole buddy, Chicken room on those golf courses. dent from the ancient coun­ nents to other fields of en­ You could have midget golf render this factor inconsequential. Little, is now boasting golf try of Khashfi. deavor. Asked if he had After the fourth-year men graduate this June, no for the title of "Our Na- for the kids in grammar any weaknesses, Ali dis­ longer will SI and, to a certain extent, other San Fran­ Minus our sliiney brimmed cap, sun glasses and corn tiona4 Sport." school. His great-grandfather was closed that he had: only cisco secondary schools, dominate the fortunes of student cob pipe we have returned. Popular demand has been so * After all, look at all the There is one question I a holy man who much one leg. affairs. Phelan Hall has necessarily triumphed. By virtue loud that the entire journalistic wor.y has been thrown top executives in our coun­ would like to pose. Maybe adored the four-armed diety, The only difficulty facing of campus residence, four hundred individuals have formed into a fervor of instability. To wit: Herb Caen leaves try who play it. you could make a poll of it Klala. His devotion was so Ali's career in the netgame a closer group than was ever possible with the street-car the Examiner and journeys back to 5th and Mission Sts.; Golf combines so many or something. great that he experimented is that USF soccer coach students. The former live next door to one another and a Chicken Little leaves the Sports Page to subscribe to the sports: the swing of the If the Martians landed in genetics with one of his Gus Donaghue, is pleading situation as that cannot fail to bring a student from Feature section; FOGHOBN girl reporter discovered baseball bat, the long punt near the White House and daughters and an octopus. with Ali to come out for Prove, Utah in closer friendship with one from Honolulu, slumped In the rear of the Warfield Theater watching; the of football, the ball in the asked President Eisenhow­ The result is Ali, who goalie. Ali, however, had the Hawaii. latest Elvis Presley flick. basket of basketball, and er to "take me to your has four arms allowing unfortunate experience of Campus residence has its advantages and these are »• » »i > ..•••-. hiking. It also includes leader," do you think he him to carry on four rack­ swallowing a soccer ball his beginning to show. As an example, I give you your Student calisthenics, on would take them to his ets on the field of competi­ first soccer game. Tennis is Legislature in which (excluding all six seniors) nine of Mention of the man with the sideburns rerriii|ds us of tion. He has an unusual Cathy Silcock, gay young miss from San Rafael who' is muddy days, and folk danc­ caddy? a more gentlemanly game in fourteen are out-of-towners with seven of these residing in ing when the golfer misses * * * service. He throws the ball his eyes, as well as his stom­ Phelan Hall or St. Mary's Hospital. I might add that the often seen sporting an "I Like Elvis" pin. We consider this, the ball. So you can see up, faking a swing with indicative of the latest trend in Marin County, PARK­ Ping pong with larger ach and digestive system. six seniors are all local residents at present. that golf is an all-around equipment returns to the his upper arm and actually Ali becomes America's and In the past off-campus living has played a significant ING ON GOLDEN GATE AVENUE is bad enough, but with sport. hitting the ball with his the motorcycle gendarme who spends the entire morning USF campus. One of the . USF's threat in the Davis part in campus interest and activities; in the past USF has It could also draw the big­ leading players on the squad lower arm. This unusual cup doubles tournament. been accorded fame as a local boys' school. The scene, writing little white slips, it's expensive too. however, is changing. p * * I don't wish to give the impression that the street-car AN OLD ARGUMENT student is doomed to insignificance at USF. He has, however, We don't kid oyrselves in thinking the City's super­ been presented with a challenge. It's up to him to meet and visors read this column but it would be nice if they did combat it. when we make mild recommendations like the following. There has been a notable rise in student interest here HOW ABOUT AN ARTERIAL STOP SIGN AT COLE AND in the past two years. I have no doubts that Phelan Hall FULTON STREETS. Nobody has been hit yet but'the close has contributed much to this increase. calls are sure being narrowed down. * * * Let me conclude by presenting a solution which will * * ,*i • reverse apathy to a great extent. Something must be done LAST THURSDAY NIGHT'S Wassman-Bio-Cheiji! dance, "Spooks Holiday" was a spine tingler. See some of the girls, to eliminate the indifference and hate trend which persists / with many Dons. Because it is still fresh in my mind as real spooks. an example, I refer in particular to the hoodlums who have • •;'/* i' destroyed the glass of the parking attendant's booth On Parker Avenue. SQUABBLE-SQUABBLE What is the answer to combatting apathy at USF? We haven't been keeping up with the petty arguments First, I consider the idea of conformity a solid barrier in these parts but it seems the Fenmore Case didn't develop against which there seems to be no break-through. Con­ to expectations at last week's meeting of the Studleg. formity is a tendency emanating from grammar school KEEP READING but you won't find nuttin' about Doug and especially strengthened in secondary school. All at-, Scovil or his boys. tempts to control conformity have been to no avail. Secondly, there is the selfish outlook—the what-can- PREDICTIONS: Vic Morabito, brother of the late collegegive-to-me attitude. No one can do more than em­ founder of the local 49ers will buy up most of his brother's phasize the implicit reciprocal agreement between student stock and divide the rest among present stockholders, but and college. The latter, it must be emphasized, is a give- keeping himself in control. . . . Attorney-General Pat Brown and-take proposition. I enumerated the agreement under will be the next Governor of our sunny State . . . the the heading of "The University's Open Door Policy" in an University of California won't win any more games this earlier editorial. The new look in the Freshman Orientation year, losing to Stanford by some one-sided score . . . the this year is a start in instilling Dons in this principle. determined 49ers will win their first Divisional champion­ When people consider college to be the difference be­ ship this year ... in spite of what some might think, B. R-, tween a good and bad starting salary, they have distorted one of the more intelligent science majors in these parts, the Jesuit educational aims. When people consider college will wed as planned Dec. 2. as the last -station to all knowledge, they are also wrong. The crowning point of knowledge comes not with the re­ ception of a degree but with the eventual union with God. Administrators and student leaders can only urge each new aggregation of Dons to partake of academic, social, and athletic activities as far as they are able. With a commiserate reaction from them love, devotion, and loyalty CAMPUS INTERVIEWS to school will become a reality arid apathy will be eradicated. It would be presumptuous to hope for a complete an­ nihilation of the apathetic spirit, but if the greater per­ centage of us throw off its grip, won't University life be­ FOR SENIORS come a worth-while board into adult life? Will I live to see that day? I wonder. ON NOVEMBER 20,1957 STUDENT UNION The State of California is sending a Personnel Representative to interview Seniors expecting to graduate in 1953.

THE STATE OFFERS ATTRACTIVE CAREERS IN Accounting Research and Statistics Employment Management insurance and Safety Engineering Property Appraisal and Negotiation "He gets a lot to like-filter, flavor, flip-top box."The works. A filter that means business. An easy draw that's all Get State Employment Literature * and sign up for the interview flavor. And the flip-topbo x that ends crushed cigarettes.

at your Campus Placement Office (MADE IN RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, FROM A PRIZED RECIPE) 'OH-OH-GUesS TO MAMV Or U<3' f.^lpPeP' TOPAY— H£ FOUOWEO UO oVGK HcRE .'/ November 5, 1957 S.F. FOGHORN Page rnree Rams tie Don booters 2-2 VAwAwAwA^UMAMAWA'AVA'Av Half given Last minute free kick Sombrero fo On the rebound cuts Don NCISC lead BALBOA STADIUM, Nov. 2 A ten minute overtime pe­ State game By Dick Leverone —An inspired City College of riod produced plenty of excite­ By KAY WILLIAMSON WSSn-CTAW^ San Francisco soccer team held ment—but no scores. the Don booters to a 2-2 tie Next week the Dons travel The Sombrero for the third EGADS! VIOLETS ARE AROUSED game against State goes to today, cutting the Hilltoppers to Santa Clara to take on the One seldom realizes how well off he is until he starts to Jerry Finnigan. Northern California Intercol­ cellar-dwelling Broncos, who read of the troubles of others. One of the biggest problems "Finn," as he is called by his legiate Soccer League lead to are pointing for an upset. teammates, was a sixty-min­ we have run across while perusing the sports pages of various ute man, going all the way college newspapers belongs to University. NYU a scant half game over the both on offense and defense, has for close to a century saddled its athletic teams with the California Golden Bears of until he was injured late in 24 man mural nicknamed of the "Violets." California. the fourth quarter. The first score of the game Offensively he carried the It seems that ye*ars of insults have taken their toll, and net tourney ball only twice but his key a reform movement, started off mildly enough, has snowballed was set up on a free kick blocks opened the holes for into a campus contest to find a new monicker. It is difficult awarded to Rams' 30 yards the other backs to ramble for us to realize the humiliations that the nickname of Violets from the Don goal. The kick to pick team STAR'S STAR halfback Ed Griffin is Champion Grey Fog eleven. With Ed, the through. missed but CCSF forward Al In regular league play he has caused NYU. USF's tennis intramural pro­ shown in action against S.F. State's JV. Stars will boast the backfield that started Guerrerro recovered and boot­ Ed who is the intramural league's leading has a 6.0 yards per carry aver­ NYU sports editor Sandy Postel in a column conserva­ gram was thrown into high against State in qb Corky Higgins, full­ ed the ball in to give the Rams ground gainer will be a big gun in the age. tively entitled "Time for a Change?" stated the essence of gear last week when intra­ He contributed to the touch­ a 1-0 lead, which they held to mural All-Stars' backfield when they back John McCauley and half Jerry Fin­ the problem: "The' dictionary lists pansies as the flower mural director Ross Guidice down drive with jarring blocks half time. take the field tomorrow against the nigan. Kickoff is 2:30. and excellent fakes. closely fitting the describption of violets. A nickname should announced that a 24-man tour­ display strength in connection with athletics and how can The Dons roared back On defense, the 22-year-old after the half time intermis­ nament now in progress. junior was at halfback. From you get this feeling avout Violets?" sion to score on Serge Bren- The tournament, which will this spot he recovered an early Fog wins Crown; faces 'Stars Headline writers in the New York area have been unable nan's long 40 yard shot probably produce a winner be­ State fumble and moved up to which was followed up and make many important tackles to resist the temptation to describe NYU defeats in such fore Christmas, was. designed cerms as, "Violets Wilt," "Violets Uprooted," "Violets Crushed." headed into the corner of to prevent Gator runners from City's goal by Pete Wolf. to find the net men who will tomorrow in 2nd annual show racking up yardage. NYU victories hardly solve the problem either, as the head­ carry the Green and Gold ban­ By TOM KENNEDY Several minutes into the yard punt return to the Vigs is expected to be too much for Jerry has been a standout line writers are forced into the ludicrous position of having fourth quarter Wolf headed ner onto the courts during the Don Bowl, Oct. 31 —An 16 with only 5:45 remaining. the Champs in Wednesday's back for the Caballeros all to write something like "Violets Trample Lions," or "Violets in a corner kick from Wayne coming season. injury and flu-riddled Grey- Quarterback Williams gained tussle. Last year's champion year and has been among the Saidon but a sure goal was Fog team came back in dra­ Vigilantes were nosed out by rushing and scoring leaders Whip Rams." :..:•*;-' The matches are played at six. Gene Heller one, and then ' An attempt was made in the 1920's to compensate for stopped by a Ram who il­ matic fashion today, regis­ "Wee Willie" reached the end the Stars 6-0. since the beginning of the sea­ legally used his hands. the Golden Gate Park Tennis tering two touchdowns in the the inferiority, complex brought about by the nickname zone on a nine yard rollout. son. Club and the public is invited. final six minutes, tQ over­ Final League Standings For his fine play, Jerry re­ Violets by introducing an elephant as a mascot. Unfortu­ On the penalty kick awarded come a 7-0 Vigillante lead The latter fell one yard short Final League Standings ceived the unanimous vote of nately, Mr. L, Lephant, as he was cleverly called, caused on the play Serge Brennan Tournament lineups: and win the Hilltop intra­ in his attempt to run the ball W. L. PF PA Pet. the coaches which in turn mer­ more problems than he solved and that noble experiment cannon-balled the shot into the Brophy vs, Mcnlcoll; winner to Orey Fog ... 3 1 45 45 .750 had to be abandoned. City College net to give the meet Kramer. mural football championship, over for the extra point. ( ahallerns . . 2 2 BT 53 .500 ited "Finn" the newest FOG­ Konp vs. Vide; winner to meet 12-7. McCauley's extra point Vigillantes .. 1 3 46 61 .250 HORN Sombrero Award. The reform movement is not without its opponents. Stan Dons a 2-1 lead with minutes Dakis. x kick looked big at that mo­ Saplin, prominent NYU alumnus, plunks for tradition, saying, remaining. Kenny vs. Massa; winner to meet The win gives the Fog the 'Podesta. ment. "The term Violets is a rich and deep-rooted one. Take it away i But inspired Rams, who "ight to face an intramural All- TYPEWRITERS JV hoop coach and you're ripping away a good piece of an alumnus' life always seem to save their Saucedo vs. Gilchrist; winner ta Stars eleven combined of the meet Browne. But after the Vigs had failed invites students and tradition."fss(ij > ' best game of the year for Mohun vs. .Vjoku; winner to meet /igillantes and Cabailleros, here to move the pigskin ancj with RENTED An invitation to work out But the rewi-filionaries are in the majority and indications USF, were not to be denied, Healy. Wednesday at 2:30. The con­ two and a half minutess left, Arroyo vs. Jones; winner to meet with the junior varsity bas­ are that the nickname Violets will be supplanted. as they tied the game up on Cougalan., test will also mark the close Gene Heller proved the day's SPECIAL OFFER Students Oily ketball team, was extended A contest is currently taking place and. has already pro­ a long free kick which Westdahl vs. >'ewsom; winner to jf the season, with many in­ hero by running a Vig punt MO T HS to all interested students to­ duced such suggestions as "Flying Satellites," "Universals," grazed the crossbar and meet Raffo. terested high school students back 45 yards for the winning Matteson vs. Ras'noli; winner to 3 FS R 6.95 day by Don King, junior "Metropoles," and our favorite "Vicious Violet Wolves." bounced into the Don net. meet Stratta. on campus for Senior Day in touchdown. varsity basketball coach. USF, having not too many years ago, at the suggestion attendance. FREE DELIVERY The Vigillantes tried to get in SAN FRANCISCO The junior varsity, pre­ of the City Fathers, changed their nickname from the Much of Grey Fog's strength back, but all five pass at­ MISSION TYPEWRITER paring for a twehty-three colorful but innocuous Grey Fog to the noble and gallant will depend on the health of tempts fell incomplete. One Dons, sympathizes with the NYU Violets (?). RENTAL SERVICE game schedule, practices end Gene Stevens and quarter­ falling off the fingertips of from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. every La Grande & White's back Tom Valverde. Both were Andy Dankis on the Grey 2290 Mission Street weekday afternoon at Kezar — PIZZA held out of today's game be­ Fog twenty. UN 1-4676 Pavilion. Laundry & Dry Cleaning cause of the flu and their ab­ Shea wins Sombrero TO TAKE OUT—TO f AT HERE—DELIVERED sence had quite an effect on Fog's defense led by Som­ the Fog's passing game. brero Award winner Joe Shea The only Phia 250 Twelfth St. nr. Howard—San Francisco 3 End to quarterback gave up only 29 yards on the Regular end Johnnie Wil­ ground and one pass comple­ of its kind! liams was switched to quarter­ tion, and kept the Vigs' star Blankets Refreshed to Exquisite Perfection back so that there were two fullback John McCauley to 31 THINK SHRIMP, CRAB, SEA FOOD newi ends and a new qb play­ yards, his lowest for the sea­ ?V Warm - Fluffy - Soft ing. son. and all ether types As a result, GF's usually Stand-in quarterback Wil­ I powerful passing attack only liams was by far the leading picked up 13 yards. rusher of the day with 86 PLAN AHEA & MArket 1-0916 After the Vigillantes had yards in 21 tries. Most of his GR 4-0273 suddenly exploded for 7 points yardage was on rollouts. ft Diamond 4-0560 GLenwood 4-2835 following a 34 yard pass from A staunch Fog defense held SHOP AT THE r qb Pete Clampitt to Russ the red-shirted Vigilantes to WALK-A-WAY PIZZA -•% Peninsula Service Marin Service Graff, on John McCauley's one a poor minus 13 yards and no 2715 Taylor on Fisherman's Wharf yard slam over center and his first downs in the first half. RECORD LAIR I perfect placement, Fog came They picked up two in the alive. second frame. The Lair is busting its seams with THOUSANDS Defensive specialist Ray Au- The combined strength of try started things with a 45 the Caballeros and Vigillantes of factory fresh—100% GUARANTEED LP's. Compare our prices and most important com­ Ml) THE NEW LINCOLN BOWL pare the SELECTION and QUALITY of our, I'm in a business WELCOMES ALL U.S.F. STUDENTS TO ENJOY. stock. © Special Rates NOW ALL CAPITOL nobody dreamed of # 12 Modern Lanes ALL DECCA ® Free Instructions ALL CORAL _ three years ago" ALL MGM • Fountain-Lunch-Dinner ALL WESTMINSTER "In a company that develops new ideas by 319 - 6th AVENUE 12 Single Hi-Fi LP's SK 1-3939 the thousands," says 30-year-old William K. * Reg. 3.98 Cordier, manager of General Electric's Man- Made Diamond pilot plant, "a young man's RCA VICTOR career progress need riot be limited by his ANGEL (Standard Pkg.) particular field. In my five years with Gen­ MERCURY eral Electric, I've gained valuable experience KAPP in several different fields, and each assign­ LIBERTY EPIC ment has helped me to move ahead. Right URANIA now, I have anexciting job. I run the world's UNICORN first diamond-making plant — a business no­ body dreamed of three years ago."

COOK Diamond Making a Reality ELEKTRA The job Bill Cordier holds is an important RIVERSIDE one, created because General Electric has S.F. RECORDS J Compliments the scientific and technical resources needed 12 Single Hi-Fi LP's to seek out new knowledge and swiftly trans­ Reg. 4.98 late it into products that people want and of a need. In 1955; the1 company announced a major scientific breakthrough — the produc­ AUDIO FIDELITY Reg,,. NOw 4,59 tion of real diamonds in the laboratory. To­ day, little more than two years later, General ARCHIVE Reg. 5.98 NOW 4.59 Friend Electric is making and selling quantities of ALL LONDON (Classic) Reg. 3.98 NOW 2.49 these diamonds for civilian and defense use. RCA VICTOR Encyclopedia of.Recorded GQc Achieving Three-Way Progress Jazz in 12 great 10" albums each W* General Electric's ability to take on and Camden Limited Quantity c Free Schwann Catalogs solve big probIem4r-r in research and devel­ OPEN i«r SUNDAY -?BE NOON TO 10 P.M. opment as well as every phase of production OPEN 7 DAYS PER WEEK NOON TO 10 P.M. — is constantly creating challenging new op­

Mail and Phone Orders Filled Immediately portunities for the 29,000 college graduates They kept warning me this would Add 4% Sales Tax plus 35c postage for entire order at the company. As we see it, by providing a happen if I didn't think of some super healthy climate for a young man's self-devel­ way to describe that absolutely unique good taste of Coca-Cola. So who's a RECORD LAIR opment in whatever area he may choose, Shakespeare? So no ad ... that's bad! we encourage not only his own progress, but But, there's always Coke ... I03A BROAD STREET, San Francisco that of the company and the nation as well. and that's good! SIGN OF GOOD TASTE At End of M Sfreef Car Line Between Alemany and Educational Relations, General Electric Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by Junipero Serra Near Intersection San Jose and Alemany Company, Schenectady 5, New York Quaintly Located Between a Liquor Store and a Butcher Shop THE COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Phone DE 3-7961 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Pag* Pour S.F. FOGHORN November 5, 1957 Midterm Examinations 5*^3 CLUB (All classes except those listed on the Freshman Exam Schedule) hear People: BRIEFS Thursday, November 1 Latin American Lecture classes convening Tuesday, Thursday at 8:10, -By WARREN HINCKLE- 12:10 and 2:10. I Club active Friday, November 8 Ernest Lonner. a man with standards of theater based Though long in repose the a measure of theatrical titles upon Christian tradition and Latin American Club has Lecture classes convening Monday, Wednesday, Friday a yardstick long to his credit, morals. come up again to renew its or Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 9:10, 12:10, has one navigational aim The work of these groups activities left dormant from 3:10. amidst the swirling sea that need not be in the realm of forms about the beach-heads the previous year. the theoretical or the ab­ Reynaldo Corrales, tffe Monday, November 11 of wider and wider audiences: stract ; in fact, they are miss­ to eliminate some of the fall­ newly appointed President, Lecture classes convening Monday, Wednesday, Friday ing their aim of they fail to announced the "Black and out of "the hydrogen bomb of present realistic, down-to- or Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:10, 11:10 anti-intellectualism that has White Ball" which will be earth entertaining theater, held at Lone Mountain on and 2:10. • exploded upon our modern he says. theater." November 8. There ' will be Tuesday, November 12 a variety show along with Concerned with the neurotic The present Arts Center Lecture classes convening Tuesday, Thursday at 9:10, the dance, composed of stu­ expressions, sensuality, and production, "Martha," a dents of local Catholic col­ 11:10 and 3:10. commercia) exploitations that charming western-musical leges and universities. permeate all fields of the per­ comedy situation of Flotow's Wednesday, November 13 forming arts, from such pro­ classic opera, thoroughly ex­ The club will meet next Lecture classes convening Monday, Wednesday, Friday ductions as Tennessee Wil­ pounds his policy of placing week to instruct students on liam's "Baby Doll" through the "the accent on entertainment." dress and time. at 10:10 and 1:10. average television drama, the The Arts Center, functioning Thursday, Novembei; 14 man with the heavy Viennese in a cultural climate stifled Lecture classes convening Tuesday, Thursday at 10:10 accent and long, wild hair with the fog of the mediocre, Men's Sodality fears the the "bastardized" art the cheap and the sensational teaches and 1:10. of contemporary theater is and iluminated by the the dull burying talent in a maze of grey glow of the television set, Working in cooperation distortion and perversion. performs the air - cleansing with the Sisters from Holy Family Convent, the Men's Mob reaction As head of the St. Boniface service of providing good en­ tertainment—though not at Sodality has Sodalists teach­ Arts Center, a new but up-and- ing Catechism to fourth and 9 coming little theater group in the cost of good taste. * * * fifth grade students at Saint 'Perfect slob Presley the city, it will take more, Patrick's School of San much more, than the negative, THE CENTER'S production Francisco. 9 arm-chair approach of con­ of "Martha," which plays Class is held every Mon­ demning one movie or play or this weekend and next week­ day afternoon from 3:30 to acts 'apathetically simply protesting against the end at the Art Center play­ 4:30. moral and artistic standards house, 135 Golden Gate Ave­ By CAROLE MULDER ular. Young and old alike sit Ever meet a fanatic? prevalent to offset the deteri­ nue, succesfully refutes the FOGHORN Staff Writer entranced as Elvis mumbles oration of the Theater as a cul­ myth that classics are meant Delta Sigs One way to spend a thor­ sweet nothings to the mob. And the mob reacts in the fine tural and educational force in only for a selected few. oughly thrilling afternoon is He's got just one thing uppermost in his mind. The Bell Telephone Companies have a book­ America. Make it a point to see one of accept nine to gaze at the apathetic acting American manner—Violently! If he's looking for a job he's thinking only of let for reasonable men. It's called "Challenge * * * the shows. It's always interest­ Gamma Omicron Chapter of Elvis Presley in his latest THE ANSWER, perhaps not ing to watch the work of a of the international frater­ effort,- "Jailhouse Rock." Sure­ You Are Invited to — pay or only of security. Reasonable men, how­ and Opportunity." It's not the sort of thing the only answer but for the group dedicated to showing ly a nominee for this year's all nity of Delta Sigma Pi wel­ ever, weigh these and many other factors when that'll make a fanatic's eyes light up, but it moment one of the most effec­ that culture is not exclusively comed nine new brothers to around failure, Mr. Presley, HOMECOMING tive, he believes, lies in the for those with violins and its ranks last Sunday upon his curly locks shorn, portrays they're evaluating career possibilities. Such ought to interest a thoughtful young man— concrete action of dedicated beards. And when that work completion of a three-week an ex-convict, a perfect slob. CARNIVAL whatever his college background-who is theatrical groups which will is downright entertaining thea­ This he performs with excel­ factors as opportunity, challenging work, train­ pledging period. December 6-7 repioneer the ideal of higher ter—the more the better. lence—if you like slobs. weighing career possibilities. Get it from your .Final initiation rites were DANCING—GAMES—FUN ing, professional associates-things fanatics held in the lecture room of Mr. Presley, acting as if he PRIZES never bother to consider. Placement Officer or send the coupon. the Gleeson Library at 4:30 hadn't really recovered from a Lost Times Sun., Oct. 20 Law School p.m. Sunday. frontal lobotomy, shuffles from set to set, staring dumbly KINGS IV Students Set Immediately following the ceremonies, the tradi­ at the enthralled audience. His look of masculine determina­ tional initiation banquet College Employment Supervisor Opens Wed., Oct. 23 Big Beer Bust was held at New Delmoni- tion is what sends certain char­ acters into ecstacy. American Telephone and Telegraph Company The first year students of co's Restaurant in down­ MEL YOUNG & the day and the night division town San Francisco. There The climax of the produc­ 195 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. of the Law School will sponsor the new brothers were In­ tion ocurs when Elvis is in­ formed of the obligations volved in a fight and injures a "beer bust" on Nov. 22. The Please send me your free booklet, "Challenge and Opportunity" JEANNE JOHNSON event wil be held at Phelan of membership; fraternal his larynx. With tears in solidarity was stressed. your eyes, you wonder if the Dancing to Jaclt Weeks Oreh. Hall and will commence at Name exactly 9 p.m. The principal speaker at damage will be permanent. This annual event will be this gathering was Roy C. Wil Elvis sing again? But, Address ••« . never fear, Elvis rides again. FACKS IS held for all the students and Hall, former Dean of the NOW you, too, con ptrtornlli* City 1 Zone State faculty of the Law School. College of Business Admin­ Astride his trusty guitar, the Jtaliorwry, •nvelepes, chock!, pholoi, 960 BUSH STREET wonder boy emits the same bwlntu card*, packages, wrappings, Jerry Harrison and Al Ro- istration. Other honored W.'.WS.- • : w»n H«n

SECTION OF THE MUSIC MAJORS! Know how to change a glee club.from a loud crowd to a lyrical miracle? Simple: just promise 'em a Lucky break! A Lucky's a light FOGHORN smoke—the right smoke—for anyone. It's all cigarette—all fine tobacco! * Costs 50* And that naturally light, wonderfully good-tasting tobacco is toasted to taste * Puts Your Name even better. Hold your rehearsal with­ out a Lucky break, and you'll get , in the Section nothing but Choir Ire! Chorus: Light up a light smoke ... a Lucky Strike! * Shows YOU Are CIGARETTES Behind the Team


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Muffler TODAY WHAT IS A SUM IRISHMAN* Microphone • WHAT IS BOVINE SMALL TALK* Before TCP After TCP Don't just stand there.., Authorized members of Tests show why m t7 ^(Mf| STICKLE! MAKE $25 Foghorn staff will be col­ Here's scientific proof m H m & that Shell Premium *m Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming lecting your sponsorship \ \ 11 1 1 1 1 1 ] \\\\\\\ ITT r^JJrTT^ with TCP* restores answers. Both words must have the same number of Muffler Microphone syllables. (No drawings, please!) We'll shell out $25 lost engine power. After 7 tankfuls of money. recordingof an engine Shell Premium with jit for all we use—and for hundreds that never see print. run on competitive It neutralizes deposits TCP, recording shows / Viii/Jr •h >, v J'. I \ ! So send stacks of 'em with your name, address, which can cause even premium fuel shows misfiring stopped, college and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, misfiring and power power restored. DWIGHT SCOTT Cattle Prattle Mount Vernon, N. Y. ROiERT MCCOY. Svelte Celt new engines to lose loss. •Shell's Trademark for this PENN. STATE Staff cards will unique gasoline additive de­ HARVARD power in 3000 miles. veloped by Shell Research.. identify them to Only Shell Premium Gasoline LIGHT UP A t SMOKE-LIGHT UP A LUCKY! you. has both TCP and TOP OCTANE! Product of tJm