DEHCHO - GREAT RIVER: the State of Science in the Mackenzie Basin (1960-1985) Contributing Authors: Corinne Schuster-Wallace, Kate Cave, and Chris Metcalfe
DEHCHO - GREAT RIVER: The State of Science in the Mackenzie Basin (1960-1985) Contributing Authors: Corinne Schuster-Wallace, Kate Cave, and Chris Metcalfe Acknowledgements: Thank you to those who responded to the survey and who provided insight to where documents and data may exist: Katey Savage, Daniyal Abdali, and Dave Rosenberg for his library. We also thank Al Weins and Robert W. Sandford for providing their photographs. Additionally, thanks go to: David Jessiman (AANDC), Canadian Hydrographic Service, Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources, Government of the Northwest Territories, Erin Kelly, Dave Schindler, Environment Canada, GEOSCAN, Libraries and Archives Canada, Mackenzie River Basin Board, Freshwater Institute (Winnipeg) – Mike Rennie, Waves, and World Wildlife Fund. Research funding for this project was provided by The Gordon Foundation. Suggested Citation: Schuster-Wallce, C., Cave, K., and Metcalfe, C. 2016. Dehcho - Great River: The State of Science in the Mackenzie Basin (1960-1985). United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health, Hamilton, Canada. Front Cover Photo: Western Mackenzie Delta and Richardson Mountains, 1972. Photo: Chris Metcalfe Layout Design: Praem Mehta (UNU-INWEH) Disclaimer: The designations employed and presentations of material throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the ©United Nations University, 2016 part of the United Nations University (UNU) concerning legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its ISBN: 978-92-808-6070-2 frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in this publication are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the UNU.
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