Russian Diamond Collection, which was brought to Russia from China in 17 century. It is thought to be the second largest in the world. Nowadays the appears on the Coat of arms of the Russian Federation. There is also a number of gems in that hold an important historical significance apart from their treasure value. One of the examples is a diamond called 'Orlov', named by after her former lover Count Orlov, who pre- sented the gem to her. Originally the diamond can be traced to second century AD Hindy Temple in Tamil The Diamond Fund is the largest exhibition of gems, Nadu (Southern India), where it once served as an jewelry and golden nuggets in Russia, situated in Kremlin. It dates back to 1719 when the eye of the statue of the presiding deity. It was much established the Russian later stolen by a French soldier and went through Crown’s Treasury. All successive of the many hands before being purchased by the Count. Romanov Dynasty had added to the Treasury and The earlier origins of the gem are lost in time. after the Russian Revolution of 1917 the new rulers A n o t h e r of the country have followed the trend. h i s t o r i c The exhibition was opened to the general public gem is from 1967. As the modern Russian State retains mo- 'Shah' dia- nopoly for mining gems and precious metals, it mond that keeps the most valuable items in the State Fund of once be- Precious Stones from which only the most outstand- longed to ing pieces go for an exhibition in the Diamond Fund. one of the The of Russia made for the Cathe- g r e a t e s t rulers of India – Emperor Akbar, as well as to the number of other famous kings of the Islamic World. It was brought to Persia by another great ruler – the victorious Nadir Shah (hence the name of the dia- mond). A hundred years later, after the murder of the Russian envoy in that country, the famous poet and diplomat Alexander Griboyedov, the gem was given to the Tzar Nicolas I as a gift, in order to with- hold his wrath. Some of the more recent additions to the Fund may not have so much history behind them, but rated among the largest uncut diamonds and largest un- rine the Great is one of the most famous pieces of melted gold nuggets in the world. the collection that had been worn for the and other special occasions by all the emperors that Precious gems and metals always fascinated people. But visiting the Diamond Fund of Russia is not only followed her up to the last Russian Tzar Nicolas II. a chance to see some of the best specimens of those, The Crown is made of precious metals and nearly but also getting in tough with the rich history of 5000 diamonds. It weighs about 4 kilograms. At the Russia and broader world and seeing great works of center of it is a large red spinel, weighing almost jeweler's art. 400 carats. It is one of the historic stones of the early



managed to keep fragile balance of power with other princedom-states of greater Russia. Obviously such a great culture creat- ed many priceless artifacts. Some of them you can see in Novgorod on the display in the Golden Treasury of Novgorod, that is defended by the ancient walls of Novgorod Kremlin. The exhibition includes more then two hundred pieces made of precious metals and gems. They were made by Russian, European and Byzantine ar- tisans and craftsmen from 5th to 19th centuries. Majority of them belonged to the churches and monasteries. Novgorod is one of the oldest Russian cities with a Some of them were gifts of foreign ambassadors and history as rich as that of many old European coun- merchants. tries'. It was in fact a separate independent country, The earliest artifacts in for much of its early history. Prosperous Medieval the collection is the jew- republic that elected its rulers by majority of its citi- elry made in Byzantium zens and treated powerful princes of the House of such as earrings and Ruric, who hoped to rule it, merely as mercenary rings of gold and gems. warlords. It controlled a territory of the size that, Significant part of the again, very few of countries in Europe at the time collection is dedicated to could boast of, populated by peoples of various ori- silverwork such as rizas gins, speaking different languages. The capital city (jewelry covers for the most venerated ) and Bible covers. Beauti- ful (tall hats of the Orthodox priests) are very eye-catching with their state of art embroidery, enamel and engraving. Among unique artifacts of the exhibition are two panagias (enameled medallion containing portrait of Virgin Mary or saints, worn by a priest during a ser- vice) of 14th and 15th centuries and beautiful golden church bowls of 11-12 centuries. Western European art is represented among all by a in 14th century was among the biggest in Europe. As jewelry box of 12 century, enamels of 13 century a trading hub, it sent its merchants to the West and and relics container of 14 century. the East as far as the Urals and Siberia. The great Exhibition of Golden Treasury of Novgorod is not majority of the Novgorodian population was literate, only a collection of beautiful jewelry and items. It including women and children, and their notes and provides an insight into the history of one of the letters on birch bark still convey to us their thoughts, most interesting, culturally advanced and influential emotions, rumours, quarrels and business agree- states among those, that created the Russian civiliza- ments. It challenged foreign domination in the West tion, the one that had its peculiar way of social de- and East through military and diplomatic means and velopment – what we call nowadays the democracy. 3


Even those people who do not know much about Russia have heard something about the Hermitage. As one of the oldest and largest museums in the world it is well known far beyond Russia. The State was founded in 1764 by the em- press Catherine the Great and since 1852 has been open to the general public. Nowadays the Hermitage is a huge collection of art objects that is hosted in a number of buildings. It may take a few full days to properly observe all its galleries and exhibitions. So it is not a surprise that many visitors overlook the real treasures that kept in the heart of the museum – it's Golden and Diamond Treasuries. The Golden The style has some Greek and Iranian influence but Treasury con- mostly unique. Other large parts of the exhibition tains around include golden artifacts of Sarmatians (people relat- 1500 items ed to Scythians who replaced them as the masters of from various the Great Steppe) and Pontic Greeks. parts of the Another large part of the Golden Treasury exhibition world dated consists of the jewelry presented to the Russian Em- from 7-th cen- perors by rulers of different parts of the world. It tury B.C. to 19 includes many masterpieces of Persian, Indian and -th century Chinese art, such as jewelry of the Great Mughals A.D. The old- presented to Russia by Nadir-Shah of Persia in 1739. est part of the The second large jewelry exhibition of the Her- exhibition is so mitage is called called Siberian The Diamond Collection of Treasury. It also Peter the Great. contains hun- It mostly con- dreds of artifacts sists of artifacts found at the time of the Tzar by am- from Scythian ateur diggers in kurgans (burial mounds) of Altai and Greek buri- (Southern Siberia). Those huge structures where als. But most of built by Saka-Scythians – the nomadic people of the collection Eurasian steppes who, at different ages, fought pow- consists of Euro- erful armies of Emperors of Persia and Alexander pean jewelry, the Great with much success. Those items most of- presented to the ten depict various animals, both real and fictionary, Russian Emper- made with great artistry and craftsmanship. That ors as well as the family treasures of the Tzars and style of art has a special name Scythian Animalistic Tzarinas. Among the most attractive relics of the Style. Diamond Treasury are the miniature copies of the Next to Siberian Collection one can see Scythian State of the – large and Gold that was excavated by modern archeologists in small Imperial the Sceptre and the Orb Pontic-Caspian steppe . This elaborate jewelry was made by Russia's most famous jeweler Carl Faberge, created by Western Scythians the cousins of the peo- as well as some other of his works. For the visit to ple who produced the artifacts of Siberian Collec- each of the treasuries separate tickets are needed to tion. It shows even higher level of craftsmanship. obtain.



The word '' collection that is derives from a universally recog- Greek word for nized around the 'image'. This world is the Holy kind of paint- Trinity Icon, creat- ings are very ed by the most fa- revered among mous Russian icon the Orthodox painter Andrei Ru- Christians and blev in the XV cen- you can see tury. It is most cel- them in almost ebrated of his any Orthodox works, that some church. believe to be one of Some of the old the highest icons have a achievements of g r e a t i m - traditional Russian portance not art. The icon depicts the three angels who visited only as a part of Abraham at the Oak of Mamre, but it also symboli- the cult, but also as art objects and historical artifacts. cally interpreted as an incarnation of the Holy Trinity. One of the richest collections of old icons is accumu- Another set of icons attributed to this great artist is lated in Tretyakov State Gallery of Moscow – the also on display in Tretyakov Gallery. These are parts leading depository of the Russian fine art. There are of iconostasis created by Andrei Rublev for Dormi- some of the most famous icons of the Golden Age of tion Cathedral in Vladimir. The most stunning cen- the Russian icon created from XI to XVII centuries. terpiece of this painting ensemble is the Christ Pan- Presumably the centerpiece of the collection is the tocrator sitting on the throne, surrownded by four Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir. Biblical animals. It is one of the most venerated Another famous icon painter icons of the Russian Orthodox who’s works are displayed in Church. The legend says that it the gallery is Theophanes the have been painted by St.Luke Greek. He was born in Con- himself, but the modern scien- stantinopol, the capital of tists believe that was created Byzantine Empire, but spent by a Byzantine painter in early most of his life in Russia. His XII century shortly before it style was unique even for was sent over to Russia as a sofisticated Byzantine tradi- gift to Grand Duke Yury Dol- tion and greatly influenced goruky the ruler of Kiev and the Russian school of icon founder of Moscow. The icon painting. He painted a num- depicts the Virgin and Child ber of churches in various and seen as universal expres- cities of Russia. His icon of sion of motherly love, tender- Dormition is two sided. One ness and protection. The icon the other side there is Icon of has a very rich history almost as Russia herself that is Our Lady of Don. Again an impersonation of mother- too big for this humble overview. Nowadays, due to ly love, bearing many similarities with the Vladimir its religious significance, the icon is kept separately one, but still unique in its technique and features. from the main collection in a small church attached to Here we mentioned just a few icons of the Tretya- Tretyakov Gallery. kov Gallery, but there are many more. It's definitely Another masterpiece of the Tretyakov Gallery's icon one of must see, when you come to Russia. 5


The word 'porcelain' for the most exquisite exam- many people is connected ples of the Russian 19th to China, that invented it. century chinaware Hence the other name for In the beginning of 19th this beautiful material century the Imperial that is also simply called Porcelain Factory was re- 'china'. The beginning of organized and employed mass production of some of the best masters porcelain in Europe start- of applied arts from Rus- ed in 1710th when mil- sia and Europe. The com- lennial old Chinese se- mon designs of that period crets where unveiled. The reflect traditional Russian first Russian porcelain motifs or portray heroes of factory was established in war against Napoleon. 1744 by decree of Eliza- Others are in the Empire beth I, the daughter of Style that in Russia ob- Peter the Great. tained some distinctive The quality of the Russian local flavour. porcelain almost from the beginning was on the level The beginning of the 20th century brought the Mod- with the best European specimens of the time. The ern Style wares into production and the post- early designs were rather original and distinctive but revolutionary years gave birth to great variety of ex- by the time of Katherine the Great the design started perimental forms and styles. That was the time when to reflect classical Antiquity tradition popular in Eu- some world famous artists such as Malevich and Kan- rope at the time. The main buyer of the factory's pro- dinsky took part in developing the new language of duction was the Russian Imperial Court. By the reign art in many spheres, including the porcelain design. of Paul the First the Imperial Porcelain Factory, as it was named, had become one of the leading manufac- turers of chinaware in Europe. The second half of 18th century is regarded as the Golden Age of Rus- sian porcelain both in quality and design. At the same time many smaller factories started to appear offering a variety of goods not only to the ruling class but also to a broader market often at more moderate prices. Among them the most no- table were the Gardner Factory, Dulevo Porcelain The Imperial Porcelain Factory is still fully func- Factory of Yakov Kuz- tional nowadays and some years ago returned its his- netsov and Yusupov's torical name. It still produces some top quality chi- Porcelain Manufacture, naware that is highly valued around the world. established by Count The finest examples of the Russian porcelain, histor- Yusupov as well as oth- ical and modern, are represented in the museum and ers. Some of them are still functioning manufactures the gallery at the Imperial Porcelain Factory in even today. The biggest collection of historical St.Petersburg, as well as in the famous suburban Yusupov's Porcelain can be seen in Arkhangelskoye palaces of Peterhof and Pushkin. Palace museum near Moscow. It includes some of



cult ritual made of precious metals and gems. A riza (in Russian oklad) was usually made of gold, silver or otheer metals and covered with enamel or filigree, for the most venerated icons to protect and embellish them. It left the face and hands of the painted image open. Some of the crosses, bowls and relic boxes in these rooms are true examples of high art. Another room in the treasury con- tains finest exam- ples of needle- work and embroi- The small town of Suzdal is well known beyond dery made for the Russia. It is one of the most picturesque and atmos- religious purpos- pheric places keeping the spirit of the Old Russia. es, using silk, sil- First mentioned in 1024 AD, the town has changed ver and golden very little since Late Middle Ages and today it is one treads. They in- of the most popular stops at so called The Golden clude covers for Ring route. the tombs of Suzdal has so many architectural masterpieces and saints and usually other attractions that it is very easy to overlook the depict portraits of real treasures that are hidden in one of its fortified the saints. Some monasteries – the Monastery of Saint Euthymius. of them hold im- The Golden Treasury of Su- portant historical zdal is a part of the Museum significance as of Suzdal that includes the well as show the monastery as well as a number highest level of of other impressive monu- craftsmanship. ments. It includes around five They date back to hundred historical items that 16-17 centuries. for centuries were accumulat- Among the arti- ed in churches and monaster- s a n s w h o ies of Vladimir and Suzdal achieved true region. mastery of such technique was one of the Russian The earliest Russian made ar- Tzarinas – Solomonia Saburova, the first wife of Tzar tifact in the Treasury is dated Vasili III of Muscovy. She was sent to exile to a mon- back to 13th century. It is a miniature icon carved in astery in Suzdal, because of being childless, where stone – one of the few surviving examples of such she lived and worked for many years and later was art in Eastern Russia before the Mongolian invasion. canonized by the Orthodox Chirch. Her works are There are even earlier carved gems in the collection represented in the museum. Another noble woman but they were made in Byzantium. Personal crosses who succeeded in the art of needlework was the first and other jewelry made of gold and gems show high wife of Ivan the Terrible – Anastasia Romanovna. level of skill and sophistication of Ancient Russian One more room is dedicated to the highly sophisti- artisans. Some of the most interesting items are cated vestments of the church hierarchs, made of equipped with magnifying glasses that help to see precious fabrics with great skill. every detail. The Treasury of Suzdal is one of the best collections Big part of the collection is dedicated to rizas (icon of church relics of Ancient Russia that supposedly covers) and other items of church embellishment and can be rivaled only by museums of Kremlin.



The story of the Amber Soon the various theories Room is mysterious and en- started to appear about its fate igmatic as well as exciting. and possible whereabouts. Some of art connoisseurs call Some would speculate that it the Eight Wonder of the the treasure has burned in the World. ruins of Königsberg Castle, Initially this richly decorated others that it was hidden baroque chamber made of somewhere, waiting to be dis- amber panels was construct- covered. Some even suggest- ed in Prussia, around 1701. It ed that the Nazis could ship it was presented by the King of to South America where they Prussia Frederick William I run after the war. In 1997 а to the Russian Emperor Peter the Great in 1716. In mosaic, part of the original Amber Room was found Russia the work continued for other 10 years, some in Germany and returned to Russia. But the most of decorations were added and the room took its final the original pieces are still lost. shape in Catherine Palace at Tsarskoye Selo (now The attempts to restore the Amber Room have start- Pushkin) in the reign of Peter's daughter Elisabeth. ed in Russia in 1981. The best specialists in arts, By that time the room covered more then 55 square chemistry, history, crime investigation and restora- tion were gathered for this enormous task. But the collapse of Soviet Union, the economical and politi- cal mess of the following decade and the resulting lack of funds have slowed the works down signifi- cantly. Nevertheless the work continued and the German company E.ON has provided $3,5 million to help to finish it. Finally, by 2003 – the year of 300th anniversary of St.Petersburg the reconstruc- tion was finished. All the pieced of decoration and furniture were painstakingly recreated in exactly the same way as they were originally made, using the remaining photos, measurements and recordings. Many experts state that the reconstruction was per- meters and contained 6 tonnes of amber. The Kath- formed brilliantly and the Amber Room now looks erine's Palace was one of the summer palaces of the exactly as it was before the war. royal family until the revolution of 1917. Nowadays everybody can see again this Eighth With the beginning of WWII the Soviet art experts Wonder of the World in its full beauty at Catherine tried to disassemble and evacuate the Amber Room Palace in the suburb of St.Petersburg. but failed due to technical difficulties and rapid ad- vance of the German troops. When the Nazis took over the suburbs of Leningrad in the autumn of 1941, they took the Amber Room apart and moved it to Königsberg where it stayed till the end of the war and where its trace finally disappears. In August 1944, Königsberg was heavily fire bombed by the British aviation. The room was disas- sembled once more and presumably hidden in the Königsberg Castle. In April 1945 Königsberg was shelled by the advancing Red Army before the city was finally taken over. The Amber Room has disap- peared without a trace. 8


Every treasure keeps many se- decided to smuggle it out of the country. He offered crets. The famous Gold of Troy the collection to the museums of Athens, London, (also nicknamed Priam's Treas- Paris and ure) is not an exception. The Naples but honor of discovery of this stash due to var- of golden artifacts belongs to ious rea- keen amateur archaeologist sons they Heinrich Schliemann who at refused to the time when archeology as a acquire the science just started to take t r e a s u r e . shape was very eager to find Finally the the legendary city, mentioned Gold of in the epics of Homer. Before Troy found its place in the Royal Museum of Berlin his findings were made public, where it stayed till WWII. the story of Troy was regarded At the end of the Second World War the collection as merely a legend, a fantasy of was hidden in a bunker beneath the Berlin Zoo and a great storyteller. But Schlie- was handed over to the Soviet military authorities by mann strongly believed in its reality, he was a fanat- a German professor. ic in a good sense. It was taken to Finally on 31 May USSR and then 1873 he caught a completely disap- glimpse in the dig- peared from sight ging pit and it turned for a half of centu- to be a big silver jar ry. Only in 1996 the full of golden and famous treasure was silver artifacts. opened for general Schliemann called it visitors. It took its Priam's Treasure new home in the after the legendary in Trojan king but it Moscow, while was proofed later some of the artifacts that the items are in were given to the fact a thousand years older and were created around Hermitage in St.Petersburg. During 1990-s there 2400-2300 BC. were some talks with German authorities about pos- Not all archeologists at the time agreed with the sibility of returnin this treasure to Berlin. But the Schliemann's discovery. Some claimed that he faked 1998 Russian law about the cultural valuables that the artifacts in order to gain fame. But majority of were taken from Germany as a reparation for the Rus- sian museums that were looted and pillaged by the Nazis during the war (see the Amber Room, for in- stance), completely for- bade any restitutions of this kind. So it is very like- ly that for the foreseeable future the Gold of Troy the scientists believe now that they are genuine. will be remaining in Pushkin Museum. And at least Schliemann was concerned that the authorities of the the good thing is that after 51 year of oblivion now Ottoman Empire could confiscate the treasure, so he everybody can see it 9


senting Fabergé Eggs to both, his wife Alexandra and his mother Maria Fedorovna. All in all 65 Fabergé Imperial Easter Eggs are known to be made, 57 of which have survived up to the present day. A number of other Eggs were made for private clients such as House of Yusupov, the Rothschild family and Duchess of Marl- borough. In the aftermath of Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and the fol- lowing years of the Civil War the fate of the Fabergé Eggs and their creators was as much turbulent as that of Russia herself. The House of Fabergé was nationalized by the new authorities and the members of the family fled to Switzerland, where Peter Carl Fabergé died in 1920. The Imperial Treasures were moved to the Kremlin Armory in Moscow. One of the names that people around the world remember, Many of the Eggs were sold abroad on order of Joseph Stalin when talking about Russia and her treasures is the name of in 1927 and in 1930s in order to provide hard currency for the Peter Carl Fabergé. He was creator of some of the most recog- cash hungry, fast developing Soviet industry. nizable jewelry art objects of the Modern Era – the Fabergé Easter Eggs. The biggest collection of the Easter Eggs and other Fabergé artifacts that had left Russia were accumulated by Malcolm The most famous Russian jeweler was born in the Russian im- perial capital Saint-Petersburg in the family of a Baltic German father from Livonia (who's ancestry originated first in France, then in Germany), also a jeweler, and a Danish mother, a daughter of an artist. Carl Fabergé inherited the jewelry busi- ness of his father after he decided to retire. By 1885 the House of Fabergé was held in such high esteem by the Tzar and his family and court, that the company was awarded the title ‘Goldsmith by special appointment to the Imperial Crown’. The same year the first of the famous Easter Eggs was ordered by the Emperor Alexander III for his wife Maria Fedorovna. The Tzarina Maria was so delighted with the beauty of the gift that the next year another Easter Egg was ordered to the jew- eler. After that the House of Fabergé was given a free hand in designing and crafting Forbes and were put for sale by his heirs. The whole collection the Eggs for the suc- was purchased in 2004 by the Russian oligarch Viktor Veksel- cessive Easters. Their berg for over $100 million. design become more Those items served as the foundation for the Fabergé Muse- exquisite and they con- um that was opened in St.Petersburg in 2013 to become one tained little surprises of the biggest private museums of the new Russia, opened to inside. They were craft- the general public. The museum is housed in 18th-century ed from precious met- Shuvalov Palace that was thoroughly renovated and restored als and gems by the specially for this purpose. Nowadays it is the biggest collection best masters of Faber- of works by the House of Fabergé in the world. Together with gé company on the other objects of art the museum contains 4 thousand of vari- design and under per- ous pieces. sonal supervision of The second largest collection of the artifacts from the famous Carl Fabergé. When jewelry company is presented in the Kremlin Armory in Mos- Nicolas II ascended the cow. It actually has even more Imperial Eggs – ten sets versus throne after the death nine kept in Fabergé Museum in St.Petersburg. Still the total of his father, he contin- number of Easter Eggs in St.Petersburg is fifteen (including ues the fashion, pre- those made for private clients).


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