The Worldwide Church of God
The Worldwide Church of God: A study of its transformation in terms of K. Helmut Reich’s theory of Relational and Contextual Reasoning. Johannes Lothar Felix Buchner MA Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) University of Western Sydney, Australia March 2006. Certificate of Originality I certify that this thesis is entirely my own work, and that sources have been duly acknowledged, and that inclusive language has been used wherever possible, and that this thesis has not been submitted for a higher degree at any other institution. ______________________________ Johannes L.F. Buchner 23 March 2005. Amended version submitted following examination. ___________________ Johannes L.F. Buchner 27 February 2006. ii Acknowledgments and Dedication Sincere gratitude is expressed for the considerable assistance and support provided by Dr Maureen Miner, of the School of Psychology, University of Western Sydney, my principal supervisor, who gave so much of her time and expertise, as well as her genuine friendship. Maureen’s high academic standards, especially in the Psychology of Religion, enabled me to succeed in this project. I also thank Professor Jim McKnight and Dr Agnes Petocz for their valuable assistance at various stages of this thesis. The generous assistance and mentoring of Dr. K. Helmut Reich, lately of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, whose valuable theoretical contributions are explored in this thesis, and whose vision for the resolution of cognitive conflict and harmony between worldviews is greatly admired, was very much appreciated. A true polymath, Dr. Reich’s profound insights have given us a wealth of important lessons. I have sought to understand and apply Helmut’s theory fairly and honestly out of respect for academic integrity and our friendship.
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