Vol. 2, No. 2 A newsletter for servants of the Almighty Eternal Creator, wherever they may be February 1996 WORLDWIDE : CRISIS AND LESSONS By Samuele Bacchiocchi divided the Worldwide Church of God, give rise to two ques- A Ph. D. and Professor of Theology and Church tions: (1) What factors contributed to this sudden split in the History at Andrews University (Seventh Day Adventist) WCG? (2) What lessons can we Seventh-day Adventists learn from the sad experience of a church that has shared The Worldwide Church of God (WCG) has lost about with us such beliefs as the Sabbath, clean and unclean meats, 50,000 members and 500 pastors during this past year as a and the importance of obedience to God’s law? result of doctrinal changes in such areas as Sabbath keeping, To find answers, I contacted some of the leaders of the holy days, distinction between clean and unclean meats, and newly formed . During this past year tithing. The church’s top administrators introduced these it has been my privilege to become acquainted with most of changes to bring their church more in line with the Protestant their pastors, since they mainstream. Enormous financial losses have followed, called me from across the causing the suspension of the church’s telecast, The World country to order sup- Tomorrow, the reduction in circulation of their outreach plies of my three magazine, The Plain Truth, from seven million to less than Sabbath books to Church half-a-million, and a substantial drop in enrollment at their meet the chal- Ambassador University in Big Sandy, Texas. The campus of Continued with its famous auditorium, located in page of God— a prestigious section of Pasadena, has been put up for sale. 9 A group of ministers and elders of the WCG who could not in good conscience preach the new teachings convened Adventist! in Indianapolis on April 30-May 2, 1995 and formed the United Church of God (UCG). David Hulme, former pre- The con- ity, the history of the Church of God and senter of the telecast The World Tomorrow, was cho- ventional Church Seventh-day Adventists has been inter- sen as interim Chairman of the Board. About of God view of twined throughout the last 150 years. 20,000 former WCG members have already Church history goes We in the Church of God have much joined the newly formed United Church of something like this: in the more in common with SDA’s then has God, and their number is growing daily. 1860s, the “good guys,” the been generally believed. By recognizing These rapid developments, which Church of God, and the “bad our common past, we should realize that have so dramatically weakened and guys,” the Seventh-day Adventists, we should work together in the present separated over the issue of the validity and in the future. IN THIS ISSUE: of Ellen G. White’s visions, and the This commonality was brought to 2 CGI Update name for the Church. Since that time, light in December, 1995, when SDA Dr. the theory goes, there has been little Samuele Bacchiocchi released his book, 3 Intersabbatarian Cooperation interaction between the Church of God God’s Festivals in Scripture and History. (COG) and the Seventh-day Adventists In his article, “How I Came to Accept 5 Oh How I Love Your Law— (SDA). Since the 1930s, SDA’s have the Holy Days,” Dr. Bacchiocchi said Part IV become more and more Protestant in he was surprised to find that “In every 13 Beware of “Friendly” Visits doctrine and practice, while the COG [SDA] church in which I presented my 14 Non-Aligned Feast Update has largely remained stedfast to its dis- seminars during the latter half of 1995, I tinctive doctrines. met some fellow believers who had been 15 Letters While there is some validity to the studying, and in some cases observing 21 Good Questions on above general statements, there have privately the annual Feasts. In fact, Nicolaitanism also been notable exceptions. In actual- Continued page 11 father could make the CGI broadcasts. Action Taken at Church They left shortly after speaking. After much discussion, the final of God, International Sunday morning session was devoted to drafting the statement which appears on Meeting in Dallas page 4. It was signed by all ministers pre- Thirty-five ministers of the Church of given 12 minutes to address the confer- sent—68% of the total CGI field min- God, International met in Dallas for a ence and every host 6 minutes. A istry. Though the document does not conference February 9, 10, and 11. The spokesman’s club timing light was specify action if the recommendations conference was organized independently used—a lot of men spoke into the red are not accepted, members discussed of the Tyler headquarters after repeated light (time is up), but none received the forming a new “international” group or requests for a conference were refused. buzzer (30 seconds overtime). Everyone working as locally autonomous congre- Local congregation hosts and brethren was allowed to ask questions during an gations. were welcome at the conference, with an open “question and answer” session. The Dallas conference is available on average of about 100 attending each The main purpose of the conference tape for $15 (15 audio tapes) or $75 (12 meeting. was to determine what to do about the video tapes) from Betty Martin, DFW In addition, eight letters of support for bad name that the Church of God, Church, 7415 Hillstart Circle, Dallas, TX the process were read from ministers International and the Church as a whole 75217. Call 800-687-0150 for more who could not attend, including letters are receiving from the activities of information. from England, Australia and Canada. Garner Ted Armstrong since the Tyler Just prior to the conference, seven CGI The initial Friday night session was board of directors has not decided to ministers and 3 other members were able used to determine the conference rules of remove him. to see the Robertson video. The ministers order and agenda. Each session began Vance Stinson and Mark Armstrong were Chuck Beyer, Topeka, Kansas; Bill and ended with three men each separate- spoke for 12 minutes each on behalf of Fowler, Wichita, Kansas; Ian Hufton, ly leading in prayer. A few times, when CGI headquarters. Stinson read six letters Tyler Texas; Jim Ingle, Lake of the the debate grew heated, the conference that opposed the conference and Mark Ozarks, Missouri; Tom Justus, Springdale, stopped for prayer. Every minister was Armstrong explained why he felt only his Arkansas; Gary Porter, Pocatello, Idaho; Bill Rollins, Des Moines, Iowa. The min- ister that we spoke with confirmed that the video was as the Robertson suit alleges. Since the attorneys for CGI are paid with the tithe-money from the members, CGI members may have legal rights to see any of the information in the attorney’s files, Vol. 2, No. 2 A newsletter for servants of the Almighty Eternal Creator, wherever they may be February 1996 including the video tape. They may con- Servants News is published monthly by Friends of the Brethren. Subscriptions are free tact CGI’s attorney’s: J. Shelby Sharpe, to individuals interested in obeying their Creator as described in the Bible. We believe His Dean Spurlock and Kimberly D. law is the basis for living a life that is pleasing to Him in harmony with our neighbors. We Norris; 2400 Bank One Tower, Fort believe the holy spirit gives us the power to live such a life as long as we continually repent Worth, TX 76102; 817-338-4900. of our sins and accept the salvation provided through our Messiah and Savior. We believe in living “by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Deut 8:3). Court documents may be obtained We believe the gospel should be given freely: you may copy any or all of this pub- by contacting Brad Burger, District lication and give it to others. Friends of the Brethren is financed by donations and has County Court House, 100 N. no ties with any of the other organizations listed in this publication. Broadway, Tyler, TX 75702, tele- Editor: Norman S. Edwards phone: 903-535-0613. Production Editor: Norman A. Brumm, III In a related matter, Ian Hufton was Associate Editors: Marleen Edwards, Phyllis Brumm, Robert & Christine Feith fired from his job as CGI mailing man- Contributors: Many!! And “Thanks” to everyone involved. ager on January 22. The reason given Servants’ News accepts articles for publication. Include a self-addressed stamped was his supposedly unbearable man- envelope for items that you want returned. We do not publish materials that attack indi- agement style, but we found this reason viduals or organizations, nor do we publish materials that claim there is only one human in conflict with the facts that within the organization through which the Eternal works. We are happy to print corrections for last year he had been placed on the any significant errors. Address articles, letters and subscription/literature requests to: executive committee, appointed co-pas- tor of the Tyler congregation, and made Friends of the Brethren Phone: 501-872-1003 director of the “Camp Challenge” pro- PO Box 6516 Fax: 501-872-1004 gram. From our perspective, it appears Springdale, AR 72766-6516 E-Mail: [email protected] that the firing was directly related to the Subscription and literature requests may also be sent to these addresses: letters sent out to the ministry and oth- Canada: Friends of the Brethren, R.R. #2, Hastings, Ontario, K0L 1Y0 ers by Ian and Thalia Hufton. (We print- Scotland: Steve Little, 14 Roman Camp, Broxburn, West Lothian EH52 5PJ ed Thalia’s letter in our January Issue.) Australia: Dale Heslin, 9 Alice Jackson Crescent, Gilmore, ACT 2905 Rosy Halley, another long-time CGI Most scripture quotations are from the New King James Version unless otherwise noted. employee was also fired. & Page 2 February 1996 SERVANTS’ NEWS e sabbatarians A Proposal: pages to increase the likeli- have been hood of people ‘visiting’ Wfighting other sabbatarian WWW amongst each other for a sites and it will assist in elim- long time. You would think Intersabbatarian inating exclusivism. that we were greater enemies 2. Regularly reprint some than Satan. To overcome articles from each others these problems, we need to Cooperation magazines, in their own put into practice the Law of magazines. God, express the fruits of the by Craig White 3. Organise annual meet- Spirit and the beattitudes. ings of the leaders of these Co-operation and assisting one anoth- brethren of other groups and to invite groups to break down the misunderstand- er should be the order of the day. I am cer- them to dinner. ings and suspicion that arises from a lack tain that we will be able to reach some B. Modern Communications of communication. kind of co-operation without having to 1. If you administer a local church’s 4. Openly report in detail any meet- merge Church organisations (unless this WWW page, create a link to other sab- ings or visits with other groups at services was wanted and that is unlikely at this batarian pages. and in the publications. stage. It is quite natural to want to main- 2. If you administer a forum, regular- 5. Where booklets on a given subject or tain one’s sense of identity and history ly advertise other sabbatarian forums. doctrine have already been published by without amalgamating). II. Action at the Elder & Pastor Levels another group and it is identical in core belief First, there is the psychological barrier A. General Matters. to your Church’s belief on the subject, try which needs to be surmounted - certainly 1. Continually remind the brethren in and make arrangements to publish that at grass-roots level initially. Second, there sermons and conversations that they are booklet (with their permission) for your needs to be a certain amount of ‘seeding’ NOT the one and only true Church—but usage. This will prevent the wasting of funds of the idea amongst the laymembership, a mere ‘branch’ of the Church of God. on researching and typesetting booklets. ministry and leadership. Finally, the lead- Just one administration among many. B. Keep Open Lines of Communication ership should adopt approaches and poli- 2. Encourage opening and closing 1. Create a mechanism to iron out cies which will lead to agreements on how prayers as well as sermonette presenters problems. Regular meetings would allay to work together. Accusing one another of to mention the other Churches. the suspicions and gossip which arises being ‘Laodicean’ or whatever, is totally 3. Mention the needs of other when communication is not occurring. unnecessary. Whatever ‘era’ or ‘branch’ Churches and the need for prayers of their 2. Add a clause to the constitution of of the Church of God we represent, we sick during the announcement segment. you Church which states that you will should act as brothers and sisters—not B. Keeping the Lines of attempt to explore peace and harmony treat each others as enemies. Satan, the Communication Open with other groups. This will help prevent world and our own nature are enough ene- 1. Organise some joint FOT sites. If extremists from slowly but surely foisting mies with which to contend in this life. there is ‘middle management’ opposition exclusivism upon the membership again. Following are some ideas, which, if to the plan, simply ignore them and plough C. Creating Means for Affiliations put in place, will ensure a high level of co- ahead, knowing that this is the will of God. 1. Congregations and pastors wishing operation and harmony. If a joint site cannot be agreed upon, then autonomy or holding to a few doctrinal Goals and Objectives sites close to each other should be sought. differences should be encouraged to stay 1. Seek peace (Matt 5:9; Gal 5:22). Then members should be encouraged to with the main body but ‘affiliate’. The 2. Undertake a bigger Work than oth- visit each others sites for services; minis- ?CG constitution(s) should have a clause erwise able to do. ters should give sermons in each others permitting such congregations to affiliate. 3. Get to know the brethren. sites; and joint socials should be organised. One may label these ‘outer’ conference 4. Assist in ‘sewing’ together the scat- 2. Organise joint summer camps for churches and they would not be permitted tered bits ‘n’ pieces of the Church. teenagers and singles. a vote at the general conference of elders. I. Action at the Laymember Level 3. Encourage members and ministers 2. Other smaller groups which may A. General Matters to visit each others churches. wish to affiliate/associate/confederate with 1. Hold in-home Bible studies to 4. Occasionally give sermons in each ?CG should be encouraged to do so. No break down the myths and suspicions that others churches. This will gently erase policies or hard-and-fast rule should be in have persisted between the groups (see any thoughts of exclusivism from the place. Each case should be treated on its attached guidelines). minds of the remnants of those who may merits or individual circumstance. For 2. Visit each other’s churches regularly. still hold to this premise. instance, one Church may wish to adopt the 3. Place each others literature in local 5. Organise joint weekend socials. name ‘United’ when affiliating, while church libraries, even if they do differ in minor another would like to retain its name; anoth- areas. In this way the psychological barriers III. Action at the Leadership Level er may opt for XXXX Church of God (affil- between groups may be broken down. A. General Matters. iate of United Church of God) or whatever. 4. Subscribe to each other’s magazines. 1. Create a link connection from your 3. Together we could undertake a big Continued on page 12 5. Make an effort to get to know WWW page to other sabbatarian WWW February 1996 Page 3 SERVANTS’ NEWS Letter from the conference of ministers of Why Does Servants’ News Report The Church of God, on Another Man’s Problems? LETTER: February 7, 1996 LETTER: God’s Word shows that International Dear Editors of Servants’ News: the witnesses are to give testimony and To the Board of Directors, After receiving your newsletter yes- then cast their “stones” first. Deut 17:7. Our first Field Ministers conference in Dallas- terday, I read your article “New Future for I believe John 8 shows a woman Ft. Worth,Texas, was convened openly and hon- CGI Congregations” and I have a couple caught in the very act of adultery and estly with the awareness of and invitations to all of questions I wonder if you would Jesus saying, (v. 7) “He who is without ministers, hosts, Ministerial Council and board answer for me? sin among you, let him throw a stone at members to attend. If the sins of G. T. Armstrong are to her first.” (And these were scribes and We trust and believe that responsible minded be spoken of, is it Norman Edwards Pharisees—supposedly “law-keepers.”) men, led by the Holy Spirit, will respectfully con- responsibility to do it? RESPONSE: Servant’s News will sider these following recommendation for imple- RESPONSE: From a Biblical per- not be “casting stones.” We will not be menting Godly reforms in the Church of God, spective it is the responsibility of the testifying in the legal proceedings International. We prayerfully submit them form elders of his congregation. When a man against Garner Ted Armstrong nor will the ministers signed below. was involved in a sexual sin, Paul we be involved in any action that the Recommendations: instructed the congregation “when you Church of God, International might 1. Because of our love and concern for Mr. are gathered together” to put him out take. Anyone involved in these process- Garner Ted Armstrong, we ask that he take a (1Cor 5:4). The CGI board of directors es will obviously need to see the video Sabbatical, during which time he attain profes- has obtained a copy of the video tape tape and other evidence for themselves. sional counseling to help with his sexual related through the legal discovery process. In John 8, there was no mention of problems. Re-instatement to his evangelical They legally can remove Garner Ted witnesses being present nor was the duties would commence with majority concur- Armstrong from all CGI functions. male adulterer present. To put one to rence of the CGI Ministry and the newly elected However, most of them are his long- death and not the other would be a Board referred to in the following point. time friends or relatives and they have great breach of justice (Lev 20:10, 2. As a result of a no-confidence vote in the pre- not done this job. Therefore, it is left to Deut 22:22). If only the man escaped sent Board of Directors, we recommend an individual congregations to decide or the witnesses refused to identify amendment to the constitution and bylaws that will whether they will continue to support a him, this would be a situation not enable the reconstitution of the Board of Directors. man who has disqualified himself from specifically covered by the law. This new Board would consist of members rec- the ministry according to 1Timothy 3 Deuteronomy 17:8-12 and other scrip- ommended from the church and selected by the and Titus 1. We are not attempting to tures give authorization to make judge- full Ministry of the Church of God, International. make this decision for them, but to con- ments not covered specifically by the We appeal to the good intentions of the vey accurate information so they may law, but based upon its principles. Our Board Members to promptly act in leading the decide themselves (indeed as many of understanding of our Savior’s attitude church in the right way at this critical time in our them have). here is that if we don’t have enough church history. LETTER: Mr. Edwards states in the evidence for a conviction, then we We request you to receive this letter in the article that he and others spoke with “4 should not force it—we all need mercy spirit in which it is sent—an alive branch with witnesses” about the subject of the con- at some time. We have heard stories of Christian love and hope for an improved progres- tents of a tape revealing G.T. G. T. Armstrong’s difficulties for sive church of spiritual power. Armstrong's wrong-doings. years, but they were usually difficult to Respectfully, My question: independently verify, so we have said In Christ’s Service, Does that make N. Edwards a “true” nothing. This one is a complete case Michael Anderson Michael Linacre witness or judge of the matter or in any- and easy to verify. Charles Beyer Frank Mrang way put him in authority to write or LETTER: Anyone who is not an Desmond Burke James McBride speak on the subject to hundreds if not actual eyewitness is just not a “true” wit- Julian Cruz Howard Naasz thousands of people? ness and that if he/she then speaks or Pat Dennis Gary Porter RESPONSE: Paul was not a direct writes about the incident to the detri- Floyd Dodson Bill Rollins eye-witness to the man’s sin, but it was ment of another, would he/she not be Scott Erickson Frank Scherich “commonly reported” (1Cor 5:1, KJV) called a “false witness”? Not that what Fill Faith Robert Simmons to him. Yet, he wrote it for billions of he or she is saying is a lie necessarily, Bill Fowler Loren Stuart people to read. In our present difficulty, but that he or she is just not a witness to Charles Fulton Ken Svehla not even G.T. Armstrong disputes that the incident. Does not man’s “nature” Jon Garnant James Ussery he was with Suerae Robertson on July show after two persons tell a story, it Lawrence Gregory E. B. Vance 15, 1995 and that a video tape was changes in the telling? Jeff Henderson Virgil Velasquez made. After personally speaking with Also, if my memory serves me cor- Ian Hufton Bill Watson four (now five) eye-witnesses of the rectly, does not the Almighty Creator Jim Ingle Darryll Watson video tape, and finding them all in com- condemn a “false witness” as much as Tom Justus Tom Whitson plete agreement on certain key facts, we one who would commit adultery? Ex Alan Kendall Tom Williams simply reported those facts, as similar 20:14,16. Gerald Kirby facts were reported to the Apostle Paul. Continued on page 14 Page 4 February 1996 Oh, HowSERVANTS’ NEWSI Love Your Law! Part Four “Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgements. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” —Malachi 4:4-6 The above passage is clearly set in the physical time to learn spiritual things). we should choose something that we can time of the end—“the great and dreadful We should not start down the path to false do and that fits within the constraints the day of the Lord.” We are to remember the religion; we should not make “molded Bible imposes. Finally, we should not laws that the Eternal gave to Moses. gods”—even if we do not worship them. make our service to the Eternal offen- While our Savior fulfilled the sacrificial “And if you offer a sacrifice of peace sive—by doing something that would portions of this law, the need for us to offering to the LORD, you shall offer it of leave a “bad taste” in another’s mouth. understand the wonderful principles your own free will. It shall be eaten the “When you reap the harvest of your involved is greater than ever. same day you offer it, and on the next land, you shall not wholly reap the cor- The last three articles in this series day. And if any remains until the third ners of your field, nor shall you gather dealt with the laws found in Exodus 20 day, it shall be burned in the fire. And if the gleanings of your harvest. And you through 23. This article will examine it is eaten at all on the third day, it is an shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall the principles in Leviticus 19. If people abomination. It shall not be accepted. you gather every grape of your vine- believe that the Old Testament law con- Therefore everyone who eats it shall yard; you shall leave them for the poor tains only “do’s and don’ts”, and says bear his iniquity, because he has pro- and the stranger: I am the LORD your nothing about attitudes, they need to read faned the hallowed offering of the LORD; God” (Lev 19:9-10). this chapter. The law is holy (Rom 7:12). and that person shall be cut off from his Some people have mistakenly It was the “stony heart” of the people that people” (Lev 19:5-8). believed that the Old Testament system prevented them from keeping the law and While we do not offer “peace offer- for taking care of the poor was handled needed to be changed (Ezk 11:17-21). ings,” we can learn a great deal about through a third-tithe paid in the third year And the LORD spoke to Moses, say- serving the Eternal from the old covenant (Deut 14:28-29, 26:12). While this tithe ing, "Speak to all the congregation of peace offering (details are in Leviticus 3). was certainly intended to help the poor the children of Israel, and say to them: The peace offering was to be completely “get back on their feet” in the third year, it 'You shall be holy, for I the LORD your voluntary—no one could command obviously could not be the main suste- God am holy.' Every one of you shall another to do it. The offering could be cat- nance of the poor. If a person becomes revere his mother and his father, and tle, sheep or goats, and either male or poor in the “first year,” does he get noth- keep My Sabbaths: I am the LORD your female—whatever the offeror had or ing to eat until the third year? The verses God. Do not turn to idols, nor make for could afford. The priests assisted in quoted above and others like them show yourselves molded gods: I am the LORD removing and burning the inedible parts, that the poor were to be taken care of in your God’” (Lev 19:1-4). but the offeror was free to eat of it on the ways other than through third tithe. They This is a very concise summary of first and second day. Before refrigeration, were invited to share in the harvest of the what is required to be “holy.” It is not cooked meat would spoil after a few days others by gathering the gleanings—those emphasized in traditional Christian litera- and the Eternal did not want any upset fruits that would require the most time to ture because it contains a reference to the stomachs or sickness associated with pick. It would be enough to feed the poor, Sabbaths. We see here a summary of three offerings to Him. but difficult enough that they would be of the “ten commandments” (or “ten Similarly, when we serve the Eternal motivated to not stay poor. words” as it is in Hebrew). We are to love in some way today, we personally should Our modern welfare and assistance the Eternal (spiritual), to love our parents make the decision to do it. We have a systems tend to give cash to the poor with (physical), and to keep the Sabbath (take wide variety of services to pick from, but Continued on page 6 February 1996 Page 5 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Law” from page 5 Yehova, Yehowa, Ee-ah-o-ah, etc. We seem to gain the blessing of their congre- no work involved at all. This writer has hope to study this issue in much greater gations’ leadership much faster than men often seen people buying expensive con- detail and write on it in the future. that contribute little. venience foods with food stamps—foods “You shall not cheat your neighbor, Our national legal systems are also that I could not afford to purchase for my nor rob him. The wages of him who is full of such problems. In many cases, the family on a regular basis. If our modern hired shall not remain with you all night man that can afford the best lawyer wins. assistance systems provided “gleanings” until morning” (Lev 19:13, NRSV). But the reverse also happens—10 men (food that was imperfect but edible) from This is a broad spiritual principle far may all commit the same trespass, but supermarkets to the poor, we might find beyond “You shall not steal.” It forbids only the ones that have money to pay many more people desiring to get off of profiting from one’s neighbor by any damages will be taken to court. the welfare rolls. deceitful or threatening practice. It is fol- “You shall not go about as a tale- “You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, lowed up by a specific example, if a man bearer among your people; nor shall nor lie to one another” (Lev 19:11). works for you, you pay him right away— you take a stand against the life of your More of the “ten commandments” are you do not work out some elaborate neighbor: I am the LORD” (Lev 19:16 stated here. We see a command to not scheme to pay him later and benefit from NKJV). “...You shall not profit by the “deal falsely” as well as to not lie. What is interest earned on “his money.” blood of your neighbor...” (NRSV and the difference between the two? For It is amazing how much of today’s Tanakh). example, a man may say to his neighbor, advertising is devoted into tricking or The first part of this verse is a com- “If you let me use your oxen to plow my defrauding people into buying something mand to not tell stories about others that field today, I’ll give you an axe.” If, after that they do not need or that is worth we do not know are true. The subject here he finishes plowing, he says “I did not say much less than its apparent value. is justice. If everyone in a town has heard when I would give you the axe—I will “You shall not curse the deaf, nor the false rumor, “John is a thief,” it will be instruct my family to give it to you the put a stumbling block before the blind, very difficult for him to get a fair trial if he day I die,” he has not lied. He has “dealt but shall fear your God: I am the LORD [I is actually accused of the crime. Our falsely” and deceived his neighbor who am YHVH]” (Lev 19:14). modern nations face the same problem thought he should receive the axe right This is a stern admonition to not take through televised coverage of crimes away as payment. advantage of people’s handicaps. The designed to attract a large viewing audi- “And you shall not swear by My deaf would not know that he had been ence—not to tell the truth. name falsely, nor shall you profane the cursed and the blind would not know who The last part of the verse condemns name of your God: I am the LORD [I am put the stumbling block before him, but any contract or agreement where one party YHVH]” (Lev 19:12). the Eternal would know and would take would profit by the death of someone. Our Even though lying and false dealing action. The same principle is found in societies allow people to take out million- are forbidden, a special curse is pro- Exodus 22:22-23 when He promises to dollar insurance policies on spouses and nounced on those that swear falsely by hear the cry of the widows and fatherless. other relatives with themselves as benefi- His name (Zech 5:3-4). Our Savior taught “You shall do no injustice in judg- ciaries. How many people have been slain that we should always tell the truth and ment. You shall not be partial to the so someone could collect? not “swear” at all (Matt 5:33-37, Jms poor, nor honor the person of the How many businesses are built 5:12). But in the old covenant, largely mighty. But in righteousness you shall around profiting from the death of others? unconverted Israelites were encouraged judge your neighbor” (Lev 19:15) How many weapons manufacturers are to swear truthfully by His name (Deut People often say, “when I get a posi- not simply in business to help defend their 6:13, 10:20; Jer 12:16). Also, there are tion of authority in the Kingdom, I will country, but to also supply their instru- numerous commands to “call upon” or certainly judge this way.” But how many ments of human destruction to anyone in praise His name (1Chr 16:8; Pslm 99:6; people, when they have little amounts of the world that will pay the price? Have 105:1; 113:1; 148:5,13; Is 12:4; Joel 2:26; authority now, really judge this way? If a large weapons manufacturers actually Rom 15:9; Rev 15:4). Seeing all these wealthy family arrives late to a crowded encouraged other nations to go to war? commands to say His name, the question service, will the ushers set up a new now Our great Father, in his wisdom, knew arises, “What is His name?” of chairs just for them? But if a poor fam- that if people were allowed to profit from Leviticus 19:12 answers with “I am ily had arrived instead, might they be told the deaths of others, there would be a YHVH” (In Hebrew hwhy). The next to sit in the scattered empty seats that are temptation to “encourage” those deaths. question is how do we pronounce hwhy? available? Problems of this nature certain- He therefore forbade agreements where a In an effort to avoid the death penalty for ly occurred in the first century (James person would profit from another’s death. blaspheming this name (Lev 24;16), the 2:2-5). Also, this scripture would seem to Jews have ceased pronouncing it. Since Even worse, this writer has seen apply to profiting from the grief caused by the original Hebrew manuscripts do not instances where wealthy people with doc- a neighbor’s death. How many undertak- preserve all pronunciation, they do not trinal differences have been allowed to ers grow rich convincing grieving people give us a complete answer. We have continue attending a congregation where to spend much more than necessary on received several extensive, well- poor people with the same doctrinal dif- funerals? There are other businesses based researched papers, each putting forth a ferences have been cast out. Similarly, on making money from the grieving. A different pronunciation: Yahweh, Jehova, wealthy men, divorcing and remarrying, Continued on page 7 Page 6 February 1996 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Law” from page 6 friend once told me about a book he had Laws About Sexual Relations Between read on getting rich from real estate. The book advocated reading obituary columns People Not Married to Each Other and offering to buy the property of the Modern court rooms spend thousands of hours and millions of dollars trying to deter- deceased. Since many older people own mine who was at fault in disputed sexual situations. Did the man force the woman? Did their homes outright and are not aware of the man seduce the woman? Did the woman seduce the man? Did one or both of the increasing property values, they may parties promise to marry the other then later refuse? Is someone simply trying to use agree to sell them in their time of grief for the incident to extort money from the other? Courts examine the evidence of psycho- much less than their actual value. Such logical evaluations, testimony of friends, “character witnesses,” etc. Yet when all is said practices certainly violate the spirit of this and done, most sexual acts are performed privately by two individuals and they are the law and the previous verses commanding only ones who really know what happened—in court, it is his word against hers. that we not defraud our neighbors. The Eternal, in his wisdom, gave laws governing how these situations should be “You shall not hate your brother in consistently handled. Righteous people, knowing the law, could avoid situations that your heart. You shall surely rebuke your might lead to trouble. In order to understand these laws, we also need to understand a neighbor, and not bear sin because of few important points about how society operated during that time. him” (Lev 19:17). 1. Nobody “performed weddings.” You can search from Genesis to Revelation and Yes, it is here! An Old Testament never find a priest or minister performing a wedding. There are feasts after the wedding, but the example we find is: “Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and command of how to think—not merely he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her...” (Gen 24:67). how to act. The latter part of the verse is 2. Betrothal was an important agreement. Once two people were promised to each essentially the same as Matthew 18:15. If other (usually by parents), the marriage was considered a fact—not yet consummated. we have a disagreement against someone, 3. People could become slaves for up to seven years if they became poor by finan- we should go to them about it—prevent- cial mismanagement or could not pay a judgement against them (Lev 25:47, Ex 22:3). ing ourselves from harboring anger and 4. Men could have more than one wife. While numerous scriptures show that this showing them their sin (if there is any). is not an optimal condition, it was allowed by the Eternal. Hence, a married man “'You shall not take vengeance, nor involved in another sexual relationship could be required to take on the woman as a sec- bear any grudge against the children of ond wife. Hence, the marital status of the man was not as important as the marital sta- your people, but you shall love your tus of the woman. neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD [I 5. Kidnapping received the death penalty (Ex 21:16). A man who forcibly abduct- am YHVH]” (Lev 19:18). ed or detained a woman would be executed before any sex-related issues came to trial. Yes, the “golden rule” is found in This table summarizes the Biblical instructions in dealing with a sexual relationship the Old Testament! It is later defined as between a man and a women when there are no other provable crimes. “the second great commandment” (Matt Free Woman Slave Woman 22:38-39). It comes with a command not to take vengeance or bear grudges. This Sex with an The man must pay the “bride price,” Her master may take her to be his wife single command, if obeyed with the right un- but the woman’s father decides if without anyone’s consent. If he does, betrothed the marriage will take place. If they spirit, would bring peace to mankind. he must treat her as a full wife or let woman marry, he may never divorce her. her go. If he does not take her, he “You shall keep My statutes. You (Ex 22:16-17; Deut 22:28-29.) This must deal with her like a free daughter shall not let your livestock breed with discourages uncommitted sex (the (Ex 21:7-11). Since there was no one another kind. You shall not sow your couple could be “stuck” for life) as to protect a slave woman from the field with mixed seed. Nor shall a gar- well as sex with the intent to force a unrighteous sexual advances of her ment of mixed linen and wool come marriage (the father could say “no”, master, the law emphasizes his duty upon you” (Lev 19:19). but the man would still have to pay). to treat her as his wife, not his whore. While whole books have been written on this and related verses, our general If the event took place in the coun- The man must offer a public offering. understanding is that the Eternal’s cre- Sex with a try where no one could hear the An inquiry was made with possible ation should be preserved. If all cattle betrothed woman scream, the man is put to additional punishment, but there was were allowed to randomly interbreed, the woman by a death. If it takes place in the city, no death penalty (Lev 19:20-22). This different varieties that the Eternal created man other man and woman are put to death prevents a woman from being put to would all be lost. Farmers know that than her (Deut 22:23-27). From this law men death if her master forces her to be a when an accidental cross-breed occurs, fiancee must realize that they should never prostitute. It discourages customers several generations of careful breeding be alone with a betrothed woman in who would not want public offerings or are required to integrate the offspring of the country. If she seduces him or inquiries. If slave women were exempt the “half-breed” back into the primary lies about him, he could die for it. In from death but men were not, men herds. The same is true for plants. the city, both are at risk. could be falsely condemned too easily. Does this verse apply to inter-racial marriages? That is a subject of much If a man and married woman (slave or free) are discovered committing adul- Sex with a debate. This verse may seem to indicate tery, both are put to death (Deut 22:22). Those discovering the act will hear married the woman scream if she is resisting. If there are no witnesses, nothing is to some that men should not intermarry to Continued on page 8 woman done. Married women will not have the physical evidence that a virgin would. February 1996 Page 7 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Law” from page 7 “You shall not eat anything with the This does not mean that all people must the point where the races that the Eternal blood, nor shall you practice divination obey commands from anyone substantial- created disappear. Historically, this has or soothsaying. You shall not shave ly older than they are, but it does mean we not been a major problem in that people around the sides of your head, nor shall should honor and listen to people that lived primarily among others of the same you disfigure the edges of your beard. have lived a great many more years than race and travel was restricted to the speed You shall not make any cuttings in your we have. of man and his animals. Today, the oppor- flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks “And if a stranger dwells with you in tunity for interracial marriage has on you: I am the LORD [I am YHVH]” your land, you shall not mistreat him. increased many times. If we reached the (Lev 19:26-28). But the stranger who dwells among point where one third of the marriages in All those things were practices of you shall be to you as one born among the world were between people of differ- other people in Palestine. The Eternal did you, and you shall love him as your- ent races, the racial strains as we know not want his people to seek anything from self; for you were strangers in the land them would be effectively gone in 200 false gods, nor did he want them to do of Egypt: I am the LORD [I am YHVH] years. those things just to “fit in.” your God” (Lev 19:33-34). “If a man has sexual relations with a “Do not prostitute your daughter, to Another spiritual command! In verse woman who is a slave, designated for cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall 18, the Eternal asked us to love our neigh- another man but not ransomed or given into harlotry, and the land become full of bor (fellow Israelites) as ourselves, and her freedom, an inquiry shall be held. wickedness” (Lev 19:29). here He has commanded us to love the They shall not be put to death, since If a man was too poor to take care of stranger (Gentiles) as ourselves! These she has not been freed” (Lev 19:20 his family (or so evil that he would not are commands that require the power and NRSV). take care of them), he could sell his chil- spirit of the Eternal to carry out. “And he shall bring his trespass dren (Ex 21:7). Hopefully, the person that “You shall do no injustice in judg- offering to the LORD, to the door of the bought them would take better care of ment, in measurement of length, weight, tabernacle of meeting, a ram as a tres- them. At least the daughters would not or volume. You shall have honest scales, pass offering. The priest shall make have to work as prostitutes—something honest weights, an honest ephah, and atonement for him with the ram of the that is all too common in the Orient. This an honest hin:” (Lev 19:35-36a). trespass offering before the LORD for his writer read a rather disgusting article Businesses should be honest about sin which he has committed. And the about some newly formed East European what they are selling and its price! This sin which he has committed shall be for- nations, lacking in industry and in need problem is still with us—and it has been given him” (Lev 19:21-22). of western currency. They recruited their automated! A 1995 investigation of stores To some, this law may seem greatly own young women and sent them to with electronic checkout equipment found unfair. But when understood with the work as prostitutes in western nations. that nearly 10 percent of daily sale items related laws (Ex 21:7-11, 22:16-17, They need this law! were not being properly charged to cus- Deut 22:22-29), it all makes sense. “You shall keep My Sabbaths and tomers. In almost all cases, the charged When we compare it to what happens reverence My sanctuary: I am the LORD” price was higher than the advertised sale in sexually related cases in modern (Lev 19:30). price. When the error was pointed out to courtrooms, the Eternal’s wisdom What is this command doing in the store management, corrections often took shines out like a bright light. See the middle of all of these prohibitions against many days. We still need honest scales, box on page 7 for details. false religion? If people would hear the weights, measures, and computers! “When you come into the land, and law read every Sabbath and reverence the “I am the LORD your God, who have planted all kinds of trees for food, Eternal, they would not have all of the brought you out of the land of Egypt. then you shall count their fruit as uncir- other problems described in this chapter! Therefore you shall observe all My cumcised. Three years it shall be as “Give no regard to mediums and statutes and all My judgments, and per- uncircumcised to you. It shall not be familiar spirits; do not seek after them, form them: I am the LORD” [I am YHVH]” eaten. But in the fourth year all its fruit to be defiled by them: I am the LORD [I (Lev 19:36a-37). shall be holy, a praise to the LORD [shall am YHVH] your God” (Lev 19:31). As the Eternal physically brought be set apart for rejoicing in the LORD — Today, our Western nations are full of Israel out of the land of Egypt, so he NRSV]. And in the fifth year you may astrologers, spiritualists, palm readers, desires to take each one of us out of our eat its fruit, that it may yield to you its psychics and many others claiming to be sins. Therefore, we should study and increase: I am the LORD [I am YHVH] able to predict the world’s or your person- observe all that he tells us. your God” (Lev 19:23-25). al future. This command to simply ignore The most commonly repeated phrase The first part of this law is simply them is the best advice a person could in this section is, “I am YHVH.” We good farming practice. Fruit trees produce ever get about them. would like to study that more in the little the first few years and many farmers “You shall rise before the gray head- future—probably in a separate article. remove any fruit that sets the first few ed and honor the presence of an old There are still several chapters dealing years so the trees will make bigger trunks man, and fear your God: I am the LORD with similar laws that we can apply in our and roots. In the fourth year, the fruit was [I am YHVH]” (Lev 19:32) lives today. We will cover them in future used to give thanks for the many prof- The practice of honoring older people installments. itable years to come. has been lost in most Western nations. —Norman S. Edwards Page 8 February 1996 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Crisis” from page 1 such a thing from happening by learn- tance of salvation by grace, irrespec- lenge of the anti-sabbatarian stance ing from the experience of the tive of works of obedience. In late 1994 adopted by their former leaders in the Worldwide Church of God. began the assault on the Sabbath, holy WCG. I also received several invita- days, distinction between clean and tions to share my research about the What Led to the Split unclean meats, and tithing. Sabbath at various of their rallies To understand what led to the split Regarding the Sabbath, Joe Tkach, across the country. For May 28-29, in the WCG, it is important to know the Jr., whom his father had appointed to 1995 I was invited to deliver several church’s origin as well as some of its preside over the ministry, asserted in a lectures at the well-attended “Jubilee recent developments. The WCG was study paper, published on February 14, 95: Friends of the Sabbath” conven- founded by Herbert W. Armstrong. He 1995, that “The question is, Does God tion, held at the picturesque Dana Point had been ordained in 1931 in the tell his new covenant people to rest on Hotel Resort in California. For Church of God (7th Day), where he the seventh day? The answer is no, He December 24-27 I was invited again to served until 1937, when he established doesn’t.” Evidently the young Tkach a similar Sabbath conference held in his own independent church, known at had adopted the popular view that the San Antonio, Texas. For 1996 I have first as the Radio Church of God. Mr. New Covenant releases us from the been invited to speak at six Sabbath Armstrong commenced publishing The obligation to observe God’s command- conferences, three in the USA and Plain Truth magazine, and in 1947 he ments. three overseas, in Australia, England founded Ambassador College in Informed sources believe that these and Mexico. In spite of an admission Pasadena, California, to which he also doctrinal changes were influenced by fee of $50.00 per person, the conven- moved the church headquarters. the so-called “Azusa Pacific University tion halls were full to capacity and Unlike the founders of the Seventh- theologians,” men whom the church stayed full through the last meeting. day Adventist church, who believed in had sponsored through graduate In all my years of speaking around a democratic form of church govern- degrees in theology and biblical stud- the world, I have never seen an audi- ment, Mr. Armstrong believed in a ies, mostly at Azusa Pacific University. ence so receptive and eager to deepen hierarchical form of church govern- The WCG needed qualified teachers to their understanding and experience of ment, in which he directly dictated the gain accreditation for their the Sabbath. A man told me at the San beliefs, practices and programs of the Ambassador University. Some of these Antonio Sabbath Conference: “I have WCG until his death on January 16, young theologians became part of observed the Sabbath for thirty years 1986. The church is still governed in a Joseph W. Tkach’s administrative cabi- and I would have never thought that I hierarchical manner. net. Their avowed goal was to lead would fly across the country and pay to Before his death, Mr. Armstrong their church into the evangelical main- listen to lectures on the Sabbath. But himself chose Joseph W. Tkach as his stream by doing away with beliefs such now that the Sabbath is being chal- successor as Pastor General, bypassing as Sabbath keeping which they consid- lenged by our church leaders, I want to several close assistants who had ered as vestiges of the Old Covenant. know more about its validity and value aspired to the position. Mr. Tkach him- At first, church loyalists preferred for my life.” Sometimes it takes a crisis self died recently, on Sabbath, to think that their Pastor General, to cause us to reexamine the basis of September 23, 1995, at age 68. He had Joseph W. Tkach, was unaware of the our beliefs. appointed his son, Joseph Tkach, Jr., to “New Theology” promoted by his These personal contacts have given succeed him. Incidentally, Joseph administrative cabinet. Many others, me the opportunity not only to gather Tkach, Jr. and two of his close associ- however, recognized that the young information for this article, but also to ates, have requested to meet with me “Azusa Pacific University theologians” appreciate the sincerity and commit- here at Andrews University. I will were exerting an enormous influence ment of pastors who lost their employ- endeavor to submit to ADVENTIST on the senior Tkach. All doubts were ment and of members who were disfel- REVIEW a brief report of this meeting finally resolved in December, 1994, lowshiped, all of them for choosing to which is scheduled for April 29, 1996. when Joseph W. Tkach videotaped a remain true to their beliefs. While lis- For four or five years after his sermon which was played in virtually tening to their heart-rending stories of accession in 1986 the senior Mr. Tkach all WCG congregations in early families split by the new teachings, I enjoyed overwhelming support from January, 1995. In that sermon, Tkach have often wondered what would hap- the leaders and members. But by 1992 made it clear that he had embraced the pen to our church if our General signs of change began to appear. new theology and was now prepared to Conference leaders were to promote Gradually Mr. Armstrong’s publica- enforce it by firing and/or disfellow- abandoning such fundamental beliefs tions, especially his opus magnum, shiping recalcitrant pastors and church as the Sabbath, the sanctuary, the Spirit Mystery of the Ages, were withdrawn members. of prophecy, and biblical authority. from circulation. The new leadership What percentage of our Seventh-day modified the church’s prophetic Lessons to Be Learned Adventist pastors and members would emphasis and adopted a more main- After reflecting on the events that rather be fired or be disfellowshiped stream Protestant approach. Similarly, have split the Worldwide Church of than compromise their beliefs? No one the emphasis on obedience to God’s God, causing irreparable damage to its can tell. But we can resolve to prevent commandments shifted to the accep- Continued on page 10 February 1996 Page 9 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Crisis” from page 9 ed at the just-concluded 56th General would be unfair to the church that pays financial, educational and organiza- Conference session. History teaches us their salaries. tional structures worldwide, I feel that that power corrupts and absolute power Change Requires Consensus. A as Seventh-day Adventists—a people corrupts absolutely. To protect our third lesson to be learned from the who also keep the Sabbath and who are leaders from the corrupting influence recent experience of the WCG is that preparing for Jesus’ second advent— of too much power, it is imperative to proposed doctrinal changes should be we can learn four important lessons preserve our current representative sys- widely discussed and examined and from this traumatic experience. tem of church government, with all its adopted only with the broad support of Danger of Hierarchical Structure. A checks and balances. the membership. Doctrinal changes first lesson to be learned from the expe- Influence of Liberal Theologians. A dictated by one or a few, against the rience of the WCG is that there is great second lesson to be learned from the will of the majority, can split a church danger in a hierarchical form of church recent experience of the WCG is that it and destroy its credibility. government in which the decision- takes only a few liberal theologians, It is not surprising that some WCG making process rests in the hands of a placed in key positions, to influence theologians have questioned some of few administrators. Pastor General doctrinal changes that can prove divi- their beliefs and have worked hard to Joseph W. Tkach exercised almost pon- sive to a church. According to change them. Unfortunately, they went tifical authority in the WCG. A small informed sources, three key liberal the- about doing so the wrong way, by dic- administrative cabinet advised him, but ologians (“Azusa Pacific University tating doctrinal changes from the top ultimately he dictated what ministers theologians”) close to Pastor General down rather than by achieving gradual ought to preach and what members Tkach advised him to implement doc- consensus from the bottom up, from ought to practice. Such an autocratic trinal changes. the rank and file of their membership. form of church government does not The influence of liberal theologians Furthermore, in their desire to purge allow for any meaningful participation who question the authority of the Bible the church of undesirable beliefs, they by the laity and clergy in the govern- and the validity of their denomination- went too far by adopting a dispensa- ment of the church, and it rejects any al beliefs is felt in practically every tionalist view which rejects such legiti- type of dissent. denomination, including the Seventh- mate Old Testament institutions as the Several former ministers of the day Adventist church. This is part of Sabbath, tithing, and the distinction WCG informed me that they repeated- the price churches are paying today for between clean and unclean meats. ly requested Mr. Tkach to convene a promoting higher education. To receive In my association with pastors and ministerial council to discuss the doc- accreditation for their church-related members of the newly formed UCG, I trinal changes, but their request was colleges and universities, younger have sensed that they are open to a rejected. Such autocratic policy can churches especially have to sponsor reexamination of their doctrinal only alienate members and undermine qualified students to earn graduate beliefs. In fact, many of them have the leadership’s credibility. The degrees in institutions of higher learn- urged me to research the annual feasts strength of a church organization is ing where humanism, secularism and of Israel in Scripture and history, and measured by the degree of consensus higher criticism prevail. When exposed share with them the finding of my and conviction among its members. to these ideologies daily for several investigation, whether favorable or These cannot be dictated from the top years, it is difficult for anyone to unfavorable to their position. I accept- down; they must grow from the bottom remain unscathed. So it is not surpris- ed the challenge and last December I up through involvement in the deci- ing that some of the promising young shared with them the conclusions of sion-making process. people sent out by their churches to my book GOD’S FESTIVALS IN The current hierarchical structure of earn degrees in such institutions return SCRIPTURE AND HISTORY at the the WCG reminds us of the Seventh- with liberal views which are not com- San Antonio’s Sabbath conference, day Adventist administrative structure patible with their churches’ teachings. recently reported in the Adventist at the turn of the century. At that time The solution to the problem is not Review. The text of the lecture was a few General Conference leaders exer- in doing away with higher education. posted few days ago. This example cised what Ellen G. White called There is no merit in ignorance. Rather, serves to show that there is consider- “kingly power.” Largely as a result of the solution is to ensure that those who able openness on the part of former her timely counsels, the 1901 General serve in academic institutions or members and pastors of WCG to reex- Conference session effected a much- administrative positions are committed amine some of their beliefs, but they needed reorganization which, among to the beliefs and standards of the want this to be done in an open and other things, allowed wider representa- church they serve. People who during democratic way in which delegated tion in the General Conference execu- their graduate studies have become pastors and members can participate. tive committee. critical or even cynical of the beliefs of Changes in doctrinal beliefs cannot Church administrators will always their church cannot and should not be dictated by a few without splitting be tempted to consolidate their power serve in their church. To fulfill their the church. Imagine what would hap- in order to facilitate the implementa- church’s expectations would require pen if our General Conference presi- tion of their policies and programs. them to be untrue to their conscience dent had authority unilaterally to This was one of the issues hotly debat- and beliefs; teaching divergent beliefs Continued on page 12 Page 10 February 1996 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Adventist” from page 1 figured prominently in the ministry of ously read other material on this sub- some of them have been observing the both Rupert and Herbert W. ject prior to receiving Armstrong’s Feasts privately for many years.” Armstrong. Persistent rumors remain paper. He personally agreed with the Further, Bacchiocchi found support for that piles of Rupert’s magazine, The Anglo-Israel doctrine. Since Rupert observing the Holy Days in the writ- Remnant of Israel, were found in had long been an advocate of identify- ings of Ellen G. White herself! In her Armstrong’s basement and desk at the ing America and Britain as part of book, Patriarchs and Prophets, Mrs. time of his death. Many Bible teach- Israel, it is quite likely that Dugger had White devoted an entire chapter to ings extant in the offshoots of the read Rupert’s Anglo-Israel material “The Annual Feasts.” She wrote, Worldwide Church of God today, before he read Armstrong’s paper. “Well would it be for the people of God appear to be derived from the SDA’s Yet, there is another line that like- at the present time to have a Feast of through Rupert and then, Armstrong. wise shows doctrinal ties between the Tabernacles—a joyous commemora- But, there is more! A.N. Dugger Church of God and Seventh-day tion of the blessings of God to them. (1886-1975), the most noted Church of Adventists. Raymond Cole was one of As the children of Israel celebrated the God, Seventh Day, leader of the 20th the original Ambassador College stu- deliverance that God had wrought for Century, was no doubt an avid reader dents in 1947. He became an evange- their fathers, and His miraculous of G.G. Rupert. Dugger and C.O. list in Armstrong’s Church, leaving in preservation of them during their jour- Dodd co-authored the famous Church 1974 to form his own Church of God, neying from Egypt, so should we grate- history, A History of the True Religion, The Eternal. Cole’s mother was the fully call to mind the various ways he which was first published in its present niece of Merritt Dickinson (ca. 1864), a has devised for bringing us out from form in 1936, but written in parts in the prominent Church of God, Seventh the world, and from the darkness of late 1920s. When relating the forma- Day minister. It just so happens that error, into the precious light of His tion of the Church of God in the 1860s, Dickinson was practically a next door grace and truth,” The Story of Dugger, in his book, referred to the neighbor of Ellen and James White in Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 540-541. original Church of God paper in Michigan. Merritt Dickinson married In the late 1980s, I observed the Michigan as Remnant of Israel. Ida Nichols, an SDA colporteur (seller Feast of Tabernacles with a small Actually, the name of the paper, found- of religious books). Ida may have been group in northern Arkansas. We were ed by Gilbert Cranmer, was Hope of the daughter of the famous SDA minis- surprised to read in a local newspaper Israel. Since Dugger was so familiar ter J.H. Nichols, who preached the first that a group of SDA’s were likewise with Rupert’s material, he mistakenly Sabbath sermon west of the Rocky observing the Festival nearby. Until confused the names of Rupert’s maga- Mountains, at Santa Rosa, California, Dr. Bacchiocchi’s recent revelation, I zine with the COG magazine. The in 1862. Apparently through self- was not aware of how prevalent Holy Hope of Israel was later moved to Iowa study, Dickinson came to believe in Day observance was among SDA’s. and then Stanberry, Missouri, and its Anglo-Israelism. In 1912, Dugger Holy Day teachings among name was changed to The Bible admitted to Dickinson that his Anglo- Adventists are not of recent origin. Advocate. In 1914, Dugger became Israel ideas were true, but said that he Greenbury G. Rupert (1847-1922), was the editor. In the previous year, 1913, couldn’t get anywhere preaching that an SDA minister for thirty years, G.G. Rupert wrote several articles in doctrine. In 1919, Dickinson published including several years as a missionary The Bible Advocate, which supported a series of articles in The Bible in South America. He was President of the Annual Holy Days. Both A.N. Advocate, later published as a tract, the Oklahoma SDA Conference, cover- Dugger and Herbert W. Armstrong which stated that England is Ephraim, ing five states, at the time he left the were strongly influenced by former and the United States is Manasseh. Adventists at, or before, 1902. Rupert SDA G.G. Rupert. The intertwining trail of history had known Ellen G. White personally Besides the Annual Holy Days, linking Adventists with the Church of for forty years, but was led to break Anglo-Israelism has been a distinctive God, has many branches. About the with SDA’s when he published books issue in the Church of God. In 1929, early 1930s, A.H. Britten, a former contrary to official SDA teaching. As two years before his ordination, SDA, founded a group in Western told in my book, Six Papers on the Herbert Armstrong wrote an extensive Australia, which today is known as History of the Church of God, Rupert’s paper on British Israel, demonstrating “The Remnant Church of God.” They doctrines were in many ways similar to the United States and British identity as observe the Holy Days, and appear to those of Herbert W. Armstrong. He Manasseh and Ephraim. He submitted have very similar doctrines to those of observed the Holy Days, eschewed it to A.N. Dugger, then editor of The us in the Church of God. Further unclean meats, held to the Church Bible Advocate. Dugger wrote to research may or may not reveal con- name, “Church of God,” with local Armstrong on July 28, 1929, stating, “I nections of this remnant group with autonomy, rejected , , have seen no work near its equal in Rupert. and other pagan holidays, believed in clearness and completeness. You sure- Even today, some Church of God tithing, Church eras, emphasized Bible ly are right, and while I cannot use it in groups claim to be the one and only prophecy in his preaching, and that the the paper at the present you may be true Church. They feel they have a cor- United States was part of Israel. It just assured that your labor has surely not ner on the Truth of the Almighty. They so happens that Pasadena, California, been in vane [sic.].” Dugger had obvi- Continued on page 12 February 1996 Page 11 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Adventist” from page 11 prior to 1923, the Church of God, the Bible forbids ordination of female look with scorn on SDA’s and other Seventh Day, was officially known as elders) has resulted in his being banned COG groups. The understanding that “Church of God (Adventist).” Our from speaking at almost all SDA uni- diverse groups of people in recent roots to Adventists do not end in the versities. Bacchiocchi condemns the times have preserved God’s Truth 1850s and 1860s, but were also strong- observation of pagan holidays, and should inspire us, and humble us. God ly developed in the period of 1902- now is a supporter of the annual Holy has a scattered people, the proverbial 1929, when ex-SDA Rupert’s Remnant Days. Let us extend the right hand of 7,000 that have not bowed the knee to of Israel flourished. fellowship to those in the Seventh Day Baal. It is up to Him to regather His In the late 1800s, the major Adventist Church who are fighting the people. In the meantime, we should Adventist preachers were anti- same battle for Truth that we are fight- appreciate, and co-operate as much as Trinitarians. ing. Let us remember that we have a possible, with brethren in many scat- By 1931, SDA’s had fully accepted common history. Truly you could call tered groups who hold the same basic the doctrine. Whereas in the us, “Church of God—Adventist.” Truths of the Bible as we do. We have mid 1900s, many SDA’s were against a common past. We should work the observation of Christmas and —Richard C. Nickels together in the present and the future. Easter, today many Adventists accept (Author of Six Papers on the When someone asks me what the pagan holidays. In the SDA History of the Church of God, and Church I belong to, I generally say, Church, as well as the Church of God, History of the Seventh Day Church of “Church of God.” Many of us are there has been a struggle between the God. These and other materials may be aware that Herbert W. Armstrong was forces of liberalism and conservatism. obtained from Giving & Sharing, PO an ordained minister of the Church of Samuel Bacchiocchi’s book on the role Box 100, Neck City, MO 64849.) God, Seventh Day. Few know that of women in the Church (he shows that

“Crisis” from page 10 WCG. No civil power or rival religion “Cooperation” from page 3 impose the ordination of women on all has dealt her this blow. The damage has Work again. These ‘affiliates’ would pri- Seventh-day Adventist churches come from within the church. Could marily be associated with the ?CG to around the world, irrespective of the such a thing happen to our church as jointly do the Work. Any doctrinal differ- conviction of our members. The result well? ences should be handled separately. would be very similar to what has hap- Ellen G. White noted, “We have far D. Handling doctrinal differences pened in the WCG. Our representative more to fear from within than from with affiliates form of church government has made it without. The hindrances to strength 1. Meet to discuss and even research the possible for the issue to be debated and and success are far greater from the issue if there are enough resources avail- voted by all the delegates attending the church itself than from the world” able. last two General Conference sessions. (Selected Messages, 1:122).In recent 2. Where agreement cannot be Yet even our Adventist system memory some of our own best and reached, peaceably agree to disagree. needs some fine tuning. A simple brightest have challenged our teachings 3. In some cases, agree to publish, in majority of 51% is hardly sufficient to on the sanctuary, on prophetic interpre- the Churches newsletters, both sides for approve the adoption or rejection of an tation, and on the Spirit of prophecy. discussion by all spirit-led Christians for important policy. To adopt a divisive The experience of the Worldwide possible prayer and fasting until a solu- policy rejected by 49% of the member- Church of God should serve as a warn- tion may be found. ship means to split the church down the ing to Seventh-day Adventists. We can 4. In ‘not essential for salvation’ middle. Changes that impinge on fun- learn these valuable lessons and pre- cases perhaps even publish a booklet damental biblical beliefs should have vent such painful trauma in our own with both viewpoints. the support of a vast majority. A church. We must avoid the dangers of Certainly, an agreement of sorts church’s strength depends on its doctri- concentrating too much power in the should be signed between the parties nal cohesiveness. A church divided on hands of a few and of allowing influen- concerning the above. important doctrinal or policy matters tial liberal voices to shape our policies Outcomes no longer represents the unity of the and doctrinal understandings and mold 1. Greater peace and harmony. body of Christ. Her identity is blurred, the emerging generation of young 2. Ability to perform a big Work again. her mission weakened, and her credi- Seventh-day Adventists. We must 3. Growth in love toward other bility destroyed. To a large extent this insist on broad consensus for doctrinal Sab-batarians. is what has happened to the WCG. changes and for policies that would In the end all groups that co-operate Dangers Arise Within. A fourth les- imply such changes. And we must will be winners with a bigger Work being son to be learned from the recent expe- remember that our greatest dangers undertaken, more members, misunder- rience of the WCG is perhaps the most come from within. standings corrected and new friends. sobering of all: the greatest dangers to If we learn these lessons, we can Our tarnished images would a church arise from within itself. No protect our church from divisive influ- improve, the sense of rivalry will dimin- pressures strictly from outside have ences and work together to fulfill our ish and above all we will please our brought the present turmoil in the global mission. & Father. &

Page 12 February 1996 Beware of “Friendly”FriendlyFriendly Visits The November-December issue of out the grain” (Deut 25:4), but never friendly basis. Inquire about his beliefs in a the Ministerial once refer to any Old Testament tithing non-threatening way. Let him talk while you Journal contained an interesting article scriptures? How could Paul claim to listen. Make no final decision at the first entitled “Protecting the Flock” (pp 5-6). teach the “whole counsel of God” (Acts meeting. If your suspicions are confirmed, The author was “Staff,” but its content 20:7), yet not teach the same people to take the matter to the area or regional pastor was obviously approved by the leader- tithe to the “ministry”? (Acts 20:34- for advice on what to do next. The pastor ship there. We prefix quotes from the 35,18:3; 2Cor 11:9; 1Th 2:9; 2Th 3:8-9) may have you handle the matter or take over Ministerial Journal With MJ: and our Since there was no massive broadcast for you. writing with SN: or publishing work at the time, why was 4) Keep the matter confidential! Do not there not enough tithe from somewhere tell others about the problem, including MJ: These wolves in sheep’s to pay Paul’s salary and expenses? Why other ministers, unless they really need to clothing may be friendly, hospitable and are there references to taking up collec- know. seemingly harmless souls who aren’t hurt- tions for the poor, but nothing about 5) Keep your emotions under control. ing anyone. But in private conversations spending third tithe? (1Cor 16:1-4, The ideal resolution of the matter is to gain with others—like the steady dripping of a Rom 15:26, 2Cor 8) the person by helping him come to under- faucet—they quietly question the need for There are Biblical and historical stand his error [apparently, members are continuing the Work of warning Israel and answers to some of these questions and always wrong —SN]. Failing that, an the world of the coming Great Tribulation many other scriptures on the subject of amicable separation from the congregation and announcing the Good News of the tithing. Nevertheless, if you ask these is highly desirable. Kingdom of God as a witness to all nations. questions, it appears that it might cause 6) Keep every part of the process on a They have no use for the Church’s you to be classified as a “wolf.” If a friendly basis as much as lies within your organizational structure and ministry. These leader suspects you are a “wolf,” how power. A peaceful departure is important not arguments are used to justify their most will you be treated? The article contin- only for the sake of the membership but also important objection of all, tithing! ues two paragraphs later: for those not yet with us. These persons are skillful in reaching 7) Marking an individual should be done the most susceptible among the brethren— MJ: Once a wolf is discov- only as a last resort and after consultation those who do not yet know how to answer or ered among the flock, we need to handle the with the regional pastor. defend themselves. Some can become con- matter with the utmost tact and care lest the Shepherds Must fused, and their faith weakened or sheep think we are the bad guys instead of Defend the Flock destroyed, before the problem is ever the wolf. And others in and out of Global will It is important that the Church of God brought to the attention of the thinly- hear the false accusation that the ministry be protected from those who wish to cause stretched ministry. here is “harsh and lording it over the people.” division. How it is done reflects on our abil- ity to make peace. SN: The scriptures indicate it is SN: We note a great emphasis Most of these cases can be handled the job of leaders to teach people so that here on looking good in the eyes of without fuss and flying feathers. A public they are not blown by “every wind of other people, not on searching the scrip- rhubarb creates enemies and destroys inno- doctrine” (Eph 4:13-15; Col 2:4-8). tures to make a sound judgment. The cent ones. Indeed, brethren are commanded to possibility that a member might be cor- Blessed are the peacemakers! “judge” between true and false doctrine rect in his or her Biblical understanding (1Cor 14:29). Most of the GCG brethren is not even considered. SN: This article emphasizes look- have been attending Sabbath services ing good in man’s eyes in order to maxi- for 10 to 20 years—they should be well- MJ: Ferreting Out Wolves mize existing membership and to attract grounded in the scriptures. Here are some helpful hints in handling new members. Only a few years ago, The above quote is the only section a potential problem: these same methods were used to “put of the article that instructs the readers 1) We are not “wolf hunters” or police out” WCG members that disagreed with on how to recognize a wolf. Apparently, investigators, yet we need to be aware of “headquarters doctrine.” Some of those anyone who questions tithing is to be what is going on in our area’s congregations “put out” by the WCG are now Global considered a wolf. It is obvious that the and video groups. Pray for discernment! ministers and members. We hope that New Testament teachers were to be 2) We must not act on hearsay or rumor. they will all learn to avoid the unscriptur- supported by the brethren (Matt 10:10, Be sure of the facts. al practice of private disfellowshipment. Luke 10:7, 1Cor 9:7-18, 1Tim 5:17-18). Biblical examples involve “the church” Yet, there are many questions about SN: The above advice is very (Matt 18:17) “when you are gathered tithing that most organizations have good, but the conclusion of the article together” (1Cor 5:4). It was Diotrephes never answered. When discussing min- seems to advocate a covert spy mission who cast out men by his own authority isterial support, why does our Savior rather than brotherly discussion. alone (3Jn 9-10). We hope the GCG will and Paul make statements like “the realize that members who will be teach- laborer is worthy of his hire” and “You MJ: 3) Invite the person to ers in the Kingdom need to be able to shall not muzzle an ox while it treads dinner, out for coffee or visit privately on a study without fear. February 1996 Page 13 SERVANTS’ NEWS Update: down the party line. With our growth in doing and hope that it is successful. understanding recently, we might be We are intending to exercise a small Feast ‘96: Non-Aligned! pretty much appalled at the error if we degree of control over the speaking were to go back fifteen years. schedule at the sites we directly sponsor A number of responses have been I can probably guarantee that error as other non-aligned Feast sites have received that show interest as well as will be presented at our non-aligned occaisionally done in the past. As orga- input. The responses of interest sites. But a question has been asked, nizers we need to organize the schedule. received so far generally fall into three “Do you prefer officially sanctioned Anyone with something worthwhile to regions: the Northeast, somewhere error over the error you might here from say will be allowed to speak, schedule where there is water, sand and sun and a non-official source?” In the officially permitting. Obviously, someone is thirdly, scattered in the Midwest and sanctioned forum, you may get severely going to have to be the judge of what is West. We hope to have a solid list of disciplined for questioning the error. worthwhile. Some guidelines will be sites in the next issue or two of Whereas in the non-official forum that drafted to guide individuals in deter- Servants’ News. We have also heard we are trying to create, the error can be mining what is worthwhile. This is a from some small groups that are inter- challenged and hopefully many more high-priority area where we are looking ested but already have plans. We hope will learn deeper truth. for solid input. to publicize locations of all recom- We need to realize that we should no We hope that some concerns have mendable open feast sites soon. longer be babes in Christ. We should be been answered. If anyone is interested Regarding input, we have had one mature enough to handle error in a and/or has any input they wish to pass concern expressed overwhelmingly that Christian way. Someone suggested that on, by all means, please do. Once we would like to address here. To quote we should officially get some big names again, contact us via any of the follow- one response, “I am a bit concerned involved as that would make the non- ing methods: about the messages that we might aligned endeavor more reputable. We receive. There are all kinds of ideas out pretty much disagree with that line of Feast ’96: Non-Aligned! there now even in the church of God. thinking. We do not have anything 510 Gillespie Street Your ideas about the question and against the individual “big names” but Locust Grove, Oklahoma 74352 answers afterwards seem like a good that does away with the whole idea of one and could be a welcome addition.” being non-aligned. So called “big Phone: 918-479-8111 I think most of us come from a back- names” are welcome to join us and con- Fax: 918-479-8555 ground of attending the feast with mes- tribute but will not be leaned upon or Email: [email protected] sages that were fairly predictable exploited to draw numbers. A number because they would pretty much fall of these names applaud what we are —Norman A. Brumm, III

“Problems” from page 4 Sincerely, would have no sin; but now you say, ‘We RESPONSE: We do not understand —D. L., California see.’ Therefore your sin remains” (John how you classify any witness that is not an RESPONSE: Our Savior was very 9:41). People who preach the truth are “eye witness” as a “false witness.” If that kind to individuals caught up in sin, but accountable to live by it. is true, then much of the Bible is a “false seeking to repent. His response to hypo- Where is the love? We love Garner witness.” Paul did not “eye witness” the critical religious leaders that pretended to Ted Armstrong and want him to have eter- sin of the man in 1 Corinthians 5. He was be righteous was not so kind. nal life. It is more important for him to not present at the last meal with our “Therefore, whatever they [bad reli- personally live a righteous life than it is to Savior, yet he quotes his words (1Cor gious leaders] tell you to observe, that preach truth to the entire world (Matt 11:23-26). The writer of Acts does not observe and do [they can teach truth!], but 7:21-25). Also, we love the brethren and speak of himself as being present until do not do according to their works; for those yet to be called. They should be Acts 16:10. Are all of these people “false they say, and do not do. For they bind taught by a teacher who lives what he witnesses”? Should these men be pun- heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them preaches and does not give occasion for ished for writing about things they did not on men’s shoulders; but they themselves the unconverted to blaspheme the Eternal personally see? NO! A false witness is one will not move them with one of their fin- (2Sam 12:14). that is false—a teller of untrue things. gers. But all their works they do to be seen Thank you for your letter. We are sure LETTER: My last question to you: by men.... For you [the bad leaders] travel others had similar questions. Where is the love that is of God? Is it land and sea to win one proselyte [they do —Norman S. Edwards to your readers? Or to G.T. Armstrong? a work!], and when he is won, you make I wonder how our Savior would have him twice as much a son of hell as your- Correction to Previous CGI Article handled the situation. Jn 8:7. Is it not selves.... For you cleanse the outside of the The January, 1996, Servants’ News strange that that Spirit that He is, is sup- cup and dish, but inside they are full of reported that minister Tom Justus of posed to be in each of us? At least those extortion and self-indulgence.... For you Springdale, Arkansas resigned from the he calls His own? The fruits do tell the are like whitewashed tombs which indeed CGI board of directors. Actually, he story, do they not? Matt 7:20. appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are resigned from the CGI Ministerial I’m sure you must have answers to full of dead men's bones and all unclean- Council. Also, on January 9th, Jon these questions, I hope they are the right ness” (Matthew 23:3-5, 15, 25, 27). Garnant of Flemington, NJ resigned ones. “If you [bad leaders] were blind, you from the Ministerial Council. Page 14 February 1996 SERVANTS’ NEWS lonely over here in Scotland with so few trine and still regard each other as brethren. people willing to talk with anyone who is Paul explains this in Romans 14: some not in Worldwide, Global or United. people in the congregation were vegetari- Letters As I explained on the phone I am now ans. Paul, being trained of the Messiah for Fred Coulter’s rep in this country and am three years could certainly have answered trying to build up an audio tape mailing list this question, but he chooses to simply to supply those brethren teach tolerance instead. & Responses who have, or are con- Our approach from Servants’ News is templating, leaving that all humans and human organizations Worldwide but are uncertain about joining have some error. We should all be free to We print a representative sampling of one of the larger breakaway groups. listen to a variety of teachers and live our mail—both positive and negative. We To this end it would be a great help if according to our understanding of the do not include names unless we are fairly you could run an advert in your Servants’ scriptures. The division enters when peo- sure that the writer would not object. To News magazine which would inform those ple try to claim that the Eternal blesses avoid any difficulty, writers should speci- in the United Kingdom that they can have their organization or leader above all fy how much of their name and address a weekly audio tape sent to their home by others (1Cor 3). Leaders often encour- they would like us to print. We include writing to: age this kind of thinking to keep their our response to each letter in this type- Christian Biblical Church of God following and their income. People like style. We have selected a title for each let- P.O. Box 7357 the security of thinking they are in “the one ter for easy reference. If writers supply Kilmarnock right” or “the most right” church organiza- their own title, we will be happy to use it. Ayrshire, Scotland tion. We deleted the letter section from the KA3 2LA Years ago I considered it wrong to pub- last issue in order to keep the total weight With kindest regards, licly say anything against the leaders or under 2 ounces so it could be mailed first —Trevor Smith teaching of my church organization class. We still have many more fine letters Response: We are sorry to take so because I believed that “God would correct to print! long to print this letter. We have only a the leaders from the top.” I have now come dozen or so subscribers in the United to see, from both the many Bible examples Seeking Literature in Kenya Kingdom, but others may be contacted by and church history—especially the last 10 friends in the USA that see your letter. years of church history, that the Eternal LETTER: November, 1995 Your offer to give something to people that often lets leaders do what they want—to Dear Sir or Madam, want it without “strings attached” is a good see what His people will do (Deut 13:3, Greetings to you. First, I would like to example for others. 1Cor 11:18-19). The scriptures clearly thank God who has made it possible for —NSE show that church leaders will try to deceive me to write this letter. I am applying for the people (Acts 20:29-30; 2Cor 2:17, 4:2, Servants News for the first time. The main Can We Agree to Disagree? 11:12-15; 1Tim 4:1-3, 2Tim 4:3-4, Tit 1:9- purpose I would like this literature is to 11, et.al.). We should point out factual learn more about God and His Son Jesus LETTER: November, 1995 events (not rumors or speculation) that are Christ. Dear Mr. Edwards, being used to deceive the brethren. Thank you. The Servants News is always a wel- Also, please see the following letter in Your friend, come arrival at my house. There is some- this February, 1996, issue for a more in- —P K., Nyeri, Kenya thing, however, that it magnifies in each depth answer to this question. Response: We will be glad to send you issue, some more than others, and that is —NSE the information we have available. We contention. Although my life has been realize that some of Servants’ News will be blessed these past years from the knowl- Obedience with Love about congregations far away from you edge of God’s truth, I simply can’t believe and may not be of much use. However, if the amount of bickering that goes on. LETTER: June 24, 1995 you find the Biblical articles helpful, we Whether it pertains to the right way to Dear Friends, will keep sending the Servants’ News. observe days, when to observe days, other Thanks for your kind response of June Please let us know. people, new and old organizations, there 12. We’re thoroughly enjoying your April & Please let us know a little more about appears to be nothing that is safe from crit- May news letters, the letters & responses the people you meet with. [In a later icism. as well! response the writer stated he is a Sabbath- Your Sept-Oct 95 issue is a good As regards our celebration of the keeper. He probably found out about us example, proper church government plus Sabbath, we have observed it faithful as through Churchlight Magazine, a publica- critical comments about a Church of God we can, being on our own for 16 years this tion with some African circulation.] organization (of which I’m not a member) November. Our Heavenly Father has —NSE that is still new. It’s all quite wearisome! blessed us with our needs & our good Granted certain essentials of the faith can- health, & our personal covenant with Him, Sermon Tapes Available in U.K. not be ignored but aren’t there many that through repentance & , has never we can sort of agree to disagree on? been broken, nor will any fool & his organi- LETTER: November 23, 1995 Sincerely, zation dare steal it away. We have a per- Dear Mr. Edwards, —D.C., New York sonal relationship with Yahweh, God, our It was extremely pleasant to talk with Response: Yes, we should be able to Father, & His Son, Jesus, (Yahshua), our you a few evenings ago. It can get pretty disagree with each other on points of doc- Continued on page 16 February 1996 Page 15 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Letters” from page 15 rejoicing with each other, corresponding together with other believers (Heb 10:25). Messiah, Mediator, High Priest & King, & with friends & celebrating, worshipping our However, if we are not sure where the that’s love! A personal love that cannot be God is our pre-eminent duty—not with Eternal wants us to assemble, then it may broken or lost! It was the hardest experi- idols, whether they be stone or organiza- make sense to stay home and study on ence but the best experience, being tional, but in spirit & in truth! (Ex 20:4-6) the Sabbath until you determine where kicked out years ago! I can see God’s (John 4:23) you should assemble. It is important to Hand in it much more now looking back. William Barclay said, There are in this realize that we do not have to find “the one We had to let go of HWA’s coat-tails, & world only two kinds of people: those who right group.” We need to find a place study to show ourselves approved, & we are continually thinking of their rights, & where we can grow and where we can definitely had some work to do! There’s so those who are continually thinking of their serve others. You have heard: “Iron sharp- much more to learn, so much more to do! duties. I believe our duty is to love! And we ens iron...” (Prov 27:17). Our article, You ask if we were involved in preaching are busy practicing our duty as best we Assembling on the Sabbath, is designed the Gospel? I believe every converted can! Please continue your newsletter, we to help with these decisions. person is living the Gospel, reaching out to are your friends! We are sorry about the condition of others, every day of their lives, & recharg- In Christian love, your newsletter. One or two percent of our ing themselves in private worship every —J.B., B.C., Canada newsletters seemed to be greatly dam- 24 hour Sabbath Day! Anything less is liv- Response: I agree with most every- aged in the mail when we sent them with- ing 3rd-class rather than 1st-class! thing that you have said. Even though the out envelopes. We are now sending them In Rom 13 Paul says, Owe no man Worldwide Church of God may have with envelopes. If you ever need a anything, but to love one another, for he spent today’s equivalent of a billion dol- replacement or duplicate copy of an issue, that loves another has fulfilled the law. The lars preaching the gospel through print and please let us know. Torah is still there, always will be; it’s in our electronic media, the single biggest source —NSE intent: Do we do it because we have to, or of new members were friends and family because we desire to? I studied it once. of existing members. Living a righteous Good From All These Changes? The N.T. hammers away at the missing life is certainly teaching the Bible. ingredient. We Christians are encouraged On the other hand, the scriptures also LETTER: July 25, 1995 to put on love (Col 3:14), follow after love show the need for preachers to travel and Dear Sirs: (1Cor 14:1), abound in love (Phil 1:9), con- teach (Rom 10:14-15). I personally I just wanted to write and tell you that I tinue in love (Heb 13:1), increase in love learned many Bible truths from the appreciate your small paper. There are a (1Thes 3:12), be fervent in love (1Pet 4:8), WCG’s broadcasts and magazines. So did lot of articles that give food for thought and be consistent in love (Phil 2:2), provoke thousands of others. We need not worry study.I have been a baptized member of each other to love (Heb 10:24) be sincere about using too many different ways to the Worldwide Church of God since in love (2Cor 8:8), walk in love (Eph 5:2), preach the Gospel. Our Saviour said we November 1984. Before that I was a sub- be united in love (Col 2:2), forbearing each would not be finished before he returned scriber to The Plain Truth since 1963. I other in love (Eph 4:2), speaking the truth (Matt 10:23). took the Bible lessons as well as reading in love (Eph 4:15), our love growing in —NSE the many books and pamphlets that were knowledge & judgement (Phil 1:9), love written by Herbert W Armstrong and oth- with faithfulness (Eph 6:23), keep our- Staying at Home to Study ers as well. I will state that I learned a lot selves in love (1Jn 4:16), etc. and became an avid Bible student. God does not forget our work and LETTER: November 26, 1995 Recently I have been concerned by all labor if they are in love! (Heb 6:10.) Dear Mr. Edwards: the new changes, that have taken place Obviously, we all fall short in showing I am truly enjoying your help by send- within the WCG. While I realize that the love of God in our day-to- day activities ing the Servants’ News. I am still very con- changes do take place in almost every and that is why we all tend to emphasize fused since leaving the WCG. So many type of church organization that exists, to one degree or another and hold up are after me to join up with this one or some of these changes have been radi- other things as measures of spirituality! another and you make me feel that it is all cally different from the original doctrine. Because we’re so inadequate in express- right for me to stay alone and study some Although I realize that some of the ing the character & nature of Jesus Christ more. So far, I have not had one of the off changes, were for the better, I cannot in our daily lives, we over-emphasize tech- shoots that really appeals to me. May I agree with everything. I just cannot agree nical obedience to religious activities, or have a copy of the following? [Literature that you can do away with God’s law. How legal requirements, or spiritual experi- list removed]. can God’s law be written in our hearts if ences (like speaking in languages?), or Also, if you check the other side of this we don't practice them? dedication to a church organization! In sheet, you will see that my latest issue However traumatic this has been, these I suppose we think we can attain came in pretty bad condition. I thought though, it has made people dig in and some measurable, observable, degree of they had dropped it in some waste water. study their Bibles to find out if these things success?! As a minister from the Church The front sheet was equally soiled. I am are so. Could it be that something good of God said, “We put ritual ahead of rela- enclosing a donation to help you for I am came out of all the new changes? It cer- tionship!” (We must put on the full armor!!) sure all of this material is not cost-free and tainly could be thought of as a test as to So here we are, celebrating the it is a help to so many in need of support whether we will follow God or man. Sabbath by closing our two small busi- and help. Thank you, Again I wish to complement you on the nesses on Friday night & Saturday, as —V.C.B., Napa, CA Servants’ News. I find the articles interest- usual, & resting, studying, sharing, & Response: We should assemble Continued on page 17 Page 16 February 1996 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Letters” from page 16 Response: Thank you for your encour- do what God allows him to do! ing and challenging. Please accept my agement. We have found that there are a Please use this small amount of wishes for your continued success. great many brethren that have been study- monies to help others to understand the Please accept the small contribution I am ing for many years. We hope to share much truth that comes only from God! sending to help with printing costs. more of their work as we can get to it. In Brotherly love Sincerely, your servant in Jesus —NSE —K.J., California Christ; Response: While it may seem that —D. H., Iowa Growth from Doctrinal Discussion your point is overly simple (God is in con- Response: Yes, we certainly believe trol of everything), it has been too often that the whole reason the Eternal allowed LETTER: August 24, 1995 forgotten. People have stopped praying, the massive doctrinal changes at the Dear Friends, Mr & Mrs Norman Edwards, become atheists, and even committed sui- Worldwide Church of God was so He Please send us the article How Does cide because of the things that have hap- could see who was really following scrip- the Eternal Govern Through Humans? pened over the past four years. Most peo- ture and who was following a man or an We need to read that article. As of now we ple have absolutely no control of who organization. Some of the groups that are still attending the Global Church of becomes the leader of their church organi- departed from the WCG are trying to con- God and find that the leaders are striving zation. They may lose their job or their tinue the policy of “truth comes from to teach and preach truth. The Servants’ friends because of it, but these are trials headquarters.” With so many people News has been a blessing to us and we from which He has promised to make a studying their Bible and seeking to want to encourage you to consider contin- way of escape (1Cor 10:13). reprove every doctrine, they are generat- uing your doctrinally-oriented Bible We must continue to live our lives in ing far more Bible questions than ever research. We want to grow in understand- the most righteous way we can and not be before. Most headquarters’ doctrinal ing and wisdom but do not have the dismayed at what our Father is allowing to teams simply cannot keep up with the expertise to search out many subject. It happen. questions being sent to them. will be wonderful when we can all discuss —NSE We think this trend of increasing Bible doctrines openly with love and not be sep- study is wonderful and we hope that it arated in so many little cliques within each Was Timothy an Elder? keeps up. Certainly some people will mis- organization. It seemed that with us over understand the scriptures and some incor- the past few years we became more & LETTER: November 29, 1995 rect interpretations will be made. But we more of an outsider-not fitting into any of Dear Friends, feel it is better that a man understand 50% the little groups. We only want to study Thanks so much for Servants’ News. of the truth of scripture and have his foun- God’s word in truth. Dale & I really receive much spiritual nour- dation firmly rooted in scriptures that he Please accept the enclosed gift to help ishment from it. Norm, your Assembling knows, than to hear 75% of the truth of with the Servants’ News. on the Sabbath was so good. I learned so scripture via the teachings of an organiza- Our love, much more about the synagogues, etc. tion, but be unable to prove any of it. What —M.B., South Carolina and how they were structured, and also will happen to the latter person when his Response: We are encouraged by your how to get a group to assemble on the organization changes doctrines or disap- letter and have found many others that feel Sabbath without a lot of confusion. I do pears? this way. They want to study and learn. have a question, though. It seems to make —NSE They want to talk to the Eternal’s people sense that elders means older men, but wherever they may be. They are willing to what about Timothy? Paul had him do Glad to See So Much Available accept differences. They are not interested ministerial work, and he was young. And in belonging to the biggest, best, or most Timothy was to go and appoint elders in LETTER: July 6, 1995 powerful organization. every city, etc., so he seemed to be in Dear Norman, May the Eternal strengthen and teach authority somewhat because Paul sent Since talking to you about two months all of us through the power of His spirit! him. Anyway, someone told me that they ago I have received two more of your —NSE didn’t believe elders meant older men Servants’ News. Thank you for your because Timothy wasn’t old. efforts. Enclosed is [amount withheld] to God Is In Control of Everything Anyway, I would like to request some help pay for your continued efforts. literature from you. [literature request LETTER: Please send me the articles by [litera- August 18, 1995 deleted] Thanks for all your hard work. ture withheld] that you mentioned. Also Dear Friends, Your friends, please send me any of your own articles. Thank you so very much for all your —R.S., California It’s very interesting to read names of hard work and efforts to help God’s people Response: As far as we can tell, people we knew years ago surfacing here see the truth! Timothy is never called an “elder” in & there. God is in control of everything that is scripture. Many commentaries assume he Although we have all gone thru con- happening in the times that we are living was an elder because he is told to “do the siderable pain & anguish in this time of cri- in! God has his purpose in what is taking work of an evangelist” or because they sis, it is exciting to see such an abun- place with his people! It is now our time of assume that “elder” was a title like “bish- dance of scriptural subjects to study & to trials and testing, to prove to our great op,” “minister,” “deacon,” etc. These ideas learn. I thank God for all He gives us. God and Creator that we love him and will of church offices and positions are taken Sincerely, follow his voice in this spiritual time of con- from the early “church fathers” in the sec- Continued on page 18 —H.O., North Carolina fusion that he is allowing. Satan can only February 1996 Page 17 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Letters” from page 17 ence, nor allowed to read other’s literature many others, are a mixture of truth and ond and third centuries, not from the nor listen to other’s tapes, something is error. Some groups believe that unless you Bible. Our free article, How Does the dead wrong! pronounce these names exactly like they Eternal Govern Through Humans?, goes If we allow these wolves in sheep's do, you do not have salvation. They con- into the subject in more detail. clothing to dominate us, lord over us, con- sider any other names for the Father and The use of the term “elder” (Hebrew trol us & lead us into the slaughter house, Son to be blasphemy. Other groups occa- zaqen, Greek presbuteros) is used consis- then something is dead wrong! sionally use what they believe are the orig- tently throughout the Bible. It refers to What is dead wrong is that we have inal names of these two, but are very tol- older, wiser men that often performed gov- given up our spiritual calling, salvation & erant of those that do not. I hope to do erning and judging functions in both civil entrance into God’s holy kingdom & divine more research, but I will briefly summa- and religious matters. The New Testament family because we chose to follow men & rize what I have learned so far: congregations did not undo 2000 years of church rather than Christ, our King & God 1. The Hebrew YHVH, usually trans- historic meaning of this word to create a our Father! lated “the LORD” in the King James really new “church office.” We find no scripture May the Lord Jesus Christ help us & is a name, just like you have a name. that gives the qualifications of an elder strengthen us to follow him, obey him, Scriptures like Psalm 135:3 show that we (Titus 1 gives the qualifications of an love him & be glorified by him as the are supposed to both praise Him and “overseer”) because it is simply a state that Father has willed. praise His Name. Explanations such as one grows into. We find that elders were Sincerely, “praising His names means to simply appointed to do certain things, but we —A.G., New Jersey praise what He stands for” do not make never find any ceremony of laying on of Response: Not everyone finds as sense in the light of the numerous scrip- hands that made a person an elder. much difficulty as you have with the local tures on the subject. While some say that Timothy was less congregations of “church organizations.” 2. The Jews, in an effort not to profane than 25 years old, we would be interested Nevertheless, we personally know of His name, have not regularly pronounced in seeing evidence for such a claim. One examples where every problem that you it for centuries. They use the word clue that we have is when Paul tells him, mention has occurred. HaShem (“the name”) or Adonai (“Lord” “Let no one despise your youth” (1Tim Each person is going to be judged by or “Sovereign”) instead. The exact pro- 4:12). My research indicates that this is a what they do and say, not by what their nunciation of YHVH is disputed and I comparative term and primarily means he “church organization,” “congregation” or have not studied the many widely varying was much younger than Paul and many of family does (2Cor 5:10; Matt 12:36-37; explanations in detail. I know of several the other men he was dealing with. Older 16:27; Gal 6:4-5; Deut 24:16; Ezk 18:20). that have been researched to a great people still occasionally call me “young We respect your decision to “work out degree. I think Bible translators would man” and I’ll be 40 this year. your own salvation with fear and trem- have done better to put YHVH in the Bible —NSE bling” (Phil 2:12)—to serve where you rather than “the Lord,” since “the Lord” can serve best. May the Eternal bless you sounds like a title and does not imply any Let No Man Take Your Crown and help you to share your knowledge and kind of name at all. zeal with many others. 3. We do not have to know how to LETTER: December 5, 1995 —NSE pronounce this name in order to have a Dear Norman, relationship with Him. Consider Exodus Greetings my friend. I hope you & your True Names of Father and Son 6:3: “I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and family are doing well & that the inspiration to Jacob, as God Almighty [El Shaddai], of God through His holy spirit is guiding LETTER: January 10, 1996 but by My name LORD [YHVH] I was your service in the right direction. Hi Norm, not known to them.” Abraham was right- I recently cut off all ties with United & I know this isn’t much, but every little eous and did not use this name. have concluded that I will never join an bit helps! Keep up the Great Work that you Nevertheless, we should not ignore truth organized man-made church calling itself are producing. I pray that our Father- that He gives us. The Church of God, again! Creator in Heaven will bless all the hard 4. While the meaning of YHVH is in United is quickly turning out to be a work that you are giving to the Scattered some dispute, most agree that it means copy of the WCG before Tkach with a top- Flock! [Literature request removed.] Eternal or Ever-living One. We use this down government intact. I can no longer Question: I sent for some information word in our writing since it probably con- submit to men who do not follow Christ nor from The House of Yahweh in Abilene, veys the Hebrew meaning accurately. We can I make a church an idol, denying God. Texas, and I would like your advice on the will probably change to a transliteration of When so-called ministers of God required issue of God’s True Name and Jesus YHVH if we ever reach a conclusion on you to worship them, obey them, follow Christ’s True name that we should use how to pronounce it. them & be controlled by them, you know when praying to God or Yahweh and ask- 5. We are told to pray in our Savior’s something is dead wrong. ing all in Jesus Christ’s name Yahshua our name which is something like Yeshua, When ministers deny you access to Messiah. Yashua or Yehosha in Hebrew. There are God, when they do not edify you, nor Thank you Norm, quite a few theories on this one as well, encourage you to obey Him, when they —K. J. , Salinas, CA though the possible pronunciations vary deny you fellowship with God’s people Response: Thank you for your much less than those put forth for YHVH. who are not under their control, when you encouragement. I have spent some time 6. Several sources document that are not allowed to have in-home Bible studying various “sacred name” groups many names in our Bible come from false study groups without their divine pres- and doctrines and have concluded, like so Continued on page 19 Page 18 February 1996 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Letters” from page 18 ences given in the article would help. John [5:7-8] as mentioned in the article. religions. For example, some will show However, Mr. Richardson’s idea that, We have ample proof that this took place. that “Jesus” comes from the Greek god “for the serious student of the Bible, no Now it seems that a case can be made for “Zeus,” not from the Hebrew Yeshua. I such proof is really necessary” is a mis- Matthew 28:19-20. But we must make an need to do more study in this area. conception. The serious student of the honest effort to show that this is true. This 7. If Hebrew pronunciations of the Bible would absolutely require just such is not a case where we have a great deal Eternal’s name are important, why don’t proof from outside sources that these of movement in our logic. We are dealing we find them in the New Testament? words are spurious before he would strike with something which is concrete. Either Indeed, we find the Greek Theos for them from the Bible. these are the words of God, or they are “God” and Iesous for Jesus. The answer We must remember that we are deal- not. Hopefully we will see more on this given by many “sacred name” proponents ing with the words of God. If these words subject in a later issue of Servants’ News. is that most of the New Testament was are in the original language then we must I hope that this finds the Edwards fam- originally written in Hebrew then later have positive proof that they are not God’s ily in good health. We enjoy reading each translated into Greek where the divine words. Also, Mr. Richardson’s idea that, issue of your newsletter. Keep up the names were dropped out by translators “every biblical concept used to establish good work, and let me know your thoughts that had lost the knowledge of this truth. I doctrine must be corroborated: In the on the above issue. have seen some good evidence of this the- mouth of two or three witnesses” is not Sincerely, ory, though I have not completely proven correct when applied to the words of God. —Juan R. Rains it to myself. This concept is applicable to the words of PO Box 1082 When I pray, I use the closest thing I humans in their relationships with one Andrews, NC 28901 know to being the correct name, but I am another. A perusal of the scriptures which Response: I agree with nearly every not confident enough in its correctness to Mr. Richardson used to back up his con- thing you said. We should be very, very mention it here. We must also remember, cept will show this to be true. God does not careful when we say we feel the original that many people through the centuries need to tell us two or three times in order language texts of the Bible are in error. I have had little or no access to Hebrew and for us to accept something. As only one believe this happens, but it is rare. Greek Scriptures of any kind and God example, the foot washing service which The concept of needing two or three used them. I think this is an important sub- we perform at the Passover Feast is men- different scriptures to prove a point is also ject, but I do not think we should let it tioned by only one of the Gospel writers unbiblical. Most of the stories of the patri- overshadow the many other important and only one time did he mention this act archs are only recorded in one place— scriptural issues regarding how we live of Christ. Would Mr. Richardson use this should we doubt them? our lives. concept with this doctrine of the Church? I had noticed some of these statements —NSE This same erroneous concept is used when we decided to print the article and I by Fred Coulter in his book, The Christian hoped to call Mr. Richardson, but other “The Trinity Re-Examined” Passover where he would strip several concerns took priority and I did not. We verses from the sixteenth chapter of printed the article because it made a point LETTER: January 10, 1996 Deuteronomy because he thinks that they that I had rarely seen elsewhere. Dear Norm: are the only verses which do not support I would like to write more on this issue I have been intending to write you an early 14th passover. But we do not after I have done some additional study. since the Feast, but haven’t seemed to find eliminate words from the Bible, especially During this month, additional archaeology the time or the words. However, after read- in its original languages unless it can be projects are going on in Israel that may ing the article, The Trinity Re-Examined by proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that unearth more ancient manuscripts. Gregory H. Richardson [December 1995, they have been put there spuriously. Finding some first century copies of New p. 2], I was moved to write. Rather, we seek to coordinate the words Testament books would solve a great First, let me say that this is an intrigu- of God in His Holy Word. many things but probably shake the foun- ing article and brings to our attention some It should be noted that tens of thou- dations of many established religious information that rings true. That is, that the sands were baptized by the ministers of groups. That is something to pray for! words of Matthew 28:19-20, “...baptizing Worldwide “...in the name of the Father, —NSE them in the name of the Father, and of the and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in Son, and of the Holy Ghost...” may be the name of Jesus Christ.” This is no proof Will You Be Counted Worthy...? spurious. I would like to see a more in- that they were correct, but it does point out depth article with more proof that this is how these scriptures can be misunder- LETTER: January 18,1995 so. For instance, I notice in every movie stood by putting all the instructions of Dear Norman, that has a Catholic background, every- these verses about the act of baptism Thank you for publishing the study on thing is done in the name of the Father, together. Luke 21:36, “Will You be Counted Worthy and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. I must admit, however, that from time to Escape?” in the Dec ‘95 Servants’ This is the phrase that is continually on to time I have thought about these words News. I have had thoughts along these their lips usually spoken in Latin and with and wondered how they could be under- same lines for some time and asked the sign of the cross. Can we trace this stood. We have seen proof that the Jews myself and others, “Should we not be back to its origins? If these words are spu- have eliminated certain passages from the ready to die for the gospel of Christ—are rious, there will be ample proof that it is so. Old Testament that referred to the coming we better than the apostles?” I was not But we will have to dig to get the informa- Messiah. We have the Septuagint to prove able, however, to bring the scriptures tion. even an embellishment of the refer- this. We have the spurious passage in I Continued on page 20 February 1996 Page 19 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Letters” from page 19 appointed times (Lev 23:4). Shouldn’t his feasts at the appointed times” (Lev together that supported my feelings. Keep these matters be discussed and let God’s 23:4). Is it right for them to split up into up the good work of printing clear, concise word be the final authority on the matter? two different groups and no longer fellow- studies of God’s word. God says to be like minded, being of ship with each other because of this dis- I know God is using your ministry to one accord (Phil 2:2-3). We should be agreement? Or would it be better for them enlighten the path for many of His sheep. studying all knowledge and truths, new or to stay together and continue fellowship- Your friend, basic doctrine, and proving them from ping and studying and when the Passover —T. W., Strawn, TX God’s word. If something is not scriptural- event arrived for them to then split up, Response: Thank you for the positive ly sound, show your Godly love to one observe it the way each deemed best and words. I had not studied the issue in such another, discuss it with each other and then come back together again? detail until Donald Flowers sent the article. especially the one who brought the new How could I fellowship with a group —NSE truth to you. like this? Actually, it is wonderful. Some in We agree there are some things that our group felt strongly to observe the Godly Unity Questions are not critical to our salvation that we can Passover at home. Others felt that getting be in disagreement with and not cause together in the traditional church of God Dear Norman, disunity. For example, make-up - some way was the best. Still, others kept it on a ...We know you have said you do not may wear it - some may choose not to different day and others felt very strongly always agree 100% with every article you wear it. Where the place of safety is is to do the lamb ceremony (without the sac- print in Servants’ News, and we don’t another example. These haven’t been rificing part). The next day, we all got either, but PLEASE comment on the arti- causes of disunity for our group thus far. together and were all very genuine when cle on [Godly] Unity by Norman Brumm, III God tells us not to follow men and to we asked how each others’ Passover went. [November 1995 SN]. We cannot come to prove all things. That makes us more We all observed the Passover, yet in differ- an agreement with him on what Godly noble in character (Acts 17:11).... ent ways. Is when and how you keep unity and political oneness have to do with In Christian love, Passover a point of salvation? In some keeping 1 Pet 3:8-9 AND Phil 2:2-3. M.C., Riverside, CA ways yes and in some ways no. In our sit- Please help us understand. We are in a Response: Thank you for letter. I hope uation, we felt that it was not. We differed situation now where our group is not in you don’t mind, but Norm Edwards passed but we still had godly unity, were like unity because we don’t all agree on certain your letter on to me, as the author of the minded and were “all of one mind, having doctrinal issues and most of all on govern- Godly Unity article, and asked if I would compassion one of another, love as ment issues (church government that is). respond. brethren, pitiful, courteous” (I Pet 3:8). We We still love each other—we treat each I believe that I understand where you weren’t perfect, we had to keep our atti- other with kindness and respect. But it are coming from. I come from the mental- tudes in check but it still worked. I learned does cause us to NOT be like minded! ity that I addressed as being wrong — “If a tremendous amount about unity from this Why? Our opinion is, carnal human someone brings in some other doctrine that experience. The same should work for beings have a hard time accepting any- disagrees with the official line, he’s out of Pentecost and many other matters. thing new that they didn’t think of first. here lest he destroy our unity.” You state Paul wrote of this subject in Romans Especially if you are labeled with an office that you are in a situation that is not in 14. Apparently, the Romans were having of authority (minister, pastor, evangelist, unity because of disagreement on doctrinal pretty much the same problems regarding etc.). When someone discovers a new issues. I feel that your opinion as to why is unity. Yet, what was his conclusion? “For truth that can be scripturally proven to be right on target. People who approach the kingdom of God is not a matter of eat- sound, why don’t we have the first reaction things from a carnal point of view will ing and drinking, but of righteousness, of saying, “Yes, that’s an interesting con- never reach godly unity (see 1 Cor 3). peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because cept, let’s all study this and see if it is true But, isn’t doctrine where the truth is? anyone who serves Christ in this way is according to God’s word.” That repre- You said that some things are not critical to pleasing to God and approved by men. Let sents true godly unity, doesn’t it? Isn’t that our salvation. Where do you draw the line? us therefore make every effort to do what what the church is for — a place where we Where do I draw the line? What if these leads to peace and to mutual edification” can be together and study God’s word so lines are in different locations? (Rom 14:17-19, NIV). It might be very we can grow in truth and knowledge? Your explanation of a process whereby worthwhile for your group to conduct a [The squelching of] new truths ... before a group finds truth is absolutely marvelous. Bible Study on Romans 14 if you haven’t anyone has a chance to prove them true That does make us more noble in character. done that already. or false, has been the downfall of God’s You asked about unity with two differ- I asked an old acquaintance where he church for MANY years, has it not? ent Passovers. What if a group exists as and his family stood regarding the church In all sincerity and love, how does you describe? They get together every situation. His response is one of the best Norman Brumm, III, manage to fellowship Sabbath and have wonderful fellowship that I have heard. with a group of brethren in God’s Church and Bible studies. One winter, they tackle “My family stands with Christ’s Body, and have unity and like-mindedness when the issue of Passover. They all study wherever its individual parts are found. We some are keeping the Passover on the together week after week with the attitude are against no one except the adversary and 14th and some on the 15th, some are of “let’s see if it is true according to God’s his cohorts. We regularly fellowship, in keeping the postponements and some are word.” The odds are, especially if they had and out of congregational services, with not, some are keeping Pentecost on no previous Passover background, that brethren from both sides of this matter. In Sunday and some on Monday? This some of them come to a different conclu- other words, we have NO part of this man- seems like total confusion! Where is the sion than the rest and are very convicted of made fracture and refuse to reject even the unity? We are to keep His Feasts at the it. Both sides will also say, “We are to keep Continued on page 26 Page 20 February 1996 Good Questions on Nicolaitanism

We received a few good ques- judge whether prophets are true or false. man to “be under” or can we submit tions about our articles on church People need to be able to hear speakers directly to the authority of our Savior? government [several issues] and and judge from the scriptures whether Please read all of 1 Corinthians 1:10- on Nicolaitanism [November their message is true or not. 17. Paul is not talking about division 1995]. The letter below included The “confusion” that Paul says to caused by individual teachers expound- many of the questions, so we have avoid is not preventing a diversity of ing the scriptures differently, but is talk- reprinted the entire letter and opinions to be spoken, but in requiring ing about the very situation we response. that the prophets speak one at a time described above. People were saying “I (verses 30-32). While we should not try am of Paul,” or “I am of Apollos.” They Thank you for your letter of to cause division, a certain amount of were setting themselves up as followers December 12, 1995. You asked many division is allowed among the body so of men rather than submitting directly to good questions. I feel I can answer most our father may know who is seeking him the guidance of the holy spirit which is of them. I value your letter as it is one of (1 Cor 11:17-19, Deut 13:3). If we look at what brings us into all truth (John the few constructive criticisms that we the history of Sabbath-keepers, we find a 16:13). Romans 14 shows that there have received. I will repeat your letter diversity of governments and doctrines. may be people with wrong doctrines but and respond to it: Look at Revelation 2 and 3. There are we can still fellowship with them and I recently wrote to you asking you seven congregations all with different we should try not to offend them. to remove my name from your mail- problems and doctrines. We can label all There is no doubt that a human orga- ing list because I simply could not of that “confusion” or we can accept our nization can enforce “unity” by telling agree with either your ideas or your Savior’s leadership over His Body. (We its ministers and members to either attitude. should not be too shocked—He also speak the headquarters point of view or You have a friend who insists that allows us to grow up in a world that is get out. Ephesians 4:3-6 shows that our you are a reasonable man and that it about as confused as one could imagine.) unity is through the holy spirit and men- is unfair for me to disagree with you Under this system how would we tions, one body, one baptism, one without being specific about the dis- obey (or are you afraid of the word Father, one hope and one faith—but it agreement. He is right about the last “obey?”) the instruction in 1 Cor. 1:10 does not mention one human leader. part; I hope he is right about the first that we “all speak the same thing?” Later in verse 15 and in chapter 5:23 we part as well. In any case, here is Where would be the central clearing see that “Christ is the head of the where I disagree with you. house for our ideas? Who would tell church.” How many people can our In the Servants’ News, Sept-Oct, us when we were wrong? Who would Messiah manage? Just one human 1995, page 3, there is an article give them the authority to do so? leader? Or just the heads of a few big which advocates that we each start How would we know that their idea organizations? We think he can manage our own church. I suppose that then was any better than our own? If we thousands or millions of scattered con- each of the people who attend with continued to disagree with them then gregations much better than any human us would eventually go off and start we would not be speaking the same organization could ever do it. their own church, and so on. This is thing. If we yielded to their ideas, Who will tell us when we are anarchy and confusion. God is not would that not give them rulership wrong? “...For He Himself has said, ‘I the author of confusions (1 Cor over us? will never leave you nor forsake you.’ 14:33). I certainly believe in obeying our So we may boldly say: ‘The Lord is my The article did not suggest that every- Father in heaven. There are primarily helper; I will not fear. What can man do one “start their own church” but that peo- two words translated “obey” in the New to me?’” (Heb 13:5-6). Herbert ple who are spiritually ready make them- Testament. The one that means “obey an Armstrong taught Pentecost as being selves available to teach those that will authoritative command” is hupakouo, Sivan 6 in his early years, always listen. The article quotes Acts 8:1,4 and is used in the sense of obeying the Monday beginning in the 40’s, and which shows that nearly all the Jerusalem Eternal or obeying scripture. There is no always Sunday beginning in the 70’s. brethren were scattered and went every- command to give such allegiance to He must have been wrong at least two of where preaching the Gospel. We find it men. The other word, peitho, has a the times. Does following a man always interesting that you quote 1 Corinthians meaning of “being persuaded” or tell us when we are wrong? Or is it just 14:33, a passage about conducting wor- “cooperating with.” This is the word more comfortable to be wrong with a ship services. Please read verse 26 and used in Hebrews 13:17. However, there big group of people? If a person studies see that each of the brethren had a part in are plenty of Sabbath-keeping organiza- the scripture and cannot agree with the the services—was that confusion? See tions that I could join and each of their leader of his congregation, he should not verse 29 where it says that two or three leaders would command me to obey cause those that are weak in the faith to prophets were to speak, and the others them. Is only one of these organizations stumble, but he should have his faith to were to judge. This is an obvious refer- right and are all the others sinners? Do himself and act according to his convic- ence to scriptures like Deuteronomy 13 we have a choice about which one we tions (Rom 14:22-23). and Isaiah 8:20 where we are told to will attend? Do we have to choose a Continued on page 22 February 1996 Page 21 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Nicolaitanism” from page 21 “Nicolaitan” that has anything to do Father is against the shepherds that feed How do we know when to stay with with “clergy” or that the “clergy” are themselves and not their flocks. a specific congregation and when to the ones doing the conquering. The truth of the matter is that leave? The problem is most often taken We looked at some of the source Jesus does not hate strong rulership. care of for you. If you sincerely live your material that C. J. Milosh cites and we What Jesus hates is rebellious atti- convictions and talk about them when are ordering some more of it. We would tudes and those who refuse to be asked (not pushing them on others), peo- like to publish another article on the ruled. Heb 13:7 says, “Remember ple less interested in seeking the truth subject. C. J. Milosh applied the defini- those who rule over you, who have will usually want to put you out of their tion of “conquering the people” to what spoken the word of God to you...” assembly (John 9:22, 16:2, 3Jn 9-10). It has happened throughout much of This means that those who speak is interesting that we find no instruction church history—a small group of “cler- the word of God to us also have rule at all in the New Testament for the true gy” has ruled over the “laity,” often for over us. They have the authority to believers to depart from the syna- their own benefit. Most “Church of tell us when we are not conducting gogues—they were put out. In some God” groups have inherited the concept our lives according to that word of cases, we find reasons why we should of an “ordained ministry” from the God and to teach us how to obey. leave (2Ths 3:6, 1Tim 6:5, Rev 2:2). Catholic and Protestant churches, not If two ministers, one from the GCG Rulership over you is what you from the Bible. Please read our articles and one from the UCG each came to seem to be trying to avoid at all cost. How Does The Eternal Govern Through your house, spoke “the word of God to You appear to want everybody to be Humans? and Assembling on the you,” and then told you to tithe to their a chief, with nobody to be indians. Sabbath for a detailed explanation. headquarters, which one would you To the contrary, there is One Chief, Another question: How can we obey? The doctrines or the organiza- and all the rest are “indians.” “now understand that the thing Jesus tions have only minor differences. At this point I must address the Christ hates and detests is the spirit Neither claims to be the “one and only rhetoric that has proliferated about of clergy/laity (i.e., class society with True Church.” If you chose one organi- the Nicolaitans and the misconcep- one ruling over another)?” Did Jesus zation based on its doctrinal teaching, tions about who they were and what Christ hate Himself? (Rev 12:5; what would you do if the other organi- they did that Jesus hated. C. J. 19:15). zation told you that you, as a “lay mem- Milosh, in his article on Did Jesus Christ hate the ber” are not qualified to make such a Nicolaitanism, says, “Two Greek root Thyatirans? Revelation 2:26-27 says fine doctrinal distinction? Is it not your words are brought together to form that if the Thyatirans overcome He own decision whom you will obey? ‘Nicolaitan’: NICO and LAOS. ‘Nico’ will give them power over the nations The Greek word used for “rule” in means to conquer or bind. ‘Laos’ and that they will rule with a rod of Hebrews 13:7 is hegemoai and is more means the “the common people.’ iron. Overcoming doesn’t sound like often translated “count” or “think” and ‘Lait’ (as in the central section of a viable goal if the reward for doing it here means “leaders” or “those that NICO - ‘LAIT’ - AN) is a form of is something Jesus hates. But then, must give account.” The sense of obey- ‘laos.’ The modern term, ‘laity,’ was since Jesus is the one giving the ing “day-to-day commands” does not formed by simply adding a ‘y.’” reward and the reward is something exist in the Greek text. Consider (emphasis his.) He hates, then He is the one that is Moffatt’s translation of the same verse: Up to this point, all the sources I confused. And I don’t believe that for “Remember your leaders, the men who checked agreed. However, then C. J. a minute! spoke the word of God to you; look Milosh takes a quantum leap into his The Scriptures you cite refer to per- back upon the close of their career, and own agenda, as do J. H. Allen and all fect spirit beings ruling over men, not copy their faith.” the others who obviously have a fallible human beings. There is a big dif- 1 Pet 2:18 says: “Servants, be problem with authority figures. ference! We are not in the Millennium! submissive to your masters with all To continue quoting Mr. Milosh: Our father does not guarantee that fear, not only to the good and gentle, “Now, for there to be a LAITY there “Church leaders” will be infallible but also to the harsh.” Of course it’s must be a CLERGY. The ‘Clergy’ is (though some have claimed that). easier to submit to the good and the elite ruling class, as contrasted Herbert Armstrong diligently taught gentle master and most of us want with the ‘laity’ which is the common much truth for over 50 years, but his last life to be as easy as possible. But class. Hence, we now understand letter appointed a man that oversaw the God says that if the master is harsh, that the thing Jesus Christ hates and reversal of most of that teaching. Did submit to him anyway. detests is the spirit of clergy/laity (i.e., the members have the authority to leave This command is for men who were class society with one ruling over teaching they recognized from the Bible physical servants to submit to their another).” (Again, emphasis his.) to be false? Did a “minister” have to tell physical masters. This system was sup- I have a question: Where is the them it was all right to leave? How ported by the Old Testament (Ex 21:2, word “clergy” in the word many “ministers” preached (and are still Ex 22:3), though it was misused. This “Nicolaitan?” The “conquering” I can preaching) that members must stay in verse has nothing to do with spiritual see; the “people” I can see. But I their organization “no matter what”? leaders that were completely forbidden don’t see anything in the word Please read Ezekiel 34 to see how our Continued on page 23 Page 22 February 1996 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Nicolaitanism” from page 22 the entire nation? If a “minister” tells a “Salute all your leaders and all the to “lord it over” their brethren (Luke person that he can (or should) divorce saints.” Paul mentions the leaders sepa- 22:25-26). his or her spouse, does that eliminate the rately here because he was just talking Heb 13:17 carries instructions of scriptural obligations to one’s family? (I about them. If you look at the end of all great significance to all of us. I will am not saying every divorce is wrong, of Paul’s epistles, you see he greets (or break it down into three sections: but I have seen some very creative rea- “salutes”—same Greek word aspa- A. “Obey those who rule over soning by ministers eager to please a zomai) a great variety of named individ- you and be submissive...” We are to well-liked member.) uals, congregations, and “the saints” or obey and be submissive. To obey is C. “...Let them do so with joy and “the brethren.” Sometimes his list is an action. To be submissive is an not with grief, for that would be long (Rom 16), Sometimes it is very attitude of mind. Both our actions unprofitable for you.” (emphasis short (Gal 6:18). We cannot conclude and our attitudes must be in tune mine.) Who will it be unprofitable for? that his purpose in these diverse endings with God’s will. Not the ones who have rule over us, was to establish some individuals or The Greek peitho (“obey”) is usual- they have to account to God. To groups as “over” others in authority. ly translated “persuade” or “trust”—it refuse to obey and be submissive This Scripture in Hebrews is the only contains the idea of becoming friends, would be unprofitable for us. Period. place where he specifically, separately cooperating. The Greek pietharcheo, Paragraph. mentions “leaders” and “the saints.” used for obeying the Eternal or kings We should cooperate as much as This simple greeting cannot be used to (Acts 5:29, Tit 3:1) was not used here. possible with our establish the Catholic The Greek hegemoai (“rule”) is more leadership and it is Why do some English and Protestant doc- often translated “count” or “think” as we a blessing to us. Bible scriptures seem to sup- trine of “clergy” stated above.” The Greek hupotasso, Our Savior certain- port a ministerial hierarchy? placed over the “laity” (“submit”) is the same word used for ly has established What does the original say? through “ordination.” “people submitting to civil authority” many different While the “laying and members “submitting to each other” spiritual gifts in his Please read How Does the on of hands” is taught (Rom 13:1-5, 1Cor 16:16, Eph 5:21, 1Pet assembly (Rom Eternal Govern Through in the Bible, the doc- 5:5). If hupotasso meant “under absolute 12:6-8, 1Cor 12:7- Humans? ...and find out! trine of ordination authority,” how could the believers be 11, 28-31, Eph 4:11- does not exist there. “under absolute authority” to each other? 15). We can work with brethren even if Hands were laid on people to accomplish Rotherham translates this section “Be they do not understand every doctrine as specific tasks, not to make them a “dea- yielding unto them who are guiding you we do. I have personally attended with a con” or “minister” for life (Acts 6:5-6, and submit yourselves...” 1 Corinthians variety of Sabbath-keeping groups and 13:2-3). Hands were laid on Stephen so 11:3 unmistakably tells us “... the head of have encouraged others to do the same. he could serve widows, but in the very every Man is Christ....” If we cannot cooperate with our fellow- next verses he is performing great mira- B. “...for they watch out for your laborers, it is not likely we will bear cles and powerfully preaching to the souls as those who must give much fruit. I have certainly met people heads of the civil government (Acts 6:5- account...” Those who have rule over that tend to offend every leader and 7:60). If you look up the word “ordain” in us are responsible for what they say group that they meet with—that attitude Young’s Analytical Concordance, you and do to us. And if they deliberately is certainly unprofitable for them. will find 13 different Greek words trans- mistreat us, then Hebrews 10:31 Problems also arise when men set lated to this single English word—and all takes effect. themselves up as being spiritually “over” of those Greek words have another mean- You are certainly right about leaders other men and then command obedience ing and are usually not translated being judged for mistreating the to themselves. The article to which you “ordain.” To a Greek reader, there is no brethren (Jms 3:1). But why did you objected, Preach the Gospel in Your City word for “ordain” in the Bible. Please leave the WCG? Because we are told to for Only $400 Per Year, was an effort to read our free article, How Does the determine when a teacher is teaching encourage teaching of the truth regard- Eternal Govern Through Humans?, for a falsely and to leave (2Ths 3:6, 1Tim less of organizational lines. If we had full explanation. 6:5). If a teacher misleads us, is all the more of that approach and less fighting Now for what it was about the responsibility upon him, or do we bear over who was going to be “in authority Nicolaitans that Jesus hated. The some also? Seven times, the letters to over the members,” members would be Nicolaitans did indeed try to conquer the churches tell us that “him who over- much more effective. God’s people, but not by harsh rule. comes” will be rewarded. 1 Corinthians Incidentally, Hebrews 13:24 They tried to destroy God’s people 3:12-17 shows that “each ones’ work” says, “Greet all those who rule over by getting them to turn the grace of will be tested. Numerous parables of our you, and all the saints.” So much for God into lasciviousness. The Savior show the importance of individ- not having a difference between Amplified Bible calls them “those ual actions and deeds. When the kings “those who rule over you” and “the corrupters of the people” (Rev 2:15). of Israel disobeyed the Scriptures and saints,” in other words, “the people.” The NRSV Harper Study Bible, encouraged the people to follow them, The Greek for “rule” is again hege- note on Rev 2:6: “The Nicolaitans who went into captivity? Just the king or moai. Moffatt translates this verse Continued on page 24 February 1996 Page 23 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Nicolaitanism” from page 23 the group hardened into a Gnostic the connection to Nicholas in Acts is were a heretical group tolerated by sect traceable as far as AD 200.” circumstantial. It appears that the nature the church of Pergamum (v.15), but The Bible Almanac, Edited by of the Nicolaitan doctrine has been pre- rejected by the church at Ephesus. Packer, Tenney & White, Copyright served in the meaning of the word. They stressed Christian liberty to 1980 by Thomas Nelson Publishers, 3. Most “Bible scholars”—including such an extent that they allowed for Page 537: “Nicolaitans. John Bible translators—support the tradition- gross immorality and idolatry.” This focused on a more extreme form of al church government even though it is doesn’t sound like harsh rule to me. rampant throughout the not in the Bible. Your last reference The NIV Study Bible, Note on Rev first-century church (1 and 2 John; above mentions “Nicolaos, a deacon.” 2:6: “Nicolaitans. A heretical sect Rev. 2:6, 14, 15). These were The author probably knows better, but within the church that had worked out Nicolaitans. Supporters of this dead- feels safe “keeping with tradition.” What a compromise with the pagan soci- ly doctrine claimed that, since their is the Greek word for “deacon”? ety. They apparently taught that spir- bodies were physical (and therefore Diakonos. What is the Greek word for itual liberty gave them sufficient lee- evil), only what their spirits did was “minister”? Diakonos. How do nearly all way to practice idolatry and immoral- important. So they felt free to indulge church congregations establish separate ity. Tradition identifies them with in indiscriminate sexual relation- positions of “minister” and “deacon” Nicholas, the proselyte of Antioch ships, to eat food which had been when there is only one Greek word? who was one of the first seven dea- offered to idols, and to do anything These “offices” existed in the Church of cons in the Jerusalem church (Acts they pleased with their bodies. England when the KJV Bible was trans- 6:5), though the evidence is merely “...Irenaeus, Tertullian, and other lated. The translators were subject to circumstantial. A similar group at church fathers denounced the King James who wanted to maintain tra- Pergamum held the teaching of Nicolaitans along with the Gnostics. ditional ecclesiastical control of the Balaam (vv. 14-15), and some at Irenaeus reported that the sect was church. They arbitrarily wrote “deacon” Thyatira were followers of the woman named for Nicolaos, a deacon of the some places and “minister” in other Jezebel (V.20). From their heretical first Nicolaitan community, who places and nearly every Bible translator tendencies it would appear that all indulged in adultery.” has followed that lead. But if you ask a three groups were Nicolaitans.” Now this sounds much more like person that speaks Greek, he will tell you The Living Bible, footnote on Rev what Jesus would hate. There were that there is no difference in the original 2:6: “Nicolaitans, when translated similar articles in The Jamieson, text. The Greek diakonos is also translat- from Greek to Hebrew, becomes Fausset, Brown 1 Volume ed “servant” a number of times—that is Balaamites; followers of the man Commentary on the Whole Bible; the its real meaning. Where would tradition- who induced the Israelites to fall by Smith Bible Dictionary and other al “church government” be with neither lust. (See Revelation 2:14 and sources. This is what I believe and “ministers” nor “deacons” in the Bible? Numbers 31:15, 16)” why I cannot agree with you Mr. Similarly, it is not surprising that we The New Bible Dictionary, pub- Edwards. see Bible commentaries and helps lished by Erdmans, reprinted 1979, We realize that most Bible helps ignoring the meaning of “Nicolaitan.” page 886: “NICHOLAS, NICOLAI- probably give an explanation similar to Which church congregation would rec- TANS. Nicholas of Antioch (Acts 6:5) the above. They essentially say that the ommend a book that condemns their is supposed to have given his name doctrine of the Nicolaitans is the same church government? to a group in the early Church who as the doctrine of Balaam. We have Having gone through some really sought to work out a compromise trouble with this for three reasons: bad marriages, I understand the pain with paganism, to enable Christians 1. Balaam means “not of the peo- of having to submit to a harsh ruler. If to take part without embarrassment ple”—not the same as “conqueror of the I had been willing to leave the in some of the social and religious people.” Church over government or because activities of the close-knit society in 2. If there were no significant dif- of harsh, unfair or even abusive which they found themselves. It is ference between the Nicolaitan and treatment by ministers and brethren, possible that the term Nicolaitan is a Balaam doctrines, why would John have I would have left the Worldwide Graecized form of Heb. Balaam, and been inspired to use separate words? Church of God twenty years ago. Or therefore allegorical, the policy of the These are very specific messages about eighteen years ago. Or fifteen years sect being likened to that of the Old problems within the congregations. ago. But I did not. Testament corrupter of Israel (Nu. People cannot repent of an error unless It is good to suffer for righteousness xxii). In that case the Nicolaitans are they know what it is. Balaam’s error is sake, but not for our own mistakes to be identified with the groups well documented in scripture (Num (Matthew 5:10). I recently spoke with a attacked by Peter (2Pet 2:15), Jude 31:16, 2Pet 2:15, Jude 11, Rev 2:14), Wisconsin man who had been studying (verse 11), and John (Rev 2:14 and and everyone agrees that Balaam his Bible in the 1970’s and learned about possibly 2:20-23), for their advocacy deceived people to sin and depart from the Sabbath and many other truths. I can- within the Church of pagan sexual the truth. There is no explanation of the not remember who baptized him, but laxity. References in Irenaeus, Nicolaitan doctrine in the Bible. One of please remember that Herbert Clement, and Tertulian suggest that the above reference works admits that Continued on page 25 Page 24 February 1996 SERVANTS’ NEWS “Nicolaitanism” from page 24 some are mixed up about government our Father (not the human leadership) Armstrong was baptized by a Baptist and think they must wait for “God to for spiritual gifts (1Cor 12:31: 14:39). minister. Later he found out about the clean it up.” Others have seen that some Are there any specific examples of “just WCG correspondence course and took of the changes are good and are still members” making any “big decisions” several lessons. When he asked for a looking into the changes with which in the congregation? “I urge you, visit from their ministry, he could not they disagree. Still others may know of brethren—you know the household of believe their arrogance—nothing like no other Sabbath-keeping organization Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of the “servants” described in the scrip- where they can attend and feel their Achaia, and that they have devoted tures. Because he would not obey them, local pastor is still feeding them. [Greek tasso is usually translated they stopped sending the correspon- There is only one spiritual organism, “appointed”] themselves to the ministry dence course but he continued to study the Ekklesia, or “Church.” However, as of the saints” (1Cor 16:15). Apollos on his own. Others began to study with we see in Revelation 2 and 3, there are started teaching of his own accord (Acts them and now they have a 100-person different groups that can vary greatly in 18:24-28). congregation which believes most of the their spiritual effectiveness and fruit that I do not think that brethren should be same doctrines that you and I do. He they bear—yet they are all part of His continually boasting of their spiritual considers members of the WCG and off- Body. We have to leave groups where gifts and fighting for authority over each shoots as brethren, but he told me that he good fruit cannot be born (2Ths 3:6, other. That is the way of Satan. was thankful that the Eternal spared him 1Tim 6:5). It is good to see several hun- Authority is to be used to help and serve from all of that human government. dred leaders stand up in 1995 and change others, not to gain for ourselves. If we Also, I have spoken with a former jobs to continue teaching the doctrines in have the power of the holy spirit in our head of the WCG ministry who admitted which they believe. But we must not for- lives, we have all the power we need. that there were members that were put get that 10,000’s of brethren made a We do not have to put ourselves “over” out for completely unjust reasons and change before they did. Many of these other men. never welcomed back. Are these disfel- brethren, by the power of the holy spir- The WCG did teach that God is test- lowshipped people, or my Wisconsin it—not by “top-down authority” saw the ing us now to see if we will follow friend going to be without reward “new teaching” for what it was. If our imperfect human authority—then He because they were never a part of a cer- congregations had not been structured in will know that we will follow His per- tain corporation? Were there certain a top-down fashion, but along the line of fect authority. However the Bible does years when the Eternal required mem- the Synagogue government in which our not teach that. It teaches we must “study bership in a certain corporation? When Savior and the Apostles participated, to show ourselves approved” (2Tim did they begin? When did they end? these brethren could have stood up and 2:15) and “obey God rather than I left the Worldwide Church of refuted the non-Biblical teaching. We men”—even if they are (as the High God because they wanted to take might have avoided some of the rending Priest was) the recognized religious God’s Plan of Salvation away from of congregations that occurred. leaders of our day (Acts 5:17, 29). me and that was just too precious to It is important that you realize the Thank you for writing and reading. lose. I see a core of ministers that Messiah is our ultimate shepherd. He —Norman S. Edwards have left that organization for the will “never leave you nor forsake you” same reason I did. Some of these (Heb 13:5). “Not that we [Paul and Traveling Teacher’s Itinerary: men have been hurt as much or more Timothy] have dominion over your Jim Rector will be traveling to visit than I and others like me. In any faith, but are fellow workers for your scattered congregations and brethren case, they have all been humbled joy; for by faith you stand” (2Cor 1:24). this coming March. His planned itiner- and have shown the incredible This verse shows that it is a great help to ary at press time: courage and strength of character to have good leaders, but that they do not 3/9 Albuquerque, New Mexico (Lon admit where they were wrong and control our salvation. “...But the just Lacey will be present, also). have asked for a chance to rebuild shall live by his faith” (Hab 2:4). 3/12 Arizona (probably Cotton- and continue with God’s work. They The Biblical Bill of Rights is very wood—schedule still being will make mistakes. They are human. short. We can choose life, Deut. arranged.) But I don’t want to refuse them this 30:19. We can choose whom we will 3/15 Las Vegas, Nevada, evening chance and by doing that, cut my serve, Josh 24:15. We can choose meeting. own chances short. whether to marry or remain single, 1 3/16 Long Beach, California, after- I am happy to see that you knew you Cor 7:8. That’s about it. But the noon meeting at the Ramada Inn. could choose a different congregation rewards of choosing to go God’s way Jim Rector has been teaching scat- when you felt the leaders of your former are enormous. tered brethren for a number of years congregation were departing from the You have mentioned some Bibl- through his cassette sermon and printed scriptures. I do not believe, however, ically-supported choices. We just need literature program. He has encouraged that the WCG leaders could “take God’s to read the Scriptures a little more to see them to study the scriptures and be per- Plan of Salvation away” from you or how much our Great Father Offers us: sonally responsible for their spiritual anyone else. I believe there are still con- “If you ask anything in My name, I will growth. Anyone interested can call 903- verted people in that organization— do it” (John 14:14). We are told to ask 792-1352. February 1996 Page 25 SERVANTS’ NEWS Our goal is to bring worthwhile information to as many people as want it at the lowest practi- cal cost. This loose-leaf format is inexpensive and allows this non-copyrighted publication to be easily copied. You might wish to bind it with a 3-ring binder, staples, brads or a paper clip. “Letters” from page 20 agree on how to operate the group. Paul and summed up in two words: tolerate and most radical elements of both persuasions. Barnabas split up because of a contention accommodate. Norm, until later notice, [my wife] and I they could not settle. Sometimes it has to be I feel that if you still love each other will no longer embrace or reject specific done, but it is better to work out grievances and treat each other with kindness and fellowships of our brethren to the exclu- if possible. Even separate, Paul and respect that that is a tremendous founda- sion of others. It’s that simple. If you find Barnabas considered each other brethren. tion on which to build. I feel very strongly us fellowshipping with, financially sup- “We should be studying all knowledge that seeing eye to eye on every point with- porting, defending, or collaborating with a and truths, new or basic doctrine, and prov- out the foundation that you have is merely group of our brethren and you take that as ing them from God’s Word” is easy to say, political oneness. Godly unity in this evidence that we reject another group of but it makes it sound like everything is human realm does allow diversity. I would brethren, you would be incorrect. Hope black and white. However, there is much like your group to be strongly encouraged that answers your question.” that isn’t black and white in God’s Word. by your foundation and open willingness Some issues simply present logistical We all understand God’s word from differ- to allow the Word of God to direct your problems for unity. Obviously, if people ent perspectives and angles. Can we toler- steps. Your group may have more godly think that the Sabbath is on Sunday, then ate these differences? If we can, then we unity than one may realize. It is okay if unity isn’t even a question. Church gover- are a good ways toward achieving godly some come up with different conclusions. nance can separate a group if people can’t unity. I guess the message here could be —Norman A. Brumm, III The Letter to the Galatians, a Paraphrase with Built-in Literature List Commentary by John McCauley. 18 pages. Lively ver- nacular paraphrase with some notes on book of Galatians. All items are free. New items are highlighted with shading. The Worldwide Church of God Splits: Their Triumphs All back issues of Servants’ News are available. and Troubles by Alan Ruth, 56 pages. Facts and analy- sis of the last 20 years of church history. Mature Literature The Apple of God’s Eye by Jim Rector, 13 pages. God’s Basic Literature love for us is far greater than we imagine and we often The Bible Sabbath: Seventh Day or First Day? (From the take it for granted. Bible Sabbath Association) 2 pages. Basic Sabbath tract. Assembling on the Sabbath by Norman S. Edwards, 16 God’s Purpose for Your Life by Fred McGovarin, 40 pages, pages. An exposition of the scriptures regarding our need half-size booklet. A “first booklet” for people just becom- to fellowship on the Sabbath and how to do it. ing interested in the Truth. It introduces Hebrew names A Call to Arms by Jim Rector, 16 pages. Lessons for today (Yahweh and Yashua) for God and Jesus. from Revelation 2-3 including the oppressive doctrine of The Resurrection of Christ—Is It a Fact? by Don Hudgel. the Nicolaitans and the doctrine of Balaam. 2 page tract for those skeptical of the Bible & resurrection. Biblical Calendar Basics by Norman S. Edwards, 10 pages. Introduction to the issues about the Biblical and Hebrew Study Resources and Information calendars (beginning of months, years, posponements etc.) Barnabas Ministries Mission Statement by Alan Ruth. 2 pages. Does the New Covenant Do Away with the Letter of the A Church of God Ministry Order Form by Lon Lacey & Law? by Eric V. Snow. 32 pages. A “must read” for those friends. 1 page. Free literature on nature of God & Satan, who feel it does. Biblical law, prophecy, history, church government, etc. Did Christ Reorganize the Church? by Herbert W. Commonwealth Publishing Order Form by Kirk Gearhart. Armstrong in 1939, 8 pages. Very different than his later 6 pages. Religious books, including Darrell W. Condor’s. approach: Christ never set up a hierarchical government. Friends of the Brethren Statement of Income and The Heart of the Matter by Jim Rector, 31 pages. Our call- Expenses, 2 pages. (Automatically sent to contributors) ing is to spiritual growth, not just attendance, socializing, Giving and Sharing Order Form by Richard Nickels. 3 politeness or legalism. pages. Has many excellent free items, low prices on hard- How Does the Eternal Govern Through Humans? by to-find religious books, and fine literature on floppy disk. Norman S. Edwards, 34 pages. How the KJV translators History Research Projects Order Form by Craig White. 6 altered Scriptures about government to please King pages. Hard-to-find books on the origins of nations. James and an analysis of what the Bible says about how In Transition One free sample issue of 16 page newspaper. we should govern in today’s congregations. Best single source of news about Sabbath-keeping groups. Just What Does the New Covenant Do? by Joseph The Sabbath Sentinel One free sample issue of 16 page glossy Chunko, 18 pages. Explanation of the difference between magazine—doctrinal & human interest articles. With Bible the law, the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. Sabbath Association order form: Sabbath books & tracts. We want to send this newsletter only to people who want it! If you are not interested, please send us a postcard or give us a call: 501-872-1003, fax: 501-872-1004, eMail: [email protected] Page 26 February 1996