Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64

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Goat grazing, its interactions with other herbivores and biodiversity

conservation issues

R. Rosa García , R. Celaya, U. García, K. Osoro

SERIDA – Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario, P.O. Box 13, 33300 Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o

a b s t r a c t

Article history: Goats have developed in harmony with local conditions of climate, terrain, vegetation,

Received 28 November 2011

and even pathogens over centuries in many areas, while they have been blamed of caus-

Received in revised form 27 March 2012

ing environment degradation in other ones. The paper summarizes the situation of goat’s

Accepted 28 March 2012

population worldwide, the status of the breeds and the multiple implications of their con-

Available online 21 April 2012

servation, the interactions of goats with other animal species (wild or domestic) and the

main issues regarding the consequences of goat grazing from the environmental point of


Biodiversity view. It underlines that most of the environmentally harmful effects of goat grazing arise

Conservation from improper management practices at very high grazing pressures whereas goat grazing

Environment can be a useful tool for conservation if managed adequately. Moderate grazing pressures

Goats can be compatible with high levels of biodiversity and provide externalities, whereas high

Grazing intensity at short term can be a valuable tool for weed control. Goat genetic heritage is


seriously threatened and requires more studies and greater support from national and

international institutions, in parallel with other efforts in rural development, especially for

remote areas which hold an outstanding reservoir of livestock diversity adapted to the local

conditions and managed by impoverished communities. A multidisciplinary approach of

scientists, policy makers, rangeland managers and local communities is required for the

design of future sustainable management plans.

© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction: past, present and future of world and dry zones (Devendra, 2010), especially in Asia (60%)

goat populations and Africa (33.8%). Within Asia, the greatest concentrations

occur in China, India and Pakistan (39.6% of the world goat

Goats are among the first ruminants to be domesticated population and 66% of the continent). The rest are found

and possibly the second species to be taken into the human mainly in Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Cau-

fold after the dog (Wilson, 1991). Domestication started casus. Within the European Union (EU), around 12 million

with the bezoar (Capra aegagrus (Erxleben, 1777)) in south- goats were recorded during 2010 and they were mostly

west Asia (Iran and Iraq) about 10,000 years ago (Mason, reared in Greece (33.6%), Spain (23.5%), France (10.8%) and

1984). Italy (7.7%) (Table 1).

The global census of this ruminant was around 920 The world goat population growth has been constant

million heads in 2010 (Table 1). Despite their global distri- (2.6% annual growth rate over the period 1986–2007 and

bution, they are more abundant in the developing countries 2.8% considering solely developing countries) whereas

(about 98% of the total population) and around the tropics the opposite pattern is observed in Europe (Devendra,

2010; Table 1). The global increase is expected to con-

tinue (Rosegrant et al., 2009) regardless of the rapid global

shift towards a monogastric livestock production which

∗ has expanded more than fourfold over the past decades

Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 985890066; fax: +34 985891854.

(Steinfeld et al., 2006).

E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Rosa García).

0921-4488/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

50 R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64

Table 1

Stocks (heads) of goats in different regions and countries of the world.

Region/country 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

European Union 14,443,626 13,636,224 13,993,375 13,775,641 13,791,939 12,487,721

France 1,210,520 1,231,560 1,240,000 1,232,640 1,283,120 1,349,030

Greece 5,614,450 5,180,000 5,619,100 5,422,240 5,345,620 4,200,000

Italy 1,397,000 1,025,000 960,994 945,000 920,000 961,000 Spain 2,627,000 3,046,720 2,833,220 2,956,730 2,959,300 2,933,800

Africa 234,220,237 250,890,414 267,685,212 279,276,912 299,259,339 310,718,293

America 34,938,153 36,187,103 37,056,339 38,013,119 37,411,782 37,211,489

Asia 458,521,301 463,392,884 486,798,255 504,422,915 529,504,472 551,227,448

China 148,478,245 145,872,929 149,928,862 146,858,033 143,595,223 150,708,101

India 123,533,000 124,077,000 128,213,000 136,286,000 145,000,000 154,000,000

Pakistan 47,426,000 50,917,000 54,679,000 53,789,000 56,742,000 59,900,000

World 749,030,481 771,903,084 813,546,950 843,935,961 887,709,227 920,608,951

Source: FAOSTAT.

2. Goat breeds 2010a,b), but there are few internationally or nationally

funded projects, even within the richer nations (Hall, 2004).

The diversity of goat breeds is remarkable (they rep- The Interlaken Declaration on Animal Genetic Resources

resent 12% of all the breeds within the mammals) and already recognized the existence of serious gaps and weak-

includes 543 local, 46 regional transboundary and 38 nesses at national and international level which prevented

international transboundary breeds (FAO, 2010b). Such an efficient inventory, monitorization and characterization

diversity is a result of both natural selection for fitness of the animal genetic resources, hindering their sustain-

under varied conditions and artificial selection practised by able use and conservation, and financial resources and

breeders. The Saanen is the world’s most widespread breed long-term support at national and international level were

and, together with the Anglo-Nubienne, Boer, Toggen- urgently demanded (FAO, 2007).

burg, Alpine, West African Dwarf, Angora and Creole, they We do not observe a much greater progress nowadays

are present in more than 24 countries (FAO, 2010a). The and the current government policies are sometimes contra-

majority of the breeds (76%) are reared in the developing dictory. For example, the latest reform of the EU Common

countries, mostly in Asia and Africa (42%), while another Agricultural Policy (CAP), despite including initiatives to

195 local breeds occur in Europe and the Caucasus, mainly arrest the loss of genetic resources, is expected to accel-

around the Mediterranean area (170 breeds) (Devendra, erate goat farming abandonment, and especially of those

2010; FAO, 2010a,b). working with indigenous stock, as the decoupling process

The flourishing of intensive livestock production sys- progresses (Canali, 2006; Castel et al., 2010). Therefore,

tems which utilize a narrow range of breeds has we must continue stressing that the survival of the valu-

contributed to the degradation of the animal genetic able genetic biodiversity would lay on the international

resources and the marginalization of the traditional live- support from institutions like FAO, on the improvement

stock production ones, leading many breeds to a risk of national and international government policies, and in

of disappearance (FAO, 2009). So far, the greatest loss the case of Europe, on the efforts of the national associa-

of genetic resources occurs in Europe (16 out of the 19 tions related to the maintenance or establishment of goat

extinct goat breeds worldwide) although, according to flock books, such as the existing 19 Spanish associations,

the European farm animal biodiversity information sys- which carry on active conservation or breeding programs

tem (FABISnet), the status of endangerment of 86.5% of (e.g. Camacho Vallejo et al., 2005; Figueroa et al., 2003;

the breeds is unknown there, due to the lack of enough Gómez et al., 1998). There is evidence of how coordinated

data to estimate it, although five European breeds are efforts from different institutions can contribute to the con-

“endangered” and 13 are “critical” (Duchev et al., 2006). servation of endangered breeds. Once the Spanish Official

Notwithstanding the status of the breeds is even more Catalogue of Livestock Breeds highlighted the urgency of

poorly documented in Asia or Africa, where many of the conservation efforts to preserve the Pitüsa or Ibicenca goat

more rarely used and best-adapted animals are found, and breed, endemic from two of Balearic Islands and, under evi-

where many breeds face the danger of genetic erosion. Such dent risk of extinction, the association of producers of this

lack of data leads to an incomplete and distorted picture of breed, together with the Balearic Institute of Animal Biol-

the status and trends of domestic animal breeds worldwide ogy and the University of Córdoba carried out an efficient

(Shand, 1997). Furthermore, the survival of autochthonous rescue program following FAO’s technical recommenda-

breeds can be associated with the survival of indigenous tions (Camacho et al., 2011). Apart from saving the valuable

ethnic groups, frequently pastoralist, which are pushed, genetic heritage, a parallel plan searches for attributes that

together with their livestock, to marginal areas. These enhance its economical value to promote its expansion.

trends occur in remote areas of China and India located The local breeds are claimed to be superior with regard

in border states and provinces with harsh terrain and great to the use of marginal lands and where feed resources are

breeds-to-people ratios (Hall and Ruane, 1993). limited. That is the case of most of the indigenous breeds

The FAO has a 50-year record of promoting research into of semi-arid and arid areas, which utilize feed of high-fibre

livestock diversity and of advocating its conservation (FAO, and low-quality content more efficiently than the exotic

R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64 51

ones (Silanikove et al., 1993). However, in some circum- (Trifolium repens) is enhanced when goats are present in the

stances exotic breeds can adapt to the conditions in other herd compared with single grazing by sheep while grass

areas. Cashmere goats endured the low nutritive quality of flowering stems are more consumed by goat, leading to

the vegetation in Cantabrian heathlands (N Spain) better greater percentages of green leaves in the sward. This pat-

than the Celtiberic local breed (Osoro et al., 2007), possibly tern has been observed in Great Britain (del Pozo et al.,

owing to the different grazing behaviour, smaller body size 1996; Grant et al., 1984; Penning et al., 1996), Spain (Celaya

and lower total maintenance requirements of the former et al., 2007; del Pozo et al., 1998) or New Zealand (Clark

(Silanikove, 2000). Regarding their effects on the biodi- et al., 1984). These botanical and structural changes imply

versity, the floristic richness tended to be higher in areas a higher nutritive quality of the available pasture, resulting

grazed by the locals although, after four years, evenness in higher livestock performances under integrated mixed,

index dropped there due to the dominance of certain grass rotational or sequential management with goats, for both

species (Celaya et al., 2010), while the arthropod assem- sheep (Radcliffe et al., 1991; del Pozo et al., 1996, 1998)

blages did not differ between breeds (Jauregui et al., 2008; and cattle (Osoro et al., 2000). Other benefits of mixed graz-

Rosa García et al., 2009a,b). Nevertheless, the knowledge ing are known from semi-arid rangelands, where it might

about the effects of the different breeds on the local biodi- enable to decrease from 26 ha per tropical livestock unit

versity should be clearly improved. (a TLU is equivalent to 250 kg live weight) for cattle alone

to 13 ha/TLU when cattle and goats are reared together

3. Interaction of goats with other livestock species (Schwartz, 1983).

Regarding the impact on the local fauna, sheep and goats

The coexistence of goats with other livestock species associated to similar arthropod assemblages in heather

has been controversial as they might compete for the for- dominated areas in Cantabrian heathlands, but to different

age resources, while they are complementary with others, assemblages in herbaceous dominated areas, where goats

depending on multiple factors like the stocking densities, enhanced herb growth while decreased shrub cover and

grazing behaviour of each species, vegetation, year, and provided more favourable conditions for certain arthro-

season (Bartolomé, 1994; Cuartas, 1992; Rook et al., 2004; pod species (Rosa García et al., 2010b). In nearby partially

Shrestha et al., 2005). The controversy increases when they improved heathlands, the diversity of arthropods was

become the last available species to farmers (“the cows higher in paddocks grazed by mixed herds of either sheep

of the poor”) and they get involved in a vicious circle. or cattle with goats than in others under monospecific

Many of the world’s deteriorated rangelands were firstly grazing of cattle or sheep, especially within the shrubland

damaged by cattle and sheep overgrazing, so the pas- areas. The local fauna benefited from the greater vegetation

turage left (browse or shrubs) could be used only by goats structural complexity resulting from the goat’s browser

(Huss, 1972). They are also the last species that impover- behaviour (Rosa García et al., 2010a, 2011).

ished farmers can keep when they cannot afford the bigger Therefore, a profound knowledge of livestock grazing

and more demanding large herbivores, so they incorpo- behaviour and diet selection is necessary to understand

rate higher proportions of goats in their mixed flocks. Free their impact on biodiversity and it can represent an inter-

ranging indigenous goat breeds on highly degraded grazing esting environmental tool.

lands in semi-arid areas can be 2.5 times more economi-

cal than indigenous sheep (Swain, 1984). In sub-Saharan 4. Interaction of goats with wild herbivores

Africa, population pressure and land fragmentation forced

small farms to turn to small ruminants, and particularly The relationship between livestock and native herbi-

goats, as they were unable to support cattle, and in north- vores is linked to conflicts between farmers, conservation-

ern Kenya and southern Ethiopia, pastoralists claim that ists, hunting game managers, etc., and it greatly depends

invasion by woody species drove them to increasingly on their competition for the resources. Excessive or inap-

substitute their cattle for camels and goats (Peacok and propriate goat grazing has posed a threat to some native

Sherman, 2010). In other cases, a switch from cattle to herbivores worldwide (Dawson and Ellis, 1994), while they

small ruminants occurs in arid–semiarid rangelands of East appear complementary with others (Dawson and Ellis,

and West Africa in times of drought, when forage is scarce 1996; Mishra et al., 2001). So far, conclusions on the impact

(Nyong et al., 2007). Therefore, rather than being drivers of livestock on native ungulates are heterogeneous and

of desertification, goats are actually one of the most adapt- highly debated, especially regarding the processes and

able large herbivorous species to marginal mountainous the outcome of the interactions (e.g. Madhusudan, 2004;

or desert areas (Silanikove, 2000). It must also be stated Mishra and Rawat, 1998; Young et al., 2005).

that some of the best pastoral lands (in terms of soils The competition for forage between the wild ass named

and rainfall) which were converted into crop production, kiang (Equus kiang Moorcroft, 1841) and livestock gen-

despite being frequently unsuitable for that activity, were erates conflicts with pastoral communities in the Indian

later recovered by pastoralists in a much less productive Trans-Himalaya which are linked to the loss of pastures

state (Sidahmed, 1986). Therefore, in many cases, goats during the Indo-Chinese war in 1962 or the increase of the

“inherit” an already “desolate” landscape which can be fur- cashmere production there (Bhatnagar et al., 2006).

ther depleted if not properly managed. The spatial expansion and population recovery of the

From another perspective, beneficial effects of goat tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus (C.H. Smith, 1826)), and its

grazing for other domestic herbivores have been observed. minimal spatial overlap with the migratory herds of sheep

In improved pastures, the presence of white clover and goats in the Himalayan Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary

52 R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64

are related to the decrease of livestock numbers, although Goats coexist with chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra Linnaeus,

there is a concern about its situation in nearby areas with 1758) in northern Spain, where they both have different

heavy livestock grazing and poaching of tahr (Kittur et al., diet selection and low similarity index (27.2%) (Aldezabal,

2010). 2001).

The Tibetan argali (Ovis ammon hodgsonii Blyth, 1841) Although goats appeared to have negative affects on

either had a separated diet selection and habitat use from Ibex in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) by displacing it from its

domestic goats in Nepal (Shrestha et al., 2005) or over- optimal habitat (Acevedo et al., 2007), the ibex populations

lapped in Mongolian protected areas. The livestock–argali were in expansion there and coexisted with other wild

conflicts are associated with the flourish of the cashmere ungulates such as wild boar (Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758), red

fibre production, the increase in livestock numbers, herd- deer (Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758), fallow deer (Dama

ing families and improper management (Reading et al., dama Linnaeus, 1758), and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus

2006), so the reduction of both people and livestock, Linnaeus, 1758). Later on, red deer translocations for sport

antipoaching activities or controlled sport hunting is sug- hunting were also claimed to impose a threat on ibex

gested to arrest its decline (Reading et al., 1997). In Western in mountainous regions of southern Spain (Acevedo and

China, this species is threatened by gold mining activities, Cassinello, 2009).

the construction of an aqueduct or its dietary overlap with In the Isle of Rhum (Scotland), red deer selected

livestock (Harris and Pletscher, 2002). mesotrophic communities while free-ranging goats pre-

The growth of cashmere production also threatens the ferred others dominated by dwarf shrubs (Gordon, 1989).

endangered Tibetan gazelle (Procapra picticaudata Hodg- Fraser and Gordon (1997) indicated that the differences in

son, 1846) in the Indian Trans-Himalaya (Namgail et al., diet composition between red deer and goats grazing on

2007, 2009). Despite its similar diet to sheep and goats different vegetation types in Scotland could be of interest

in Mongolia, competition could not be inferred, but seri- to develop management protocols for vegetation commu-

ous habitat deterioration was caused by policies which nities of high nature conservation value.

promoted a shift from a nomadic to a sedentary society White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmer-

(Campos-Arceiz et al., 2004). mann, 1780)) and goats responded differently to the

The Himalayan blue sheep, bharal or naur (Pseudois distribution of browse in a Texas shallow ridge range

nayaur (Hodgson, 1833)) overlaps its diet with goats in site, with goats being more influenced by overall com-

the Indian Trans-Himalaya (Mishra et al., 2001, 2004), munity structure whereas white-tailed deer were more

whereas it is more abundant in neighbouring areas with affected by the distribution of their preferred forage species

lower livestock stocking rates (Mishra et al., 2002). It either (Etzenhouser et al., 1998). Under rangeland conditions in

spatially overlapped with livestock in Tibet (Schaller and Texas (USA), this deer was favoured by controlled graz-

Gu, 1994), or had both diet and habitat separation in this ing with sheep and goats, although their stocking should

region and Nepal (Harris and Miller, 1995; Shrestha et al., be carefully managed during the critical times of the year

2005). Shah (2003) linked its decline in Nepal to hunting (winter, early spring) when competition might affect deer

activities, diseases transmitted by livestock and genetic or negatively (Bryant et al., 1979).

environmental mishaps, coupled with predation by wild In the African savanna, goat’s diet may overlap with

carnivores. The resource use overlap between naur and dik-dik (Madoqua sp.), kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros

goats occurs mostly in spring and summer, when domestic (Pallas, 1766)), eland (Taurotragus oryx (Pallas, 1766)),

stock is seasonally rotated among different pastures, a sys- impala (Aepyceros melampus (Lichtenstein, 1812)), black

tem which might also facilitate their coexistence through rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis (Linnaeus, 1758)), or giraffe

resource partitioning (Shrestha and Wegge, 2008). The (Giraffa camelopardalis (Linnaeus, 1758)) (Prins, 2000;

naur uses a similar habitat type to yak (Bos grunniens Lin- Breebaart et al., 2002). Goats control shrub encroachment

naeus, 1766) (Harris and Miller, 1995; Shrestha and Wegge, (particularly of Acacia species) less efficiently than dik-dik

2008) and Himalayan ibex (Capra sibirica hemalayanus, (Augustine and McNaughton, 2004) and eat more grasses

Hodgson, 1841) (Bagchi et al., 2004). than kudu and gazelle, but less than impala (Owen-Smith

The Himalayan ibex deals with resource limitations and Cooper, 1985; Hoppe et al., 1977). While foraging at

imposed by migratory herds of goats and sheep around the similar height as eland (although they generally consume

Indian Trans-Himalayan pastures, while it is unaffected by different species), goats do it at different one to giraffe

the resident livestock as most species show habitat sepa- (Breebaart et al., 2002).

ration (Bagchi et al., 2004; Bhatnagar, 1997). The feeding The inconsistent pattern among different studies might

habits and forage preferences of the Iberian ibex (Capra relay on local adaptations of the ungulates within their geo-

pyrenaica Schinz, 1838) are closer to feral goats (Capra graphical ranges and the changes in the phenology, and

hircus (Linnaeus, 1758)) than to domestic ones in Mediter- hence quality, of forage plants between areas (Shrestha

ranean mountain scrublands (Aldezabal and Garin, 2000). et al., 2005).

In the Cazorla Mountain Range (south Spain), while goats The presence of humans may obscure natural inter-

consumed mostly evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.), ibex actions between wild and domestic ungulates, acts as a

selected a mixed diet of ligneous plants, graminoids and displacement factor and can reduce their habitat overlap

herbaceous plants (García-González and Cuartas, 1989). as it influences the foraging behaviour of wild ungulates

Cuartas (1992) confirmed the low index of similarity in (Namgail et al., 2007), so it might be considered in addi-

their diets, although the lowest overlap occurred between tion to exploitative competition patterns (Bagchi et al.,

domestic goats and mouflon (Ovis musimon Pallas, 1762). 2004; Harris and Loggers, 2004). The presence of both small

R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64 53

ruminants (mainly sheep) and people contributed to affected the native vegetation severely over many decades

reduce the distribution area for chamois in northern Spain, (Hamann, 1979) and the posterior population control pro-

forcing them to move (Aldezabal, 2001), although a verti- grams seemed to contribute to the recovery of birds like

cal natural migration of chamois is already known (Pérez rails (Laterallus sp.) (Donlan et al., 2007). Although inver-

Barbería, 1994) and it is greatly influenced by the cover tebrate diversity increased in Volcán Alcedo (Galápagos)

and the depth of the snow (Garcia-Gonzalez et al., 1990). after a severe grazing by introduced feral goats which tem-

Mongolian gazelles (Procapra gutturosa (Pallas, 1777)) had porarily increased habitat heterogeneity, its conservation

a consistent feed composition among different areas while value was questioned, and the species naturally occurring

sheep and goat varied, maybe mediated by herding man- in the scrub and groves, as well as others from humid open

agement, which turned important for the conservation of habitats, were expected to disappear unless the situation

the wild ungulate (Yoshihara et al., 2008). Furthermore, the was reversed (Desender et al., 1999). Conversely, moderate

human-adapted strategy of seasonally rotating domestic goat grazing is considered valuable for the conservation of

herds across different areas to optimize the use of lim- pastures dominated by native or endemic species in Tener-

ited feed resources might have facilitated their coexistence ife Island (Fernández-Lugo et al., 2009), and negative effects

with naur through partitioning of resources (Shrestha and on plant diversity are expected after goat grazing abandon-

Wegge, 2008). ment in pastures which sustain endemic plant species in La

The situation of livestock vs. wild ungulates regarding Gomera Island (Arévalo et al., 2011).

nature conservation in the Mediterranean landscapes has Most of the abovementioned examples highlight that

evolved since the 1960s. Whereas livestock numbers are it might not be goats per se that is the real culprit, but

declining, wild ungulate populations have increased as a their mismanagement, frequently by overgrazing. Fur-

result of rural abandonment, the expansion of protected thermore, goats having a potential positive impact on

areas and the outstanding growth of big game hunting vegetation regeneration and biodiversity improvement (El

demand. For example, the annual Spanish harvest of wild Aich and Waterhouse, 1999), they have returned to several

boar has increased by tenfold during the last 35 years unmanaged grasslands around Europe with aims of con-

(Bueno et al., 2009) and red deer numbers have also grown servation of the biodiversity (Ferrer et al., 2001; Muller,

at an exponential scale (Milner et al., 2006). 2002). They can also contribute to preserve ecosystems

Wild ungulates might assume part of the traditional like heather, moor, marsh wet meadow and other unique

contribution of livestock to rural development and to biotops present in protected areas (Martyniuk and Olech,

the conservation of cultural landscapes and insect fauna 1997).

(Theuerkauf and Rouys, 2006), but they also require an Within calcareous grasslands in the Franconian Jura,

adequate management, especially of those species of small ruminant grazing periods are adjusted to the life

hunting interest like wild boar or red deer, whose over- cycle of the butterfly Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus, 1758). Its

expansion is already generating conflicts with the local conservation has been enhanced by including goats into

communities, threatening the environment and increas- the sheep herds to allow new growth of Sedum album, the

ing herbivory pressure, and even affecting negatively other feed-plant it requires (Dolek and Geyer, 2002). Grazing by

wild species such as Iberian ibex in certain areas (Acevedo small ruminants in these areas becomes a central option

and Cassinello, 2009; Bueno et al., 2009). According to for long-term conservation, once the timing, intensity and

Zamora et al. (2001) and Gómez et al. (2003), the conser- spatial distribution are planned, and the infrastructure and

vation and restoration of forests of most Mediterranean social conditions required by the herders to keep grazing

mountains require the proper management of both wild practicable are provided (Dolek and Geyer, 2002). Tradi-

and domestic ungulates. tional rough grazing with sheep and goats was also the

most favourable tool for the preservation of the Duke

5. Goat grazing and habitat conservation of Burgundy butterfly (Hamearis lucina, 1758) in German

calcareous grasslands (Fatmann, 2006). Balanced manage-

Goats are defined ‘the black sheep’ among livestock ment of goat, sheep and rabbit populations is also among

by consuming almost everything edible and they have the prescriptions to preserve the shrubland habitat needed

been blamed for causing habitat degradation (Peacok and for the survival of the butterfly Plebejus argus (Linnaeus,

Sherman, 2010). Feral goats are considered a pest in semi- 1758) in north Wales (Dennis, 2004).

arid rangelands in (Parkes et al., 1996), where Within Los Filabres area in SE Spain, a retrospective

their commercial harvest is suggested as an economic analysis revealed that the abandonment of cereal moun-

opportunity, but also as a tool to minimize their negative tainous practices and the posterior development of goat

impacts on both agricultural production and native species grazing practices, far from leading to the degradation of

and habitats (Choquenot et al., 1998). Goats have been the area, contributed to the restoration of the plant canopy,

eradicated from at least 120 islands worldwide (Campbell revealing that the comparison of grazing with degradation

and Donlan, 2005) where their introduction has frequently should be questioned (Robles et al., 1997).

resulted in ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss Goat production and management in agro-forestry sys-

(Coblentz, 1978; Schofield, 1989). Within the Aldraba tems are also related to habitat conservation. The very com-

Island (Seychelles), a World Heritage site, their eradication plex, species-rich and traditionally managed homegardens

started once their numbers increased and prompted con- are sustainable agro-forestry systems, frequently include

cern for the future of the local biota (Coblenz et al., 1990). goat grazing, and are considered neglected hotspots of

The intense goat grazing in various Galapagos Islands agro-biodiversity and cultural diversity (Galluzzi et al.,

54 R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64

2010). The silvopastoral systems are another agro-forestry a valuable tool to reduce fire risk (Benavides et al., 2009;

combination where woody fodder species can be key Celaya et al., 2007; Jáuregui et al., 2009).

sources of nutrients for livestock (e.g. Papachristou and In the Sacramento River and Stone Lakes National

Papanastasis, 1994; Rigueiro-Rodríguez et al., 2005). Goat Wildlife Refuges (northern California), goats are

grazing can benefit the production of trees (oil palms, also used to reduce overgrown vegetation in areas

rubber trees, coffee, etc.), but also carbon sequestration at risk of wildfire and maintain the critical habi-

(Ørskov, 2011) because goats can help to restore the tat for migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway (see

cycling of plant nutrients sequestered by woody species, In New

as observed in Black Kettle National Grassland (Oklahoma), Hampshire they are used by an electric company to clear

where available N, P and K increased on the soil after three under the powerline in an ecologically friendly manner

years of goat grazing of shinnery oak (Quercus havardii (Hart, 2001). They have also been utilized to control

Rydb.) (Hart, 2001). It can also improve soil fertility through the highly flammable shrubs of the southern California

nutrient recycling and C sequestration after long term goat chaparral (Green and Newell, 1982; Sidahmed et al.,

grazing, without additional soil management practices, in 1981), they assisted in controlling bush encroachment in

loblolly pine-goat (Pinus tadea L.) silvopastures in South- savannas (Mahanjana and Cronje, 2000; Ward, 2005), in

east USA, making the system both environmentally and woody plant control in Tanzania’s Massailand (Martin and

economically sustainable (Nyakatawa et al., in press). Huss, 1981) or in western Texas (Ueckert, 1980). They also

The Dehesa (in Spanish) or montado (in Portuguese) is a contributed in reducing Gambel oak (Quercus gambielii)

traditional Mediterranean silvopastoral system which has sprouts in Colorado (Davis et al., 1975) and in biological

evolved under extensive mixed livestock grazing (includ- control efforts in Australia and New Zealand (Gray, 1984;

ing goats) and supports an extraordinary biodiversity, Holmst, 1980; Radcliffe, 1985). The woody encroachment

including highly endangered species such as the Iberian of previously cultivated areas of the pre-Alps mountains

lynx (Lynx pardinus (Temminck, 1827)), the imperial eagle (SE France) and Corsica increased fire risk considerably

(Aquila adalberti Brehm, 1861) or the cinereous vulture and concerns about whether the remaining animal hus-

(Aegypius monachus (Linnaeus, 1766)). The conservation bandry can make a sustainable use of the natural ligneous

programs of these species require management practices plants rose. The Livestock Farming Systems (LFS) research

which preserve their habitat and provide the resources (e.g. programs carried out by the INRA explored the capacity

rabbits) they need (González and San Miguel, 2004). of adapting small ruminant grazing management for

As it will be explained further on in this manuscript, preventing fire risk (Flamant et al., 1999). Such capacity

silvopastoral methods which include goats are also a pow- is confirmed in Spain, where goats have been successfully

erful tool for habitat conservation through the prevention managed for controlling bushes with high ignition capac-

of fire risks by an efficient control of the accumulation of ity (Valderrábano and Torrano, 2000) and clearing fuel

flammable woody vegetation (Etienne et al., 1996; Jáuregui breaks (Martín et al., 2011), while contributing to integrate

et al., 2009; Rigueiro-Rodríguez et al., 2005). livestock breeders in sustainable initiatives (Ruiz Mirazo

et al., 2009).

Finally, the environmental concerns and the economic

6. Bush encroachment and fire risk reductions costs of chemical and mechanical methods for clearing and

maintaining firebreaks provide an opportunity to utilize

The bush encroachment is caused by various factors, biological control methods such as goats for these purposes

including fire frequency, under-utilization of the bushes (Green and Newell, 1982; Launchbaugh, 2006). In the case

and overgrazing of herbaceous vegetation (Smit et al., of mechanical methods, it provides an alternative in remote

1999). According to the FAO, fires affect an estimated 350 areas or with steep slopes, and it would also contribute

million hectares of land worldwide every year and cause to reduce the use of fuel and therefore, the environmental

losses of lives, enormous ecological and economic damage pollution.

in forests and agriculture areas and contribute to global

warming, air pollution, desertification and loss of biodiver-

sity. 7. Use of crop residues and crop by-products

Among ruminants, goats are able to reduce bush cover

more efficiently than sheep or cattle (Sineiro, 1982; The use of crop wastes as feed facilitates the return

Benavides et al., 2009). They reduced it from 45 to 15% of nutrients to the soil via the production of manure and

in one year on hill pastures of the Appalachians, whereas urine, which, carefully managed can result in improved soil

sheep required 3 years to bring the same results (Magadlela fertility and structure, and higher humus levels, thereby

et al., 1995). Although Fajemisin et al. (1996) questioned increasing crop production (FAO, 2009). Although some-

the potential of Spanish goats for woody plant control in times relatively indigestible for goats, plant residues from

good condition sagebrush steppe pastures, other authors vegetable crops, tuberous crops, green stover of corn,

reported that they were more willing to eat browse than sorghum and millet can be excellent feeds when fed green.

Angora goats (Pritz et al., 1997; Warren et al., 1984), or They have been traditionally used by nomads or tran-

that they reduce it more than Cashmere ones (Celaya et al., shumant pastoralists during the dry period but, as these

2010). In Cantabrian heathlands, gorse (Ulex gallii) biomass activities are ceasing, further research is needed to inte-

was more efficiently controlled with goat than with sheep grate pastoralism with cropping, conservation and forage

grazing, favouring herbaceous presence and turning goats production, especially during that period (Wilson, 1991).

R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64 55

Some crop by-products such as rice or wheat bran, preferred by cattle rangers over sheep for their mixed

cassava chips, peanut, sunflower or linseed cake and herds to reduce the weed enough to allow cattle graz-

sugar-cane tops have also been used as low-cost feed sup- ing (Lym, 1998; Olsen and Hansen, 1977). In perennial

plements for goats (Peacok, 1996). Their utilization during pastures infested with nodding thistle (Carduus nutans),

summer, when perennial forage plants are less available, goats selectively consumed thistle capitula throughout the

could contribute to easing grazing pressure on vegeta- flowering period and controlled its spread (Holst et al.,

tion and reduce its degradation, as reported from the 2004). All these works on weed control by goat graz-

Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley in Mexico (Baraza et al., 2010) ing reveal their potential for mixed grazing with other

or the northern mountainous areas of Oman (Schlecht et al., herbivores due to the high complementary on different

2009). pastures.

8. Weed control

9. Seed dispersers

The impacts of noxious weed invasion include loss of

Livestock appears to be one of the primary vectors

biodiversity (Tyser and Key, 1988), increased soil erosion

of seed dispersal with positive or negative consequences

(Lacey et al., 1989), loss of wildlife habitat (Wallace et al.,

attending to several factors. In the case of goats, the

1992) or reductions of the carrying capacity for domestic

rate of passage and viability of the noxious weed seeds

livestock (Hein and Miller, 1992). The role of goats as bio-

they consume are low (Launchbaugh, 2006). They also

logical control agents is becoming more important due to

preferentially consume seeds in an immature stage and

environmental concerns and elevated costs of other control

prefer seedling stems, reducing the spread and perpetu-

methods such as mechanical cutting or herbicide appli-

ation of weeds by seed (Hart, 2001). Goats appear to be

cation (Magadlela et al., 1995), as already mentioned for

poor dispersers of invasive plants such as mesquite, but

firebreaks. According to Launchbaugh (2006), the prob-

also of non-invasive ones, as it occurs with different fod-

lem with invasive weeds in the Western USA resulted

der grasses in Mongolian rangelands (Bläß et al., 2010).

from declining small ruminant numbers during the past

On the contrary, they acted as efficient seed dispersers

20 years, as many of the worst weeds, like leafy spurge

of diverse plant species in the Biosphere Reserve of the

(Euphorbia esula), yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis)

Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley (Baraza and Valiente-Banuet,

and spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) are palatable

2008) but also of certain leguminous shrubs native of the

and nutritious for them. The goat eradication in Round

Mediterranean Basin which are considered useful plants

Island (Mauritius), Carnac Island (Australia) and Channel

for recovering degraded shrublands (Robles et al., 2005).

Islands (USA) also led to long-term increasing influence by

Mancilla-Leytón et al. (2011) observed that the number of

undesirable exotic plants (Abbott et al., 2000; Bullock et al.,

seeds retrieved by goats differed between the four com-

2002; Halvorson et al., 1988). The suitability of goats for

mon Mediterranean shrub species they were fed with, and

weed control involves numerous species (Table 2). They

it should be taken into account for the design of future man-

are useful to maintain pastures through the control of dock

agement plans which aim either to prevent shrub invasion

(Rumex obtusifolius) in Japan (Sakanoue et al., 1995), gorse

of undesired plants, or to spread populations of desirable

(Ulex europaeus or Ulex gallii) in New Zealand (Radcliffe,

shrub species.

1985), Tasmanian midlands (Harradine and Jones, 1985)

or Spain (Sineiro, 1982; Celaya et al., 2007), soft rush

10. Landscape conservation

(Juncus effusus) in Great Britain (Merchant, 1993), spot-

ted knapweed (Williams and Prather, 2006) and yellow

In many regions the evolution of landscapes has been

starthistle (Goehring et al., 2010) in Idaho, or for general

intimately related with animal activity, and landscape

bush clearing in Texas (Merrill and Taylor, 1981) and Cal-

management addresses various situations where graz-

ifornia (Adams and Hughes, 1977). They have also been

ing animals may provide services to the environment. It

used to control invasive woody plants such as juniper

includes grazing “social fallows” and any other unculti-

(Juniperus sp.) and mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) on range-

vated or waste lands in order to control succession and

lands in SW USA (Brock, 1988; Hanselka and Paschal, 1992)

to provide easy access for the public for recreation and

and to renovate pastures dominated by herbaceous weeds,

leisure. The restoration of traditional landscapes like per-

brush and multiflora rose bushes imported from Japan in

manent pastures in Haut-Verdon, France (Decaix, 1994),

the Appalachian region (Luginbuhl et al., 1999). Together

or rural landscapes in Extremadura, Spain (Blázquez et al.,

with acetic acid (vinager), goat grazing seemed as cost

1995; Gallego et al., 1995) was successfully done through

effective as single application herbicides to control certain

the use of small ruminants, which contribute with their

weed species while posing fewer concerns over impacts on

grazing besides being a part of the local culture, provid-

human and ecosystem health in northern Canadian com-

ing entertainment and special animal products for tourists.

munities (Booth and Skelton, 2009). Compared to other

Nevertheless, the promotion of extensification and fallow-

livestock species, goats control spiny or poisonous brush

ing in western European countries as a consequence of EU

weeds like gorse or poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans)

policy has resulted in increasing areas of uncultivated land

better than sheep or cattle (Popay and Field, 1996; Celaya

which threaten the maintenance of the landscape if proper

et al., 2007). They also control leafy spurge (Lym et al.,

national/regional policies are not adopted (Martyniuk and

1997) better than the other livestock species and, because

Olech, 1997).

of their lower dietary overlap with cattle, they might be

56 R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64

Table 2 Table 2 (Continued)

Summary of plant species considered weeds and which are palatable to goats. Cassia barclayana

Cassia floribunda

Scientific name Cassia obtusifolia

Acacia aneura Cassia occidentalis

Acacia escelsa Cassinia arcuata

Acacia farnesiana Cassinia quinquefaria

Acacia karoo Casuaria cristata

Acacia mearnsii Cenchus echinatus

Acacia nilotica Centaurea biebersteinii

Acacia homalophylla Centaurea diffusa

Acacia paradoxa Centaurea maculosa

Acaena ovina Centaurea melitensis

Acetosa sagittata Centaurea nigra

Acroptilon repens Centaurea solstitialis

Aesculus spp. Cestrum spp.

Agapanthus spp. Chamaecytisus proliferus

Agave spp. Cheilanthes spp.

Agerantina adenophora Chenopodium album

Ageratum houstonianum Chenopodium nitrariacem

Ageratum riparia Chloris spp.

Agrostis avenacea Chondrilla juncea

Ailanthus altissima Chrysanthemoides monilifera

Alhagi pseudalhagi Cichorium intybus

Allium triquetrum Cineraria lyrata

Allium vineale Cinnamomum camphora

Alternanthera pungens Cirsium arvense

Amaranthus spp. Cirsium palustre

Amaryllis belladonna Cirsium vulgare

Ambrosia artemisiifolia Citrullus colocynthis

Ambrosia confertiflora Citrullus lanatus

Ambrosia psilostachya Codonocarpus spp.

Ambrosia tenuifolia Coleogyne ramosissima

Ammi majus Conium maculatum

Amsinckia spp. Convolvulus arvensis

Andropogon virginicus Conyza albida

Angophora spp. Coreopsis lanceolata

Anredera cordifolia Cortaderia spp.

Amthemiscotula Cotoneaster spp.

Apophyllum anomalum Cotula australis

Araujia hortorum Craspedia spp.

Arctotheca calendula Crataegus spp.

Aristida spp. Crotolaria spp.

Atalaya hemiglauca Cryptostegia grandiflora

Atriplex spp. Cucumis myriocarpus

Avena spp. Cuscuta spp.

Baccharis halimifolia Cycas spp.

Bambusa spp. Cynara cardunculus

Bidens spp. Cynodon dactylon

Brachychiton populneus Cynoglossum officinale

Brassica tourneforti Cyperus aromaticus

Bromus diandrus Cyperus rotundus

Bromus tectorum Cytisus scoparius

Bryophyllum spp. Danthonia spp.

Bursaria spinosa Diplotaxis tenuifolia

Buxus spp. Discaria toumatou

Calandrina spp. Ditrichia graveolens

Calicotome spinosa Dodonaea attenuata

Callitris columellaris Dodonaea viscosa

Callitris endlicheri Echium plantagineum

Calotropis procera Echium vulgare

Caninia quinquefaria Eleusine indica

Cannabis sativa Emex australis

Capparis mitchellii Equisetum arvense

Capsella bursa-pastoris Equisetum pratense

Cardaria draba Eragrostis australasia

Cardiospermum spp. Eragrostis curvula

Carduus nutans Eremophila longifolia

Carduus pycnocephalus Eremophila mitchellii

Carex spp. Erodium spp.

Carthamus lanatus Erythrina spp.

Carthamus leucocaulos Erythroxylum coca

Cassia artemisioides Eucalyptus albens

R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64 57

Table 2 (Continued) Table 2 (Continued)

Eucalyptus cladocalyx Myagrum perfoliatum

Eucalyptus melliodora Myoporum spp.

Eucalyptus polyanthemos Nassella neesiana

Eucalyptus populnea Nassella trichotoma

Euphorbia esula Nicandra physalodes

Foeniculum vulgare Nicotiana glauca

Froelichia floridana Olea europaea

Fragaria virginiana Olearia elliptica

Galenia pubescens Onopordum acanthium

Gastrolobium spp. Onopordum acaulon

Gaura parviflora Onopordum illyricum

Geijera parviflora Opuntia inermis

Genista linifolia Opuntia stricta

Genista monspessulana Owenia acidula

Gleditisia triacanthos Oxalis latifolia

Gnaphalium spp. Oxalis pes-caprae

Gomphrena globosa Paraver seminiferum

Gorteria personata Parkinsonia aculeata

Haloragis aspera Parthenium hysterophorus

Heliotropium europaeum Pennisetum clandestinium

Hedera spp. Pennisetum acrourum

Heterodendrum oleifolium Pennisetum villosum

Hibiscus trionum Pentzia suffruticosa

Hieracium spp. Pinus halepensis

Hirschfeldia incana Persicaria spp.

Homeria spp. Phalaris minor

Hordeum leporinum Pharagmites australis

Hydrangea spp. Phyla canescens

Hyparrhenia hirta Physalis virginiana

Hypericum androsaemum Physalis viscosa

Hypericum tetrapterum Phytolacca octandra

Hypericum triquetrifolium Pinus halepensis

Hypochaeris radicata Pinus radiata

Ilex spp. Pinus spp.

Imperata cylindrica Poa labillardieri

Ipomoea lonchophylla Polygonum aviculare

Ipomoea plebeia Polypogon monspeliensis

Ipomoea purpurea Portulaca oleracea

Iva axillaris Proboscidea louisianica

Juncus acutus Prosopis cineraria

Juncus effusus Prosopis glandulosa

Juncus gregiflorus Prosopis juliflora

Juniperus coahuilensis Prunus persica

Juniperus virginiana Pteridium esculentum

Juniperus spp. Pueraria montana

Laburnum spp Pyracantha spp.

Lactuca serriola Quercus havardii

Lantana camara Quercus marilandica

Laurel spp. Ranunculus spp.

Lavandula stoechas Raphanus raphanistrum

Lepidium latifolium Rapistrum rugosum

Leucaena spp. Reseda spp.

Leucanthemum vulgare Rhododendron spp.

Ligustrum lucidum Ricinus communis

Ligustrum sinense Robinia pseudoacacia

Lolium spp. Romulea rosea

Lomandra longifolia Rosa canina

Lonicera japonica Rosa micrantha

Lycium ferocissimum Rosa multiflora

Maclura pomifera Rosa rubiginosa

Maireana spp. Rubus discolor

Malva parsiflora Rubus fruticosus agg.

Marvella leprosa Rubus oklahomas

Marrubium vulgare Rumex acetosella

Medicago falcata Rumex brownii

Medicago sativa Rumex obtusifolius

Melia azedarach Rumex brownii

Melilotus albus Rumex conglomeratus

Mentha spp. Rumex crispus

Muehlenbeckia adpressa Rumex obtusifolius

Muehlenbeckia cunninghamii Rumex pulcher

Muhlenbergia schreberi Salsola kali

58 R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64

Table 2 (Continued)

by goats in the Sahel followed the droughts of the 1980s

(Hoffmann, 2010). After severe droughts, goat’s popula-

Salvia reflexa

Schinus spp. tions recover faster than other ruminants due to factors

Sclerolaena birchii such as their shorter gestation period or their lower mor-

Sclerolaena muricata

tality rate, providing food (e.g. milk) even before other

Scolymus hispanicus

resources (e.g. cereals) are available (Wilson, 1991).

Senecio jacobaea

The livestock sector demands 8% of the global human

Senecio madagascariensis

Senecio pterophorus water use, mostly for the irrigation of feedcrops (Steinfeld

Senecio quadridentatus

et al., 2006). For example, 500 L of water is needed in Kenya

Senecio vulgaris

to produce $2 income from growing grain whereas it takes

Senna artemisioides

4 L of water to produce $2 income from goat milk (Peacok

Senna barclayana

Sericea lespedeza and Sherman, 2010).

Sida acuta Livestock accounts for about 37% of all anthro-

Sida cordifolia

pogenic methane emissions related to the global warming

Sida rhombifolia

(Steinfeld et al., 2006), and it is greatly related to the

Silybum marianum

expansion of beef production (Peacok and Sherman, 2010).

Sisymbrium officinale

Solanum carolinense Furthermore, most of the emissions from manure derive

Solanum elaeagnifolium

from pigs, beef cattle feedlots and dairy farms, where

Solanum mauritianum

manure is stored in anaerobic conditions (Steinfeld et al.,

Solanum nigrum

2006; FAO, 2009), which is seldom the case in goat systems. Soliva pterosperma

Sonchus spp.

Sorghum halepensse 12. Goats as a feed resource for other species

Sporobolus caroli

Sporobolus indicus

Small ruminants are some of the major components

Sporobolus pyramidalis

of the diet of certain carnivores and scavengers. Domes-

Stachys arvensis

Stypandra glauca tic goats made up to 43% of the total depredation cases of

Stevia eupatoria

the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx Linnaeus 1958), listed as “near

Stipa caudata

threatened” by the International Union for Conservation

Swainsona spp.

of Nature (IUCN) in Pakistan (Din and Nawaz, 2010). They

Syncarpia glomulifera

Taeniatherum caput-medusae represented around 32% of the prey for wild predators in

Tagetes minuta India, mainly by the Tibetan wolf (Canis lupus chanko Gray,

Tamarix ramosissima

1863), “vulnerable” according to the IUCN, and the snow

Taraxacum officinale

leopard (Uncia uncia (Schreber, 1775)), a “highly endan-

Thunbergia grandiflora

gered” species (Namgail et al., 2007). Domestic animals can

Toxicodendron diversilobum

Toxicodendron vernix also be an important target for wolves, a carnivore which is

Toxicodendron radicans

increasing in numbers in both Europe and

Toxicodendron succedaneum

and is beginning to reoccupy semi-wilderness and agricul-

Tribulus terrestris

tural lands (Boitani, 2003). Livestock predation has caused

Trifolium spp.

Typha spp. human–wildlife conflicts in many places, especially in the

Ulex europaeus Alpine zones of the world where livestock rearing is the

Ulex gallii

major source of income (Din and Nawaz, 2010).

Ulmus spp.

In Picos de Europa National Park (northern Spain),

Urochloa panicoides

domestic small ruminants have been a feed resource

Urtica incisa

Ventilago viminalis for wolves and several species of scavenger birds such

Verbascum thapsus

as bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758),

Verbena tenuisecta

Eurasian griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus Hablizl, 1783) and

Verbesina encelioides

Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus Linnaeus, 1758).

Watsonia bulbillifera

Xanthium occidentale They are threatened birds in Europe (Annex I, EU Wild Birds

Xantium orientale Directive 79/409/EEC, Appendix II of the Bern Convention,

Xantium spinosum

Bonn Convention and CITES) which require conservation

Source: Popay and Field (1996), Simmonds et al. (2000), and Launchbaugh priorities based on favouring extensive livestock practices.


In the case of Eurasian griffon and Egyptian vulture, there

is a clear relationship between the available biomass of

sheep and goats and the density of these species (Margalida

11. Climate change, water use and global warming et al., 2007). Furthermore, the reintroduction program of

the bearded vulture in northern Spain greatly depends

Climate change and future water shortages are some on whether mountainous pastures and extensive live-

of the most serious challenges facing the human race. stock grazing (of small ruminants) are preserved (Báguena

The relevance of goats rises during periods of cyclical and et al., 2007). Finally, a contradictory situation occurs in

unpredictable feed shortages, such as droughts. For exam- the Canary Islands (Spain), where introduced goats are

ple, the replacement of cattle by dromedaries and of sheep responsible for the near-extinction of some endemic plants,

R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64 59

whereas their populations support native scavengers and quality products such as cheese, yogurt, goat-milk soap,

predators which include three endangered endemic sub- and high quality textile fibre, which may also help to

species of birds (Gangoso et al., 2006). maintain traditional farming in harmony with the needs

of landscapes and habitat conservation (Boyazoglu and

13. Future perspectives Morand-Fehr, 2001; Lu et al., 2010). In addition, small

ruminant management should also be compatible with

The goat systems will have to face different global recreational, cultural, or scientific purposes (Ronchi and

trends from the socio-economic and environmental points Nardone, 2003). The organic goat production might achieve

of view. They will have to respond to the increasing a great part of these goals, as it can protect the environ-

demand of a growing population in developing coun- ment, improve animal welfare and sustain rural live styles.

tries, who have aspirations and dietary choices closer to This sector has increased substantially during the past

the developed countries, but also to maintain sustainable decade and its demand is expected to continue growing at

systems under new scenarios influenced by the global a rate of 10–30% per year. This activity is especially promis-

warming and the environmental degradation, while cop- ing to increase the income of goat producers operating in

ing with the rising costs of non-renewable energy or grain marginal lands as results of incomes from externalities,

(Peacok and Sherman, 2010). In addition, the develop- but it still requires more research on alternative nutrition

ing and the developed areas have to confront different and alternative treatments for disease prevention (Lu et al.,

difficulties. The poorer areas require an improvement 2010).

of the social and political conditions to ensure a long

term sustainable application of environmentally friendly

management strategies. For example, the restoration of 14. Concluding remarks

the cashmere trade in Afghanistan after years of war

and prolonged droughts could contribute to the recovery This paper has reviewed some of the most important

of the economy while minimizing adverse environmen- issues concerning the environmental impacts of goat graz-

tal consequences, only if economic and socio-political ing worldwide and some of the main challenges that are

decisions in the future attend to reasonable grazing strate- to be confronted in a politically, socioeconomically and

gies. Mongolia and China had responded to an increasing climatologically changing world where sustainable man-

market demand for cashmere with increasing govern- agement strategies should be encouraged. The urgency of

ment subsidies and goat numbers to a point beyond confronting these challenges has been highlighted dur-

the carrying capacity of rangelands, so desertification ing the IGAs’ Meeting, (Dubeuf, 2011) or in the Global

emerged and the viability of the enterprises dropped Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources (FAO, 2007),

(Osnos, 2006), exemplifying how incorrect and irrational but the current knowledge is not summarized for many

policy decisions can affect environmental sustainabil- issues although it could provide basic guidelines for future

ity. projects.

Adequate strategies to provide both environmental and Most of the environmentally harmful effects of goat

social and economical benefits are known in other areas. grazing are linked to improper management practices and

Improved grazing and feeding schemes are recommended various examples of how it can be a powerful and envi-

in northern mountainous areas of Oman to reduce the pres- ronmentally friendly tool if managed adequately to the

sure on the natural vegetation, taking also into account environmental and socioeconomic context of each area are

local property rights, herding skills and the potential recov- mentioned.

ery of the vegetation (Schlecht et al., 2009). Similarly, More efforts to preserve and study the genetic heritage

Baraza et al. (2010) propose goat management strategies in associated to goat breeds are needed, starting from the

the Mexican Biosphere Reserve of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán agricultural policy makers at both national and interna-

Valley to improve the quality of life for the people living tional level. Such efforts should run in parallel with rural

in the reserve without increasing anthropogenic environ- development, especially in remote areas where rural com-

mental impact. munities endure adverse conditions managing for their

Within the developed countries, sustainable develop- survival an outstanding reservoir of livestock diversity

ment based on environmental criteria is on the agenda mostly unknown to us.

of the most influential European governments and it has One of the most effective tools to guarantee the persis-

clearly carried weight on EU agricultural policy. Never- tence of any management or conservation program relies

theless, the income provided by ecologically sustainable on the participation of scientists, policy makers, range-

low-input goat systems may be insufficient to sustain the land managers and local communities or farmers. In full

next generation, so there is a greater risk of becoming agreement with Dubeuf (2011), local know-how has to

marginalized (e.g. de Rancourt et al., 2006; Dyrmundsson,´ be considered a valuable tool to be incorporated in new

2006; Peacok and Sherman, 2010). In addition, further methodologies which will be enriched with the academic

increases of the productivity in certain areas are limited knowledge. The results of this fusion must be disseminated

by the carrying capacity of the land, nutritive quality of on two ways, to the scientist community and to the local

the vegetation and sustainability, environmental protec- communities to help them to manage their livestock in a

tion, animal health, animal welfare or product quality sustainable way. In summary, the information from dif-

(Dyrmundsson,´ 2006). Nevertheless, goat systems might ferent sources must be put together and participation and

have a chance in new niche markets that demand high education should be prioritized.

60 R. Rosa García et al. / Small Ruminant Research 107 (2012) 49–64

The multidisciplinary approach should be extended to Arévalo, J.R., de Nascimento, L., Fernández-Lugo, S., Camacho, A., Mata, J.,

Bermejo, L., 2011. Effects of abandoning long-term goat grazing on

the scientific community when analysing the implications

species composition and species richness of pastures at La Gomera,

of management strategies as they tend to be focused either

Canary Islands. Span. J. Agric. Res. 9, 113–123.

on environmental, socioeconomical or production perspec- Augustine, D.J., McNaughton, S.J., 2004. Regulation of shrub dynamics by

tives, while they are rarely considered simultaneously and native browsing ungulates on East African rangeland. J. Appl. Ecol. 41,


that would be highly desirable to define sustainable strate-

Bagchi, S., Mishra, C., Bhatnagar, Y.V., 2004. Conflicts between traditional

gies. This would allow meeting those goals of the Interlaken

pastoralism and conservation of Himalayan ibex (Capra sibirica) in the

Convention which considered necessary a co-management Trans-Himalayan Mountains. Anim. Conserv. 7, 121–128.

Báguena, G., Sánchez-Castilla, E., Antor, R.J., 2007. Criterios para la reintro-

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ing soils, crops, rangelands and pastures, fodder crops and

Nacional de los Picos de Europa. In: Organismo Autónomo Par-

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One of the strategies which have already proved to be

Baraza, E., Valiente-Banuet, A., Delgado, O.D., 2010. Dietary supplementa-

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