SOAR and learn to fly gliders the official soaring instruction manual of the Soaring Association of Canada SOARING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA L’Association canadienne de vol à voile SOAR and learn to fly gliders Edition 9 January 2007 Ian Oldaker Approved by the SAC Flight Training & Safety Committee Ce manuel est aussi disponible en français SOAR and learn to fly gliders Edition 9 2nd printing, August 2011, with corrections Copyright © 2011 by Soaring Association of Canada Published by Soaring Association of Canada 71 Bank Street, 7th floor, Ottawa, ON K1P 5N2
[email protected] Book design & layout: Tony Burton Illustrations & cartoons: Robert Hellier, Jack Olson, Gil Parcell, Les Waller Front cover illustration: Hans König All rights reserved. Excerpts of the text may be reprinted provided that this manual and the publisher are acknowledged. Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Soar and learn to fly gliders – Ed. 9 ISBN 978-0-9782861-0-1 1. Gliding and soaring – Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Gliding and soaring – Canada – Handbooks, manuals, etc. 3. Soaring Association of Canada, Flight Training & Safety Committee TL765.S614 2007 629.132'522 C2007-900782-1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Flying training manuals are the distillation of many years’ work by individuals in many countries, and they are no longer the effort of just one or two people. However, I would like to acknowledge the contributions of the OSTIV Train- ing and Safety Panel (TSP), chaired from 1998 to 2004 by Sakari Havbrandt (Sweden) and prior to that by Bill Scull (UK) since its inception in the early 1980s.