Assignment 2- animated album cover - learn to fly Design My animation is based on the song “learn to fly” by the foo fighters. After listening to the a bit, I thought I could base the song on flying. Then I would put the band members in planes and have them doing stunts in the air. Next I thought I could add the band members playing their instruments so decided to make them land and start playing with the music. Purpose This animated album cover is going to be made to attract potential audience of the song. This would be done by having the music playing and then the animation over the top while people look for the song. It would also act like a music video as music videos are made to entertain. If this animation was the length of the song, its main purpose would be to entertain. Because it is only 30 seconds long, the main purpose is to attract people to look at the song. Audience Because it is a song, it is made for all audiences. Because of this reason, I am going to make the animation be appropriate for all audiences. It won’t be very childish but at the same time, won’t be to adult with violence and gore. The inspiration for this animation came from stunt planes because they are fit for all audiences so they are perfect for my animation

For this animation I am going to use the following assets: • Picture of the band members that I will get off the internet, (vocals and lead guitar), (drums), Nate Mandal (bass). These will be really big on stick figure bodies ● The song that will start playing in the background. ● 3 planes that I will draw or get off the internet. ● Instruments that I will either draw or get off the internet ● A background that I will edit together using picture I will get off the internet. ● Smoke particle trail I will make or use the one on the flash program.

This is the first idea I came up with. I believe this is the best idea for the song. I believe this because the song is about flying so having the band members flying around doing tricks feels like it fits with the song. This could potentially be a bad idea because it could be very hard to animate so could look very bad if done wrong. Having said that, I feel that I can make it look very good and can be done with the correct equipment and perseverance. Also the smoke and plane tricks would be enough for to catch the eye of potential fans of the band

Another idea I came up with was the members of the band finding wings then strapping them to their backs. The animation would then be them trying to learn to fly. I discarded this idea as I feel that it would not make for a very entertaining animation and would also not catch the eye of the potential audience meaning they would not listen to the song.

This is how the This is going to This is the land These are the These are going I am also going plane is going to be the background. I instruments I to be the faces to have a cargo look. The background. It’s made it myself am going to that I am going plane that figures in the a basic sky that and it will have use. There is to use. These comes in and plane are going will have the the band only a few are going to go drops all the to look like that planes flying members land members so on the bodies in instruments to with overly large over the top of on it and then there is only a the planes the band heads with the it. start playing few instruments during the members faces of the their interments. animation. band members on them

For this animation, I made planes doing stunts and then jumping out of a plane. I feel this is a good idea as any plane stunts you see are quick and fill you with energy. I feel like I have re-crated this in the animation as the music is an upbeat song and the on screen action is fast paced. If I were to do this again, I would make the assets in the animation a lot more polished so they look better. One thing I could do to make sure this happens would be to make the heads of the band members are cut out better. I could also make the transitions between scenes better by making the smoke fade out rather than disappear. I feel that the target audience of this would be happy by the final animation. The art style is child-ish enough for the younger audience while the mix of complexity and song choice would appeal to the older audience.

Overall I feel that this animation fits the brief perfectly. It is 30 seconds long and features things moving across the screen. I think the animation really fits the song and also suits the target audience.


The animation will start with a blank After 3 seconds the second plane When all the sky scene. After 3 seconds, the first enters and starts mimicking the members of the plane will enter and have the first other plane. This will repeat for all 3 band have member of the band in it. The plane band members adding more planes entered, they will will start doing tricks with smoke every 3 seconds one by one start coming out the end of the plane. The to land. There shadow is where the band member will be a 3 will go. Their head will be extremely oversized similar to this image. The second wait animation will be face on the whole between each time. The camera will be how it looks landing. on the animation

Once all the members have Once this is done, the band will landed their insterments will start continue to play along with the falling from a cargo plane flying song. This will last until the 30 and circling overhead. This whole second mark and then the

sequence will last 10 seconds. animation will fade out. This part of the music will be the chorus