xnepali.com, a booklet on Charles Sobhraj

Xnepali.com special publication

Title: Charles Sobhraj – The Bikini Killer

Editor: Anand Sharma Date: July 30, 2010 Price: Free Download at xnepali.com Description: Collection of historical profile and news coverage. Version: 1.0

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Charles Sobhraj – The Bikini Killer

Described as ‘Asia’s premier serial killer’, ‘The Serpent’ and ‘The Bikini Killer’, Charles Sobhraj was infamous con artist, drug dealer, jewel thief and cold- blooded murderer.

Through the 1960s and 1970s, he wove his guileful and lethal web of deceit and crime, evading authorities from numerous countries. Skilled at befriending people, his victims were usually vulnerable Western tourists in . In and out of prison, he led a life of risk, manipulation and conspiracy that eventually made him a media celebrity. Never convicted for all his crimes, Sobhraj is estimated by some to have committed over 20 murders, whilst others put this number at 32. He was in Tihar prison, for one murder, from 1976 to 1997. Rearrested in 2004, he is currently serving a life imprisonment sentence in Kathmandu, , for a double murder in 1975.

He was born Charles Gurmukh Sobhraj in Saigon, , which was under French rule at the time, and later claimed French nationality because of this.

His unmarried mother was Vietnamese, with some sources naming her Noy and others, Song. His father was a Sindhi Indian from and deserted the family soon after Sobhraj’s birth. Sobhraj was adopted by his mother’s new boyfriend, Alphonse Darreau, a French lieutenant stationed in Saigon. The couple married and the family moved to Marseille, France.

Sobhraj had an unsettled childhood, as the family moved constantly between France and Indochina, never feeling quite at home in either place. At a fairly young age, Sobhraj began to display personality problems and discipline became an issue. In his teens, he turned to petty crime, which soon began to escalate out of control.

In 1960, at the age of 16, Sobhraj began stealing and in 1963, age 19 he received his first jail sentence for burglary and was sentenced to three years at Poissy prison near Paris. In this harsh prison, Sobhraj began to hone his

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skills of manipulation in order to endear himself to prison officials to gain favors, such as keeping books in his cell.

In 1969, when Sobhraj was paroled, he moved in with Felix d’Escogne, a man he had met whilst in jail. He simultaneously lived the high society life in Paris, whilst also dabbling in the criminal underworld with various scams and burglaries. Women would fall for him, as he could be particularly charming. It was during this time that Sobhraj met a young lady, Chantal, from a conservative Parisian family, and they fell in love.

On the night that Sobhraj proposed to Chantal, he was arrested for evading police in a stolen car and sent back to Poissy prison for a further eight months, charged with car theft. Chantal waited for him and upon his release, they married. She soon fell pregnant but the couple began to worry about the fact that the French authorities had Sobhraj in their sights and the threat of arrest was ever-present. They decided to leave France for Asia and, using false travel documents, began travelling through . They would befriend fellow travelers and then rob them of their valuables, beating a hasty retreat to the next victim.

In 1970, the couple arrived in Mumbai, India, where Chantal gave birth to their daughter. Here they settled, in an attempt to provide a stable environment for their child. On the surface they made a good impression, endearing themselves to the Indian ex-pat community. However, Sobhraj had turned to crime once more and was running a car theft and smuggling enterprise. Instead of using the profits for something positive for his family, he ploughed them into his newfound hobby of gambling.

Gun smuggling

In December 1971, the couple fled to , Afghanistan, where they stayed at the Intercontinental Hotel for quite a while, apparently departing without paying the bill. It was here that Sobhraj made contacts for illegal gun smuggling, moving the weapons from Afghanistan by land route to sell in India. Sobhraj moved on to Pakistan, where in Rawalpindi he stole a car by drugging the driver, who died from poisoning. Around this time, he is alleged to have also been running a curio shop in , in order to lure his favourite victims, foreign tourists. He would drug them, sometimes to death, and steal their belongings.

In 1973, Sobhraj committed an armed robbery at a jewellery shop in Hotel Ashoka, Delhi but was arrested and sent to prison. At the time of Sobhraj’s arrest, police confiscated a number of revolvers, rifles and other weapons from him. After a fortnight in prison, Sobhraj faked appendicitis and

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managed to escape during a blackout, as it was the time of the India- Bangladesh war. Sobhraj and Chantal went on the run but Sobhraj was soon caught and put back in prison. He managed to borrow money for bail and the couple fled India for Afghanistan.

They settled in Kabul, where they immediately began robbing tourists following the ‘’ between Europe and Eastern Asia. Arrested again, Sobhraj escaped once more pretending illness and drugging the hospital guard. This time he left his family behind and fled to . Weary of the constant disruption to their lives that Sobhraj’s criminal activity brought, Chantal returned to France with her daughter, declaring that she never wanted to see Sobhraj again.

For the next two years Sobhraj was on the run from authorities and travelled around Eastern Europe and the , always using stolen passports. His younger brother, André, joined him in and the two of them went on a crime spree in and . The brothers were arrested and imprisoned in but Sobhraj managed to escape once more, leaving André to serve his sentence.

Drug Dealer

In 1975, Sobhraj moved to Thailand, becoming a drug dealer to finance his lifestyle. He had also hatched a new plan and that was to create a kind of criminal family, with him at the helm. His first devotee was Marie-Andreé Leclerc from , Canada. She fell for his charm and was content to ignore both his dalliances with other women and his criminal activity. To gather more members into his clan, Sobhraj formed a new con. He would select his victims, create a troublesome situation for them and then pose as the knight in shining armour who would solve the problem. Having no idea Sobhraj was the cause of their misery in the first place; they would feel indebted to him for his aid.

Using his fluency in French, he homed in on French tourists. Sobhraj stole former French policemen, Yannick and Jacques’ passports, and then helped the men retrieve them. Dominique Rennelleau from France thought he had dysentery when in fact Sobhraj had given him poisoned dysentery medication and then nursed him back to health. Sobhraj and his ‘family’ were staying at a resort in the beach town of Pattaya, where Sobhraj met a fellow criminal, Ajay Chowdhury. The young Indian man became Sobhraj’s second-in-command and the two embarked on a killing spree in 1975. Many of their victims had been part of the ‘family’ and it is possible that they were killed to prevent them going to the authorities.

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The first known victim was Teresa Knowlton, a young woman from Seattle who had travelled from Bangkok and was en route to Kathmandu, where she was to study Tibetan Buddhism at Kopan Monastery. She met Sobhraj, who allegedly offered to be her guide and to take her to Pattaya Beach, where her body was later found burned.

Jennie Bollivar, a young woman from America, had travelled to Thailand to meditate and to experience the Buddhist lifestyle. When she met Sobhraj, he tried to convince her to join his ‘family’ but she refused. Bollivar was found drowned in a tidal pool in the Gulf of Thailand, near the town of Pattaya, wearing a flower-patterned bikini. A number of months passed before the autopsy results, combined with forensic evidence, proved the drowning in fact to be a murder.

The killers’ next victim was a young nomadic Sephardic Jew, Vitali Hakim. His body was found burned on the road to the Pattaya resort where the ‘family’ were staying.

Henk Bintanja, 29 and his fiancée Cornelia Hemker, 25 were Dutch students who had met Sobhraj in . He had invited them to Thailand and they took him up on his offer. When they arrived, Sobhraj poisoned them then nursed them back to health.

During this time, Charmayne Carrou, the girlfriend of Sobhraj’s previous victim, Hakim, came to investigate his disappearance. Anxious that she may discover what they had done, Sobhraj and Chowdhury swiftly dealt with the problem. Bintanja and Hemker’s bodies were found strangled and burned on 16th December 1975.

Later that same month, Carrou was found drowned in similar circumstances to Bollivar, wearing a similar flower-patterned bikini. At first, police investigators did not connect the two cases but when they did, Sobhraj became known as ‘The Bikini Killer’.

Stolen passports

Sobhraj decided it was time to move again and on 18th December 1975, he and Leclerc used Bintanja and Hemker’s Dutch passports to enter Nepal. It was here they met two travellers, Laurent Ormond Carriere, 26, from Canada and Connie Bronzich, 29, from California, whom they befriended. Carriere and Bronzich were murdered and their burned bodies found on 22nd December 1975. Some sources claim these victims were Laddie DuParr and Annabella Tremont. Sobhraj was questioned and then released by police in Kathmandu.

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Sobhraj and Leclerc used Carriere and Bronzich’s passports to return to Thailand before their victims were identified. Once there, Sobhraj discovered his French ‘family members’, Yannick, Jacques and Rennelleau, had begun to suspect him of being involved in the Pattaya murders. In Sobhraj’s absence, they had discovered documents belonging to the victims in the resort at which they stayed.

Sobhraj fled to Calcutta, India, where he murdered an Israeli student, Avoni Jacob, for his passport. He used this to travel to , with Leclerc and Chowdhury, then on to India and back to Bangkok, Thailand in March 1976. Sobhraj was questioned by Thai police in connection with the ‘Bikini Murders’ but was not charged. Some sources claim the reason for this was their fear of the potential negative publicity, adversely affecting the country’s tourist trade, such an action could create. Sobhraj immediately left Thailand for Malaysia.

Herman Knippenberg, a Dutch embassy diplomat, was investigating the murders of Bintanja and Hemker and Sobhraj was his prime suspect. Knippenberg began building a case against him and a month after Sobhraj had left Thailand, Knippenberg was given police permission to search Sobhraj’s apartment. He uncovered evidence including documents belonging to the murder victims and poisoned medicines. Encouraged, he continued to collect evidence in the case against Sobhraj, which eventually ran into decades.

In Malaysia, Sobhraj and Chowdhury stole thousands of pounds worth of precious gems. Shortly after this, Chowdhury disappeared and he was never found. It is alleged that Sobhraj murdered him before leaving Malaysia with Leclerc. The couple travelled to Geneva, Switzerland, to sell their stolen

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jewels before returning to India to rebuild the ‘criminal family’.

Sobhraj’s new recruits were two lost tourists, Barbara Sheryl Smith and Mary Ellen Eather, whom he met in Mumbai. Sobhraj then befriended French tourist Jean-Luc Solomon whom he poisoned in a south Delhi hotel, with the intention to rob him, but Solomon died of the poison. It was Solomon’s death that would finally result in Sobhraj being imprisoned for 21 years in India.

In July 1976, , Sobhraj, Leclerc, Smith and Eather managed to trick a group of post-graduate French students into accepting them as travel guides. Once again, Sobhraj used his poisoned dysentery medicine on the group. However, this time it backfired because the poison began working a lot faster than he expected. When the first few students began falling where they stood, the others became alarmed and called the police. Sobhraj and his group of three women were arrested and interrogated. Sobhraj was charged with the murder of Jean-Luc Solomon and sent with Leclerc, Smith and Eather to the infamous Tihar prison outside New Delhi to await trial. Conditions at Tihar were extremely harsh and both Smith and Eather attempted suicide during the wait for their trial.

Escape Artist

The sentence may not mean much to Sobhraj (described as "Asia's premier serial killer" by one source). He has escaped from jails in a number of countries. He is supposed to have dug his way out of an Afghan prison with a spoon and escaped Greek custody by setting fire to the prison van he was locked inside of with other inmates. In 1971 he pretended to have appendicitis after an arrest in India for allegedly robbing a jewelry store; he was admitted to a hospital and escaped during one of the night time blackouts that was common during India's war with Banladesh.


We know a great deal about Sobhraj because he has been so willing to brag about his exploits in the past. Since his release from jail in India in 1997 it has been possible for a journalist or writer to simply pay a fee and meet Sobhraj at a Paris cafe for a chat and photos. The fee? About five thousand dollars....

Sobhraj was born in Saigon in 1944, the son of an Indian man from Bombay and a Vietnamese mother, named Noy (some sources refer to her as

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"Song"). His mother's second husband, a French military officer stationed in Saigon, Lieutenant Alphonse Darreau, later adopted Charles Sobhraj and he was eventually resettled with his mother in Marseille, France.

Early encounters with the law began before he was an adult. He twice ran away from his Paris boarding school and returned to Vietnam, reportedly paying for the trip through check fraud. Sobhraj spent three years for burglary and eight months for car theft in prison in France in the 1960's. In the 1970's Sobhraj became dabbling in drug smuggling. He also built up a small family of accomplices around himself. But Sobhraj was criminally flexible and supported himself in part by befriending travelers, drugging them, robbing them, and then sometimes killing them.

The Thailand Mikini Murders

Sobhraj remains the number one suspect in the Bikini Murders that took place in Thailand in 1975. But he has succeeded in avoiding being returned to Thailand and it's doubtful that he will ever stand trial there.

One of his first alleged victims in Thailand was Teresa Knowlton, a Seattle woman who had traveled to Bangkok on her way to Kathmandu; she was planning to study Tibetan Buddhism at Kopan Monastery. Knowlton met Sobhraj and he reportedly offered to take her to Pattaya Beach. Like many of Sobhraj's victims, her body burnt. Sobhraj is supposed to have confessed specifically to the Knowlton murder to an Australian journalist.

Jennie Bollivar was killed not much later. Bollivar was an American who had come to Thailand to "find herself through meditation and immersion into a Buddhist lifestyle." Sobhraj had attempted to bring her into his "family" and she'd refused. Sobhraj is thought to have killed her to prevent her from telling police about his smuggling activities. Bollivar was found, wearing her flowered bikini (thus, the "Bikini Murders"), in the Gulf of Thailand near the resort town of Pattaya.

In December of 1975 Charmayne Carrou, a French woman, was found like Bollivar. The death earlier of her boyfriend, Vitali Hakim, was also later connected to Sobhraj. A Dutch couple, Henk Bintanja and Cornelia Hemker, died around the same time shortly after meeting Sobhraj in Hong Kong and following him to Bangkok. Like Hakim, the Dutch couple's bodies were burnt.

Sobhraj is thought to have left Bangkok for Kathmandu at this point, using Bintanja's passport. In all, Sobhraj is implicated in at least 10 murders in Thailand in 1975.

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Life in

In Nepal Sobhraj associated himself with a couple, Canadian Laddie DuParr and Californian Annabella Tremont. After spending time with the couple in Kathmandu's "Freak Street" area, DuParr and Tremont were found dead. DuParr's body was burnt, and because Sobhraj's left Nepal on DuParr's passport, Nepalese police assumed at first that DuParr killed his own girlfriend.

Sobhraj returned to Nepal after selling the couple's valuables in Bangkok. He was questioned and released by police in Kathmandu. At some point during this time other members of his "family" discovered documents implicating him in the Bikini Murders and handed those documents over to the police. Sobhraj left Nepal for Calcutta where he is thought to have robbed and killed an Israeli scholar named Avoni Jacob before going on to Singapore and then returning briefly to Bangkok. In Bangkok he was questioned about the Bikini Murders. Sobharj is supposed to have been released on a bribe of about $18,000 and fled to Malaysia. From Malaysia Sobhraj moved on to Bombay after obtaining about $40,000 worth of gemstones.

In Bombay Sobhraj drugged Frenchman Jean-Luc Solomon to rob him, but Solomon died. It was Solomon's death that would eventually result in Sobhraj spending 21 years in prison in India -- jail time that, ironically, probably saved him from the death penalty in Thailand.

After the Solomon murder Sobhraj joined a 60-member French tour group that was traveling from Bombay to Delhi. Sobhraj attempted to drug the entire group at a Delhi hotel, giving them pills he promised would fight intestinal problems. But some members of the group passed out in the hotel lobby and Sobhraj was caught by Indian police. India charged him with murder for the killing of Jean-Luc Solomon. He was confined to Tihar Prison, near Delhi, from 1976 to 1997. A warrant for his extradition to Thailand also existed. Sobhraj was originally sentenced to seven year for the murder (he was spared India's death penalty, though prosecutors wanted it) and five years on other counts. Additional time was added after he escaped from a maximum security prison in 1986. He was free for 22 days before being arrested at a seafood restaurant in Goa. Sobhraj claims that he contrived his own arrest in 1986 instead of leaving the country because he wanted to avoid being extradited to Thailand. He had lived like a king in India's prison system, bribing guards to bring him gourmet food and to install a television in his cell.

Release from Tihar Prison

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On February 17, 1997, Sobhraj was released from Tihar Prison. The extradition warrant to Thailand, valid for only 20 years, had expired. India deported him to France, where he moved to the Chinese section of Paris and lived as something of a celebrity. A deal for an Indian movie based on his life brought him about $15 million. There were also book deals.

Arrest in Nepal

Sobhraj is alleged to have committed as many as 32 murders. He was arrested in September of 2003 at an all-night casino inside the Yak and Yeti hotel in Kathmandu. Sobhraj has been found guilty of killing a US tourist in 1975. He was sentenced to life in prison and remains incarcerated there. He appealed the conviction but was turned down by the high court in Nepal.

Biography books published:

 Julie Clarke & (1980). The Life and Crimes of Charles Sobhraj. Pan Macmillan. ISBN 0-330-27001-X.  Thomas Thompson (1979). Serpentine. Carroll & Graf Publishers. ISBN 0-7867-0749-6.  Julie Clarke & Richard Neville (1989). Shadow of the Cobra. Penguin Books Ltd. ISBN 978-0140129373.  (2008). The Bikini Murders. Harper Collins India.

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Press Statement By Charles Sobhraj (Dated July 7, 2008)

Dear Friends of the Media,

I would like to draw your attention to the continued persecution and assassination of my character by the Himalayan Times daily, repeated falsification of news with malicious intention and violation of all journalistic ethics and norms.

I would also like to caution the newspapers, news agencies and television channels, which have been basing their news on the Himalayan Times‟ reports, that they are utterly false and defamatory. My lawyers are filing a defamation case against the Himalayan Times in Nepal‟s Supreme Court and a complaint with the Federation of Nepalese Journalists and Press Council Nepal. Anyone who uses the Himalayan Times reports without crosschecking facts will also face similar action.

Here are the facts of the case, supported by evidence.

A section of the media has been continuously calling me a serial killer without any evidence. I was never convicted of murder by any court. The current conviction by Nepal‟s district court is now being heard … the media has been in the Supreme Court and till the final verdict comes, continuously calling me remains sub judice. a serial killer without When my fiancée Nihita Biswas refused to speak to the any evidence. I was Himalayan Times – which remains within her rights – never convicted of the newspaper began hounding her and her family and making false allegations against us. murder by any court.

It says I am a bigamist who is married to a French and Australian woman. It is ridiculous since I can‟t be married to both. I married a French woman in 1969 but she divorced me in 1974. On May 17, 1974 the Tribunal of Nanterre in France issued the divorce decree. (I am also forwarding a copy of the document with the name of my former wife blackened out to protect her privacy).

My ex-wife then married an American and had a daughter by him. These facts are also mentioned in the two books submitted to the Supreme Court as “evidence” by the prosecution – Serpentine by Thomas Thompson and The Life and Crimes of Charles Sobhraj by Richard Neville and Mary Clarke.

The Himalayan Times also said that if I marry my fiancée Nihita Biswas, I will be jailed since Nepal‟s laws do not allow marriage between two people who have an age difference of 20 years or more. As per the 11th amendment to Nepal‟s marriage laws, that is no longer valid. A girl can marry at 18 if she has her parents‟ consent or can marry without consent if she is 20. Nihita is 20, has her parents‟ consent to our marriage and, most importantly, we will be married in France according to French laws since I am a French citizen and reside there.

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Though my fiancée pointed out the errors to the Himalayan Times and asked them to publish her A girl can marry at 18 if she has her letter and issue a correction, it carried a part of her parents’ consent or can marry letter as part of a report, making it appear as if she without consent if she is 20. was being interviewed, thereby distorting facts

before its readers. It repeated the allegations Monday, ignoring the existence of the divorce Nihita is 20, has her parents’ certificate and other official documents. consent to our marriage and, most importantly, we will be married in In the past, the Himalayan Times and its sister France according to French laws paper, the Annapurna Post, have faced a barrage since I am a French citizen and of allegations about their promoters, source of reside there. funding, citizenship of their top brass and undue influence used to obtain a licence. One of their reporters was arrested trying to pass a suitcase full of money through the Tribhuvan airport and was jailed. Another faced the allegation of having received money during the direct rule of former king Gyanendra.

The Himalayan Times, therefore, more than any others, should realise that allegations are not facts. Its continued persecution and falsification raises serious doubts about the professional competence of the newspaper, its integrity and impartiality.

Charles Sobhraj July 7, 2008


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शोबयाजरे ऩनन बने 'आई रब ननहहता'

-यजनीश बण्डायी-

ननहहता य ननहहताकी वकीर आभा शकुन्तरा थाऩा सवोच्च ऩरयसयभा सञ्चायकभॉनसत कुया गदै। (August 11th, 2008) पोटो साबाय् अन्नऩूणण ऩोट हत्माको अनबमोगभा सवोच्च अदारतको चक्कय काट्दै आएका चार्लसण सोबयाजरे आइतफाय सवोच्च अदारत ऩरयसयभा आपूरे ननहहताराई साह्रै भन ऩयाएको फताए। शोबयाजरे अॊग्रेजीभै बने- „एस आइ रब ननहहता‟। कारो ज्माकेट, कारो चभा, कारो ब्माग फोकेका य चम्ककरो अनुहायका साथ प्रतुत बएका शोबयाजको हातभा त्मनतफेरा हत्कडी नथमो।

११ फजे अदारतभा उऩम्थत गयाइनुऩने बए ऩनन शोबयाजराई त्मसको करयफ ४ घण्टा ऩनछ भात्र त्रत्रऩुयेश्वयम्थत केन्रीम कायागायफाट ननकानरएको नथमो। अदारतभा आइतफायको फहस सहकएय अको फहस १८ अगतभा सयेऩनछ भात्र शोबयाजराई कायागायफाट ननकानरएको नथमो। प्रहयीरे ननकै सावधानीका साथ शोबयाजराई अदारत रगेको नथमो।

कायागायफाट सेतो गाडीभा याखेय शोबयाजराई थाऩाथरी, भाइनतघय हुॉदै सवोच्च अदारत ऩुर् माइएको नथमो य उनी गाडीनबत्र यहेको नदेम्खने गयी प्रहयीरे झ्मारभा प्रात्रिक रगाएको नथमो। ६४ वषॉम शोबयाजराई आधा दजणन हनतमाय फोकेका प्रहयीरे सवोच्च अदारत तीन फजे ऩुर् माएका नथए।

शोबयाजरे ननहहताराई बेटेऩनछ जीवनभा ऩरयवतणन आएको फताए। „राइप ह्याज त्रफन भोय त्रऩसपुर‟ अथातण ् „जीवन शान्त बइयहेको छ‟ गाडीनबत्रफाटै उनरे बने। अदारतरे उनकै ऩऺभा पैसरा सुनाउनेभा त्रवश्वत देम्खएका शोबयाजरे ननहहतासॉगै त्रफहे गने फताए -‟आइ वीर कमायी हय‟। शोबयाजरे आपू ननदोष बएको सभेत दाफी गये।

१५ नभनेट भात्र अदारतभा याम्खएका शोबयाजराई प्रहयीरे गाडीफाट बने ओयारेन। उनरे आपू य आफ्नी प्रेनभकाको ज्मान जोम्खभभा यहेको सुनाए।‟आइ एभ हपनरङ इन्सेकुयेहट याइट नाउ‟ अथाणत „भेयो जीवन अहहरे जोम्खभभा छ‟। जेरका अनधकायीह셁राई मसफाये जानकायी हदए ऩनन उनीह셁रे

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खासै वाता नगयेको गुनासो उनरे गये। भाओवादीरे तऩा℁राई सहमोग गदैछ हो बन्ने प्रश्नभा शोबयाजरे भुद्दा सफै अदारती प्रहिमा बएको सुनाए।

शोबयाजरे प्रश्नकताणह셁 कुन-कुन च्मानरफाट बएको ऩनन सोधेका नथए। उनरे चार्लसण एण्ड आई हपर्लभ आपूभा आधारयत बएको बए नफनाउन ऩत्र ऩठाएको ऩनन फताए।

अदारतभा शोबयाजराई कुदाणकुदै थाकेकी उनकी २० वषॉमा प्रेनभका ननहहता त्रवश्वासरे बने त्मसको के ही फेयअनघ भात्र अदारत छाडेकी नथइन।् ननहहताकी भुभा य शोबयाजकी वहकर सकुन्तरा थाऩारे बने अदारतभा भुद्दा चनरयहेको य टुङ्गो राग्न अझै के ही हप्ता राग्ने फताइन।् सवोच्च अदारतरे शोबयाजको भुद्दाको फहस १८ अगतसकभका रानग सायेको छ।

[बण्डायी के हटबीका सञ्चायकभॉ हुन।् ]

15 xnepali.com, a booklet on Charles Sobhraj

चार्लसण शोबयाजरे जेरभै झ्माइॉ ऩाये October 9th, 2008

-यजननश बण्डायी-

नसरयमर हकरय य त्रफहकनी हकरयका 셁ऩभा कुख्मात ६४ वषॉम चार्लसण शोबयाज य उनकी २० वषॉमा प्रेनभका ननहहता त्रवश्वासरे आज त्रवजमा दशभीको अवसय ऩायेय जेर भै झ्माइॉ ऩायेका छन।्

त्रवदेशी ऩमणटकको हत्माको अनबमोगभा भुद्दा खेत्रऩयहेका शोबयाज हार काठभाडँको सेन्रर जेरभा यहेका छन।् त्रववाह ऩनन सोही जेरभा आज हदउॉसो नेऩारी ऩयकऩया अनुसाय बएको हो। असभान उभेयकी मी प्रेनभप्रेनभकाको योभान्सरे देशका भात्र हैन, त्रवदेशका सञ्चाय भाध्मभह셁को सभेत ध्मान तानेको नथमो।

ननहहताको ऩारयवारयक श्रोतका अनुसाय दशैको शुब हदन ऩायेय त्रववाहको आमोजना जेरभै गरयएको हो। ननहहताराई ऩनन आजको हदन भन ऩयेको स्रोतको बनाइ छ।

जेर प्रशासन य ननहहताका ऩरयवायका सदमको उऩम्थनतभा त्रववाह सकऩन्न बएको फताइएको छ। ननहहताकी आभा तथा शोबयाजकी वहकर शकुन्तरा थाऩा य ननहहताका दाजु ऩनन सो सभायोहभा उऩम्थत नथए।

शोबयाज य ननहहतारे मसअनघ नै आपूह셁रे त्रववाह गने फताउॉदै आएका बए ऩनन एक भहहना अनघ भात्र ै शोबयाजरे आफ्नो त्रववाह नेऩारभै हुने घोषणा गयेका नथए। उनरे त्मसफेरा ननहहताराई बेटेऩनछ आफ्नो जीवनभा शाम्न्त आएको फताएका नथए।

करयफ चाय भहहना अनघ भात्र शोबयाज य ननहहताफीच इन्गेजभेन्ट बएको नथमो। त्मसऩनछ ननहहतारे इन्गेजभेन्ट रयङ देखाउॉदै देशीत्रवदेशी सञ्चायभाध्मभका प्रनतनननधह셁नसत पोटो सेसन गयाउॉदै अन्तवाणताण हदएका नथए।

प्रेभ प्रसॊगसावणजननक बएको केही हदनभा नै उनरे केही ब्मत्रिह셁रे आपूराई भाने धककी हदएको बन्दै ज्मानको सुयऺा गरयहदन सयकायसॉग उनरे भाग गदै ऩत्रकाय सकभेरन सभेत गन ण भ्माइन।्

केही अनघ साया नेऩारी दशणक तीनछक्क ऩने गयी काम्न्तऩुय टेनरनबजनको प्राइभ टाइभ सभाचायभा राइब आएय मी बखयण की मुवतीरे हाकाहाकी बनेकी नथइन,् „हो, भ चार्लसण शोबयाजकी

16 xnepali.com, a booklet on Charles Sobhraj

गरफ्रण े न्ड हुॉ।‟ भोडरको जतो ऩहहयन य बावबॊनगभाका साथ उनरे नसरयमर हकरयका 셁ऩभा कुख्मात चार्लसण शोबयाजनसत आफ्नो ऩहहरो बेट भै प्रेभ फसेको कुया सुनाएका नथए।

बखयण प्रस टु सकाएय ऩाटण टाइभ जफका 셁ऩभा इन्टयप्रेटयका 셁ऩभा जेरभा जाॉदा उनको बेट चार्लसण शोबयाजनसत बएको हो। “ऩहहरो हदनभा नै हाभी एकअकाणप्रनत आकत्रषणत फन्मँ। हयेक हदन जाने, बेट्ने गयेऩनछ भामा गाढा बमो। अनन इन्गेजभेन्ट बमो”, उनरे अन्तवातण ाभण ा बनेकी नथइन।् प्रेभ फसेको छ भहहना नै नहुॉदै उनीह셁फीच त्रववाह बएको हो।

नबमतनाभभा जम्न्भए ऩनन हार शोबयाजरे फ्रान्सको नागरयकता नरएका छन।् सेनरत्रिटीका 셁ऩभा ऩेरयसभा जीवन त्रफताइयहेका शोबयाजको बाग्म पुटेय नेऩार आउनु ऩयेको ! सन ् २००४ भा उनी नेऩारभा यहेको खफय हद हहभारमन टाइकसरे कूऩ खफयका 셁ऩभा छाऩेऩनछ नेऩार प्रहयीरे उनराई नगयफ्ताय गयेका हुन।् नेऩारको बन्सायफाट हाती ी नछयाइहदन्छु बन्ने शोबयाज त्मनतफेरादेम्ख नेऩारी जेरभा यहेका छन।्

आफ्नो फायेभा हकताफ, हपर्लभ, वृती नचत्र फनाउन य अन्तवाणताण हदनका रानग राखँ यकभ नरन्छन ् उनी। उनीभानथ कम्कतभा १२ वटा हत्माको अनबमोग छ। शोबयाजको फायेभा थऩ जानकायी महाॉ हेनुसण ।्

[बण्डायी के हटबीभा कामयण त सञ्चायकभॉ हुन]्

17 xnepali.com, a booklet on Charles Sobhraj

ननहहता असुयम्ऺत ये By move4, on July 28th, 2008

-त्रवषभ ठकुयी – ६४ वषॉम अन्तयाणत्रिम कुख्मात अऩयानध चार्लसण शोबयाजसॉग प्रेभ सकफन्ध यहेको खुरासा गदै चचाणभा यहेकी उनकी प्रेनभका २० वषॉमा ननहहता त्रवश्वासरे आज ऩत्रकाय सकभेरन गयेकी नछन।्

तय, मो ऩत्रकाय सकभेरन उनको प्रेभ प्रसॊग खुरत गनण नबई उनका प्रेभका फाधकह셁को फायेभा फोर्लन ऩो यहेछ। केही ब्मत्रिह셁रे आपूराई भाने धककी हदएको बन्दै ज्मानको सुयऺा गरयहदन सयकायसॉग उनरे भाग गयेकी छन।्

ननहहतारे केन्रीम कायागायका फन्दीह셁को नाइके टासी राभाका सहमोगीह셁रे आपूराई अऩहयण गयी भाने धककी हदएको ऩत्रकाय सकभेरन गयेय फताइन।्

चार्लसणको भुद्दाको नसरसराभा उनराई बेट्न जाॉदा टासी राभारे बेटन नहदएको उनको आयोऩ नथमो। उनरे ऩत्रकायह셁 भाझ आपूसॉग टासीरे एक कयोड 셁ऩैमाॉ भागेको म्जहकय ऩनन गरयन।्

त्मसो त जुन हदनदेम्ख ननहहता त्रवश्वासरे आफ्नो प्रेभको उजागय गरयन ् सोही हदनदेम्ख नै उनरे मो चचाणभा आउन चरखेर गयेको बनेय धेयैरे हटप्ऩणी गये। धेयै भहहरा अनधकायकभॉह셁रे सन्काहा प्रवृनत, त कसैरे ऩागरऩन, फहुरहठठ्ऩनको सॊऻा ऩनन नहदएका होइनन।् तय धेयैको अनुभान बने छोटो सभमभै चचाणभा आउन ऩनन उनरे मो नाटकको शूङखरा यचेकी हुन ् बन्ने नै छ।

झन ् आजको मो ऩत्रकाय सकभेरनराई ऩनन सोही नाटकको शूङ्खराको अको अशॊ ऩनन भान्न सहकन्छ। अथवा उनको चचाण भोहको अको ऩाटो भान्नु ऩनन गरत बइएरा य ? र टासी नाभको ऩात्ररे उनराई धकक्मामो ये।, तय हकन ? एक कयोड 셁ऩैमाॉ भाग गनुकण ो कायण के हुन सक्छ ? एक

18 xnepali.com, a booklet on Charles Sobhraj

अन्तयाणत्रिम अऩयाधीसॉग रहनसनुभा कुनै डय छैन बने सानानतना „डन‟ह셁रे धकक्माउॉदा ऩत्रकाय सकभेरन गदै हहॉड्नु ऩछाहडको यहम के हो ? तऩा℁राई के राग्छ ?

भैरे त फुझ्नै सहकनॉ।

एक प्रेस सकभेरनभा ननहहता त्रवश्वास। पोटो सौजन्म् दीऩेश/यासस

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