>PC_Update June 2019 Joshua tree, Nevada desert outside Las Vegas. Editorial >PC_Update Is there a “Them and Us?” June 2019 I surrender the editor’s desk in a couple of months, and lose the abil- The newsletter of ity to write editorials. So I should Melbourne PC User Group Inc. get this off my chest while I can. Suite 26, Level 1, 479 Warrigal Road Moorabbin 3189 Phone (03) 9276 4000 Invariably, as a committee member, Office hours 9.30am-4.30pm (Mon-Friday) you catch echoes of rumblings from email
[email protected] non-committee members that ABN: 43 196 519 351 “they” should do this, why aren’t Victorian Association Registration A0003293V “they” doing that? I may at one time Editor: David Stonier-Gibson
[email protected] have been one of those grumblers in the corridors, but then I decided to Tech editors: Roger Brown, Kevin Martin, Dennis Parsons, stand for the committee on the Miles ground that you have more chance Proof Readers: Harry Lewis, Tim McQueen, Paul Woolard, of bringing about change if you are Hugh Macdonald inside the tent than outside. It’s not about the desire for power, or the trappings of power. It’s Librarians: Malin Robertson
[email protected] about being prepared to put in many hours and invest a Choy Lai
[email protected] lot of emotional capital in order to try and bring about the vision you have to help the club thrive and prosper. Committee Executive President: John Hall A few years ago we had a president who tried to run the Vice President: Stephen Zuluaga club like he probably ran his business, by dictatorially mak- Secretary: John Swale ing unilateral decisions and riding roughshod over other Treasurer: Stewart Gruneklee committee members, not to mention non-committee Members: Hugh Macdonald • Bahador Nayebifar • Rob members.