Parents are ultimately responsible for making Is my child mentally ready? In general, the following guidelines are suggested: decisions about their child’s safety. ❏ Understands and remembers instruc- Age Level of Responsibility for Self Care tions? Your children can be out of your sight ❏ Able to solve basic problems of be- Under 16 Should not be left alone overnight. but never out of your mind. ing alone? 13-18 May be left alone for more than 3 hours ❏ Reads and writes well enough to take tele- You are responsible for them no matter phone messages? 10-12 Should not be left alone for more than 3 hours where they are or where you are. ❏ Able to find something to do when alone without getting into trouble? 0 – 9 Should always be in the care of a re- sponsible person How can I tell if my child is ready Is my child socially ready? to be left alone? ❏ Able to ask for help from Guidelines for Responsible Supervision Children differ in how friends, neighbors, and po- lice when needed? fast they grow, mature, Children sometimes end up taking care of ❏ younger children. It is important that they develop life skills and Understands the role of po- lice, firefighters, and rescue are capable of caring for them responsibly. sound judgement. One squads? Responsible supervision means: child may be responsible ❏ Able to get along with other children and with ❏ knowing what to do in an emergency, enough to be left alone, while another child the adults? same age needs supervision. Many school age ❏ having the skills to effectively care for the children in their charge, and children are afraid to be left alone, especially Is my family ready? ❏ being able to keep a child safe. after dark. ❏ Are you able to stay in touch Before leaving a child alone, families need to and supervise your child even though you are not at home? consider many important factors. There are Caregivers must be mature and ready for steps to take that will help children feel com- ❏ Will you, or a friend or rela- responsibility. In general, the following tive, be able to help in case of guidelines are suggested: fortable by themselves. Ask yourself the follow- emergencies? ing questions: ❏ Does your family have a regular schedule? Age Level of Responsibility for Child Care Is my child emotionally ready? 16 –18 May watch children overnight Currently, there are no laws 13 –15 May baby sit infants and children but not ❏Able to be away from you or other in Virginia that say when or overnight adults without feeling lonely or afraid? for how long a child can be ❏ 10 –12 May provide care of other children for up Handles the unexpected without be- left alone. However, Alexan- coming upset? to three hours, with the help of an adult dria Child Protective Services ❏ Willing to follow important rules? may be called about a situa- ❏Feels comfortable that he or she is tion involving children of any ready to stay ? These guidelines were developed by social work professionals, in age being left home alone. collaboration with the community. This pamphlet intends to pro- vide guidance only: in certain situations, it may not be safe to leave a child unsupervised, despite the criteria presented here. 703-820-9001 StopVirginia Child Abuse Now of Northern (SCAN) 703-549-8300 Red Cross The American of Alexandria City Resources ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ consider the answers to these questions. alone on a regular basis, you may want to If you are considering leaving your child Department of Recreation,Department Parks and Cultural Activities of Human Services Department gency? What would your child do in a weather emer- other trusted adult? Does your child know how to contact you or an- Has your child aid safety? been trained in first Does your family have safety a fire plan? Does your child know how and when to dial 911? out of the house? What would your child do if he/she were locked Does your childtelephone safety? understand Have you done a trial run with your child? 703-838-4343 703-838-0800 Child Protective Services 703-838-0750 Office for Early Childhood Development

Department of Human Services 2525 Mt. Vernon Avenue Alexandria, VA 22301 CHILD WELFARESERVICES DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES CITY OF ALEXANDRIA Leaving My Child How Old is Enough? at Home Alone