To be held on Tuesday, 15 December, 2015 Commencing at 4.00 pm

9 December, 2015 Councillors,


You are hereby requested to attend the Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the , to be held in the Council Chambers, City Administrative Centre, Bridge Road, Nowra on Tuesday, 15 December, 2015 commencing at 4.00 pm for consideration of the following business.

R D Pigg General Manager Membership All Councillors BUSINESS OF MEETING

1. Opening Prayer - Reverend Ryan Heard – Nowra Baptist Church 2. Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians 3. Australian National Anthem 4. Apologies/Leave of Absence 5. Confirmation of Minutes Extra Ordinary Meeting – 3 November, 2015 Ordinary Meeting – 24 November, 2015 6. Declarations of Interest 7. Petitions and Presentations 8. Mayoral Minute 9. Deputations 10. Report of the General Manager – Committees Report Report of the Strategy and Assets Committee – 8 December, 2015 Report of the Shoalhaven Tourism Advisory Group – 23 November, 2015 Report of the Confidential Organisational Review Transformation Task Force 3 December 2015 11. Report of the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee – 8 December, 2015 12. Report of the General Manager Corporate and Community Services Shoalhaven Water 13. Councillor Reports on Conferences 14. Notices of Motion and Questions on Notice 15. Addendum Reports 16. Confidential Report of the General Manager Report of the Strategy and Assets Committee - 8 December, 2015 Shoalhaven Water

Note: If any items of business require attendance of specialist staff (eg Legal, Insurance, Property) then Council will generally consider those items following the Mayoral Minutes.

Note: The attention of Councillors is drawn to Section 451 of the Local Government Act and Regulations and Code of Conduct regarding the requirements to declare pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interest in matters before Council.

Cell Phones: Council’s Code of Meeting Practice states that “All cell phones are to be turned off for the duration of the meeting”.


Chapter 3

Section 8(1) - The Council’s Charter

(1) The council has the following charter:

• to provide directly or on behalf of other levels of government, after due consultation, adequate, equitable and appropriate services and facilities for the community and to ensure that those services and facilities are managed efficiently and effectively

• to exercise community leadership

• to exercise its functions in a manner that is consistent with and actively promotes the principles of multiculturalism

• to promote and to provide and plan for the needs of children

• to properly manage, develop, protect, restore, enhance and conserve the environment of the area for which it is responsible, in a manner that is consistent with and promotes the principles of ecologically sustainable development

• to have regard to the long term and cumulative effects of its decisions

• to bear in mind that it is the custodian and trustee of public assets and to effectively account for and manage the assets for which it is responsible

• to facilitate the involvement of councillors, members of the public, users of facilities and services and council staff in the development, improvement and co-ordination of local government

• to raise funds for local purposes by the fair imposition of rates, charges and fees, by income earned from investments and, when appropriate, by borrowings and grants

• to keep the local community and the State government (and through it, the wider community) informed about its activities

• to ensure that, in the exercise of its regulatory functions, it acts consistently and without bias, particularly where an activity of the council is affected

• to be a responsible employer.

Wording for Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

“It is customary to acknowledge country and I do so by paying our respects to elders past and present and acknowledge the unique role Aboriginal people have, and still do play, in the life of Australia today, and to all peoples who have made Australia this great country we live in.”

Australian National Anthem “Advance Australia Fair”

Australians all let us rejoice For we are young and free We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea: Our land abounds in nature’s gifts Of beauty rich and rare, In history’s page let every stage Advance Australia fair, In joyful strains then let us sing Advance Australia fair.

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross, We’ll toil with hearts and hands, To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands, For those who’ve come across the seas We’ve boundless plains to share, With courage let us all combine To Advance Australia fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia fair.


GENERAL MANAGER – COMMITTEES REPORT ...... 1 Strategy And Assets Committee – Tuesday 8 December 2015 ...... 1 1. Boardwalk Reconstruction Funding File 48353E ...... 1 2. 2015-2016 Allocations - NSW Rural Fire Fighting Fund File 2371E ...... 1 3. Risk and Audit Committee Charter File 39763E ...... 1 4. UOW Shoalhaven Campus - Annual Graduation File 50147E ...... 2 5. Management of Mobile Food Vending Vehicles on Council owned or Managed Land 33417E ...... 2 6. Sale of Land – Chisholm St File 48045E, 48516E, SF10418 ...... 2 7. Expungement of Drainage Easement – 12 Vigilant Street, Ulladulla File 52306E ...... 3 8. Licence - Part of 21 Meriton Street, St. Georges Basin. File 51697E ...... 3 9. Acquisition of land at Pointer Mountain File 52047E ...... 3 10. Acquisition of Easement for Sewer Pipeline at File 50647E ...... 4 11. Acquisition of Easement for Drainage of Sewage at Milton File 49812E ...... 4 12. Acquisition of Easement for Drainage of Sewage at Milton File 49826E ...... 4 13. Acquisition of Easement for Sewer Pipeline at File 50644E ...... 5 14. Acquisition of Easement for Water Supply at Kangaroo Valley File 50125E ...... 5 15. Acquisition of Easement for Water Supply at Kangaroo Valley File 50125E ...... 5 16. Project Proposal - Rapid Re-Opening of Oyster Growing Areas File 48397E ...... 6 Shoalhaven Tourism Advisory Group – Monday 23 November 2015 ...... 7 17. LGNSW Tourism Conference 2016 File 5359E ...... 7 confidential Organisational Review Transformation Task Force – Thursday 3 December 2015 ...... 8 18. Transformation Program V’s Fit for the Future (FFF) Program File 44629E ...... 8 SHOALHAVEN TRAFFIC COMMITTEE – TUESDAY 8 DECEMBER 2015 ...... 9 19. Road Safety - Glanville Road, Sussex Inlet (PN 3242) File 1714E ...... 9 20. Roundabout - Intersection Quinns Lane and Old Southern Road, (PN 3244) File 8803E ...... 9 21. Regulatory Signage and Linemarking - Wugan Street, (PN 3245) File RA13/1003 ...... 10 22. Roundabout - Intersection South Street & Jubilee Avenue, Ulladulla (PN 3248) File 11241E, 1715E ...... 10 23. Roundabout - Intersection St Vincent Street and Parson Street, Ulladulla (PN 3249) File 9359E ...... 10 GENERAL MANAGER ...... 11 24. Appointment of new Risk and Audit Committee Member File 39301E ...... 11 CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ...... 13 25. Investment Report – November 2015 File 2126E ...... 13

Table of Contents

SHOALHAVEN WATER ...... 16 26. Tender Process - Construction of SPS19, Bayswood Estate, Vincentia File 52216E 16 COUNCILLOR REPORTS ON CONFERENCES ...... 20 27. 2015 Sister Cities Australian National Conference File 4688E ...... 20 NOTICES OF MOTION ...... 21 28. Basketball Half Court File 2839E ...... 21 29. Council Land – 50 Road, Shoalhaven Heads File 50680E ...... 23 30. Shoalhaven City DCP Part G9 Amendment File 50106E ...... 24 31. Sister Cities File 8282E ...... 25 32. Donation – Nowra High School File 4771E ...... 26 QUESTIONS ON NOTICE ...... 28 33. Incoming Council Induction - 2016 File 4688E ...... 28 34. Statement of Commitment to the Aboriginal People of the Shoalhaven File 2696E . 28 35. Aboriginal Employment Target File 2506E ...... 31 CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS PAPER AGENDA ...... 32

Table of Contents




1. Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan Briefing Session File 29118E, 50252E

RECOMMENDED that Council receive this report for information


On Tuesday, 8 December 2015, the General Manager, Russ Pigg, Deputy Mayor, Clr John Wells, Clr Patricia White, Clr Andrew Guile, Director of Planning & Development Tim Fletcher and I attended the Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan Briefing Session held in Kiama.

The meeting was convened by IPJO and all Councillors from the four Illawarra-Shoalhaven Councils were invited.

Under the Plan, a Coordinating & Monitoring Committee will be established – membership made up from key government agencies and one from each Council. This is essentially an Operational Committee and Council will be represented by Director of Planning & Development (or nominee). Planning staff will provide a report in the New Year giving more detail of the Regional Plan and its “Directions” & “Actions”.

2. General Manager’s Contract Extension File 24451E, 50252E

RECOMMENDED that Council extend the employment contract of the General Manager, Russell Desmond Pigg, for a further term of five (5) years from 16 December 2015 to 15 December 2020, using the Division of Local Government’s Standard Contract for Employment for General Managers, and that the contract be executed under the Seal of Council.


Council, at its meeting of 27 October 2015, resolved that:

“The Council authorise the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, with the aid of external advice as required, to negotiate a new five (5) year contract of employment with the General Manager, Russ Pigg, effective in 2015, and to report to the Council on the result of those negotiations so the Council can finalise the matter in 2015.”

Since that time, I have liaised with and sought advice from Stephen Blackadder & Associates to finalise negotiations of a contract consistent with the model contract issued by the Office of Local Government.

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3. Other events attended File 50252E

RECOMMENDED that Council receive this report for information.


I have attended the following additional events over the course of the last month:

& Districts Meals on Wheels Christmas Luncheon  Multicultural Celebration Dinner  Waratah March Official send off o What a community we have here in the Shoalhaven. Once again we came together for a splendid re-enactment of the historic Waratah March. Who would have thought that it could be done. Yet it was – so many involved: Cadets from Albatross (the Waratah marchers), The Historical Society, The Vincentia Red Cross, Nowra Scouts, Nowra Public School, the Light Horses, the sponsors – and all others behind the scenes. It was like clockwork. The Steam train was an extra treat! To Clive Poulton and Rick Meehan, you made a dream come true. It was a privilege for Councillors and staff to work with you. However, without the Community showing up in force, as they did – the significance of the history behind this march, would not have been told.  Official Opening of Noah’s Early Intervention & Family Support Centre  Hubei Yitian Business Visit – Chinese investors  Shoalhaven Disability Forum Dinner Dance  White Ribbon Awareness Event – Council fully supported the event  Shoalhaven Youth Orchestra Presentation  Mega Music Trivia Show for Culburra Beach Skate Park  Culburra & Senior Citizens Christmas luncheon  Official opening of the Fossil Walk Ulladulla – special thanks to Council Staff member Kay Murray for many hours of work.  Nowra High School Annual Presentation  Nowra Christian School Presentation  Public School Presentation Assembly  Bomaderry High School Presentation Day  Presentation of Certificates for the RID program  TS Shoalhaven Cadets end of year parade  Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy Christmas Luncheon  Hyams Beach Villagers’ Association In Special General Meeting  Ulladulla High School Presentation Evening

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4. Jindelara Cottage request File 50262E, 50252E

RECOMMENDED that Council receive this report for information and debate as to whether Council supports the request to support another Mayoral Ball in 2016.


# Please find attached a letter (Attachment A) from Lions – Ulladulla District Community Foundation Inc who have requested support from Council to hold a Mayoral Gala Ball in 2016 to raise money for the Jindelara Respite Cottage. Last year the Ball was highly successful and I ask Council to support this request again by lending the “Mayoral” name and waiving the hire of the fees for the use of the Civic Centre.

5. Gold Awarded to South Coast at NSW Tourism Awards File 4256E, 50252E

RECOMMENDED that Council receive this report for information


Congratulations to the South Coast Regional Tourism Organisation who have been awarded Gold for Destination Marketing in the state for the “Unspoilt South Coast” campaign. Thanks to this campaign, the Shoalhaven have had a record increase in visitors and visitor numbers have broken the records of the National Visitor Survey since it began in 1999. Well done to the five South Coast LGA’s who worked together.

6. Thank you File 50252E

RECOMMENDED that Council receive this report for information


Owing to conflicting functions, thank you to the following Councillors for representing me at these events:

Assistant Deputy Mayor, Clr Allan Baptist  Ulladulla High School Thank you function

Clr Amanda Findley  Vincentia High School Presentation

Clr Jemma Tribe  Resilience & Wellbeing Forum  Branch Hospital Auxiliary Afternoon Tea

Clr Lynnette Kearney

Ordinary Meeting-15 December 2015 Page 3

 Havenlee School Presentation  Nowra Anglican College Presentation  Berry Historical Society Christmas Party  Nowra Anglican College Senior Presentation

Clr Patricia White  Shoalhaven Anglican College Junior Presentation  Shoalhaven Business Chamber Christmas Party  Mollymook Day VIEW Club Christmas Celebration

Joanna Gash (Mrs) Mayor

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Assets and Works / Planning and Development

1. Lake Conjola Boardwalk Reconstruction Funding File 48353E

RECOMMENDED that Council allocate from the Holiday Haven Capital Works budget in 2015/2016 of $100,000 and vote $540,000 from the Strategic Projects Reserve 2016/17 to give a total budget of $840,000 and enable a tender to proceed for a 1.8m width boardwalk.

General Manager

2. 2015-2016 Allocations - NSW Rural Fire Fighting Fund File 2371E

RECOMMENDED that Council adopt Option 1, 2 & 3 being:

1. That Council make the strongest representation to the Minister for Emergency Services, Hon David Elliott and local members Shelley Hancock, Member for South Coast and Gareth Ward, Member for Kiama and Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra & South Coast protesting at the apparent disregard to Council’s request for funding restraint and ask for an explanation and comment;

2. That Council write to Minister for Local Government Paul Toole and NSW Premier Mike Baird highlighting the impact of the Government agency budget allocation on Council’s Fit for the Future KPI’s which is out of Council’s control and request their views on this matter; and

3. That Council make payments equivalent to $821,000 for 2015/16 until the Ministers and Premier provide a response to Council’s representations.

3. Risk and Audit Committee Charter File 39763E

RECOMMENDED that Council adopt the revised Risk and Audit Committee Charter.

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4. UOW Shoalhaven Campus - Annual Graduation File 50147E


a) Council provide sponsorship of 50% of costs to hire the SEC including catering, up to a maximum of $6,000 to support the Shoalhaven Campus graduation ceremony, funded from the Economic Development Reserve (i.e. Southern Phone dividend received by Council). b) That The Vice Chancellor of the University of , Professor Paul Wellings be invited to address Council in relation to the future of the Shoalhaven Campus of the University.

Assets and Works

5. Management of Mobile Food Vending Vehicles on Council owned or Managed Land 33417E


a) Council place on public exhibition and seek submissions on the draft Local Approvals Policy “Management of Mobile Food Vending Vehicles on Council Owned or Managed Land (including roads)” b) Council approve and advertise a new fee of $1000 plus GST for the Category 2 Mobile Vans. c) Should Council receive no submissions or submissions that would mean minor alteration to the Policy and Fee then the policy and fee be deemed adopted at the conclusion of the submissions period. d) Should Council receive submission(s) that are considered to have a significant effect on the policy and fees then a further report be presented to Council.

6. Sale of Land – Chisholm St Callala Bay File 48045E, 48516E, SF10418


a) Council authorise the sale of five (5) lots in the proposed plan of subdivision of Lots 23 & 24 Sec 5A DP9063 (SF10418), Chisholm St Callala Bay. b) Council authorise the General Manager to determine the most appropriate method of sale, to set the sale price (based on valuation advice), and to finalise the terms of the sale within 10% of either the reserve in the case of the auction or the list price in the case of a private treaty sale; c) All costs associated with these sales be funded from Job Number 88796 and the net income be placed in the Property Acquisition Reserve to fund future property projects; and d) Authority be granted to affix the Common Seal of the Council to any documents require to be sealed.

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7. Expungement of Drainage Easement – 12 Vigilant Street, Ulladulla File 52306E

RECOMMENDED that Council:

a) Resolve to expunge the drainage easement measuring 2 metres wide on the northern side of Lot 18 DP712855, known as 12 Vigilant Street, Ulladulla, NSW; b) Resolve that the owner of Lot 18 DP712855 be responsible for payment of Council’s legal costs in this matter; and c) Authorise the Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be applied to documents where necessary.

8. Licence - Part of 21 Meriton Street, St. Georges Basin. File 51697E

RECOMMENDED that Council:

a) Resolve to enter into a licence agreement with the Illawarra Retirement Trust (IRT) for a period of five (5) years with a five (5) year option period at a commencement rent of $5,871 plus GST if applicable, for the occupation of part of Lot 1 DP629175 at 21 Meriton Street, St. Georges Basin in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the following report; and b) Resolve that the General Manager be authorised to finalise the licence terms that may not yet be determined.

Shoalhaven Water

9. Acquisition of land at Pointer Mountain File 52047E


a) Council resolve to acquire part of Lot 26 DP755942 at Pointer Mountain, as shown by hatching on plan marked Attachment ‘A’. b) Council to pay compensation of $12,738 and reasonable legal costs in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s Porters Creek Dam Remediation Fund. c) If necessary, the purchase price for the land is to be adjusted in accordance with the area determined by final survey. d) The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed. e) The land to be acquired as Public Road pursuant to the Roads Act.

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10. Acquisition of Easement for Sewer Pipeline at Brundee File 50647E


a) Council resolve to acquire the Easement for Sewer Pipeline 6 wide over Lot 1 DP725979, Lot 1 DP725980, Lot 1 DP725983 and Lot 2 DP596844 at Brundee, as shown on plan marked Attachment ‘A’. b) Council pay compensation of $18,200 plus GST and reasonable legal costs associated with the acquisition, in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s REMS Sewer Scheme Fund. c) If necessary, the compensation be adjusted in accordance with the area of the easement determined by final survey. d) The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.

11. Acquisition of Easement for Drainage of Sewage at Milton File 49812E


a) Council resolve to acquire an Easement for Drainage of Sewage 6 wide over Lot 1 DP780801 at Milton, as shown by hatching on copy of sketch plan marked Attachment ‘A’, under the Local Government Act 1993. b) Council pay compensation of $10,500, plus GST if applicable, and reasonable legal costs associated with the acquisition in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s Sewer Fund. c) Should agreement not be reached with the landowner, Council to acquire the easement by the compulsory process, in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act, with compensation being determined by the Valuer General. The necessary application is to be made to the Minister for Local Government and the Governor. d) The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.

12. Acquisition of Easement for Drainage of Sewage at Milton File 49826E


a) Council resolve to acquire an Easement for Drainage of Sewage 6 wide over Lot 6 DP775941 at Milton, as shown by hatching on copy of sketch plan marked Attachment ‘A’, under the Local Government Act 1993. b) Council pay compensation of $3,500 plus GST and reasonable costs associated with the acquisition, in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s Sewer Fund. c) The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.

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13. Acquisition of Easement for Sewer Pipeline at Terara File 50644E


a) Council resolve to acquire the Easement for Sewer Pipeline 6 wide over Lot 14 DP828209, Lot 22 DP803581, Lot 2 DP1087811 and Crookhaven Creek at Terara, as shown on plan marked Attachment ‘A’. b) Council pay compensation of $42,200 plus GST and reasonable legal costs associated with the acquisition, in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s REMS Sewer Scheme Fund. c) If necessary, the compensation be adjusted in accordance with the area of the easement determined by final survey. d) The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.

14. Acquisition of Easement for Water Supply at Kangaroo Valley File 50125E


a) Council resolve to acquire an Easement for Water Supply 2 metres wide over Lot 3 DP576156 at Kangaroo Valley, as shown on copy of sketch plan marked Attachment ‘A’, under the Local Government Act 1993. b) Council pay compensation of $10,000, plus GST if applicable, and reasonable legal costs associated with the acquisition in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s Water Fund. c) Should agreement not be reached with the landowner, Council to acquire the easement by the compulsory process, in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act, with compensation being determined by the Valuer General. The necessary application is to be made to the Minister for Local Government and the Governor. d) The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.

15. Acquisition of Easement for Water Supply at Kangaroo Valley File 50125E


a) Council resolve to acquire an Easement for Water Supply 2 metres wide over Lot 13 DP829169 at Kangaroo Valley, as shown on copy of sketch plan marked Attachment ‘A’, under the Local Government Act 1993. b) Council pay compensation of $1,000, plus GST if applicable, and reasonable legal costs associated with the acquisition in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, from Council’s Water Fund. c) Should agreement not be reached with the landowner, Council to acquire the easement by the compulsory process, in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act, with compensation being determined by the Valuer

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General. The necessary application is to be made to the Minister for Local Government and the Governor. d) The Common Seal of the Council of the City of Shoalhaven be affixed to any documents required to be sealed.

16. Project Proposal - Rapid Re-Opening of Oyster Growing Areas File 48397E

RECOMMENDED that Council:

a) Agree to partner with other Councils, The Oyster Industry, South Australian Research & Development Institute and NSW Food Authority in the proposed collaborative project for rapid re-opening of oyster growing areas after sewer spills using bacteriophage. b) Provide $50,000 budget to the project from existing allocations.

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Corporate and Community Services

17. LGNSW Tourism Conference 2016 File 5359E

RECOMMENDED that Council authorise up to three members of the Shoalhaven Tourism Advisory Group attend the LGNSW Tourism Conference 2016, with associated costs covered by the Tourism Budget and a report on the conference be provided to Council for information.

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General Manager

18. Transformation Program V’s Fit for the Future (FFF) Program File 44629E

RECOMMENDED that Council disestablish the Organisational Review Transformation Task Force and refer all matters requiring the decision of Council, that would have been formally dealt with by that sub-committee, to the Strategy and Assets Committee in the context of the Fit for the Future Action Plan included in Council’s submission to IPART (adopted at Ordinary Meeting 23 June 2015).


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The Shoalhaven Traffic Committee is not a committee of Council under the Local Government Act 1993. The Committee operates under authority conferred to Council by the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) under the Transport Administration Act 1988 (Section 50).

Council has been delegated certain powers, from the RMS, with regard to traffic matters upon its local roads. A condition of this delegation is that Council must take into account the Traffic Committee recommendations.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Council can only: 1. Adopt the Traffic Committee recommendation 2. Not Adopt the Traffic Committee recommendation 3. Request the Traffic Committee reconsider the issue.

Council cannot amend a Traffic Committee recommendation, but can raise other issues as Additional Business at the Ordinary Meeting.

19. Road Safety - Glanville Road, Sussex Inlet (PN 3242) File 1714E

# RECOMMENDED that the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be requested to arrange for the installation of the following delineation measures in Glanville Road, Sussex Inlet as per the attached plan TRAF 2015/72:

a) Double Barrier (BB) centre linemarking and associated Raised Reflective Pavement Markers around the curve for a distance of approximately 60m b) Advance curve warning signs on both approaches to the curve

20. Roundabout - Intersection Quinns Lane and Old Southern Road, South Nowra (PN 3244) File 8803E

# RECOMMENDED that the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objections to the roundabout and associated signage and linemarking (plan - reference 26552-002) at the intersection of Quinns Lane and Old Southern Road, South Nowra as detailed in the attached plan TRAF 2015/73.

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21. Regulatory Signage and Linemarking - Wugan Street, Yerriyong (PN 3245) File RA13/1003

# RECOMMENDED that the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objection to the installation of the regulatory signage and linemarking proposed to be installed as part of the further development of the Sikorsky Maintenance and Logistics Facility in Wugan Street, Yerriyong as detailed in the attached plan TRAF 2015/74 a&b, subject to:

a) Installation of additional No Stopping to cover the pram ramp located on the opposite side of Wugan Street b) Installation of intermediate No Stopping signage in accordance with Standards

22. Roundabout - Intersection South Street & Jubilee Avenue, Ulladulla (PN 3248) File 11241E, 1715E

# RECOMMENDED that the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objections to the proposed roundabout and associated regulatory signage and linemarking (plan - reference 1553-01) at the intersection of South Street and Jubilee Avenue, Ulladulla as detailed in the attached plan TRAF 2015/75.

23. Roundabout - Intersection St Vincent Street and Parson Street, Ulladulla (PN 3249) File 9359E

# RECOMMENDED that the General Manager (Director Assets and Works) be advised that the Shoalhaven Traffic Committee has no objections to the proposed roundabout and associated regulatory signage and linemarking (plan reference 5009-13) at the intersection of St Vincent Street and Parson Street, Ulladulla, as detailed in the attached plan TRAF 2015/76, subject to items of a technical nature.

Martin Upitis CONVENOR

Ordinary Meeting-15 December, 2015 Page 10





24. Appointment of new Risk and Audit Committee Member File 39301E


The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement for the appointment of a new external independent member in line with Council’s Risk and Audit Committee Charter.

RECOMMENDED that Ms Diana Price be appointed as the new independent external member of the Shoalhaven City Council Risk & Audit Committee.


1. Adopt the recommendation.

2. Seek further information in relation to the matter.


The terms of appointment to Council’s Audit and Risk Committee are set out in the Risk & Audit Committee Charter.

The term of one of the independent external members, Mr Colin Lonergan, will expire on 31 December 2015.

Action was taken to seek expressions of interest for a new appointment to the committee in November 2015.

A process was undertaken and the panel, comprising the General Manager, Chair Audit & Risk Committee and Executive Strategy Manager, were unanimous in recommending Ms Diana Price to the position.

Ms Diana Price has significant experience and will bring a wealth of knowledge to this appointment.

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This position is a renumerated position funded through the audit committee budget.


Not required.


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25. Investment Report – November 2015 File 2126E


PURPOSE: Under Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 and Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation it is a requirement to provide a written report to Council on a monthly basis setting out details of all money that Council has invested.

RECOMMENDED that the Report of the General Manager (Corporate Services and Community Services Group) on the Record of Investments for the period to 30th November 2015 be received for information.


1. The report on the Record of Investments for the period to 30th November 2015 be received for information

2. Further information regarding the Record of Investments for the period to 30th November 2015 be requested

3. The report on the Record of Investments for the period to 30th November 2015 be received for information with any changes requested for the Record of Investments to be reflected in the report for the period to 31st December 2015


# Please refer to the attached monthly report provided by Council’s Investment Adviser – CPG Research and Advisory Pty Ltd.

Further comparisons and budget review is found below:

The interest earned for the month of November was $424,749.86 which was $179,150.12 above budget. The budget assumed an interest rate of 3.25%, the attached CPG report shows our current investment portfolio earning a return of 3.41%.

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RECORD OF INVESTMENTS Cash and Investment Balances

November October 2015 2015

Cash And Investments Held Cash at Bank - Consolidated Account $10,410,390 $3,378,936 Cash at Bank - Trust Fund $1,240 $1,240 Cash on Hand $25,920 $25,852 Total Investments $148,428,739 $150,406,023 $158,866,289 $153,812,050

Fair Value Adjustment -$35,371 $29,009 Bank Reconciliation $445,823 -$330,277 $410,453 -$301,268

Book Value of Cash and Investments $159,276,742 $153,510,783

Less Cash & Investments Held In Relation To Restricted Assets Leave Entitlements & Workers Compensation Liability $9,842,440 $9,784,198 Loans - General Fund $2,323,194 $2,990,263 Land Decontamination $1,721,815 $1,743,496 Critical Asset Compliance $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Grant reserve $1,411,950 $1,130,541 North Nowra Link Road $679,356 $689,984 Other Internal Reserves $24,222,632 $23,015,074 Section 94 $22,747,604 $22,645,066 Section 94 Matching Funds $549,447 $549,552 Storm Water Levy $501,009 $450,021 Strategic Projects General $4,749,850 $4,936,151 Trust - Mayors Relief Fund $96,248 $96,248 Trust - General Trust $2,417,326 $2,417,326 Waste Disposal $11,330,645 $11,110,941 Sewer Compensation $6,568 $6,568 Sewer Fund $22,338,792 $20,565,896 Sewer Plant Fund $627,467 $658,827 Section 64 Water $12,515,138 $12,434,021 Water Communication Towers $536,728 $537,507 Water Fund $22,534,855 $22,060,149 Water Plant Fund $337,779 $241,498 Total Restricted $143,490,846 $140,063,326

Unrestricted Cash And Investments General $13,785,896 $11,447,456 Water $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Waste Water $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Total Unrestricted $15,785,896 $13,447,456

Ordinary Meeting-15 December, 2015 Page 14

Other internal reserves increased as a result of holiday park booking payments received during the month of November. Water fund and sewer fund reserves increased as a result of income received.

Certification – Responsible Accounting Officer:

I hereby certify that the investments listed in the attached report have been made in accordance with Section 625 if the Local Government Act 1993, clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2005 and Council’s Investments Policy number POL14/60.

Pamela Gokgur Chief Financial Officer


It is important for Council to be informed in regard to its investment on a regular basis. Revenue from interest on investments forms a vital part of Council’s revenue stream.





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26. Tender Process - Construction of SPS19, Bayswood Estate, Vincentia File 52216E


PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the tender process in relation to the Construction of SPS 19 in Bayswood Estate, Vincentia.

In accordance with the Department of Local Government’s “Tendering Guidelines for NSW Local Government 2009” and Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, some information should remain confidential as it would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. Such information has been considered in this separate confidential report.

It is not in the public interest to disclose this information as it may impact on the ability of Council to attract competitive tenders in the future.

RECOMMENDED that Council, in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act (1993), consider a separate confidential report on this matter.


Option 1: Award the contract as recommended.

Option 2: Council could choose not to accept the recommendation, and select a different contractor, giving reasons. This is not recommended as an extensive tender evaluation, comprising price and non-price criteria, has been undertaken in accordance with a Tender Evaluation Plan.

Option 3: Council could elect to accept no tender and negotiate with any other person. This is not recommended as an extensive tender evaluation, comprising price and non-price criteria, has been undertaken in accordance with a Tender Evaluation Plan.

Option 4: Council could elect not to proceed with the construction of the sewerage pump station. This is not recommended as the first stages of the Bayswood Estate subdivision to be served by this SPS 19 are nearing completion.

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Tenders have recently closed for the construction of SPS 19 Bayswood Estate Vincentia. Tenders have been evaluated and Council is requested to consider the award of a contract.


Shoalhaven Water as part of its obligations under Council’s Wastewater Development Servicing Plan is required to facilitate the construction of SPS 19 within Bayswood Estate, Vincentia to ultimately serve 190ET’s. Pumped flows from SPS 19 will be transferred to Catchment 18, which serves the earlier stages of the Bayswood Estate. Gravity Mains and Rising Mains to and from the SPS site have recently been constructed by the Developers Contractors. Land for the SPS has been set aside by the Developer

Tender Process:

Tenders were called on 27th October 2015 for the construction of the civil components for a new SPS 19, Emergency Overflow Storage Tank and associated connecting pipelines and access road. A mandatory pre-tender site meeting was held on 5th November 2015.

A Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) was formed and a Tender Evaluation Plan (TEP) was developed for the tender analysis.

Tenders closed at 10am on 18th November 2015 with a total of Eight (8) tenders received by the deadline from the following companies:

 Lynch Civil Contractors  Eden Construction  McNamee Constructions  Select Civil Pty Ltd  Hisway Pty Ltd  Ledonne Constructions  Eire Constructions  MMA Civil Pty Ltd

The tenders were evaluated in accordance with the TEP, which comprised mandatory, price and non-price criteria including:

 Total cost of tenderers bid, including application of Local Preference Policy  Past experience in similar type of work  Past performance with similar type of work  Construction methodology  Experience and suitability of subcontractors  Skills of proposed personnel  Environmental management performance

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In order to identify the best value for money while ensuring that any recommended tenderers exhibited a high level of experience and performance on similar projects it was determined to use a 70% price to 30% non-price ratio for the tender assessment.

# A Tender Evaluation Report (TER) was prepared and is included in the Councillors’ Confidential Attachment folder.

Summary of the Evaluation Process:

1. Assessment of Mandatory Criteria and Compliance

The tenders were initially examined for compliance with the mandatory criteria in the conditions of tendering in the TEP and all tenders were assessed as compliant.

2. Assessment of Price Criteria

The eight received tenders had their price components assessed as per the formula given in Clause 5.5 of the TEP.

Reductions in the assessed tender price were given to those tenderers who included local contractors and suppliers as per Council’s Local Preference Policy, capped at $15,000.

3. Assessment of Non-Price Criteria

The TEC assessed the tenders for non-price criteria as detailed in the methodology for Non-Price Ratings contained within the Tender Evaluation Plan (Sections 5.3 and 5.6).

Tenders were assessed by the TEC as a group. Following discussions a consensus score was reached for each assessment criteria for each of the tender submissions. Tenders were assessed following the guidelines for scoring Non-Price Criteria described in Attachment B of the TEP.

4. Selection of Preferred Tenderer

The final score for each tenderer was obtained by adding together the normalised total non-price score with the normalised total price score. The tenderer with the highest final score was selected as the preferred tenderer.


Sufficient funds have been allocated in the Sewer fund capital budget for 2015/16. Contract management will be done through Cardno with site inspections to be undertaken by Shoalhaven Water nominated construction inspectors.

It is proposed to complete construction of the project in 2015/16.

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An REF (Review of Environmental Factors) has been undertaken on the proposed pump station and the recommended environmental control measures from the REF have been incorporated into the tender specifications.


Shoalhaven Water have undertaken a comprehensive tender evaluation in accordance with the approved tender evaluation plan and it is appropriate for Council to consider the recommendations of the confidential report.



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27. 2015 Sister Cities Australian National Conference File 4688E

Clr Kitchener.


To provide a report from Clr Kitchener on the 2015 Sister Cities Australian National Conference held in the Rooty Hill on 8-11 November 2015.

RECOMMENDED that Council receive the report from Clr Kitchener regarding the 2015 Sister Cities Australian National Conference for information.


1. Receive this report for information as recommended.

2. The Committee could choose to provide an alternative recommendation.


# In accordance with Clause 3.3(e) of the Council Members – Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities Policy, Clr Kitchener has submitted a report regarding the 2015 Sister Cities Australian National Conference (Attachment A).

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28. Mollymook Basketball Half Court File 2839E

The following Notice of Motion of which due notice has been given, is submitted for Council’s consideration:

Recommended that Council:

a) Receive the report for information and consideration of options for Court Surfaces. b) Consider a budget of up to $5,000 for the landscape/bollards from the unallocated donations budget.


Over the last 18 months Clr Baptist and White have been working with Milton Ulladulla Basketball Association on the development of an outdoor half-court Basketball Court in the Ulladulla area.

Working with staff several sites were identified being Rotary Park Ulladulla; Ulladulla Harbour area; and Mollymook Reserve behind the Surf Club in the open reserve.

Following meetings Mollymook Reserve was selected as the preferred site and preliminary plans were drawn to enable grant applications to be submitted.

Council has undertaken community consultation in the area with 900 letters being sent to residents and surrounding businesses.

The Basketball Association with the assistance of Clr White submitted several applications for funding and have been successful in obtaining grant funds for $40,000. Additional funds have been raised from Rotary ($10,000) and contributions from the Basketball Association.

To date the Association has approx. $57,000 and quotations have been obtained. The funds raised are sufficient for the construction of the half court.

Further meetings have been held with staff to discuss: a) Positioning of the half court on the reserve b) Construction requirements c) Court surfaces d) Landscaping

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e) Project Management The Basketball Association has engaged a Project Management team of: i. Phillip Brown - Surveyor ii. Paul Murvey - Civil Engineer

Surveys have been completed and Paul Murvey has also completed the engineering drawings for the project and will assist the Basketball Association with day to day project Management.

The engineering drawings and surveys have been completed and ready to submit to Council for final approval.

In relation to the Court surface three options were submitted to Council for consider:-

1. Power Game is the only FIBA-certified and approved outdoor competition court surface available worldwide, and is suitable for installation directly over any hard paved area, including concrete or asphalt. This high performance surface offers integrated shock absorption for users, equivalent to that provided by sprung timber floors indoors! The surface actively reduces stress on the body when players stop suddenly, thus decreasing the risk of ankle, knee, back and other associated injuriesation.

2. Rebound Ace ‘Synpave’ is a high quality, long lasting acrylic surface treatment for sports courts

3. Concrete

The Basketball Association in the interested in a facility has elected option 2 for the surface which has a better surface than just concrete (Option 3). If it had to be concrete only, then the Association would have some reluctance to utilise the facility for Basketball 3 on 3 games, junior events and the occasional weekend carnival. Basketball as a sport moved from asphalt and concrete surfaces to indoor timber surfaces about 40 years ago. Now with technological advances the sport is played outdoors again on surfaces that are more user friendly than plain concrete.

The Association has obtain information on the maintenance and possible damage and advised that maintenance includes reasonably regular removal of foreign materials (leaves grass); a high pressure water cleaning of surfacing with a gurney usually once a year. With cleaning the top coat should last 8 to 10 years before recoating and line marking would be required. This would be no different from that required for a plain concrete surface.

The Basketball Association and the Rotary club have suggested taking an ongoing “ownership” interest in this facility that those organisation can take on some maintenance in the same way that Rotary takes on cleaning the BBQs at Rotary Park Ulladulla.

Most vandalism can be rectified by a good high pressure water clean and where necessary a recoat of a top coating at minimal cost.

Option one has been ruled out due to costs; vandalism and maintenance issues.

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Construction is ready to start once Council has considered and approved the court surface; surveys and engineering drawings.

In anticipated works will commence in late January and be completed by March.

Additionally, landscape works are required and Council has indicated that bollards will be required across two sides of the half court. The Basketball Association has requested financial assistance with some landscaping works and the bollards.

This project has truly been a community project with many participates including the Basketball Association, Ulladulla Rotary, Ulladulla Forum, Community members and Council to name a few.

It offers a new outdoor recreational facility for residents, youth, families and tourist and complements the new playground facilities that are proposed for the adjoining playground.

Signed Clr White

29. Council Land – 50 Shoalhaven Heads Road, Shoalhaven Heads File 50680E

The following Notice of Motion of which due notice has been given, is submitted for Council’s consideration:

Recommended that Council:

a) Request the General Manager to prepare an Expression of Interest (EIO) for the sale of council land located at 50 Shoalhaven Heads Road, Shoalhaven Heads b) The EIO to contain normal conditions of sale and additional conditions that identify: i) Building entitlements ii) All existing and proposed easements iii) Land Zonings & DCP’s iv) Any other conditions the General Manager or his nominee require


Council proposed to sell the Council land situated at 50 Shoalhaven Heads Road Shoalhaven Heads to Eight Gate Capital Management. The proposed sale was placed on public exhibition in accordance with the Local Government Legislation & Regulations for public comment.

Shoalhaven Heads Forum submitted at submission to Council on the sale and following a recent Report to Council, a recommendation was made that Council hold a public meeting to listen to concerns of the residents and community members of Shoalhaven Heads

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regarding the proposed sale. The meeting was held on the 2nd December 2015 at Shoalhaven Heads.

Following the meeting with residents & community members, a positive way forward is to proceed with an EIO for the sale of the subject land to ensure that an appropriate amount is received by Council and there is public transparency for the sale of the property.

However, it should be noted as per previous reports to Council, the land is subject to easements and restrictions and as part of the EIO process, the General Manager should identify any potential easements, restrictions, issues with the subject land.

Signed Clr Kearney Clr White

Note by General Manager:

Following the recent Public meeting staff support calling an EOI for the sale of this property. It is requested that the following recommendations are incorporated into the Motion:

a) Appoint a registered estate agent to market 50 Shoalhaven Heads Road, Shoalhaven Heads and call for “Expressions of Interest”; b) Approve the General Manager to set the reserve price based on valuation advice and to complete the sale transaction if successful EOI’s either exceed or is within 10% of the reserve price; c) Resolve to place the net income from the sale in the Strategic Property Acquisition Reserve, and d) Grant authority to fix the Common Seal of Council to any documents required to be sealed in this matter and that the General Manager be authorised to sign any documents necessary to give effect to this resolution.

Parts c) & d) were in the original resolution to sell the land (MIN15.482)

30. Shoalhaven City DCP Part G9 Amendment File 50106E

The following Notice of Motion of which due notice has been given, is submitted for Council’s consideration:

1. The Shoalhaven City DCP Part G9 be varied to allow the subdivision of land and the creation of strata title lots within the Village of Greenwell Point subject to the lots whether strata or real property having access to flood free land.

2. The amendment be placed on public exhibition for 30 days and adopted without further report to Council if no substantial objections is received.

Signed Clr Watson

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Note by General Manager:

The provisions of DCP 2014, Chapter G9 with respect to residential subdivision within Greenwell Point should permit ‘infill’ subdivision of existing residentially zoned land where the building sites are above the 1 in 100 year flood level; whether this be by way of torrens title or strata subdivision.

Council needs to also recognise that DCP 2014 is a discretionary Council policy document and variations can always be considered provided they comply with the DCP objectives and provisions of SLEP 2014. The current wording within the DCP is open to interpretation and could be expressed more clearly.

Restrictions on subdivision in flood prone areas exists in many towns and villages and are aimed at limiting the creation of additional flood prone lots and demands on emergency services in times of incidents.

31. Sister Cities File 8282E

The following Notice of Motion of which due notice has been given, is submitted for Council’s consideration:

That Council take a more proactive role in encouraging business partnerships in China by investigating the appetite within the Shoalhaven community for developing relationships with the Shoalhaven’s Sister Cities in that country.

a) Council initiate a series of business forums informing local businesses of the economic opportunities made available through ChAFTA. At these forums Council provide information on  AusTrade and other government departments that would be able to help Shoalhaven businesses and organizations to make successful contact with Chinese counterparts.  Export Market Development Grants that encourage small and medium sized Australian businesses to develop export markets.  Positive and negative experiences in China from those with ‘skin in the game’ and negotiators of ChAFTA. b) Council identify if local primary and secondary schools and the UOW Nowra Campus have the inclination to explore an electronic exchange of cultural material for the purpose of rekindling contact with the Shoalhaven’s Sister Cities in China. c) The General Manager report back to council on its findings.


China is a key engine for growth in the Asian region. What happens in China will contribute to shaping the prosperity of Pacific nations into the future. When China was growing 11.3% it was adding $338 billion to its economy. Now China’s growth has slowed to 7.4 % but

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because of it scale and capacity is now adding $708 billion to its economy and is still adding more to Australia’s opportunities.

There has never been a better time for regional Australia to develop business partnerships with China. Australia has never had a relationship before like the one it currently has with China.

The recently signed China Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) offers huge business opportunities important to Australia. ChAFTA is by far the most comprehensive and ambitious agreement that China has struck with any country in the developed world. It is potentially more important than the ‘Trans Pacific Partnership.’

With the recent signing of the Friendship Agreement between the Shoalhaven City and Fuyang it could be suggested that now is time to rekindle and nurture the Shoalhaven’s Sister City Relationships in China, become involved and identify an active participatory role. The Shoalhaven Council could act as an intermediary to bring a number of players together and work collaboratively to develop mutually beneficial partnerships.

The Australian government is welcoming of closer economic ties with China. There is future potential for business generation in manufacturing, tourism, aged care and education. It is an ideal opportunity for regions from both countries that have a similar high quality of life and business growth prospects to form partnerships.

Sister Cities are yet to grow and reach their full potential. As global interdependence grows Sister Cities will grow with it. The signing of ChAFTA opens a door to future prosperity. Support for this motion will contribute to economic and cultural diversity within the Shoalhaven.

I submit the motion for consideration

Signed Clr Kitchener

Note by General Manager: If Council considers this as an important component of the Economic Development Strategy additional resources (staff and budget) will be required to coordinate these programs

32. Donation – Nowra High School File 4771E

The following Notice of Motion of which due notice has been given, is submitted for Council’s consideration:

Recommended that Council support Year 12 Students from Nowra High School with funding of $500 from unallocated donations to travel to France to assist students with French studies & languages.

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Nowra High School has been given a wonderful opportunity for several senior students to travel to France to facilitate learning and help students reach their full potential in their senior years.

Senior staff from Nowra High School fully support students traveling to France and the opportunities that will benefit all students with their studies.

Nowra High School will receive the funds and use them to contribute towards travel expenses for students to assist in reducing the financial burden to students and their families.

Signed Clr Anstiss

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33. Incoming Council Induction - 2016 File 4688E

During the induction of the incoming Council of 2016 can the General Manager make Aboriginal Cultural Awareness training a compulsory part of the process?

Submitted by Clr Findley

Response: Yes we can add this to the induction program however it should be noted there is no legislative provision making any Councillor training “compulsory”.

34. Statement of Commitment to the Aboriginal People of the Shoalhaven File 2696E

In respect to the Statement of Commitment that Shoalhaven City Council has given to the Aboriginal People of Shoalhaven can the General Manager please report on how Council meets its obligations under this commitment? In this report can the General Manager address possible ways in which Council could demonstrate accountability to the Aboriginal community? And can a copy of this report be forwarded to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

Submitted by Clr Findley


The Statement of Commitment was adopted at a Council Meeting held on Tuesday 28 July 2009. The Statement commits Shoalhaven City Council to continue building mutually respectful relationships with Aboriginal communities of the Shoalhaven.

Shoalhaven City Council recognises Aboriginal people’s valuable contribution made in strengthening and enriching our communities and the heritage of all Australians.

The Statement of Commitment

Shoalhaven City Council commits itself to:

1. Ensuring local Aboriginal involvement in events and celebrations of significance which respect the dignity and protocols of the local Aboriginal communities

Council Actions:  Ceremony to celebrate the launch of the Statement of Commitment and Raising of Aboriginal Flag in Council Chambers (2010)

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 Elders invited to perform Welcome to Country at Council events regularly  Council involved in the launch of the Cullunghutti Aboriginal Area (2013)  Relevant sections of Council continually liaise and collaboratively address cultural heritage planning and development e.g. development of footpaths (Callala Bay, Lake Wollumboola, Sussex Inlet (ongoing)  IN MEMORY Exhibition Recognising Aboriginal Service Men and Women of the Shoalhaven held at the Shoalhaven Arts Centre in 2014. Recognised nationally by Australian National University and reported to Parliament by Federal Member for Gilmore.

2. The ongoing development of strategies to improve and increase the level of participation of local Aboriginal people in the local Government decision making processes

Council Actions:  Ongoing collaboration and support to the Aboriginal Advisory Committee  Aboriginal Advisory Committee invited to be represented on Arts Board and Tourism Board  Memorandum of Understanding between Aboriginal Advisory Committee and SCC for use of Level 2, Arts Centre room for a 12 month period (2015)  Aboriginal Advisory Committee involved in consultative processes to design the Wall/Walk of Fame at the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre. In progress  Aboriginal Advisory Committee involved in consultative processes to promote Shoalhaven Aboriginal culture through the 2016 Tourism Guide  Aboriginal Advisory Committee involved in consultative processes for the proposal of the handing over of Council land to NP&WS on Coolangatta Mountain (ongoing)

3. Undertake holistic community planning to address wellbeing, employment and social economic or cultural disadvantage experienced by local Aboriginal people in the Shoalhaven

Council Actions:  Harry Sawkins Park amenities block mural(2011) Local Aboriginal artist designed and worked collaboratively with Council and Gilmore Youth Program  Financial support to Jerrinja Community for Cultural Heritage project (Carved Poles at Crookhaven Headlands) ($25,000). Local Culburra Association and volunteers celebrated with a morning tea (2013-2015)  Council supported road maintenance at Jerrinja Community (2012)  School Based Trainee in IT Section (2014-2015)  2 year Traineeship position in Ranger Services (2015-2017)

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 Development of Youth Business Aboriginal Youth Engagement Strategy (2014) Aboriginal youth, youth workers and Aboriginal Elders and educators involved in the development of the Strategy. Currently Aboriginal Mentors are developing an Aboriginal youth leadership program (2015)

4. Ensuring all council staff and Councillors are exposed to ongoing education and cultural training and development programs to increase knowledge, understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal Cultural heritage and the needs of the Aboriginal communities

Council Actions:  Aboriginal Cultural Awareness offered to Council staff since 2011  Office of Environment, Heritage Branch (Queanbeyan Regional Office) provided awareness of the Due Processes for the protection of heritage sites.

5. Celebrate and support significant Aboriginal ceremonies and events, e.g. NAIDOC week, Sorry Day, Reconciliation Week and Survival Day

Council Actions:  NAIDOC Week launched at Council on the first Monday of July.  Support to Shoalhaven NAIDOC Week Community Day held on the Wednesday of NAIDOC Week  2015 Local Government NAIDOC Awards hosted by Shoalhaven City Council in partnership with Kiama Municipal Council, Shellharbour City Council and Wollongong City Council. Shoalhaven City Council has supported to this even over the past 4 years.  The Aboriginal Advisory Committee are in initial discussions for the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) (2015). A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) will provide an opportunity for Council to further develop the Statement of Commitment into a measureable action plan with agreed goals and strategies. The RAP will demonstrate Council’s commitment to Aboriginal people of the Shoalhaven and strengthen stronger relationships between Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal people for the benefit of all Australians.

6. To continue to fly the Aboriginal flag in places such as City Administrative Centre, Council Chambers, Reception room and in other prominent Council locations.

Council Actions:  Flags installed at the entrance to Nowra near the ‘Shoalhaven’ town sign  Flags installed at the Ulladulla Administrative Building and Ulladulla Civic Centre. The flag is also flown at Bomaderry Depot  Aboriginal Flag and Torres Strait Islander Flag flown in NAIDOC Week

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 Council supply the flags and installation of flag poles for the Shoalhaven NAIDOC Week Community Day held at Nowra Showground

Consultative processes are ongoing between Council and local Shoalhaven Aboriginal communities on a regular basis and also between sections of Council.

35. Aboriginal Employment Target File 2506E

Can the General Manager please report on the status of the Aboriginal Employment target and can a copy of that report be sent to the next meeting of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

Submitted by Clr Findley

Response: Yes, a report can be prepared for the next Aboriginal Advisory committee meeting.

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1. Tender Process – The Supply of a Trailer Mounted 400Kva Generator

Reason Section 10A(2)(d)(i) - Commercial information of a confidential nature that would if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

It is not in the public interest to disclose this information as it may impact on the ability of Council to attract competitive tenders in the future.


2. Tender Process – Construction of SPS19, Bayswood estate, Vincentia

Reason Section 10A(2)(d)(i) - Commercial information of a confidential nature that would if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

It is not in the public interest to disclose this information as it may impact on the ability of Council to attract competitive tenders in the future.


1. Tender Report – EIS and DA – Existing Landfill Extension

Reason Section 10A(2)(d)(i) - Commercial information of a confidential nature that would if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

It is not in the public interest to disclose this information as it may impact on the ability of Council to attract competitive tenders in the future.


1. Tender - Supply of Tracked Loader for Council's Recycling & Waste Facilities

Reason Section 10A(2)(d)(i) - Commercial information of a confidential nature that would if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

It is not in the public interest to disclose this information as it may impact on the ability of Council to attract competitive tenders in the future.

Pursuant to Section 10A(4) the public will be invited to make representation to the Council meeting, before any part of the meeting is closed, as to whether that part of the meeting should be closed.

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1. Tender Report – EIS and DA – Existing Landfill Extension File 51520E



To inform Council of the Tender process for the Engagement of a Principal Consultant for Environmental Impact Statement and Development Application – Existing Landfill Extension.

In accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 2003, some information should remain confidential as it would if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, and will be considered under a separate confidential report to this Committee. It is not in the public interest to disclose this information as it may impact on the ability of Council to attract competitive tenders in the future.

RECOMMENDED that in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 2003, Council consider a separate confidential report on this matter.


1. Council accept the recommendation as presented (preferred option). Further details are provided in the Confidential Report.

2. Council amend the recommendation.

3. Council not accept the recommendation, giving reasons and propose an alternative resolution.


Council called tenders for the Engagement of a Principal Consultant for Environmental Impact Statement and Development Application – Existing Landfill Extension. Tenders closed on Tuesday, 20 October 2015, with six (6) tenders received in the tender box / portal at the close of tenders, as shown below in alphabetical order.

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Tenderer Location AMEC Chatswood Arcadis Sydney GHD Nowra Golder St Leonards Meinhardt Sydney Mike Ritchie and Associates Drummoyne

Tenders were evaluated in accordance with Council’s Tender Evaluation Policy with Evaluation Criteria established in the Tender Evaluation Plan, as follows:

 Price (total cost) to Council, including the Local Preference Policy  Value for money to Council  Relevant experience and expertise in nature of the work  Methodology and understanding of the work  Management systems  Capacity and resource capability to carry out the work  Ability to program the work and meet deadlines

Further details on the Tender Evaluation are contained in the confidential report.


Sufficient annual funds have been allocated within the Waste Services Operating Budgets for 2015 / 2016 and 2016 / 2017 and it is proposed to complete delivery of the work within that timeframe.


Applying and providing high standards of environmental services and protection at Council’s Recycling and Waste Depots will lead to best practice resource recovery and landfilling operations, and environmental outcomes to benefit Council and the community. Consultation with the Community will be conducted as part of the environmental impact statement (EIS) preparation.



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1. Development Application – Temporary Function Venue at Lot 2 DP 855905, No.4 Battys Road, Upper Kangaroo River. Applicant: Plannex Environmental Planning. Owner: PJ and SH Crowe File DA15/1522



Council at its meeting on 24 November 2015 resolved the following in relation to the above development application (Min 15.711):

“That Council request DA15/1522 be called in for determination due to significant public interest and representations to Councillors.”

In accordance with the above resolution the following report on DA15/1522 is provided to Council for determination.

# RECOMMENDED that development consent be granted to Development Application 15/1522 for a Temporary Function Venue at Lot 2 DP 855905, No.4 Battys Road, Upper Kangaroo River in accordance with conditions as detailed in Attachment ‘A’.


1. Determine the Development Application (DA) by way of approval as recommended in the attached 79C assessment report. This option allows the development to proceed as amended subject to conditions. However, the immediate neighbours may not be satisfied with this outcome. The applicant and/ or neighbours may choose to exercise rights of appeal.

2. Refuse the DA and state the reasons for refusal based on planning grounds. The neighbours may be satisfied with this outcome and the status quo would be maintained. However, the applicant could pursue the refusal in Court.

3. Adopt an alternative recommendation and provide direction to staff.

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The DA seeks approval for a temporary function venue comprising (summary only):

 Maximum of 10 Saturday night functions per year with a maximum of 2 per calendar month. Each function will have a maximum of 60 guests with any music being turned down at 10.30pm and all guests not staying on the property, to leave the property by 11.00pm. These functions to be held within a marquee;  Maximum of 10 day time weekend functions. Each function will have a maximum of 60 guests with all guests not staying at the property, to leave the property by 7.00pm. These functions to be held within a marquee;  Maximum of 10 workshops. Each workshop to have a maximum of 20 attendees;  Use of a site security guard or manager to ensure compliance with the above and that guests remain within the site;  Provision of car parking on site for 40 vehicles although guests will be bused where possible;  Use of Cabin 2 for functions subject to a Building Certifier being satisfied that the existing building is satisfactory/in compliance with the Building Code of Australia; and  Camping for people attending a function or workshop (overnight only) with a maximum of 10 tents.

The applicant has also sought approval to allow 80 guests to attend 6 functions that have already been booked. The last one of these to occur on 1 April 2016. No details on whether these functions are day time or night time functions has been provided.

# See Attachment ‘B’ for a copy of the DA plans.

The Site

# The subject site comprises one parcel of land known as Lot 2 DP 855905 (No.4) Battys Road, Upper Kangaroo River (see Attachment ‘C’). It has frontage to Kellys Road to the east (from which access to the site is to be gained for this proposal) as well as agricultural and environmental zoned land some of which contain dwelling houses. The Kangaroo River lies to the north, Brogers Creek to the west and environmental zoned land to the south. Battys Road goes through the centre of the site. The parcel of land is an irregular shape and has an area of approximately 36.68 hectares. It currently contains two former agricultural buildings that have been converted into tourist accommodation (approved under DA12/2291).

The subject land is zoned part RU1 Primary Production, part E2 Environmental Conservation and part E3 Environmental Management under the Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 (SLEP 2014). See Attachment ‘C’. The portion of the site where the development/use is proposed is zoned RU1 Primary Production.

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In the event that Council decides to refuse the development, the applicant has the right to lodge an appeal with the Land and Environment Court. This litigation has cost implications for Council. Further, the objectors could also seek to challenge Council’s decision if approved. Again, this has potential cost implications for Council.


In accordance with Council’s Community Consultation Policy, land owners within a radius of 300 metres of the site were notified of the DA with a comment period of 15 May to 30 May 2015.

The DA, plans, supporting documentation and submissions are publicly available on Council’s DA Tracking website. A total of 26 submissions have been received (24 objections and 2 in support). The key issues raised include (but are not limited to):

 Premise currently operating without consent:  Flooding;  Impact of car parking;  Legality within the zone;  Noise and impacts on amenity;  Traffic;  Impact on property values;  Precedent it will create; and  Visual impacts.

# Further, details on the above issues raised are provided in the section 79C Assessment Report (Attachment ‘D’).


The application was assessed under the provisions of section 79C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The assessment is provided as Attachment ‘D’ to this report.

Key salient considerations are outlined below.

Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 2014 (SLEP 2014)

The land, where the use is proposed, is zoned RU1 Primary Production under SLEP 2014. The development is characterised (legally defined) as a “function venue” which is a prohibited use in this zone. The application relies on Clause 2.8 (Temporary use of land) for its permissibility on a temporary basis. This clause allows a temporary use of land for a maximum period of 52 days in any period of 12 months. Staff are satisfied that the submitted application has demonstrated compliance with the requirements of this clause with any development consent issued to be conditioned to further reduce/limit the use to

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30 days in 18 months so as to ensure compliance with any further extension of the use being allowed (see Attachment ‘A’ for additional details).

Noise/Impact on Surrounding Amenity

The applicant has submitted three acoustic assessments in support of the current development application. Staff have reviewed the submitted assessments and are satisfied that subject to conditions, the amended proposal which includes reduced operating hours a reduction in the maximum number of guests (maximum of 60 guests for functions) and a reduction in the number of functions/events (maximum of 30) should not result in adverse noise impacts on properties in the vicinity of the development site. In addition, any development consent issued will contain conditions limiting the use to a period of 18 months, require on site supervision from an independent person for the duration of each function/event and notification to be provided to neighbouring residents with the name and mobile telephone number of a person at each event that can be contacted to report any noisy or antisocial behaviour (see Attachment ‘D’ for additional details in relation to the above).


The proposal has been assessed as satisfactory and conditional approval is recommended.



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1. Novation - Mattress Recycling - Resource Recovery Australia File 48989E


PURPOSE: Authorise the novation of the Services Agreement between Council and Mission Australia for the Mattress Recycling Service, by execution of a novation deed, in which the continuing party will be Shoalhaven City Council, the retiring party will be Mission Australia, and the substitute party will be Great Lakes Community Resources Incorporated trading as Resource Recovery Australia.

RECOMMENDED that Council:

a) Authorise the General Manager (Director Assets & Works) to execute the novation deed on behalf of Council for the Mattress Recycling Services Agreement; b) Authorise the General Manager (Director Assets & Works) to adjust the resulting novated contract with Resource Recovery Australia Great Lakes Community Resources Incorporated for variations for components under the novated contract; and c) Write to thank Mission Australia for facilitating the successful employment of disadvantaged and long term unemployed persons to perform the recycling of resources from approximately 40,000 mattresses disposed of by Shoalhaven City over the past 4½ years.


1. Council accept the recommendation as presented. (Preferred Option)

2. Council amend the recommendation.

3. Council not accept the recommendation, giving reasons and propose an alternative resolution.


Council has a current agreement with Mission Australia for the collection and recycling of mattresses from Council’s 10 recycling and waste depots, with the effective date of 2 May

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2014. The original term of the agreement expires on 1 May 2017, but Council may, at its sole option, extend the term for an additional period of up to 3 years.

# Mission Australia has written to Council to advise of its planned sale of its Soft Landing business and resource recovery operations, and to request consent for the Mattress Recycling Services Agreement to be novated (refer attachment). The novation is to take place pending and upon completion of the purchase of Mission Australia’s Soft Landing and resource recovery operations by Great Lakes Community Resources Incorporated (ABN 90 746 695 414) trading as Resource Recovery Australia. The planned settlement date for the sale is 15 December 2015.

Mission Australia has been a successful and reliable recycler of mattresses. Nevertheless, Mission Australia has decided that the social enterprise business of Soft Landing does not quite fit its core business, and so it is selling the business to another organisation that is also a very proficient social enterprise. Essentially, the business will carry on at the same location in Bellambi, with the same key staff and management who believe that the sale will provide opportunities for expenditure that will allow the business to grow more effectively with demand.

Given that Mission Australia was the only tenderer offering to provide the recycling service to Council in early 2014, it would be a significant risk not to consent to the novation. The novation will be effective from the time of completion under the business sale agreement between Great Lakes Community Resources Incorporated trading as Resource Recovery Australia and Mission Australia. The novated contract will have the same expiry date and extension option, being on the same terms and conditions.


Nil. The Schedule of Rates remains the same in the novated contract.


The Service of mattress recycling will continue and the community will not be affected, no consultation is necessary at this stage.

2. Tender - Supply of Tracked Loader for Council's Recycling & Waste Facilities File 52089E


PURPOSE: To inform Council of the tender process for Supply of new tracked loader for Council’s Recycling and Waste facilities.

In accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, some information should remain confidential as it would if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. It is not in the public interest to disclose this

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information as it may impact on the ability of Council to attract competitive tenders in the future. This information will be considered under a separate confidential report.

This report is submitted directly to the Ordinary Council Meeting pursuant to Clause 3 of Council’s “Acceptance of Tenders – Reports to Council” Policy.

RECOMMENDED that Council consider a separate confidential report in accordance with Section 10A(2)(d)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993.


Project Summary

Currently the Huskisson Recycling and Waste depot utilises a tracked loader for the performing the landfilling functions for the site. As part of our Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) licence the machine is required to, construct waste cells, place and compact waste and cover the waste daily in accordance with the licence conditions. The tracked loader is also required to harvest and stockpile virgin natural excavated material (VENM) for daily cover and also assist in having a landfill firefighting capability, again as per our EPA licence conditions.

Tenders Received

Tenders were received from the following:

Tenderer Make Model Location Westrac CAT 963DWH Sydney Liebherr Liebherr LR634 Sydney

Details relating the evaluation of the tenders are contained in the confidential report.



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Planning and Development

1. Study to investigate options for improving flows of the at Shoalhaven Heads File 9825E


a) The Shoalhaven Heads Estuary Taskforce support the findings of the investigations into improving flows for the Shoalhaven River; b) Council adopt the report and implement its recommendations; c) The parameters of the proposed flood study be widened to consider whether or not an open entrance at Shoalhaven Heads would reduce the impact of flooding and whether the long term economic benefits of so doing, would justify the cost of creating such an entrance; d) Council consider additional water quality testing in Shoalhaven Heads throughout the tidal cycle; e) Council thank Will Glamore for the thorough report

Note by General Manager:

In regard to b) # Analysis of each recommendation from the report will need to be undertaken to determine whether additional resources and budget are required, or if the recommendations can be implemented through existing work program and budgets. Council will also need to determine what priority this project should be given.

In regard to c) Council did not receive grant funding from the Office of Environment and Heritage to conduct the lower Shoalhaven River Flood Study and Plan review. Council’s Environmental Services Manager has prepared a report to the January meeting of Council to consider prioritisation of projects including this review. In general, flood studies and plans model for both an open and closed entrance and analyse the associated flood risks and mitigation measures. The long term “flood” economic benefits are also considered as part of a flood study and plan.

In regard to d) The financial and resourcing implications for this item are unknown. Further discussions would need to be held to determine the aim and purpose of the water quality testing to

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identify what parameters need to be tested and for what purpose. (eg recreational water quality guidelines or Safe Food guidelines). This would then determine the equipment and resources required for which the cost can then be calculated.

General Business

2. Additional Item – Dredging – Shoalhaven Heads


a) Council request the consultant to undertake a desktop analysis of various options of the channel on the north side of Old Man Island to determine flow potentials of those options and the cost of the canal be funded from existing resources, which if found to be inadequate with the subject of the December quarterly review; b) Results of the desktop analysis be reported back to the committee.

Note by General Manager:

Dr Will Glamore advised that the likely additional costs for this work would be between $3,000 and $5,000. This modelling is currently unfunded and would be a variation to the original project. Additional funds would need to be allocated to the project to undertake this modelling.

Planning and Development

3. Recommendations from Strategy and Assets Committee for the Lower Shoalhaven River File 4355E, 1799E

RECOMMENDED that Council:

a) Convene through the office of Gareth Ward MP, a meeting with OEH and other relevant agencies to discuss the wholistic approach to the lower Shoalhaven river management scheme; b) Also invite the Minister for Environment (Mr Speakman) to meet at Shoalhaven Heads with members of the taskforce to discuss future options for the lower Shoalhaven estuary. c) Report back to the Committee once the above meetings have taken place.


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