Modernising Pathology Services Modernising Pathology Services READER INFORMATION Policy Estates HR/Workforce Performance Management IM&T Planning Finance Clinical Partnership Working Document Purpose Best Practice Guidance ROCR Ref: Gateway Ref: 1516 Title Modernising Pathology Services Author DH Pathology Modernisation Team Publication Date Feb 2004 Target Audience PCT CEs, NHS Trusts CEs, StHAs CEs, Pathology managers and staff Circulation List Description Best practice guidance describes how pathology service design, particularly through developing managed networks, can help build the capacity required to deliver key targets and commitments. Services should focus on patients’ needs, and be kept up to date for their benefit, through new, appropriate and properly evaluated technologies, techniques and tests. Cross Ref Pathology – The Essential Service – Draft Guidance on Modernising Pathology Services Superceded Docs none Action required none Timing Contact Details Pathology Modernisation Team Area 423 Wellington House 133-155 Waterloo Road London SE1 8UG
[email protected] For recipient use Contents Foreword from Minister of State for Health, John Hutton MP 1 Executive Summary 3 Chapter 1: Introduction 7 Chapter 2: Next Steps Locally: Building Capacity 13 Chapter 3: Modernisation Strategies 22 Chapter 4: National Support for Local Action 32 Annex 1: Sources of Further Information and Guidance 36 Annex 2: Pathology Modernisation Guidance Implementation Group Membership 49 Modernising Pathology Services Foreword from Minister of State for Health, John Hutton MP Pathology services are essential to delivery of the high quality evidence-based treatments and care which patients receive in the NHS, yet much of the work that pathology staff do is often invisible to the patients that they serve.