ROGERS . COMMISSION 80 Notables on Memorial Board
ROGERS . COMMISSION 80 Notables on Memorial Board OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept. 10.-Authors, a<;tors, politi cians, business and professional m(!n of the nation have accept ed membership on the Will Rogers natio,nal commission, it was revealed here today as Governor :W. .4 W. :'1arland an~ounced the names Howell, Athi.nta; Will :fiays, Holly of e1g~~Y committee me~bers. wood; Patrick H. Hurley. Add1t10nal members, 1t was un- Jesse H. Jones. derstood, will be added later. ln- Oscar Lawler Hollywood; Frank eluded in the membership commis-, Lloyd, Hollywo~d; Eugene Lorton, sion, named to head plans for a Tulsa; Mrs. Roberta Lawson, nation-wide memorial to Rogers, Tulsa; · Alice Longworth, Waship.g- are: ton. , _ M. H. Aylesworth, New York; James A., New York; V. Stanley Anderson, Beverly Hills. V. McNutt, New York; O. 0. Mc- Joseph w. Byi:ns, Washington; Intyre, New York; L. B. Mayer, Arthur Bt;isbane, New York; Sena- Hollywood. tor William H. Borah, Idaho; Rex Robert L. Owens, Q:reen Falls, Beach, Carlton Burke, Los Angeles; Conn, Bernard Baruch, New York; Joe D. W. S. Paley and G. B. Parker, Barnum, Billie Burke, Hollywood. New York; Waite Phillips and Amos G, Carter, Fort Wort h; Frank Phillips, Bartlesville, Okla.; Harry Chandler, Los Angeles; Irvin Mary Pickford, Hollywood, Cobb, Walter P . Chrysler, Charles Roy Roberts, Kansas City. Curtis, Washington; Eddie Cantor, Joseph M. Schenck, Hollywood; E. L. Cord, New York. Fred Stone·, New York; Winfield Marion Davies, Hollywood; Sheehan; Arthur Hayes Sulzberger, Charles G. Dawes, Chicago. New York; Alfred P. Sloan, Harry .James A.
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