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The Miami Hurricane VOL The Miami Hurricane VOL. XXVII IMVKRSITV OK MIAMI, CORAL GABLKS, FLA., APRIL 17. 1<)53 No. 21 Army Ball Tomorrow Night Story On Page 2 • * • * * • * * * Bard's Fete Dominates Campus Activities Story On Page 3 -Inside Stories What They Are Saying... "We still have a long road to go before U-M lives up to its name of Pan-American Uni­ versity, but some day the dream will become a reality," said Dr. Luis R. Molina of the Hispanic-American institute during Pan-American week celebration on campus this week. See story on Page 4. "People are naturally lazy," said Dr. Joan Paul Lesperance. director of motion and time study lab, in explaining exper­ iments conducted in the lab. See story on Page 9. "Sam Hirsch, director and actor of the title role in 'King Lear,' gives a realistic por­ trayal of the old king," said Sue Dubois, Hurricane drama critic, in reviewing the play which opened U-M's third an­ nual Shapespeare Festival. See review on Page 3. "We did all we could in the time allowed, September 1 Photo by Bixler Photo by HaU isn't far off. I hope the boys CHECKING BLUEPRINT during ground breaking ceremony Monday NORTH CAMPUS building gets face-lifting as workmen progress on stay in shape," said Coach of the first unit of the proposed $250,000 Marine lab on Virginia key, the job of removing loose stucco and replastering on the University dr. Andy Gustafson after the an­ are, left to right, I. D. MacVicar, Dade county commissioner; U-M side of the structure. The job was started about 3 weeks ago and will president Jay F. W. Pearson and Dr. F. G. Walton Smith, director of continue around all sides of the old building. The deteriorating plaster nual spring football game. See Marine lab. The building will be completed in four months. caused numerous leaks during wet weather. story on Page 16. Hurricane Honey •Photo by Fiahcr GLIDING ALONG on stilts over Student Club lake completely out of water while boat is in motion and Photo bv Hal* JUST A SITTIN' and a knittin' is Honey No. 21, pretty Bee Mueller, is a hydrofln, revolutionary boat originally designed rests on submerged foils. When hull is lifted two feet 19-year-old art major. Those Argyll's are a good indication of this in 1942 to help solve torpedo menace. Boat put on over water, small waves ran be crossed without even brown-eyed Delta Gamma gal's creative ability. Brown-haired Bee is demonstration Tuesday noon under sponsorship of a bump at any speed. Stilts are retractable and allows from Chicago and curves up to a nice 5-foot (Pi-inchev Beside knit­ U-M Propeller club. Christopher Hook, insert, British boat to operate with fuselage in water. An outboard ting, she likes to use her 12S pounds water skiing with the U-M ski engineer gave running account of boat's perform­ motor provides power for the unusual new craft club. If she has a spare needle. Features Editor Greg Melikov will pin ance and history during show. Fuselage of hydrofln is which is manufactured in Miami. her with an orchid in the Hurricane office at 3:34 this afternoon. APRIL 17, 1953 PACE Two THE MIAMI HURRICANE ROTC Military Bali To Salute Rev. Meyers Gets Law School Elections Near; National Position; Candidates Hit Campaign Trail Queen, Court Tomorrow Night All petitions for Student Bar association officers and Law school senators of the Student Association have been com­ By HOWIE GREENWALD Resigns U-M Post pleted, only the campaign and voting remains, according to More than 500 army cadets and their escorts will flock in By CHAY SPENCER John Fitzsimmons, SBA election* formal dress to the 1953 Military ball tomorrow night at Hurrican* Staff Writar board chairman. Dinner Key terrace. The Reverend Harold E. (Hal) "Campaigning begins next week CAA Okays U-M -t- Styled in the West Point tradi­ Meyers, director of Westminster fel­ and climaxes with the election Ap­ tion, the dance will start at 9:30 lowship, is leaving June 1 to be­ ril 30," Fitzsimmons said. A com­ p.m. and continue until 1:30 a.m. come associate pastor of the Na­ plete list of the election rules has As Ground School; Miss Tempo Highlight of the evening will be the tional Presbyterian church of Wash- been posted on the bulletin board on •rowning of a "Queen of the Mili­ ngton, D. C. the third floor of the Merrick build­ tary ball" The Rev. Mr. Meyers has been at ing. Air Courses Set Finalists Picked Six finalists were selected Tuesday, the U-M two and a half years. He For the convenience of law stu­ dents who do not have classes on The Civil Aeronautics Administra­ Twelve coeds were selected as from which will come the queen was the first director to be Thursdays, special absentee bal­ tion has designated the U-M as an finalists in the 1953 Miss Tempo ind her court of five princesses. The approved ground school, beginning contest Tuesday evening in the up­ ;ix are Pat Hall, 20-year-old junior brought here by lots will be available April 29. the two Presby­ with the fall semester. per lounge of the Student Club. majoring in marketing; Carol James, Fitzsimmons pointed out a reduc­ .'0-year-old junior speech major; terian denomina­ Final approval of an expanded The group will be narrowed down tion in the deposit fee from last 18-year-old Irene Schneider, fresh- tions (Presbyter­ curriculum in aviation administra­ to the top three finalists this week year's $10. This year a $5 deposit nan in business administration; ian Church of tion, the first in the country to offer and Miss Tempo will be announced will be made by all candidates to Nadja Biggam, 19-year-old senior the Uni ted States, a major course of studies in the and presented at the Junior-Senior insure compliance with the election nusic major; Ann Brockway, 17- and the Presby­ business aspect of aviation, was prom, May 9, at Dinner Key audi­ rules. year-old Coral Gables high school terian Church, given at a recent conference between torium. senior and 17-year-old Arlene Tom- U.S.A.) Since he The Law school contests will be University and CAA officials. Finalists include Frances Bene- has been here, run on an individual basis instead of asik, senior of St. Theresa. A four-credit course in flight dum, Suzi Cartwright, Beverly Westminster fel- on a party level, according to Fitz­ training will also be offered by an Cooper, Mary Alice Creekmore, Bet­ Judges for the contest were Miss M, lowship has seen simmons. There are no known poli­ Joan Bell, Coronet model; Jack agreement between U-M and Em­ ty Deriso, Petsy Gautier, Minette a series of united tical parties in the Law school, he Lloyd, Miami Daily News radio bry-Riddle School of Aviation. Gordon, Liska Lit tie John, Maria cooperative projects. added. and TV newscaster, and Larry M.-tt.Miiio, Barbara McMullen, Emily There are numerous campaign The federal authority will issue a Roberts and Bette White. Wilde, professional entertainer. Hal, as many students call the private pilot's certificate to each stu­ Rev. Mr. Meyers, is a native of rules which the candidates must ad­ Judges for the preliminary elim­ The girl named queen will be pre­ dent who satisfactorily completes 40 Pittsburgh, Pa. He was graduated here to. No speeches or literature ination were Miss Paula Clark, fa­ sented with a culture pearl bracelet may be exhibited at the annual Law hours of flight training and passes with engraved disc, a floral crown from Washington and Jefferson the CAA examination. shion editor of the Miami Herald; Cy college in Washington, Pa., then school picnic, no speeches during Russell, program director of radio ind will be honored with a special classes and a limit of one sign to The Business Administration school review by the regiment at drill attended graduate school at Prince­ station WMIE and Charles Fried- ton Theological seminary, being each room are among the restric­ will include the new courses in its iVednesday. lander, president of Friedlander- graduated in 1939. At the Univer­ tions. day and evening schedules next fall. Flint advertising agency. Two name bands have been signed sity of Pennsylvania he took some Air navigation, meterology, air trans­ for the ball. Michael Marvin and his graduate psychology work. He has portation, airline operation, civil air orchestra will play ballroom music been in the ministry for 14 years. regulations and airport manage­ Checks Due Next Week inside the Terrace, and Don Pablo Ad Women Set ment are the courses offered under For Korean War Vets mil his Mamberos will add a Latin Concerning his decision to leave the new aviation major course. dance flavor on the outside patio. the U-M, the Rev. Mr. Meyers said: Flight training is elective. All Korean GIs who handed in "This has been one of the most Fashion Show their attendance cards on time Gene Baylos, the well-known difficult decisions I've had to make "Command Performance in Honor Though other universities of the should start receiving subsistence "comedian's comedian," will head so far. It's been a great privilege to of the Coronation of Queen Mary 1" country have technical and engi­ checks Monday, according to the the entertainment, and Latin song take my place among the religious will be the theme of the fashion show neering courses in aviation, this is Veterans business offlce.
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