Regular Meeting - November 18, 1997

1. At a Regular Meeting of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners held in the Board Chambers in the City of Monroe on Tuesday, November 18, 1997, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Zorn at 7:00 p.m. Roll call by Clerk as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

A quorum being present, the Board proceeded to transact business.

2. Cara Calkins 4-H Member, Rabbit Rangers led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Reverend E.D. Landis, Wesleyan Church led the Invocation.

4. Motion by Chairman Zorn to amend the 11/18/97 Finance Committee Report, item A - Accounts Payable Current Claims Report In The Amount Of $301,772.13, pull items #6 under Communications due to the Treasurer being out of town and pull item #9 under Communications and refer to the Physical Resources Committee. Motion by Commissioner Funk the Agenda for the Regular Meeting, Tuesday, November 18, 1997, be approved with the amendment to the 11/18/97 Finance Committee Report and items #6 and #9 pulled. Supported by Commissioner Reed. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

5. Motion by Commissioner Scott the Minutes for Tuesday, November 4, 1997, be approved as proposed. Supported by Commissioner Mentel.

Motion carried.

6. Citizens Time -

Richard Micka spoke regarding the history of preserving historical ties with Montana and the Custer Battlefield. Mr. Micka introduced the author of the Little Big Horn, Robert Nightengale and presented a copy of the book to the Commissioners.

7. Special Tribute Recognizing Bronco McKart As The Junior Champion With The International Boxing Association.

Special Tribute read:


WHEREAS, it is with great pride that the Monroe County Board of Commissioners offer the highest tribute to Bronco McKart, two time holder of World Boxing titles, first as the World Boxing Organization’s Junior Middleweight Championship Title and his most recent title earned as Junior Middleweight Champion with the International Boxing Association, which he won on October 7, 1997; and

WHEREAS, Bronco McKart has brought honor upon himself and the Monroe community by his many titles and achievements, through both his outstanding amateur and careers; and

WHEREAS, Bronco McKart has dedicated his life to the pursuit of excellence in his chosen career of boxing and, in his pursuit of being the very best, has devoted countless hours of training and practice toward perfecting his skills; and

WHEREAS, Bronco McKart has set a positive example to Monroe County youth, showing that hard work and determination leads to the fulfillment of dreams;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that on this Eighteenth Day of November, 1997, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners hereby publicly recognizes and commends Bronco McKart for past and present achievements he has made in his chosen career and wish him the best in his future endeavors.

The Special Tribute was presented to Bronco McKart by Chairman Zorn.

8. Resolution Recognizing November, 1997, As National Hospice Month.

Resolution read:


WHEREAS, HOSPICE care is the most human tradition of health service delivery in the United States, providing 24-hour palliative medical care and social, emotional and spiritual services for the terminally ill, as well as support for the family; and

WHEREAS, HOSPICE care helps patients live fully during their final days by alleviating the fears associated with terminal illness such as dying in pain, alone and as a burden to the family, and by enabling them to remain in the comfort and security of home or home-like settings; and

WHEREAS, more than 39,000 full-time professionals and 100,000 volunteers in association with an estimated 3,000 hospices work together to serve more than 390,000 individuals throughout the nation. These dedicated men and women form a valuable network of end-of-life support in our nation’s vast health care system and are deserving of special honor and appreciation for their many contributions; and

WHEREAS, and increase in public awareness and understanding of HOSPICE care will better serve the families who are faced with a terminal illness in our community and help ensure that HOSPICE services are a guaranteed benefit for all citizens; and

WHEREAS, the Hospice of Monroe has joined the Hospice Association of America, the National Hospice Organization and an estimated 3,000 hospice agencies in declaring the month of November, 1997 as NATIONAL HOSPICE MONTH and are calling on all Americans to observe this occasion with appropriate ceremonies and activities;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Monroe County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaim the month of November as “NATIONAL HOSPICE MONTH” in the County of Monroe and encourage the support and participation of friends, neighbors, colleagues and fellow citizens in associated hospice programs now and throughout the year.

Motion by Chairman Zorn to offer the resolution Recognizing November, 1997, As National Hospice Month. Supported by Commissioner Funk. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley

Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

9. Resolution Opposing Any Jurisdictional Transfer Proposal That Does Not Address Adequate Funding From State And Federal Sources For The Local Roads That Remain Under Local Jurisdiction.

Resolution read:


WHEREAS, the economy of the state of and its counties is inextricably connected to the quality of its transportation infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, the recent passage of an increase in fuel taxes, the first in this state since 1984, was a much needed step toward increasing the quality of the state’s transportation infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, fuel taxes are equitably assessed as essentially a user fee in that the more a person drives and uses state and local roads, the more taxes they will pay; and

WHEREAS, the discussion over passage of an increase in fuel taxes included a proposal that transfers the jurisdiction of county primary roads to the state; and

WHEREAS, the jurisdiction proposal being offered now by the administration and the Michigan Department of Transportation focuses solely on jurisdiction and not the related funding issues and financial implications if such a takeover were to take place; and

WHEREAS, the Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) , in conjunction with county road agencies and the County Road Association of Michigan (CRAM), believe no discussion of jurisdictional transfer can proceed without related funding issues and financial implications being addressed; and

WHEREAS, it is MAC’s belief that the ultimate goal of the jurisdictional proposal is to capture federal revenue and force local road agencies to fund roads from local revenue sources, such as property tax millage; and

WHEREAS, this goal undermines the equability of a user-based fee, such as the state fuel tax.

WHEREAS, the issue of stranded costs, i.e., existing bond debt incurred to improve local roads, must be addressed in an equitable fashion in any jurisdictional transfer proposal;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Monroe County Board of Commissioners will oppose any jurisdictional transfer proposal that does not address adequate funding from state and federal sources for the local roads that remain under local jurisdiction.

Motion by Commissioner Reed to adopt the Resolution Opposing Any Jurisdictional Transfer Proposal That Does Not Address Adequate Funding From State And Federal Sources For The Local Roads That Remain Under Local Jurisdiction. Supported by Commissioner Funk. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused)

Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

10. Resolution Supporting A “Made In Michigan” Restructuring Of The Electric Utility.

Resolution read:


WHEREAS, Michigan is considering plans to restructure the state’s electricity industry before being required to do so by the federal government; and

WHEREAS, this important issue may very well be addressed by state legislators in the 89th legislature this calendar year; and

WHEREAS, the Michigan Public Service Commission - - the utility regulatory agency - - has already issued an order with recommendations for electricity restructuring; and

WHEREAS, restructuring the delivery of electricity will affect Michigan counties in many ways and improper restructuring poses a threat to Monroe County’s job force, economic development and revenues generated from power plants situated in our county;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS strongly supports a “Made in Michigan” restructuring of the electric utility that includes consideration of the following:

• RATE CUTS and REAL CHOICE - Immediate rate cuts should be guaranteed to all customers through the securitization of Michigan utilities’ stranded costs; all customers, not just large industrial customers, should be given the opportunity to choose their electricity providers simultaneously;

• SYSTEM RELIABILITY - Michigan’s high standards for system reliability must not be jeopardized by a sudden shift in the power delivery system;

• CONSUMER PROTECTIONS and UNIVERSAL SERVICE - It is vital that competition is phased-in to avoid confusion and technical problems that may otherwise be caused by a rushed process; statewide consumer education programs should be established to protect people from unscrupulous business practices of out-state power telemarketers; service for low-income customers must be the shared responsibility of all electricity providers serving Michigan consumers;

• ENERGY INDPENDENCE - Michigan’s economy will be strengthened if it maintains its energy independence by ensuring that its local utilities remain financially viable by recovering the costs of building previously approved power plants;

• ECONOMIC FAIRNESS - Michigan jobs and local government/school district finances should be safeguarded by allowing Michigan utilities to compete in the states of out-of-state companies selling power in Michigan;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution be sent to all local representatives in the State Legislature, Attorney General Frank Kelly, Edison, Consumers Energy and the Michigan Public Service Commission.

Motion by Commissioner Funk to adopt the resolution Supporting A “Made In Michigan” Restructuring Of The Electric Utility. Supported by Commissioner Mentel. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

11. The following items were listed on the Consent Agenda:

A. Finance Committee Report (11/04/97)

1. The Committee Recommends To The Full Board To Transfer $1,500.00 To Circuit Court’s Budget Account 101-131.00-728.000 (Office Supplies) And Transfer $1,500.00 To Account 101-131.00-816.010 (Transcript Of Records) From The Contingency Fund.

B. Finance Committee Report (11/18/97)

1. The Committee Recommends To The Full Board To Approve The 11/18/97 Accounts Payable Current Claims Report In The Amount Of $301,772.13.

Motion by Commissioner Scott to approve the Consent Agenda with the correction of the amount of the Accounts Payable Current Claims Report. Supported by Commissioner Roberts. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

12. Approval To Reappoint A Representative To The Area Agency On Aging 1-B Board Of Directors As The Older Adult Appointee.

Motion by Commissioner Mentel to reappoint Ms. Nancy Disher to the Area On Aging 1- B Board of Directors as the older adult appointee and James Seegert as her alternate, effective January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999.

Motion carried.

13. Approval To Retain MCOP As The Program Administrator For The CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program.

Motion by Commissioner Funk to retain MCOP as the Administrator for the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program and direct staff to prepare the Memorandum of Understanding for signature between MCOP and the County outlining the contract responsibilities. Supported by Commissioner Ansel. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

14. Approval Of The Monroe County Youth Center Operating Under The Direction Of The Family Division Of The Monroe County Circuit Court Effective January 1, 1998.

Resolution read:


WHEREAS, the County of Monroe has a juvenile detention home, as described in MCL 712A.16(3) and (6), and whereas said detention home has traditionally been under the supervision of the Monroe County Probate Court, and

WHEREAS, MCL 712A.16(6) which becomes effective January 1, 1998 states at section (6) that, “A juvenile detention home described in subsection (3), shall be operated under the direction of the county board of commissioners, … However, a different method for directing the operation of the youth detention home may be agreed to in any county by the chief judge of the circuit court in that county and the county board of commissioners . . . “

WHEREAS, the operation of the juvenile detention home under the direction of the court system has proven to be an efficient and satisfactory method of delivering appropriate services to juvenile delinquents;

NOW THEREFORE, the Chief Judge of Circuit Court and the Monroe County Board of Commissioners hereby agree that the juvenile detention center, known as the Monroe County Youth Center, shall be operated under the direction of the Family Division of the Monroe County Circuit Court effective January 1, 1998.

Motion by Commissioner Ansel to adopt the resolution approving the Monroe County Youth Center to operate under the direction of the Family Division of the Monroe County Circuit Court effective January 1, 1998. Supported by Commissioner Roberts.

Motion carried.

15. Approval Of The Contract For Non-Community Water Supply, Other Drinking Water Monitoring and Radon Activities.

Motion by Commissioner Funk to open for discussion. Supported by Commissioner Mentel.

Motion carried.

16. Motion by Commissioner Reed to direct the Chairman to sign the contract between the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and the Monroe County Health Department for non-community water supply, long term drinking water monitoring, radon activities and swimming pools for fiscal year 1997/98. Supported by Commissioner Roberts. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

17. Approval To Implement Changes To The County’s Health Care Program.

Motion by Commissioner Funk to open for discussion. Supported by Commissioner Scott.

Motion carried.

18. Several employees spoke regarding their concerns of implementing changes to the County’s Health Care Program.

Motion by Commissioner Roe to implement changes to the County’s Health Care Program and offer the plan effective immediately to all non-bargained employees. Supported by Commissioner Roberts. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn Floreine Mentel (excused) David Roberts John Funk Randy Ansel David Scott

Motion carried.

19. Approval To Adopt The 1998 Budget And The Uniform Budgeting And Accounting Act Budget Resolution.

Resolution read:



WHEREAS, Act No. 2 of the PA of 1968, as amended, the “Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act,” requires the Board of Commissioners, as the legislative body of Monroe County, pass a general appropriations act setting forth the funds appropriated to defray expenditures and meet the liabilities of Monroe County for the ensuing fiscal year.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached County Budget Resolution shall be the General Appropriations Act of the County of Monroe of the State of Michigan for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1998 and ending December 31, 1998. An ACT to make appropriations; to provide for the disposition of all income received by the County of Monroe.

This appropriation resolution is to take effect on January 1, 1998.

Motion by Commissioner Funk to approve the 1998 budget and the General Appropriations Act. Supported by Commissioner Mentel. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

20. Approval of Charles A. Londo, Administrator/Chief Financial Officer’s Performance Evaluation.

Motion by Commissioner Roberts to accept the performance evaluation of Charles A. Londo, Administrator/Chief Financial Officer. Supported by Commissioner Ansel. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

21. Information -

Letter from Senator Spencer Abraham Regarding Reauthorization Of The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act read.

Motion by Commissioner Reed to send a letter to legislators voicing the Board’s concerns of the current highway funding mechanisms. Supported by Commissioner Roberts.

Motion carried.

22. Motion by Commissioner Funk to go into closed session to discuss collective bargaining. Supported by Commissioner Scott. Roll call on motion as follows:


Lehr Roe Richard Reed Gail Hauser-Hurley Dale Zorn John Funk (excused) Randy Ansel David Scott David Roberts Floreine Mentel

Motion carried.

23. Motion by Commissioner Funk to go back into open session. Supported by Commissioner Scott.

Motion carried.

24. Motion by Commissioner Funk to adjourn. Supported by Commissioner Roberts.

Motion carried.

25. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

______Dale Zorn, Chairman Geri Allen, Monroe County Clerk