1. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of County Road Commissioners at their offices located at 840 S. Telegraph Road, Monroe, Michigan on Monday, March 9, 2020 the meeting was called to order by Chairman Stewart at 5:30 p.m.

2. Roll Call by Deputy Clerk as follows: PRESENT EXCUSED Paul Iacoangeli Dan Minton Charles A. Londo Jack Thayer Greg W. Stewart A quorum being present, the Board proceeded to transact business. 3. Commissioner Stewart led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Commissioner Stewart led the Opening Silent Prayer. 5. Commissioner Minton moved, seconded by Commissioner Thayer to approve the, 2019 regular meeting agenda as presented. Vote: Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion carried

6. Public Comment – None. 7. The following items were listed on the Consent Agenda: (with immediate effect)

1) Approval of Minutes- February 24, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes

2) Approval of Journal Entry No. 122 Vendor Checks#75637-7567 $ 96,288.15 No. 144 Payroll Checks #64955-64970 & Advice #28177-28264 $300,576.36 Vacation Payout – Goins #64971 $ 4,057.04

3) Township Contracts Ash Township 2020 Mowing – Various

Bedford Township Clegg Adler to Monroe Single Chip Seal/Edge lines Clover Lane State line to Whiteford Center Single Chip Seal/Edge lines Erie Lewis to Crabb Zone Patch/Single Chip Seal Erie Crabb to Minx Single Chip Seal/Edge lines Erie Whiteford twp line to Lewis Single Chip Seal/Edge lines Section Whiteford Center to Secor Single Chip Seal/Edge lines Minx US24 to Rauch 2" aggregate lift

Dundee Township Day Saline River to Tuttlehill RESCIND approved 2/10/2020 Day Saline River to Tuttlehill 2" aggregate lift

Erie Township Streeter Off Erie Grade/Mineral Well Brine 2020 Mowing - Various 2020 Mineral Well Brine – Various

Monroe County Road Commission Regular Meeting Minutes March 9, 2020 – Page 2

Exeter Township Cappernall Stout to Oakville Waltz 2" aggregate lift Colf Rawsonville to Carleton West Single Chip Seal Fay Martinsville to Carleton West Single Chip Seal Finzel Heiss to S. Stony Single Chip Seal Finzel O’Hara to Scofield Carleton 2" aggregate lift Finzel Scofield Carleton to Fay 2" aggregate lift Hivon Rawsonville to Timbers 2" aggregate lift Kane Finzel to Exeter 2" aggregate lift Martinsville O’Hara to Colf 2" aggregate lift Newburg Rawsonville to Timbers 2" aggregate lift Nolan Railroad tracks to Exeter 2" aggregate lift O’Hara Finzel to Exeter 2" aggregate lift Raisin Village limits to Scofield 2" aggregate lift Stone London twp line to Ida Maybee Zone Patch/Single Chip Seal Summit/Rice Sub Off Scofield 2" aggregate lift Timbers S. Stoney to Oakville Waltz 2" aggregate lift Zink Finzel to Exeter 2" aggregate lift 2020 Mineral Well Brine - Various

Frenchtown Charter Township Buhl War to dead end 2" aggregate lift Buhl US24 to 0.13 miles Zone Patch/Mill & Fill Buhl War to dead end 2" aggregate lift Heiss Township line to Reinhardt HMA Overlay Heiss Reinhardt to US24 Overband Crackfill LaPrad Nadeau to N. Stony Creek Crush&Shape/HMA N. Stony War to dead end 2" aggregate lift Stumpmier Heiss to Railroad HMA Overlay War Nadeau to S. Stony Overband Crackfill Williams Post to N. Dixie Single Chip Seal 2020 Mineral Well Brine - Various

Ida Township Wells Rauch to Tunnicliffe 2" aggregate lift

LaSalle Township Belleterre Cousino to dead end Single Chip Seal/spray patch 2020 Mineral Well Brine – Various

Milan Township Cone Ann Arbor to 250’ East Zone Patch Day N. County Line to Dennison 2" aggregate lift Day Dennison to Platt 2" aggregate lift Dundee Azalia Ostrander to 1265’ West HMA Platt Cone to Milan City limits 2" aggregate lift Wells Sherman to Oelke 2" aggregate lift 2020 Mowing - Various

Monroe Charter Township East Dunbar DTE to Dead end 2" aggregate lift (Spring) East Dunbar DTE to dead end 2" aggregate lift (Fall) Hull Mortar Creek to Albain Single Chip Seal Hull Albain to Dunbar HMA Overlay Kentucky Park East of Railroad to dead end Single Chip Seal Patterson Seventh Street to M50 Mill&Fill/Zone Patch 2020 Mineral Well Brine – Various Monroe County Road Commission Regular Meeting Minutes March 9, 2020 – Page 3

4) Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the 2020 County Wide Road Certification title sheets.

5) Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the 2020 County of Monroe Urban Area Certification title sheets.

6) Approve the Resolution accepting the following into the county road system: East Street 145 Local feet Berlin Charter Township

7) Award the contract for the Stonegate Special Assessment District project to the low bidder, CB Asphalt Maintenance, LLC., in the amount of $213,340.00, and authorize the Managing Director to sign all documents on behalf of the Board.

8) Award the 2020 Liquid Calcium Chloride bid to Liquid Calcium Chloride Sales.

9) Award the 2020 Uniform Traffic Control Devices bid to Dornbos, Osburn Associates, MD Solution, Vulcan Signs, Inc. and H.T. Moriarty.

10) Award bid for the 2020 Pavement Marking Program to M & M Pavement Marking in the amount of $121,510.00; and award bid for the 2020 SPECIAL Pavement Marking Program to JV Contracting in the amount of $61,560.00; and authorize the Managing Director to sign all documents on behalf of the Board.

11) Approve and sign the Dedicated Highway & Utility Easement with Temperance Solar, LLC, Bedford and Erie Township, Monroe County, Michigan.

12) Mowing Contractor: D&D Wyse Berlin Charter, Dundee & Milan

Commissioner Iacoangeli moved, seconded by Commissioner Thayer to approve the March 9, 2020 Consent Agenda as presented. Vote: Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion carried

8. Unfinished Business – 1) Discussion on revisions to the MCRC Rules of Order. Commissioner Londo moved to approve the changes to the Rules of Order. Commissioner Iacoangeli seconded the motion in order to discuss the revisions.

Commissioner Iacoangeli distributed his suggested changes and highlighted his ideas and changes under Section 4.1 and delete Section 4.3, and keep the changes to Section 4.7 but renumber as needed. Commissioner Iacoangeli felt the changes would keep with the stance and intent of the Rules of Order. Commissioner Londo stated he liked Commissioner Iacoangeli’s changes saying it added a lot to the process.

Commissioner Londo moved to change his motion to approve the Rules of Order with the changes suggested by Commissioner Iacoangeli.

Commissioner Thayer indicated he had only been on the Board for a year, but felt the process was working smoothly and asked why the change. He understood the Board’s desire to provide transparency, but if something is working why make all the changes.

Commissioner Minton indicated he had the same reaction as Commissioner Thayer at the last meeting. However, after seeing the suggested changes from Commissioner Iacoangeli he would have no problem supporting the revisions as it addresses the time frame issue. His concern was the limited time frame from 1pm-3pm and the new time lines allows time to look at the emails in the evening.

Monroe County Road Commission Regular Meeting Minutes March 9, 2020 – Page 4

Commissioner Londo addressed Commissioner Thayer’s concern stating this will allow more transparency for the Board members. These changes will allow the Board members to review and add items to the agenda before it is published. It will provide more open communication for the Board members on what is on the agenda.

Commissioner Londo moved, supported by Commissioner Iacoangeli to approve the Rules of Order with the suggested changes under Section 4.1 and approve Section #4.7 as presented. Vote: Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion carried.

9. New Business – None.

10. Report of Officers – Randy Pierce (Managing Director) – Mr. Pierce indicated the cameras are up and functional at the Monroe and Summerfield salt facilities. He stated he has not heard back from the architect on the plans for the cold storage facility. He stated he hoped winter was behind us.

Commissioner Thayer inquired about the salt since there has been such a mild winter. Mr. Pierce indicated Mr. Leach would address that during his comments.

David M. Leach (Superintendent of Maintenance) – Mr. Leach stated the Road Commission is still in the process of getting pre-season salt that was supposed to be taken prior to December 2019. Salt is working with the MCRC to hold the salt until we have room because our barns were full. The MCRC will be taking the last pre- season shipment soon. We are still committed for another 3,400 for this year to be taken before November.

Mr. Leach indicated the 2-week required notice was sent out to Local #543 today advising them the night shift would end effective 3/23.

Commissioner Thayer gave a kudos to the entire staff. He has received numerous thank you’s for crews working on the roads this winter. He added citizens are noticing a difference. Mr. Leach added the gravel roads are a concern at the moment, but he would pass along his comments to the maintenance crews.

Matthew Snell (County Highway Engineer) – Mr. Snell indicated he followed up on the concern voiced at the Board meeting regarding the water on Labo Road. They have met with both townships, and neither are interested in having work done on this road in 2020, but estimates to include tree clearing and ditch work will be prepared for possible work in 2021.

Mr. Leach also indicated he followed up with Jason Cousino on Labo Road earlier today and he was not happy with the results, and he may return to a Board meeting to voice his concerns.

Dori Hawkins-Freelain (Director of Finance) – Ms. Hawkins-Freelain had nothing to report.

Philip Costello (General Counsel) – Mr. Costello indicated he had been working with Engineering on the Fee Schedule, and contractor electronic banking. He explained that he had drafted a letter to the Governor and MDOT Director based on comments from the Board at the last meeting and he will be sharing that with the staff for accuracy and then with the Board. Monroe County Road Commission Regular Meeting Minutes March 9, 2020 – Page 5

Commissioner Minton realized the letter was basically focusing on the performance of Ferrovial for winter maintenance, but he asked if the letter could include safety concerns like the lack of barricades in work areas as mentioned at the prior meeting and at the County Board meeting. Mr. Costello indicated he would be happy to add that to the letter. He added that the letter points to the condition of the state roads in such as the shifting and settling of the concrete slabs, and finished by saying Monroe County is the gateway into Michigan, and he quoted some statistics from the tourism bureau and economic development team. He wanted to focus on making a good impression on welcoming visitors to Michigan with safe roads.

Commissioner Minton felt it was extremely important to address the safety concerns as well as the problems with the concrete slabs. He is concerned about the safety of those people working in construction zones. Commissioner Thayer shared that concern as well.

Commissioner Iacoangeli indicated we could color the letter any way we wanted, but since the MCRC doesn’t have the state contract it will look like sour grapes and we are picking on MDOT and their contractor. He would feel more comfortable if our attorney drafted the letter and then sent it to the County Commissioners for their signatures. Commissioner Iacoangeli felt a letter coming from the MCRC will not have the same effect as from the County Board or the township supervisors.

Commissioner Londo stated after reading the article in the paper the other day, the State of Michigan should look bad. MDOT has decided to $25+ million to buy property and build terminals they really didn’t need if they had just been willing to pay us to do the job right. He added he drives US23 quite often and the condition is deplorable and is getting worse every day. As David Hoffman pointed out at a prior meeting, the slabs on US-23 are dropping and rising, and needs serious attention so he doesn’t feel bad at all for pointing out their shortcomings.

Commissioner Stewart indicated it would not be the Board’s intent to make Ferrovial look bad, but to point out that MDOT doesn’t seem to be concerned about things not being done right, or their contractor following the regulations. He added that when the MCRC had the state contract we were required to perform in a certain manner, but Ferrovial isn’t being held to the same standard. We have the right to point out that the contractor isn’t getting the job done for the motorists in Monroe County. To him, it doesn’t matter who signs the letter whether it be the Road Commission legal counsel, the Chairman or the County Board. A letter needs to be sent because we have the right and responsibility to point out when there are problems because the motoring public deserves better. He would also like the letter to outline that any liability falls back on MDOT for the poor condition of the state roads in Monroe County.

Commissioner Thayer liked the suggestion to have the County Board sign and send the letter as it would be one step away from the sour grapes issue, and we do have a responsibility to point out the poor road conditions and safety concerns.

Commissioner Minton indicated the County Chairman made a statement at their last meeting that the County Board would be sending a letter to MDOT, but the content of the letter wasn’t identified.

Commissioner Iacoangeli agreed that the State of Michigan should be held accountable for the condition of their roads, but he felt that it would make a bigger impression coming from anyone but the MCRC.

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Commissioner Londo suggested a letter be prepared and sent over to Mike Bosanac to review with Chairman Lievens and have the County Board discuss if they are willing to sign it along with the Road Commission.

Commissioner Minton felt the safety of the road workers is a serious concern. He isn’t nit picking at Ferrovial but safety practices need to be addressed before someone gets hurt.

11. Public Comment David Hoffman, County Commissioner, stated the County Board is sending a letter that will be signed by all nine commissioners, but felt a separate letter from the MCRC addressing their concerns. He agreed that the safety of our people and visitors is a major concern and should be addressed. He indicated the letter should be stern with specific details and he felt the County Board would be willing to sign the letter in addition to their own.

Mr. Hoffman inquired about pavement marking on secondary roads. He stated it is hard to see the markings on dark rainy nights and township supervisors have also mentioned this concern as well.

Bronco McKart, West District Supervisor for the MCRC, stated he has been employed since 2005 and he has seen a lot of changes. In the past he hasn’t always been willing to talk to people about the Road Commission, but now he is proud to say he is employed at the MCRC. With the current Board, the staff and the direction that the Road Commission is moving in, he feels everyone is doing a great job. He applauded the Board for being fair and balanced, and commended everyone for doing a good job.

12. Commissioners' Comments - Commissioner Iacoangeli wanted to make a brief comment about transparency and how the agendas were handled in the past. In the past, the staff did an excellent job of putting the agenda together and never hesitated to reach out if they felt there was an issue that needed the Chairman (or Board’s) attention. He added that the staff knows the day-to-day operations and was quite capable of putting together the agenda and then review it with the Chairman before it was sent out. There was always transparency there and nothing was hidden from the other board members or public.

Commissioner Minton had nothing additional to report.

Commissioner Londo indicated the CRA Commissioner’s Seminar in April has eleven sessions over a two-day period and eight of those sessions deal with the role of Commissioners and the relationship with the Managing Director. He felt the seminar would be very worthwhile and encouraged all the Board Members to attend if possible at is applies to what they do.

Commissioner Thayer stated he received an email on how the House road plan is looking to transfer the sale tax to fuel tax.

Commissioner Stewart thanked Commissioner Iacoangeli for helping train him on Road Commission issues when he first came to the Board. He appreciated all the input and was always looking to make improvements and getting better all the time.

13. Adjournment - Chairman Stewart asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Iacoangeli moved, seconded by Commissioner Minto to adjourn the meeting at 6:03 p.m. Cheryl A. U'Ran ______Cheryl A. U’Ran, Deputy Clerk