PRESENT: Cllr Dru Drury (chairman), Cllr Clarke, Cllr Spicer-Short, Cllr Dragon, Cllr Spinney, Cllr Haywood, Cllr Morrison-Wells.

There were three members of the public present.

PUBLIC HALF HOUR. Richard Brown attended to deliver a presentation about the National Park and to receive questions. Richard reminded the Council that National Parks are specialised local authorities, composed of 75% elected members (50% from the County Council and 25% from Towns and Parishes). Richard noted that whilst it is not procedure at present there is scope for these members to be elected rather than nominated. He advised the Council that a report is published on the website stating the economic benefits of a Dorset National Park. The report summarises the evidence available from a number of sources as well as reports from Government and economic advisors. Whilst we think of National Parks being about conserving the environment, their duty is to serve and foster the economic and social wellbeing of their areas; it is this agenda the Glover review is keen to encourage. Richard invited questions. Cllr Dragon asked how there would be no duplication of planning services when the area covered by the park does not cover the whole of Dorset and also falls into Devon. Surely these areas out of catchment would need an independent planning authority? Richard answered that more of Dorset is being included in the National Park and sited some examples of areas keen to join; Portland, Sherborne, Sturminster Newton. There will be some areas that do not meet the criteria, however Ministers are very keen that the National Park work outside of their boundaries where that was appropriate. Richard highlighted the advantages of having a specialist local authority which can work with the Dorset Council to deliver on the environmental agenda, bringing in additional resources from Government to work in partnership and enhance the provision of services . Where would the planning department be? This will not be clear until the Dorset Council set up their planning department. When/if the Dorset National Park comes into being it will contract the services of the County Council whilst employing specialist to work with them. The aim of the NP is to have distributed planning offices as there are in the South Downs. They want local people to talk about local issues. There are a variety of different arrangements for planning in other National Parks, for example in the South Downs they work with numerous District Council planning departments. Dorset would have the advantage of a ‘seamless’ partnership with the single unitary Council and the NP would enhance services already there with their expertise. Cllr Clarke highlighted that if National Park Status was granted it would be for the New Authority to establish the arrangement which could be quite independent from the Dorset Council. Richard advised this is the advantage of laying out a prospectus and deciding what we want for Dorset and conveying this to ministers. Cllr Clarke highlighted areas of Dorset have already reached capacity in peak times, that Dorset has a high profile and that we need to manage demand as much as promote more tourism. Do we wish to encourage more visitors? He also noted we do not promote the fact we are a world Heritage Site which holds great status, should we not be promoting this? Richard explained the intention is to extend the season of tourism, eco tourism, night sky tourism, heritage tourism, cultural tourism, and to encourage visits to other areas less frequented by tourists. Evidence in the South Downs shows that once they acquired NP status there was not a huge increase in the volume of visitors but there was in the value, they stayed there for longer and they spent more. The NP brand could be associated with businesses and products which has a real marketing value. If we are to attract younger families to Dorset to stay here, we need to create affordable housing which can accommodate these people. National Parks are under a specific remit to encourage affordable homes for local people. There is a 50% policy of affordable Housing in the New Forest and 40% in the South Downs.



Planning Officers in Purbeck have stated that if the area were a National Park they would have greater control over second homes. A further advantage is that National Parks are not subject to central Government housing targets; they work from Neighbourhood Plans.

Richard suggested that we can be complacent about what is happening under the surface, the degradation of our environment, the reduction of wildlife and natural capital. The NP can identify and help address these environmental issues. The Council felt that one of the main concerns was the lack of democratic responsibility and they put this to Richard. He would advise commenting to this effect in the response to the Glover review and to state their view that the Board should be democratically elected. The proposed timescale is potential 3-4 years. Glover will report next year and this may be followed by an announcement from the Secretary of State next autumn. Following this Natural will need to assess the area to be included in the park and DEFRA would need to negotiate budgets and resources. Richard highlighted we need adequate funds and we don’t want an underfunded National Park. Cllr Dragon asked if there was to be a change in Government would it affect the plans? “No, National Parks have cross party political support”

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Dando, Cllr Marshallsay.

1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATIONS: The Council adopted the Code of Conduct set out on the Communities and Local Government website at the 10th September 2012 Meeting (Page 155, para 3.7). Declarations of Interests received for all Councillors. All Councillors are granted a dispensation to set the Precept.

2. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: The draft minutes of the meeting held on the 12th of November 2018 were confirmed as a true record of proceedings and were signed.

3. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT: Cllr Brooks had little to report as the Council is focusing all of its energies on LGR which is fast approaching. A report put to Cabinet regarding taxis for children with SEND and disabilities suggested taking children to pick up points rather than running a door to door service. The report was deferred by Joy Haines as parents expressed they had not been consulted. The new Council should have received it’s finance settlement but this has been delayed until after the Brexit Vote. The Dorset Natural England Team have moved into County Hall to liaise with Highways and the Planning Department. Cllr Brooks was asked to report on the County Councils debt. She advised that year there is a reported debt of £350 million however this is likely to be reduced to £180 million through the Council borrowing against their own reserves. It was noted they are also bringing into the new Council £954 million of assets. Following a meeting with Cllr Brooks and Cllr Spinney the highways department have decided to refresh the double yellows and repaint the white hatching in the Square outside of the Bakery. Although this falls outside of the code of conduct, they have decided that it needs to be done because of access to emergency vehicles. Unfortunately, because of the cold weather and the fact that salt affects the setting of the paint it will be done the New Year. Cllr Brooks is working on arranging a meeting with Kevin Humphreys regarding the Railway and Norden but this is now likely to be in the New Year. Under the boundary review Cllr Brooks has been nominated as the Conservative candidate for the Dorset Council, the Council congratulated her on this. Cllr Clarke raised two issues with Cllr Brooks. Firstly he questioned District Council policy to patch repair small sections of the roads whilst other parts of the highway are visibly deteriorating. Would it not be more cost effective to resurface full sections of roads? Cllr Brooks agreed that yes it would. Her PDP paper cited that decisions made by previous Councils, based on cuts, were not cost effective in the long run and her paper was adopted. The result is that a larger budget has been pledged to highway maintenance and preventative action. There is a budget of £1.4 million for this year and £3.6 million for next year. The council also have £6 million to spend by March on improving road surfaces; County are finding the problem is getting the workforce on site as in house teams have historically been dissolved in favour of contracting.



Cllr Clarke second query related to road signs advertising road closures whilst works are taking place. There is a lack of detail,: generic ‘road closed’ signs are used which do not clearly indicate what is required of road users, often leading to unnecessary diversions. He requested that it be made simpler and clearer Can Cllr Brooks please take this back to Highways? Yes she will, she commented that often it is subcontractors putting out these signs.

4. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORT: Cllr Dragon advised the Council Meeting at Purbeck is cancelled due to lack of business. He advised the Timson Cottages in Langton have been adopted as a Trust and that Corfe Castle Village Hall had received a grant of £20,000. He clarified that it had been reported in the District Council report that the grant was to fund a kitchen and it was implied this would be available to entrepreneurs to prepare food for public sale. It is in fact for the use of those using the village hall who will be entitled to use it to make and sell food. Cllr Dragon has received complaints about the signage in the Square. The Clerk advised she had reported it to PDC and the Council felt they could quite legally remove the signage themselves and request the owners collect it or return it directly to them. The Shadow Council have meeting on Thursday the 13th December. There is a proposal on the Agenda to split the planning department into three area committees. Corfe Castle falls into an area stretching from , Ferndown and into East Dorset.

5. NATIONAL TRUST REPORT: James Gould attended and reported that they are having problems with their electricity supply. There are two holes, one outside of the greyhound and one outside of the ticket office. The Trust are liaising with SSC to have the holes filled but it is proving difficult. In the New Year they plan to lift the bridge to lay cabling. The Council asked could the National Trust consider a surface that would create easier access for disabled people whilst the surface of the bridge is up? James advised that yes they could consider this but they do have to approach it from a heritage conservation view and that their access statement notes that the castle is not easy to access for those with mobility issues. They could perhaps consider making a section of the bridge easy to access and he will ask questions. They have reduced the weight limit on the bridge to 5 tonnes due to the ivy growing on the monument and they will remove this ivy whist working on the cabling. James noted that the Councils request to replace the barrier and no cycling sign in Oli Vye’s Lane has been recorded and will be actioned, but that this will be done after the work on the bridge as they will need to bring equipment through the lane. The Council said please do keep it on the agenda as there was use by motorcycles recently. The castle is lit up and the Council thanked James for the Carol singing that had taken place in the castle grounds. It was much enjoyed by the parish. James said it had been a really successful event with 450 through the gates. Over the next three weekends there will be a ‘Winter Lights’ event, the beacons and braziers will be lit and the castle will be open into the evening. James noted that Jon Kershaw will attend the Parish Council meeting next month to report on the conservation work that is happening on the common. Cllr Dragon advised James that there had been some ill feeling within the Parish over the conduct of a member of the Trusts staff, in relation to coning off part of the square. James wished to publicly apologise about this and takes full responsibility. He wishes to foster good relations with the Parish and by no means wishes to create any resentment or push any boundaries. The defibrillator on the bakery has been taken out of commission temporarily as the electricity in the box got damaged in the rain. This must be treated as a priority by the National Trust and The Parish Council to get it back in action.

6. PLAYGROUND REPORT: Cllr Dragon has inspected the playground. He has purchased some marine ply to repair the back rests of the seats on the leg press and as soon as the weather is fine he will bolt this on and remedy the problem. He noted we need to order a buffer for the leg press. The Council suggested that we need to appoint a lead Councillor in the playground committee to ensure tasks get completed. This can be done when committees are nominated in May 2019. Action: Clerk to order buffer.



Action: Cllr Dragon to repair the leg press and to please mention tightening bolts on the roundabout to Cllr Grinsted.


8.a James Gould was to confirm details of the strategy for the clearance at Scotland Heath, this will be addressed at the next meeting. 8.b A Clerk has put a request in the Corfe Valley News re. Nominations for Volunteer of the Year. There has been no response to date. 8.c The Clerk has reported to Council on the Government budget pledge regarding funding the Air Ambulance and this will be discussed at the January meeting when considering annual grants. 8.d Jubilee Gardens. Cllr Brooks has liaised with DCC Highways. She reported that the land currently used as a right of way belongs to the bungalow, but there are private rights of way over it. We have no way of finding out what those rights of way are. 8.e The Clerk reported that further to the Council’s decision to Object to planning Application No: 6/2018/0543 (formally resolved in minute 61/18 11c ‘The Council discussed this application and resolved to OBJECT on the basis there was insufficient detail in the plans to ascertain the exact proposals for the first floor accommodation. They also objected to the proposed metal staircase as it is out of keeping within the AONB’), the planning committee had resolved outside of the Council meeting to submit a decision of No Objection. The Planning Committee did this after seeing photographs which were produced after the meeting which showed the presence of roof lights in the structure and a statement in the file noting that although the AONB had declined to comment, the application stated that the stairway would only be visible from the road and would not impact the AONB. Cllr Dragon brought to the Councils attention the fact that this information was not new, had the Planning Committee visited the site they would have seen that the roof lights had always been there, therefore this was not additional information, neither was the AONB statement . Cllr Dragon wanted it recorded that he strongly objected to the Planning Committee’s decision to change the minuted decision of the Council, he observed that it was recorded by the Clerk that the ‘Council’ had changed their decision and this was not the case it was in fact the Planning Committee independently, who have no authority to do so. The Chairman agreed that in this instance procedure and standing orders had not been followed, the Planning Committee do not have the power to overturn a decision without approval from the Council and this should never be repeated. It was concluded that in light of further information the Planning Committee incorrectly concluded that No Objection was appropriate.

9. TO FORMALISE RESPONSE TO THE GOVERNMENT CALL FOR EVIDENCE ON AONB’S AND NATIONAL PARKS: Cllr Clarke has circulated a provisional response to submit which the Council approved. The response paper does not object to National Parks on principle but states that they need to be democratically accountable and that there is a democratic deficit in the current arrangement, as had been highlighted during Richards’s presentation in the first part of the meeting. The Council wish the Clerk to submit Cllr Clarke’s paper as a response. 10. WEST STREET TOILETS AND CAR PARKING SPACES: The Council have received the Heads of terms. It was noted that there is no provision in the heads of terms for access and this would need to be noted. A further recorded problem with the Heads of Terms is that in the ‘Buyers Covenants’, residents parking spaces is stipulated, this should read reserved parking spaces.



Cllr Dragon asked the Council to consider the stability of the income; if parking arrangements were to change in the village might the Council lose subscriptions to the parking spaces? He also asked what if more residents took spaces, as opposed to Second home owners who pay a higher rate, thus the income would drop. He personally was not happy with the suggestion a resident would not be offered a space in favour of a second home owner. The Council agreed that they would have to adopt a model whereby 12 spaces would be let to second home owners at a higher rate of £700, and 10 to residents at a lower rate of £430, residents could pay the higher rate for a second home space if this was the only available vacancy. The Council resolved to come to this solution so that they did not have to find the income to fund the toilets from other means, such as raising the precept. Cllr Dragon suggested that any potential shortfall should not be found from parishioners but from businesses who could be approached, an issue raised at previous meetings. This is not set in stone and in light of experience the Council may find it can adjust the ratio of residents and second home owner spaces. The Clerk reported she had looked into the cost of legal advice and having sought three quotes had been quoted £750+ VAT by a local solicitor. The cost of signage was raised. The Council were confident for a relatively low cost they could put a sign in each space, possibly noting who it is rented to, which could aid enforcement. Several points were highlighted to address;  The Map issued by Council is incorrect and needs double checking to ensure the correct spaces are shown.  The heads of terms need to be modified as noted to include a reference to access and to stipulate ‘reserved spaces’.  In ‘other terms A’ The term ‘without incumbrances’ needs investigation to ensure it does not prove to be problematic in the future. For example the creation of a right of way over the car park or the noted buyers covenant- is this an incumbrance in itself?  It must be noted that whilst only the second homes parking spaces will increase in price in the first year, from £645 to £700, in subsequent years the residents parking will increase by the retail price index as a matter of course year on year.  Cllr Spinney noted that each year he has to object PDC who each year invoice a resident for a second home space. He wanted the Council to be aware this may be an issue.

Resolved: It was proposed by Cllr Clarke that the Council proceed with the process of the transfer of Toilets and Car-Parking spaces and will consider this with reference to their budget setting in Agenda Item 11. This was seconded by Councillor Haywood and the Council voted in favour with four in favour and two against. Cllr Dragon voted against the proposal.

Resolved: It was proposed by Cllr Clarke to authorise expenditure on legal advice by the Clerk, up to a value of £1000. This was seconded by Cllr Morrison-Wells. Cllr Dragon abstained from voting and the rest of the Council voted in favour.




The Council considered the draft budget which had been circulated prior to the meeting. The budget was written in two parts. Part A) with no inclusion of the costs relating to the toilets and car parking spaces and Part B) with income and outgoings considered from the toilets and car parking spaces. Cllr Clarke summarised the main points of the budget. Cllr Spinney asked if we had adequate insurance cover for the Public Toilets and it was answered that this has been accounted for. The Youth Club was put into routine payments rather than spending from reserves. It has become an annual payment and the Youth Club are fulfilling the requirement asked of them to contribute to the running costs. The Neighbourhood planning reserve was closed as the Council have no intention to write a neighbourhood plan in the near future. There is a specific fund to cover possible additional costs to the council resulting from the Local Government reorganisation and this could address any unforeseen expenditure arising from the toilets. It was noted that we have not received any payment for the grass cutting. The Clerk is to follow this up. The Council considered paying the grants to the Dubber and the Corfe Valley News as Routine Payments as opposed to ‘annual grants’. It was decided this was an acceptable way to administer the payments and the Clerk will request invoices/receipts in the future.

Resolved; Proposed by Cllr Clarke to adopt Budget B and the suggested precept requirement, this was seconded by Cllr Haywood and all voted in favour.


12a. Item 1. 12/11 Frances Summers-Purbeck Local Plan Pre-submission Publication. The Council have not responded to the Local Plan Pre-Submission Publication. 12.b Item 3. 13/11 Ade Parvin Wytch Farm Oilfield Local Liaison Committee. Cllr Dru Drury attended this meeting and has provided a report for the Council which has been circulated. 12.c Item 4. 14/11 Emily Blake DAPTC -Falmouth Town Council Re-submitting Toilet Tax SCA Proposal To Government In 01/19. The Council wish to respond in favour of introducing the rate relief as soon as possible. 12.d Item 7. 15/11 Debbie Weller Info Re. Government Consultation on Business rate relief for second homes. The Council wish to respond to this consultation in favour of Second Homeowners paying Council Tax 12.e Item 12. 18/11 Cllr Haywood- Record of Drone sightings. This has been noted. 12.f Item 16. 22/11 Gavin Johns- The Council has been invited to join Purbeck Community Rail Partnership. This is something they would like to proceed with and Cllr Dru Drury will attend the next meeting in the New Year. Going forward Cllr Clarke would also like to attend meetings. 12.g Item 23. 29/11 Carol Mackay- re. suggested diversion of Footpath 34. Cllr Morrison-Wells raised a query regarding a locked gate but was reassured this was locked to prevent ponies from escaping. Once that was clarified the Council were happy to instruct the Clerk to respond to Carol noting that they are happy with the proposed diversion.




13.a Application No: 6/2018/0607. Mr Roderick Harris. 46-50 East Street Corfe Castle BH20 5EQ .Development: Demolition of garage, shed and garden wall in the cartilage of a grade II listed building No Objection 13.b Application No: 6/2018/0486. Mr Benjamin Diack. 89 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EE Development: Construct 2 new side dormers. No Objection 13.c Application No: 6/2018/0628. Miss Christine Newnham. The Town House, The Square, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EZ Development: Provide structural support to central chimney & repair & re-slate roof No Objection


1. Application No: 6/2018/0514. Mr Macelio Ferreira De Andrade.Corfe Castle Model Village, The Square, Obj A Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5HE Development: Erect a shed 2. Application No: 6/2018/0525 Mr Curtis. Bartholomews, The Square, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20

5EZ Development: External repairs to roof. Renew valley to front in lead. Replace 3 existing rooflights No Obj A

with 3 conservation rooflights.

3. Application No: 6/2018/0543. Mr Andrew Goodall. The Old Cart Shed, Woolgarston Farm, Woolgarston No Obj A Road, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5JD . Development: Erect external staircase to provide access to first floor. Install door in North elevation at first floor level.


Application No: 6/2018/0547. Mr & Mrs Christopher Campbell-Warner. Sandy Hills Farm, Sandy Hill Lane, No Obj A Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5JF. Development: Non material amendment to Planning Permission 6/2018/0057 (First floor extension on north elevation. Demolish part of existing store, extend store on south elevation & alterations to loggia. Excavate ground level & install oil tank. Construct detached garden store) to replace clay plain tiles on 5. garden store roof with cedar shingles

Application No: 6/2018/0572. Mr & Mrs Fitzgerald. Woolgarston Cottage, 1 Sandy Hill Lane, No Obj ND Woolgarston, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5JD Development: Changes to existing doors & windows in 6. rear lean to extension, insert new first floor landing window, replace flue in existing chimney stack and new clay pot. Internal alterations including replacement staircase. 7. No Obj ND Application No: 6/2018/0585. Mr & Mrs Fitzgerald. Woolgarston Cottage, 1 Sandy Hill Lane, 8 Woolgarston, Corfe Castle BH20 5JD Development: Change of use of outbuilding to holiday


No Obj CC Application No: 6/2018/0567 - Wytch Farm Power Generation Project 9 Application No: 6/2018/0568. Mr Stanley Carter. Location: 54 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 No Obj ND 10. 5EQ .Development: Demolish existing lean-to and erect a single storey rear extension.

Application No: 6/2018/0501. Mr & Mrs M Gould.19 Townsend Road, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 No Obj ND 11 5ET Development: Two storey rear extension



Application No: 6/2018/0522. Mrs Curtis. Bartholomews, The Square, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EZ No Obj ND Development: Replace 18 existing windows & 4 french doors 12 Application No: 6/2018/0513 Mr George Pitcher. Bankes Arms Hotel, 23 East Street, Corfe Castle,

Wareham, BH20 5ED. Retrospective - approval of openings between bedrooms on the first and second floors. Removal of existing stud walls and formation of 4 bathrooms for 8 letting rooms. No Obj A

Application No: 6/2018/0511. Mr and Mrs Anstey. 2 Ailwood Farm, Ailwood, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5JA . Development: Conversion of existing ancillary building into bedroom accommodation used in conjunction with the main residence

No Obj A



13.f. TREEWORKS APPLICATIONS GRANTED: Land to rear of 29 East Street adjacent to station entrance, Station Road, Corfe Castle (T1) Sycamore - fell and remove stump and roots - Corfe Castle Conservation Area


14a. To consider funding a sign to recognise the work of the Corfe Castle Gardening Club and donations made to improve the area surrounding the West Street Toilets. The Clerk has looked into a price to have a sign made in the same style as the NO Parking signs at Gods Acre. This would cost in the region of £10 + P+P. Are the Council happy to fund this? Yes they are.


1648 ALISON BURNETT Clerks pay and expenses 727.28 DD NEST Pension contribution 11.78 WAREHAM AND 1649 Gods Acre Refuse collection 60.00 PURBECK SKIP HIRE 1641 HMRC NATIONAL INSURANCE 9.48 DD BRITISH TELECOM Line rental and unlimited anytime calls and Broadband 41.11 Total £840.17

Paid In Interest 0.65 Youth Club 1000.00 Total monthly receipts £1000.65 The Council resolved to approve both sections a. and b. of the Financial matters, this was proposed by Cllr Clarke, Seconded by Cllr Haywood, all in favour.



Bank Balances - (as of 30 th November, no payments withdrawn with the exception of BT) Interest Bearing Account Cheque Account £49817.35 Total balance- £ 15337.33

15. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: Noted below are the reports circulated with comments;

Cllr Haywood -A meeting of the Gods Acre Trustees took place on Monday 26th November:

There was concern that the income from burials had dropped over the last 6 months and £5,000 had had to be withdrawn from the Savings Account. Burials are obviously the main source of revenue for the Cemetery although £160 is given annually by a few donors. The Chairman thanked the Parish Council for their grant of £700.

Some of the cremation plots in the older part of the cemetery are sinking. No real explanation was provided as to why this was happening although it was suggested that the varied weight of each plaque might be a cause. No one has complained. The meeting was reminded that each plot is separately owned. The grass is now slowly being trimmed back from all the cremation plots. A working party will be arranged in the Spring to go around each plot and trim all to a uniform size to enable the plots to be managed more easily and, hopefully, prevent any more sinkage.

New posts have been installed around the ’sheep field’ part of Gods Acre.

The lights outside the cemetery are still not working. The meeting wondered if the Parish Council could ask PDC when they were going to be replaced. It was recalled that Phil Mc Straw from Wareham & Purbeck District Council had had the lights installed originally.

No vandalism has been reported other than something nibbling on the roses on the wreaths. A finger was pointed at deer!

Cllr Dragon reported that PDC have suggested they will replace the lights in the bollards as an act of goodwill. Cllr Clarke asked did the Gods Acre Committee have a plan if it occurred that they had to deplete their reserves quite dramatically. The representatives reassured the Council they were nowhere near that position at present but would raise the suggestion with other trustees and think of sources of revenue.

Recorded report submitted by Cllr Dru Drury- local liaison committee meeting 5 December 2018 1. I attended the Perenco local liaison committee meeting yesterday evening the 5th of December. The briefing was given by Paul Duffy – Site Manager. Also present was Ade Parvin, who has effectively replaced Suzie Baverstock and conducts much of the environmental work.

2. They reported that there had been no serious injuries on site in the past year. There had however been six minor injuries, involving tripping, bicycles and doors.

3. Production has exceeded their target over the whole year. However they are now net importers of gas as they are not producing enough for the needs of the site



4. They have been continuing well maintenance in order to extend the life of the field. They have also been taking measures to reduce noise levels particularly around the gathering station.

5. There is ongoing tree felling around the gathering station, however a screen will be retained to help hide the installation. Where tree felling has occurred livestock is now grazing to clear the bracken etc.

6. The restored area at Furzebrook is re-establishing well back to heathland.

7. They have an onshore Seismiclicense which will operate throughout next year. This is part of continued exploration and surveying which will be conducted between now and 2021. They are currently approaching landowners to obtain permission to do Seismic operations on their land. Perenco are only doing these operations on land and not at sea. It is mainly in the and Steeple area. Other companies will be doing exploration at sea.

8. Vibe buggies about the size of a small van will be seen around the area. These emit a Seismic Ultrasound signal which is received by sensors placed in the ground in order to map the underground geology. The sound is generated by a small explosion. There will be 2 phases. 1. Phase one will be drilling holes during the first quarter of next year. 2. The second will perform the survey by setting off small explosions between September and November next year.

9. There was a brief on the power generation project which we considered for planning purposes at the last PC meeting. Work on this will start in the middle of next year.

10. They have made a donation to the Corfe Castle football club during the past year. This is in addition to the donations they have made in the past to the Village Hall.

11. 2019 plans. They plan to carry out continuing maintenance and inspections, to reduce the amount of gas flared from the gathering station, to review the options for drilling once the survey is complete and complete the power generation project.

12. They confirmed that they were in discussions with DCC about the lease of the railway sidings at Furzebrook.

13. Alison Turnock (AONB) gave a briefing on the Wytch Farm Landscape and Access Enhancement fund. She confirmed that the application for the Norden footpath and cycleway was currently under consideration.

The meeting was a useful update and confirmed Perenco as a successful, responsible and environmentally aware company.

The meeting closed at 9.21pm. The next Parish council meeting will be held on the 14th of January2018 in Corfe Castle Town Hall.
