CanCan thethe NSPNSP testtest bebe usedused forfor epidemiologicalepidemiological surveysurvey inin endemicendemic areaarea ??

HagaiHagai YadinYadin andand BorisBoris GelmanGelman FMD Laboratory Kimron Veterinary Institute,

1 ConclusionsConclusions 1:1:

InIn infectedinfected herdherd thethe prevalenceprevalence ofof positivepositive NSPNSP .1.1 maymay indicateindicate thethe raterate ofof exposureexposure eveneven withoutwithout clinicalclinical signs.signs.

InIn infectedinfected vaccinatedvaccinated herdherd thethe prevalenceprevalence ofof .2.2 positivepositive NSPNSP maymay indicateindicate thethe raterate ofof exposureexposure asas thethe raterate ofof unprotectedunprotected animals.animals.

2 ConclusionsConclusions 2:2: InIn infectedinfected unvaccinatedunvaccinated herdherd withwith .3.3 emergencyemergency vaccinationvaccination uponupon outbreakoutbreak thethe prevalenceprevalence ofof positivepositive NSPNSP indicateindicate thethe raterate ofof exposureexposure asas thethe successsuccess ofof thethe emergencyemergency vaccination.vaccination.

DoesDoes emergencyemergency vaccinationvaccination inin infectedinfected herdherd .4.4 reducereduce thethe raterate ofof virusvirus distributorsdistributors indicatedindicated byby thethe raterate ofof NSPNSP positives?positives?

3 ConclusionsConclusions 3:3:

5.5. TheThe prevalenceprevalence ofof positivepositive NSPNSP inin vaccinatedvaccinated healthhealthyy herdsherds inin infectedinfected areaarea maymay indicateindicate thethe raterate ofof exposureexposure /scattering/scattering withoutwithout clinicalclinical signs.signs.

6.6. TheThe prevalenceprevalence ofof positivepositive NSPNSP inin unvaccinatedunvaccinated healthyhealthy wildlifewildlife maymay indicateindicate penetrationpenetration ofof FMDFMD virusvirus intointo thethe area.area.

4 2.2. PrevalencePrevalence ofof NSPNSP antibodiesantibodies inin outbreakoutbreak area.area.

The FMD outbreaks of 2004, 2005 2006 and 2007 stimulate a • wide survey for detecting sub clinical exposure to FMDV by survey for the prevalence of NSP antibodies.

In 2008 Survey for FMD carriers in the 2007 outbreak areas. •

In 2006 - 2008 NSP survey of wildlife: gazelles and wild boars. •

1. In the northern border areas around the effected feedlot. •

2. In the southern quarantine stations •

5 2.2. PrevalencePrevalence ofof NSPNSP antibodiesantibodies inin outbreakoutbreak area.area.

Following the outbreak of FMD in the feedlot of • (1) close to the Lebanese a survey was conducted in healthy cattle livestock operations along this border. The work hypothesis was that FMD virus circulate in the border areas and attack cattle possessing only partial level of immunity. Those animals which got only one vaccination, 4 – 6 month before.

At the farms, blood samples were collected one month after • the outbreak, from 10 – 20 animals in the age of 8 - 12 month.

6 4 8 1 5 2 7 3 9 6 10

7 SummarySummary ofof northernnorthern NSPNSP surveysurvey

InIn thethe northernnorthern borderborder areasareas itit waswas shownshown thatthat •• NSPNSP antibodiesantibodies appearappear inin yearlingyearling calvescalves // heifer,heifer, inin 55 ofof thethe 1010 sampledsampled farms,farms, inin thethe rangerange ofof 2/122/12 toto 1/39,1/39, thisthis maymay indicateindicate virusvirus circulationcirculation inin thosethose areas.areas.

8 2.2 Survey of the southern quarantine stations

22 quarantinequarantine stationsstations •• Q1Q1 -- 4000,4000, 8m8m calves.calves. •• Q2Q2 –– 10,000,10,000, 6m6m –– 10m10m •• calves.calves. 2000,2000, 6m6m lambs.lambs.


Q1 9 PrevalencePrevalence ofof NSPNSP antibodiesantibodies onon northernnorthern border.border.

Nr. Farm Farm type Nr. tested Nr. NSP Positive

1. K. Snir Beef 39 1

2. K. Kfar Sold Beef 6 0

3. K. Lhavoth Habashan Beef 15 1

4. K. Beef 12 0

5. Beith Hilel Dairy 14 1

6. K. Amir Dairy 21 1

7. K. Dairy 17 0

8. K. Dairy 15 0

9. K. Malkiya Beef 15 0

10. K. Sassa Beef 12 2

10 ScreeningScreening forfor NSPNSP abab inin FMDFMD nonnon // wellwell vaccinatedvaccinated sheepsheep herdsherds afterafter 20042004 outbreak.outbreak.

Farm Clinical Sector Age No. Days NSP Ab - No. FMD Sick/ post Ceditest animals outbrea k

55 YesYes SheepSheep 6m6m –– 7m7m 5/805/80 3131 61/6461/64

IVIV NoNo DairyDairy 22 –– 85m85m 0/0/ 131131 5656 1/1311/131 sheepsheep

11 3.3. PrevalencePrevalence ofof NSPNSP antibodiesantibodies inin FMDFMD infectedinfected quarantinequarantine stations.stations.

Farm/ Qu . Station Type of Nr. Of Nr. Sera NSP pos. % pos. Animals Animals tested

Zofar Feedlot 10,000 467 98 20 calves

Zofar / for Ein Breeding 128 128 11 8.6 Hashofet heifers

Zofar Sheep 2,000 250 199 79.6 Eilot Feedlot 4,000 20 9 45 calves

Chai Bar Zoo Oryx, 57 0 Antelope

12 NSPNSP samplessamples fromfrom outbreakoutbreak herdsherds andand outbreakoutbreak areasareas -- 20072007

Reg Nr. NSP Nr. Survey time Location Disrict Breeed Checked pos.

537924 Outbreak Neoth Golan A Cow 1 1

537746 Outbreak Mevo -Hama A Calf feedlot 1 0

550820 Outbreak Givati D 4 Calf feedlot 20 2

577271 Outbreak area Ragar A 4 Calf feedlot 10 3

538224 Outbreak Netua A Goats 2 2

537747 outbreak area Zareith A Goats 2 2

538022 outbreak area Shtolha A 4 Goats 1 0

539337 Outbreak area Shthola A 4 Goats 8 2

577393 Outbreak area Ragar A 4 Sheep 9 1

13 ConclusionConclusion

InIn infectedinfected unvaccinatedunvaccinated herdherd withwith •• emergencyemergency vaccinationvaccination uponupon outbreakoutbreak thethe prevalenceprevalence ofof positivepositive NSPNSP indicateindicate thethe raterate ofof exposureexposure asas thethe successsuccess ofof thethe emergencyemergency vaccination.vaccination. InIn infectedinfected vaccinatedvaccinated herdherd thethe prevalenceprevalence ofof •• positivepositive NSPNSP maymay indicateindicate thethe raterate ofof exposureexposure asas thethe raterate ofof unprotectedunprotected animals.animals.

14 NSPNSP surveysurvey inin outbreakoutbreak areasareas 1m1m –– 1616 mm postpost outbreakoutbreak (carriers(carriers )) Nr. Reg. Nr. NSP Aim Nr. Time interval Location Region Breed Checked pos. Outbreak/NSP

survey 553126 3m Hamadiya Calf feedlot 18 0

Outbreak 576631 2w Snier A 1 Calf 2 2

survey 571702 11m Dan Cow 4 0

survey 577271 1m Ragar A 4 Calf feedlot 10 3

survey 578383 13m Beit Shearim Afula 4 Cow 10 0

survey 578382 16m Ifat Afula 4 Cow 10 0

survey 578053 13m Newe Ur Afula 4 Calves 10 0 Nazereth 4 survey 578384 13m Ilut Calves 11 1

survey 578635 13m Moledth B Afula 4 Calf feedlot 9 0

survey 578052 15m Ram, Heib B Afula 4 Calf feedlot 6 0

survey 578633 13m Beit Hashitha B Afula 4 Calf feedlot 11 0 Ramat survey 571956 9m Magshimim A 4 Calf feedlot 10 0

15 ConclusionsConclusions

TheThe prevalenceprevalence ofof positivepositive NSPNSP inin vaccinatedvaccinated •• healthyhealthy herdsherds inin infectedinfected areaarea maymay indicateindicate thethe raterate ofof exposureexposure withoutwithout clinicalclinical signs.signs.

DoesDoes emergencyemergency vaccinationvaccination inin infectedinfected herdherd •• reducereduce thethe raterate ofof virusvirus distributorsdistributors indicatedindicated byby thethe raterate ofof NSPNSP positivespositives

16 WildWild boarsboars surveysurvey

LebaneseLebanese borderborder -- 4/74/7 NSPNSP positivepositive ••

SyrianSyrian borderborder -- 6/66/6 NSPNSP positivepositive ••

JordanJordan borderborder -- 7/87/8 NSPNSP positivepositive ••

SurveySurvey gogo on.on.

17 NSPNSP surveysurvey inin wildwild boarsboars inin differentdifferent regionsregions

Reg Nr. Survey time Location Disrict Breeed Nr. Checked NSP pos.

538223 Outbreak area Mevo -Hama A Wildboars 6 6

554352 Outbreak area Bezet B Wild boars 1 1

571702 Outbreak area Ragar A Wild boars 4 0

574452 A Wild boars 12 0

572990 Bnaya A Wild boars 1 0

573837 Alony Habashan A Wild boars 5 0

578449 Amikam D Wild boars 1 0

579315 Amikam D Wild boars 4 0

579567 Outbreak area Dan, Ragar A Wild boars 7 0

584373 Givath Brener E Wild boars 1 0

584557 Gealya E Wild boars 1 0

589455 Outbreak area Merom Golan A Wild boars 1 0

589456 Outbreak area Eliad A Wild boars 1 0 18 NSPNSP SurveySurvey inin wildwild lifelife gazellesgazelles

Disric Nr. Reg Nr. Location t Animal Date Checked NSP pos. Oryx, 0 Chai Bar F Antelope 2006 57 0

1 578654 Afek D Gazelle Wildlife 25/2/08 1 0

2 577427 Zacharya D Gazelle Wildlife 7/12/07 1 0

3 577366 Ein Gedi E Ibex Wildlife 73/2/08 1 0

4 573479 Afek D Gazelle Wildlife 23/12/07 1 0

5 583750 Afek D Ibex Wildlife 6/5/08 1 0

6 585511 Lachish E Gazelle Wildlife 6/4/08 1 0

7 587111 Ein Gedi E Ibex Wildlife 7/1/08 6 0

8 587252 Afek D Gazelle Wildlife 7/1/08 1 0

9 587861 Lachish E Gazelle Wildlife 17/7/08 1 0

10 589294 Burgata E Gazelle Wildlife 17/8/08 1 0 Male 11 588223 Edomim E Gazelle Wildlife 27/8/08 1 0

19 ConclusionsConclusions

WellWell timedtimed andand wellwell organizedorganized NSPNSP surveysurvey ofof •• wildwild lifelife cancan indicateindicate // alarmalarm forfor FMDFMD penetration.penetration.

20 ThanksThanks forfor youryour attentionattention ••