Manual for ACRO Accreditation March 2016
American College of Radiation Oncology Manual for ACRO Accreditation March 2016 Powered by Patients First Our Focus is Radiation Oncology Safety! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACRO expresses its appreciation for the significant contribution and leadership of Jaroslaw Hepel, MD, FACRO, Chair of the ACRO Standards Committee, and ACRO Accreditation Medical Director, for his un- tiring efforts to bring this version of the Manual for ACRO Accreditation to publication. Thanks also go to Arve Gillette, MD, FACRO, ACRO Chancellor and a former President, and ACRO Ac- creditation Medical Director during 2011, who initiated most of the new procedures incorporated in the accreditation program when it was reintroduced after a board imposed administrative review for most of 2010. Appreciation also is expressed to Ralph Dobelbower, MD, FACRO, the founding medical director of ACRO Accreditation; Gregg Cotter, MD, FACRO, medical director after Dr. Dobelbower; and Ishmael Parsai, PhD, FACRO, physics chairman for many years; for their collective leadership in building the accreditation program from its inception in 1995. In addition, appreciation is expressed for ongoing support and commitment to the accreditation process to all the following ACRO members who have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the success of ACRO Accreditation: ACRO Executive Committee | Drs. James Welsh (President), Eduardo Fernandez (Vice President), William Rate (Secretary-Treasurer), and Arno Mundt (Chairman) ACRO Chancellors | Drs. Joanne Dragun, Gregg Franklin, Shane Hopkins, Sheila Rege, Charles Thomas, II, Harvey Wolkov, Catheryn Yashar, and Luther Brady (ex officio) ACRO Accreditation Disease Site Team Leaders | Dr. Jaroslaw Hepel (Breast Cancer); Drs. William Regine & Navesh Sharma (Gastrointestinal Cancer); Dr. Peter Orio III (Genitourinary Cancer); Dr.
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