Dean of College
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Dean of College The Weather e· <:In· Mostly flir through "'Ilht ~ La with no Importlnt temperltur. ~n· eMngt" High today 75. Friday', to outlook, mostly flir IIICI mild. OfI Medicine Here oi owan he Sermng the State Unlversity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Resigns Posi~ion Establilbed in 1881 Associated Press Leued Wire and Wirephoto United Press International Leased Wirea 5 Centa per Cop)' Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, April 19, 1962 Dr. Norman B. Nelson, dean o[ he had served Cor five years as surs College of Medicine and di· assistant dean of medicine at the rector of SUI Hospitals since 1953, University of California at Los has submitted his resignation to Angeles, and before that had been take a new position in CalUornia, associated with the Los Angeles president Hancher announced Wed· Department of Health. He has done nesday. considerable research in the study Nelson will become director o( o( epidemics, particularly the epi. u.s. Rekindles Man's Oldest Medical Institutions (or Santa demiology of polio. Clara County, with his office to be Nelson, 49, tarn.d his B.A. degree at the University of Calilomi. In 1934, his M.D .•t the University of Soutbtrn Calilornie in 1939, and muter's and doc· tor's ctqrel$ in public h.alth .t Harvard University in 1941 ..,d Dream: The En-d of arfare 1942. Commenting Wednesday on Nel· son's resignation, Hancher said : "The resignation of Dean Nel son brings to an end nearly a dec· ade of able leadership in the Col· SUI Freshman Charged Seeks Gradual lege of Medicine. Because of his background in public health, his experience as assistant dean at By' FBI in Arms Theft Shrinkage of UCLA, and his experience as dean of the School oC Medicine at the An SUI student Wednesday was way In Quadrangle Dormitory. American University of Beirut, he charged by the FB[ with theft of Police Judge Joy Honohan said brought to the College oC Medicine federal property in connectlon with a preliminary hearing on the grand World's Arms of this University an unusual un· the $1,420 burglary at the reserve larceny charge would be held soon . derstanding of the relation between training center here last Saturday It would determine it there is sur No Official Comment the basic and clinical sciences, be· morning. !icienl evidence to bring an indict From Russians on tween teaching and research, be The student, Aloysius G. Gmoser, ment against Gmoser. If he were tween tbe work oC the general A1, Hinsdale, DI., also was c~arged brought to trial, it wouid be held in Surprise Inspections NORMAN B. NELSON district court in Iowa City. Served Her. Since 1953 practitioner and the specialist, and by Iowa City police with grand between the proCession and the larceny a CI e r Gmoser admitted The investigation of the $5,542 CENEVA (UPI) - The located at San Jose, Hancher said. public. steating a television camera from theft at Benner's Towncrest super United States, in a "major ef His resignation will take eCfect "Dean Nelson and the Univer· the SUI Field House March 21. market has turned up no significant fort" to achieve a disarmament June 30. Gmos.r, 19, Is IMlng h.ld In leads or suspects, police report. The sity can take great pride in the safe-cracking job was believed to breakthrough, Wednesday in A natlv. Californian, Nelson remarkable achievements of the county jail In lieu of $1,000 bond on the grand larc.ny charge. He have been done by professionals. troduced a three.stage plan that ca .... e to SUI from B.irut, Leb· College of Medicine during his ad· would cut the world's arms by anon, h. had been serving ministration. Our best wishes for appeared In Pollc. Court Wed nllday. nearly two thirds in six years and a. medical dean at the American all success and happiness go with replace national armies by a Unit University of Beirut. him and his wife and family as The federal charge constitutes Believe Spies ed Nations peace force. Prior to his appointment there they return to their native state." a felony and Gmoscr could be sen· tenced to more than one year in U.S. Ambassador Arthur Dean, federal prison. The FBI agent in May Return who presented the plan to the 17- charge said Gmoser probably will nat ion disarmament conference JFK Proclaims Peace be tried in United Stales District bere, said the American blueprint Court at Des Moines. He did not "truly beats the swords into pLough To England S h are s and realizes the oldest know when the trial would occur. , dream of man - the end of war Pol ice arrested Gmoser, who LONDON <UPIl - Scotland fare." In Feud with Big Steel lives at the Quadrangle Dormitory, Yard dramatically reopened an 11- aCter a tip from an unidentified per- year-old spy case Wednesday with P,..sidtnt Kennedy t 0 I d hi. WASHlNGTON (A'! - President managem.nt contract. thlt could son whl> became suspicious of his the announcement that British Washington n,wl conference that Kennedy proclaimed peace Wednes breed Inflation. the American disarmament plan behavior. turncoat diplomats Guy Burgess II "th. most comprehenslv. Ind day with big steel. Kennedy's main theme, however, Under questioning, Gmoser laid and Donald MacLean may be fiy· was one of barmony. he broke a window and dimlMd ing out of thcir Russian hideaway. specific serill If proposals the Placated by victory last week in United States or Iny oth.r coun his battle on price-boosting steel "Let me make it clear, n he Into the reserve c.t1ttr loclted on Tbe Yard's crack spy catcher, try htl ev.r made on dlurm. said in a prepared announcement, South Riv.rslde Drive. H. took Detective Superintendent George mint." manufacturers, Kennedy said there "that this administration harbors t.n .45 lIutomltic plc:tols, a .30 Smith, got warrants from Bow was no room for hostility or vindic· no ill will against any individual, calib.r carbine, a sniper.upe Street court to arrest them wben Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister tiveness. What's more, he told a any industry. corporation or seg· and llver.1 oth.r Items fronl the and if they should step on British Valerian A. Zorin refrained from ment of the American economy." armory. H. wrapped th.m in a soil. commenting inside the conCerence news conCerence, his Administra· room itself. Later he told news tion and leaders of industry "are "When a mistake has been re- Navy flag .nd took them to his A spokesman for British Eura- tracted and the public interest room. He had to make a second pe.n Airways (BEA) said Bur- men the American document does in basic agreement on Car more ob· preserved," he said, "nothing is trip to g.t .verythln,. H. Slid he ,.SI Ind MacLun w.r. IMII.ved not seem to contain much that Is jectives than we are in disagree to be gained from further public had been drinking h.avily_ to be aboard a Dutch KLM flight Into Mother's Arms new. ment." The detailed American plan WIIJ recriminations." He gave lio reason for the theft, that would reach Amsterd.m In Mrs. John F. Kennedy picks up h.r on.·year·old background. The Presid.nt .1Id his family flew Relaxed and chHrful - last Kennedy r.lected a charge that police said. tim. to milt a plane for London highlighted by an innovation call son, John Jr., upon leaving a helicopter at An· by helicopter from the White House to week he was tenll and irate - by his action he hed set the Friday night, he took most of the W.dnesday night. ing for a sampling, or spotcheck, to board a plane taklo9 them to Palm Beach, Fla., kennedy adopted "the spirit of pric. of sttti. Competition and loot and dumped it near Old Cap- The two men disappeared 11 Air Force bast in Washington, D.C. Wed· technique to be employed by the East.r week" in more ways than r.cognltlon of the public Interllt itol and then telephoned police and years ago carrying British and Am nesday. Th. Kenn.dy,· other child, Carolin., Is In for Elster VIIclltlon. - !WI Wirephoto International Disarmament Organ _. He professed that spirit In cut back the prlc., he said, and told them. erican secrets with them and ization to make sure all nations calling oH the trial of one dis were reducing their military es gruntled Army r.serv ist and or the power to fix prlcII and In a note left at the see n e, turned up in Moscow. wig .. is n.lther availabl. to, nor Gmoser said he had thrown a ba- Both had held important foreign tablishments as promised. dering anoth.r rel.ned from Captain Sentenced Traffic Crash Kills Second It called for the United St .... confinement. de.irable for, the Government. zaoka into the Iowa River between posts in the British diplomatic To 20 Years for • to give up B52 lircraft, Atl ••, Holding the price line creates the Iowa Avenue and Burlington service despite the fact they had Titan, Polarl, • n d Houncl·DOJ Their offenses, he said were a much better atmosphere, Ken· Street bridges. Police recovered it expressed Communist leanings. "more misguided than criminal in nedy said, for legislation, already Wednesday afternoon. Both had served in Washington and Giving Info to Reds 5 UI Student I n Two Days missile. In .xchange for the So- intent." passed by the House to allow in· they shared a drinking problem vl.ts giving up their Badger and During his news conference car di f · .