y..'-^j "* j 'T i*l .' • "^<*'f lT' orrioHm. nm NO- * HAT 1«M COITION a«* OIK. wo. HO. t> UNITED STATE. GOVERNMENT Memorandum I TO SAC, (56-156) DA-re:6/l2/68



\ t approximately 1:30 p.m., on 6/13^68. RT CHARD ALLEN KEKESENS . Public Relations Director, California Campaign X01\Senator\ROBERT F. KENNEDY, advised that he understands DICK LPgICK of KHJ-TV, Los Angeles, California, was a witness to the shooting of Senator ROBERT P. KENNEDY on 6/5/68. IEAD Contact DICK LUBICKJHJ-TV, Los Angeles, Ctlfornla, telephone numberHH|^|B and set UP Qn Interview relative to any lnTorniaT^n he may possess relating to the KENNEDY shooting.

b . FORM ttc- » ur iMt toman •S* BIN. "«O HO. 0 UNITED STATES RNMENT m Memorandum

:' SAC, LOS ANGELES ($6-156) DATE: 6/12/68

mo* : SAj


On 6/8/68, __„____ California, advised sbe had attehded^EIIot Junior High School with SIRHAN SIRHAN in Altadena, CaliiaBnift, in the 1959-1960 school year. Amoikg the student a (^^^fc who had attended class with SIRHAN was one]

;er was married and was residing at the following address, where sh©uld could be reached during the day:

LEADj__LQ5 ANGELES, ATM|^^^^fc Will intervii _ ^.-^^.^.rjor, any informatTonshs may have concerning the jackgrdund or activities of SIRHAN, and also determine if she attended high school or college with SIRHAN. FD-36 (R*v. 5-22-9<) i fO

FBI Date; 6/10/68

Transmit the following In (Type in plaintext or code) ylg AIRTEl {Priority)


[68, jemploye f. fvised SA ••Iat press reports SIRHAN SIRHA'H ha een employed at one time by the ftex EilswortK-.mseh Tennnv In Southern California. about two years working at uei Har Race Track, he learned that been affiliated with some radical group, be Me 7! the Peace and Freedom Party'of Phoenix. Arizona, and that! had attended a convention of this group "at Chicago that y\ and had also passed out literature of the organization around Del Mar. stated he was reporting this due to the possibility have had some Influence on SIRHAN's political

1s now a trainer of horses running at Hollywood/)^ Park. nfnrm»tinn reported by not be give^^^flyracing or union personnel, since he was concerned that the fact he had made a report to FBI might jeopardize hfs job.

Approved: M Per crViaNM. roam no.» •uTtwcomoH 0 U* an. MO. to. r UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, Los Angeles (56=156-1*6) DATE: 6/12/68



.tgjtephonjcally contacted t •••• "arid advised thatJJIHH|HHHHHIHJ^who works at his company as a floor boyftacRffaK^naWie^Sas going to kill Kennedy. He said that subject was kind of "Kookie" and no Dne at the company liked him. He also said that the subject was late the date of the complaint. On 6/12/68, the subject came to the office and advised that some agents of the FBI were looking for him and he did not He was' interviewed and furnftahed the following information; £76 He said that he has been warfcing at the for 8 months as a floor boy, Which is mainly a j that most of the people who work there are women. He had an arguement with a copple of women about a month or so ago and they have been complaining to the boss about everything that he does, ffbey said that he was slow and lazy and did not want to work. He said that they made up things about him to tell tha boss. He advised that he quit his job on June $, 1968, and at the present time is looking for another {Job. He does not speak very good English, therefore it is hard for him to get a good job.

9t flWtoTl NV"^****""'1'" •"-- "' 0 0

He stated that he does not like politics and has nwver been a member af any organization. He said that he liked I the Kennedys and did not see why anyone would kill them. He said that he had never heard of Sirhan before the assaaination offc Robert Kennedy, and he fcnows of no one who would wiah to assanate any person* He furnisfebd the following description of himself:

Name AGE; DOB: FOB: Date Height: 5r Weight: Scars:

Phone: Under name of the above apartment house Build: slender Complexion: Medium Hair: Black, long Eyes: Brown Appearance:


Hew York, yew York information x urnUhed the "foiled received

ew Yorx. fiead v and associated tog City to go to Collfo hat h but naa receWed

Republl a conse state o it pro-Nazt and anti-Jewieh. Iked to associate with Latin-

- Hew York* Kew York

Thl( 4«eiHR*nt cvnfalni ««fNi«r It MIS' If* c#M*n»f •» M*I «• b* 0


especially Arabic individuals.

••^•kk Arabic and other language!. ./•. as a Oerman^W^tnnSmerTcan. tie stated that! made frequent trips to Germany, but he did not \3C purpose of these trips. erved a small revolver In . arted for California, e of weapon It was. fthat one of abits was betting oh the horse races and his ma soaeday have political power* . tion was to Iwae a neurotic "isturbed. fie idvised hica that he had psychiatric help ;d boarding schod.

___^^__ was won accompany, located in the Los Angeles, California area, that manufactured and sold automatic telephone answering

. devices. . •-..,... . •. ?\.. •-. • ,.: ... . , ..- ,

residing in thS Westwooa section, near area of Bollywood, California. vjprked for •^^ _ Ave York, Hew York, when he resided In Ne tober 28, o

. *, -! t '• *• * •"»••• S?'-V~-«. •»

i ....

does not know if visited New York within the past elxoDnthf• : TfurnlBhed t|ie following descriptive Information regarding^gggHjg^ . ..- _' . Racei Vhite ..; Sex: Male / Height| Six feet one inch Weight i ..' 1 I85-19O pounds \ . Hairi - Brown, curly Eye,6: Blue Coa^lexion: Light Age: 25 Scars: Parents I

v-,-J -til m '.•• '•-.

..'•'.' ,>. »-

•. .i '

••• •'••...>,; •;«*. ;, . ;- .; -•'••• ' :- .•..- v^ .•;•..•:•••••.•:•, • ':.;.' 4-750 (Rev. 4-17-85) N ) < XXXXXX ~J XXXXXX XXXXXX


-I / Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

Deleted under exemptions) Q /*»- t D / // with no segregable material available for release to you.

Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request

1 I Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

• Document! originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of thisinformation following our consultation with the other agency(ies).

Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s):

f~l For your information:

\ The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: ^ j ft/)


PBI/DOJ FD-36 (^«». $.22-64) f\'

FB ( Date: 6/10/68

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) Via AIRTEL (Priority)


FROM: SAC, NEW YORK (44-1640)


Enclosed for LA are 4 copies of an FD 302 containing the results of an interview with which was furnished on a CONFIDENTIAL basis y~~ Also en |are copies of mem'o

This information is forwarded they will be aware of the background determine what action the_y wish to take as information fro iLos Angeles (Ends. 9) L-New York (47-10038) 1-New York (100-15229T) 1-New York

SEA??;;ED INDEXOLXA. L SET:Aii7m jj:a: 1968 NG

Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge t

SAC, Indianapolis June 10, 1968

Director, FBI


SeSFteletype of 6/7/68 entitled "Kensalt." Befereneed teletype advised that the San Francisco Police Department switchboard operator received a telephone call subsequently determined to have been nade in Vuncie, Indiana, threatening tbe life of the vlctlft. Indianapolis, inasmuch as this call constitutes * possible violation of the Federal Extortion Statute, present to the appropriate United States Attorney and advise Bureau and interested offices results, - Los Angeles • San Francisco ormXAu now MO « HAT IK] EDITION 0 O«« G(N, •». MS. B UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO : SAC (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68

FROM : Supervisor'

SUBJECT: KENSALT , Supervisor flHIBHlA&^ tlie Bureau telephonj contacted this office on 6/12/68 at 5:01 A.M. advised that the Bureau desired that persons ra&ITfclone< Miami teletype, 6/11/68, 7:3£PM (Miami time) be promptly id thoroughly interviewed, and that the Bureau be advised, Ldvised that the teletype concerned 5 Cubans ro have seen SIRHAN SIRHAN at a Peace meeting on 5/21/68.

f- f

SERIALIZED JUN1 11968 ANGtLES orrMNiw. raw no. m ^ ^*» MAT Ml COITION •w O«M. we. MO. f> UNITED STATES A VERNMENT Memorandum TO SAC,LOS ANGELES : DATE: 6/11/68

FROM : S A |

SUBJECT: KENS ALT On r advised some type City College(PCC)1

#•• •* *, advised him laat night that in Auguai attempted to enpoll at PCC but he refused to complete amjlication. SERHAN caused a disturbance at the time anc HHHHKras called to handle the situation* SERHAN demanded adm^fflKm without filling out an application and was very hard todaa^^j^h^^^^^^ ^HBH^I^IH^B wanted to make this a matter of record to show how SERHAN rebelled against authority.


:• -' • "-i


JUN13 1968T «•* oat. nu. NO. v ftt UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE:: 6A3/58



:RS OP KKWWEDY PART* Bureau adjrlBed this phase should be aggressively pursued as It Is of utr^ost importance. It is also necessary to determine if there had been last minute changes following Senator KENKEDY*s victory speech or just prior thereto, which resulted in his proceeding to the Colonial Room for purpose of press conference rather than to the Ambassador Ballroom, If a change did occur, attempt to determine who made the change, why the change was made and to what it was made. The W. ton Field Office advised that one JIM DUNN, Hollywood, California, was a member o; cial party in Los Angeles. LEADS LOS

AT NORTH HOLLYWOODM CALIFORNIA. Interview JIM in accordance with the above.

. r<

*m OPTIONAL RltM NO I* WV IH (BmOH as* an. mo. NO. 17 0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGEIES (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68



On 6/12/68, Mr.[THEOI Los Angeles, telephonel^mpH^was interviewee y^er regarding the appearance or SIKHAN BISHARA SIRHAN at a meeting of the "Ancient rustical Order Rosae Crucis" (AMORC), of which he is Master of the Chapter. STEVENS advised that on the evening of 5/28/68, an individual he positively identified as SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN appeared at the Pasadena Chapter at approximately 7:30 p.m., attended the meeting and departed shortly after;^:OO T».m. STEVENS disclosed that although he personally did not have verbal contact with SIRHAN, several other members may have. iiTC STEVENS advised that he would immediately begin compiling a list of members who would have been present on the evening in question and this list will be available to the FBI after 7:30 p.m., on 6/13/68. STEVENS requested that he be contacted in the evening hours at his home. FT) 302 to follow. IE AD LOS ANGELES AT LOS ANGEIES, CALIFORNIA: Will, after 7:30 p.m., 6/13/68, obtain names of members present at AMORC meeting and if deemed advisable, have them Interviewed. •!?• -

'••••.•.••. • " • • . •"".'' ^' ' •'• Froai Director, 181 -.'';; '••-"•• KENSALT ' -/•;:---'V;-V.:'".',;" v '-./''-' ^";-'l ^i; X *'-: ".>-' V~" "/-•" -;." - •

^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ly endeavor to locate and reintervlev |H^BHHsWR •n7C and todesgvib«indetttil the communist literature observed by IVHHHHHHHIIHk^P00* Also ascertain residence ftddres^utTTTze^oy^BB^ in California and period of 'St" -..". residence In tn« LosAngelea vicinity* • , -• ^ ; v Los Angeles con^c^loglcal sources and endeavor fy or disprovefm^Bppiaisa of nonbersblp In the OnreceTpt of photograph from Cincinnati, RSuJ^TSlely conduct appropriate lnveatlgation to determine vbetber individual described b ldontical vittt or a relative of Sirban B.

I - WFO ' .' ;-. -•..-.. " • .. '-••" ••••• • :'

-•*• **

* .'/•-•

•*' •' '.. \ *•' ' M*T IM EDITION SS* SIM. KCQ. HO- a o J) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum 6/12/68 TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE:



FREDERICK fiAEDEKER,. Beach, California and his da were both Interviewed by SAf_ at Newport Beach, California, TURRELL advised SA^HH^Vbhat she and her father were it KENNEDY headquarters at the Ambassador Hotel the night KENNEDY was shot and that she heard an individual say, "I am going to get him.", apparently prior to the time Senator KENNEDY was shot. V '•" TURRELL was watching the g^ftN TRORHAM and flA^TA •JoLE. show* Tempo T~ -at noon on 6/5/00 and she observed the individual that made the statement,vat the KENNEDY rally. PD 302s have been dictated re the foregoing. LEADS Contact appropriate officials\of STAN BORHAM and MARIA COLE show and ascertain identities! of guests. (2) Consider obtaining tape of]the show for \ display to TURRELL. \


JUN1 2»9W 56-156 MEMO

TO: SAC 56-156 6/12/68



advised today Mr. EDDIE DREW, Cleric of Courts, USDC, told him today his son RICHARD DREW, a photographer for Pasadena-Independent newspaper, phone •feM Httf 6&Mp&tl"(Photo Lab), took pictures of victim KENNEDY during assassination and as yet has not been interviewed by FBI* tAS ANOTHER SON WHOl

- /"/?' <•> /J SEARCHED moweo SERIAL^ED

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/12/68



On 6/5/68, a complete examination of a 195>6 De Soto, ^ California license JWS 093f which' wad registered to SIRHAN B. SIRHAN, 696 East Howard StreeS, Pasadena, California, was conducted by the Los Angeles Police Department pursuant to a local search warrant. \ r Examination of the vehicle revealed two spent .22 caliber projectals, which were found on the top of the front seat on the passenger side of the vehicle. Also located was a "business card on the floor in the rear of the passenger seat which revealed the name of "Lock, Stock and Barrel , a hunting and fishing equipment store, 8972 Eafst Huntington Drive, San Gabriel, California. In addition', a search of the glove compartment of the above described vehicle revealed one empty box of CCI Mini-Mag High Powered .22 Caliber Bullets and a sale receipt, No. 2372, from the "Lock, Stock and Barrel" company. The receipt reflected purchase of four boxes of .22 caliber bullets for a sum of $3-99, which was paid for in cash on f 6/1/68, LEADS LOS ANGELES AT SAN GABRIEL, CALIFORNIA. Will contact Lock; t Lo<;ff Stock and Barrel company re their knowledge of subjecsbject ^l and the amount and time at which SIRHAN made purchase. 6/10/68

•.--•.v. .;•••*• i

f IBS ;^-:.:;;::^:. SAC, UU3 TEGiS (G2-610)

veeide4 lfi Eooa 218 t> la that 1967 9 tfid work two or t hot«3« •• , •••• - - --• b© trss cociplotely unreliable and had to be relieved froa her of her inability to do the job* da very vivid Imagination nod ts sn "h getting « divorce co that eh y HUGITTS, lrho. vas very much la

i« no ^D aid©*1 to been used la connection with t! recalls no one having lived at the y resettled SIRUW 8IZ0IAK* So one uelag that or aioilar naoes has ever beea registered Into the hotel* So irv la being n^de into the natter reported bj

3 * Bureau - Xanra City (62-8651)(fitt) Angeles (56-156)(RM) 0 9


• v. > • .- • AJIIXBL AIB MAXI. v ;A- • - "V. :


On 6/10/68, "The Las Vegas Sun** newspaper, a Las Vegas dally morning newspaper, carled a lead article headed "Pastor Rotes Sirhan Vegas Vie It1*, The byline on the article is BALPfl POKALP, Sun Staff Writer. The article Is as followsi ,/*A fcuabling, apparently tranquilized Sirhan Bishar* SirKan disrupted a Las Vegas Methodist service three weeks ago, a church pastor said last night. The accused assassin of Sen. Robert F» Kennedy, new in custody in Los Angeles pending a trial for murder and assault with Intent to kill, walked into the First Methodist Church £"> -J- of Las Yep;ag., ?31 South Third gfct fcnd annoyed Sunday . WorsatpperSj according to Pastor Rev\ Douglas A. Harrell. "During the service proper he made loud,ucLntelligible sounds,* Rev. Harrel said, *and complained to nearby congrega- tion members about sooe aoral issue while I was preaching my sermon.* "Barrell said that nbst of Slrhan*s words were" tumblings of some sort* "'Many tines, especially in Las Vegas, odd people happen into the church and try to disrupt things. If the ushers km think they are dangerous, they eject then. Birhsn was very tranquil, as if he sight have been und^r tto influence of ft depressant, so they decided to sllow hi* to remain.9 **Earrell said Sirhan seemed harmless. 'He was subdued, it seeded, and didn't look liko the type of pereo, was capable of horning anyone,* the minister said. / •H - Bureau (RH) SEARCHED lHO£XEn_J_ Los Angeles (56-156) (BH) V"" ' JUNUt he ] FBI —LOS ANGELES J

I. LT 61-6X0

:: > fit a coffee hour after the^ervlce. Blrhan came right op to ae» his face right up to aind, and introduced -:. . hlnself. He aiumbled and tried to say saa££ftlngf but X couldn't understand hi*. X asked hi* hot he liked Las Vegas, trying to be pleasant, X assumed he was a newcomer, fie again Buttered . something unintelligible.* / .... ^ . - ..% .'•-•., "ID the .crowds at the coffee hour, the sinister lost track of the accused slayer, *Ee amst have .decided to leave,' Earrell said. 'The next.time X saw him was on television - ' during the coverage of the Kennedy assassination.' * > ' "Be seeaed so subdued and Introverted the minister ; remarked, *He just didn't sees like the type of person who : could conalt such a foul act.*.* ffc *t~ A photograph of Rev, HARRELL accompanied the story

In the newspaper,: . ', , : On 6/10/68, Eev. HARRELL advised SA**Hlfe btc the above article is completely erroneous and contains nothing but aisquotes. Rev. HARKELL stated that BALPH DONALD was best nan at a wedding he performed oa 6/9/68, and that after the ceremony he and DONALD engaged in . a conversation concerning the KENNEDY assassination. During . the convereation the topic of odd people and "kooks" came up and DONALD remarked at the number of this type of people who visit the "Sun" newspaper office on a dally basis. Rev. EARRELL stated he told DONALD that a number of euch type people visit; . 0 0 Statement of Local Ministeg

On Sunday, Kay 26, a young nan dressed in a blue suit and wearing cloth shoes, seated near the rear of the Sanctuary proved to be a problem to those worshiping near him. He laughed and mumbled aloud during the entire U o'clock service. He was a jaoai disturbing influence to those seated near him and to ths Minister. Later, during coffee hour, be approschsd ths Minist* „• and £tter?pW •oo sngags in conversation, H3 wes so.Ct spoken and to Eev. #urrall

The young nan seemed very emotionally disturbed. It is no^t, uausual for troubled people to seek help at First Methodist Church;, which, being located J21 the center of the city, proves easily ac- cessible. On this particular day the Minister was unable to rele^ , to this •*"person because of illness. (He was admitted, himself, to

Sunrise Hospital at 12rl*0 that day.) In view of the tragedy which occurred last week and the des- cription of the suspect, there seeir^d to be a definite reserablancc. However, Rev. Harrell has made, nor makes, any positive assertion of an identification.

k ••

Ho furthtr inquiry im being ude into matter of the idontl fleet ion of 6IEH1N BIKHAN by lev. HARRELL. . . - * •:.'•&.*!•-•• -•

- 4 - --0——-

MiT IK) COITION •** OCM. w.a. HO. o - •. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT k Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES ( 56-156") DATE: 6/12/68



Re St. Louis teletype dated 6/6/6*8; Springfield teletype to Bureau dated 6/7/68j Cleveland teletype to Bureau dated 6/7/683 and Cleveland teletype to Bureau dated 6/8/68. On 6/10/68 at Li_ place of_fijmloymen\., •e he is emp] at which time he the following information: _ he came to the United States to live, pi ftving ffometo this country by himself. had An o] er brother o_resided at the t ime. ent to, g in the United resfc his He obtained a Job with and while employed by he i\*ring the same period of He attended

with him in the United States and lived with him for a period of time. His family would not agree to coming to the United States to live on a permanent basis unt.n'ha agreed to move to California where |iis brother/ tained Loymem with this firm since that came to the United 1967. brother ••••••IHPune to the United permanent residence in February, 1967. f-r SEARCHED. EXEO *£ft.\ JUN121958 o

LA 56-156

____^^__ he had resided at the following addresses while in the UrilTSd States. He named only the addresses where he resldedforaa^Jgngthoftime as he related that while a student at HIHHBflQ^IHHHBk ne nad numerous addresses due to his residing for a TTmewitn^Tnumber of other students, then if one moved out the expenses would be too great for those remaining. He said that later he would then get into an apartment with another group of students and the same thing would happen again. fills August, 1959 -July, i960 issunknown on| iree

Six or seven months

- September, 1964 He resided at the following addresses after arriving in California:

California until end of May, 1966

through December, 1966

- 2 - 0

LA 56-156

California January, sj.967 to present that his father, mother, sister, and all_reside with him and his wife w___ California. His m high "school. His brother,

ontinu id Tive at lifornia, until approximate k to his former e amiiy ai when the~escrow on t closed. As bes reca*-., en he returned as making residence on another brother ng w tated he has one other brother, ding the College e age ears of age df^^^^^^^^^^B as

^ [advised he nejjgrjmew another family In J^^JBM^^Jiiihu'ii Inil name wasflHlB^ho owned a supermarket or a chain of supermarkets. He said that he had never been in St. Louis, Missouri, except as he passed through enroute from Ohio to California, and most certainly was not in St. Louis, on 6/3/68. He said that on 6/3/68 he worked at his place of employment, 00 p.m. He went from his em at Los Angeles where he is examination. The profess _ He related that on 6/4/68 he took the day off •om wor oraer that h& could study for a final examination. The test w a from 6:00 to 9:00 >.m. The professor teac Is employed by leff at night. 0: advised he worked at his place of employment pT-y> p.m^wTiftp hfi left for classes at ' Re was in class from p.m.

- 3 - •o

LA 56-156 until 6:00 p.m. ^advised that both the above professors could account :or his whereaboutB on the nights of 6/3 and 4/68. related that his family was from Iraq, not at he had not been in Jordan the past summer as ad stated that he was. lelated that he was deeply grieved to learn bT^the assassination of Senator ROBERT P. KENNEDY. He felt particularly bad because of the admiration he held for him and secondly because the individual who assassinated Senator KENNEDY was from the . s described as follows: Name Race Caucasian Sex Male Age • 30 years age Height 5'9W Weight 170 lbs. Hair Brown, close cropped, touches of gray on the side Eyes Bj Occupation

Marital Status Residence Children

hat he was married after coming to the United States,

s not acquainted with anyone by the name of] OPTIONM. rtmn NO. • Hitnn IDITKW •«* OIK. HCS. Ha B 0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-I56) DATE:. 6A2/68



On 6/5/68," examination of a 1QS6 De^Soto\ . 2-doo bearing nfia iyy PnnP .TWTWSS nonogg, «KiKir h « g ^» SIBHAN B. SIRHAN, 696 East Howard Street, Pasadena, California, was conducted by the Los Angeles Police Department pursuant to a local search warrant. * Examination of the vehicle revealed the presence of a "" newspaper dated 6/5/68. During the interview of GAYMOARD MISTRI, a friend and former classmate of SIRHAN B. SIRHAW, on b/7/by, MISTRI advised that he purchased a copy of the Preview Edition of the "Los Angeles Times '-from a newspaper rack on the campus of , on the evening of 6/4/68. When SIRHAN stated he also wanted a newspaper, MISTRI told SIRHAN not to purchase a copy because all MISTRI wanted was the Classified Section. fit- MISTRI then took the Classified Section and gave the remainder to SIRHAN. LEADS Contact appropriate personnel at the "Los Angeles Times , Delivery Section, to determine the exact time that M the Preview Edition Is delivered at Pasadena CityTJollege.


(SEARCHED ummj^f.^ | SERIALIZED &HKD JUN 12195$ --J.OS ANtitLtS Complaint Form FD-71 (Re\, 10-26-65) 1 J

NOTE: Hand print names legibly; handwriting satisfactory for remaiader. d •Negative | | See below Subject's name and aliases Address of subject Character of case

X Complai Complainant's address and Complaint received telephone sumbei I I Personal O Telephonic

•rtSi Date

Race Sex Height Hair Build Birth date and Birthplace • Male Age Weight Eyes Complexion 1 • Female •!••= Scars, marks or other data

Facts of complaint




TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-] DATE: 6/12/68


SUBJECT: KENSALT On 6/11/68. MARVENE ^fQNES, a former ^newspaper reporter and currently volunteer\worfce] Senator Campaign was interviewed oy SA, at her residence. Miss JONES advised 1 _ of 6/4/68, she was in the Venetian Room at the Ambassador Hotel working on the RAFFERTY for Senator Committee. She advised that because she was maintaining an open telephone line to the Voters Registration Office in Los Angeles, she-was unable to leave her desk when it became apparent that Senator KENNEDY had been shot in the room across the lobby. c Miss JONES disclosed that approximately five to 15 minutes after Senator KENNEDY was shot, at some time after midnight, an unknown white male whom she described as a junior executive type, came in the vicinity of her desk and was engaged by- her in conversation regarding the shooting. She stated that this man told her, "KENNEDY'S been shot. I was'back there in that area. There was a man with a gun. He had helpers. They did not have guns but they were helping him. I tackled one of them. They (he indicated at this point some name which she can not at this time remember) got the gunman. There were 2 or 3 helpers." Miss JONES stated that due to the emergency situation a number of individuals attempted to use her telephone and as the crowd increased, she lost contact with the man in question. Miss JONES advised that she had never seen this individual before and could furnish no solution as to how he might be identified. f*s> 3C* te- The above information was discussed with Supervisor NOLAN and the following leads are set forth under his recommendation: LEADS (1) Will show all available photographs taken^at the Ambassador Hotel to Miss JONES. STIf- SEAR (2) Will show television films of Ambassador Hotel on the night in question to an effort to identify unknown male. FBI • Date: 6/12/6S

Transmit the following in in plaintext 01 code)

Via AIRTEL AIR HAIL (Priority)


'• , Los Angeles file 26 _ ITSMV, contains a description of Race Sex White Born Height Weight Hair Black Eyes Brown, wears glasses Complexion Dark ASN r On 6/ Los Angeles, Los Angeles, ?emensl of apartment 1 {llQi" records show he r ,r— — occupied this apartment Il/20/o7 - 1/8/68; however, he could have in another apartagn^Drior to that time. S a photograph of •••^B subject of the and she identified this as the individual who res -"* the apartment house as mentioned above.

2 - San Francisco 0 - Los Angeles


Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge K F B I Dote; 6/12/68 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) Vin AIRTEL AIR MAIL (Priority)


Enclosed for Pittsburgh and Miami are two photo- graphs each of SIRHAN SIRHAN.

^School District, Pasadena, advised tha who had SIRHAtf at Mui was attsndln TttsTurgn^Fennsy lvania, and could be through telephone

>'he. taught joB^rade^eriln to SIRHAN at MuS^TifhSchSo!^ had tr^^cj_^Q__£loxldjL-£a^^lJ3.^Q2£ia2i£r—3-9^5^.. her address \had Florida. LEAPS • PITT3BUFGH AT PITTSBURGH. PENNSYLVANIA; Will contact and interview |^BHHHKor any background rationalistic tendencies or otner information he might have concerning SIRHAN.

2 - Pittsburgh (Enc. 2) 2 - Miami (Enc. S) L-_ Los Angeles

Approved: Special Ajent in Charge 0 i a

IA 56-156 r.i ?. Ic} •'.it .'!

MIAMI i •<•,-.•.. AT FT. LAUD] RIDA: Will attempt to. locate and interview ^_^__^_ or any background nationalistic tendencies or other information she might have concerning SIRHAN.

- 2 - Complaint Form FD-71 (Bjev. 10-26-65) O NOTE: Hand print names legibly; handwriting satisfactory for remainder, lndlc«n • Negative 1 | See below Subject's name and aliases Address of subject Character of case

Complainant's address and Complaint received

• • Personal ^Telephonic


Race Sex Height Hail Build Birth date and Birthplace

Age Weight Eyes Complexion SI I | Female s Scars, marks or other data

Facts of complaint

C. seated,..the FB7 had tried to contact her re the Ki^TTT.iJIJV1 shootirg, C. also^sttted she had he- picture printed in the LIFE magazine shaking hands with XJiHiEDY. C. staged she is now scared because of the pictar C. feelc there is a conEpircey and she nijrht pet hurt* '. stated the FBI tried to contact her but her phone was out cf order. The phone is now connected and will be at her home until 12:oo noon this date. She will be at the Ambassador Hotel after three pra this date. omoMu. FOtat no- w NUT »U EDITION •M aoi. M.a. HO. » o UNITED STATES _OVERNMENT Memorandum




on 6/12/63 C ^^ed from M.ty May Issue of Life magazine dated 5/lO/bB on pa^e 'T+S and£ardin2 the disturlitncGS at Coluiibla Univ. in ^ew-.7oric City, ^e said one of the students in the picture closely resembled SIRHAN SIR-IAK, the individual who had kill' d Sert.RQBIlHT ?. I-TIT'DY. He also furnished a phtograph of SIRKAK vihich he also obtained f^om a currant issue of Life

• Attached is the photograph of SI3KAN along with the



.«H Si if;

| (Indicate page, name of

1-2 Los Angeles Times Was Los Angeles, Calif. s were shouting, 'Bobby's . ''Backed Up Against been shot! He's been sliot! Get* a doctor" lie's been shot;' Freezer, Fell-With •The shooting took place less than a minute after Sen. Kennedy Blood Pouring Out../ stepped off (lie stage at Ihe Embassy Roonv. He walked behind the stage Times reporter - photographer 'through a foyer and into a hotel Boris "Varo was standing,only three, feet from Sou. Kcbcrt IT: Kennedy kitchen corridor. when the shooting: tL>gan. Vavo's • 'He stopped to shake the hand of a exclusive photo^rapIf'Appears on busboy or a waiter who was wearing Page 3, Yt\vii:'Thfs is a while coat. ; 'He moved lo shako soni hand. Then the shots; ITcnorter Gil •I was ^stinig^4-c^.dy to take a Times rcpor'Jr ! Tan] picture u-Jien the gtifiman started reached the liuchin seconds «1 firing at point-blank range. Sen. the fliooiing. Thii\s h'a accoj] Dato: 6/6/68 Kennedy didn't have a chance. "I sawKcnnrkvsiuttiiMMfieflooi* : Preview 'Kennedy backed up against the Boris Yaro kitchen freezers as the gunman under (ho glare m a television li^lil,' his eyes glszcd, (he right side of his K.ic!c B. fired. He cringed and threw his 1 Ktixls up over his face. face bloodied. Titles • 'The gunman was a sliort, dark- . "There must have been 50 people IC3SALT complexioned man. He moved closer shouting and shoving in the narrow corridor. J toward the senator, holding a shc-rt- Choraetcr: barreled revolver. ' "About tight mqi, incj^vUnj the 'Three or four people grabbed jjjferVand Hnfer Cta••Ideation: I/A 5' Eome hotel v/aiters him. but by then it was too late. Submitting OKlco: LOS d the .suspect. They lifted him 'I turned and saw Sen. Kennedy onto n stainless steel kitchen tnble I | Belnij Invcsttgotrd lying 0:1 the floor. Blood seemed to and pinned him down. be pouring out of a wound in his 'Crier had him around tho waist, head or car. Je.uiing over him and crying and ';;' to Say Somclhinjr., .' moaning and cursing. - "it seemed as though, he was 'in his right hand Grier held a trying to fay something but you i snub-nosed revolver. It must UNG 1S68 couidn't hear him. ! baen a weapon taken from llie —LCS A\' Tim Eimmp.n was pinned ?£=• (he freezer *nd the gun • is hand. o

,'.' • 'Bystanders Cfrowtl Around1 te ( TfierT a group of bystanders .crowded in around Ihe table, yelling and cursing, TTwo or three of them beat on the suspect's head with their fists and pulled at his hair. But they "were restr^ed by others who shouted, •Don't EHLhim! Don't kill him!' • "Jesse UhnMh (Democratic Assem- bly Spcakorvsn anguished look on his lace, bounded over the kitchen, tables to spot where Kennedy lay and shouted, 'For God's sake, some- body get a doctor!1 , "As they waited for the ambu- lance, many people were crying. Others banged their fists on the steel tables, helpless with .grief and TT'- *°


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/12/68



According to news article by the "Los Angeles Times" Staff Writer BORIS YAROT another "Times" reporter, PAUL HOUftTQM. reached the ambassador kitchen seconds after the ROBERT F, KENNEDY shooting. If"ho* already accomplished, locate and interview ''PAUL HOUSTON. and interview BORIS YARO. Before contacts for interview purposes, SA to whom this lead is assigned should check index of first report and index cards in Nurse's Office to determine if these individuals have already been interviewed.

-suV fill-

JUN 1 2 19b1 ANGELES vtmu. K»tM m (• H*T til tDlTlOM is* etN. ng, HO. a 0 "" UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LA (56-156) DATE.: 6-10-68



Re call from! On 6-9-68 place of employamsnt, ___ She advised that ahe ha

;anrr Tney all Ju^^novadtheirresidsnce and sns Deiiaves they now live at fl^HMflH^H^Rn San Canyon near Pomona. She advisedWS^^n^^o^iot know SIRHAN SIRHAN and had, never met him. Sh9 said that about a month ago hsr^oy friend met her at the Hospital and she has introduced him in Riverside on previous* occasions. She exhibited his photo and ther.3 m^h^be^a^slieht resemblance to SIRHAN. Her boy friend is fHIJ^^^^^Hfl^( & distant cousin}. She advised that they are f rom^ersia^iffi^L s here temporaril brother and boyfriand are here under permenant viaa. resantly lives on ^•HHI^HHKojnona and could probably be through her 'oniona If naed be. is white, 'emale &orrT"^HB^^^^H~Feraia, 5'2"t 100 lbs., This was case of mistaken identity on part of

fe JUN 121968 FBI — 103 OPTIOMAL KKM MO. tt MAT uti temoN «»» on. wo. NO. t> •o UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-I56) DATE: 6/12/68



jV •!• Us is to advise that at 3:40 PM on 6/12/68, .STOUT* called and asked to speak with ASAC ROGGE. The writer took the call in the absence of thrf ASAC. STOU/ explained that he had previously talked to the ASAC con- cerning the FBI's possession of KENNEpr volunteer worlfers records, which according to STOUT the FBI had obtained i'rom KidMNKUX Lrters. neaa- c According to STOUT, ASAC ROGGE informed/him that the records were being photographed and would be returned. STOUT said he called KENNEDY Headquarters and they in/ormed him the records had not yet been returned to the offic/. He inquired as to when they would be returned. K STOUT was informed that he would be recontacted con- hlC cerning this matter. He furnished the telephone No. OLive 1-234-5 but said he would only be there a few minutes and would call back. writer checked with the Conference Room, and determined that some of the records had been returned. SA^B to whom the lead was assigned, was contacted by the writer. He said there was a voluminous amount of xeroxing to be done and while nine boxes containing records had been returned, there was a portion which would be furnished to the Headquarters on Thursday, 6/13/68. At 5:19 PM, STOUT called the office and spoke to the writer. He was informed that the records he inquired about would be returned tomorrow. The above is being submitted for record purposes.




TO : SAC, OKLAHOMA CITY (157-3) DATE: 6/23/64

PROM : SAC, DENVER (157-0)


On June 12, 1964, •••^••iH^^H Federal Correctional Institution^(FCI), Englewood, Colorado, made available a memorandum prepared by him on June 5, 1964, con- individual. In essence, this memorandum stated other inmates of the FCI had attempted to poison anotirer inmatethroughthexrce of mercury. This attempt was described by flHHHI^H^fc^ superficial, childish, and apparently relatTvei^har^^ss^^TheijMgl^whoTya^the victim of the attempt \vas^^^^^^^M^^^B^^^^BBMBk.from J> v young men who" had- been recruited m^mp^ostensibly into membership into She American, Nazi Party (ANP\ The othej

lemorandura pointed out that although the institution^n^^^^hort time, he had O for the ANP. flHHHHBhad consented to be a member but changed his mTnd and_>anted to defect. mK^——^^^—^—-———— *st be done away with. Consequently, mercurywas^sToIen f^om a blood pressure measuring dev^^a in the hospital and placed in milk that it was thought^B^^wvould drink; however J^HHl did not drink the mercury^H^|Bwas informed by otirer^Srriates of this and anoth^^^^±^w^^±^Ji^eli^|^drink mercury and a fight result £(JH^H^^H^^H^^|^^|^^^^B \ is interviewed f^^^^HH^H^^^Band stated he h?d come into contact with the Nazi Party ancf,GEOHGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL while living in California. HeVlaims to be.a dedicated, stpunch member and mysteriously hints at consider- able power and knowledge. He promised some of thevLnmates th?.t •i a flight of helicopters would land at the institutjJin_pn 1964, to free the members, of his group.

City (RM) v^^ l*ib' If^y ^NO^ SEARCHED SERIALIZED f

DN 157-0

^^^^^^^ subsequent talks •^••B he has concluded •^•••^ has possibly never hadanydirect con- tact with the ANJ? but he may be wrong in this assj He felt, however, thai^he FBI should be aware oJ his activity because (H^^is a glib, verbal youth and cou: possibly become activeinthis_organization upon his release from the FCI. He stated flHH^fehas definite paranoid and schizoid tendencies and couldeasuy become a fanatic and a rabid rabble-rouser. The following descriptive data was obtained from

Name Date of Birth Height Weight Build Hair Eyes Complexion FCI # Father

ired as a

The information set out above is being furni to the Oklahoma City Office as background material on ' in the event any information is received in the future' cerning possible involvement with the ANP. n- 0 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE


In Reply, Please Refer to San Francisco, California Fife A'o. June 11, 195 8


On June 9, 196 I of the Federal Bureau of Investigation: with California. LteLaVega"Ts a bellow Cab driver and made available a bronze-colored disc with a short wire attached which gave the impression of being some sort of fusing device for military ordnance, exact nature of which is unknown. This device had been discovered by DeLaVega on the floor of his cab immediately after he had left his fare at the San Francisco International'Airpqrt. 1 DeLaVega related the following circumstances: He was driving his cab on Saturday, June 1, 196 6, the day of the Robert F. Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy Debate on television. He was parked in front of the Hilton Hotel, San Francisco, at approximately 4:30 p.m., when a man giving him the impression of a businessman entered his cab. The man asked DeLaVega where he could locate a couple of girls who would like to help,him out by "putting Kennedy on". DeLaVega understood this to mean that the man was going to play a joke on Kennedy. The man said he wanted the girls to present some flowers to Kennedy.


This document contains neither recorraendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agencyj it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 0 0


DeLaVega drove the man to the vicinity of the University of San Francisco looking for a couple of girls and found none. DeLaVega suggested they might find someone in the Haight-Ashbury District of San Francisco. DeLaVega said the man seemed to be a complete stranger to San Francisco. He drove the fare to Stanyan and Haight Streets and picked up a white female juvenile, about 17 to 20 years old, medium build, long dark hair, vearing casual sports clothes. The girl agreed to present the flowers to Kennedy. They drove about a block more and located a white male juvenile, about .the same age, with a large German Shepherd dog. The mdle is described as 5 feet 8 inches tall, 125 to 130 pounds, wearing dark brown clothes. The male agreed to accompany them in presentation of the flowers. Both the girl and male were complete strangers to his fare.

>••' After picking up the two individuals at his fare's requesjt, they drove back to the Hilton Hotel to pick up the flowers, the man went into the hotel and after waiting some time returned to the cab with two green boxes of lon& stem yellow roses. He sat in the front seat with the driver while the other two were in the back with the do>. The -nan instructed that they drive to KGO television station where Senators Kennedy end McCarthy were to appear.

DeLaVega observed the man remove the flowers from the boxes and from a brown leather attache case he removed several of the same type of bronze-colored discs, possibly 10 or 12 all wired together with what appeared to be florist wire and wired this f*roup of discs co th* yellow rores. He repeated this with the other rosvs and another group of the discs. The metal discs had apparently been prepared ahead of time and each was wired with wirevrapped around the center of each disc, this beinp; separate fron the fine wire soldered to each disc. The man stated that these devices were "bugging devices" and indicated he was not sura but believed the fine wire was going to a telephone sone way and the disc fit into the telephone.

- 2 - o


The man gave each bunch of the roses to the girl and boy and instructed them to go to each entrance and give them to Kennedy. This was done so that if Kennedy missed one the other would be able to give him the flowers.

; DeLaVega said he drove to the television station, parked his cab on Polk Street and all three individuals left the cab and disappeared into the crowd about the time Senators Kennedy and McCarthy arrived. They were gone about 10 to 15 minutes. All three returned to the cab and the girl said she had personally given Kennedy her bunch of the roses. Disposition of the other bunch of the roses is unknown to DeLaVfrga. 'The girl said to the man that the discs were apparent to -persons in the crowd and several of the people in the crowd seeing the bouquet said "Hey, it's bugged". DeLaVega said the man seemed pleased that Kennedy had gotten the roses and he observed him pay each of the other two passengers five dollars plus some one dollar bills.

Some time during the cab ride the man had mentioned that McCarthy had gotten a similar bouquet in Los Angeles and he had come up here especially to present the flowers to Kennedy in San Francisco. After the flowers had been given, the man asked DeLaVega to take him to the San Francisco International Airport after he dropped off the other two. They drove back to the Haight-Ashbury District and the male with his dog got out. The female asked if he could drop her off at home in San Bruno inasmuch as they were going to the airport. DeLaVega said he took her home and believed he might possibly be able to locate the house again saying that it was in a group of tract homes. He is not sure and he did not record the address any place. He then drove the man to the San Francisco International Airport and believes he delivered him to the United Air Lines area. Cab fare was about $18, and the man gave him $35 and told him to keep the change. He described the unknown male fare as a white male American, about 50 years old, 5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighing 20 0 pounds, athletic build, o


heavy eyebrows, gray hair, balding or thinning on top, somewhat bushy and long like a hippie at the rear. He wore a full mustache, gray-white in color and gave the impression of being Irish-Danish in descent. He had a fair complexion and a roundish face and wore a watch but no rings. He had on a brown coffee-colored type suit and stated sometime 'during the ride that he was a salesman for Encyclopedia Britannica. There was no noticeable accent in his speech. The attache case he carried was of cowhide color and was a square-cornered case with a handle at the top and dividers and carried various papers as well as the metal discs. > On June 10, 1968, Hm^HH|BBB Sixth Amry Headquarters, Ordnance Section^Txplosive Disposal Program, Presidio of San Francisco, examined the metal disc and could not identify it as an explosive device or component of any explosive device. He examined the contents of the device and noted that the black powder contained therein was not an explosive material. On that same date the disc was examined by Special Agent, Army Intelligence, Presidio o >an trancisco and he could not identify it as any type of recording device with which he was familiar and did not,in fact, believe it to be a recording device. touting Slip 3 Date FD-4 (R.T. 4-18-67) To: PC • Director flTf

• Supv. • Agent • SE_ QIC — LA

• Steno • Oerk • Rotor #: ACTION DESIRED

["I Acknowledge • Open Case . Reaitign • Prepare lead cordt [3~1 Bring file • Prepare tickler • Coll •! • Return assignment card • Correct • Return file • Deodline . • Search and retvm • Deadline pasted ee Me [ | Delinquent Serial # [ | Discontinue • Post • Recharge • Return • Expedite • Send to new charge ovt | 1 For information • Submit report by • Handle • Type • Initial i return ( 1 Leodi need attention with explanation ornotation oi to action taken.

J Wl/68

AIRTSL -.".•.•'•;• . :;: AIR MAIL




for examination by the FBI Laboratory is a / ^ . i d a small 3 inch wirft_vhich at one tioe was attached to the disc. ..<"•'.' • ; . • ."•. '•• * . •' Enclosed for the Hure&u is the orifiral and three Copies of an LUM and for Los Anpeles four copies of the UiK sottinp, forth information concerninp the disc*

has been adviSOU ot this inJonriation and a copy of the LHM is being disseminated locally to the Secret Service and •fill- the San Francisco Police Departinent. : Utated that hqd contacted him conceffiil?^This ratter and he inforjne< to bring; DeLaVe^a and the device to his officeT 3 been advised that the device being forwarded to the FBI Laboratory.

j - • * #;:- &?•• - Bureau (Encs. 6)(RK)HF Los Anpeles (Cr.cs. *»r(RH) Francisco - .

...»<• J

ary Is requested to and the


*•' • i

i ' »•-; J

June 11, 1968

Airtel • •*•"*• - ~, '


/ Re Ke« Tork tel 6/10/68; Bur'eau telephone calls to Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Hew York this date,

v .Tbts will confirm ins tcnctionsis^ugd in referenced telephone call to New York that J|HHHHH|B^houl<] ** ad" vised that the decision concerningiuriusaTn^information on Ramistella to "Life" magazine Is for his/ to make and he should be thanked for advising us of this matter* ... . . L03 Angeles and Phoenix were Instructed in referenced calls to locate and interview Clevenger, Ityers, Hulon and Ra!aistella^^^^j^?hod according to information furnished by "Life" toH^^Pcre acquainted with subject Slrhan. '- Los Angeles - New York

•*& jo';; i is 195K/' 38- •o

June 6, 1968.


Because of the.Kennedy assissination, it might be wise to ltit

Arab. • •

listed in Knnbutttn teleph

*as supposed to have Eentioned th&t he has a EO^- In Cuba. / whether this is true or not ' is another story.


federal Bureau" of Invest!£ation Tfashlrgton, I). C.

ittnt UT, Hoover. Juna 11,

Toi SAC. Hew Yo < Angel director. KENSALT

Enclosed for New York and Los Angeles ore Xerox cqpie* of anonymous letter dated 6/6/68* bearing postmark 6/7/68, at YorX/ »en York* hew York ahould >roprlet« investigation concerning Keep Bureau an/ U>» Angsles advlaed of pertinent development** Endosurf/ 7 June 11, 1968

To: SACs,

Froa: Director, FBI(62-587) KENSAU o 0

Lit , Illinois 62056

June 6$ 1968

Walter Crphklto 9-. S. ilevtf SJZ? xom Dear Ilr, In watchlig your T.V\. News Report on Monday evening, Juno 3rd,/ fron 5*30 to 6;C0 P.II. Central Daylight Tine, I noticed en incident that hnppenod on tlio ccrccn, tnat h-ia not "boon- ;ncntio.iod In thin avful tragic of Dhootlng Rcberlrvp, Xbnnedy, I thou^Jit this CQIJ.U "be a lead as to other porcon.3 involved with the acc-sed. At tho tlr.o I n?.w it, it looked co,'thr.t it could prove EOi'-.cthir.g, in uaeo noao ono '.-.fntod to see Just how closo thoy could get to Eoiincdy. I vish it wao to to able to ceo this rc-rim i Th© sc:c:io T.T.O vith Hobert Kcnnocly ridl^ on tho opan flat-bsd platfoza of a true];. A person :;ho \rr\v. Btandi c,a tlio ^rour.4 at t*io e£c;<2 eg the truclc, ond v<;ry olooe to, r.iirjod his nrn, pointed it right r.t Kennedyt which !>.oofced like he hr>M s>.n object thf.t roccrbled an gut:, end caid ^BcCig™, Xerjiedy vao very startled for an cocond, and locked at this pc?rcon very ^loco, with a peculiar look, and had a disturbing doubtful exprennion h fuco. At this second, tho ca2Oi-*t;-^-an switched

I would appreciate it If you personally would check this film doc© to eoe if it doee prsva anything. This is on my iclnd very much, as I thought for a second, it vas for real. Thanking you in advance, I remain.

Yours truly.

I Fodoral Bureau of Invoeticntion. Ponn- Avo. at w.w o

Federal Bureau of Invostljration Perjicylvanie Ave. pt 9th lT, V T,fcphlnston, D. C.

r ». S--22-64)


Date: June 11, 1968 Transmit the following In (Type in plaintext or

Via Airtel (Priority)

: SAC, Los Angeles Froa: Director, FBI KENSALT

Enclosed herewith for Los Angeles is self-explanatory letter addressed to Walttfr Cronfrite, CBS News, dated 6/6/68 from Ls not identifiable in >6ureau files. Handle. Enclosure


Sent Via ••s

. Joae,7,L96$ Federal Bureau Of Investigation* Re: Kennedy Shooting Washington D.C. Gentlement T.V* ' '0 While Hatching Channel 12 (or IQ) in Phoenix Aria.

JY,_, Immediately after the shooting,a real talltallgty was focused on for quite awhile, in the exciting mob scene .Both my husband t and I remarked hov nervous and suspiciously he was acting* •?sr,A We even said,"They ought to grab that £$y,look hes getting awayi w* and no one noticed bim*Hfts eyes roamed from side to side .like like jafrald he nould be picked up or grabbed any minute* n On the other hand^eould this be the "tall^i^; looking for that gfa girl supposed to"rfln do^m back stairs? This oornlngs local EepubUo photo of the father is so so much like this g^-thai t ve wonder, could it be the fatherA .flovnT back fast to avoid being caugh$ (Private Planes) or an Uncle that was a helper or a relative? Paper pQoto so much Ulce him on T*?* The sane long skinny face,the seme eyes,sene mouth, same checkei suit,tall, and educated looking #Kun films,he stands out like light with fright for1* escape*

*3t>bi ... Just hope this looked, icerely sorry, o o UK. /ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ^S FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION

in Rtpty, Pleat* Rtftr Jo WASHINGTON. D.C. 20535 June 11, 1968

I have received your letter dated June 7, 1963, with, its enclosure. .a. v • Thank you for your observations in connection with the murder of Senator Robert F. "Kennedy. You may be assured that every possible investigative effort is being made in connection with this case. Sincerely yours,

John Edgar Hoover Director

. i 0-» IR«T. 1-32-64)


Date: June 11, 1968 Transmit the following In _ (Type in plaintext or code) Via Airtel (Priority}

SAC* Los Angeles Fron: Director, FBI KKNSALT

Snclosed herewii Angeles is a Xerox copy of ft letter from ^^^^I ^ Also enclosed Is a copy of the Bureau reply J!or/ y< nformation In captloned



Sent Via .M Per 0

FBI Date: June 11, 1968 Transmit tb« following in _ (Type in plaintext or code) via Airtel (Priority)

SAC, Los Angeles ron: Director, FBI KENSALT

News.releases reviewed by the Bureau indicate that Je^us Pegfez and Paul Grjgco are witnesses with first-hand information concerning captioned case. Perez may be an employee of the Ambassador Hotel and indicated to the news media that subject Slrtaan Bishara Slrhan asked him three or four tines if Kennedy would pass through the narrow passageway where Sirhan was standing Just prior to the shooting. Grieco was identified by the press as a senior at Woodbury College, who was in the Kennedy party in the immediate vicinity of the Senator at the time of the shooting. Senator Kennedy is supposed to* have asked "Is Paul alright" immediately following the ^shooting. . . "••..•'..•••. If not already done, Los Angeles should interview Perez and Grieco for any pertinent information they may fc-fi be able to furnish concerning this case.

Sent Via v, S-'2-6-S)

\ F Bl Date: 6/13/68

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) AIRTEL AIH MAIL Via • (Priority)


Re Washington Field tel to Director 6/13/68. Enclosed for the assistance of pertinent offices is'a photograph of SIRKAN BISHARA SIRHEN. 1 Washington Field as soon as possible submit to Los Angeles identities and addresses of members of official KBKK3DY party as provided by KEKN2DY headquarters, D. C. to avoid duplicate leads and interviews.

2 - Albany (End. l) (AM) 2 - Houston (End. 1) ('AM) 2 - New York (Snol% l) (AM) 2 - Salt Lake City (End. 1) 2 - Seattle (End. 1) (AM) Washington Field (End. 1) igeles


Approved: Sent _. M Per, Special Agent in Charge orriowki mm HO. • MAT IW EDITION ••A OIK. •(». Ma 0 J UNITED STATES Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES, <£6-l$6) DATE: 6/13/68


At 3:50 P.M., 6/13/68, RONALD T...BEJ01ET3EN1LE!3 J telephonically furn i she d the tfollowing info rmation: / BENNETT, known ^^^ a photographer for Vnited^-Prgsa International - _ T~^~~ f.?~a fng6*68* address "Olympic Boulevard, Suite I4.3O, "leiepfume ^7-7221. BENNETT stated that on the night Senator KENNEDY was shot at the Ambassador Hotel, BENNETT was several feet from KENNEDY when the shots were fired and dove for the floor at the same time that Senator KENNEDY was felled. He stated that he immediately started taking pictures and that all of the black and white TTPI photos published to date were taken by him. He said these photographs have all been forwarded to UPI, New York, and felt sure these would be made available to the FIJI upon request. BENNETT said that he would be readily., available for interview by the FBI if desired. ENNETT furnished his home telephone number as



TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68



Re Los Angeles memo of SA 5/10/68. £2j£wing investigation was conducted by t Pomona, California. On 6A3/68J Pomona1, a'clvise'd he could find no record n his records, however, they have a completed the Spring Quarter by the name of who formerly went to Pasadena City College tronics student. It would appear this al'is Identical with isted his address LEADS LOS ANGELES AT PASADENA. CALIFORNIA. Will interview po determine if identical with and determine degree of association of ^^_^____ SIRHAN SIRHAN and any additional information he maj to furnish.

SEARCHED .„ SCTtALfKD JUN 121968 FBI — LOS ANGfcUEB (H.T. 5-28-6

F B I Date: S/ll/68

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code)





——„_RED C — Sa" Francisco, advised that~~he was'in the Tudor Koom ol tne Sneraton-Wilshire Hotel the day before KENNEDY was assassinated and overheard the Negro bartender say that he had been asked to serve at the victory reception for Senator KENNEDY and added that he hoped he would not get'.shot at. CANNON ^could not further identify the bar- tender? and .thought nothing of the statement at the time, but is reporting it now since the assassination of KENNEDY. LOS ANGELES OFFICE

At the Shera^gfwWilshire Hotelf will locate and interview the Negro bartender concerning his statement.

Angeles San Francisco

Mm M41 3 196i

Approved: Sent .M Per Special Agent in Charge FD'36 (B«v. S-28-44! 0

FB I Dote: 6/12/68 Transmit the following In (Type in plaintext or code) yla AIRTEL (Priority)

SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) SAC, DALLAS (175-9)(P) KENSALT OO-LOS ANGELES Re Bureau teletype to all SACs dated 6/7/66. For information of Los Angeles, indices of Dallas Of fie and criminal records of major police departments in Dallas Division checked with negative results, for any information concerning SIRHAN under the alias GHATTAS.


os Angeles JUU10 1968 2-Dalias

Approved: Sent .M Per Special Agent in Charge On June Samaritan Hospital, made available**^ he Hospital of the Good Samaritan, Uedital Center, 1212 Shatto Street, Los Angles, California* The letter bore the return address

irfO The letter was^ostraarked March 29, 1968, at MfflQfflJM Modesto, California.

I The text of the letter was as follows* / ;

Sv STENO COET ATTACHED LETTER....letter to become a 1-a in case file.


sea s tuitw lomON •W »MH. HC0. ML Ml UNITED STATES RNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGE1ES (56-156) DATE: 6A0/68



a _^^^-M , ^ Angeles, Apartment •l^ptelephone number HHI^PHbelephonically ' contacted the writer on 6/10/68."™ She advised she had information concerning captioned case and requested that an agent contact her between 11:00 and 11:30 a.m. on 6/11/68. Nl V

SAC, £0S (56-156)

la connection, in this matter, Ag

results. ntacted "by "Agents at her residence. «as quest lone ^^^^^^^^^^___ _ she is enployed ••••^^•"as^fco whether or not SIHHAH B. SIRHAff had ever rreqUWted this bar* hlJ) After stating that he had not one said, "I don't know made over this, since both the fiU-_—_^_____-___ 3 a little unstable." She said they have flistaicen^anovherindividua l for SiKEAN and they are. trying to "play It up for business purposes•" She said. 'To show vou how unstable they are, when. I went to Itold EG that two FBI _ Tor E n"Tuesday, 6/11/68. He said tha the barmaid, shooting pool at ft pool table an on the table. One of the Agents tried to get the back room and sock it to her.

*>.•:." He said t! nts stayed around for awhile and were talking to and one of the Agents had a beer they were tl flHHHHw*&id* "Even I didn't believe that, and it Just goes to show you the stories that these two men are capable of telling*"


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6A3/68



MT INTERVIEWS OP MEMBERS OP ^FPlCII"KENNED? PAK'JY The Bureau advised this phase should be aggressively pprsued as It Is of utmost Importance. It Is also necessary to.determine if there have been last minute changes following Senator KENNEDY'S victory speech or Just prior thereto, which resulted in his proceeding to the Colonial Room for purpose of press conference rather than to the Ambassador Ballroom, If a change did occur, attempt to determine who made the change, why the change was made and to what it was made. The Leld_Qffice has advised that one BILL HARNESS, Los Angeles, California was a^membe'r of the Senator's official party in Los Angeles, LEADS LOS ANGELES AT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Interview BILL MANNESS in accordance with the above, " » • •— \ booipiaiftt Form FD-71 (Rev. 10-26-65)

NOTE: Hand print names legibly; handwriting satisfactory forremainder . lnjlc»; 1 | Negative | |See below Subject'* name and aliases f subjecl Character of case


Complainant's address and Complaint received number | I Personal

protect Identity Date 6-13-68TifB, 3/3J?pm

Race Sex Height Hair Build Birth date and Birthplace • Male ."I Age Weight Eye. Complexion I • Female. Scars, marks 01 other data Subject

Facts of complaint

. C» seated she had overheard fll^^^^^|^H||B[^| state1' Turk said if fpf^h \nn*t oat, KSttlEDY ??i]L^^W8^ge^Sff^Subject had said this last Saterday. At first tho C. did not want to tell the wriver who the subject was, tut when toldheridantit-j would be protected she stated the subject was•HHH^HfA C. stated she did not know- if the above means anythin^ou^xwiad boen woi-rying


Action Recommended


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6A3/68



Lt'.' MANUEL S. PENA^ who Is In charge of the • new Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) group investigating the KENNEDY assassination, advised on 6/13/68, that he desires everything the FBI has which might be pertinent to the trial of SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN. In particular, Lt. PENA, wants statements of people interviewed at the Ambassador Hotel of people placed at the crime scene. He also desires statements of interviews of people of the KENNEDY party. He requested that the LAPD be given the results of any foreign investigation on the background of subject SIRHAN and his family, particularly anything suggesting or eliiBinatiing possible political conspiracy and anything fiU* of a local nature supporting or eliminating any Intra United States or local conspiracy. Lt. PENA advised that It is necessary for him to know whether this information is forthcoming from the FBI or whether the LAPD will have to make its dh arrangements to obtain same. Lt. PENA further advised that there would be no distribution of LAPD material until he personally had a chance to review this material.


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE.: 6/12/68


SUBJECT: KENSALT v At approximately 1:30 p.m., on 6/12/68, RICHARD ALLFN KLIEN, Public Relations Director, California uampaigift r&f Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY, advised that JUDY ROYER, a KENNEDY campaign worker, was in the pussagfeWay behind the atage of the Embassy Room at ?••• '• the. Ambassador Hotel vc the night Senator KENNEDY waia shot, RICHARD KLIEN stated that he understands JUDY ROYER Relieves she saw SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN in that passageway prior to the shooting. JUDY ROYER is employed by former California Governor PAT BROWN during the day and can be contacted at telephone number 278-1960 to set up an interview,


Contact JUDY ROYER at telephone number 278-1960 and set up an interview relative to any information fill- she may possess relating to SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN.


TO SAC,' LOS AKQELES (56-136) DATE: 6/13/68



The Bureau advised this phase should be aggressively pursued as it is of utmost importance. It is also necessary to determine if there had been last minute changes following Senator KENNEDY'S victory speech or Just prior thereto, which resulted in his proceeding to the Colonial Room for purpose of press conference rather than to the Ambassador Ballroom. If a change did occur, attempt to determine who made the change, why the change-.nras made and to what It was made*

plans fallowing theseni^o^M^vlcToryspeech were for the Senator to .leave the Embassy Room through the curtains at the rear/turn left and go down stairs via the stairway to the Ambassador Ballroom, Mr. MINASIAN stated that at the last minute plans changed to take Senator KENNEDY and his party to the Colonial Room which was the working press room. i MINASIAN resides at _ Burbank, California and employed in the catering department at the Ambassador Hotel where he has been so employed for approximately five years. LEADS . LOS ANGELES AT BURBANK OR LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA. Interview MINASIAN and determine source of his knowledge as to the "origTnaT plans for the Senator following his speech, from whom he had heard there was a change in plans and who may made them. k* ««Y 1M1 (D>TION ••A su. nee, NO. a 0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum




Miscellaneous Information On 6/iy68_ telephonically contacted the F.E.I. Office. 5ne a hat captioned individual was in some way connecte the assassination of ROE_,?.T F. KENK.^DY. She stated" ired four shots the night of t he assassination"?Tl-5ne 1 nable to substantiate how she knew he fired these shots since she did not see him do so nor did she observe him at , drying, or since with any tjme^of weapon, d she he arid (or o-yerhear.d)B|H|^pell an the hallway that he w^.s goS^tothe hotel and that he would be back All shortly." •elief tha^^^^BBiad something tc io with the apsac£ln,.ticn also lies-^^^f^tTelief that he is of i-Iexican Syrian nationality, that he leaves his apartrr-nt early in the morning and of her opinion that he is "going to get rid of t he woman in room 1;17 for insurance".

,she lives and that she^ is afraid of hijm^an^^^^gaat reason~she did" not wish to be recontacted. 3.-§JB^$e

address where she m| is n Los Angeles. She described, as 5xk"* slim" in his mid l+O's. She was unaware oj his employment.

^__^^_^__ s non-specific,, vague and unable to furnish apy factual information concernin;^^^lajflHM^ which night substantiate her allegation. She declinedTo^TC^nish her apartment number b^sed on her wish not to be contacted. r 62-0 UNITED STATES ~^ Memorandum TO SAC, Los Angeles (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68 : SA £3


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68



Re memo of SA dated 6/13/68, ;ht of 6/13/68, _Mrs. THEOBORE r-"" AngeleB, made aVtillable I he names and addresses of the following persons who were in attendance at ,the,.5/28/68 meeting of the ^Ancient Mysterlcal Order Rosae Crucis" (AMORC) in Pasadena, California.

s Angeles

JUNl 21968 FBi — uUS ANUtLta , > LA 56-156 0 3


The above listed persons should be interviewed inan effort to determine if SIRHAK B. SIRHAN was In attendance at the above described lodge- meeting on 5/28/68.

-c- O

F B I Date: 6/13/63

Transmit (he following In (Type in plaintext or code) AIRTEII ATR MAIL Via (Priority)


The Los Angeles Office is contacting the teachers who taught SIRHAW SIRHAN vrhile he vras in attendance at , Pasaden^Crlifornia. Among those teachers listed vias a 4|^HHHHHHftho taught S 10th grade algebra


aavics __ She also advised that these apert^eiits ov;nsd by the Fuller Thoslogical Seminary, Td

^- Detroit 0- Los Angeles


Approved: Sent M Per Agont in Charge OFFICE COPY o

A-":.'J! '_ LA 56-156 ••:• . -.: i; -;. >, .-..•. '...,'. .

till- locate and * - Interview1 for any informStion sho might recall cT ling tJll-LMAN SIRHAK. Will fon;ard results of above interivew to the Los Angeles Office.

- 2 - o



cMitt'nJ fa


0 ***r_ Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

\—i Deleted under exemption(s) ^ with no segregable material available for release to you.

LJ Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request

• Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

• Document^) originating with the following government agency(ies) , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

\ Page(B) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); JnMl *> as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.

Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s):

i i For your information:

The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X DELETED PAGE(S) X VNO DUPLICATION FEE V xxxxxXXXXXXx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX FOR THIS PAGE xX xxxxxx

Ml/OOJ Routing Slip (Cepi** to Offtcss Checked) 0-7 (Rev. 3-31-67) TOi SAC, ( [ Houston 1 | New York City | Tampa I I Albany [~~| Indianapolis I I Norfolk i Washington Fl»ld i 1 Albuquerque I I Jackson I | Oklahoma City I I Quantlco 1 I Anchorage I I Jacksonville I | Omaha I | Atlanta I I Kansas City Philadelphia TO LEGATi 1 | Baltimore I 1 Knoxville Phoenix Bern | | Birmingham I l Las Veqas Pittsburgh Bonn \ j Boston Portland Buenos Alraa • Buffalo . KM2£ia _ | Richmond Hong Kong I I SI. Louis 1 \ Butte Louisville London j j Charlotte | | Salt Lake City I I Manila I 1 Memphis i I San Antonio I | Chicago IT! Miapa I—| Mexico, D.F. • Cincinnati I | San Diego I 1 Ottawa Milwaukee I | San Francisco 1 | Cleveland Minneapolis I—| Paris I I Columbia S I | San Juan I I Rom* I I Mobile £ | | Savannah I | Dallas I I Newark I | Santo Domingo I I Denver I | Seattle I I Tokyo I | New Haven 1 1 Springfield I | Detroit I I New Orleans I I El Paso I I Honolulu Date 6-11-68 RE. KENSALT

Retention For appropriate 1 I Far Information I I optional ft A action | [ Surep, by | | The enclosed Is for your information. If u»ed in a future report, I I conceal all sources, I 1 paraphrase contenta. | | Enclosed are corrected pages from report of SA dated ft em ark*:

[3BHCS0 WBEXED. lH3>—FHID— juri 131968 Enc. Buflle Urflle »^: SAC, LOS'ANGELES SUBJECT:

T On 6/13/68,1 L Perponnel Services,, • California, advised the following teachers 'taught SIPJIAK SIRHAHf vhile he was at PCC: .. : .. = - ,V v;ho _ presently teaching at •>« taught s presently

AT SAK_JO§^,__CALTrqR)ri;A: for ttinerai oackeroliincl, "p61Ti;3.c.s\ e nav-?.cnc'.lifjtic t&naeiicies of SJIHHAU ?.na any Jn on joertinent to the .' present irsvestifjation of Sir^IJ/J'.

h •- San Frcheisco (Kocls. 2) ' -Detroit (Ends. 2) f- Tos Angles

So.i». ___.._. ; n Per _. A-ient ir Cinroc - . .' "* ••••••••* OFFICE'COPY CALIFORNIA i for Will interview Li'ClcaJ. ancnnotlonalistic tendencies of SIRIIAU and any ;V information pertaining to the present investigation of' . '*• SIRHAIJ. - .; ,-••<>.:;- •..*;--• v. .';--•;••-••-• .-..v*,'. VU,,"-,'. -,.----• -V^-1,-^ :"->-•..: '

interv, , p l^naT tencienctes of SIJiIIAK and ajiy pertinent to the present investigation of Sini-IAtt. of SIRH/U? are enclosed for San . Frencisco and Detroit, . . ••-.-'-

•'*• vv--.-

«•••» -•».' S

0* 0 Bl B ad Boa lUtQOOXJXSOaitnH D naa ^GDDDDDDDDDDD D sa 5 -




m * 0 c c E o o M

ave n rlean s " O B ° « Ha v O r XT a w war k s! a. iam i ilwauke e inneapoli s emph i obil e e w e w T> M M M M o M o N e N e N e Me m M e II


u n a o 11 n 0 u Si C 3 a (I O J2-O l3 u • o a *E k f-li 53 IU DC o ? DnDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D D D a. ui m D /T 0



TO : DIRECTOR, FBI (62-587) :



- Los Angeles (AM)

SE.-.-.i»m yttt*n JUN13 1968 FBI-LOS ANGELES U7" • •



DIRECTOR, FBI (62-587):


Re WFO tel to QAreau 6/10/68, and SF tel to Bureau* 6/11/69* ,*. ; , t -

On fi San Francisco, and fl -T7-*n-*>^H^»»< the sane dd in regarding their -Knowledge of

Unkno of thei^^^KTsan TC',^!^^^-8 ™ to the*. All

I • Bureait •• .•' - : '•'•• ' •• ' ' •• •-.•••A L- Miishington Field (173-35)(Info) P- tos Angeles (56-156)(Info) 1 - St. Louia (info) m Francisco '; ; •"; \ -;"••.-- • > ;• •: ^ , (7) 0-9 (R«». 5-22-44)

F BI Date: June 12, 1968 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) Via AmTEI, (Priority)

To/ SAC, Los Angeles . i'rom: Director, FBI . KENSALT

For the information of the Bureau, Los Angeles should y advise if the original sale and all subsequent transfers of the pistol useq by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan were in accordance with existing California If laws concerning such transfers. U

SERfAUZfO JUN 1 4 1968

t : ;

Sent Via .M Per 6AV68




I , ReBualrtel 6/12/68 requesting information as to whether or not the sale and transfer of pistol utilized by SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN was in accordance with existing California laws concerning such transfers*

ROBERT BR0S1O, Chief, Criminal Division/tf« S. :T Attcrhey'.s Office, Los Angeles, advises of the following information concerning gun laws in the State of California as pertains to individuals1 California Penal Code, Section 12021, states % "Any person who is not a citizen of the United States and any person who has been convicted of a felony under the laws of . the United States, of the State of California or any other . state, government or country, or who is addicted to the use of any narcotic drug, who owns or has in his possession or under his custody or control, any pistolt revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, Is guilty of a public offense* and shall be punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding fifteen years or in county Jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding $500 or by both." California Penal Code, Section 12072, applies to individuals with the exception of persons engaged in the legitimate sale of firearms as a business! No person, corporation or dealer shall sell, deliver or otherwise - Bureau Lot Angeles

HOEXED SLRIALJZED FILED i IA 56-156 transfer any pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of*; \ being concealed upon the person,to any person whom he has /.-•'.'<' cause to believe to be within any of the classes prohibited -V': * by Section 12021 from owning or possessing such firearms, nor to any minor under the age of 18 years. In no event -"' shall any firearm be delivered to the purchaser within five -. days of the application for the purchase thereof, and when delivered such firearm shall be securely wrapped and shall be unloaded. Vhere neither party to the transaction holds a dealer's license, no person shall sell or otherwise transfer ._ any such firearm to any other, person within this state who Is not personally known to the vendor. Any violation of the . provisions of this section is a misdemeanor." •>•.'.

'>.. ' • • ? -1

-2- OPTIONAL rO«M NO. I t MAT tfU iDtTION «•» OCN. mo NO. o UNITED STATES GOVE. .MENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6-9-6$


SUBJECT: KENSALT Re SF teletype 6-7-68

The following inve ^Angeles, California was. -conducted by SAA m. 6-9-

not managing the apartmen^inSeptember 1967 and that no one by the name of flHHIB^3 lived at this apartment house since sh^^y^^^a few months ago. She was'shown a photo of HM^^Pand said she did not recognize it. She has fi~o records of prior tenants. She-'^said' the only tment house b 19 67 he was not living. location photograph; no one __ did not recogniz e had never heard of him.

Apartment After checking her Information indicating he occupied Apt >he said, however, he could have lived aprtment prior to that time. He left 1-8-68 and she believes his address is in a book that is kept ^^J^^^^axtment house* She was shown a photograph of mHaHH^hom she identified as the person who resided at Barclay House• The photo of W^^^^^^Mshovm to the above pers abtained from Los Angeles File "^ **\VV> ;A ita the. ify U^ bT^the subject of File ./\'M JUN111968 pr FBI — LOS AMGELE; 4-750 (2-7-79) xxxxxx xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET

Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

• Deleted under exemption(s) with no segregable material available for release to you.

CD Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request

• Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

• Documents) originating with the following government agencydes) , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

—^_ Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); Tvft- V&PkiitA9\\ cL ". as the information originated with them. You will " be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.

Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s):

I I For your information:

P^I The following^number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: S6''

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DELETED PAGE{S) X NO DUPLICATION FEE \ ! FOR THIS PAGE X xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx :o: ^.r^y t:*.-'-v- California, Intervie presence of ^_^ furnished the folio i,-«';:y;i, .>•£<-;-- \ On the date that the HENKSBT Ellwtion Special Traia arrived at the Southern ^cificRailroed Station in Turlock, California, recalled byHMUMfcs a Sunday, date unknown/ she vent " •'©lifornla It is noted that tral actually vos in Turlock on Memorial Day, Hay 30, 1968 . Thegr arrived at the station prior to the ( i* - publicized tin© of arrival, at about 2:30 FH« fBf^BBlHI ->-_ ti^ froia the station platform f -• . U^HH to the concrete platfora area, between the station and the railroad tracks. There were one or pro small children playing °& the tracks, and no adults in the platform area* Shortly thereafter two men, yho appeared to be together, appeared on the platfors. ^(H^JMfcescril>ed them as followss . -:-.-r-v * . •; • '•;;-i.-i';>- U Male edu^^ratiojiality urfcnovn, one or two V - y /. inches shorter.tIian.|H|^HBvho Is 5*3n, veight 120 to .- 125 pounds, Vith smll build, age 20-21, hair wpitchn black •nd vavy, Very heavy and shiny vith oil vith loose locks of

.Ti hair hanging over part of forehead} eyebrows and eyelashes ; ; prominent and very black; noticeable pimples on face vhich .; appeared discolored, or vlth multiple colored patches vhich •'•-:" gave a scarred appearance, as from acne or bad facial condition* £jres dark or black vith noticeable puf finess or circles under - then; nose broad and flat, face round. This person was wearing 11 "all dark clothing , exact color unknown. Be wore canvas " •hoes", color unknown; a heavy dark jacket vith buttons, apparently of wool, similar to the type worn in the Kavy*

Ttiii documant contains ncilhar racommandatloni nor concludoni of the FBI. II it th« property of II and lit conltnti arc not to b* diltrlbutad oullida your c

SC 62-76 V-:* > $„•?•,

.- *v on the jacket. One front side of the jacket was lapped over •:** *~ the other. His hands were in his trouser pockets which raised : the front of the coat slightly, but the coat came to about mid- thigh, She cannot describe the trousers^ygcj&t that they were dark. He wore no glasses or hat, JHH^IBBaw no jevelry of any kind, • • .-=•• , _/-/ \ \ • •' \ • • z •,:•:-•,, -v'.-k-'^' - ..-'.>.-•,. ;v '•-. 2) White male adult at least 61!*1 in height (one / rVt«w foot taller than K6« l), age 20-21, weight 140-145 pounds, . slender build, hair "the color of a brown paper bag", complexion light or fair, wearing a white long sleeved shirt, open at the neck, suntan pants, shoes unknown, no glasses or hat, and no . jewelry seen. This man also kept his hands in his pockets, ., _ •HHI^MHHfc8*1^ to fl^mH^khe^tl^ man wearing the coat "looks avfully suspicious" andl^Hli^^Breplied that he certainly did since he was wearlngsuch^Ojeavy coat in the very hot veather^Thereafter, ^RHB^IBdeparted to sit with her husband* HHBBBsta/e^ on the pl&tform within five or six feet o^th^twomen* Thereafter a girl appeared : on the platform, |^^H|H^described her as follows: ;,* t . ;: White female, adult, young, age unknown, 5*6**, 170 pounds, heavy build, bushy curly hair, unkempt, cut short at nape of neck, big head and face, light complexion, wearing white blouse with long sleeves, a straight blue skirt and gym shoes, color unknown. She was carrying a brown leather handbag . with an overlapping cover, which was fringed or cut along the edges and which she described as the "cowboy type". She had some large round KENNEDT buttons about three or four inches • in diameter which she was selling for 504 each.- She thinks the girl had four of these in her handbag*. : '*- v , ; " :% ,v?-x^ . pverheard this girl talkij blond man in a language she did not recognize,- _ understands, but does not speak Portuguese and -Arabic and speaks c c

Turkish, Russian, and Assyrian, her native tongues It was none of these languages. The girl had come from inside the train ,.. .'*•. station and was overheard to comcient to others in the crowd . •r' that had gatlxered^thatthe train would be late* Later, at about 3:30 PM, flHHHB who became "suspicious** of the ';' girl, because she was talking to the tvo men, followed her In and out of the train station* The girl asked an older nan behind the counter in the station when the train would arrive her It would be another hour and forty minutes* Followed the girl outside and the girl again spoke 'to the tall blond man, advising him in English of this fact. The short dark man then scuffed his right foot tack end forth on the ground and said in English "Lets go" and the two sen walked away to the north.. She did not see them again although she later lookejd for- them in the crowd that had gathered • She observed the girl talking to a small, dark girl thereafter. She cannot further describe this girl, but believes they were \. also talking in the language she did not recognize. The tvo men were at the station from about 2:45 PM to 3:30 PI1*

• • • •• ;--n ,-• ••• • '•'•'•>. •• • --Ti ;^ Previously, at about 3:20 PM, she had heard the ftp n say "Here it comes" when a freight train went through the station, . , .- y ."- •> . After the at about 4l50PMor^^y ; : thereafter, turned tflPmUflll .. hoiae* '.'.'••..-'?*x.'. . •' v •--' -.•'-..'•'•*.<•''•

igain atatedtha^tha short dark man - \ looked awfully suspicious and^mm^^tated "GK honey, you ^ ;-•' ; :•'" are FBI'V. - ;- . *-,,_••-; V ;• .-> • ^ ^ •';;.-,- £< ':>:fv,>^\-.^;•--:• rr. ' vw^-i *i> : •*'••• • •••-,'. ' "" '^ " "'" "•'" '• * • • • ...'**: ?.l-- ~:sV y. • ./v?.'-'v ';-? -:t .*', :•-•--. '':'-" Vhen^mHpH§)Dserved the television pictures of the shooting, she sat^ttuTTface picture of the arrested suspect* She Immediately yelled to her children that this man had been at the Turlock railroad station* c

California 'alifornla B^MiB ai t California^MHIKfere individually exhibited »r. She emphatically ^Hfe^That none of these individuals were the Dersonshe saw. Xerox copy of California driver's license HHBi Issued to SIR HAN BISHARA SIRHAN in 1964 vas exhibitdlWoner with only the face of the driver shown* She immediately positively identified this person as the shorter of the two men she saw. She stated emphatically that there can be no question; that this Is the photograph of the person observed by her. She stated she is confident he would recognize her also since they frequently were face to face, within five or six feet-of each other during the period of time she was at the station. '• :•.••.>•*'• <•*-.-*..• *.,.•.-•,.. • .^^'i <-.- . ...-, .': * . .:•-• . ... I ft speaks rapid but broken English, •"advisea d she entered the United States as an immigrant from Persia, now Iran, in'the early 1930* s and is a naturalized citizen. -,. ,

. • ' •*• *•' • ." • •

•'/ •'>- •\':-:-:."i'

'• •••-.>* '••.^'•: •

^ - ""• .- •\ ^

(touting Slip (Capias to Offices Checked) 0-7 (Re». 3-31-67) TOt SAC, 5 Houston I I New Yoik C»7 |Tampa Albany Indianapolis Norfolk | Washington Field Albuquerque Jackson Oklahoma City | Quontlco Anchorage Jacksonville Onsaha 1 Atlanta KoniQi City Philadelphia TO LEGATi Birmingham Knoxvllle Phoenix I Bern Boston Las Veqa* Pittsburgh Bonn Buffalo KJ«JB« Portland = Buenos Aires Butte OB Angefe Richmond ^ Hong Kong [ j Charlotte St. L-ouls London I I Chicago I Memphis Salt Lake Cltr Pi Manila I l Cincinnati I Miami San Antonio I \ Mexico. D.T. I | Cleveland | Milwaukee San Diego I I Ottawa I I Columbia Minneapolis San Francisco Paris • Dallas I I Mobile San Juan j Rom* i I Denver F~l Newtitk Savannah ) Santo Domingo I | Detroit I I New Haven Seattle Tokyo I I El Paso I 1 New Orleans Springfield [ 1 Honolulu Date 6-12-68 KENSALT

Retention For appropriate 1 I For Information optional action • Surep, by I 1 The enclosed i» for you* tntocmatlon. If used In a future report, conceal all sources, • paraphrase contents.

[ I Enclosed are corrected pages from report of SA dated


Enc. Budle Urflle FD-3S {R»T. 5.22-64) c

FBI Date: 6/6/68

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code)

Via ATRTET. (Priority)


SAC, SACRAMENTO (62-76) \ v /gTK£\ KENSALT Remytel to Bureau 6/6/68. Enclo h are nine copies of FD 302 showing interview with1 t Turloclc, California on -6/6/68.

s Angeles



.- _JiJiii 1 0 1968

Approved: Sent M Pec Special Agent in Charge CompiaJht Form TD-71 (Rev. 10-26-65) c c NOTE: Hand print names legibly; handwriting satisfactory for'remainder. InJIw* Q Negative Q See below Subject's name and aliases Address of subject Character of case


Complainant Complainant's address and Complaint received telephone number I 1 Personal Jjg] Telephonic

Date 6-13-68 TW 3/50PB1

Race Sex Height, Hair Build Birth date and Birthplace

Age Weight Eyes Complexion "I [ [ Female 3i Scars, marks or other data

Facts of complaint

C. stated he works for' d while on his route he had stoped iiv'at ^] Vail, Hontebello, Calif, C* stated &< p^>j«t3n "by the Mane o k had told him that the subject, tfho also works at same place,-nau toia ner he had ""to a meeting where SIRHAII SIR AIT had also attended* C» state la a Cuban National. This meeting had been prior to the shoot'



' . rom* NO. <• •UT <•! ID1TIOH •» MH. wa. NO. 0 G UNITED STATES GOVEl 4ENT Memorandum

""> •• SAC, LOS AHBELES (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68



On 6/12/68, rlel Valley.(fan JflU 1"^ 400001 Fish Canyon Road, DuarTe, California, telephonically contacted this agent and advised that EVERETT BUCKNER WAS "shooting his mouth off all over the placef*" '— HA(iii« stated that he, HAGER, had gone to San Diego, California, on 6/11/68, and it was his understanding that several newspaper reporters. And a "Life" magazine reporter had come to the range and talked with BUCKNER, HAGER stated that he did not know wha£ BUCKNER had told them. He further advised that in his office at the time that he was in telephonic contact with this agent, was two officers of the Los Angeles Police Department, who were going to talk with BUCKNER.regarding this matter. — [Intelligence Division, Los Angeles Police Department, also talked with this agent at that time, and he stated that he personally was going to read to BUCKNER a copy of the court order restricting any comment concerning the Senator ROBERT P. KENNEDY assassination, be sure that BUCKNER understood its meaning, and if possible, get BUCKNER • to sign a statement to the effect that he had read and under- stood Its contents.

fill ornoHM. raw NO. M •AT Ml COITION •«* em. Mi NO. o 0 UNITED STATES GOVEi MEWT Memorandum

: SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/12/68



Re memo of SAl dated 6/10/68. Phe following investij jras conducted by S/

On 6/ll/68| Lakewood, advised she attended a lionet and rally at the Lakewood Country Club for Senator ROBERT F. 4NEDY on 5/28/68 which was aponsored by the Lakewood Democratic Club and the Lakewood Kiwanis Club* She stated that she was aeated at the table in the left rear .corner of tha main dining room with

all or Lakewood* About 1:25 PM, following the luncheon, enator KENNEDY and his party entered the dining room and were { followed by members of the press* She stated the Senator shook hands I with the persons at her table and she shook his hand and kissed his neck, As the Senator proceeded to the front of the group, the press went up the left side of the room and an individual who resembles SIRHAN SIRHAN followed the press group in and sat on a serving table which was directly to the left of her table* She described this male as follows: Race white Age Height 2k Weight 5'7"-5'8" Complexion All Hair 13$ to 155 Attire light olive Remarks blaok, coarse,curly, long dark suit, white shirt had long pointed nose; perspired profusely and seemed indecisive and uneasy; wore no identification pass and had nothing in his hands She stated thia male aat on the saving tray while Senator KENNEDY spoke and during the talk she saw a white female approach the male twioe and apeak to him and then return to the lobby outaidf_ rear of the dining room* She described the girl -56-1*6 A-0 c 56-156 Race white Age *? » Height 112-120 lbs. Weight muscular ;• "V ; Build wore no makeup except light lipstlok; Remarks had semi-round face; full cheekbones'/ Slovak or German appearance; top of tip of nose square Hair medium to dark brown, shoulder length; parted in middle, gold band around head; tied with orange-pink ribbon near shoulder; natural sun streaks on top Attire full shift print dress with orange,pink and yellow muted background; yellowish- line patent leather low heel shoes with matching bead handbag; carried grass green sweater over arm; dark brown pod necklace which hung to waist. hat when she left the Country Club she saw a 1956 faded dusty rose DeSoto parked near the entrance to the Club. \ She noticed the car because it was backed into the parking *px space and because it resembles her son-in-law's car which is the same year ; except tan in color*.She stated the car had an antenna on the front 1 left fender which had a blue flag on it and the left front hub cap ; had a large smear of royal blue paint on it. She believes the car was ft solid color trimmed in cream. was shown a photograph of SIRHAN's 1956 DeSoto and she stated th oar was not identical to the car she saw. was shown a photograph of SIRHAN SIRHAN and stated the photograph resemoled the man she saw at the rally although she could not be sure due to the nature of the photo and the fact the man she saw was wearing a suit and tie. __^_^_^ tated she advised WREN FLYNN (ph), CBS News of the above ana also rurnished It to one of WREN'S staff. She stated she did not trust any of the local authorities and proceeded to criticize the LAPD, LASO and the Lalfewood PDf Sha «t:«*»ri aha had nnntnctari the FBI in the past to report j ~ and had recently contacted the Long Beach" RA, regarding her views on gun control legislation. ^_____ a* extremely emotional during thla interview and wept on several occasions. She felt she contributed to the Senator's death as she wrote him a letter last November requesting a picture of former President JOHN F. KENNEDY and expressing her desire that Senator KENNEDY seek the presidency of the US. c .6-156 expressed extreme concern of the current condition*i in the US. interview Agenta observed several photos of Senator KENNEDY in " Iving room aa well as a KENNEDY poster on the ront door o er residence. On 6/)}/66 the following persons were contacted regarding the above described Individuals and all stated they did not observe any persons as described as being at the Country Club on 5/23/66:

ewood, Calif.

_ Ibar girl) cewood Country Club (waitress) V 'untry Club „ )(waitreas) rewood ,V?ountry Club

-ak Country" On 6/12/68 the following persons were contacted with negative results:.

waitress) ry Club

1 akewood Democratic Club) Lakewood,\Calif • 56-156

On 6/12/68,PS^^^HHBSH Lakewood advised he and liln n 11 n, MBi^M^Bi *' '» I • liiMi I Hiiiiiiini nl I n Club workers and on 5/28/68 theyarrivedat the Lakewood Country Club about lO^Oam to oversee preparations for the KENNEDY luncheon and rally|mm^3vised his wife apent her time Insuring the speaker's table and area were in order and he spent his tine insuring all guests had tickets for the luncheon and checking persons seeking admittance to the dining area until after Senator KENNEDY arrived, when he accompanied KENNEDY and his party to the speakers table. He stated he took numerousphotos of KENNEDY'S arrival and his greeting numerous guests .MH^^atated he has viewed his photas several times and he doesT^^^^call anyone fitting the above descriptions in the ptyotos^HHHfciade the photos available for if viewing by the Agents and exajninaTlon of the photos reflect any Individuals meeting the above descriptions, advised there were numerou&^gunapersons In attendance" intruding his 17 year old daughter, i^^HHHfll an


SUBJECT: Kensalt Re Interview Able Robinson

Ref • Memo SA 6-8-68 and memo SA A.O. RichardsJ6-8-68(serials 222 and 221)

Mrs 6-tT^-S§ by phone, advised bale Ro^Rsoh,WActor7wasenra»^^^^IafceTahoe and wouwoull not retun>*till Friday 6-lit-68,She did not know where was to*tetay there but he was to call her tonight and give her the address and phone. Lou said Life Magazine Rep. call and talked to Dale last night re any knowledge of Sirhan and Dale informed the rep. he did not know Sirhan nor had he ever employed him as a horse handler or otherwise.Farther having observed pictures of Sirhan on TV and in the press Dale did not. acknowledge any recognition what so ever. Lou handled the books for Dale's horses and is sure Sirhan never worked for Dale and she had no re- collection of Sirhan;; •' She will advise Dale tonight of the call from the FBI and if he comes up with any- affirmative info she will have him contact FEU.


SAC, DATE: 6/14/68

ANGEIES (56-156)


On 6/13/68, Bureau authority granted to furnish all continental offices with a photograph of SIRHAK BISHARA SIRHAN to assist in covering leads.

\i ALL

2 - Albany (Knc. l) 1 - Each Continental Office (Bnc. 1) 2 - Los Angeles fO-302 (lav. *-]Jr**l


June 12. 196B

BONAID 1* HUNTLKT waa interviewed at _ iilsboro. Uf^OU.-There he wag visiting, es at _____^_ >rtiand, Oregon. Be stated that during" Primary campaign in Oregon, he was working as a volunteer -• worker for Senator ROBERT KENNEDY and on the evening of Hay 28, 1968, he was with Senator ROBERT KENNEDY at about "". 11:40 p.m. when Senator KENNEDY appeared at the ballroom of the Benson Hotel, Portland, Oregon, and made a state* " * ment to his supporters assembled there conceding the Primary election in the State of Oregon to Senator MC CARTHY. HUNTLEY preceded Senator KENNEDY from the platform which . - they stepped off frowithe left side and to the rear, going a short distance to a kitchen door with the intention that Senator KENNEDY go through the kitchen and come up to the elevator on the back side and avoid the crowd* As he ' ~ stepped off the platform which was about two feet high, - he saw,two men standing in front of the kitchen door and as tfce party proceeded towards tbe door, the two men stepped back into the kitchen. He had the impression that one of them spoke to the other and assumed they were together* One man was heavy set and the other had a medlun~slender build. As HUNTLEY cane into tbe kitchen, he put his bands, •• - against the back of the heavy set nan and pushed him against the wall so that Senator KENNEDY and the party could go on through* Be assumes that the slender man stepped out of tbe way as he did not see him again. As he pushed the heavy set man against the wall, he felt something under his coat which could be a weapon or a thick, wide belt* He told the man to stand still while the party passed through. He then turned away from the heavy set man to offer aid to Representative EDITH GREENE who was also in the party, and to keep her from being pushed by the crowd. -

Mr. HUNTLEY atated that he thought he should Inform the FBI of this incident Inasmuch as the news broad- cast in the early morning of June 5, 1968, described the individual who shot Senator KENNEDY as being similar to the slender man that he had seen at the kitchen door in the Benson Hotel.—He also was-similar in appearance to a photograph——


Data dicto

TWi doeucntnt contain Mittac facommendationi nor conckntom of 1h» fR, it ttw propwty al th« FBI it and in conl*nt> or* not to b* Attributed otrtttd* your agamy. t)

TD 62-2864 *••'•-"; / -•';:'•-

shown on the television of the man who had allegedly fired v I - . the shots at Senator KENNEDY, He described the heavy set ^^y-' ~ • man as follows %--^\% - -.-:%r>.'^ -• .-^-.V>'?- • ^^'•'^•i • >'^;7*£" "'.••• • .v ~ (• -

8e* :^^.^ Hal© •>;.> Rationality American 23 years •.f - • Height Build Very heavy .'^-/•:~:- ?'";--r^-^/-'v-^" .'•: Weight 190 pounds '•-•'<•'• '''/•-' ''"'•'•":••" -':: ' '- V";-" '• Hair K Medium*dark brown, parted on lv right side and fairly long, ' .-• -• ^-;y. very neatly trimmed, ,••:'-••; Face ••'•v. Round, full ' \ : .'; Appearance Well and neatly dressed in %-*'" business suit. ' (•-••:.?. " :.lft He was wearing a ring with a maroon stone on his left haad. The slender built man was described as followsj

: Rao© • - V-.-t, ;/•••/••. _ White •.:.-:;-".--.'*'-i>-. :-.. •>•>-• •••:*'- ' i: Bex •' -v- ."."-. -i."-^'.-.. .,,- «aie * -• :••••• •'-•• v""'-v-.•-" :>: -A • -••"•-•• Nationality.;'j-.'" Possibly of Polynesian descent and appearance. ., ':.-. Ag© -•;-. • ::•>•*-•. 25 to 28 years ; ^ V; L Height ;,." ; 5'5M to 5f7«;; , V\ / , Weight. ' • 150 pounds :; .". :. '".J...;: 'C.;,--^ •-'••• Build ^ : lledlum-slender i - . .^ Face ' •• •-' Narrow '.' - •-. -• •'•-"•'"•• • ''-' '• • ' '; Hair. •;/•>:-: -•;-." Bushy, wiry, black hair, cut short and combed back.

--1. • «.-,'• Appearance C Wearing & tweed sport coatr v Mr. HUNTLEY stated that he is certain that he >-;£.. would recognize the heavy set man if he should see him again and that he may possibly be able to recognize the slender *•;: ""•: nan but could not be certain.^ ;.* v .; > :. *.-. C'r ••; . .:-..'• viv* FD-SI (R« . S-23-64) , ¥ o O

f " - .

: 6/12/68 Transmit the following in _'' . (Type in pi, code) y Vin AIRTEL '":'''•*? AIR HAIL ,..•>

TOs SAC. LOS ANGELES (56-1563?

r PRpfii. SAC, PORTLAND (62-2864) .(P)'l-1.";. . [~\*- ;y:'-$ ;.*;•'. •;y ,- '.;'-;

'/:-•• •'• K " SUBJECT: KENSAULWSAULTT ,;.*..;;;;-v^v-'v^v.-,^r,••:'•*•;;•>v;.\...'•.^7 '•' ' :^;r: :"-

v, " - Re Portland airtel to the Bureau and Los Angeles

l : dated 6/5/68." -,'r •. ••• '-i- . -' <-v:..:. >:••• ^ ;'*•-- •. '•:. ' '-- •; -•• . ••-•. •. . •-"' -^ '. (

•.-'' • - • • . • •• • '-. • ••••'" '- **•-••• •• • • • • •• •• / vi > Enclosed are 9. copies of an FD-302 concerning 1J7 interview of RONALD R. HIJNTLEY, 6/5/68, at Hillsboro, Oregon."

f 22—Lo— Loss Angeles (Enc. 9) '—2- Portland . •f••*:•''.' r.

SI ; ;£D

JUN13 1 ',;,-»*.•:, - ra—LCSAN

Approved: Sent .M Pet Special Agent in Charge 4-IS-M)


DMt. Jtaa 13* 1968

the Southern Californiafrrand gounseliof' Order Rosae Cruel* (AHQRC)* She advised the state and International headquarters of AlfORC have designated her te handle any inquiries concerning SIRHAN SIRHAN »s membership in AHORO, She stated SIRHAN is a member of the Supreoe -' Grand Lodge, San Jose, California, which is a corresponding membership and to her knowledge he did not attend meetings >. but received correspondence and instructions by nail from '.-.•- San Jose, California, and in turn submitted his lessons by kv-;>^

pail to San Jose, California*- v-../..v *:•;: - • ' Krs • HOLLAND advised the San Jose office maintains a complete file of correspondence with all members, which ' • file contains the members original application form. She . ^ "•'•- - understands that fSl Agents at San Jose, California, were V ' permitted to review SIRHANf s file and were given a duplicated copy of his application blank* AJKRC has local lodges and chapters to which some members belong, although membership in a local club is not required. Mrs. HOLIAND stated she has checked and determined LTV that SIRHAN was not a member of the Pasadena Chapter or any ; c :Vr other lodge or chapter, SIRHAN* however, did once and only r u once visit One of these subordinate bodies* He attended the 4 weekly meeting of the Pasadena Chapter on the evening of June 4, 1968. Mrs. HGUAND made available a page of the guest . \ .-

. • * " 5. register of the Pasadena Chapter, which bears the signature /:• - -•" -\ s SIRHAN SIRHAN, 696 East Howard, Pasadena and reflects that : -i.--.---i he is a member of AMCRC, with membership number 8-4l3-477« - On the date column of this form SIRHAN entered the date - April 16, 1968* Mrs. HOLLAND stated that this is an error . and SIRHAN probably used this date because the last previous registration was on that date, Mrs. HOLLAND confirmed by :<.t talking to the supervisor of the Pasadena Chapter, that :C :- SXRHAX visited that chapter on the evening of June 4, 1960V ,.

.-- /••• • '-.•"'

'"•:•'.' :'*


6/12/68 at Sscondldo, California SS


Thii docum»nl conloint n.llh.r r.tomiti.ndollont nor conclutlont o( lh» F6I. tt it *• property ot Ik* II nod Hi conXntt or* nol to b. diflrlbutcd outaldt yo<" o o

•or Is SHERMAN sadeaa, California, telephone

•*••-:•. -, -£-;.- ^ ^ LisiNOSTOW told Mrs. HOLIAND Ke recall* telling people at the netting how to pronounce his nan**

< •"'•• LIVINGSTON looked for SIRHAN after the meeting but he was m unable to find hia,:;r^. l^y.^^y^ ' ->&v..;•&->'•' l.' VV- .^v;'v*V- -: In signing In* SIRHXH snowed he was a first degree member* Mrs. HOLIAND stated that this Is a beginner'* . \ .-.;* degree which would indicate membership of less than one

: year# ".-.•.. ::\j- .\.-.;y, r:~-- •",-'•'- \ ..••/--v- ' ••:•• •'•i'-:-W^-'S" ': >J AMORC has no full tin* hall In Pasadena. The ;w ; chapter neets every Ti»sdamlfjhfc^ faster of the chapter ": •••>- "- is- THEODORE K. STEVENS, flBH^HHHHH I«O8 Angeles^ ' ' ;v California, telephone num^rf^^Hj^m^f - . .*•-• :_ Mrs. HOLLAND stated she Would call Mr. UvTNOSTOtf and Mr. STEVENS on the evening of June 12, 1963, to instruct them, to cooperate in answering inquiries from the FBI. She stated the wives of both of these individuals are upset with the bad, publicity given AMGRC in the press and LIVINGSTON and STEVENS, should be contacted by telephone to arrange an

•-,.>, '""•••• *• Mrs. HOLLAND subsequently telephonlcally contacted the FBI Office, San Diego, California, on June 12, 1968, and advised as followst . .;.- ... .v, .•••-. >.; .' She was in telephonic contact with Kr. LIVINQSTCII . and discussed the natter of being interviewed by the FBI at Los Angeles. She stated that Mr. IJVINGSTON reviewed his notes and indicated that he had attended the Pasadena meeting on May 28, 1968, rather than June k, 196a, Therefore, Mrs. '• HOLLAND assumes the appearance of SIRHAN SZRHAN at the • Pasadena meeting was on May 28, 1968 :, rather than as previously reported on June 4, 1968* . . .. .- -\- - •i~ V. •t.--

•>••";•• Acoording to Mrs. HOLLAND* the date, of appearance of SIKHAK SIRHAN can be verified by contacting ]fr* STEVEN3, the••:;.: r

Master of the Pasadena Chapter* *, ... -T4 SD

."•, I* ^,VS-fTj-4 . *" * T

-- 7 i_l •*." **•* HQUAKD .further advised that she has '""'£ ?-%?>•»- Instructed Mr. STEVENS to make available to the FBI ^' ~*^1> *^2°2S2*taJ membership list of persons present on the -

night SIRHAH SIRHAN attended the Ksadena Chapter meeting •* and also to furnish information regarding the topics> T^ discussed on the night of thatnieetlng, •^.*.,!--i.T- ^ ^""':;--V''

' ' I'.' '

'• - • •!•• ".-V •' • •*• ;"•,;• j*1' '• ••"• "•>'." " * '"

••• ;:/ :;<*.• • - : {•*:'•'

- -.' • , .. •- •-"•"_•• • I!

-.,>-• Tv--.•:*•-••v.i.--;•;

• •

••-..•• ' '•••- FD-« IR«». 6-23-64) o * 0 |

FBI Date: •:• • • • • • 6/13/68 Transmit the following In (Type in plaintext or code) , , . . j

Via AIRTEL AIR MAIL SPECIAL DELIVERY ! (Priority) I .L. SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-I56) 95 SAC, SAN DIEGO (44-394) SUBJECT: KEMSALT - i 00: Los Angeles Enclosed for the Los Angeles Division ard^nine copies of_ an FD-302 reflecting Interview with Mrs. FRANCES A

- Los Angeles (End.9) lego

Approved: Sent .M Per O UNITEED 5STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OP INVESTIGATION Houston, TexaB U Kiply, PUam Refer to Fit* film. June 6, 1968

own Subject; also known as irea^Against 1968 Presidential Candidate, Information Concerning United States Senators Robert Kennedy and Eugene Me earthy

[une 5, 1968, Jceeph VgUarfl nPa6r~" tFappy's SC~~,.: ^Ui.-s» ' _ iywood, Texas, telephonej^^^^^B&dvised ZTo'sxi' J1:CC AM on Thursday, one and o^^W^r^eeks ago (date or May 23, 1968) a lone male came /nto Luke's , re-.Tv-curant end had a Coke and bowl of s^ew. The man, be^eved JJO be named John (Last Name Unknown) stated he %•;:;- a salesman for the Broker Foor- Company and traveled s'l ever the United States. The manyebated he had juat left Houston, Texas and was traveling to New Orleans, Louisiana, Luke told the man about'Luke's copyrighted Mulligan citew and offered the mar/$l,000 to promote the fjtev, The u:;"7. oeclined and stated he was going to Calif- ornia, The man then made the following statement: "My ;.rf- isn't worth two '.-ants, I am going to the campaign •resting in California and straighten that s out there T. zm gcing to turn California upside down, I am going to -ft en? cf these Senators. I an going to kill them eona- r.r-': ." Luke inquired why. The man replied, "Because th-••;/ are killing the Communists. I want to make It good for'the Conimunlsts". The man was not carrying any papers or other s: •,icU;, He never displayed any identification. Nothing K;:S observed in the man's car. Luke tried to get the :•'- io take his coat off as the restaurant was quite hot the irsn refused. The man paid for his food with a E roM of tills approximately three inches in diameter. The part cpun his wheels and drove east :on Highway 9Q at a very high rate of speed. • "

:•- •*or.itr.ant contains neither recommendations nor conclu- de FIJI. It is the jrcp^rty cf the FEI r.ti* -•=• to your agency; it a its contents are utec cuteide your agency. P.e: Unknown Subject; also known as John

Luke advised that there were no other witnesses to this Incident. The man waB described as follows: Name John (Last Name Unknown) Pice Caucasian iige " • 25-28 years Height 514" - 6* weight 125-135 pounds Hair Black, long, straight, back Eyes Dark Complexion Dark (looks French or S^r^an) £cars Numerous short, vertical scars on both cheeks and right fore- head (looked like fingernail scratches) Features Slim face, pointed chin, a large number of vertical wrinkles around mouth; no facial hair, tattoos, marks, or glasses; soft spoken (note Luke is hard of hearing) jewelry Gold watch on wrist Vehicle 1967-1968 tan Ford sedan, large body style, number of doors unknown, 1968 Tsnss license plates, white sidewall tires, Texas inspection sticker on left corner of window, commercial rr.Sio antenna, had red and yellow lights on side3 of fenders, no spot light, looked brand new. 0



AIRTEL ••y _.

'-* ., . * "•

--*••• -"

TOt DIRECTOR, FBI FROMl SAC, (p) SUBJECTI UNSgg} a^ JJ THBisAT Ji6HU4bT 1968 PRESIDEHTIA\ CANDIDATE, : ' INFORMATION OQNCERNINO •..-•••'• (CRIMINAL SECTION) .. SENATORS ROBERT KENNEDY AND ; . EUGENE MC CARTHY (00: Houston) ReHOtel to Bu, 6/5/68. . . , • Enclosed for the Bureau are 12 copies of an LHM containing an interview of JOSEPH WILLARD LUKE. Enclosed for Los Angeles are tyo copies of IHM. An information copy is being furnished the New Orleans Division as the unknown subject stated he was going to New Orleans, Louieiana. ^ Secret Service, Hous was originally^ontactedby ipSFPHJfXLLARD LUKE ontacted the Houston Division at 8:45 AMol Deputy Sheriff Liberty County Sheriffs Office, Liberty, Texas, vrseWerbally on 6/V68. A copy of this LHM will be supplied to the Liberty County Sheriff's Office for their file. ....;.. LEAD i

LOS ANGELES ,- Bureau (Enc-12) - Los Angeles (Enc-2) 1 - New Orleans (Enc-l) (Info(: ) ston 0

HO 175-Nen

AT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA , , . :,,-.-, ,,../,..' Vlll forward the Houston Division a photo of suspect being held for the assault on Senator ROBERT KENNEDY. \


TO SAC, Los Angeles(56-156} DATE: Jun(S 13,1968



On this date, ah attempt was made to locate DAVID at the address lfcjfl Turk", I* Puente* Calif. rMYERS,was 5/26/66 with MUMIR SIRHAN. It was determined thru a physical check that there is no such number as a 1600 block on Aurk, It was determined that there was no 16830 or 16930 number on Turk. A check of the telephone directory and the cross directory reflected no party by the name of Myers on Turk St. A check of records of West Covina PD reflected no record in name of Turk.

t A check qf the Credit Bureau covering La Puente reflected no r cord 6f a David Myers who ever lived on Turk St. The LaPuente Area is covered by the LASO and central records are in L6s Angeles. 1 i FBI Date: 6/14/68 - Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code)

Via AIRTEL AIR MAIL (Priority)


Re Bureau teletype dated 6/6/68, and alrtel dated 6/12/68. Concerning the material contained in notebooks seized by the police from the subject's room, the following persons have been identified and have furnished background information of their limited association with the subject, mostly-pertaining to the period 1966 while he was involved in hqrse training:



The following individuals have been identified end leads set out to locate and interview: BRAULIC pAEOA rijHO:-lAS RATHKE LLOYD T&* WA uM JOHN Sy Mrs. THUREER" 0"

Bureau s Angules

Approved: _. Sent .M Per Special Agent in Chcrge t #•

LA 56-156

- -•- Subject's brothers advised on 6/13/68, that they have no knqwledge of other names contained in subject's notebooks/uch as TYRONE JCHAPMANN, GARNER TED T, DEUTSClf and. JOHN/pAYs and investigation cchtinuinft ^co "/yjrandlocatjif f these personss . / I Subject's family be>Teves names such as J5OJ SONJUANIJjyLfIO/A, PRINCE jafl-ADE and MAWIEDENODR refer to race iwfse naSS?...., . jr ~...... "_ .,/ The name_ffHAfrt*AS ^a. SIRHAK family/name which is not presently used by ajrify member of the family. Concerning the£Arabic wilting In subject's notebook, members of the family believe practically all of it is nothing more than idle doodling or practice of writing in the Arabic script having stated that little of it makes sense.-, > brothers of the subject, SAIDAILAH and ADEL SIRHAN have positively identified handwriting in English, Russian and Arabic in the notebooks as that of the subject, SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN. Most of the pamphlets found in the subjects room where identified by family members as "throw away type" such as Is delivered house to house or address "to occupant" and believe none of it was received by subject through subscription, They stated that most of the material he received through the mail regarded the Rosecrucians. On 6/1V68, Mrs. SIRHAN advised that during the latter part of 1965 while her son, the subject, was living in Norco, California and working on a horse breeding ranch, he did write her a letter in which he enclosed $10 end asked her to take care of his mail. She stated, however, that before she could forward anything to him, he returned home the next day and picked up one piece of mail which she recalls was a pamphlet from the Rosecrucians. She stated that In this letter he did give her his address in Norco; however, she has since turned that card over to the police department and she does not remember the address of her own recollection. m i C,

LA 56-156

A review of the material is continuing and leads are being set out and covered as soon as they are developed. At this point, there is nothing significant which has not been reported to the Bureau.

- 3 - o PATES GOVERNMENT jumorandum

SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/12/68


... ." " _^______)S Angeles, telephone nuipoer B|Pm^HBfro was previously interviewed concerning captioneirnlaTsery telenhonically advised that fas PTiTYK Ti?t FAfiTA, telephone numb^HHHBB & volunteer worker at.the Kennedy Campaign Headquarters, 5615 Wilshire Boulevard, in charge of the SRO event. / GILLESPIE advised that DE FACIA believed she observed SIRHAN SIRHAN at the campaign headquarters in the company- of a male individual and that they were speaking in a foreign language. LEAD interview OLIVE DE FACIA, telephone number concerning her observations at Kennedy Campaign lquarters regarding SIRHAN SIRHAN.

SEARCHED .. wD« i^ Kmr. r'J,, JUN1 : ;

r :£";•£o ^^^iiiSfctiia^i ^5.^ ^i^iW-^^:Jli,:^;^i:.:::^-;^i,, t,;^;i i "-


TO EAC, LOS A"3:rr.E (56-156) DATE: V13/63


^soncs''this adto and rTq In furnishing 1/13 foil ;;in^ infori\ation.

:ho resides in t'ie

acciresc, to. '.tad rented the s-.j :ior~ last f4xij-Ti ^^m^g^m house et the ror.r 01 hsr property to a yonn^ :r^a:3 na:.:ed Sir.ILUJ '.rhonc S .iiove d out sud'Ienls*1 flHBBBSHHj^Bjufit^J^g^jrJust altsr tlie asscvlt said. f.-.Et he was atter.^^^^^r^^rs^y, not icer.t iricc, cyt she >:ctod-''thst ho had re u^h hands •••ccn hs shool: h:-.::c.s r.;::". sh-s tJ:'_" jht this cic. :or a univor-s' ty student. :lc \ILS very :ic:t clean rr.d elite and he received a ~re;-t darl ci" .ail ;ra..: SskKxaxtS such places as ^^^gjgig^rcbla. I£ic departure w^c very sudden and he tcld£|^Q^ggv;hcn he left V at she should is^troy anything of his that s.-.i. round and that s'ns should try tc locate him.

idviced that she neve:1 SSVJ the yo-n^ nsn end hi.-J :.z ijn-zuLX- "nrcri-iaticn hir:. "he a^a'-n r-quest.-fi tiv;t s'.o not be rzveclcd DC t'.u source of the above inl"orr:at '• n.


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/15/68


SUBJECT: KEN3ALT R_ memo of SA ated 6/13/68,

Gran- nterviewed at their residence on this date* Bo)th advised they were not acquainted with SIRHAN B. SIR.HAN and only heard of, him because of the publicity of the Kennedy Assault. They rented a saall boon in the rear of their home to An Ababian student attending San Fernando Vally College* This person resided with them from September, 1967 until May 20, 1968 or the entire schoo^year^JU^^^^rson was definitely Arabian and had the nanefm|H^HIHB Because of the difficulty in pronquning' hisnamerhey called hinTBILL. BothmHBIHIHBIIvlewed a Photo of SIRHAN and stated they had never seen this person visit their tenant*



TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/15/68



is received fron Alhambra, was a Visitor at the residence Street, apartment^H Alhambra. ^HHBHH^^^^as interviewed on 6/10/68, at which time she ara vised that SIRHAN SIRHAN was unknown to her. / LEAD

LOS ANGEiiES ' AT ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA: Interview, to determine whether or not SIRHAN SIRHAN is known to him.

',-: \" I •

SEARCHED INDEXED iHtmiUFD /..I JUN1 Fbi — LOS OFTKMU. FORM MO. W fw II « MAT lltl lEHTKX I ', on not »*o. NO. P \;, '


DATE: Jljne SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156)



Defense Counselor for SIRHAN SIRHAN, is \ Attorney WILBUR F. LITTLEFIELD. who resides at

••••^•^•^^^•VaJLjiuxs> vCalIfornia, home telephone numbei



TO ZkZ L. A. (5=-l?6) DATE: 6-13-65



6—~—o5 rs csll ""c"^ •r/*iQ"i!l^>s

Hen-r-jy :Kter»isv?c! 6-6-65 FD-302 dsted 6-11-63.

Persons .lentionrd by H^nerby have beer. Interviewrd :

tarry' St:- :-6B- 7r:-3OS-';-ll-fc8. :3 ••:ar arct '-6-5-6S- "-"-'^2-£-ll-6 (

ii • J-13-63 ::.e r.irl on rrutohes has been r sist?r z>? JTarlar-1. ::u^3n, sl-rs ."lose ..shn int^rvi^w-^ 6-11-6? r~-302 bf in -

"o fn-'tV.^r1 1E£:~ outstsn^lnr be sis oT info furnish-^ bv


TO AC L. A. ( 5^-156 DATE:


SUBJECT: Kensslt

J rtr :r;emo • ;, HiHHHiHi^Bl6-8-68(ser. 222) 6P. SA A.O. -iUchg, ??T^^w of TV personalities who stabled horses Vists r.el'-\io horse f am,Corona ,Cal, Euc'c'v "bser. TV Actor was interviewed 6-11-63."D-302 rou-h drafted ' f- _'i ••J-I^'o—!— • ^ »•._-••

Os in "-d'302 ere: ^jL

horses at the ranch 2 or 3 years ago w^-re hsniled elrrfara v;ho is no longer the-re but csn oossibl" be locL Z th i:lt££Ish who o;;ns th rsnch aoove. :• rank nirht reeel T t & r"":c^ with sny of ~'j:; os:n has n-- oil of p b 't found £ rhoto of o:e af his horses i-.'hich in shtt of sr excor^ise boy,although only hclf of the face sr:.cwn, a j wh 'ch c JU16 be f.iran.This photo was t rned jvc-r to s rr p. J: Life . a re Vine 6-2-63."bssn never pile excersls^ boy3 or handlers he id s ilit fee to the stables for this service.

At. CoTona; Lesd:Interview sr.- show ohoto of Sirh^n to Frs-k Delnsra. Contact throu h -urt Altafish at sbo^e horse "tables. L fti> OPTIONAL rOKM NO W MAT ItU EDITION OS* CCN. Kg. HO. V UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum




a-f.T-7l i-^-Ci: serial 2L.-?£ll fr-or rlr>nore 3^ 6-.--1S.

n ".--.?0? have been i sa follows: ;S-irD-302 ' s ^ic-tfeted 6-12-13-65 .-?0? cste^ 1-11-63

"il ,-t )? ->zz--5 -'-11-63 / •lii'l on cr'utc ie sj- ierlar: y.ushan, S'-:ii, f.-3se I-Ih^r.- r-ll-6 :-."' - Lzrr? ir z.:'£:t oz-ser. ir. ;-.£:•; DH '.V s-.- t:iDi-^.:t v/is lier.t .o s -i£r; C."J '-hz t^ _'. ^r.:ie ."v ?£..i.ryi.-:n h.f srlcue rt by i.hsn: nc.". ? of the r?er?or.3 b^o^ht th^r^ bv ilhaii hrve been obtain 2rt i3 G.'r1" IT ;• br i^itf? i*%'i*5'A'n ^ in 3 ^f-'O£i*stc' o':n£3 6 • *-ons? cu?n tl'T no ""vi*^^"'Pv lee5s are b-rin- set D>;t or. bssis o; \-:~r,et Sev-rson .^'urr •V^^^fe^^^^'^^ifc^^^iS'* /i*&£lft;»i\.-.. *•.•. 'j -^ © UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO : SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/14/68



Re memo of SA HBHI^^^^^B dated 6/10/68, and FD 302»s of PATRICIA ELI ABETH NELSON.gated 6/6/68, 6/8/68, and 6/1V68, and FD of JOSEPH THOMAS KLEIN, dated 6/7/68 and 6/8/68, and of THOMAS STEVEN vfEAVfcK datea b/b/68 and 6/8/68. Photographs of the unknown person Identified by PATRICIA ELIZABETH.NELSON. JOSEPH THQMASJ&EINj and THOMAS JJTEVEN WEAVKH on video tape of ABC news cast which they oBservey oh 6/7/68, and had been taken from the video tape by RICHARD D. PERNANDES on 6/7/68, have been placed in 1-A section of this file. is of the above photo have also been furnished by SAl Sergeant J. R. MAC ARTHUR, Room 803, Los Department Headquarters. MAC ARTHUR advised j 6/13/68 that he recalled talking to PATRICIA NEL5UN on this matter at the Ambassador Hotel 6/5/68. MAC ARTHUR did not know the individual In the above photograph, and sai.d that no action had been taken on the information furnished by NELSON. NELSON, as revealed in the PD 302 dated 6/14/68, after further thoughts on the matter and viewing the video tape, said that she had doubts now that what she had originally speculated could have been the stock of a gun protruding from a package of the unknown person that she had observed running from the Embassy Room of the Ambassador Hotel at about 12:10 a.m. on 6/5/68, could ln^fact have been the stock of a gun. This conclusion is based on what she had observed on the video tape, mainly that she was of the opinion that the package pictured on the tape was the same that she had seen the man carrying, further that this package appeared to be extremely light in /-• weight in the manner in which it was handled when presented to //»,?. Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY by the man in Question for autographing'.- LA 56-156

It should further be noted that KLEIN and WEAVER also identified the package in possession of the unidentified man on the video tape as the same package that they had seen in possession of the man running from the Embassy Room about 12:10 a.m. on 6/5/68, and neither of them had noted anything about the package which had caused them to believe that a gun stock was protruding from one end of it, ' f .WILLIAM P. MC SHERRY, Television News Director, ABC, 4151 Prospect Avenue, Los Angeles, California, advised on 6/7/68,° that ABC film editors in searching video tapes on the KENNEDY affair had frozen a frame of the person carrying the package and later identified by NELSON, WEAVER, and KLEIN as the man they had in question, because the ABC news editors had originally thought that this individual could have been SIRHAN SIRHAN, but after getting further identification and photographs of SIRHAN had eliminated this photograph as possibly being a photograph of SIRHAN, MC SHERRY also voiced an opinion that the package in question appeared^oJie^jjo^^dupiDoster^^an^^^iE also the opinion of SA's HHJHII^Bfl^ll^HI^HBI^^^H this video tape p appeared to be rolled up campaign type posters. Based on the observations and the apparent lightness of the package in question, the possiblity that this package contained a rifle or shotgun, and in fact had a gun stock pro- truding from it, is of sufficient remoteness that an extensive investigation in attempting to identify the unknown individual is not warranted at this time.

-1 No further action is recommended at this time. The Konorablp T. 3d<-ar "oover, Chief of Fed. -iL,,Bureau of Investlc;atlo. W£:shir.c;ton, June 5, 196S Dear Sir, I have Just recently returned fro- Israel where I snent so^e time researching a book which I as writing now concernln/r the Six Day V.'ar of last year. Because of the tragic event that oc- cured in Los Armeies today, I feel that I must write and hotje that I can add something to the investigation in the attempted assasination of Hobert P. Kennedy. While the 'bis-cries* of our TV news media, Kuntley, Brlnkley, Cronkite, Sevaried et al, decry the hostile air In America to- day, and the'entire nation in fact cries against the deranged nind that pulled the trigger, I would like to surest that per- haps the mind is not so deranged. I would like to suggest that an understanding of the Arab nentality be entered into this investigation. Though it is totally abhorrent to the '-/estern nind, assasinatlon has Ions been a t>art of the Arab scene. It does not take too nuch of a stretch of the imagination to see how th;e Arab nind can perpetrate such a thin*. It is the sa^e mind that can Dlace a land mine in the path of a school bus and kill two and injure 26 students; or the nentality that fires the cannon that kills a farrier while he peacefully works his fields. It is this rentality that can scream for their w^ihad, their Holy War. to elirtlnate a nation, when the rest of the world is still reelin; fro.?, the effects of the genocides of v;orld>;ar I'f. In other words, sir, this nentality vrhich is so r>uzzlinr to f our way of thinking (even the Husslans cannot understand the Eoryotians) could very well have been the driving force behind this's actions. Vhat v?e raiy consider deranged by our stan- dards could be a nerfectly acceptable, indeed even an honorable by Arab standards. I understand the suspect has been in the U.S. for eleven years and has been associated with Arab student activities. So I nay not have anything to offer you. Yet, I would offer only as a suR^-restion that this nan's possible connections with al Fatah or similar terrorist organizations from Jordan or other Arabian nations not be overlooked. I watched the debate between Kennedy and I.cCarthy and the state- ment that Senator Kennedy nade concerning our helping Israel, was by itslef innocuous. But to the Arab mentality it could easily have started the fuze that set this nan off. .Vaster--of - E?ypt could easily arouse his to a frenzy of blood lust with a few words. So I sirs singly saying that one should nd'$i 7* overlook the Arab r.entality in tryin- to analj Flense consider this, and also question the possible ties with al Fatah. Sincerely. J^ Juno 12, 1960

X have received your letter dated Jane S« XS68. Tbenk you for giving us th« benefit of your observations concerning the aurder of Senator Robert F* Kennedy. ,Y6u may be assured that every effort will be exper&ed in this investigation. Sincerely yours, 3. Edgar

John Edgar Hoover Pirector '!')_ Los Angeles (Enclosure) NOTE TO SAC, LO1 EL£S* Enclosed for Los Angeles is a copy of letter.

SEARCHED IVDEKED ^',. StSIALIZtO _..../ CuiO „.. .VJl-

FBI — Loi AliGE

,/ • •.••>- ••*! '•\ TRUE COPY

"June 5 Th. 1968".' .. "Wednesday Morning"! Re" ("Of Robert Kennedy"!) ("Investigation's"!)

To ("Investigation's",) I so read in.the Paper's, of the Assissination ("try.") against Robert Kennedy, in the (State of California")) I so advise that (fearnesto Oswald") of several weeks' ago, returned back from California, to Guadalajara City.s And as I understand, of the desires to open a Hotel at Port Vallahrata, with a German Refugee Woman. ("here in Zapapon"I) ;•" Please Keep this Confidental. ("Thank's"!) ("Very Truly yours,") ("An American Citizen"!) /s/

•It is noted that miscellaneous drawings and lines were omitted from the true copy.


TRUE COPY 4-750 (Rev. 4-) 7-85) xxxxxx xxxxxx


J. Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

Deleted under exemption(s) with no segregable material available for release to you.

D Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request.

• Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

D Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies).

\ > • Page(s) withheld for the following reaspn(s):

I I For your information:

The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages:


FOI/DOJ 6/13/68


TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (62-587) FROM: SAC, WFO (173-135) (P) KENSALT

ReBureau alrtel to Los Angeles and WFO 6/7/68.

On 6/13/66. N.W., WDC, advised that a few days RWfl^TieTssaSSlnation of Dr. MARTIN, LUTHER KINS, he attended a rally for Senator KENNEDY at r*th and tyrli KAafl, Tt.V., WDC. He stated a white male approximately 35-40 years of age, 5*6*, 200 pounds, of stocky build, wearing a dark top coat and hat stood next to him as the Senator was speaking. He said this man held up a round object gray In color, hlD approximately 21 long and 3M In diameter with an electric 'J/. cord extending from It. . . asked the man^hattheobiect was and the nan replied it was a microphone. JJBHHIHF*1*8 man then moved around the outer circle of the crowd and moved in toward Senator KENNEDY. 4BHH^he followed the man a short distance, the man movlngTna fairly rapl^fa^^^^wever, the man disappeared In the large crowd. HH|^^B^lt vaf 1 - Bureau (V • Los Angeles 1 - WFO -= n

D VFO 173-135

possible this man was a technician from the press and moved Into a better position. Be said he could not describe this individual further as the light was Door^Senator KENNED? was then speaking at a late evening hour. ^IBBHUft^ doubted whether he could f recognize this man If he should see him again due to the limited amount of light at the time. this man appeared to be alone and MURPHT stated he couia furnish no additional information. He Indicated he furnished this information as it might have had some connection to the shooting of Senator KENNEDY at Los Angeles. „> vHMBHiiNHB interest and cooperation in this natter - were acknowledged. VFO conducting no further Investigation at this time.

- 2 - ..' ' I J: .,

LFIWMU1 It «•-,.•• MAT IIU EDITION r :,.' es* en. «. NQ. t> '-"^ 'UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum



f On 6/7/63, ^•••••••1 Interviewed JES USJFRg^^a n employee in the TTtchena^The Ambassador Hote~r,in Los Angeles. PEREZ was interviewed in the Spanish •language in an attempt to obtain from him a statement concerning the events that he saw in the hotel in connection with the assassination of Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY. PEREZ stated that he would not make any statement or furnish any information to anyone concerning this matter inasmuch as he had been instructed by the Los Angeles, County Grand Jury Foreman that he was not to divulge any information to anyone concerning the things he testified to at the Grand Jury. He stated that the only way he would furnish the FBI with an account of what he saw was if he were to receive information from the Foreman of the Los Angeles County Grand Jury to release this information. 18, JESUS PERES ^^^ and SA at the~Amfl9S55Sor"Hotel in Los Angeies ana he was again: interviewed in the Spanish language and he once again advised that he would not furnish any information concerning the events he saw or the testimony he gave in connection with the assassination of Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY. He stated that if he should obtain permission from the Foreman of the Los Angeles County Grand Jury he would be willing to furnish the FBI with any information they desired. Arrangements we, his residence, at 8:00 a.m., Grand Jury D Room in the Justice Building in Los Angeles, to obtain the permission of the Grand Jury foreman for him to be interviewed by the FBI. erf-. IA 56-156

On 6/13/68, PEREZ was taken to the Grand Jury Headquarters in Los Angeles, where he was instructed that it was permissible for him to furnish any information requested by the FBI and he then consented to an interview on that date, ^^^a^then interviewed in the Spanish language by SA ^^^^HAt the Los Angeles FBI Office and the resuKso^said interview are ,set forth on a FD 302.

- 2 - Complaint Form FD-71 (Rev. 10-26-65)

NOTE: Hand print names legibly; handwriting satisfactory for remainder. IndlcOT | | Negative • See below Subject's name and aliases Addict* of subject Character of ca»e


Complainant's address and Complaint received

1 | Personal |jg Telephonic

Date 6-II1-68 TtM 9/25an

Race Sex Height Hair Build Birth date and Birthplace

• Male Age Weight Eyes Complexion [ I Female Scars, marks or other data

Facts of complaint C. stated £he tsar. have some information, based on viovjinc i that. coiAld be of Eor.e intrest to this oi"f ico. ^. eta tad LA, Cclif.jvan Arab living on tl:e zc.r.i i. .<.. cbo. ,iis wife, end cV.ilircn "iiaci left i"or Lebanon 6-l«r68» iidnce thc.t tir.ic he liac had a youn^; icr-lc haired fev.iale visitor .stayinf; at his house. Bils c^^l drives a 1967 or 63 Bluish-Gre'en I-iustang. C. staged S.IG ccv.ld furnish no fLirthor inforr.c at 'this' tirje#


TO : SAC,LOS ANGELES (56-I56) DATE: 6/11/68



Re FD-171 of I dated 6/7/68. Newsreel Photographer, jrviewec __^ He advised that on 0/5/00, ne was washing UBS television while Senator KENNEDY was making his, victory speech. He noticed two men standing behind Senator KENNEDY holding 35mm cameras in their hands. They lpoked suspicious to him since it appeared to him that they did not know anything about photography. He I advised that they held the cameras In such a position that it would seem that they were not familiar with handling cameras. On at least two occasions, the Senator AU- appeared to look around at these individuals. > Mr. SOPKO was shown a photograph of Senator KENNEDY which was taken during the Senator's victory speech. After looking at this photograph, Mr. SOPKO could not Identify the individuals who were standing behind KENNEDY. He described these two men as being attired, one In a blue denim Jacket and the other in a white shirt. He could furnish no other information regarding these individuals other than the fact that they looked supsiclous to him. Mr. SOPKO said that if the FBI desired to review the film presented by CBS that night, they could do so by contacting CBS studios at Beverly and Fairfax in Los Angeles. \I,/


JUN1 419S Fbl — LUS ANliL-c. f • •-»

LA 56-156

In view of the above, It Is the opinion of the Interviewing agents that no further Investigation should be conducted regarding the information furnished by- Mr. SOPKO. OTTIOMM. FOB" MO It MAT 1«t ICITION OIA GCN m NO. a o UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

SAC, LOS ANGEIES (56-I56) DATE: 6/12/68



__^ Apart- merit tfas contacted by the writer and SA >n 6/11/68 at her residence and furnished rormatxoTi as follows:

m whom HHplescribes as being in a weakened state, bofh>th" mementalln y andphysically, entered Sandy's Restaurant located,on.the.northeast corner of St. Andrews Baace and Vfilshire" Boulevard, Los Ange^^^^^a^^tijnatfely 6:45 p, Upon entered' the restaurant, pHpHm sat [in a circular booth located in thenorTnwes^^^mejj of the southernmost section of the restaurantfl^H|^pexplalned that she sat facing south toward Wilshff^^oulevard and related that in the adjacent booth to her left she observed a white male with shoulder length brown hair and a goatee, whom she described as a hippie type and a white female. She advised that, after Initially noting these two indivi- duals, they were Joined by another white male whom she described as being clean-cut. She stated that, in approxi- mately a half hour period, the hippie left the table and returned; the other white male left the table and returned; and once again the hippie left the table and returned. She stated that she did not observed the female speak any words and noted that she continued to stare straight ahead the entire time she was in the restaurant. d|^Bcontlnued that later she observed the hippie passing fffoR of currency under the table to the other white male. There- after, the hippie departed the restaurant, walked east on Wilshlre to St. Andrews, and thereafter north on St. Andrews out of sight. j displayed four photographs of SIRHAN BISHARA SIRH5OT after which she advised that he is definitely neither of the white nales she observed in the restaurant. She stated, however, that she contacted the FBI inasmuch as she felt that the trio appeared conspiratorial and the t.

LA 56-156 female had blond hair. She noted that this girl could possibly have been the blond girl who was observed after the assassination of Senator ROBERT P. KENNEDY. In view of the fact that the above information is nonspecific in nature, it is felt that no furthj action should be taken at this time concerningJ call to this office. '

- 2 - Complaint Form t • ' FD-71 (Rev. 10-26-65)

NOTE: Hand prim names legibly; handwriting satisfactory for remainder. Indices j | Negative [ [ See below Subjecl's name and aliases Address of subject Character of case


Complainant Complainant's address and Complaint received telephone number Personal QQ Telephonic

Date 6/13/6B -iw 10; 00 PM

Birth date and Birthplace

Scars, marks or*>iher data

Facts of complaint

J; C. advised he is ,^M ______and last "night <6/l2/68) he was Wduty in the admitting office", from 8:00 to 12:00 Midnight, One of the hospitalSs employees, a young woman of about 23, came to him for treatment, because she was too nervous and distraught to work. She would not reveal to him the cause of her nervous condition, and he did not pursue the matter. But, because of her state, he sent her home, and advised her to go to her p»#»fr*& parents' home, because she was in no condition to take care of herself.

C. advised that this lady is employed in the Dietary kitchen at the hospital. He does not know her name, but it would appear on the list of persons who were admitted for any kind of treatment ctai-i. during that period of time, and there were only about 18 Or 20 of them

C. did not pay much attention to the girl until after he ha gotten off work, and then he read in the newspaper about the "girl in the polka dot dress" that is being sought in connection with KENNEDY'S murder. From the description that is in the paper, he feels that there is the possibility that she is the girl. C, has nothing to fco on other than her actions and description.

C. described the girl as being about 23 yeara of age, vith dark hair that hung to just above her shoulders. He was unable to determine whether she was of Mexican or Mediterranean descent, but on final analysis, he feels that she is probably Mediterranean, because : SHS • • • t • <.-••.'. ••• ..•- ."';.- •••• she had excessive growth of hair on her face and arms, which he deems is characteristic of Mediterraneans. She spoke good English, with just a trace of accent, which he could not Identify. ,,-.''•••'•• C* advised that the list of persons who were treated ,would have been turned over Admitting Section foapltal. -•—(


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68



Re memo of SA dated 6/7/68 re interview of witnesses vh- efore the Los Angeles County Grand Jury. On 6/7/68, Supervisor WILLIAM JOHN NOLAN waft contacted concerning the interview of the Grand Jur/ wi and instructed that police officers and doctors who would appear as witnesses should not be interviewed pri^r to the receipt of reports prepared by these individuals/ NOLAN \ said that arrangements had already been made to, obtain the reports prepared by the Police Department, physicians at Central .Receiving Hospital, physicians at Good Samaritan Hospital, and' the autopsy report. He said these reports AL will include the statements made by the witnesses. After these official reports have been received by the Los Angeles Office, he will determine whether a personal interview with these witnesses should be conducted.

flO- \


JUNl 41958 LA 56-15S

that to her knowledge, H^ftias never worked cal carnpaisns nor has ^^^e^r^^jressed any ^j^vj^v;s . In sar-nation, HHBHflHHA that she thought ^IHIK^g^ be involved intheiTin^T^because she has been xTTneAmbassador Hotel, has seen the kitchen, had mentioned that she has purchased a polka dot dress, and had indicated that she night have a ticket to visit the KENNEDY campaign headquarters. rview v;erq ^ rviewed at hei SA _ she is on leave of absence from the She stated she studying%for a master's > Sh*e advised she has never visited the camoaign headquarters of Senator R03ERT F. KENNEDY. She disclosed that on 6/4/68, the evening Senator KENNEDY was shot, she was hone alone at her apartment typing a monograph. She became sleepy at 11:00 p.m. and went to bed, and set her radio alam clock for 2:00 a.m. 6/5/68. She awoke at 2:00 a.n. and heard on the radio that Senator KENNEDY had been shot. She advised che does not own a polka dot dress and she offered to let the inte rv^win£££ent inspect her wardrobe for a polka dot dress. 4____N^.tede.ted. thathatt she recently did buy a ne;: white y dress" which is the type of dress that ie usually worn" over a bathing suit. She advised she has never been inside the Ambassador Hotel. She said that when she arrived in Los Angeles in September 19o7j she took a drive through tb* driveway of the Ambassador Hotel so she could, observe thehctel as she considered it a tourist attraction inasmuch as the faned Cocanut Grove was located at the hotel. She was exhibited photographs of SIRHAH SIRHAN. She advised that she has never seen this individual and knows nc one bv that nar.e.

- 2 - LA 56-156

Concerning VIHIHHHHP she mentioned to )reviously that she had been interviewed by FBI concerning the killing of MARTIN LUTHER KING. " _at that tine*. Arjm*tt<*ri that she had called t'-n FBI abouT stated she felt bad about KING'S sis was the way she c< tensions. V^^^BHItated that she knows ^••••P^'^els very strong about civil rights matters and sheTiaavorked in Ceveland, Ohio, in the political campaign for Mayor STOKES. In view of the above information, no further action is contemplated in this matter.

- 3 - Cover Shett far Informant R«poH or . ^Brat FD-306 (Rev. 6-2-67* ~%

Tote prepared 6-13-68

Dictated Date(s) ol activity Transcribed _

Authenticated J l *" A5

Brle( description'of activity or material

e C.-p- sf zrf "l* :'.r, L. ... "for si-3 • File where original is located jf not attached '•'L-*T "* ,' -^ ~ T^^ l;~*".r. f •-• r'Nrvrs± tii

"T~^ : - our^e . ;^isiez •-.-12-

tf* SEARCHEO INDEXED^.. SERIALIZED ..../.H^dli) JUN1 41968 DEATH THREAT TO KENNEDY Sen. F.obwt F. Kennedy was wouldn't chpnge Kennedy' _ struck in the head by small plans. BODBVs arrival - stone.1; three hours after polite "We're going to make all th- appearances we're schedule- received .an anonymous tele- and speech: Page 3. for," he said. Kennedy, wh. phone call wain ing cf a threat didn't require medkal trial on his life last night. mtnt, viiif whL-ked to the Am Van Nuyi police placed a!! the college," said press aide bnssador Ho;el. their units on a!ert after a 7 Jerry Maher. After being hit, After the anonymous tele- p.m. telephone cal! came from phone call. Van Xuys officers an unidentified man who said Kennedy ducked for cover. One placed themselves in strategic, his brother told of plans to kill of Kennedy's national staff positions at the college and dis- r the Massachusetts senator. members, E £^ajji|tj£lji' al^o patched their cars only on Then, as Kennedy and his was hit by a numucv*6? small emergency calls. aides drove away from I.os An- rocks which police believe were "A police sergeant said, "AH gejes Valley College, Van Nuys, thrown by several youthful per- tve know Is, we got a telephone where he had made -an appear- sons on the overpass. call from somebody who said he -' ance, a .shower of rocks was There was no sipi of blood on was afraid his brother was thrown into his open convert- Kennedy, a witness said. . going to try to kill Sen. Kenne- ible. Maher ssid the death throat, dy. No'joriy has been arrested The rocks "ppparcntly were which was a "surprise" to him, yet, bu! our investigation is con- thrown from an overpass near and the rock-throwing incident tinuing. OPTIOHM. ram NO W HAT IH1 COITION as* tn ma. Ha 0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6A5/68



Re memo of Supervisor 6/13/68. On 6A3/68, _ROJtLALD T. BENNETT, a staff photographer -for-United Press International (UP1)', l£43 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 438, Los Angeles, telephone 387-7221, advised that he and a fellow photographer, DAVE KENNERLY, were at the Ambassador Hotel taking pictures the night that Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY was shot. BENNETT advised that the following individuals, who he knows as photographers, were also at the Ambassador Hotel taking pictures either on the Fifth Floor where KENNEDY'S suite was located or in the hotel ballrcom. HOWARD DECKER., free-lance photographer, "working forlJPI 6/5/68, who can be reached" at 672-55^3; BILL EPPRIDGE, Life Magazine Staff photographer, New York City;

_jJI»Ui[ItSON#.-CBS News, Los Angel ONDINE VAtJGHN, Screen Gems Studio,! "Lbs"Angeles, can be contacted throus SALLY POWERS at Screen Ger -VAITQHN's* former residenc rbrk City; STAN TR^TICK, Look Magazine Staf Photographer; " LA 56-156

Time and Newsweek Staff Photographers, names unknown; VIRGINIA GqY, free-lance photographer and photographer for Pictorial Parad J described as .middle-aged white femal estimated in icteSO' LSADS LOS ANGELES AT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Will locate and interview in depth the' above photographers who are in the Los Angeles area, and if any can not be Ideated in this area, wi3.1 set forth leads to have them interviewed. > (2) Will obtain negatives of any photographs they may have taken on the night of the KENNEDY assassination.

- a - .•;.••'


TO : SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/14/68



sly, Organic-Pasadena, I38O North Lake Avenue, Pasadena; Monterey Nutrition, 105 North Garfield, Monterey Park, California; and Mutriville, 7822 East Florence, Downey, California; and that he employed SIRHAN SIRHAN as a stock boy at the Organic-Pasadena store from 9/24/67 through 3/7/68. As part of his employment, SIRHAN made.deliveries to WEIDNER's health food stores in Monterey Park arid Downey, California. . r WEIDNER indicated thax the following employees at both the Organic-Pasadena ^tore? and his stores In Downey and Monterey Park, would have been acquainted with SIRHAN: (y RETTA DRA! California, who" WEIDNER from 2/25/68 td 3/7/68, quitting on the same day as SIRHAN. WEIDNER described DRAKE as approximately 35 years of age, and noted that both DRAKE and SIRHAN filed a petition for wages due against WEIDNER with the Labor Commissioner, Division of Labor Law Enforcement, Los Angeles State Office Building, In mid-March, 1968. WEIDNER does not know whether DRAKE and SIRHAN previously agreed to petition the Labor Commissioner at the same Jcime. k D. CHERYLE PIERCE CallforniaVlV 'br-'HTyears pr~ag;.„ one month for WEIDNER in January, 1968. -* i'J". ^; Ki-j-*J--i"- .-•.


LOIS PALMER, Downey, Califomisrr who Is" .tftllT Downey store, * namely, Nutr,iville, 7822" Florence Avenue, Downey, California, and woulWOUJ d have had some contact with SIRHAN. if 4. MARCIA California, who terminated her employment with WEIUNJSH in March, 1968, worked at/WEIDNER's stores in Pasadena and Downey,! California, and was acquainted with SIRHAN. t|P MARGARET V. ROLEM,L Lynwood, California, who works at ore. -.(§} VIRGINIA LYTT^E ifo?nia, who also works -at nla, store. (j\ ELSIE BCOTCO,'Bq ^ Pasadena, Xalifornia,/wh,/ o wo -rasaaena store. Above Individualsvi , if not already interviewed, should be contacted for all information regarding SIRHAN. hie-


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-l£6) DATE: 6/1U/6Q



of RAFER /OHNSON, 6/13/68, by SAs

The following information was obtained from and should be taken into consideration during the interviews of employees at the Ambassador Hotel. JOHNSON said that the freight elevator which was used by the KENNEDY party from the fifth floor to the kitchen area was operated by a male employee. This employee-was working at 12:00 A.M. on 6/5/68 and was dressed in a uniform. The only descriptive data which JQHNSOTf could furnish about this man was that he was not a Negro. JOHNSON stated that when the freight elevator had reached the kitchen area, KENNEDY shook hands with three or four male kitchen employees and one white female employee. These employees were all wearing white uniforms, Although the above individuals saw KENNEDY prior to the shooting, they may have observed SIRHAN in the kitchen area or in other parts of the hotel. OPTKKM. FOAM NO * HAT Ml (OITKM ••A atM. IKS. HO. « "• •:•• '*'• UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum



Re FD-302 interview of RAPER JOHNSON, 6/13/68, by SAs . JOHNSON stated tha4 after KENNEDT finished his speech and began walking do^n the corridor into the serving kitchen, he and Mrs. PLIMPTON were approximately five feet behind him and were separated by a cameraman and soundman, identities unknown. If possible, it is suggested that an attempt be made to identity this canexaman and soundman since they would have be/n in the immedIa~Ce~ area Senator KENNEDYvwas when the shooting occurred. i^ •




SUBJECT: KENSALT Re memo of SA HBHBS^S^^BB.dated 6A3/68, concerning radio broadcast that sTRffiC^XKioCN had made three trips to the Middle East since coming to the United States, the first trip when he was 15 or lo years of age, the second for seven months in 1964, and a 1966 trip to Cairo, Egypt. The Bureau telephonically contacted Supervisor WILLIAM JOHN NOLAN1 concerning the above- radio broadcast attributed to the BBC. Below is a list of dates accounting for SIRHAJf B. SIRHAN's presence In the United States, which was obtained from a review or the first report submitted in this case in which information was supplied to the Bureau by Supervisor NOLAN;

September 1963 to Attends. asadena City May of 1965 CollecT t "* / From to Employed Elite Service 9/16, Station, Pasadena Prom 9/28/64 to Employed R 6/7/65 St 8/25/65 was admitted to Jnited a, one week later met SI tival in Glenda3,e; aw SIRHAN often du g next several months. 12/26/65 SIRHAN worked S&'nta Anita _Race Track durifig" meet, according to Paddock

1/1/66 Was issued license boy, California Hoi IN0"t0 -•— Board) JUN1 41958 FBl-UOS ANGtutSJ m LA 56-156

6/2/66 until Employed granja Vista Del 12/10/66 Rio Farm, Norco, California, t3tT//69 6 fall from horse) / f 9/28/66, 10/6/67 On all listed dates, was 10/26/66 10/9/67 examined or treated by 11/8/66 IO/IO/6/10/f 7 doctors, according to '2/21/67 11/6/67 Arf^onaut JEnpurance or 12/18/67 "WorTonerPs Compensation records, 4/6/67- .-~i. 1 11 1 mi in 1 1 tfr in 11 H i~- 1 9/6/67' 9/24/67 to 3/^/68 Employed Pasadena Organic Pood CompaTiy .•'

.-•' 4/10/68 Conversation with ALVT! garbage man

4/8/68 and 4/12/68 Presented checks, fi Citizens National

5/28/68 Attended Rosicruclan meeting

- 2 - nw* NO •» H*V IK tDlTMM •u tn ate- NO. U O UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-136) DATE: 6/13/68


SUBJECT: KENSALT \ RE INTERVIEWS OF MEMBERS OP (5FF1C1AL KENNEDY EARTY > The Bureau advised this phase should be aggressively pursued as It Is of utmost Importance* It Is also necessary to determine If there had been last minute changes following Senatpr KENNEDY'S victory speech or Just prior thereto, which resulted in his proceeding to the Colonial Room for purpose of press conference rather than to the Ambassador Ballroom. If a change did occur, attempt to determine who made the change, why the change was made and to what it was made. by ESQUITY, Bmmm^^mge 1 es, was a volunteer worker in KENNEDY campaign. He stated that he was In the area of podium while the Senator made his victory speech. At that time he did not know which way he, KENNEDY, planned to exit after the speech, nor did anyone else that he knew of. About five minutes «rf*&r'*terminatlon of the speech he was told the Senator was to exit through the kitchen. He believes he may have been told this by JIM LOWE, another campaign worker, / Records of the KENNEDY Angeles, reflect thatJTJ^OWE^ resides Angeles, telephone ^^^^^^^B"~

V JUN1 219C8'/ L— UOS AMG£U8 / LA 56-156

AT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, Contact ESQTJIT? and JIM LOWE conoernlng their knowledge of any changes In the Senator's plans to visit the Colonial Room rather than the Ambassador Ballroom at the termination of his speech.


FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CltUtmrgh, Pennsylvania In Reply, PteaMe Rtftr June 12, 1966 FiUNo.

JUHE 12, 1968

Co June 10, 1966, mt 9:00 Ai, Jotoll ency (C») reportwi t»»t l , y at 4:00 Juno «, 1£68, »od raqiw^tod •ftuistsnco «&d «i;uip«*eat frofe tbe CIA 1* that ho needed holp to co to California to mws Ser^^^Jal&xrl F. Kennedy** assailant *»« properly punisneJ.JBH^»llof: Lad *ny Infurrjottioa to ofler.

Pittsburgh, it early in the nomine on Saturday, Juoe icaUy eont»ct«d %h& CIA In VUl »no vl 11 Bike up tlu* ** m m§ - /r~"£~ 0/9 SEARCHED INOEKEO §

PCS OVfi«i»« VbtfO rtf«s to J«r>«» vai^i^^ tf»o aroused eegasafa of Luther MBf:, Jr. •^^^exfiruaaod bo«tlllt7 toward i-ayor Jo««r>h £*rr» but vould not j»jvjcijrieall/ state* *h»t ^ should bo

/JU- i7£

urther «tct«

Sacoi £»t# Of birthi Place of klrth;

Hair: status! Security

Arrest Keeord f-:';\

Also «.no»u *s TO

JUQC 13, Tha United Static r-^ecrct ^^^ TJ^$i&rU^nt »ct«**ut costRius neither cooclu«ions of the t&I. It is tfcte ty of the f 'Jl »»^ i» Io»nc4 to f : it »n<5 it* coatenta »r* aot to be four fhie

-4*- 6/12/68

AISTEL tOt UlRECTOE, FBI (62-587) .2 ? FfiQMx *AC, PITTSBOBGH (44-583) BUBJECTi

Title marked cIianglB, it being noted thl «ttor previously carried under •itonaalt" caption. J* Bureau t©lophona call to the SAC, PitUburgh, : JSureau tele typo to Pittsburgh doted 6/10/66- Plttsburgh toletypce to Oureeu and Los Aaxales dated ^a-SfU!8"" Bure'a t'Uphone -u to Enclosed for tbe Bureau mr© four copies and for Los Angelos and fcobile ar© two copies of an LHU »uitable for dt«se*lastion.

- ** ^ py of the "^ lw *>©ing deelgiuted for United Statoa Secret Borvlce, Pittsburgh, Pa., and tbo Pittsburgh Police Departaout. ' ' Interview •d by EA'e


3-Plttsburgh ' 174-12) OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 MAV 1M2 EDITION Cfr* G-Cn, hCQ. NQ. I? £ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-I56) DATE: e/\k/6B


SUBJECT: KENSALT The following is set forth for information purposes concerning the Special Agent's currently assigned to the LASO County Central Jail on a liaison basis. Jail Division, LASO, summoned oluntarily advised him that as the official responsible for~The well af6 afifl securityofSIRHAJ^^ SA __ hen commented that it would appear ^flHHflHHHi 3 the official immediately advised if anytningunusuaT icurred^c^icern^gthp^^^^Qner. He advised that this waetcs. correct-.' CHHHHHIHHHftwould then notify the Sheriff, Assistant Sheriir, Under Sheriff, and anyother pertinent LASO officials. He was asked at what point the FBI agent on liaison duty at the jail might be advised and he replied that if the Sheriff directed him to advise the FBI he would, otherwise he would be precluded from doing so as per prior LASO orders not to discuss the case. has been known to SJ^flH^Pon a personal basis for at least the last ten yearsancTtney have worked together on numerous occasions in matters of C mutual cooperation. The above is furnished in order to relate the LASO policies regarding notification to the FBI in the event of any unusual occurrances relating to SIRHAN.


TO : SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/11^/68



luring the course of an int 'KHA1L. RESIDENCE ADDRESS" , which took place vised

He first met an individual he knew as SIRHAN, SIRHAH ^ tne early spring of 1967 at a residence in Alhambra, exact address not recalled, but it was very close by the campus of California State College» Alhambra, and further it was very close by beer&tavern known as Garfanos, Altedena California, (exact address not recalled). The* above re si dance was rented by an individual known to him as OKARJDF-ZRK, who may also be related to SIRHAN. HE has had notion tact with DEZRK since the spring of 1967, He' further advised that the previously mentioned

This group has members at USC, California state and UCLA. The president of this association is FAIZULIfl KHAN^ exact address not known, but he is a graduate student at California State, Alhambra, majoring in political Science; he is a. native of Afgknastan where his brother is the prime minister. The above group were supporters of the "BATH PARTY" a mid east political party that has supported such events as the overthrow of King Faisal of Iraq, etc,* z He was shown a photograph of SIRHAN taken 6/5/65 and advised that it resemblrs the individual he knew as SIRHAN. PD 302 an interview of INAYAT'KHAN Being prepared* LEAD LOS ANGELES AT GLENPOR^CALI^^^^^^ 11 re contact FAZ»L an effW^to^etermine 1* exact address of the ice used by the above group for meetings, names of individuals, degree of association with SIf 2* Locate and interview FAIZULLH KHAN re: student directory at California State, Alh is a graduate student, and where he is the the Student Association* OfTIONM. RXM NO. H MAT Ml IUTHH at* on. «a. NO. n UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/1^/68


Jew of RAPER JOHNSON, 6/13/68, by SAs _ JOHNSON furnished the names of the following individuals who were in the KENNEDY suite at the Ambassador Hotel prior to the time the group left for the Embassy Room. This information was obtained in order to identify members of the KENNEDY" party on 6/l;-5/68 and it is unknown whether all of these individuals were witnesses to the shooting:

BILL BARRY JESSE UNRTJH and son TUCK (complete name unknown, KENNEDY staff member) Mr.'~(FNU5V ^ m blC STAN fLNUl. Lonk Magazing e BTLL Life Magazine Mr. and Mrs. JOHN 6LENN and "son ff Mra. fxTORGE PLIMPTON "VANOCUB. \ Mr. and Mrs. JOHN FRANKENHEXMER Jfca. JAMES llr. and and Mrs. JOHNSON stated that he believes that STAN (LNU) of Look Magazine and BILL EPPRIDGE of Life Magazine were the first individuals to leave the freight elevator when it reached the ground floor from the fifth floor. At 12:00 A.M., 6/5/68, Mrs. PLIMPTON was walking with JOHNSON when he heard the first gunshots in the kitchen area I- J : SEA«(CHEO JUN 1 4I958 LOS ANULutS ,—.J STATES DEPARTMENT C T1,'«TIC /?• FODKHAL IIUKKAU OF JNVKSTlCAnt' J " TAJII1NC1UN «, 0. C ' *°*'


Tho following FBI record, NUMBER , !• furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.


Notaationst inJicalcd by • ARE NOT BASED ON FlNCli; It PRINTS IN FBI filei. The notations art L«Cl on data furn!i«hcl this Ihircau concerning individual* of tlio same or ttinilar namee or aliases and ARE LISTF.f) ONLY A5



The following FBI record, NUMBER . b furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.


Information shown on this Identification Record represents data furnished FBI by fingerprint contributors. Where finol disposition is not shown or further explonation of charge Is desired, com- niuiiicolu wlin agency contributing thono fingerprints. \ Notations indicated by * are NOT based on fingerprints in FBI files but aio listed only as investi- gative loads as boing possibly identical with subject of this record. .."• ; ••; •- " \ ' ,'_"'; H . . v ' \ ' .'•''.- - •'. STATL5 D^PAfrfMDNT C #STIC& ^EDERAL DUnPAO OF INVESTIGAT WASHINGTON, D.C 20537 1-Bu

The following FBI record, NUMBER VHBH|||^^ 'f* hrniih^ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Information shown on this Identification Recoraroprc^^r^Kita furnished FBI by fingerprint contributors. WHERE FINAL DISPOSITION IS NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE IS DESIRED, COMMUNICATE WITH AGENCY CONTRIBUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS.


• • •

be b-3

Notations indicoted by * ore NOT based on fingerprints in FBI files but are listed only as investigative lead* as being poiiibjy idenlicol with subject of Hits record. * . John Edgar Hoover Director i June U,

Re Los Angeles tetetypt to Bureau and Ney&rk, 6/11/68.

herewith for Newark and Los eles Is one copy each of ication record for also known fc erFBI referenced

* ' - •? • • '

. *. ,.s ••,,'. \C

emoNOL rUut NO. <• if- tUY Ittl CSITON n> em. ma. NO. gr UNITED STATES GOyEfcNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS {^6-156) DATE: 6/11-/6u



Be Complaint Forn of IG dated 6/11/6 C

Inv es 11 ~at 5.o n we.s conducted by the :;r t Santa lio-.iica, Calirornia:

;Vi.-.;6u au £ ante Ix^i ation as rollo*.:s: ±n June,. l^^^^^Ba^p^attended an Israeli Bond Rally at the Hollywood o6i:n, , ^IBl^B^Tho v:as a spectator and v:ot connected officially -:L£h thsr'raliy, tool: si:: (6) photographs of soi.e Arr.'u d£ .or-- stratorc rhc pichoteu the rr.lly ?ro:-. outside the" Hollywood -JOI;!. old-^,..; noted tlic.t he tool: the photographs only as a ,:oint of inter--tt LT^ h;.c not considered the;.: of any importance until recently, follc'.:inv the ;l::t~. of Senator LC3_T/J? P. ll~l.v: i»Y. Ke displayed five photcr;ra-.hs i:hlch had bien processed fro:.: a negative roll of fill: c-nsiVciiv; of'ci:: chc-tc, "J noted th'.t the si:;t'i ph±o v:as not processed or -iev^Ioped inas'...uch as the face of the person in the- photograph is not shows. Upon inspection of the photographs it !;as'det^r.-incd SjLl-iii-uV is not shown in any photograph. The negative filr.i ;:V.c furnished is b-ainf-; placed in the 1-A section of this file. i'.o Is recoiriended that no further action be taken concemin:; the paoto^rc hs Mentioned herein above.

v &;-;)


•m«, Special Agent _rrived at the fifth floor or xne Good Samaritan Hospi located at 1212 Shatto Street, Los Angeles, California. At the fifth floor and immediately outside of the Intensive Care Ward, Agents introduced themselves to the following members of the campsite staff of U. 3*. Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY I THEODORE SQRKNSON. PIERRE SAMNGER, STEPHEN SMITH and FRANK HANKIEWIca« — \ . At approximately It30 a.m., THEODORE SORENSON and PIERRE SALINGER requested, if possible, that the FBI attempt to contact Chief U. S. Marshal JAKES HC SHANE and request HC SHANE to proceed to Senator ROBERT KENNEDY'S residence In Virginia to stay with the . At approximately 2:00 a.m. Angeles pepreflantAtWo^^ Pacific Te ...... w_ _,__ b7C Company fed f^^HH^B National Representative of"Bell Telephone Comp"any, who were handling communications in connection with Senator ROBERT KENNEDY'S campaign, were requested to install a private telephone number at the hospital for the use of the FBI. This installation was completed and in operation at approximately 3*30 a.m. under Telephone Bo.

At approximately 2:50 a.m., PIERRE! SALINGER and FRANK KANKIEWICZ advised that Senator ROBERT KENNEDY had entered f the surgery room at the hospital. The surgery was to b« performed by three neurosurgeons and was expected to take approximately U5 minutes. SALINGER further advised that Senator KENNEDY had suffered bullet wounds in shoulder and head, extent of damage unknown. At approximately 3*30 a.m., PIERRE SALINGER StMCHtO WOEXCD SERIAUZEO—-/AttO^. JUN1 81958 FBI — LOS

Los Angeles, California Los Angeles 56-156— C'

6/7/68 LA 56-156 2

that doctors had reported that Senator ROBERT KENNEDY had suffered serious damage as a result of bullet wound behind right ear, bullet entering right maatold area and bone and bullet splinters were In brain area. SALINOER stated that the area of the brain involved deals with respiratory and circulatory body functions and not memory bank of brain* The condition of Senator KENNEDY was described as seriously critical* SALINGER continued that In addition to above, Senator KENNEDY was suffering from partial paralysis of left body area. At ': approximately 6:1^0 a.m., SALINGER and MANKIEWICZ advised that Senator KKKHEDY was out of the operating room and: was being returned to the Intensive Care Unit on the fifth floor of the hospital and that Senator KENNEDY* • breathing had been supplemented by mechanical means; the full extent of damage as result of bullet wounds was still unknown other than that set forth above, and that the J surgeons had removed partial bullet and several splinters of bullet from head area of Senator KENNED?* MAUKIEWICZ stated that, according to the doctors, the following 12 to 36 hours would be deciding factors as to the condition of Senator KENNED?. During the course of the above, additional liaison was established with JAMES 0. PISK, Deputy Chief* Los Angeles Police Department* Director of Community Relation*, who had been assigned to the detail at the hospital and also Sergeant VILLIAH ZANOHB, Intelligence Division, Los Angeles Police Department, also assigned to the hospital detail* A In addition, VILLIAH BARRY, former Speolal Agent of the FBI, who has been traveling with Senator KENNEDY as security aide, was advised of the presence of the aforementioned Agents end requested to notify Agents of any pertinent developments and full cooperation and assistance was extended to BARK? on behalf of the FEE* FD-302 . 4-15-M)




Mrs. AMPARO SERRANO, Ohio, advisea sue is me raocnef^o f SANDRA 0. She, stated tha/ her daughter telephonically contacts ftBrI T California quite frequently. Mrs. SERRANO stated that on June 4, at approximately 6:00 PM, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) her daughter called to cong] upon his graduation fromj At approximately 10:30 again called her from California stating she waa at ROBERT KENNEDY'S campaign headquarters and that he was going to win the California primary election. Mrs. SERRANO stated she questioned her daughter about calling her so often and her daughter stated that she had received permission as all the volunteer workers were allowed to make telephone calls as they reportedly were being only charged a "flat rate" for the use of the telephones in the campaign headquarters• Mrs. SERRANO stated that at approximately 3:30 AM (EDT) on ^une 5j i960, she received a collect telephone call from her daughter in Los Angeles. As soon as her daughter was connected with Mrs. SERRANO she was obviously in a very hysterical state and made some mention that it had cost her $3.00 to get the telephone from where she was calling but did not elaborate further concerning this. SANDRA then told Mrs. SERRANO that ROBERT KENNEDY had been shot end when Mrs. SERRANO said •What?". SANDRA repeated this statement. When Mrs. SERRANO asked SANDRA if ROBERT KENNEDY was dead, che replied that she did not know but remarked he had been shot after making hie speech. Kra. SERRANO stated that throughout the telephone conversation SANDRA was crying and was hysterical and difficult to understand. She stated that during this telephone conversation she was unable to recall SANDRA mentioning anything about observing any person or activity in connection with the shooting. SANDRA just kept repeating, 'why would they do anything like this, he was such a good man?" In addition, SANDRA asked to speak with her father but when Mrs. SERRANO asked him If he desired to Bpeak with SANDRA he declined, stating he was too upset to talk to her

On. nt _Fite# Loraln> Ohitr

.Data dicta,

Thii document conraiAs n.>ir^r^n?ornm.ndot>ont nor concEutiom ol th. FBI. II

Mr*. SERRANO advleed that at approximately 8:00 AM on June 5, 1968, SANDRA again telephonic ally contacted her and at this time stated she had been on the terrace of the Ambassador Hotel prior to ROBERT KENNEDY'S speech and had observed two men who she described only as Mexican-Americans, accompanied by a girl who she described as white* SANDRA stated that after the shooting she observed one of these men and the same girl running from the hotel area. She did not elaborate any further nor did she further describe any of these Individuals.

; Mrs. SERRANO stated she could recall no further details of Her telephone conversations with her daughter. She explained that due to all the excitement surrounding the shooting of ROBERT KENNEDY and her concern for her daughter it would be impossible for her to remember every detail and she did not take notes of any of the conversations Inasmuch as she did not think it was important at the time.. FO-30J fl».» 4-tS-MI



Dn». 6/12/68


MftgUKI, M. SERRANO. _ Ohio, advised he is the, father of _SAKDRA' _ .... _. SABDRA called home at Icaet twice~o« Juiie k, 196O. and again at approximately 3130 AH on June 3, I968, He stated he did not talk with his daughter during any of these calls although she did ask to speak with him when she called at approximately 3i3O AM on June 5, 1968. He stated that inasmuch as his wife, AMPARO, told hia during the course of this telephone conversation that ROBERT KENNEDY had been shot, he did not feel emotionally able to speak with his daughter at this time* - • . Rr. SERRAHO stated inasmuch as he did not converse with his daughter, 8AHDRA, during any of the telephone calls, he could not state what the exact conversation was during these calls. He advised that his wife talked with SANDRA on the occasion of each call and she would be able to advise as to the extent and topic of the conversations during the calls. •"' Mr. SERRANO stated his daughter, SANDRA, is a very fine young lady who does not drink or sraoke and has very high morals and character. He stated she is a very level-headed young lady who is bo ,ted she graduated fr<

Ohio. like this bourse and w after one senester—JLn elth she went to' live with year naa oeea


On 6/8/68 at Lorain, Ohio Cleveland 175-16

.Dart dictated g/H/68

Thil document conlaim n.llh.r r.comm.ndatloni nor conclusion! o' lh* FBI. II it lh« property of 1h. FBI and It loon.d to your ag.ncy; II ond Itt conl.nii arc not to b* di»lrlbv!«d outtid* your og.ncy. OTIONAL romsi no. 10 M«V IM EDITION VtAFFMIt (ll Cm) tOI.I UNITED STATES GOV,-ANMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-I56) DATE: 6/12/68

FROM : SAC, CLEVELAND (175-16) (P)


Re Cleveland teletype to Los Angeles, 6/8/68. Enclosed herewith are nine (9) copies each of „.-• PD-302 setting forth results of interviews with MANUELvif. and AMPARO SERRANO at Lorain, Ohio. * 2 - £os Angeles (Enc. 27) (RM) (AMSD) 2 - Cleveland


Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan OfTIONW. FOUM NO' W MAT tMl EDITION OS* GEN. m«. NO. XI 13 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC (56-156) DATE: 6/1U/68



At 5:06 A.M., _^__^»_ that he be immediately furnished the two corrections he requested, by this morning. If the corrections were sent by teletype he ad- vised that ip will not be necessary to call him. J > r


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/14/68



ate Central ;ee, Los Angeles, was Interviewed by writer I ioned matter. Mr. HALL advised that on the evening of 6/4/68, while .accompanied by two female Republican Committee Workers from Riverside, during a period of time covering 10:00 through 11:30 p.m., he came In contact with an individual he believes to be connected with the shooting of Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY. v HALL disclosed that while sitting In a lounge near the Rafferty Room with the aforementioned females, a white male, approximately 5"8", having brown medium- length hair and wearing a bulky dark sport coat and hie slacks, came up to their table and requested to Join them. HALL, advised that one of the females indicated that he might sit down and HALL stated that a bizarre conversation (': followed„ **&* HILL advised that this Individual, who spoke with extremely strange vocabulary but not with an accent, indicated in different sentences that he was for KENNEDY and against RAFFERTY and then immediately thereafter for RAFFERTY and against KENNEDY. HALL stated that he also advised that he was a Bel Air resident, a student at San Fernando Valley State College, a student at Santa Monica City College, and later not a student at all. HALL advised that the Individual In question was carrying a plastic zipper type briefcase containing a bulge which he,^HALX, positively believes to have been a gun. HALL stated that he believes this bulge to have been a gun In that he formerly carried a similar 0 briefcase in which he had a .22 caliber revolver, which made a very similar bulge_j wHU- tit


LA 5b-15fc

HALL advised that during this conversation the individual in question indicated that "I have something here that is going to make big news tonight, big news, big news". HALL advised that one of the females attempted to touch this briefcase, at which time the individual pulled it away from her reach. HALL advised that sometime around midnight, he and the two females were sitting in a nearby- restaurant, Michael's on Los Feliz Boulevard, when the Jiews- that Senator KENNEDY had been shot was flashed on the television. HALj# stated that he and the two females immediately remembered the individual with the briefcase and rushed back to the Ambassador Hotel, at which time they told their story to three different police officers and several prominent RAKPERTY for Senate Committemen. • HALL,, advised that he has never been recontacted by the' police department as promised and he identified the' two females j*ho accompanied him as telephone " [ephone

FD 302's to follow. LEAD LOS ANGELES \ AT RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA: Will interview KAREN MC SPADDEN ajid DAi^E DURETTE for any information concerning the ado"vei mentioned individual.

- 2 - i-iV^i'-'W-'1





On 6/13/68, GEORGE .SJ&WBB, Chief of Investigations, Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, furnished the reporter's transcript of the Grand Jui*y Proceedings^ Friday, p MJ P 6//68 Case Mo. A233U21U , entitleitldd M>i Jhe FeopTF Te" oii tne State of California, Plaintiff, vs. Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, Defendant". - ,^ : ±ti ^fci'i «'.'-• >

MAT IfU CS1TKM h '' Ol» OEM. "«O. NO. f> .;.-.>' Q UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO r, LOS AITOSLS5 (56-156) DATE: 6/15/63



Re Indianapolis teletype to Los Angeles, dated 6/15/68. \ Y* T-'A^.IE RO^SRj 'Se^retery to forjj advised this Geie llliil Al1^ HIIX-5R re sides aL bu, California, tihe furnished his home p ^^^^^^^ and noted that RIKGSR was interviewed by" the LAPD at the ssr.e tine she vaa. (HOTER has been interviewed re KENS ALT by vriter).

L5AD • interview RIUG2rt re information set forth in referenced i* oraun in , eX \ on»

\>nc MAT tan COITION OCA GEN. BCO. HO. tl tf' * %4 D UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 3 Memorandum




JIM DUNN Re memorandum of SA iated 6A3/68. On this date it was determined thai ilifornia, was re named is contacted telephonically and Sacramento about one year ago where he got; a Job in the KENNEDY Campaign and travelled extensively with the KENNEDY party. Postmaster, United States Post Office, North Holly- wood, California, advised tha^^g^^^^e a change of address showing JIM DUNN.JTpr.E£jJj^^^^i^KI^^^^^3aaiigfid address on July 21, iybV tojBjj^^^^H^^BH^B^^^BCalifornia

Teletype sent to Sacramento to cover interview of JIM DUNN. AH- *MV Ml tplTICN HI GEN. "tO NO. V UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGEIES (56-156) DATE: 6/15/68



e requested interview s Angeles. was On 6A5/68iflBHlB contacted at her residence and advised that.she had contemplated traveling to the United Arab Republic on or about 6/25/68 via a •charter flight. These plans were only tentative and she has now abandoned plans to travel abroad. •HPIIIII^IH^pdvised that she is a native born American crtizen or Lebanese derivation and that she does not know, nor does she have information of SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN, other than that information which was obtained by her from the newspapers concerning the KENNEDY assault and assassination. She stated that she was not at the Ambassador Hotel on the night that Senator KENNEDY was mortally wounded and that she did not have a polkadot dress in her wardrobe. She said she deplored this violence and was a supporter of another Democratic candidate. She informed that she has a slight acquaintance among people of Arabic origins and noted that she is not of Jordanian or Palestinian derivation, but specifically of Lebanese derivation. She emphasiz^this point and pointed out that it was her understanding that SIRHAN is a Palestinian national.

She advised she could furnish no Information re the KENNEDY assassination and she would be available for recontact at any time by the FBI. A description obtained during interviewed and follows:


\: 'Vw f • •'

LA 56-156

Name Age Born Residence Telephone No. Height Weight 120 pounds Hair Black Eyes Dark brown Complexion Olive Occupation


-2- Puerto Rico ; i*;, June 6, 1968

Kr. Edgard Hoover .FBI Director:

-r. Dear Sir: In regard irith Kennedys cases, would you investigate what about Trujillo money in this criainal actions. I suppose the oldest son of the slain doninican dictator has sone rea son, or naybe so, for take a venguessice.

It is probably he met tojJack in Dallas, near Forth ^orth ( or any other place near there rrhere he was). In the l?.st happening where Bob Kennedy los his life is possible he looked for an fanatic arabian. Trujillo's son Rafael L. Trujillo, said to be an admirer of Na- sser, "besides he said not to be a friend of northamerican people or his government. Very Trujy your a '•"•*. 0-» (B.v. i-IJ-64) 'I -'

F BI Date: June 13, 1968 Transmit the following In (Type in plaintext or code) Via AISTEL (Priority)

SI/ To: / SAC, Los Angeles Fromf Director, FBI KENSALT

Enclosed herewith for Los Angeles is a Xerox copy of a letter received by the Bureau dated June 6, 1968, at Puerto Rico and signed^ This is furnished for your information and completion of your files.

Enclosure 1 - San Juan (Enclosure) (INFO)



Sent Via .M Per OPTIONAL nmt* NO in M»» ttU ICiTlON »« ctn, »a NO. a S •( UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum




Re FD-71 of SA 6/10/68. lace of employment, City of

thas a girl friend who totd tier that e? ther Konday -ei--Ttrgsdaybefore the murder of KFNKEDY she went Into a Hexall Drug St&re located in downtown Los Angeles, California to make a telephone call. While in the booth she heard a man rcake a telephone call and he stated to someone on the ether end of the line, "I didn't make contact with my psychiatrist, but 1 plan to follow through with my part'1. This woiffan tften stated that after the murder of KENKFDY she saw a picture of the subject STRHAN, and she believes he is Identical with the man in the phone booth.

.s asked the Identity of this woman, however he wiuld have to call his wife. He then talked to his wife In the presence of the agent, however she would not talk to the agent, and sheask|iher husband to keep the identity of her friend a secret^//^^^^ Indicated that his wife was upset that he call ipove mentioned company, stated mat; ne wii± con who gave his wife this information, and endeavor get and complete story, or to have her call on Sati / SO that she can relate the full story to an agent stated he didn't know her. story. ;tated that he can b inct eiephone ana tnat he resides at os Angeles. LEAD. SATURDAY SUPERVISOR have agent recontacti lin the event that [doesn't call office.'


,••:-.>• !••. StiRCHEO ~djf... t«/>r} f 7/9- SERIALI«D .....^jy JUN15WB8 Fdl — LOS plaint Fortn j-7\ (Rev. 10-26-65) 0

NOTE: Hand print name* legibly; handwriting satisfactory fot remainder. Indie**: • Negative | | See below Subject's name and aliases Address of subject Character of case


Complainant Complainant's address and Complaint received Anon, telephone number I | Personal gT] Telephonic

Date Jl/lS/hB-Tlme 10* 30AM

Race Sex Height Hair Build Birth date and Birthplace

-"I Age Weight Eyes Complexion u | [ Female fa Scars, marks qr other data "8

Facts of complaint The complainant, a female, advised that her son attends Agoura High School, Agoura, California. She advised that the music teachetf at Agoura High has told hia class that hla, the teachers, wife'was a close friend of SIRgA^a^me time. She advised that the HHHMMHM teachers name Is Jj^^^^Mphorij)t and that he is the only music teacher at AlH^



TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE; 6/14/68

FROM : g£


he had received two communications in the mail on 6/5/68, and they are described as follows: Communication No. 1 v Envelope bears postmark of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,

in yellow and is quoted as follows: "KINDLY SEE THAT YOUR PEOPLE KEEP * AU^ A RESPECTFUL DISTANCE FROM SENATOR KENNEDY." Communication No. 2 Envelope bears postmark of Bellevue, Pennsylvania, June 3, 1968, and the hand-print^^ml^±inj^!AT^MAIL". It bears the typewritten address of flHmmpLos Angeles, California." The note BentTntnTsenvelope was typewritten and is quoted as follows: "kennedy as an attorney general did nothing for you. kennedy as a senator did nothing for you; as president, what would he do for you? the same thing - NOTHING.11 0

SEARCHED -fy SERIALIZED ../^KctfltO /. JUN 141958 .•\ FBI - LOS ANGEL£8 V n LA 56-156

had no information as to the identity or the person, "or^eTsons, sending these letters; that if he received information of pertinence, he would inform the FBI. He advised that he knew of no other letters of this type. He said that Jiy|flllHI|H|^H and that the AU- orsgnl2a^£|^not identified

possibly the sem senders) .of the le-ctershadinm fact that organizati1

that it receives mail at [so through Post Office "~ has existed for two years.* numerous persons had handled these commtmic In view of the fact that the letters received are from an unknown individual and that they are nonspecific in content, it is recommended that no further investigation be conducted concerning the letters.


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/X5/68



^^^^^^^^^ that the writer telephonlcally advised SAI^^^H^HIBAnight supervisor, Division 6, SOG, that the pac kage being forwarded to SOG would leave Los Angeles on TWA Pit. 62 at 10:50 PM and would arrive at Friendship Airport at 6:20 AM. The package would be in the custody of the "A Hostess" as obtained trom TWA official.



On 6/12/68 the following Information w&a r©c«lv«4 tfHHIHHHHHk tid Kenned 7

who was a volunteer worker at the Keuboy pg a tine, has reported that she knew one ____^ an Arab, who worked as a volunteer for a lew a5e3y Head* , quarters. She has Indicated this 1 ya a "acted suspl- ; clous" during the time he was there. had ^ mentioned this to her present employer, Washington attorney, who in turn infor Bead- quarters officials.

telephone nurobe __' can be\ reache not have y an address lor no further tion on this matter, 170 handle, 2} - Los Angeles*

JUN i G 1968 FBI — LOS ANGELES /\ 0-4Jn«. S

F BI Date: June 13, 1968 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) .

Via AIRTEL (Priority)

To/ SAC, Los Angeles (56-156) rom: Director, FBI ' KENSALT ReLAairtel 6-7-68, transmitting photos of Sirhan Sirhan to Bureau and Butelcall to Los Angeles 6-13-68. Los Angeles immediately disseminate copies of Sirhan Sirhan's photo to all field offices. Bureau will disseminate to Legats. • ' This confirms reButelcall.

Sf»nt Via MAT Ml (OITION at eot. HI NO. tr UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT I** J£< v:i>v.*,- Memorandum

TO SAC, MS AMGEIES (56-156) DATE: 6/X5/68



Re memo of SA lated 6/13/68, It is noted in this memo are listed persona who were in attendance at the May 28, 1968 meeting of Ancient Mystic Qpder of^heJoglcruciarL. Included in this list are DELORES ABANGTMBj^BMBMBjEasadena, California, and EI-iOGENE ACOB.^^^^^^^^^^R Altadena, California. _^^ [PWORTH, Secretary of this organization, has advised that UJANA ACOB^. daughter of EMOGENE ACOB and •r -y»y DELORES ABANG, daughter of the DELORES ABANG listed in re @u! memo would.also have been at the meeting as "Colombes." Part of 'the duties of a Colombe is to escort any guest at a meeting' to familiarize them with the other people, in attendance there at the meeting room, and because of this, these two girls probably met the guest at the meeting on May 28, who may be identical to SIRHAN SIRHAH.


If not all ready done, will interview LUANA ACOB, and DELORES ABANG. if/fi f -



Brooklyn, nerous iniO and stated that ahe knew did not know her 1 curren^whereabouts. On 6, advised Colif^^^^^ccordlng to a 1 from flHHK>ostmarked 5/26/68 • stated that she hija known ^ for a. number of years and believes that orlgihally from Ecuador. She described about 50 years of age, light brown ^^^^^^ She stated that as far as ehe knows, H|^^|B3 a bat knows little else regarding her barKground, LEAD: '. TJO$ ANGELES AT SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA; Will contad at above-mentioned eduress.

-2- f'%




Re Birmingham teletype to Director, 6/12/68. TONY VOLPE, —^^^^^^^— Mich. , advised 6/13/bb that nis wife and Mrs. JUANITA ., ^^tgoi-extra 12 day fo"ur to" Spain and Portugal "HOT return until evening of 6/18/68. LEAD DETROIT

/)*> AT DETROIT, MICHIGAN Will interview Mrs. VOLPE and Mrs. MC LAUGHLIN on 6/19/68.

Bureau Los Angeles (f i ". •'• ',*'-- - f* . ••- ^- -



TO; DIRECTOR, F3I (62-587)


Fc iiiririnc!iaB teletype tc Bureau dated 6/12/68. presently irrTuiTJi-Ti aJid is •n tc Austin Tex^s. until 7/3/C8.

iAS: Kil1 interview ALICE PLTL upon :j her return 7/3/T3."

J : .<- -.:•; :,.•.:.: •:.?... J- :Vl .-H




TFOM r SAC, SA?< ANTONIO <5fi-lO2)


In February 1958 vhilo he. \-iut an individual k.!W*r. «3 -i.r- i:]••..-»tic-1 tr, the ir.Jivi.'j.-a Lc-s ^i-'-ilco. Cnlif. , a cr^ ::^i.:ir,r. for tr.*; riuro^r of S^irttor ROn.^T F. iCiJ.'-N'L'i

and telephone iiu?iL»»ir on s -u toll! c for r)?ionv

is Citv, he

f:^r» :.riM'l;ss C/'.'D 1968^/ SA SG-102 s:--ont the firat ;ii^ht at the Cnaso hotel. He hitchhiked from Kansas £ity to Los Angelas, Ccliforjii?., arriving at the Greyhound Bus St^tior^^out 12*30 p.n. on 2/16/S8. Cn route to Los Ancteles, flmf^pant the «oc->nd ni,sT.Lit in the jail at Wichita, Kan^^^tnsthird at an unrecalled hotel in El Keno; Okla. , and the fourth ha roJc all night. On the fifh nipht he stay?it at a truck stoo located on Highway 66 Flatrstaff, Arisons. After ho arrivaci at t!ie Groynound Sus Station in Los -is , t\e*. w"\s ntanJinir around JocitJini', *hat to vp. rrn-/ n.-iir. J+2-oO to J^^^^H|ad<:rcss which C 33 -jr^,an^yTjyierit ^^ffan ahf.nt 15 minuf froai the ation SA S6-102

varicus visirTJTvs who were representatives of the Communist Party, tae ' Minutonen,"' and other uni*ecallod groups. :

- 3 - ..... ;.•;.;"'•liJ*->

"I . >•**••

SA 5G-102

During these discussions they frequently referred to the phrase, "this summer wrten the revolution ij fcroak out, ' the details of which were unknown t©|

o attended several other alrailar \fic at different places -mich he is un?bl« to identify. Sometin«3 thes& meetings w^re ha Id in homes and other tiraas in offices of one of these groups.

Tnis Hi«etlng was held In an apartafieh w«»re only about 12 people individual ^^^^^^ _ 'authorities jaurder of Senator H^^^^F and two or three other men is .unable to de3cr?L^^^^ere was also a white female meeting} whose name flHjJHF^0*8 not know, who was about 23 years of age* about^^^llQ lbs. The discussion at this meeting concerned the revolution that was to come this suouser. Th^t|^gle talked about preparations that were to be made, and^j^JH^iid tVjere were certain people that * were Roing to beraKen out of\the picture. He oentioneV four na»es, t^nich tnrltiried MARTIK LliTHFR KING, Senator ROPEPT F. KCSIIEDY. 3A S6-102 their Attorney General for tuft State of California, inu a Sanettor fron Missouri, n«ne unknown. these ?ao^le had to b& taken out of the ^p^y replied it w^s nostlv because too isany p looTecTup to these l^aJer^ and th-it their beliefs iire different. T;,ese individuals -/ere also blamed for their supp

_ he vould recognize thesa ^> if he ever sawtAes again «nel "throughout the interview maintained the aljove inforiaation was the truth. Tne follorfing ..background and descriptive information was obtained during the interview and from, observation: Race: Whit« Sax: Horn: Uelgrtt Weight K&ir-. Eyes: 5A S6-1G2


education: Relatives:



Previously Employed: -.. V:.

SA S6-1Q2

Previous Arrests:


LOS AUCELHS, CALirORHlA. 1. Will ascertain ferred "to i'n'details"Is" identical to SIR;IAII

2. Attempt to identify house between Los Angeles i^tm- and Orange» Calif,* where guns iaay have been ctorec in the basement. FD-302 I*.,. J-15-44) o


Dot*. 6/1^/68

iras Interviewed at his residence* ETCAtar* *«* York, stated Ae aid not know SIBHAN 3IRHAH and he had no Idea why 5XBHAN would have his (BAEZA's) naae written down. BAEZA stated he rides stake?races occasionally In California but has no recollection of ever seeing SIBHAlf StKBAH, BAEZA also stated he saw pictures of SLRHAN SIRHAN In the newspaper but could not place him as a person he had ever seen anywhere. EAEZA could furnish no additional information.



On. 6/12/6S .at. Oarden City, W.Y. nu* 1ST 44*1640 6A3/68 by- . Date dictated. Thit documint ccntolnt neither r«comm»ndollOm nor toncluilont ol lh« FBI. tl l( th. pfQp»fly of lh» FBI ond it loaned to yout agtncy; II ond i'l conttnli or* not to b. dlllrlbu'td oullid* your agancy. V FD-36 (R.T. S-8

F B t Date: 6/13/68 PLAIN TEXT Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) v


FROM: SAC, NEW YORK (44-1640)


Re Los Angeles teletype to Nev York; dated 6A/68, 'Enclosed for Los Angeles are 9 copies of an ^' 302 contalnhg the results of an Interview with BRAULIO BAEZA.

- Los Angeles (Ends'. 1- New York

Approved: Sent Per Agent in Charge OPTIONAL rORM NO H HAY IK] KOlTtQN OtA 6CK, IKO. Ma D UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum



Mr California~7 telephone num the following information at He was previously Interviewed by SA about week ago regarding the KENNEDY shooting' was 0 r h an_ Gabriel >ecame so upse res Police Department and the FBI about SIRHAN. •' BUCKNER stated that he had not furnished full informa- tion j-egardingSIRHAN previously to interviewing officers because ••••Hhad not desired that he talk about this matter, BUCKNER stated that he would like to talk to and furnish full information. BUCKNER noted that officers of the Los Angeles Police Department have an appointment scheduled with him for between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m., 6/17/68, but that he would like to talk to FBI Agents also in person, SA WILLIAM JOHN NOLAN was advised of the above information and stated that Los Angeles Police Department Officers should talk to BUCKNER prior to any recontact by FBI. LEAD LOS ANGELES AT OLENDORA, CALIFORNIA. Recontact EVERETT BUCKNER f (check with Los Angeles Police Department Officers prior to recontact with BUCKNER). Advise Los Angeles Police Department that BUCKNER called the office relative to a reinterview. Advise SA NOLAN in the event any problem relative to this matter* ^ S^'Sii&^J^&L SEARCHED

JUN 1 71908 FBI - LOS GtS • y ,-*1.. '•'.+'• i' > i-



TOt DIRECTOR, FBt (52-587) FROMlV' SAC, SAN FRANCISCO (62-S«tfll) .'•.':'..''

KEHSALT '.'•;. ••-,,.' :.'•:*;• • "-• '"' ' " '-' '•.., ... \ ... : R«t San Francisco Express Tlaes c • Re Newark tel to Bureau» 6/5/68, «nd Atlanta alrtel to Bura«uf 6/6/68, Enclosed for the Bureau and LA are two copies «ach of portion of captloned newspaper and the article on Page 3 regarding Sen.' ROBERT. F, KENNEDY'S appearance in San Fran- cisco*, fi and editor of the pa^rr i reason, UACB, CARSON not being 'Irve concerning article*

3 - Bureau - Los Angeles

J. .• frt*y 1*6: COITtOM OS± CCM Fit ft NO. 11 UNITED STATES FJINMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS AKG2LSS (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68



On 6/7/68, one roll of 16mm magnetic stripe color film shot at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California, on the morning of June 5, 1968 by BILL WILDE of KNXT News and relating to the shooting of ^gn^tor R0B2RT P^_KKNWEDTL >y lanne. lgele's, California. A review of this film indicated it consisted of the activity immediately after the shooting of Senator KENNEDY and shows three of the shooting victims being placed in ambulances for transportation to Central Receiving Hospital.

>- - #

OfTIOMU. FORM NO « -'^ MAY 1IM EDITION »* ; : - i

•*•'. >u CCN. we. Ma t> V .,'.' UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68



On 6/7/68, one roll of 16mm magnetic stripe color film shot at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California, on the morning of June 5, 1968 by BILL WILPE of KNXT News and relating to the shootlne Lshed to

California. A review of this film indicated it consisted of the activity immediately after the shooting of Senator KENNEDY and shows three of the shooting victims being placed ;in ambulances for transportation to Central Receiving hospital. OPTIONAL. FOttM NO 10 WAY 1M] EDITION fiLK ftEC. WO- IT UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ABGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/15/68



woman for nerves who fit the description of the girl in the polka dot dress. He did not know her name.; 6/1V68, advised thaTPi;he~inedixa tting records '"1 irl described "Iwas named _.> HiHHaHpiBF1130 indicated that the girl was employed at the waasworth Hospital in the Dietary Kitchen and was a Government employee. leal Administrative Officer of the Dayj advised the personnel records were kept locked and e available during normal hours on 6/17/68. LEADS LOS ANGELES ^^)S ANGELES, CALIFORNIA- tf 111 rTHTTiir- pers< record of ^^^HUHHTat Build: _^_^ information necessary to matte or eliminate her as the girl in the polka dot dress.


y^.ii- Lc.-J ; v:


SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/17/68 tM FROM


The following list of individuals represent em- ployees of the Ambassador Hotel, who were not able to be contacted at the hotel.

(Room Service)

o r n i a

(lllUJlkhce laborer, toE! Jaiirornia banquet houseman)

SCAKCHtO tNQtHtO 1 phone £ (Maid JUN1 71968/ LA 5^-156

allfornia clal Security No.

phone ^^^_ (Bart^RSer

^fe^^B (

(Banquet houseman)

aliforni (Dishwashei)') 3SSNDQ

(Banquet ho/isenan) VIA :iforni

rnia telephonei (Cook)

-2- /?•-•

LA 56-156

California phonei - (House DARIiENE. K tio addre; phone (Coff

telephon (C. S. b

"telephone (Chef I

Torrance, telephone (can be inrr day a (Cashier) IEAD It is.suggested that the above Individuals be con- tacted and interviewed at their residence.

-3- m HIT W (OITIOH •*• can. no. HO. t> UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ft Memorandum

TO : SAC, LA . 6-14-68 DATE:



RS serial 393.

On 6-II4-68 CHARLES ZOEDLER^ Manager of tv ARNES BREEDING FARMS 11551 ftlncon. Corona. California advised thab he did not know SIRHAN SIRHAN1. He said that he might have a sen him when ho, SIRHAN , was working for the Granja Vista Dal ^ie 'arms, 13200 Citrus, but he does not recall him. He explained that the Arnes farms raises horses but they; do not do any training and send the hrses for training to Granja. He x±» said that he does not believe that DESI ARNiS will recall SIRHAN and does not believe that he has ever even seen him as he believes that it has been at least three years since DE I has been to Granja Vista.




TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-l56)(P) DATE.:' 6/17/68


SUBJECT: KEWSALT 00: Los Angeles

Re FJ-71, dated 6/9/68 at Los Angeles .1 oulnz investigation wasconducted by EA on 6/1V68 in Long Beach, California:

was interviewed at his place of residence, at wn^cn time advised th^t he had received a letter from his son, me-iber of the Peace Corps, stationed In rcio, boraolia Republic, Zi'rica, fl&Ced 5/30/68. tatedth*it his son's letter was postnErked 6/2/68, ..i^oS ior to the death or the assault of ROBERT furnished the letter to fbe interviewer, which-^read' in" oar ollows: "Now I hear that the RFK assination was a sham- OlD Some Somalia made it up or sor-e thing- but the problems are stillthe same anyway". ^H^^HBtated tUt he was of the opinion that possibly there was a runor in effect in Africa that RPK had bean assinated prior to the assault of this indivual in LosAngeles 6/5/68. The letter m de no reference to the assination other than that above. furnished the following physical description

Race: White Sex: Male DOB: PUB: •• /'eight! •lU• l Education: ••1

2- 56-LS6 :«; . >'-i:\f >fc '«


Eyes: Hazel Employment: Peace Corps, presently stationed Modadlsclo, ^omolia Republic, Africa stated t fat la wished to na ke the above infer ration available to the FBI for whatever reason that the Bureau might make of it. OPTIONAL Mm* NO * •MY IK (SITKM as* ecM. ncg. Nft, v UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) 6/17/68 TO •DATE:



Jallfornla, was Interviewed and advised that 1 HAft attended the Syrian Orthodox Church, about five years ago, which church is attended by TOMA. He stated this church is located at Third Street and Alvarado Street and the pastor is Father PAUL ROMLEY. LEADS Will contact Father PAUL RprfLEY to determine if he recalls SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN attending that church, C if so>verlfy his membership and any information available concerning his background, etc. H»02 (R«*. 4-IM4)


Mr. JESSE M, UWRUH, lifornia State Assembly, home address Inglevood, California, furnished the foil1 On June 4, 1968* he vaa on the fifth floor of the Anbassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, along with members of his staff and Senator KENNEDY and his staff, avalting the results of the California Presidential Primary* People in the room off the main lobby who were awaiting the arrival of Senator KENNEDY began to get restless and it was suggested that he (UNRUH) go down to speak to then. ; At about 11:30 p.m. he went down and spoke to the group. At approximately 11:45 p.m. he felt there were sufficient returns for Senator KENNEDY to claim victory and sent his assistant, Mr. JACK C, CHOSE, to get the Senator and,his party. — ^ The Senator caste down to the hall and addressed the group congregated there for about eight minutes or so and then started to walk away* He proceeded ito his right, towards a table where PIERRE SAlJHGER and DICKKtJNE were seated. He was propelled, by someone wnon he could^notT see, towards the back of the stage. The'stage was so Jammed he (UNRUH) de- cided to go down the stairs from the stage and go to the hallway by the door located at the foot of the stage in the room. When he stepped out into the hallway Senator KENNEDY had already passed that area and was about ten paces ahead of Ma. He then heard two or four pops followed by four or five more. At this point he did not realize these were pJLstol O. !«,. . A

Ca- 6/13/68 _ot. Sacramento, California EH.* SC 62*76

.Data 6/14/68

Thii document contain* n»Hh.r r.comm.ndononi nor conduitont of ft. FBI. I) It Ih. property ot Ih. FBI and U loon.d 10 your II ond tl» conl.nlt Q<« not 10 b. dUtrlbut.d outild. your og»ncy. 2 62-76

shots and thought they might be balloons. All at once the crowd parted In front of him\as he continued to valk forward. He then observed.PAUL SfiHRADE lying on the floor with an obvious bullet wound in his head and immediately noticed Senator KENNEDY lying on the floor ahead of SCHRAIE. Senator KENNEDY brought his hand down from his head and appeared to clutch at his stomach, hence he believed the Senator had been shot there. Someone had already gotten to the Senator and had undone his shirt. * Inasmuch as the crowd was pressing in, his first thoughts were to make room for the Senator and prevent his being trampled on* He then attempted to push newsmen, photographers, and other people in the area\away. Noticing a photographer on top of a table where ROOSEVELT GRIER had pinned,SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN, he pulled"hlm off the"taole and iato the corridor. At this point it was the first time he had seen SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN and at no time did he ever observe SIRHAN hddlng the gun. \ Recalling the fate that had befallen LEE HARVEY _ OSWALD and hearing voices in the crowd yelling to kill SIRHAN he recalls yelling to the group holding SIRHAN to protect him. He could not recall exact words used but remembering the events in Dallas when OSWALD had been shot he did not want to see the same thing happen there. He did recall saying something like, "If the system works at all, we are going to try this one". When the police arrived he attempted to keep the police all around SIRHAN so as to protect him. He himself grabbed SIRHAN by the scruff of the neck and helped to propel him down the hallway through the lobby and to a police car parked in front of the hotel. He accompanied the police officers In the car that SIRHAN was in to the Rampart Division* He sat In front with the driver and SIRHAN was in the back seat between two other T-ic service r9 196ft when he [eft sayitfs he had to ?ec a lawyer ro«*aTdin™ f»s*ily problens bic and has not Teturncd.

Agency of the VSi an and said his corroct theTe vould he a^^solutely no raerlt S!;e said he was an alcoholic and has l>een in a at Vinifa, OMahc.ia on tvo occasions vithin the last two years for alcoholism, She said the saw MR: Tune ftf 1*168 when he vas drinHng excessively and JiJ not know his whereabouts as of June 7#

SI if. m

police officers. About the time they entered the car SIRHAN mumbled, "I did it for my country1*. Re could not recall at Just what point he (UNBUH) asked the question during the ride, but since SIKHAN looked like a Latin-Amer- ican he asked SIRHAN, "Why hint Why him? He was trying to do something1*. SIRHAN muttered* "It's too late* It's too late"* He also recalls SIKHAN saying, HI can explain, X can explain". He could not, however, recall the exact sequence of the statements except for the one made as they entered the car* They arrived at the Rampart Division and SIRHAN vas taken into a room there by one of the officers. His sole concern there vas that SIRHAN not be In a position* to do himself any haxm and he was assured by an officer that SIRHAN vas still handcuffed and would not be able to do himself any harm* Shortly after their arrival at the Rampart Division he noticed the time was 12:43 a.m. SIRHAN subsequently was 'brought out, placed into a police car and taken to the Central Division. He followed In another car behind. Upon arriving SIRHAN was taken to an Isolation room and interrogated and that is all he saw of SIRHAN. He added that he vas not aware of any formal plans for Senator KENNEDY to address the press. The only plan he was aware of vas that there vas to be a victory celebration at the "Factory" a discotheque in Hollywood, California, to which he and his staff had been invited. To his knowledge all plans were made by the Senator's staff* fD-302 (*«. 4-tS-M)


f 1968

Assistant «~ regsE H. UNRUH fof California. home acdresT mbly. State 01 I*IIIW«I tocwmento, furnished the following formation:



and were getting wt.JKSNNEDY to come down to addrew UNRUH go down to speak to ttfisweone suggested tnat to the ballroom where Hr. UNRUH addre^S®?*?1^) m approximately 11:30 p.m. At about 11:45,*13rJ requested he go to get Senator KENNEDY and his party as it appeared there were sufficient ballots reported In for Senator KENNEDY to claim victory* He proceeded through the hallway and went to the single elevator at the south end of the building and went to the fifth floor; as he exited the elevator fee observed the Senator, FRED PUTTON, BILL\BARRYt and about ten "or fifteen other people coming down trie hall* "" It was suggested they take the larger elevator because of the size of the group* They took this elevator and exited towards the lobby of the hotel* As they emerged from the elevator someone from the group, possibly Mr* FRED DUTTCN, or^ FRANK MANKIEffJCZ suggested they go through the lobby corridor and througn the crowd in the room to get to the stage, however* Senator KENNEDY decided to avoid the crowd and go to the platform by way of the Colonial Room and the hallway which vm leads to the stage*

r -Lfu .'V'Ci.'-••*

On 6/13/68 at Sacramento. California F,u« SC 62-76

— Dote dictated.

Ih!» document conlalni n*tlh*r r»comm«ndollont nor eoneludom of th« FBI. It It lh* property of Ih* F»l end l» loaned to »o«r a and ll» cooliftlt or* oof tob « dl«trtbw«*d ouNtd* your agency. -76

Vhen they arrived at the stage he found It was jam packed and decided to atay at the foot of the stage. Following the Senator's speech, the Senator pro* cee^ed to walk to his right towards a table where PIERRE SALlkjER and PICK K^IHS were seated, however, someone (unknown to him) but\whom he believes was in a tuxedo, pointed him in the direction of the rear of the stage. At this point he himself left the room and went directly back to the fifth floor and was not aware that the Senator had been shot until he heard it on TV. He added that during the evening he made several trips through the kitchen but at no time did he ever see SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN nor had he ever seen SIRHAN before or since, except for photogrqhs appearing in newspapers. He stated he was not aware of any formal plans for the Senator to address the press or of any prescribed route that the Senator was to take to and from the stage. The only planned affair he was aware of was a victory celebration to take place at the "Factory"* a discotheque in Hollywood, California, to which he as a member of Mr. UHRUH's staff, had been Invited.


Re Los Angeles teletype to SacAemento, 6/12/68, 5:28 p.a., requesting interview with. JES3g UNRUH. v •

" Enclosed for the Los Angeles Division are nine (9) copies each o^fFD 302s regarding interview with JESSE UNRUH and JACK C. \&osy.t M» assistant. Both interviews were conducted in th^ speaker's office. State Capitol, Sacramento, > .

Los Angeles (Ends ento . ; .


^•'Z.t- •'-.. .: fe^

Approved; '-'", ,"-. S»rt ' '-••-•>-/:-•-?-'• t|--. PT •-•-••''••- m Special Agent in Charge • -:-: » • £•' > i rrt-— 4-750 (2-7-79) xxxxxXXXXXXx O xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET

Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

CU Deleted under exemption(s) with no segregable material available for release to you.

C3 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request

• Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only,

• Documentfs) originating with the following government agency(ies) , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

* Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); Qjjtdfln^^B flT Unti^L fifty

Pagefs) withheld for the following reason(s):

I I For your information:

aJ The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X DELETED PAGE(S) JNO DUPLICATION FEE * FOR THIS PAGE X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx ^ ":'•- •' ' ••' r sj J




Enclosed are copies of a self-explanatory telegram from the American Embassy, Paris* dated 6/8/68. Since the blonde mentioned in connection with Senator KEKNEDY's . assassination has now been identified and interviewed, no further inquiry need be made. However, the enclosed informa-' tion is being furnished to the Bureau and Los Angeles for r, information purposes and possible future use. A copy of the enclosed telegram has also been furnished to the Paris Office of the Secret Service for their information. .

H - Bureau (Encs. - 2) (1 - Liaison Section) (1 - Los Angeles, Info.) ris


Routing Slip 3-7 (R»v. 3-31-67) (Copi«i to Office. Checked) TOt SAC,

' i Albany ', | Houston j New York City I Tampa ' j Albuquerque I i Indianapolis ! Norfolk V.'ashinatcn Fiel I I Anchorage ' L Jackson I Oklahoma City C3 Atlanta ! I Jacksonville | Omaha ^3 Baltimore 1 | Kansas City Philadelphia TO LEGAT-. I I Birmingham ! I Knoxville Phoenix 1 \ Bern Boston Las Vegas Pittsburgh 1 \ Bonn Buffalo Little Rock Portland HD Buencs Aires Butte Los Angeles Richmond [J Hong Ken? : Charlotte • Louisville St. Louis ; Ltr.dcr. Chicago i | Memphis Sail Lake City 1 "1 Cincinnati rn Miami | San AmoniO [H3 Cleveland i San Diegc CD Columbia I San Frannscc I j Dallas I I Mcbile ! San Juan I I Denver i \ Newark Santo ! I Detroit ! I New Haven Seattle I I El Paso I i New Orleans ! I Honolulu Dale June 14. 1968 RE; KEKSALT

Retention Fir appropriate OFticnal For inferr^aticn SureFl by The enclesed is fer ycur information. If used in a future report, ' cer.-e all sources, '; paraphrase contents. 1 1 Enclosed aie correclei pages Iron: report oi SA " dated


Enc. Bulile Urfile SI UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE / FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION p)M Ptnuc Refer to Boston, Massachusetts June 14, 1968


Hampshire Robert and Edward_Kennedy. ?68, advised that his secretary at Hampton, New Hampshire, "5ali irom a"n unknown woman who asked foi She was told that he was attending an ind couxa noi talk to her. The woman then said to the secretary, "Give him this message. Tell Senator to check Ottumwa, Iowa." The woman then asked the secretary to repeat the message and she did. The woman then said goodbye and hung up. flHflHiHHIIIHH secretary on June If, lyob** substantiated the foregoing informal and stated that the unknown woman caller was apparently a young person with a local accent. She did not give any identifying information about herself or the purpose of her call. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. : ,'" • :'V'^i " *• •""'"' 'l^ ' ' "i-p* •'




Itoopton, N. H., 1ior the State of W. H. of Senators ROBERT fcndED'.JAR D KENKSPY, on 6/13/63 advised that his secretary /atflM^^H|^HMHpffico, Hampton, W. H,, rece^ve^^^tel^^^ffl^^ffr^iW^^^n unknoi^n woman who asked fcrflHHHHIHH She v;as told he vat ettending a meeting anaproTdno^TSITc to her. The worasn then said to the secretary, l;Glve hin this nessase. Tell Senator TED KE1JKEDY to check Ottueiv;a, Iov;a.n The v.'onan then asfcri the secretary to repeat the message and she did. The vrooah then said goodbye and hung up. Secretary on b/m/bi}^zr5ozt2.nt3.SLtea the iioreg3ins information and stated that the ur.knovm woman caller v;ao apparently a young person with a local accent. She did not give any identifying information about herself or the purpose of her call. The foregoing is being furnished for Information and no action Is being taken by Boston. The local office of Secret Service ha3 been advised.

OLij % it 3 -/Bureau trie, -i /**~**\ P^ - O^aha i.r.G. 1) ( 1 y log r.u:.zV-.i. (L-.-&,, l) ton P w*

Pi •* lift Y i"j;-* 6/11/69

AIRMAIL ; •••._•/-..;•.-•;•

..-••'.;• .. *i:' TOl (62-587)

-, • ' • : -...-.-• .;••••".•; - --4 •.--.- '.-••-• ' •_ ..•-•• •

Re Sacraokento tele to Bureau dated 6/5/68.

talatvna advtaed that XdSS MC\KVDT> III f >h.D.t Department of Sociology, Dniveralty of California at DavLa» California, had stated that a person li^h photograph of SISlLiN BliJiUli SIXHvH had been ordered avay from the hallway near sta&e vhere Senator BQblXf F. KEHN&DY

was to spaak# ',;.••:•. .•-*•:.;..,,-,•• •- : "--"v ::"•,.•'•••*:•*,•-•..••

ProfessorHC EVOY stated this occurred In the hall- vay of Ereeborn Rail, University of California at Davis, California, on 5/16/68, where Senator ROBERT F* KIBNEDY; spoke. til Professor MC CVDT stated that the lndlvidu^^dbdd eat of the hallway by University policeman . tha incident had been observed by Professor! : '••-.• On 6/6/68, inquiry at tha University of California Police Department revealed that the of fleer fwM hftd_erdered the S individual out of the hallway vas Patrolman! ""V^^v •••f the University Police DepartaenTT ated nRa^tnelndividual whoa he ordered out of the' hallway definitely was not SIRHAR BI3USU SIKHAK although there were •pat similar features* tte stated that he had seen photographs of SIRU.JI and was certain of this* 3 - BureaBun u Angeles ramento JUN13 — ri — lTj A'iGCUES us*

SC 62-76

Professor KENNETH Political Science University of California at Davis, California, stated ha was if ..-'•..- the person vho had observed the above incident* Be stated his recollection vas that although this individual appeared to be of Middle East extraction and had features similar to that of, SIRHAHD, he did not believe that they vere identical* He stated that his wife, vho vas in the hallway at the tine, nl^ht recall the individual. OA 6/6/68, Mrs. HEIDI _ ivis, California, advised Evldual vho had been requested to leave the hallway behind the stage where Senator BOB&CX F. KKNKti»Tf vas to speak* She stated that while there vas a definite.resemblance between this individual and SIRHAN, she did not belftve they vere identical* She stated that a friend, MrsT KIRSTS STBUCP* a teaching assistant at the University, was also ther\ at the time and night recall the incident* On 6/8/60, firs. KIRSTi;,STEIKrt>, "California., advised that she dfd recall the lividuai vho had been requested to leave from behind the stage at Freeborn Hall, University of California at Davis, California, when Senator ROBERT F* KENNEDY spoke* She stated that the individual vho vas vbat she considers to be the - * Mediterranean type which Includes Arabs, had features vhich she believes vere similar to that of SIRH.\N; however, she has ae^a photographs of SIRHAN and this individual definitely Is not identical with SIRHAN. She added that she vas able to see this > individual frost about seven feet avay and for several ainutes* I In view of the above, no further Investigation Is being conducted by the Sacramento Division In the above incident, - 2 - MAY Mtl EDITION •a* SCN. HCO. NO. p o UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Pl Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/18/68



InvestiRailon^ reflected that one e Pe^Restaurant, 150b" Nol \venue, Los Angffles. IHHBeportedly was clapping his hands and encouraging slngingin ^^^^*after hearing 1>7D the news of KENNEDY'S assassination. I^^^H^d other persons connected with the Fez Restaurant allegeaTyknow or know of SIRHAN.

Fez nad oeen questioned concerning with SIRHAN or the SIRHAN family. LEADS OA; Will locate and interview m'd Interview them concerning , s ramily and any information pertinent to this investigation.

-X im

SEARCHED w KWAUftD . JUN1 01953 SE 89-62

followin investigationwas conducted by SAs __ andJ^l^mt Bangor, Washington on June

Mrs CAROL BURGESS. 1.5. Marine Corps, USlKTQuartersT U.S. Nava] Bangor, Washington, an employee of the restaurant at the U.S. Naval Ammunition Depot, advised on June 14, 1968, that she had known SIRHAN SIRHAN while she was employed from about klX- November, 1967 to about January, 1968 at the "Organic-Pacific" , Health Food Store owned by Mr. JOHN flEPNES. Pasadena, Calif- \flC- ornia. She said SIRHAN, knoWri generally by the nickname "SOL11, told her he had changed his name to SIRHAN SIRHAN so he could have two similar names, however be did not say what his name had been before the change. She said SIRHAN was a produce boy and took produce from the abovec- store to the Monterrey Park Store and the Downey Store. She said SIRHAN lived about a block and one half to two blocks from the store and that she had dropped him off at his residence in her car a few times. She said this residence was one block off Lake Avenue, but she did not know the address. She said she understood SIRHAN lived with his mother and brother, but she had not met them. She said SIRHAN stated he was "close" to his brother and he had "nice" parents. She said she; believed SIRHAN had an automobile at home, but it was not in running condition. Mrs. BURGESS said SIRHAN told her he was attending night school at Pasadena City College and that he liked history. She said one day SIRHAN came back from lunch with whiskey on his breath and made some remark that he would have to stay away from the boss that afternoon. She said she therefore assumed he drank a little. She said SIRHAN was always by himself, that he came to work and left by himself, and he bad lunch by himself. She said he never spoke of having a girlfriend and said at one time be had "bad luck" with girls, which remark he did not explain. She said ao one visited him at the store. Ste said SIRHAN believed in what he called "Witchcraft" and believed he had power to do greater things than did others. She said he had indicated In words not now recalled, that he


"could do anything that God could do". She said he seemed not to "understand our religion", however he never explained what his religion was. She added he said "there are lots of things you can do if you put your Hind to it**. Mrs. BURGESS said that Mr. WIEDNER had been in the "Underground" in France and had helped Jews escape from Germany and SIRHAN could not understand why he would help the Jews escape. She said SIRHAN and Mr. WIEDNER had some discussions concerning Jews, but she could not recall the details of these coversations except that SIRHAN and WIEDNER argued about Jews. She said SIRHAN sometimes waived his hands when he got some- what excited in these conversations. ... She said SIRHAN did not smoke and she assumed he did not use drugs or narcotics. She did not know bin to have a gun and never talked about guns. She said he did not seem to be the violent type and, although he occasionally got mad-usually at the boss who expected his employees to work diligently, "he cooled off" quickly. She said SIRHAN never talked about politics and he was generally vaey quiet, polite, and likeable. She said he ap- peared to be quite intelligent and had an extensive vocabulary; often using words she did not understand. She said SIRHAN also spoke "some other languages'* besides English, and would Interject some foreign phrases into conversation. She added he was a good worker. She said SIRHAN was interested in horses and had been an "exercise boy". She said he use to go to horse races on weekends and that he "loved horses". She said he had hurt bis back in a fall, falling off a Filly and was going to a doctor about his back. She said SIRHAN, a small individual, wanted people to think he was strong, but he complained about his back when picking up boxes. She said SIRHAN would also bet on horses at the track and would win and lose bets based on information given him by jockeys. She remembers on one occasion he won $36, She said he wanted to be a jockey some day. Mrs. BURGESS said SIRHAN had once given her a paperback book, title and author not recalled, concerning "Witchcraft", / •'iSiVV^'*^ 1,,

for her to read. She said she took It hone, did knot read it, and brought back the book the next day. She said SIRHAH had said he read by candle light from candles on a table. She said she asked him in connection with his Witchcraft, what he did. — would he lift tables by Witchcraft? SIRHAN said he did. She said she told him he could not be serious and SIRHAN remarked that he was. She said he cane back from lunch one day with two red candles and two blue candles, apparently to read by or to use in his "Witchcraft".

Mrs. BURGESS said she was training one RTYA or RJ to be manager at the store about a month before sheAMrs"""" JESS, left, and RITA or RETA would also know SIRHAN. \ e/14/68



Lo« Ample* tola typo to Director (AM), Milwaukee, Seattle, Xsclosetf herewith are two (3) .coulee to the Sure** and aloe (9) eoples to Los Angeles of an\investig»tive insert concerning an Interview with Bra. CAROL BBBOESS, Bangor. Washington, wbo was acquainted With sisbAit $i&UAR ID Pasadena, California Mam 11/67 to 1/68. \

Bureau (Kac. S) loo Angeles (96-156)


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/17/68



6/14/68,1 _ _ California PcSyj^yanic College, Pomona, fornia. "contacted SA J^^^^and stated that he had jeen contacted regarding the whereabouts of m _^_^_ a student at the college^who might have knowledge concerning SIRHAN SIRHAN. •HHHHHIHBk since he was previously contacted, he has beengTvTngiome thought to +-h**_ nfliitfr fyyi y^P1UH another Arabian student by the name SIRHAN. He Pomona, California. On 6/14/68, _ _ Pomona, advised that he had merely seen SIRHAN SIRHAN at a meeting of the organization of Arab students at the University of Southern California, and actually was not at all acquainted withiSIRHAN^Jj^^^sed, however, that another Arab student. i^^^^^^^^^^Mwho resides at California, and who >w'as well acquainted with SIRHAN as he went to Pasadena City College with him and was closely associated with him. bated that he could afford no information that might be of any help regarding SIRHAN but could not SIRHAN's actions toward Senator KENNEDY as he, is actually working for KENNEDY'S election and Telt that KENNEDY would have been the better choice for presidency as far as the Arabs are concerned*


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/17/68



On 6/14/68, ROOT VAEROW, Banquet Manafier >t the Ambassador Hotel, advised that his wife, BARBARA, was present at the Ambassador Hotel on the night of the shooting of Senator KENNEDY. VARROV stated that after KENNEDY'S speech, his wife was in the hallway close to the swinging doors that lead to the kitchen and that she remained in that area and near the Hat Check Room during and after the time of the shooting of Senator KENNEDY, his wife works as _ _ n Wilshire Boulevard in jverly Hills from y:3O AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Saturday, exceg^fednesdays. VARROW's home telephone number isflHfl^HBi It should be noted that ROY VARROW has already been interviewed. LEAD / Interview Mrs. VARROW to determine if she has any information of value. / m

JUN 1 81968 LOS ANGtttS ^•"r'^'j. ' '


TO SAC, LOS •MT&.iT.rB (56-1^6) DATE: 6/17/68



identifving himself as California, urnisned^fche following information He is ^operated o Califof an ArnenTine_by ADO was also Li n erir>i°ye(3 at suddenly QIU quit his enploy Nicaragua. ftated that he vras brin^inp; lUfi identity TO cne attention of the ??J due to the facb- had inforreri hirr. he had been at the Anbassador Hotel the night aea^orROBCRT P. TCni-IJT3DY was assassinated. According to •HPPpgALDt>HADO^indicated he had a difficult tine leaving "tne Ambassador Hotel due to the fact he did not have a passport or other identification. IL.» . .


TO SAO, LOS AJTGELES (56-156) DATE: 6A7/68

FROM : 51


Lowing information i e assassination of Senator KENNEDY, a former employee, ;Lgn student from Iraq, telephoned the office to inquire i iew how a person could go to Mexico vdthout the 5 months t required for a visa or permit. inquired hoij in a permit to cross^j^border ir bid Vic or l/exic?Ji _^ tated he dixs^eJ^^^^B^ call a travel agency or the Greyhound Bus Line, MH^^Hhe did not questioned him nor did he offered the reason r the trip to Mexico. had been an engineeringstudaat at the University of~5oif£lie aiiTornia and had worked for J^f^^H on tiro different occasions^ .nal period in June 1967. V^^^V said he does n^^now whe: [is presently employed and thought that per- ^^^H be ng of finding employment in Mexico. rnishe for os Anpeles. ohon

V ^:; -t.. •.-.,..(

••» an. at*, NO. ir UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum



SUBJECT: ;:S;S^L 56-156

one o: * J- --—«J« A day or tv:o ai of Senator 2-Iennedy this Iraq student ccxie | and e s :e

njierviei- or det

fill- 1,7 £ mm

TO ?AG, LO3 /.!•••:J.'cfjjfi (i;6-A^



>:^ i-i-ni:RJ--Rn .QF:-'.rc T >a f-u-^MJ.BE, California, advised be r is cal."Led having luJJ tJoHle young KENNEDY vcorkers be for a the end of Senator JC'ttfr'SDi »S speech at the Embassy Hoorr, that there had been a change in alar*;, that instead of • exiting fran the stage at the right, art one looks at the sts«o, fro.ii which point Senator KSKtfEOY end his party had entered, *" tne nov; plans were that hs was to exit from the left rear and go to the Colonial Ticon for a profis conference. Me said he had been told this by a v;oll-dressed nan fron New York, whom he understood to be froia Kiev: York,

Mr. LOUS s to Led ho had furnished detailed tion -concerning thAjyjmjtl en of the inquiry v:h on previously f interviewed by ^^^ir the LOP Angeles Officec Hs e.lso otatori he v:anted to furnish the following additional information:-

On June 1';, 1S68, he was talking v.-j th .THAT) another reer.ibttr of tb-a K3NU3DY party vAo was onstc^re at/^hs time Senator T^KNJ^DY spoke at the LiabHcsy Room, who was" el so by the Senator vh«n hs was slice, holding the people back. HfiATii toTd L0.7K he ffilt cevtain ho hart seen SJRK/iH ait ting ensta^e the night Sonntor KL-JS??"'.^' gave v. speech at Ter.ip?.o Isaiah, IO3L5 Vfest Pico Boiaevavfl, Lou ^..clo-, on a Kandoy nieht about three weeks e»o, exact date not recalled. HSATK said thie man was Just sittinc onata-/;, looking out into tho au^i

LOVffi, vho vjas al^o pi-o5sewt at 'i'srivle Isaiah on the rjifjit in qn option, a aid ha tloc-P not re).if,:.bcr seoin» ci;vo*>>"' roserablinc SiFiK-'J. • ' " _


worfr^j*. Sho ^J/Tthrd-. foll.o--:i)^ tbs, Tci«clc Isair.h tt-,r>carr^cie, but b-foro thr. ppTi- pr&nfjc- cf S.tjRi". :^ nt tho Kv.»v£tay tfow.!, she KHQ i-.c>.n.tjfl yi throe/S-spai>ft-l? oocr.sjons by c n-sn who r.ava h?s run. for ri:T*. 5rV^cT7:cVhiod OJJ c :•:•-!•). t>c:c s"f; I tn; ;'- S \WA

'LA 56/156

In LOV.'3'S presence, L;-:NA StflTH telephoned .KA^SK another young professional rao was a K EJ3 A :J DY WO V fcsr. LW?ASH.LTH mentioned to KARD1J GAHlttY that someone; closely resembling SIRITAN had been seen onstage at Temple Isaiah, and discussed with GANLKf the fact that someone with a si mi lea' name had bean calling her for dates. GANLILT said she did not believe the man onstage, who in ay have had seme rGseoblerce to SIRHA.;, was identical vrith SIRHA1T. She said she had also bcon called by oomsonc v:ith a nams SHAN, SHAV/N, or something similar, asking for a date, but bad turned him down. LOWE asked LENA SKITH v;here this men mifiht have gotten her telephone number, and she suggested the possibility ho may have cotton it from KEKNEU5T headquarters, 5615 V/ilshirs Boulevard, Los Angeles. LOV.'B then talked with Lip A SUpj&EX, secretary at KENNEDY headquarters. She recalled talk!rig v:ith a young man who volunteared his services as a KENNEDY worker and filled out nn application. She believed ho had a first name rosombl- ing JAMESTEO, and remarked that he vas en exchange student from one of the Arab countries. .She recalled that he had asked for, and been given, the telephone numbers of LEtfA SMTTn and KAREN GAKLSY. LOWE said he is chairman of the KeraJ^e'rship Coiraitt ci; of the local KSJT'EDY organization. JBIIL _EV..££4Z11L is co-chairinco, and currently has all the application forms-'of volunteer workers at his hornse LOV/E estimated there are about 600 such f orr«is, and said EVANS OK would bo glad to furnish them for review. LQWK did horao adlrasa, but said ono la and his buslnoss pdone number la ex tone r.

'A'.- .v. >_ /


LEADS LOS ANGELS Will coat, ILL EVAHSQK, extensl and through him, reView appJ f ornu of NEDY Volunteers, In an effort to identify the individual, whose first name may resemble JAMBSTED, In an effort to ascertain whether this per- son is Identical with SIRIIAM. If It appears he is identical, with thereafter ascertain from EVAN SON the addresses of the following Individuals and interview them for complete information concerning the allegation set forth herein: ;_... THAD HEATH * f^-LBNA SMITH KAREN GANLHf' LINDA SUCKNST

mm > : : 1 J j^ii^-i«>U'li«ii^iiH ^iiT^fc>r.v!£.it i;'i' i*ijCWv-; iv; ji.i3i't¥.r«>J :;*,Ui,,v .iM."fc ^^.«'i^>-' ir.-l'.


:SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) (F) DATE: 6/13/68


SUBJECT:KEUSALT Re efforts to interview employees of the Ambassador Hotel, 31*00 Wilshire, Los Angeles, California* During the early morning hours of 6/13/68 It was determined that the following two employees of the Ambassador Hotel would be off duty and unavailable for interview at the hotel until they go on duty from approximately 11:30pm, Friday night, 6/14/68 to 7:30am Saturday morning, 6/15/68,

Housekeeping Department, time card # 1118 '£/' Supervisors Maj, HAYDEN Dishwashing Department fC'M<> Supervisor: LOUIS LEZAR

LEAD It is recommended that the shift of agents working the Friday night to Saturday morning shift be assigned these two interviews at the hotel*


eles i JUN141968 ANtttLES. ' "••:,'/ ••,'.', }"•

HAT IK BOmOH •a* sn. •«•.»«. 0 M*-:*: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC 56.156 DATE: 6/17/68



The names Ellen Grudey and JKallell£n appear in the subject's notebook and are unidentified to date.. These names appear in the same genefal area as does the name Peggy Osterkamp and may also be associated with the period of subject's employmment on the horse farm. / LEAD AT CORONA. CALIF,

Contact LAURA KRAUS of Granja Vista Del Rio Farms fiU- to determine if the mimes Ellen Gruder and Kallellen are known to her. (It is noted that SAJK^ftias contacted KRAUS previously)

Also, the name Pinecraft Restaurant appears,/ in subject's notebook, as well as Frank Donaruma, Sol Sanjgfenino. Pinecraft Restaurant is in Corona and At was noted that Donaruma's wife, first name unknown, worked there in 1966. LEAD AT CORONA. CALIFORNIA Make inquiry at Pinecraft Restaurant re subject and display his photo for all infj/availab

(3) turiH inTMH *•* O«». KM. NO. IT UNITED STATES§ GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-I56) DATE: 6/18/68




A friend associate of DIANE WICK Q> - i-V SEARCHEO „ .IHDJXED 1. SERIALIZED ..^JtLED .JL JUN 1 81988 FBI — LOS LA 56-156

It should be noted that RICHARD MC GEE advised that he believes that RAFFERTY may possibly be in possession of some information concerning this matter. On 6/8/68, and 6/11/68, a check of the employees records of the Ambassador Hotel revealed the following waiters who were present in the RAFFERTY for Senator Room and the adjacent ante room on the evening of 6/4/68:

(interviewed by writer) bic-

Teleph LEADS (1) Through contact with DICK MC GEE, RAFFERTY for Senator Campaign Coordinator, 766-3211, or through above listed telephone numbers, interview females at RAFFERTY Room regarding $20 bill incident.

- 2 - -:'._" •'-.•; .,;v


LA 56-156

(2) Will, if not already handled, interview waiters listed above regarding $20 bill incident. (3) If not already done and if deemed advisable, interview ^1AX RAFFERTY for any information regarding SIRHAN's appearance at the ywFt'JSrtTY for Senator Room on 6/4/68.

H fe


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES 56-156 DATE: 6/17/68



On 6/17/68 SAmM§«l«»phenicaLly contacted DR. ROSa' MILLER and his wife, IRIS. fl^MBB of MBH^H^^M||^ak

^•^•^•Bcallf #, for the purpose of obtaining the list of names of persons attending the Ambassador Hotel function during the KENNEDY speech on the night of 6/U/68,whom they saw. They stated that they have been too busy to prepare such a list, but Mrs. MILLER went thoough her address book and furnished orally the following list of names and addresses:

REV. LLOYD>fILKI Con , in charge of Students l'or Kennedy,' Compton College, lives at unknown address Paramount, Calif. Dr. PRBP-jgARRO'

Los Angeles. L.A. (W ife of WILLARD) .-,

&-Av f-...,..- t* -.-•—•C n

LA 56-156 -2-

L03 Angeles

GSN3 RAMOS., and. wife, JACMS Gerfe Ramos Interior^ Los Angeles,

Compton better known as Carl Mosley, Compton, "*"" MAT nt> »IYION •u an. mm- MO. C UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum


FROM : J"^



TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/17/68 FROM : SA t


On 6/1U/68,

_^_ ISIRHAN SIRHAN or 1964* was no longer at the sol address they had for the teacher WE ^California (telephone

I£AD: U?S AN^TES^-^tJMI^BJP Will contact and Interview tor any information she may have concerning SIRHAtt SIRHAN, his background, nationalistic tendencies, or why he might have assassinated Senator KENNEDY* MAT Ml COTTON UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

«> • SAC, LOS ANGEIES (56-156) DATO: 6/17/68

mow :


In connection with attempts to identify the woman in the polka-dot djj^Hh ~~ " ... _ _ • _ _ _ J>7D ^^ Latafcad there was art Iranian student who attended|HHini96l and 1962 who was extremely attractive in figure, being quite petite. She had no idea whether or not SIRHAN knew thia girl, but furnished the following information concerning her: r Name} Sex: Race: Born: Education:


Permanent residence: Parents:

Prior residences:

the girl always seemed to hare lots of to be an opportunist* The reoord reflected H^ ' * "had transcript or her June

•£•• L*•'>•£"••'-»** .'-;••

- tfff: 1.'; fcH§ '

IA 56-156

IEAD: AT LCB ANGELES! Will check records of Los Angeles, for current address

2) vr«Tt i>^»i»i> IKS records for possible whereabouts of nd interview her if located. r _r: i - *- •• •'



TERRY MICKEY advised thai he recognlxed.UlS&AN bll graphs on telecast concerning the attempt on the life of Senator ROBERT F* KENNEDY. WELCH then called WWJ Television, Detroit, Michigan, and made them aware of the fact that he knew SIRHAN and he was subsequently Interviewed on that station. WELCH stated that he first met SIRHAN approximately three years ago when both were employed as exercise boys at Granja Vista Del Bio, a thoroughbred horse farm located ait Corona, California, and owned by BURT ALTAFISH (phonetic). From that time until May, 1967, WELCH was closely associated with SIRHAN and considered him to be his closest friend. Be said that approximately lj years ago, prbbfcbly between Sep- tember, 1966 and December, 1966, SIRHAN suffered a very bad fall from a horse at Granja Vista Del Rio and was admitted to the hospital at Corona, where be remained In critical condition for several weeks. He suffered head and back injuries which resulted in his being partially blind la his left eye and since the tioe of the accident, he has suffered from severe headaches. WELCH stated that SIRHAN was supposed to get a settlement as a result of this acci- dent and was angry because he did not get as much as he thought he should.

WELCH advised that SIRHAN underwent a complete personality change after the above-described accident. He stated that prior to that time, SIRHAN had been good natured and easy to get along with. Be was popular with other employees at the horse farm and with horse owners who kept race horses at this farm. WELCH listed DBS I Afflrezr BUDDY EBSON. and_DALE flg>n*RTfimV prominent tele*ion personalities, as horse ownel who were well acquainted with SIRHANV He described SIRHAN prior\to the accident as well mannered, neat, clean, intel- ligent, and a gentlemen in ev&ry way. He said that while SIRHAN was thrifty and would sometimes save his checks for three or four weeks before cashing them, be was also generous in providing money to friends who were temporarily in need, and in addition stated that although SIRHAN did not drink himself, he accompanied WELCH and other employees to local bare and would- often purchase drinks for everyuuw prweut.—;—

On Oeuthfield, Michigan

Thti docum«n» eonWlw n«llh*r racomnttafattoni nor N and n* coat*nl*ar« nof to b« ':lV^

Sis DE 62-4177 2

following his fall fro* the horse is 1666, 8XRKA* became a "loner" who was resentful toward anyone who had wealth. He, at this time, became unpredictable and unreliable In that he would make plans to do things or go places with WELCH and then for no apparent reason would change his mind. After he was released from the hospital at Corona, SIRHAN obtained a Job with ROBERT WHEELgR^an owner and trainer at the Santa Anita Race Track,He remained on this job for 3 to 5 weeks and when he found that he did not know enough about the Job, he quit and went back to Granja Vista Del Rio to learn more about handling horses. WELCH said SIRHAN had a great desire to be a good rider and although he was frightened after the accident, he refused to quit riding even after being repeatedly thrown from horses, TERRY WELCH advised that SIRHAN was also known as Sol by race track acquaintances and fellow employees. He said that Inasmuch as persons of all nationalities frequent race tracks and horse farms, he and SIRHAN worked with Mexicans, Negroes, Irish, Greeks, Italians, Jews, and Hungarians, and SIRHAN never gave any Indication to him of prejudice toward any nationality. He said that before the accident SIRHAN was curious and was always attempting to learn and improve himself. He would visit dairy and poultry farms for example during his off-duty hours, and could talk Intelligently on almost any subject. He spoke excellent English with little or no accent. He was an avid reader, particular? with regard to law and frequently discussed cases which he had read about. SIRHAN did not appear to be particularly interested in politics and WELCH does not recall any pertinent discussions of political Issues. SIRHAN appeared to be devoted to bis mother and told WELCH he visited his mother in Pasadena, California every other weekend when he was not working. WELCH said he never went with SIRHAN to visit his mother and does not know the names of any of SIRHAN1s relatives, but recalls SIRHAN stated his mother's name was MART. His father was overseas, according to SIRHAN, and supposedly wealthy* • *•..-. -1 «-.•-.• ',. :''\ Jk

DaS 62-4177

WELCH believes that »*»• B<>1t">l'Q1lti\lifft ITy'Tffr Circle City Baptist Church, Hinth and Sheridanf corona, would possibly know SIRHAN Inasmuch as SIRHAN gave WELCH a pard for this church and suggested that he see Reverend HILL when he was having per- sonal problems. SIRHAN told WELCH on one occasion that he had been expelled from a college in Los Angeles, California as a result of trouble with a girl. This incident supposedly occurred be- fore WELCH and SIRHAN becane acquainted. SIRHAN also stated that at one time he had worked for a gun or sbeet?cTub in the Corona or Los Angeles area. WELCH believed that pURT ALTAFISH would possibly have more information concerning tnia.\ TERRY WELCH said that when he first learned about SIRHAN*s connection with the assault on Senator KENNEDY, he could not believe that SIRHAN had shot KENNEDY because he had previously been such a "nice guy". He has not seen or had contact with SIRHAN since May, 1967. He does not believe that SIRHAN would have committed this assault for money, nor would be have been Involved in a conspiracy. With regard to the money allegedly in SIRHAN's possession when he was caps tured, WELCH said it would not be unusual for SIRHAN to carry large sums of money in his pocket inasmuch as he was a thrifty individual and when he and WELCH were closely associated, SIRHAN habitually kept his wallet in the glove compartment of his car, which WELCH described as a 1950 or 1951 DeSotfc. WELCH said it was common practice for race track employees to keep their wallets in the glove compartments of cars to prevent theft from their persons. In conversations with fellow employees who were refugees from Communist countries, such as Cuba and Hungary, SIRHAN always gave WELCH the impression that he was very much opposed to Communism. He Indicated a liking for the United States and never exhibited any particular loyalty or feeling toward the country of his birth, Jordan. WELCH said he does not recall having ever heard SIRHAN mention being or living In any state other than California in the United States.


/' ^;t;: DE 62-4177 4

WELCH concluded by stating that he feels that the personality change which took place in SIRHAK BISHARA SIRHA* after his accident «ust have gotten worse In the past year since WELCH has had contact with him, and that he "went out of hie Bind, or that something was preying on bis aind." WELCH said that SIRHAV was particularly friendly with FRANK DONORAKA, one of the bosses or supervisors at Granja Vista Del Rio. He added that prior to 8IRHAN's accident, -BURT ALIIAFISH had been so impressed with SIRHAK'a potential that be offered SIRHAN a good administrative Job at Gran.1a Tlata>Pel Rio. SIRHAN declined this of fee inasmuch as he preferred to work directly with the horses and become a good rider. m ;•.-'-.-• £ -A i-wam iS'z~--nj2-2f^l'?.:, „• :.>iV:; '•?-- •-V.~ .1 .- < ""i" •'-•JL\ % V..

•v. •J-S6) JX


Date: 6/11/68

- «mit the following In fTypt in plain text or code) /in AIRTEL (Priority or Method of Moiling)


Re Bureau teletype to all SACs, 6/5/68 and Detroit teletype to Los Angeles, 6/7/68.

Enclosed for Los Angeles are nine copies of an FD-302 setting forth results of an interview by Bureau Agents of TSTRY MICKEY WSLCH on 6/6/68 at Southfield, Michigan, concerning his acquaintanceship and knowledge of SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN. .\

Detroit indices contained no record identifiable with TERRY HICK2Y WELCH.

- Los Angeles (Enc. - iPit

Approved: Sent .M Per Special Agent in Charge UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO . : SAJ, UJS AWGEusS (56-1S6) DATE: 5/1B/68



\ On 6/1B/68 PHILLIP _ Los Angeles, California was "Interviewed concerning his pi th~e*~AmbsssatE&T~HoX@l on June It, 1968, DR. SMITH advised that although he was not at the ftmbassadore Hotel when SENATOR KEnNEDi was shot, as soon as he heard tnat the SENATOR had been shot, he went to the A&BASsADOR HOTEL to the PRiiSlDEttTIAL StfiTE . He advised that the following individuals were at tne^ EflESIDEWIIAL SUITE when he arrived.


Address unknown RE^Sf

LEAD If not already interviewed, will interview the above individuals concerning any information re caption matter.

ABB l- !;;*;&»£ • - • • r



TOt DIRECTOR, FBI FBOHx SAC, CINCINNATI (?) ' SUBJECT! KEK3AUT R« Cincinnati talotyp© to Bareau, Los g WTO, 6/6/68, and Bureau alrtol to Cincinnati awl Loa l 6/11/68.

photograph of (FKff) girlfriend of referen ooatl taletyp** 7or the* information of Cleveland, teletype contains sufficient background data for • ••'• ••" - coverage of leads ia Cleveland Division* H^Pm^JHHh^s Incarcerated at the Lift* State HospiTOi, Lisa, ouio, Tn~19e6 by Boss County, Ohio, apparently for observation. "

For information of Los Angeles(eSHHhas bees reln^y^^ttd as reqaeeted in referenced Bureau alrtel, HHs^aWtymahl^^o provide identities of persons

»ho owned the coffee shop at the naln\ organiser of the __ states there was a beach party at Street about May, 1953. - Moat irfjjl 3 - Bureau (nM) SEARCHED IN - Cleveland (fine. 1) SEEiALESl - Los Angeles (Koc. 2 * VFO (KM) 4 * Cincinnati (2 - 175^6) (1 - 100-17196) (1 - 100-17655) (13) CI 175-8

-• •". .»•-

people at this party were meabers of the Da Bois Club at Venice, This party was broken ap by the pqliceand the aajorlty of the persons present arrested. ^^•Butates the aaate* ef parsons present were la a local paper with photos of the party asd that about 1/3 of the people at the beach party were also present st the party at, BOM on -'•'—

jitable to to) ascribed •• VS the Coaauniat lltaratafe~Tn~BWss^BIBrnoii9 as approximately 00% dealing with Coaaunist alas and objectives in Latin Aaeriea* The other literature dealt with alleged Aaerieaa atrocities la Vietaa* and the alleged aae of eheatcal warfare by the United States is Tletnas. itated he could only describe one paaphlet tically and this concerned with eheaical warfare. Jstated bs does not reaeaber the alas of the Let however t the eorer bojs^-^^oto of an alleged Asericaa airplane spraying soaethlng. si^^^ulated that it looked almost like a cropduater tohi^^HI^Bstated this literature was spread on a table at^|^^^^lBkoci*durlng the party. For further inforst&tioa of Los Angeles, a

if laforaatloa ^^^^^^^ Furnished ^Hsssswswa^* indorsation concerning tetlvltles developed by Los Angeles should be .r * ruraisaed to the referenced file as well as

LIAOt mm «*•!»


CI 175-6

CLSVKLAND AT LJKA. OHIO _ contact itti State Hospital, obUla paoto of _^^^_^^^_^^^__ bd Is «acJLos*d teletype • VUriiish p&6loo of, ClBclnnati, Los and VFO i*»edi«t«ly.


3 - • .•'•;•;£ X I i

MAT IIU EDITION t «< ecu. mt*. NO. o U!f&?£D STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO :SAC (56-156) DATE: 6/12/68



had attended an afternoon rally in the Santa bffi'btU'iJ County Courthouse Sunken Gardens on Tuesday, 5/28/68, which featurad^n appearance and talk by Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY.•H^Bfciad a camera and took a series of photos of the Senat^^^^^J2i^^rtowd around him before, during and after the talk* MHHHftadvised that in viewing thJiese color transparencies on b/12/bH he noted in one of the photos a person In the foreground of the crowd who bore a strftng re- semblance to SIKHAK SIRHA5. The photo in question was a long sho> of KENNEDY as he was preparing to depart by auto on Anacapa Street. The writgr^vlewed^his frame on 6/12/68 through the assistance of vHHH^Ht&nd noted that the Individual in question bore aTngn^reseblance to SIRHAN in coloring and facial features, but he wa3 fe noted to have a moustache and a larger nose than SIKHAH's newspaper photo* He was dre33ed in ft blue striped shirt and was carrying what appeared to b© a placard under his right arm* ide the original frame available to the FBI but advised that since it is the original and only copy, he wrol* desired that It be returned to him immediately after it had been viewed by witnesses in the Los *ngeles area and was no longer needed by the FBI. The frame is a should be returned to the writer for return to

Ut- EO .„_„. 7/ '• JUN121968 FBi — LOS §



v DIRECTOR, FBI (62 FRO«: SAC OKLAHOMA CITY (62 -**.- /r^-A' (TROPUS) f?e Oklahoma City teletype to Mrector and Lot 6/7/68 entitled KtNSALT, .-'••• •••£.'•• • Enclosed for the Bureau are two copies olf a ' self-explanatory letterhead pemoraR .

.**>. (W) [Et, 4) An.(t«les (R^!) (Enc. 5) (1 - 62 (1 - 62 :--^—---^>- ^ #?



Oklahoma City, Oklahoma June 11, 1968

Oklahoma made available to the FBI the following Tulsa, Oklahomai etter addressed to the FBI, "Dear Sir. I have just heard of the attempt on Mr. Robert Kennedy's life, I have myself at one time been suspicioned of such dire happening, You can find ny name in Secret Service files, I All- would like strongly to suggest ii ^m^ I am unaware of his address. althougn it is in the Santa Ana Hills section of Orange County, I have definite reasons of belief of knowledge by these people of the events of the f h Sidg ^ OSP imm

as interviewed by Special Agents of the advisd th while| alifornia in nd Nazi propaganda. associated with individual at Orange, California who appears to be identical with photograph in newspapers of SirhanBesharaSirhaA. This individual was not a student at •HHHHHHHH^^^m^ttifidgdschool functions there and "had a girlfriendTJ^|H|^^HM|a student at Santa .lfornia, High School .t/KK/^xai not seei ince 19S3 when he moved from California," lie

nott»toei Re: not recall the naiae of the individual who appeared to be identical with Slrhan. It h inks flHm|^ during riots ^h Los Angeles in 1962/TietiescTibed ^^^^ as a white American male, early twenties, five feet seven inches tall, one hundred and ninty pounds, heavy build, sandy brown hair# medium complexion and an only child. He describe _ as a white American male, five feet ten inches ta , one hundred and seventy pounds, early twenties, black hair, dark eyes, dark complexion, medium build, tvo older brothers. was received at feet eleven inches and one-half, slender build lve complexion, black hair, brown eyes FBI numberf During the interview,0m^Kadmitted that "bile he vas an inraat^ft^Federal Correctional Institution, Bnglewood, Colorado, flfl^HK11* *™te two letters threaX£ain£__£o_kill td H hn tTJ was discharges Iwas arrested by Secret Service, Tulsa, ••"" >ral threat again* - - * [he was admitted to h^ve been re leas ec he was arrested1 vad no information to tie :o Kennedy's leath.

-2- •'•> •*•'

in the Federal Correctional Institu- tion, En^^wood, Colorado, attempted to poison a fellow inmate, BHB^allegedly had recruited his victim into the American Nazi Party and the poison incident was over the victim's defection. Prison records at Englev^^^^Xolorado showed an interview by prison officials with£H|^p

.3*- '-••• "•?.i.


FBI Date: 6/12/68

Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or node) Vin AIRTEL (Priority)


_\ On 6/12/68, an indivi thmi ldeflt.i rylntr himself as residence-flHH^IH^HHB^IV NY, telephone l4 d the NYO^j^^W^'BHancl stated that he is a playwright and also that he is free lance in advertising. He stated that he was a classmate of Senator ROBERT KENNEDY at Harvard in 1948; that he had gone to California on a voluntary basis to help with the KENNEDY campaign a few days prior to Senator KENNEDY'S assassination; and that he was in the Ambassador Hotel on the night of the assassination. WEXLER stated that there was no security at the Ambassador Hotel and that when the police came in, they acted as though they were "morons". WEXLER stated that he was in a room near the shooting and that he did not see the shooting nor hear the shots. WEXLER went on to state that he had the theory that SIRHAN SIRHAN was a member of Communist International.

1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - New 1 - New Yor 1 - New York

UM 13 1968 1-LOS ANGELES

I vf.-

Approved: lecial Agent in Charge ^•'.'' /.ftp- •mmmf

NY 44-1640

It Is noted that

^because of this, no further ac Ls being taken on the rmation furnished by him In this matter. At] This information is being furnished the LA Office in the event they have information that WEXLBR was actually at the Ambassador Hotel or In the event WEXLER should call the LA Office. desc ribe Information J^HHH^H WEXLER as Name wopMAw STTWWV WWT.PR Race White Sex Male \ DOB POB Height Weight 180 lbs. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT mm. Memorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156)(P) OATI: 6/15/68



Re memo of SA dated 6/13/68. 6 .sect that •••^•••^••i^ no^ home and has gone ^oiJo^iuigeTes for the day shopping. He stated that she would be home on Saturday, 6/15/68. LEAD LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA: Contc ^ __ an effortTto determine ;endance at Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis on 5/28/68 at Pasadena, California, as set forth in referenced memo. §i

June II, 1968


..-;:; ^,^'-'- -.K- &£•'&• • . i- .ci..^:' ^-^v1-; i-f^,; •.v"< {j^-,' '^ »•>-'*:•: •••.*-•.-•,• •-•-•.»."-\-

J#>y SAC, torn Yatk ^ -.:.•••• Director, FBI

KENSALT .^, ../•

/-*?. - Re New York alrtel to Bureau 6/8/68* New York should forward to the Bureau copies of the photographs made by free tance photographer Peter S>pencer Berkson referred to ta reatrtel.

Los Angeles Onfo) F BI Date: JUNE 17, 1968 Transmit the following is (Type in plaintext or eoit) AIRTEL Via (Priority)

To: SAC, Los Angeles From: Director, FBI KENSALT

Attached hereto are an original and one copy of transmittal form 5-141 directed to District Attorney Evelle J. Younger, transmitting two copies of the report of SA Richards concerning investigation conducted in captioned matter. The copy of this transmittal form should be retained in your files* Advise the Bureau when these reports have been delivered to Mr. Younger.

Enclosures (2)

Sent Via M Per O H

1 SAC# Indianapolis 17t 1968 §3 Director, FBI UHKH01X SUBJECT; 8IRUAH BISHAfiA SIBBAH - TXCTKH BXIOBTIOH

fieurteletype 6/13/C8. linedlately dlacuas this caae with the appropriate United States Attorney to determine it tie would consider prosecution. It United States Attorney would consider prosecution. Bureau authority is granted for your office to secure a Jederal Grand Jury subpoena to check telephone toll call records as requested by referenced coraunicatiofi. Los Angeles 1 - 8an Francisco «-*-*a;"*---;-r

; S-MI (6-1-65) [X>- SAC, Los Angeles orno or TH« Dittcni Re: KENSALT UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE


June 18, 1968

Mr. EvelleJ. Younger District Attorney Los Angeles County, California ** L-V7 Room 600, Hall of Justice SEARCHED ^INDEXED. Los Angeles, California 90012 SERIALIZED ttJM JUNI S 1958 Dear Mr. Younger: FBI - LOS AMGEIES For your Information, i am enclosing a communication vhich may be of interest to you. Upon removal of the enclosure, if classified, this transmittal form becomes unclassified* Sincerely yours,

Edgar Ho Director *. Encs. % (Two copies of report of SA Amedee O. ' Richards, Jr., dated 6-9-68, captioned "Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, Civil Rights." The attached report makes reference to * , confidential sources of this Bureau. Specifically, reference is made to pages 1002, et sequititr, of • Volume IV. In view of the sensitive nature of this Information, it is requested that the contents of tMs report not be disseminated outside your agency. 6/19/68


TOt DIRECTOR, FBI (62-587) FROMt SAC, LOS AH0BLB3 (56-156)(P)

SUBJECT! KKHSALT ; t ' • Re San Antonio airt«l to Bureau and Lot Angeles dated 6/13/68, a Xerox copy of which is enclosed for San Diego.. flawing this natter Los Angeles is of the opinion referred to in reairtel is identioal with

RACY TO KILL THE PRESIDENT SERTER." San La requested to Immediately forward a photograph of |__ San Antonio, requested to es graph toJ ascertain idei b;o knows as

3 - Bureau (AN) 2 - San Antonio (56-102)(AH) San Diego (She. - 1)(AK) Angeles M


Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

Deleted under exemption(s) Qf v—" with no segregable material available for release to you.

L~3 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request

O Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

• Documents) originating with the following government agency(ies) , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.


Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s):

N, For your information:

\ZI The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X DELETED PAGEXS) X JNO DUPLICATION FEE $ XXXXXX X FOR THIS PAGE X xxj555f xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx ^^^ *V;'.>.!




SAC, NEW YORK (4M-1640)


tBidenc _ y, siness - lew York, unlisted nelephon [called the New York Office. He stated thet In 1944 in Seattle, Washington, .Lin a murder trial Le was used.

The defendant* was an Army Corporal, Technician Fifth Grade BOSS M. EVABaTEAD. The deceased was JOHN w__^____ irr WUB Hirticred in 19^4 in Sotnel, Vosnington, fust Quteidc of Seattle. v . murder trials involving 22 long rifles are rare end that the Government may desire to review the Seattle case as to ballistic testimony* Ithat the defense for 8IKHAH SIRHAN will probably look into prior cases Involving 22 long Bureau tos Angeles (56-156) - Mew York

rv-^^ fc w ^ '•V )'v'h^i' KM

NY 44-1640

rifles and will find the one in Seattle, Washington, thus he thinks it will be to the Government's advantage to review that case as there are certain points in it pertaining to ballistics that were favorable to the defense and which the defense for SIRHAN SIRRAH nay be able to apply* d|^M^Hfedid not know the exact court in Seattle, wasrangtony in which the trial took place. He thinks it was a county court•

-2- Si FD-159 (H«T. 5-23-66)


Orally By Telephone I ' *%/£% WrWrittei n Communication data data dot* Information concerning:

Information furnished from File, Serial, and Page Number: To

Information furnished was obtained:

daring course of Bureau investigation

from informants

G3*irosi complainants or other sources

Information furnished to*. J Number of items disseminated: ...L


J* •7^-t*^Cc_#,— y£^__-

**'>- A:-- »NO£XED

JUN1 9 1968 Special Agent FBI — LOS ANGELES a1 w- i.y •»i,f*-Vit>».::.:iiti;r:.';f«jiiii«--Wi ail 'V. •;;/•*.••«.•: .'i i-

OPTIONAL ram* Ha • HAT ltd roiTHjH w OIM. mo- NO. 0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum




Be; 56-156-il76 Oa 6/14/68, Los Anseles interviewe

she celled FBI Headquarters, Washington, D. C,f on 0/7/DO. At the time of her call to Washington she added she was very distressed over the death of Senator KENNEDY. She continued she is presently under a doctor's care for treatment of nervous spasms. She added she has no infor- mation to furnish that her next door neighbor Is a friend of an individual who consp^«d with SIRHAVVHBBHHflthis is a false statement. flHHH3ree<3 that shetnza^^^l^a state- ment, however, she rep?^ea she was very upset when she m-de this statement.

^IH^>t^iniig^that until 6/9/63, she had neighbors residing at^^H^Hm^ho were of Arabic nationality. This family cWraTsted of a man and wife and two children; a girl age 10 and a boy age eight years. She does not know the namea of this family. She was exhibited a photograph of S1RHAN and^^^^^^^^^^^y^ver observed SIRHAN at the residence atl^^^^HHHH^lBand sne na$ no reason to believe thatTf^^^mlly is acquainted with SIRHAN or is acquainted with an individual who conspired with SIRHAN to kill Senator KENNEDY. fill?

StARCHtD IHDEXED SERIALIZED £rflfi[> — JUN1 91958 -';r^ •. v:\ -V .-.,


TO : SAC, LOS £;e-2LES DATB: 6/18/68


%UBJECT: K2HSALT Conplaint taken by dated 6-10-68 at 10:39am, s^*'^'- V*-V - $/ 18/68,HHBHHH^ lj.0 I*. };en*>6r, Pasadena aavised thatXiSH/u^PBISirhad not been a regular customer at her cafe, Nshe advised that she had hear a runoro^tha^na4to?e^&idhad told persona it was not true* HB^^HmfljHHHJHHU' youn& cuban boy who had dark coci^^^ffinnaynaoei5eerinistaken for Sirhan but that right now everyone in Pasadena would rather beEeve they had seen SIHHAI7 SIHfflUI. he could •orovide no further information

3&--22S4 •V> O(M. •*». MO. U UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/18/68



On 6/ IV 68, SAsJ ke-interviewed Mra. CAI^L BRESj^£3»_who was the ir vw-ulw*.!ator for the "KENNEDY glrTa 7"^Thd interview was In reference to a reporter from Newsweek magazine calling her on the day after ROBERT F. KENNEDY was killed seeking the identity of a red headed KENNEDY girl worker who supposodly aaw SIRHAN ejected from the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel» In interviewing BRESHEARS she stated in reference to the reporter the name







JUN1 91958

L {.- v^' /; LA $6-156 2

EILEEN ALBERT - Los Angeles \ Tel. No,

LEAD? It is suggested that the Los Angeles Office of Newsweek Magazine be contacted in an effort to identify the reporter in question and thereafter interview the reporter as to the source cf his information regarding the "red head". If* however* this lead proves fruitless, in order to resolve the matter completely sufficient personnel should be assigned to locate and interview the above listed "red heads" and thereafter interview each to determine if she observed SIRHAN ejected from the kitchen area on the night in question.

m field, Calif, advised in March 1965 tha ears of age, a

He also prepared tapes for various radio stations which are broadcast throughout the United States. His newspaper, and tapes were generally full of hate propaganda, and he hate<£ Jews, Negroes, and Communists. On 3/28/65, available to the Miami^office a leaflet from the JBS, dated 2./2$/b$, over the signature of its

founder, ROBERT fWKLCH, wherein ^U^|^fccritici zed, and reasons were set forth for not supporting his anti-communist program, one reasoni^^|^^|^^^alleged support of the "Minutemen." It was noted therein ^^^^^^^^^HHLformerly been a member of the JBS in Bakersfield, but had resigned. P^^m^^HJim^sent a communication to the Director on his i^mmilBHB letterhead in which he defends his radio broadcast/ statements made on behalf of the "Minutemen" organization, and expressed an interest in hearing from the Director. ^^^^^^^^^^^__ Radio Station ,pg [nglewood, Calif., advised! that broadcast of a taped commentary^^^^^^^^^^^^^Rwho Was an extreme right wing radical dealt with a letter read by^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^•pf the "Minutemen", and ^^^^^^^^^•commentary v&sjdot complimentary to Federal Government agencies. / ' - The "Kansas City Star" newspaper o^^^^^Ptas set ^ out in Kansas City Summary report^J^^J^^ page^^captioned ! "Mi nut ©men") indicated that fl|BHj||HlBHkhen resided in ^H|^m|^H^BSviaving participated in the Patriotic Party ,_ Convention in Kansas City on 7/2/67. %z$ MAT M) IOITWH •** 001. IKS. NO. IT UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

TO 1,03 DATE:



rt i :^rf:. lix????jr..£'?£m^1Lz, lr $.Rf "Vvised tl JA^f ^ v?~t ^o the"^ar' C-nb»i^. Valley (jW_ Hub, Is 001 Fish C:.\r.vcn Road, I>j.-».r";-?, Califorr.i'!.. MC CHSSIfEY arrived at appro;:!-?^-;1.;!> ?:.-'• .-;.ri. ?.r.f is^t at approximately 12:30 7 \fter vlr/.'Ir;; -- ^r". ?t-;re c° oT^^A'" r-J •".••;•; 3^ V ^TRnAr, hs stated that ho din not >r;^-* *~h\r, Lnd.ivi iunl and he did. not see him at thf» ^ •s."^ 5. K.Vrr^3;;:ii d.ii strike, hc-vnver, that he n^t a friord. ;/:T\:ir.T': '"X :"v.;:. vr.".•;. r^nidcs ir Earle

1,0' ,;:!! locate ^nd interview -: to deter::: v;- ••\\-i~-r.3 i-? saw SIRMAN at the range on If 6/I1./&6 and n?-y ot/13?1 i'fcr'i' '' h-^ "^.y have regarding STRHAN.


JUN 1 91950 y, /^VsT^v'-U'Wv/. ykiy^tfJLT.'^*i:vi*

(IUv. 4-15-e4)


Jun« 17, X9S8 Dot,

Date of Birth Place of Birth Height W«lght Hair Eyes Marital Status Wife

Son Permanent Address


Dai. dictated G/lt|/6C Thi» documtnl !^^^^^^^^WfWWif5n3oUon» not to-ncluiion* of tho Ffcl. It !• th* *to|»rty of th« FBI ond )• loaned to your It and its conttnti ora not ta ba dlatrlbutad out* Ida your ogancy. &> - /SC-- 7-7 o IIP *

#1: White Race Sex 2m£ican, of Italian descent Nationality Unknown Name Slight * Weight «* used to «- He pointed out that this man with Mr. HOFFA. #2: White Race Male Sex Nationality Name Early »0's Age b Height arter Build S, S- Peculiarities shaving

the federal •r

#2: Name Unknown Sex Male Race White Nationality American Ag« Early 30'a Height 5*8" Build Slender Hair Black He stated this individual had robbed a bank at,Cleveland, Ohio;*% had been at Lewis burg for seven years*, had been paroled; and after two years on the outside, had violated his parole and was back at Lewisburg. He pointed out this individual resided in D cellblock and was originally from St. Louis, Missouri, and would have been eligible for parole back to St. Louis about the present time. jrpxiroately tw^weej^^afterthis^conversation, V was worfcingJHmi|HHMHIB^Lnd was thftre early Ln the morning prior to thesfoTJ^pening^anc^nat JAMES HOFFA came to the gate. Recalling the prior conversation, he asked HOFFA what he thought about KENNEDY. He stated HOFFA imme- diately began an emotional tirade over KENNEDY'S use of wire- tapping and HOFFA1s conviction , and incarceration at Lewisburg. He neded the conversation by stating, "Right now KENNEDY*a in no danger; but if he gets into a primary or gets elected. I won't say how or when, but he'll get knocked off•4|fljH there were no witnesses to this conversation. Ln view of HOFFA*s power and influence in this country, he feared for his life and under no circumstances would he testify to the above information. Director, FBI 6/17/69

SAC, Denver (62-2416)


Re Denver airtel to the Bureau 6/l*/68t cc's Atlanta, Los Angeles* Philadelphia and St. Louis. Enclosed for Los Angeles are t copies, and for Atlanta, Phila^g^f^a^g^^j^^guis^ 2 copies each of FD-302 interview v' ' One copy of FD-302 enclosed for information of Bureau* Offices conduct logical Investigation regarding page 2 of re&irtttl, UACB.

2 - Bureau (£ncl 1) - Atlanta (Lncls 2) ;, - Los Angeles (Ends 9)' f - Pniladelphia (£ncls 2} 2 - St. Louis (Ends 2) '•'• •••"& ."** UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum m- TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATB: 6/10/68



At 1:52 PM, 6/10/68, ^I_LL_STOUT/ CBS News, telephone OL 1-2345, called concerning records wfyreh were oiTCfiined from the Kennedy for President Campaign Hejtiiquarters, 5615 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California.^STOUT stated he had an interest in checking a particular/feme, which he did not care to divulge, through these records and wanted to know when they would be returned. STOUT was advised that this matter would be looked into and if he desired to call back later he would be so advised. # At approximately 4:30 PM, 6/10/68, STOUT recontacted the writer and was advised that the records were in fact being analyzed and would be returned to the Kennedy for President Campaign Headquarters sometime on Wednesday, 6/12/68. STOUT expressed appreciation for the prompt handling of his request and the phone conversation was terminated. Not e: For information, the records in question were obtained on 6/8/68 by SA flHHHHHHB^from MARGUERITE SWEENEY, volunteer coordinatoror the Kennedy for President Committee. An appropriate FD-302 was prepared for inclusion in a subsequent report in LA 56-156•




On 6/10/68 GENE RA&CS, HV^^H|K3S.Angeles, (California was interviewed con\enaing hispresenceat tne Ambassador Uotel on June i»» 1^65. RAMOS advised that he did not attend the victory speech of Senator KENNEDY at the Embassy Room, but watched the speech on Television in the PALM nUuH with his wife JAJitlE across tne main lobby from tne EMBASSi ROUH.

RAAJOS furnished tne following names of individuals who he saw at the Ambassador Hotel on the evening of June k$ 68 who were known to him*

( RAMOS advised that he heard that IRIS SlOAwS husband ROSS SLOAN was one of tne individuals wno rode in the Ambulance what took Senator KENNEDY to the central Receiving Hospital.)

f. ,* '•:•-• i (RAPH running for Assemblyman, 55tn district)

VJI^IAIE, possibly( WILLIAMS who was running for Assemblyman 63rd District, It was nis brotner. (•^••••'}vy^j brother of the Assemblyman, who he \ observed at the Ambassador Hotel)

Will interview the above individuals, who were believed to be at the Ambassador Hotel, on June h, 1#68, re any informantion they may be able to furnish concerning caption m tter. £ -, 7/J SEARMEO r JUN 1 61958 >-1 I ~ LOS ANGtUS - .r, •il'hl

H» l«l COITION •** sot. au. no. r %.>' m UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

AHOEIZS (56-156) DATE: 6/18/68


SUBJECT: KENSALT Res serial 21$ Above SA was intervie-wing iTft?^gRT1|if'ABTEN re lead #1 & 2 set forth in re serial* Sir. WEINGARTEN said hia son JOEL was at the Ambassador Hstel «n the night that Senator KEJttEDY was shot* was interviewed by sbove SA on 6A8/68. »3O2 is ttKdUtation* JGEL saidW was at the Hetel wi^h two other friends of bta. ffATF/TO ttfaftfl" whs resides in\aa Kuys and iffiXIKS OTCHIO. I£AD Will irrterview MMIUS OTCHIO re Her knowledge of the events that took place at the Ambassador fiotel *n &/U~5/&£ arid, through her obtain the address mt Will alse interview HELFMAT-

>- 56-156


» TO SAC, LOS ANGEIZS (56-156) DATE: 6/14/68



ar~nSB-advised that _ ^PasadenaX California, the aay Dy an unknown lau\dry firm in al30 works for this laiindry on Saturdays. furnished a home telephone number fllHJ

An attempt was made to contact her residence with negative results. IEAD LOS ANGELES _A? LELES, CALIFORNIA; Telephonically contact . the above number so an appoint- ment 'ban 17 made Lo tervlew her,, as she is a member ,o.f the Ancient Mysterical Order of Rosae Crucis and was in attendance at their meeting on 5/2bybo". ""-— i en. •». NO. v UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

110 SAC, LOS ANGELES DATE: 6/17/68



Re complaint received by IC 6/12/68, serial kS aint Department California, advised tnat at on d a policy with the company actually handled the account!

SIRHAN SIRHAN is not Insured by the Company*

SEAHCHEO - Los Angeles JUN 17136^ FBI - LOS ANGELES LA 56-156

If k .;;v^;:-,.,^••""-••v-i--";-,.-V1-;-.;••:"••.;•..-.•.'-:..••:• j'^-'-'-v-lj

ylL, ^--1 *•."*"- •'


0ot«_ June 13. 1968

also known as JIM Llfornla, vasfcttervieve

On_fi/l5/£B at Q California

.Dai* Thlt document contain) n.ith.r rtcontmandollont nor lonctuitem ot iti. FBI. tt it Hi. proparty oi Ih. FBI and U loaned to your it and Iti conl.nti or. not to b. dtitrJbulad outtld* YOU' raiM HO. to • .^ ^.'"INITED STATES G lemorandum

TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/15/68



Re Los Angeles teletype to Sacramento, 6/15/68. Enclosed for Los Angeles are nifte (9) copies of FD-302 regarding interview with JAMES J.

2J Los Angeles (Enc. 9) (AM) amento LOS ANGEIJSS 1(56-156) DATE: 6/17/68


Re Pl>-302 of Miss CAROLINE MARY PETTINATO. PETTINATO appeared at the Ambassador Hotel and related a story told to her by JOHN WRIGHT. In which WRIGHT stated that he was a witness to the shooting of Senator KENNEDY, PETTINATO also stated that WRIGHT told her that he was an employee of the Ambassador Hotel and that he worked in the kitchen as a kitchen reporter the night of i the shooting of Senator KENNEDY. The following Investigation was conducted to determine the veracity of Miss PETTINATO's statements: On 6/13/68, Mrs. HELEN IAgim, Personnel Clerk at the Ambassador Hotel, reviewed ftei* "files under the name of JOHN WRIGHT. Mrs. LAZUR advised that no JOHN WRIGHT was presently working at the Ambassador Hotel and that no JOHN WRIGHT had worked there in at least the last seven years. LAZUR further advised that there are only two SIGHTS presently working at the Ambassador Hotel, DANIEL and LEO,, and that they are both white males. LAZUR furnished the file on former employee JACK WRIGHT. It contained the following information: 1. Employment Application Date Name Address

Social Security1 No. Telephone Height

) \ &

LA 56-156

Weight Sex Date of Birth Hair Eyes Education Employment

Notify in Emergency

- 2 - LA 56-156

On 6/13/68, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) advised that in connection with their investigation of the shooting of Senator ROBERT KENNEDY, their file showed no record of a person by the name of JOHN WRIGHT being interviewed by any of their personnel. On 6/13/68, KARL UECKER. Assistant Maitre d« at the Ambassador Hotel, aavisea tnat there is no such position at the hotel as a kitchen reporter. UECKER advised that he had never heard of a JOHN WRIGHT. UECKER stated that if anyone worked in the kitchen, he would fall under one of five categories — Steward, Chef, Banquet Houseman, Bar Employee, or Cashier. The following persons advised that, to their knowledge, no JOHN WRIGHT had ever worked in their department; and all were sure that no JOHN WRIGHT had worked for them in the last six months:

,PABLO ffrUERRERQ... Assistanntt Stewatewari d VESTA MORELLO- Chef's Department JOE HRUDKA._ Assistant Chef ERNIE RODRIGUEZ S* teward

Head Banquet Houseman BOB SALCEDO Bar Manager JEAN ABSTOJ ;ad of cashiers and Checkers LEAD

Interview Mr. HOTJyER f p Clerk at the Hoppe Hotel, 7th and Hope streets, Los Angelesl , regardind g hiis knowledge of the statements made by Miss PETTINATO regarding JOHN WRIGHT. " 3 " V ;• 13U0 Vest Sixth Street . Lo* Angeles, California 90017 3 $ June 17, 1968


U. S. Treasury Department ' .N P. 0. Box 567 Los Angeles, California 90053 Dear Sin Attention: Special Agent This will confirm a conversation on. date >ur office and Special Ageni f this office in which you were advised oate nade ^7|^M^HDffi^n March

jtatement to the PBI Is 1 attached,"as well as additional background information on Ahern* I Very truly yours.

VTESLSTO. ORAPP Special Agent in Charge Enclosure cc. Region Command«r (Enclosure)(Attention Region XX , 115th Ml Group - • . • P. 0. Bin 22 Pasadena, California 91109 .

1 - Addressee .'. . ,, •_. 1 - Region II tL Angeles (I7I4.-HO)

Sh- /Si- 7/7 0-9 (Rc». S-22-04) o ••.-••.••••"* Of F B I

Date: 6/18/68 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code)

Via (Priority)

To: SACs, WFO New York From: Director, FBI

IS - UNITED PUBLIC (oo: WFO) [•ft fMk fll/4rr««nf

WFO check INS for any available data concerning subject. WFO and New York contact established reliable sources in an effort to determine if subject entered U.S., current whereabouts and activities. Recipients furnish results in form suitable for dissemination and WO incorporate pertinent data in State's communication as predication. Afford this natter prompt attention in view of the allegation of espionage and friendship with Sirhan. Enclosure

• lhi-',;:'A',rr, iCf =P^ ly


Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

LJ Deleted under exemption(a) . . with no segregable material available for release to you.

Q Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request

• Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

• Document! s) originating with the following government agency(ies) , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.


i | For your information:

The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages:


6AV68 1. Colonel JOHN H«. maunGLENN, *Room 1001, Sheraton Boston Hotel, advised that he was an aide in the campaign of Senator ROBERT KENNEDY in the California primary election. He stated that he was in an upstairs suite at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, when Senator KENNEDY was shot in the early morning of June 5, 1968. Colonel GLENN stated he did not see the captured gunman on that occasion nor did he recognize SXftHAN B. SIRHAN from photographs as an individual he had ever seen previously on any occasion* Colonel GLENN stated that the only significant change he could recall in connection with Senator KENNEDY'S plans was on June 4, 1968. The original plans were that he would spend the night of June 3-4> 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel. However, after a complete day of campaigning on June 3, 1968, which ended in San Diego, California, KENNEDY returned to the Ambassador Hotel late that evening and departed soon after- wards for the Malibu Beach residence of movie director JOHN FRANffiHHF.TMEq, KENNEDY and several of his party spent the following



. Dote dictated

flilt document contain* neither racommandafloni nor conclusion! of lha FBI. It H fh« properly oi lha FBI and U loaned to your ogencvi "''1} and 111 contenh ore nol to be distributed o»Wde your ag.ncy. Routing Slip <•> (Ffrav. 3-J 1«67)

Albany I | Houston I I New York City \ Tampa Albuquerque I 1 Indianapolis t"~l Norlolk Washington Flald Anchorage I 1 Jackson I I Oklahoma City [ Quantlco Atlanta I | Jacksonville Omaha Baltimore [ I Kansas City Philadelphia TO LEGATi B Birmingham Knotvllle Phoenix Bern Boston Las Vegas Pittsburgh Bonn Buffalo Us Portland Buenos Aires Butte Los Angeles Richmond ^1 Hong Kong Charlotte St. Louis ^| London *"") Chicago | | Matnphis Salt Lake City Manila Cincinnati Miami San Antonio Mexico, D.F. Clavaland Milwaukee San Diego Ottawa Columbia Minntapolit I 1 San Francisco Perls Dallas San Juan Roma Denver Mobil* Savannah Santo Domingo Detroit I I Naw Havan Seattle ™ Tokyo El Paso | | Naw Orlaana I Springfield Honolulu Data «. ^£A/ 3

Rat«ntion For appropriata optional oction • 8u»p, by I I Tha enclosed 1* for your Information. If ussd In a futura raport, C3 eoneaal all sources, • paraphrase contents. 1 I Enclosed an corrected pages from report of SA dated

Remarksi - 5-22-64) Sf

FBI Date: 6AV68 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code)

V|0AIRTEL (Priority)


Re Houston tel to Director, and Boston, 6A3/68, Enclosed herewith are nine copies \ol an FD-3O2 reflecting interview with Colonel JOHN H. GLENN in this matter.

(2)- Los Angeles (Enc^9) - Boston

i•?'•' Approved: Sen/__ M Per Special Aaeat in Charge FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION

p. Dot«_ 6/1H/68

JOHN W. GAL1 JR., also "CHAMP" advised he is a Resident of •alt Lake City, Utah, telepho^^H VAM advised that in recent years he has been regular travel status and has no permanent address, however, the above address is that of his father and mother and he can be reached through them in time. Mr. VLLIVAM advised his fathei

Mr. GALLIVAN advised he had been in constant travel status as a member of the Senator ROBERT F. KENNEDY staff since April 1, 1968. He has been employed In the position of Advance Man. He advised that in this capacity he has done extensive travelling throughout the United States in behalf of the Presidential Candidacy of Senator ROBERT F. KENNHlf. On Monday, June 3, 1968, Mr. GALLIVAN was in San Francisco, California, with the KENNEDY staff and there joined the Kennedy party at the San Francisco Municipal Airport about 2:00 PM at the American Airlines Maintenance Base. He advised that following the period when the staff assembled the Kennedy plane left the San Francisco Airport and travelled to Long Beach Airport or to the Los Angeles International Airport, the exact place not recalled. He advised that he had spent time in and about Los Angeles travelling in motorcades with the Presidential Candidate until approximately 7:30 or 8:00 PM on June 3, 1968, following which time the group had returned to the Kennedy plane at the airport. According to GALLIVAN he and JERRY BRUNO, the Senator's personal Advance Man, or Chief Advance Man, left the pary and went to the Ambassador Hotel, making:;one brief stop at the Kennedy Headquarters en route, along Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. He advised that he and BRUNO registered at the Ambassador and had dinner at the Hotel. BRUNO then went to his room

On gjii-f- TJVO P-t-t-ir IT-t-Jt'h


Thif document contains ncltntr rocemmtndation* nor conclusion* of thtf FBI. It U th« prop, it and 111 conttnti Or* not to bo distributed euflld* ysur agency. SU 62-2G9H P. 2

'for the night and GALLIVAN went to the bar where he visited with friends until approximately 1:30 AH, Tuesday, June *», 19C8. lie then returned to his hotel room.

GALLIVAN advised that he and ethers of the Kennedy staff had relaxed around the hotel during most of the day on June »*, 1968, until approximately 7:30 PK. He advised that at this tine ha met* PETE SMITH, who was Senator KENNEDY's Advance Man for the day. He advised that he and SMITH vent to the 5th floor suite at the Ambassador Hotel where the KENNEDYs and their friends were having a party. lie advised that members of the press and family and close personal associates were there and tx.cj socialised and watched the television proceedings and television returns concerning the election of that day. Mr. GALLIVAN advised that at about 11:15 or 11:30 Pt: it appeared that the time had arrived for Senator KENKEDY's appearance in the Ambassador Hotel ballroom. Ite stated that the group assembled in the room. loft the roo^'i vith the Senator end went to the &th floor elevator. He a^vis^d that he had been with an individual known only to him as 'UNO" last name unknown. He stated that UNO was a hotel employee whom he had engaged to show him around the hotel and assist him in directing the Senator from various places within the building.

GALLIVAN advised that he had arranged for the elevator to be held on the 5th floor for Senator KENNEDY and party and when the group arrived they got in the elevator. lie stated that Senator KENNEDY inquired as to whether or not this elevator vould go into the lobby and on learning that it was the lobby elevator the Senator atated something to the effect that |;I don't want to go through the lobby, I would rather go through the back way." Mr. GALLIVAN advised that he was certain there waE no thought at that time concerning KENNEDY'S safety, but that KENNEDY had been fighting large crowds, was tired, and did not wish to expose himself to another large crowd before his talk. V •J./i .>»',-iA;• j;.LV•"E.I•':!•••••• •••>•• :'.i'^.


SU 62-2694 P. 3

Mr. GALLIVAN advised that when Senator KENNEDY desired to go a different route UNO directed the group to a nearby elevator which was a service elevator and the group entered the elevator and went down to the ballroom level. GALLIVAN advised that as they left the elevator he, GALLIVAN, followed UNO and the party, including Senator KENNEDY, followed him. He stated they went out of the elevator and into a hotel work area en route to the ballroom. He stated he was not watching Senator KENNEDY, but was going ahead of the party and clearing people out of the way. Mr. GALLIVAN advised that he and Senator KENNEDY'S party entered the ballroom from a door near the side of the platform. GALLIVAN stated that he had stepped aside and allowed Senator KENNEDY, his wife, and other dignitaries to take the platform. He stated he then entered the plat- form himself, made some arrangements with the news media to obtain photoj-aphs of ETHEL KEBtDY, and then left the platform as it was very crowded.

GALLIVAN advised that as the Senator made his statement, he, GALLIVAN, had left the area with UHO as UNO was to show him the press room where Senator KENNEDY would be taken for an interview following his appearance on the platform. He advised they located the press room and then returned to the speaker's platform where Senator KENNEDY was still making his remarks. Mr. GALLIVAN stated that he looked the situation over trying to decide whether to take the Senator off the backside of the platform or off the side of the platform from which they had entered. He stated that he. GALLIVAN, made the decision to return from the same side as they had come in. He pointed out that either the back way or the side way would have entered a common area behind the platform and this would have had no effect on movement, but it was only a nore convenient route for the Senator's t>arty. GALLIVAN advised that when Senator KENNEDY completed his speech the party made the exit from the side and that he, GALLIVAN j does not know in which order they?, l^ft

v*xm i/ : :•: '^^iw w£«fois>;vii •> u

SU 62-26SU P. *»

the platform as he was ahead of the party and clearing the way. He advised that he had been accompanied by UNO. He stated he led the party through a long, narrow room, which appeared to be a staging area for the kitchen. He advised this room contained numerous vending machines and other types of fcitchen equ^nent. He advised there were people standing around this space, but he does not recall who they were and could only recall them as possibly being hotel employees. He stated he was about 20-25 feet ahead of the KENNEDY party and there were perhaps a dozen people between he and the Senator. He stated that there was a large crowd around and follow- ing the Senator as he entered this posageway. GALLIVAN stated that there was no question in his mind as to the safety of Senator KENNEDY and instead of a spirit of tight security there was a spirit of relaxation and celebration due to the KENNEDY victory.

GALLIVAN advised that as he walked ahead he heard several shots behind him. He stated he turned around and caw some movement and commotion in the croud but could not discern what V.MS going on. Ha stated he sav BILL BARRY > KENNEDY'S security man. lunf.e for some- thing. He stated he. noticed BARRY because he is a large man and could be seen above the crowd. He stated he. GALLIVA1T, ran towards the Senator and saw him lying face up on the floor. He stated there were people bending over him; but the identity of these people he could not recall. He stated he did recall the Senator's wife was at the Senator's side.

GALLIVAN advised he turned toward BARRY, who was to his right, and noticed he was struggling with a Latin-looking young man of a small build. He advised that BARRY had the man pushed and pinned against the counter. GALLIVAN said he y«li«d to BARRY to "take care of the Senator, I can handle bin." At this time BARRY released the man and ran toward the Senator and he, GALLIVAN, attempted to take the man and hold him. He stated at this time there was a continuous struggle to restrain the mar. and ho recalls - a friend of the mm ()

m SU 62-269U P. 5

Senator, joining in the struggle. He stated that as he grabbed the man he saw a small revolver laying on the counter, next to the man., and the man reached for and grabbed it in his hand about "the same time that he, GALLIVAN, saw the gun. He stated that as he grabbed for the gun he cut the palm of his hand on the hammer of the revolver, but was successful in keeping the gun immobilized until someone else moved in and helped control the situation. GALLIVAN said that he tried to take aviay the gun. but was unable to do so. but merely concentrated on keeping the man immobilized until such time the police could arrive. He advised that he also felt an obligation to protect tha unknown individual who was being beat on and choked.: by dhers in the crowd, the names of whom he was unable to provide. He advised that ROOSEVELT GRIER, a friend of the Senator and also a security man} came up to the place where he was holding the individual» at which time he heard soneenrj say, "Let ROSILY take the £unr" which i-te dill, iie stattid that GEIER took control cf the eian and he pulled away fro?n the action and went back to where Senator KENNEDY was laying on the floor. He stated that Mrs. KENNEDY was there among others and at this time he and BILL BARRY made a futile attempt to clear the area of people.

Ke stated he was about to get the people away from the Senator and at this time the situation stayed almost in a state of no change until such time as the ambulance and police arrived. He advised that they then took control .Q\LLIVAN advised that he had never seen the suspect before in his travels throughout the United States or in his activities around the hotel on the day of the assassination * or the previous day. He further advised that from his observations the suspect appeared to be clone and not in the company of any other individuals. He advised that he had not noted any suspicious activities during the activities in Los Angeles and that at no time had there been a

1/ SU 62-2694 P. C concern for the Senator's life, although in the back of his mind he realized this type of thing could always happen. lie advised there was ro/er any radical changes in the plans or route except in the one instance described above where Senator KENNEDY decided to take the service elevator rather than the public elevator from the 5th floor.

He further advised that he is positive that he would not recognize the suspect again from his own personal recollection. He stated he did not observe the suspect shoot and never saw the pun in the hand of the susptct until he saw him reach for it and secure it from the counter following the shooting of Senator KENNEDY.

lie advised lie had no further recollection of the acitivities thatnight be of assistance in this ixivestigation.

V Yjii !•-(%** J'V-J "" "»!•* • i 5

FBI Date: 6/m/68 Transmit the followina in (Type in plaintext or code) Via AIRTEL AIR KAIL (Priority) J




Re WFO teletype to the Bureau, 6/13/68. Enclosed herewith are 9 copies of aiV FD-302 in connection with the interview of JOHN W. GAtLIVAN, JR., at Salt Lake City, Utah, on 6/1H/68.

2 - Los Angeles (Enc. 9) Lake City

Z—VB smt^fi

Approved: Sent .M Per Special Agent in Charge it * H TRUB COPT

Wed. Morn; Jane 5, 1968

Dear Sir or Sirs; I an enclosing photographs of a two men who are from Cuba the picture was tken during summer before 1952 these men caice down to visit neighbor of nine at that time. I kept the pictures in album all this time X just thought it might help as they said they were from Los Angfes area but cane over from Cuba and the short fellow was supposed to bo a llghtwlegbt boxing Champion from Cuba what I though was maybe it would help to look In this area boxing or wrestling in Los Angles I cant reoember thier names but hope pictures might help X was living in Long Beach when pictures were taken.


p. s; Uy husband and I and I are both grelf stricken over the attempt of assinntion of on Senator Robert Kenendy and hope this infer nation might help.


• c: •- J---:D_ •_ T- . f f t . •• ^ , -

O &

June 13, 1968

Dear have received your letter dated June 5, 1968. I appreciate your bringing your observations to my attention and assure you that all possible avenues are being explored in the investigation of the death of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Appropriate copies of the photographs that you forwarded have been made and the originals are being returned to you herewith* )ii Sincerely yours, ]. Edgar John Edgar Hoover Director Enclosures (2) Los Angeles (Enclosures ffi-Enclosed for completion of your file are a copy etter and copies of the photographs sH*~ xorva e Bureau. June 7, 1963

HS: In connection with the Asaasinaticn of ocn.Robert T. Ker.necy. ?or v:hct it nsy ba worth for possible investigation, while driving en Route 123 North into 3oston, a car passed us vitha lone vrcnan driver, v:ear- in^ a "white dress with lar£e blaci: ?ol*:a dots" on sens. ?he registration of the car is



I hav» received your Utter dated 1968. Thank you for furnishing your oboeiifttl la connection with the assassination of Senator Bobert T. leaned y.

1. E'rr John Bdsar Hoover

Los Angeles (Enclosure) Inclosed for Los Angeles is a copy of lette

•:.A «£/,""• 7" e_..,..__,

.•'.' i — LOS ANG£Lt3 y /17) §®§®amm ..

&w*l<57..//« '?

• U '^J.

-C-^^C<:~ :.^-


*-« ..JKaga)

T - v J T > ^ -* ^ ^ .^^^i^*ay^^V*^a^+;rTT*^^^*^^^\"'^V*"* T'^ • ' .USE ZIP V


:."•-r TRUE COPY

June 5, 1968

Dear Sir I ara writing this letter in reaction to the attempt on Sen. Robert F Kennedy. In October of 1964 I was ^Incarcerated by the Federal Courts. I was sent to Lompoc California, While there an inmate by the name oflMHwas there for writing threatening letters toTBe^ate President John F. Kennedy. I personally heard him' state on several occasions he would kill Robert Kennedy if he became president. I hope you consider this information seriously as I would not write if I didn't sense its need Respectfully Yours


TRUE COPY -yj i4

12* 1968

Dear Sir:/ / Mr. Boover has received your letter dated Awe 5, 1968. This Bureau appreciates your bringing this natter to our attention in connection with the murder of Senator RobertT, Kennedy. Tery truly yours,

Helen W. Gaudy V ^ Secretary \ Los Angeles (Enclosures - Enclosed for Los Angeles «n»a Xerox copy of the ±±*r md ontnionft and a true copy of the letter of •^m^^Bpated 6/5/68. This is furnished for hno, ie information of Los Angeles.

**V* .V' ^ 730 ^"ii*^;^^iiJi^=;^^iJi^;>0;*^ **SWa:&»?«:.. :1tt/U'

131*0 Vest Sixth Street Los Angeles, California 90017 June 17, 1968 . . • •.

U. S. Treasury Department P. 0. Box 567 Los Angeles, California 90053 Attention: Special Agent Dear Sir: This will confirm a held on ftU- June 17, 1968, between Specla of our office and Special Agent your office concerning a letter the r**Fe" ~ ~ ~~ ---- Washington, D. C, on A true copy o: _etter is enclosed bio, for your information, ani note that in his let r he refers to an Individual by the name of ^ ot further described, who, he states, men- on several occasions that he would kill Robert Kennedy if he became President* . This Information Is being furnished your office for whatever action is deemed appropriate* Ho investigation In this natter is being conducted by the Los Angeles Office of the FBI* . Very truly yours, -

Agent In Change Enclosure * 1 SEARCHED — 1 - Addressee - Los Angelas (<6-l56)

• —• .—..-.•-,• - l-v


, y1^t^-~ ^-V —

dt /3i rj O O i

JL-JL >: —•- •^-•: T / . ^. U*.. 1—I>W


.--» o



TO :S6C> LOS ANQEIES (56-l$6) DATE: 6/18/68

FROM :sx


Ret serial 215

Above SA was intervie-wirg MfT?TRTffiVm:'Kr **» lead #1 & 2 set forth in re serial, Mr. TNEINGARTEN said his son JCEL was at the Ambassador Httel •n the night that Senator KENNEDY was shot.

was interviewed by above SA on 6A8/68. '302 is JOEL saidW was at the H«tel wi^h two other wh» resides in \an Kuys and ?/,ftXIK£ cfpcaio.

IfiAD \ TSill interview mXIKE OTCHiq re Her knowledge of the events that took place at the Ambassador flatel en sfu-tytS, anti through her obtain the address ef NATHAN Will alse interview HKLFMAJ1.


SEARCHED *i4*rtT i/£*ii JUN1 91958 * \ mmr*ir.'V,-»> pip Memorandum LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/17/68


SUBJECT: KENSALT .> Re FD-3O2 of Miss CAROLINE MARY PETTINATO. PETTINATO appeared at the Ambassador Hotel and related a story told to her by JOHN WRIGHT, in which WRIGHT stated that he was a witness to the shooting of Senator KENNEDY. PETTINATO also stated that WRIGHT told her that he was an employee of the Ambassador Hotel and that he worked in the kitchen as a kitchen reporter the night of the shooting of Senator KENNEDY. The following investigation was conducted to determine the veracity of Miss FETTINATO's statements: On 6/13/68, Mrs. HELEN LAfflJR, Personnel Clerk at the Ambassador Hotel, reviewed ftei1 files under the name of JOHN WRIGHT. Mrs. LAZUR advised that no JOHN WRIGHT was presently working at the Ambassador Hotel and that no JOHN WRIGHT had worked there In at least the last seven years. LAZUR further advised that there are only two lIGHTs presently working at the Ambassador Hotel, DANIEL and LEOj and that they are both white males. - LAZUR furnished the file on former employee JACK IGHT. It contained the following information: Employment Application Bate Name Address

Social Security No, Telephone Height

o n o o

^g^ ^^^§^|k 1340 west Sixth Street Los Angeles, California 90017 June l8f 1968

Thank you for your recent letter. Tour interest In writing as you did Is sincerely appreciated. Very t yours. filis VESItEY 0. ORAPP Special Agent In Charge

1 - Addressee Los Angeles (56-156) urn wita BOOS '31 BROADWAY . CALIF. OTTKMM. nm NO. t* M*V IH1 COITKM of* am. «ca- Ma 0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum

SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-I56) DATE: 6A5/68



Be memorandum of SA dated 6A1/68. On 6/14/68, BIL: interviewed by the wr; CHANDLER'^ residence Angeles, (telephone CHANDLER advised that he is an organizer for the United Farm Workers Union and stated that at present his residence also serves as his office. CHANDLER advised that he attended Pasadena City- College, the academic year 1964-1965, at which time he attempted to start a chapter of the Students for a_ Democratic Society (SDS)- He related that during that time, hie ne ana several associates would often frequent the school cafeteria and usually went to one particular table. During that time many students would often stop and talk to him and his associates. He stated that on one occasion four Arab students stopped at the table. He stated that he believes this was the fall of 1965. CHANDLER was displayed a photograph of SIRHAN SIRHAN and advised that he believes that possibly SIRHAN was one of the Arab4 students. He stated; however, that if the individual was SIRHAN, he did not speak throughout the conversation, which lasted about 15 minutes. He stated that he does not believe that he has ever seen SIRHAN since that time and recalled that none of the Arab students appeared interested in the SDS, but rather were interested in telling about their country. CHANDLER concluded by saying that he has no further knowledge concerning SIRHAN or any knowledge of the KENNEDY assassination, which might possibly be of value to the FBI in the current investigation.

S£ftRCHED SfHlAliZFO Jbnn JUN 1 81958

CUt-u i *-• *^ 1 : .,./." '.t\? -t-fr;J--^v' j-.-,,vt-.:^>^J^V* )





Re New York teletype to the Bureau dated Enclosed herewith for San Francisco is one copy each of New York elrtel to the Bureau dated 6/13/58 end Bureau eirtel to Los Angeles dated 6A2/68.

>£Pr Son Francisco (Ends, 2) C$4 Los Angeles (5o-156) 1- Rev YorK (W-1640)

X I." - — L0£ A' "JV - FBI

Date: June 14, 1968

Tranimlt the following In (Typ* In plain Uxt of eoit) AIRTEL (Priority or Mithoi of MoHty


to him ormation F. KENNEBY. the assassination of Senator ROBERT On 6/14/68 We Police Department. advi

by^Bureau A no Sesire to discuss his information in view or tact Ke claimed it involved La Cosa Nostra and he feared for his life. He eventually furnished information stating that around Memorial Day, 1967, during breakfast/meal at dining hall, Lewisburg Penitentiary, he was sittiftg at table next to JAMES HP'FFA and overheard HOFFA mak^staJsmfint to his table companions, one described ill BM UN early "40's, Itali/tn descent, 5'10* tall, heavy DuTTff^veavy dark beard even afteV shaving, and second individual/described as name unknown, Italian descent 3-Bureau 2-iios Angeles 2-Atlanta ^Philadelphia 2-Denve 2-St. Louis

£L7\ •—" ^JT-17 1968

Approved: Sent Per Special Agent in Charge DN 62-2416 with same height and build as JAMES HOFFA, 55-58 years of age, and who used to run at the penitentiary track with HOFFA. Conversation overheard was JH have a contract out on KENNEDY and if he ever gets in the^primaries or ever gets elected, the contract-will be ful/illed within 6 months."

known. ad*been in Lewisburg fp

11 mil MB^BBB[IIIIT in HI i in i i nl 1 i|i In on parole to that city. He wasoeSWiBea a\ a white male American, in his early 30'a, 5»8M tall, Blender.wuild, black hair, and in July, 1967, was assigned to D cellblock.

ow he felt about OFFA began a tirade concerning KENNEDY* -tapping tactics and on this occasion, allegedly • "Right now KENNEDY'S in no danger; but if he gets in primary or gets elected, I won't say how or when, but he'll get knocked off." :here were no witnesses to this statement* FD-302s will be promptly furnished Atlanta, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Los Angeles. Offices receiving this communication except Los Angeles conduct logical investigation to verifyahnvfi^conver- sations upon receipt of FD-302, UACB. I I nil i iM^^B' HI III I I i ..v are one photograph each of 'i^r/''.to.r7ie\ij[ork is one copy of ** ; ••• .•.^feV- >:••••-.•• :-g^'j^j ' v.rY* AT Tf' tTirIios/ngelc^" I*c s Office indices " to this office on . * 11/24/64 when ephonically advised \ she eight months and ••'•} v __ now /oying from the area and had refused to f urnil er a forvfardang address,^? istate installed short'waive radio and transralttet In his residence and' f;:*^-l claims to be' able to .contact "pr*1"""** ^n ^*^*^^rf** pniinfr>iois''i'. He also made some statements t] In Working for a Investigation by the I»os Angeles Office revealed id not have any jshoxt wa^/e radio set i?j jiis -'^^ ras. deteitfiined the original allegation- ; from Was based 'on* the fact, that subject was ,i;V*;: of the liAPD, 1AS0, and were negative regard Jac LI, Florida, will Ebrida Higlway Patrol ^ Trooper _ determine if photograph is identical to indivi le issued speedinpg g citation on 6/7/68/7/, (i(tt should be noted photograph was taken approximately 1961)' Will advise New YorK Division if photograph Is ' -*" '••-• >. ^Aent^a 1 to person issued feeding citation by trooper. ;

.. < •:>•-••

. City vrill interview] |New York City, home City, d information, times, dates, places as to acquainted vrlth SIRHAN SIRHAN, Will also interview regardins his knovrledge of SIKHAH's father and all places of residence and all informa- tion pertaining to SIRHAN's father.

: :S^^SR

- 2 - ••:<>• -•? : •



..'- *r * •

TO t DIRECTOR, FBI (62-587)



call to San Francisco this data. The Rosicruciaak Ord^r (AHORC). San Jose, Calif* On 6/l«t/66, CECIL A. PO\LE. Vic«-President and Supreme Treasurer, AKORC. Rosicruc^an Park, San Jose, Calif., advised that the Roslcrucian Fraternity, Quakertown, Pennsylvania, is not part of the Rosicrueian Order. He further noted that there are at least four other organizations in existence that use the word Rosicrueian In the name of the organisation.

- Bureau - Los Angel** (S6-1S6) i> A Vr&ncisco

\ ^'L;r;G .1x3', Virginia 22 June 30, 1003

•ir. Carlos C. 0;;

Can ynu pleosc to";! whether Sirhan £irhFiti? in« held cs".suspect ir. the 5cr.itor ke.-inecly sluyins» is rp;:istcrccitl l uncer selectivti e servici e and, iif so, vhit is his rc£istrr.tion# Sincerely,

SEARCHED INDIXED SE»IAi«ED._/jrif.r ILEO JUN18W68 fBt - LOS ANGCtCf ....•-"••-•:\" Mm June 12, 1%3 1-10

• Round IU1V Virginia 22U1

De.-.r • In reply to your letter of June 10, 1963, vc wich to advise

that Sirh-r. Slrhcn is not ror.litarcc with t'.« Ccliiomla Selective

Service Sys£ea. *

Very truly yours,

A'T^s c.[. err::: LC i. victor



Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

Deleted under exemption(s) 070> with no segregable material available for release to you.

Q Infonnation pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request

D Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

I I Documents) originating with the following government agency(ies) , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you.

Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); as the infonnation originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI.

Page(s) withheld for the following reaeon(s):

• For your information:

31 The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages:


FD-3B (f)«v, J-32-64).

FB I Dote: 6/17/68 Transmit the following la (Type in plaintext or code) AIRTEL Via (Priority)


Re Los Angeles telephone call to Sacramento 6/17/68, Enclosed for the Los Angeles Division is one copy- each of the following

The above enclosures'were furnished byj ,___ —fc^fc**IJ" --»•-—*— Service Headquarters,"l Sacramento! ^ advised that she could locate no record of registration tor the folloving individuals: S SIRHAN BISHARA SIRHAN DOB: 3/19/44, y^'iM'-t^^'i''^'-l llfi 1$& 'ot

SC 62-76

that the belov listed Individuals were registered:;- • */-; *•;/r.. -^

that Local Board #91 is the Pasadena Local Board located at 2091 East Colorado Boulevard, ; Pasadena, California. . • : -.* ••.-•. ^ .>.•••.- . INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE FILES OF tHE SELECTIVE* fJRVJCSlJgARP ^S CONFIDENTIAL AND SHOULD BE SUITABLY PARAPHRASED IF USEDIN COMMUNICATIONS GOING OUTSIDE THE BUREAU.

• - *• •rf. ; •'*• •

v •'•' ••'*.••'•••- .*•» >'. i •'•••"" ,'.U;." 41'••• i •'.»-. ;',-•••' •»"•"<•





fiU- Res to SAC, dated 6/S/o3 hie

Hoferenced advised that STHHftJ» SI?JiA!l T?S treated by D3 Vuir Building. Inverti^tion rsflects that there are no such named doctors at above building. t his rlace of er,rloyner.t., o« Angeles, California, OP June information from a security guard at theMuir Building, ?nyo fioiiywoodj-i^u]evard, Los Angeles, Calif. ^d^f) ar.d DR^HBHVP^tx) both liave offlsec ?t the _had treated «THHiy S"r?.EA«. • • sted that he had heurd the guard r,enti6n this information »hile conversir-i; ndth another indivlrhial. Ks further advised that the guard is unknown to hi") t>y narte. The belcwr listed individuals advised on the dates indicate that 51 KHAN SfRFAN was never treated by the- and is i:-!-.offn to thesi except as t result of the news media concerning +h<- shooting of Senator ITBE-tT F.

MuSr Bldg., on June 17, 1968 Muir Bldg., on June 17, 1?63 Huir Bldg., on June II, 1968


JUN 1 819S8


^Lc^t^^, y ^ Sr^^o2< J? &Ud*>!£

J •a O*»*64^CS5 o i i 3 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, California 90017 June 18, 1968

Pear Your recent letter which you addressed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation In Pasadena, California, was referred to this office for acknowledgement. Thank you for writing as you did* Tour interest In furnishing this Information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation is sincerely appreciated. Very truly yours, .--J

WESLEY th GRAPP Special Agent in Charge

1 - Addressee Los Angeles (56-156)


F.LU • ("

FBI Dote: 6/17/68

the tplJowini in


6/7/6B, .JOKi'T FA, cai'-ie to'y.\a Los Anseles Office a ., ano stated he? Red met a woman named R f phone tJ. c ^ in *e coffee shop of the'Amba ucld hz'j/ she was in trouble and wanted to talk to sr fihe cotJ.-A trust. PAHET, who gave the apoesrance of b< rationof., talked to the vounn, who asked,* if she could _ on a business trip he had planned for the day to Oxnsrd and Ventura, California. -F/JD^ t^rced. In the courss of the day, the wo;nan told him she"was "ceiii^ followed and watched, v:hich fAHEY**believed as a car^ea snethem rofor a timetirae,. 'Shane statestanced Senator KSi-iSSFJJ'i wr.u "no good", and if coi/iplr,i::ant aattendet I d the "winn^jifi .celebration" that night., he would be surprised, becfttisc xney arc going to get him". She would not say v/ho was froWf.- to be "gotten," stating she did not want him to ha ' involved. §**> KOEian, who appeared .foreign, stated she had arrive in Los A:-Scles thre^5 days before from EUat, Bein^i .nc £h« stated she'v;p.s not staying the hotel ancl'-oa'id

2 - £?.". Fryncisco

d:' S-nt „„ OFFICE.COPY /Sir */*'•• .; «Jg( o@

LA. 156-156 not give her address. FAK3Y finally left the woman at the Ambassador Hotel at 7:30 p.m. on 6/4/68. FAH3Y aslced that his identity be concealed, as he did not v/ant his v:ife_tojuiov;. He furnished the follov;.ing description of (phonetic) as follows: Sex Female Caiicasiaiij, appeared to be Arabic^ v.'ith fine features Age 27 to 2S Height Dirty blond, well kept; hair Hair long and pulled Coim in ponytail on one side Complexion Fair Dark Unknov/n Build Very good, attractive Invtstigation to date has failed to substantiate statements by FAHiin FAKEY stated he had had the/olloviing past ernployr.isnts:


- 2 - m*s

LA 56-156 ISADS

AT SAH FK^CICSCO. elf.v FAHSY's employments v:ith Coripany, doterriiine reasons ror screetly obtain general opinion of former employers l'AIIEY. Uill attempt to verify his employiiinnt v;ith nov; out of business. l/ASimiGTCH PIKLT) • ^g^^j_j^JjjJ verify FAHEY's past ejnployiiient Tilth the^H|Hm£rcaeon for termination, and discreetly obtain general o/5.n:lon of former erjplcyers concernins I'AHKr.

e a Passport Records, if. ~S. Dsnr.rt.iacnt of States in the name o.f GILDL'RDItl/: OPPHHI-KGnK (phciiev-ic) for a possible passport in that wbiln veco^;-; thftt OPPiSSn^ifJEIER is probably a foreicn national. If passport ic locatcdj, obtain photograph and subrrdt to Los Angeles.

- 3 - MAT t«l (DITUM Oil OCN. HE*. MB. V M UNITED STATES i J^ERNMENT Memorandum




Re FD-71, 6/8/68, entitled, ieferej contains a'canplaint from ing a con- :ch she had with JO or ezo. the ______'told that he was very enti-KtfHNEDY and that he and others rroirf Egypt hold secret meetings fcach week to collec^aid send m on fey to their native country. /According to __-^—^-W—T these individuals discuss their dislike forti^US, and its leaders at theae sgetlnes.^||va^vised that be- cause of the above, sinceflHBpias beenarrested in Los Angeles for assault anc due to the assasination of Senator KE-^E'ft", she felt she should furnish this information to the FBI.

ie voluntarily'contacted the FBI In April, and ^ubseouenfrlT adviaed that he is starttnt bus ines s\ a position to furnfth valuable information regarding the governmants of the mid\e_as tern co-ntriesar assistance in this regard.

^Tv* /•?-. 'Af/7 SEARCHED -..^..-..iHLiwUJ ^ti

JUN 1 71968 I FBI - U)S MNtibLfcnS m ;

'jn &/?/:6,••••••1^ Is not scqueinted • rith Si:--TIA;-: Sixi::/,"1! or sny of the -ne.r.cers of GIRr-IA-T's femlly. " e stated tie is certs in that :io JordF'-ien nationality croup •• uld ' e so stu.">id es, to olot r.n essesinetlo:^ of en «."ierioen and he personallpy y feels z deep sense of regret thet si.cli E tlr;inli g riss aropenedd . tiiat tae c re *cr-se any co ^|pm^ It is therefore ded thet no 1'urtrier investigt^lor. re conducted in this -xtter 6/11/6S



01 HECTOR, FBT,' (62

. «•* -.. • •.. .•"•


Re Oklahoma City teletype to Director and Los " Angeles «/7/o8 entitled KE.N'SALT. . ;

;• .< . •'»••• •••*• •;•" Enclosed for the Bureau are two copies of a!"' ' velf-explanatory letterhead »eaoranduti with two conies of in ' FD-376 concornins; cartioneJ individual. F.ncloscd for to3 Angeles is one copy of a letter- head aienoranJun and FD-376 for dissemination to Secret Service, Los Angoles, with letterhead nenioranduii attached* - - .. .- cnaatlon of the y, Secret Service, Oklahomaf of the information concerning this natter, HHI al*° advised that the reason this In- formation vas *>ein|^ nishedva^«necificalldva^«neci y because of the obvious Mental derangement ^^^^^as well as the forth- coning Republican Governcrs ConTfTHtce June 13, 1968,

ureau (RM) (Enc, 4 s Angeles (Enc. 3 (RM) flklahomaCity

JUM13196B '*/?


In Rtpty, Pimm Rtftr i Oklahoma City, Oklahoma flttJV* June 11, 1968

RE: June 7, 196 as employed by TursiT anona, contacted TBI custorae

returned frov Cilifornla, that he knew the shooting was going to happen, and that one Slrhan brother was supposed to"getH Kennedy and the other was supposed to "get" Me Carthy. telephosically contacted Kennedy Headquarters, Tulsa a. relating the same Information to then-excent»t giving address as! ^Oklahoma. A check [revealed address given to be fictitious. mployeos checked bv the FBI only employee at4|HHfe [who_was interviewe^an!r did not fit the description given byj m the phone, does not possess a Rambler, and knows nol f reported conversation* howed one

retired inerchandi' nd i sU&IEintial appearing JndlviiLujLL.aWMB^B^BWas lntefgrevec the FBI and advised he leftlHHHH^BflMBIPhad a regarding repairsTIR^a^peTxurbed over ^mm^^_ three previous occasions, but said he had no conversation regarding „ the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy,


TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DATE: 6/17/68



Re Complaint Form of IC dated 6/13/68 (Re HARRY BAUM). 5/16/68, " >s Angeles, _ advised that he bl* attended a political rally a ibassador Hotel on Sunday night, June 2, i960. J explaine_ . d that he was "in the main ballroom" which was filled to a capacity crowd and noted that he was standing directly In front of the stager' He related that he moved back in order to allow (Senator KENNEDY3nd singer, to get on V~~ iBAUM .explained that while he was standing in the crowd waiting the arrival of the Senator he observed a white female in a polka dot dress standing approximately ten feet from him. He stated that during the time the Senator spoke this woman sat beside him on the stage. 1BAUM noted £hat inasmuch as efforts have been made to locate a white female who wore a polka dot dress on the night of the assassination, he felt he should come forward with this Information and furnished the following physical description: Sex Female Race White Age Early thirties Height 5•10-11" Build Slender v Hair Could only describe as light in color

: 7

SERIALIZED i JUN1 819S8 J- LOS j^..^.,;

LA 56-156

Clothing Wore white dress with black polka dots; described dress as not tight and not loose; 3/4" length sleeves; length- si lghtly below knees, not stylish or low cut. was unable to furnish specific details concerning the type of polka dots on the above dress and pointed out that Inasmuch as he did not take particular note of the woman at the time, he is unable to determine whether or not she was accompanied by any other persons. He noted that when the rally concluded, he did not see this woman again and related that there were numerous people in his area surrounding the stage. In view of the above information which is considered nonspecific in nature, no further lead is being set forth as a result of the interview with $AUM. .