FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: ROBERT F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION LA FILE: 56-156 VOLUME: 3 SERIALS: 501 TO 750 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION NOTICE THE BEST COPIES OBTAINABLE ARE INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FILE. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION AND OR COLOR OF THE ORIGINALS PROVIDED. THESE ARE THE BEST COPIES AVAILABLE. **•&& (MATBUAt: INVESTIGATIOTIT cTinJ A TiriMN sSismr y..'-^j "* j 'T i*l .' • "^<*'f lT' orrioHm. nm NO- * HAT 1«M COITION a«* OIK. wo. HO. t> UNITED STATE. GOVERNMENT Memorandum I TO SAC, LOS ANGELES (56-156) DA-re:6/l2/68 FROM SUBJECT: KENSA.LT \ t approximately 1:30 p.m., on 6/13^68. RT CHARD ALLEN KEKESENS . Public Relations Director, California Campaign X01\Senator\ROBERT F. KENNEDY, advised that he understands DICK LPgICK of KHJ-TV, Los Angeles, California, was a witness to the shooting of Senator ROBERT P. KENNEDY on 6/5/68. IEAD Contact DICK LUBICKJHJ-TV, Los Angeles, Ctlfornla, telephone numberHH|^|B and set UP Qn Interview relative to any lnTorniaT^n he may possess relating to the KENNEDY shooting. b . FORM ttc- » ur iMt toman •S* BIN. "«O HO. 0 UNITED STATES RNMENT m Memorandum :' SAC, LOS ANGELES ($6-156) DATE: 6/12/68 mo* : SAj SUBJECT: KEN SALT On 6/8/68, __„____ California, advised sbe had attehded^EIIot Junior High School with SIRHAN SIRHAN in Altadena, CaliiaBnift, in the 1959-1960 school year. Amoikg the student a (^^^fc who had attended class with SIRHAN was one] ;er was married and was residing at the following address, where sh©uld could be reached during the day: LEADj__LQ5 ANGELES, ATM|^^^^fc Will intervii _ ^.-^^.^.rjor, any informatTonshs may have concerning the jackgrdund or activities of SIRHAN, and also determine if she attended high school or college with SIRHAN. FD-36 (R*v. 5-22-9<) i fO FBI Date; 6/10/68 Transmit the following In (Type in plaintext or code) ylg AIRTEl {Priority) TO: SAC. LOS ANGELES (56-156) FROM:%QfAC, SAN FRANCISCO (62-5481) Ki [68, jemploye f. fvised SA ••Iat press reports SIRHAN SIRHA'H ha een employed at one time by the ftex EilswortK-.mseh Tennnv In Southern California. about two years working at uei Har Race Track, he learned that been affiliated with some radical group, be Me 7! the Peace and Freedom Party'of Phoenix. Arizona, and that! had attended a convention of this group "at Chicago that y\ and had also passed out literature of the organization around Del Mar. stated he was reporting this due to the possibility have had some Influence on SIRHAN's political 1s now a trainer of horses running at Hollywood/)^ Park. nfnrm»tinn reported by not be give^^^flyracing or union personnel, since he was concerned that the fact he had made a report to FBI might jeopardize hfs job. Approved: M Per crViaNM. roam no.» •uTtwcomoH 0 U* an. MO. to. r UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO SAC, Los Angeles (56=156-1*6) DATE: 6/12/68 FROM ; SA SUBJECT:] .tgjtephonjcally contacted t •••• "arid advised thatJJIHH|HHHHHIHJ^who works at his company as a floor boyftacRffaK^naWie^Sas going to kill Kennedy. He said that subject was kind of "Kookie" and no Dne at the company liked him. He also said that the subject was late the date of the complaint. On 6/12/68, the subject came to the office and advised that some agents of the FBI were looking for him and he did not He was' interviewed and furnftahed the following information; £76 He said that he has been warfcing at the for 8 months as a floor boy, Which is mainly a j that most of the people who work there are women. He had an arguement with a copple of women about a month or so ago and they have been complaining to the boss about everything that he does, ffbey said that he was slow and lazy and did not want to work. He said that they made up things about him to tell tha boss. He advised that he quit his job on June $, 1968, and at the present time is looking for another {Job. He does not speak very good English, therefore it is hard for him to get a good job. 9t flWtoTl NV"^****""'1'" •"-- "' 0 0 He stated that he does not like politics and has nwver been a member af any organization. He said that he liked I the Kennedys and did not see why anyone would kill them. He said that he had never heard of Sirhan before the assaaination offc Robert Kennedy, and he fcnows of no one who would wiah to assanate any person* He furnisfebd the following description of himself: Name AGE; DOB: FOB: Date Height: 5r Weight: Scars: Phone: Under name of the above apartment house Build: slender Complexion: Medium Hair: Black, long Eyes: Brown Appearance: A FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Hew York, yew York information x urnUhed the "foiled received ew Yorx. fie adv and associated tog City to go to Collfo hat h but naa receWed Republl a conse state o it pro-Nazt and anti-Jewieh. Iked to associate with Latin- - Hew York* Kew York Thl( 4«eiHR*nt cvnfalni ««fNi«r It MIS' If* c#M*n»f •» M*I «• b* 0 NY especially Arabic individuals. ••^•kk Arabic and other language!. ./•. as a Oerman^W^tnnSmerTcan. tie stated that! made frequent trips to Germany, but he did not \3C purpose of these trips. erved a small revolver In . arted for California, e of weapon It was. fthat one of abits was betting oh the horse races and his ma soaeday have political power* . tion was to Iwae a neurotic "isturbed. fie idvised hica that he had psychiatric help ;d boarding schod. ___^^__ was won accompany, located in the Los Angeles, California area, that manufactured and sold automatic telephone answering . devices. •-..,... •. ?\.. •-. • ,.: ... , ..- , residing in thS Westwooa section, near area of Bollywood, California. vjprked for •^^ _ Ave York, Hew York, when he resided In Ne tober 28, o . *, -! t '• *• * •"»••• S?'-V~-«. •» <t*-« * '.•'• i .... does not know if visited New York within the past elxoDnthf• : TfurnlBhed t|ie following descriptive Information regarding^gggHjg^ . ..- _' . Racei Vhite ..; Sex: Male / Height| Six feet one inch Weight i ..' 1 I85-19O pounds \ . Hairi - Brown, curly Eye,6: Blue Coa^lexion: Light Age: 25 Scars: Parents I v-,-J -til m '.•• '•-. ..'•'.' ,>. »- •. .i ' ••• •'••...>,; •;«*. ;, . ;- .; -•'••• ' :- .•..- v^ .•;•..•:•••••.•:•, • ':.;.' 4-750 (Rev. 4-17-85) N ) < XXXXXX ~J XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET -I / Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted under exemptions) Q /*»- t D / // with no segregable material available for release to you. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request 1 I Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. • Document! originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of thisinformation following our consultation with the other agency(ies). Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): f~l For your information: \ The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: ^ j ft/) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DELETED PAGE(S) h NO DUPLICATION FEE XXXXXX I FOR THIS PAGE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX PBI/DOJ FD-36 (^«». $.22-64) f\' FB ( Date: 6/10/68 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) Via AIRTEL (Priority) TO: SAC, LOS ANGELES FROM: SAC, NEW YORK (44-1640) SUBJECT: KENSALT (00: LA) Enclosed for LA are 4 copies of an FD 302 containing the results of an interview with which was furnished on a CONFIDENTIAL basis y~~ Also en |are copies of mem'o This information is forwarded they will be aware of the background determine what action the_y wish to take as information fro iLos Angeles (Ends. 9) L-New York (47-10038) 1-New York (100-15229T) 1-New York SEA??;;ED INDEXOLXA. L SET:Aii7m jj:a: 1968 NG Approved: Sent Special Agent in Charge t SAC, Indianapolis June 10, 1968 Director, FBI BNKSOWH SUBJECTl SIRHAN BISHAHA 8IRHAS * fZCTlV BET0RT10H SeSFteletype of 6/7/68 entitled "Kensalt." Befereneed teletype advised that the San Francisco Police Department switchboard operator received a telephone call subsequently determined to have been nade in Vuncie, Indiana, threatening tbe life of the vlctlft. Indianapolis, inasmuch as this call constitutes * possible violation of the Federal Extortion Statute, present to the appropriate United States Attorney and advise Bureau and interested offices results, - Los Angeles • San Francisco ormXAu now MO « HAT IK] EDITION 0 O«« G(N, •». MS. B UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO : SAC (56-156) DATE: 6/13/68 FROM : Supervisor' SUBJECT: KENSALT , Supervisor flHIBHlA&^ tlie Bureau telephonj contacted this office on 6/12/68 at 5:01 A.M. advised that the Bureau desired that persons ra&ITfclone< Miami teletype, 6/11/68, 7:3£PM (Miami time) be promptly id thoroughly interviewed, and that the Bureau be advised, Ldvised that the teletype concerned 5 Cubans ro have seen SIRHAN SIRHAN at a Peace meeting on 5/21/68. f- f SERIALIZED JUN1 11968 ANGtLES orrMNiw. raw no. m ^ ^*» MAT Ml COITION •w O«M. we. MO. f> UNITED STATES A VERNMENT Memorandum TO SAC,LOS ANGELES : DATE: 6/11/68 FROM : S A | SUBJECT: KENS ALT On r advised some type City College(PCC)1 #•• •* *, advised him laat night that in Auguai attempted to enpoll at PCC but he refused to complete amjlication.
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