Buckland AGWAY 33 Adams Street
In i 20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Mar. 9. 1989 APARTMENTS ICDNDDMiNIUMS Merchandise | 3 T ] f A l e FOR RENT I FOR RENT DownfaH Upbeat Relief MANCHESTER. Two Spccioli^D^*' MANCHESTER. Two IMISCELLANEDUS 1981 CHEVETTE Sport, bedroom flat, first bedroom Townhouse red ond silver. Body i floor, air conditioning, with family room In FDR SALE good. Needs repairs. Wounds are deep .Coventry five Bounces Back Cure your cold fully appllanced kit convenient area. $695 $600. Keep trying. 643- chen, basement, gar IBOOKKEEPING/ PAINTING/ 1 ^ MISCELLANEOUS per month. Coll D.W. 6135. By fooling virus /24 I HEATING/ age. $700 per month, Fish, 871-1400 or 643- after Tower fight /7 . with state tournament victory /13 INCOME TAX PAPERING l£lJrSERVICES plus security, plus utili 1591. ENDROLLS 1976 FORD Von, E-250, PLUMBING ties. Available April Clubwogon. Excellent 2Vh w idth • 25$ 1st. No pets. 649-5678 condition. $800, negotl- 13V. w idth - 2 for 25$ Complete accounting services M & M O IL Spring is coming after 7pm.___________ rri HOMES oble. 649-5007, including A/R. A/P. P/R. GA.. PAINTING & MUST be picked up at the evenings. PLUMBING & HEATING For all your cleanup IMMACULATE, P le a I s U fo r r e n t Herald Office Monday thru PftL Statement and Quarterly sant, aulet, four room tax returns Can design WALLPAPERING chores call Rudy, Thursday before 11 a.n. only Froe E$tlmat0$ • Oil Burner Service & Sales apartment. Lots more. BOLTON. Beautiful, six additional applications • Automatic Oil Delivery 647-9925. Mature, working fe room Ranch, three tailored for your business Call John Reasonable, reliable, There's someone out • Wall Pumps Sales & Service male preferred.
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